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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I, live and the headquarters ramsay solutions broadcasting from the pots moving them storage studio. This is the ramsay show, is where we hope you build wealthy work. You love and create, relationships aaa. Eighty five five two to five is the phone number triple eight, eight to five five, two to five can coleman joined by my colleague the fabulous rachel laser was thank you, ken yeah. It's very nice feels right, yeah the additive
take you know if you like mail in it, it just go home, can cope with rachel crews come on, let's bring some night sundew I've, supposedly the work guy right do great work on you like you need a great introduction, so tat in my work sought flattery. It's just me tried to bring it on this friday. Thanks. can vanishing. Well, we finish well the fabulous. We got, incurring avarice ahead of us mother of three wiped away. Stood. She is rachel cruze, multiple bestselling, author she's here and take your buddy questions. I'll. Take your question about work. Then come up and Everything in between. So, let's get right to it. Abby joins us to kick things. Often salt lake city utah how can we help thanks for having me on super grateful well, were grateful to talk to her what's happening. My husband and I just finished financial peace university through our church. very blessed for that were twenty seven and twenty eight, while remaining we just got your careers,
making a lot more money than were used to and have great guidance from your brain tat. We ve tied that ten percent and since we got our careers in starting, today we put another ten percent into charity towards giving twenty percent, but my question is were technically on baby step too ten thousand dollars away from finishing or student longer and being completely that for a nice for about two to three months out. Am I question is: are we jumping the gun by over giving ah now I wouldn't say so, abbe. I think which you have to realise people listening right now in a special you're in that baby steps one through three. We still encourage giving we talk about giving you know ten percent and the way we kind of views, It is your practising that giving my soul, which I think is very important to suggest the character of who you are through this process. So you are met
he had a habit of living with an open hand, which is really importance so you're doing that and then as much focus in intensity. We can put towards pang of debt, getting an emergency fund built and once our houses in order, then you're able to give radically, above all and especially its gets up seven, you know you're just investing at that point and no doubt at all, including the house. Payment is done. Then really really able to give? So so what I would say you, as you know, understanding that yeah giving is, is very crucial. But when you give any amount of money right that is quote unquote, taking away from progress in baby steps two and three. So we want to have that balance if you well, because we want you to give a little until you can give a lot and so, but what I would say for you guys is also I'm not legalise. Stick about the subject at all, because if you feel compelled and
if the conviction you know on you guys are like none of this is what we're supposed to be doing with our money. Then do it I'm not going to sit here on the other side of a radio show or radio call and tell you not to do that, but what we teach just so used to you here that obvious, is that full philosophy of giving something until your able to give a whole lot more because you're out a debt in your house is taken care of with an emergency funds. So the fact that guys are interested in charity. Yeah two to three months away generally mean like it yet you're you guys are fine you're fine! I don't want to be legalist, stick about it, but I also don't want people to hear on the other side- oh my gosh, I gotta give way have my income in order to be. You know a good person, whatever the thing may be right, so that giving Ellen is really importance and it can be practised soul. greater in magnitude when you have these other things taken care of Gaza. That field and make sense yes,
You guys doing by the way said you get your careers lined up one. Would you guys doing yeah, though we're restaurant he got through school with that everything worked the whole time, and now he's an engineer and I'm in human resources nice, for you got what your collective vertical ask. Israel gross outrage: five young twenty five grams. While that, rate, and you said the sixteen thousand left him, maybe step to that right. what you're a nice so how when you figure to pay that off, I look for about two months, wow getting after it. I know avid so great yeah, and I think you got I mean your heart is in the exact right place when you're doing great yeah, I mean I'm not I wouldn't I wouldn't steer you one way or the other and I hate to be ambiguous about it, but yeah. I think the I think the principle
that you stand on right is one of an open hands, no domestically, and that is so important and so for most people. They're not doing that at all, and we encourage that, but then also you, you know, It sure is very clear that you want to take care of your whole household, first or you're worse than an unbeliever too. So you don't want to get behind on anything and and again that progress you can make when you're out of debt- and you have an emergency fund, the place, the Our you have, I think, from mental see him point in a financial standpoint is just so much greater to give even more europe. A new goes got a plan, two months away from being completely debt free, and then you gonna philip, step. Three that emerged fun pretty quickly is my guess whole time spirited giving its yes you are. the person you are you know when you're in debt, when you're out of debt and and money reveals a lotta character. So I gotta you. This is a young couple how's that getting process for you guys in this in this? Oh, you guys are you guys got a lot of cash.
ST how's that gone for is a young married couple, get out a debt and in using the budget then- the life, changing, I'm I'm not financial mine, he's the free spirit come under to growth and acumen, perfect time in our lives, I'm an hour late, twenties here, Are you using every dollar? We do. Aha, I was wondering if you just came through after used. That's really really cool. I gotta Ask you this, because I want to talk about you. Ve got a free web in our common up. That, I think, is amazing. I want you to talk about, but I, but I just want real quickly abbe. What is it? for you guys. How has every dollar helped you in this process Yes, it is made it so clear on the categories and it's taken, a lot of the guests worked out We haven't had to do all that. Extra mine wrenching on what Things should be. It may the automated that we really enjoy, let us being able to sit.
Ok, thanks for sure that greater ones but this is a great opportunity defined. the details on: rachel's webinar, every dollar, dot com, slash budgeting, but tell folks what you're going to be doing and why they need to be attending. Yes, we just had one earlier this week and it went really well. I think it was close to two thousand people showed up yeah, that's great and yeah, and I think it's one of these really important things that I I feel really that's. Important to your financial journey as understanding how where your man going in that it's a tool, to be use. How do you use it most efficiently and when you have a plan for its there you're, evil to stretch those dont. Let her sewing only one. So you got. Every dollar dotcom, such budging jade has one coming up next and then I'm after her and then George has. I think, what else you into all the details of the way these are free web hours wrote that occur. ok, it's free, free, free, illicit folks and you can have re. jade worship walking through these all the details go to every dollar dot, com, slow,
budgeting, every dollar complex budgeting git up in this Levin are came changer, I don't move. We can take a quick break was back. I back. This is really show this, oh, is sponsored by better help. Pay for Doktor John aloni here and all of us need a little guidance. Sometimes in life were faced with situations and choices and the way forward. It is not always clear. I've been our position in therapy help me find a path through it, whether its occur your decision, a relationship at a crossroads or some struggle. Your facing you need someone to talk with to help. You move ahead with confidence. So if you ve ever considered therapy, I I commend better help. Better help connects you with a licence therapist who can work with you on that journey. To discover who you want to become better help is entirely online, so it's convenient flexible and it fits your schedule just fill. A brief question here to get matter. The license therapist and you can switch therapist
any time for no additional charge. So let fair Maybe your map, with better help, visit better health dot com slashed aloni to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help: hd, LP, dot com, slashed, aloni, Welcome back america. You have joined the conversation. Fear on the ramsey show it's a conversation about your life, your money, your work and your relationships. Let's get right back to the phones! Oh, I am ken coleman. She is rachel cruze, we're here for you, this our triple eight eight to five, five, two to five all right The phones we go Jimmy is with us now in Chicago Jimmy. How can hey are you, I like to perks that are going to show great. Ah, thank you so much for having me, I'm. a really loaded question. Boy like loaded quite exciting, cannot read in our allotted to explain yourself, my wife, and I was
the entree leadership podcast every day on her way to the gym, and we took the financial peace university this past spring I as a couple: we are dead. Three at all or student, and everything from our previous silver house last year on this year, We moved again actually bought a fifteen year alone, new home ten percent down our lessons. Percent of our nuts. We also duplex, I, which was my wife's primary. I didn't see before we were married. Actually we rented it will be paid off about five years. We also the three month emergency fund, started typing recently out. It was really really good. This year, our gross income is tasting for about three hundred and eighty five k, a total. As a couple re I'll ask you took in about four hundred k on my wife's professional sales leader, I'm a presale. near, for I t solutions, company other the I'm calling it because I'm a cross road. I have a passion for technology Will they get? What I do when I have aside hustled love
roughly on an oblong sixteen years last year, I put a lot more effort into business, animated gross income. Master of sixty K. Does your impatience. about one hundred one hundred and twenty k, and I have about twenty three customers that I you know manage websites for and do the right to work um He brought him to the old this year that gross forty two thousand dollars on deciding to use that money to pay off twenty four. I was not in business that the majority of of it as my truck in the business name m and then just kinda get into some of the the details. I get to my question? Might my technology company, I also started a video blog brand, focusing the pool and billiards, and I'm so feel like I'm so strict and because it has no end requests constantly from it. I also customers my full time row. You know I can give up on percent of my full time. Job put my side. Householders kill my momentum. How much are you making right now in your day, job my day, job on its roughly?
sweden? Could, I am part, commission part salary, so roughly between two hundred to two forty and you guys have the only debt you have is this business truck gas and the rental? I indirectly us how much you? How much you own, the rental other the one hundred forty k? What's it worth, and it is worth about marie Iraq about three hundred three eighty two guys like at daylight, the rental property, or is that I haven't we When do I get my love renovating properties it I have heard about from the are the path- and I loved you in it right now with our renters, its we're, bringing Thirty, eight hundred dollars, which were doubling up on the mortgage to get it paid, often about five years. did your renovated. Yes, we didn't ya, I think I know your question is
so good hit me with. I think I think I know the question is: what is the question you are so My job is stable. It I have an upper trajectory for the company you know like I can move into a director role in what and to make even more money. Over the years, my wife and I recent got married or the family outdated, anxious to taking the plunging taking my company full time bomb in. I do have a bit and you want to fight mind- are your ip t, company he'll be retiring soon and I'm wondering doin, I'm wondering owner financing by out on during that time it up here I choose what you do. What would you do? Slow down? The first thing is slow down. Like you figure you slow down, I mean you're you're. You got a lot going on right now, because whatever this this billiards blog thing, that's cut! like an offshoot of your side. Hustled did. I understand that correctly is yeah, we're actually in the process of building an app it's going to help build your community out, which should bring in some ad revenue and right, but you're maxed out right now, you're already lacks doubt stressed out.
Stretched out. Listening describe really do and bio it. I dont say that critically, I've met you you're, a hive narrowly argue tat. My love, ok, but here's the thing now you're talking. by in somebody else's tech company. It's a u Ask me: what would you do? Can so many answered that way? I would not be entertaining any kind of move to by someone else's tech company when you ve built drone tech company the ground and you're projecting this year to do half of what making in your day job, and you talk about this bill. Your thing and I wouldn t I wouldn't by anybody else's company and I sure, as Hell, wouldn't finance it. Sir. I will not even entertain it outta if somebody brought him out of it. Yeah rather work for me, and I'm certainly going to be something from somebody else. I think, you're already at a place where financially I'd say you may be six months away at max to move. full time in your current gig. It's not like you taken a huge pay cut. Your
a place now are you gotta choose and it's gonna start affecting you physic he mentally. It could affect your day job Your wife's making good money, I think, you're pretty darn close to make in the move if you went full time, if you like, had a dream war, where you weren't doing your day, job? How many more like you have you have you projected it out that you could take on x, amount of clients that are that are realistic, that you could actually gets what that income I have you run those numbers cause. I bet of the way you're the way you function in the way you think and my head you're gonna get back up to two hundred. I would thank you I I agree: there's a I'm, a small town that I I have about four or five customers literally in that town and I play expand out to much larger companies out there. I can easily double that young man and his at all with the assumption jimmy that you enjoy. The side has some more than your day, job correct
While the young absolution someone's gotta get one gotta, I s pose jenny. Here's what I Do I'm not telling you to do this so hear me stipulate is what I would do you love, renovating houses and you ve already renovated this duplex I go and take the cash I get rid of it a duplex for me on a long term hold. I know your guy good rent on and under your five years away for paying out. But this is what I would do so at this I'm a transition of my life- to go all in a word for me, I'd sell the duplex I'd pay off the truck the business loan on the truck you'll need that, so I wouldn't go full time and you paid off the truck won't you move in this side also which becomes your full time gig with any debt. So that's why I would do I'd cash out an and I'd get stable on my my new dream job, which is working for me and over time. Maybe you buy something cash and keep renovating and flipping. That's what I would do. I don't think you have to do that yeah. I would
things up right now, because I just feel this Jimmy, I'm gonna be any different. Ok, I got you yes, I not yours, my here's mine. Could I e one issue that feed the duke is my wife's right and then she had this before we now know it's not hers. It's yours, it's ours, yeah yeah wasn't jimmy What I would do You you're, gonna, have paid off in five years in and it's not a headache of property for you guys right so So for me, if I were you, I would stay in your current job, making what you're, making as you're making insane money doing both, I would say in it, for you know I mean maybe next spring start to transition now, but I would just make as much money as possible right now, because a really good at that pay off that truck start, paying down the mortgage like your sang and then
You jump from your full time. Job to your site has so, which I think can become really big. I think you can pay off that duplex in three years. Keep it around. Let it appreciate because I think you have the margin to be able to do that. But I do know there is something to be said of oh my gosh. You could get out of it like what kenneth Tsang pay off everything, you have a lot of options. They may even the jump from the site from the full time job to the side, hustle even faster right by just having that extra pat of cash. In the bank, and then, if you guys want to go, get into real estate, you can so yeah. I think you're fine their way I like to. I don't hate the duplex by the way rachel Jimmy outdated. and my wouldn't hurt, or I hate or no I'd live it up, but I haven't found with it, but my point is I wouldn't hold onto duplex I'd. Take the problem of the dew. Gags only give me some cushion and then get into a house and some other real estate, because you love flipping. That's what I heard Jimmy you like the rest of the at least
restoration peace, so it might be a fundamental value. I like rachel's ideas. Well, I great options but I'll tell you this! Don't go full time for yourself. you pay that truck loan all assets again and then I'd start to make them pretty quick. I think if you hold on for three four or five Six more months, do you might burn out you need a nap, that's what you you're doing a lot of work and proud of you. Thanks for the call she's rachel crews on can come, and this is the range I'm sure you played the telephone game. People whisper a message in passing around until it's completely different than what you started with multiply confusion by a hundred, if you run a business with different software systems that don't talk to each other. That's why there's net sweet by oracle, net, sweet, helped, ramsay level up and it'll make a difference for your business.
to join the more than thirty four thousand customers who trust net suite to help them make smarter decisions to learn more get a free product, tour at net, suite dot, com, slash, ramsey, that's net, suite dot, com, slash ramsey, welcome back to the ramsay show. I'm can call it. I'm going to my colleague the fact, It was fantastic rachel crews, we're here for you, the sour, tripoli, eight to five five, two to five: tripoli, eight to five five, two to five today, the question of the day is answer by our good friends. Over neighbourly there, you're humphrey services and other in other words they keep, can answer she coleman married cause. I can't do anything around the house very dearer than instant cruise year, but you're the love of your life, he's handy. I am not. He is, I told him he needs to start like like the modern. Were innocent renaissance man moved site because, unlike
I got an idea is over that says a lot of he's. Gonna hate me for what I am about to say winston. I apologize. I think you need to. Making some cameos on your instagram page with some quick fixes. It all those ladys tested. I follow you saved. My may show it to the can coalmines and earlier hey, you can do look at that. Rachel's husband said you can do this in two minutes: he'd be a sensation who knew that everyone twilight distilled water, regular water and batteries. I gotta stop, I like any other, yet he only nerves of may. Neither can I wish I could guide but neighbourly as I around. We want you poor, ladys out there who are married guys, like me, neighbourly here, for you, there too, simple repair, a whole list of home improvements, Mr Haiti. Man's experience, professionals are here to make your home work for you and make your marriage Much more, I shouted authority. Boys edges my point of view visit name, the dot com to find expert home, Service providers, including a locally operate, MR handyman area, since it
question comes from Mary in florida, my boyfriend, I have been dating for eight years- and I just introduced him to you and your seven baby stabbed he is on baby step one and continuing to invest my fifteen percent and working on paying off my mortgage. We are fifty three years old, live in separate homes and I'm very nervous about moving an end or getting married to home because we think about money so differently. I always think what, if and here- always has the mindset and approach that things will just work out. I would appreciate any advice, suggestions or your perspective. You might for any prospective. You might have I I'm before you get the money I dive. I care I caught a jump in here. eighty for eight years in your fifty three. Come on it's what I can paint or get off the latter that the old saying, poop get off the pot and cause put a ring on it.
Why the cow and you get to build for free, I mean I could keep going. I mean this is situation here, eight years If the guy that have separate houses yeah, we got it. We got a wrap this thing up soon for sure as you take. So what do you think you're as a woman? What do you want the guide to go to get your financial? If an order commit to me man, I think it well. I will Give him a little grace. I mean just well now, really I should not in the relationship with the money aspects. Here's the deal. He may not know how to handle money while right and sure I usually added names you would expect people rebelling ok ham and to be proactive and look into this, some people are in some of you. Listening aren't you If these you're just discovering us for the first time right. So I would give him a little grace now. If he is Very you know, there's a lot of.
Conflict around that. If he's like a no go on any of this, if he's going to be racking of debt and you're trying to stay out of deadlock, if there are values in place that are conflicting than yet You need to know if you move forward in a marriage that is major issue. That is a major issue, but for him he just like our now and then he hears it is ok cool. I think I can carry on board. That's good, like him. I think this goes at all. He may not be as enthusiastic about it as, but I think that's, ok, too, because there's a lot of couples out there that do our plan, where one is like. So on board. And so hard core element in the other ones like yeah, I'm up mad at the advice and up if some of it, but I'm not going to be like good point, you know mall in it, twenty four seven like some are, so I think, there's a balance here. He feels like the free spirit you feel like the nerd, but the biggest thing is your values around money. Are you guys on the same page, around and working together as a teams, like all of that needs to be conversations in my opinion
conversations about other things in life too. I think Mary and the boy for an auto come down, come down to see you and dark john bologna for the old money in marriage of in october. Nineteen to twenty one are you have to be married to come to that a man. I think we would like kick you out if you like, you're gonna check. I now let all hope will bring your marriage certificate or you don't get entering when I won't. You said yesterday that it be good, fairly premarital stuff to perfect, so there is looking out for the people, but yes it. because that's about getting on the same pay, oh yeah, gay, Annie and marriage- is why we call tat. You know really good october nineteen to twenty one, all the details by the way, ramsay solutions outcome, slash events and money in marriage? So that's sir, that's coming up in october, that'll be fine. I will be there I'll be watching cultural opponents, model? The joy enjoy your we're, not that grateful I'd like to do some pictures of my elbows deepens chips, and so are you John bonham, cutting eyes upon the hell?
but he would go balls those that which you say I would hate to see. You don't say. I wrote I was thinking of all the scc like you'd, better, be glad David watching today you just said roll tide now, he'd have a heart attack. I now what did I say: I dont know. If one is in, may we better move on the revels the rats go to callow florida were edgar is waiting edgar. How can we help as thank you for taking the call sure what's up yeah. So my wife and I are on baby step two and the only thing we got left is a stupid car loan and we finally decided to time to get rid of it, bore ass out on it. Okay once you guys, I want it for You are a lorry o hands, where's, my terms in words, Can you sell it for where did the kgb, our along thirty or thirty? Three? Ok, we'll go thirty, three, just to be optimistic! How monsieur I make a year
right now, I'm making around fifty five to sixty in between. god, but we're getting pay cuts right now, so we're never gonna happen, oh no, which cause in the paper new system implemented by our cooperation corp. Unfortunately, new system impulse- like a banker knows Basically, they do. I am a mail carrier and they do mel counts every so often with the new system. We had a pecan back in march in march and April and now there's another account coming in two weeks. So we don't know it's over. Oh man, I'm sorry, I'm ok said the six. he is that just you or is at your wife included. If she were to me get me, does she work at all so that their homework have perfect yeah way too much car. So I I am with you on selling it so you're going to have to go. I would go down to your local credit union and you're going to have to get a loan for the difference. You'll have to take out that seven yeah, seven thousand our loan. You know you could even up to ten.
Grants eleven grand, Twelve grand sir, have some margin there to buy a car. Could you have to replace the scarlet you're gonna sell and then that will be the debt that you attack is new loan. So a twelve thousand dollar alone is much better than a morning thousand dollar alone. Something, but others are very yeah. You guys are making making the right call by selling those for sure. So I would just say I take a look out for the difference with a little bit more on top of it to get a better get a car. That's not great that you hey spit. You're gonna drive for no six months, while you guys work to pay this off pay off the eleven thousand hours, whatever you have taken out and it's? Ah, and and yeah your upgrade over time, car wise, but again this is a not not a great car and not sure only debt with our right that would be my only bad because it can take a little bit of freedom. Yeah, that's great yep! I would do that. Do you have another car, I'm assuming your wife has a car. That would be my wife's god or called that I have personally for work at paid off for o k suits your wife car. I see
yes, do you sell all a question, because the loan is when my local credit unit, that I am a member and I already have them about it and they said they could not get in the personal alone to cover that different. Ok, then, shop around then I would go beyond fine. Some one else. Yeah go ask go ask around because and maybe even lower. That amounts- and maybe you guys are a one car family for a season to a lot of people. Do that you know it's not convenience, but but even you know taking it down to a one car family. If you have to absolutely yeah great job. You guys yeah thanks for calling and and that's the stuff that you know, especially when you look at those numbers, forty, thousand dollar alone to a sixty thousand dollar. I mean even possibly getting a pay cut, so you're always on a key as much as you're making. So that's the time a hundred percent you're gonna sell. Sometimes we tell you if you can pay it within eighteen months and is less than fifty percent of what you make you know. Maybe you can keep the car and put in your debt snowball, but
situation like this, it's an automatic, so gotta get after the edgard after it Pritchett the call you guys you gonna, get there, don't give up fast, asleep come and I promise sorry good stuff there. Thanks again for the call she's rachel crews, I'm can comedy, move or of your calls come up? This is the real issue moving can be exciting, but it's also a lot of work and because not everything happens right when you wanted to it's important to stay flexible, Why you need pods moving in storage, whether you're moving town or across the country part. Delivers a more flexible way to move by keeping things simple They deliver your container and you load it on your schedule, either on your own or with the help of local packing and loading experts. Pods can refer when you're done, pods shut the container and brings it to your new place, and if your
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new behaviors that you are listening to, and so we ve gotta awesome way for you to get. Started in this journey if you're now wayne undergone a cat? I want to learn more about this and you do by going to rapidly. Solutions are com and click on get started right there on the website, randy solutions. I come quick on get started and a very quick With a few questions, we'll get you called to where you are in this baby steps in what resources, you need, as you are listening in two conversation and, of course, we welcome you to call any time aaa eight to five five, two to five. Alright just is up next in madison was content just how can we help thanks my car boot on I'm. A very flattering job offers change companies in these we have some cold coming to see an one make or economic state based on some impressive salary figures. Why? Tell you right away. You said that up you ve already got a level head so before you can get
the details when you say get cold what are you have cold feet over? What's making you question is and give us a call today, but also an analysis work. Her the company is very stable, so I'd be given up stability and then will also be moving away from some family for this and then you know, and then the financial piece is kind of the piece where he broke into tears and he had some impressive salary figures, but it's a hire. after winning area would be taken out. In addition, knowledge, possibly consider boy more mortgage to move there and is gonna make sure the financially. This is a start, and I also have a defined with my company, which is a very nice, but it all some goeben handcuffs that in us sometimes you don't want to leave them at your option, sometimes or a salami room. So let's do a little Exercise, ok, its remove moving away,
family its remove higher? hostile living, including a bigger mortgage unless you Compare the new offer! The flattering offer and a lot. Let's also take away the bigger paper. I too, let's take the job as the job. The new off just as the jobless remove all at other stuff? If, if that were the case, we this be a no brainer would still be molly around. What's the answer now, not Do I d better tell me why or tell me: why do my work and that's it bighorn is scandal where my passion are as far as was excited to get up in the morning, except in our europe. All day long before he nodded five o clock. Offers gander messages grinding it out in march and the clock enough. Now You also mentioned in the in the current job you mention. The word. Stability
Is there anything about this new company with the new job that that doesn't feel stable. So familiar with the firm? I worked at them in the past, their partner with micro companies, so we had a prior relationships. I think from You know a hiring perspective, they might be. You know a smaller company might be a little bit more flippant about. You know terminating people we're making changes. I'm but I'd also say this company has pretty good stability too. It's one of those things expect the bottom. You look at their org structure and I have a lot of top twenty thirty or employees there that are very loyal to that. Okay, good show the reason I ask you to through. That is because you ve done here. Is you ve now hopefully identified you heard yourself say that that it's just change in the very notion of change, sometimes feels like stability. So what What were you would move to what
but I won't rachel dive into some of these number. So you can feel good about this. Where would you be moving to and what type of house? What are you on? Your current has? Let's say we made the move, walk us through the financials sure the item on the destination boys voices. Currently we owe one hundred fifty thousand but gunnar mortgage today. what the hell salary for seventeen oh wow yacht seek a job you I like where this is headed. Justin, ok said, then open a similar caliber house very broadly talk and another two in one thousand now, and that market were eight. Fifty. now about nine, fifty or even a little more? Ok guys, you got your knife, it's ok! what wait a second does it have to be the exact same size house
but again we gave trip out there and based on work areas like live in what the home calaboose are and that's what we'd be looking? What are you gonna be making in the new job. so right now making like one fifty one. Ninety with bonus depending on a year. His job is probably three hundred to three fifty Ok, so listen you when you with the equity Your home, you go and just say: hey we're going all that equity by nine hundred and fifty thousand our house. If that's what you guys choose to do yet, you guys only have you know you have three, thousand our mortgage enough and you you're, making three hundred thousand you guys could pay this thing off, and thank you guys are moving the southern, california or san Francisco or the bay area. Something right I mean this. Is This is very doable, doesn't you're a very cautious person. maybe a little scarcity mindset at times am I going to just label you that, but I'm going to say at times so
we'll be some one that just says numb why's that There is nothing like me borough, leaning on it right. Europe is very conservative. Numbers varied. Do bob very doable lifestyle with this change, If you guys choose to- and just like can said, you may not even need you know, you may not want the nine hundred and fifty thousand dollar house. Maybe you find one for eight hundred, but but even if you do and hear me say if you guys took up mortgage for three thousand three. Fifty you're still gonna pay it all your yeah yeah, a better life work. You look with a ladder. Ah, boys is a wonderful place to live, We help with the sphere where we're what're you feelin right now, as we walk you through those numbers. that's very helpful and I think in others there there's various pieces of in the financial honours and other one like loud could be an expense allison
You worry about oil and do you not know on rachel just said if you were to do that, you wouldn't even feel that now you're right, because your mate, king significantly more and yeah you'll, be you know, you'll be doubling your mortgage euro one fifty now, you'll, probably o three hundred, but yet you're going to be making, hundred thousand dollars more in the process, so yeah you're not being unwise at all in that and doesn't to say even though you guys have gone there car scooped out where you want to live, I would even paws on buying and go you guys, rent somewhere lovers, six months to a year law on a settled down and figure out. Ok, where exactly do we want to be, and then at that points you know me forth, combine process so that use it up Then the stress you out right, like the move rent for twelve months, yeah how's that help your safety gland, which is sizeable and we lost
I think he fainted. I think we have too much operations like I haven't time, allows us that now just an hour: you there s two, that I don't know we're gonna organised organs of where to get hold of his wife folkestone, Aisha on a grand, a cold rag, maybe the other cracker and I appreciate all seven so that a high level of trying to get our giving giving bulges channels available Israel now just in I think, you're right. I really appreciate the caution I think this is a win win. It's a win win from just the job standpoint is what kind kind of filtered out it's a better job for you, you're gonna enjoy it more. I you are and to be making more and its yes light signalling, but so think about you, know behind
boys boys, is a larger town in the idaho area, but also you know it's it's. It's china that much different. The maddest semi like I like what you said I love you saying: go in there for a year and rent a nice house, settle chill gap. You ya think that neighbourhood that you saw is the one you want to go to. Of course you know, I rarely by the first paranoia shoes I look at the like rachel I want to walk around and be able to go to the store around their shoes, and I think that's a really good idea to take your time. We ve already got a mass of transition so good and then do I do it. We, like it she's here accrues. I'm can com, and this is the real issue
live and the headquarters ramsay solutions broadcasting from the pots moving storage studio. This is the rams you show its where we hope you win in your life, civically your money, your work, andrew relationships. I can combine with the extreme privilege to be sitting alongside the one, the only the fabulous ray crews, my colleague friend of years good to see rachel coleman come up pearl she's, the only person in the building that calls me kenneth, kenneth that I will allow, but it feels right for me. Does great to be with you here to be right as well. We have already had a fantastic first hour here we go here, we go here, we go, mri oh texas. Alan waiting for us there, Alan. How can we help a guy with a pleasure to talk to you, but oh
I cheer all the time, don't financed a rental poverty, though I have been diligently the shooting and I'm about ready to think you're on getting a wrinkle. The problem is, I would like to Are you guys opinion on how to like structure setting out myself for success when it comes to you know, doing for the danish? How much money have you got to decide about? A hundred and seventy thousand, and what are you looking at money? That's that's why I called it. Actually, though, I'm gonna cecil deal, recommend something multi, family or single family, something that multi. Families are cheaper but harder to dell from what I'd I've noticed online
How do you? How do you recommend taking next steps, as opposed to you know for the structuring of the deal, as opposed to just the financing side? Yeah, I mean, I think it's the great question and real estate is something that you know. We talk about a lot on. The show is just another avenue to building wealth I know that you know one of the best ways at you're going to does make money and general alan, because if we look at real estate specifically, I should say we within the Ramsay family the way that I've seen it always kind of that. The viewpoint on it is that it is. It is a long term play that you're not going to you know you're not going to be getting rich off of the rentals that you're getting every month. It really is a it's an equity play. Ah, even a play to say: hey we're, gonna, keep this for decades and even path Don't you know, maybe to my kids, you know so like there's a long term. Why is that? What you're kind of is that your mindset or is this? Is it more hey? I want to get into somethin flip it
make some money on about. Do with cash is there's two ways to do it, not yet neither ones right or wrong. I'm just curious what you're mindset is My foot is, I want to buy something that I can get to end, I plan on holding a long time now that turkey ready for somebody to move in or I need to fix it up, because I personally like doing that and work myself yeah that would be that that will be the play. But like should I set up and allow see for a property. Should I, you do this under my name like is recommend on that flight. Well, before we get into that peace, do you have any debt I do not. No idea of have three a six months listener other guy years. What are you up? Are you like got your college? You got that. I guess I guess I'd be four five and six good. I kind of them
I guess, is your primary home. Ok, now fallen yeah as a wow, really cheap, and so many What is what does one? Seventy get you in a marilla assuming that you pain cash right You're starting to get into a market that is good, three too property, not in the best neighbourhood, but some that are de decent, respectable. You could get a duplex in a fine area. are gonna, be smaller, usually need work you're starting to really break into the market. That point what now? Here's, what I'm curious about work we go. What's the next level, what windows it get you into a much better investment, meaning it's not a sketchy area. It's not entry level. Is it to fifty is to seventy five? gimme, gimme I'd, say around two. Fifty I see you know
at far away from that? How much you make a year my wife and I make about one thirty combined. Yes, I mean I can tell you Ellen yet so, like the llc, I think, as is, is a smart play, a space if you're going to have multiple properties in the next few years, because if you guys, you know, look at it and say hey we want. We want this to become part of our wealth. building strategy, then at them You know: that's yeah, that's a great option very easy to do low left, but the two best things to remember Alan is when you're buying property you make them money when you buy meaning, if there's, he way which are nor the marker analysis crazy, but sometimes some properties that you know I mean if there is for closure. short sale. Any way that you can get a deal which I know is very hard right now in the market than wherein, but that
it'll be your most that's going to fast forward your jump start in this equity process to get as much equity as you can at the buy, and I know the days roll them with investment was always, I think it's around like trying to get it. It says de percent of Are you a new having cast is going to be a really that you're going to that's a great negotiating tactic that you're going to have to be able just to pay for it, to go through financing in everything, and that's not really appealing. So get any the only possible way you can get the deal. Then you know I mean my husband and I will leave our very first when we got at us as as a short sale back ten years ago, and it was a little yeah condo and it was now. See men and got new light fixtures did up we rented it for a few years now we ended up selling it to help cash for the built of our primary home. And what it went up you know in just a few years was: it was great, it was awesome, and so we we sold so just as canada moving at the speed of cash, but the best the best
that you can do is get a deal on the front and Alan. Then yeah. If you can see how I can get a better deal on something that I know I can fix up and you're able to put some money into its rendered making sure that your tenants doing background check something I go through that process so that the renters you have our quality that you can get. And is really important just to make it as less of a headache, but also no Allen that you're you're starting of a side business in a sense I mean the the myth that I say this as passive income is anything but, and so you do make sure that it's gonna be worth your time and effort of what the average rents gonna bring in versus how much half was going to go in and when you want to really kind of play out these scenarios, because it's real life they're going to be calling you, you know at eleven o'clock on a friday night, because you know something broke or whatever it is right so taking all of that into consideration. I just one to go on with not a pollyanna view which
some people do sometimes when it comes to, and I think he's very disciplined. Sir Alan I'm not hanging this on you, but I don't want you to get. so excited to get there you save one seventy and I can gets, then I'd. Rather you save a little bit more and get something. That's that's! That's a much better! event, that's good, yeah and and to look at your r, why? You know what are you going to get for rents and and all of that so there's a there's that math play as well to look at Allen, but I think it's a great- and I think I mean real estate- I think- is- and is another great avenue, ten seconds of building while five seconds Yes or no! You like do sign for First, our at first order, rental man she's, no matter how do I get I got judgment problems. I need to get right with duplexes. I dunno what my problem is I'll work on it on the commercial break, we'll be right back. This is the transition I get hard
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saint Louis Missouri Timothy's, their timothy. How can we help I've gone god? How are user not too bad my question was career related right now I make fifty thousand dollars a year, and I am my wife is pregnant cheese? march graduation is. Oh. Thank you, We ve been married since last march. So is a pretty quick turnaround. First baby on the way J happen and in your line, germany, oh yeah, so my current job gives me a three month: eight paternity leave. However, I know the vice president of another company and its totally different type of company and when I'm doing right now, but it has the potential to pay ten to fifteen. thousand dollars more ear than when I make now? But There is no,
turning to leave. I would just path to take my vacation days as my paternity leave. Some kind of most of my life and I are kind of debating the in cannes were on baby step number two. me ask win if you Take this new job and you're gonna make too, fifteen more, is that right out of the gate, Is that down the line? I think if I play my cards right. I will be able to make ten thousand more out of the gate. It's a sales job and that would just be my salary and then okay, uh, oh a mission on top of that, but a commission wouldn't be my commission rate, wouldn't be as good as it could be a right off. bad sure, of course, but what's the long term play. Let's that they had all of the paternity leave, did your current job has? Would you be job but this new opportunity for the long term
probably I mean my current boss, his kind of outlined career path as well. It would just take probably a couple years to get to like seventy thousand year, if you the new job and you use vacation how much paternity time would you how much as you take off, I would probably take. A month off. I think I could get I could I could get that? How are you gonna get amazing? How are you gonna get a month's vacation in a brand new job? they would just I'd say I mean I may only be elegant two weeks, but I think I could not just it's just because I have an end with the vice president, and I know a few people work there and they they seem really interested. So what, if he came home and told your wife, hey I'm only gonna take a week off. How would she handle it? probably not well
well, I'm out into the night, the three months of night and we've been door? I've been door dashing quite a bit, so that's how much debt you guys have left. So we I just red total money make over last month come complete paradigm shift. We pay fifteen hundred since last month. Wow job yeah babies have wanted pretty much taken care of just for my savings. So we or to doubt and left on credit cards. I plan on having that taken care of pretty quickly we do have a car twenty thousand on the car I have twenty three thousand and student loans in in the home is hundred and twenty one thousand came. ok, so what I would suggest timid, I will take the new job because and a beginning. I met massive pay increase, which is phenomenal. I mean,
thousand more off? The bat is going with is now turned to yet better long term that we teach me All that, when you are actually when you are expecting a baby or a big life change coming up, and this would be for somebody- that's got to move for a job here. There's a big shift happening. a call from a medical coming up in that you can foresee we will a pause, the baby steps, so I actually still want you working the same. ten city that you're working, but I want you guys just piling cash, they currently all of your debt, but I want you to pile up cash. Until after march, when you're, what comes home, baby comes home, every one is good. You're gonna press play and I would hope by that time gonna be able to pay off that you'll pay off the credit card immediately, hopefully, mature, of the car alone you'll pay off immediately You'll start work in back down the debt, snowball you're, ok, timothy amy I'll I'll, be honest, I think you know and as a model with three you
are not in a in a financial situation. You haven't set yourselves up in a financial situation where you can just take off a significant time of war, I think I think spending some time home is is it is a gift rightly she's a new parent! There's a lot to do so, maybe yeah a week we can have that. But Timothy I would I would say I would still be plugging into that sales job and we make in this cause. because I'm tellin you, when you are able to get this debt paid as quickly as possible, you're actually gonna you're gonna be a much you're a have more margin. I think to be able to speak, time with family take off. When you want, I mean like a. And am being very compassionate towards your wife, because I know that feeling, but I mean again
it's a big debate. This whole thing- and I hold you in- and I know you are- can and I'm probably a little bit more on the moderate side of that debate than you are. So we can have that because here's the deal so red dick. I know, I think think there is something that the family units that is really important and having wait a sec wendy. I cannot read kids, I love my film. I know, I didn't take what you do every day, though, for when my kids were born, you didn't take three days. Maybe maybe it's called Was it he doesn't have the margin he does it. That's all I'm saying Timothy never did. I did I mention that its paid at my current work. It's not just time orbit is paid. I am I nobody told you look. I beheld you have the new gig now I know where you with rachel. I would, but I will tell you this. I want to bring up a shock rachel right if your wife, thinks that I'm a raving lunatic with my position, which is possible then you gotta, choose marriage and your wife,
and sure, maybe you stay in the current job, where you get your paid three months, happy wife, happy life, I'm not in any way capitulating here, I'm I'm just saying this may be a real thing here and I don't want to sound like I have some fun with my position on this I'll get back that that in a moment, but I want to be pro. I want to be practical to say to my if, if, if you're my And- and I want you to be my friend timothy worrying about my back porch- I'm goin We'Re- wife that on this and you we'll get another sailed out. That's right, that's got and maybe talk to that vp. If he's your friend, I go hey. I want this job with you. Are you willing to wait until I take my three months I'm not that another option. I know it's I'm trying to be fair. I, but I will tell you rachel's right. She said much nicer than me, but she's, absolutely right that you should be taking a month off right now, you'll be working man to get this debt where everything under control it
I'm having fun with the fact that this this is a paternity thing that didn't exist when my kids were born. I just think dudes go out, frickin kill some drag back. Take the feedings at night get help. wife serve your wife like I did. I took two a m feedings. While starting radio show ok, I did it I'm putting my money on. One may, of course be ribs. He knows our family guy, yes, I go home, yes, but I think it's ridiculous that we would choose to stay for months at a time over furthering our career, furthering our ability to provide for the very faintly that you want to be with, and I'm not saying that towards my Timothy, I'm sage, our general yeah. I think its a bit much though life a working, mom, yeah, yeah, I've ever more time sure, tat day. I now it's all. So I don't know
you know what I'm saying I'll totally turkey. Women deserve more benefits, but do it you're the dad? It's gonna be ok, right. I hear you. I just know fact, though, Europe about over millions of years thou know I've just the way the family was run davison out. You know we was it was an agricultural type setting the family together, they did everything together. There's something about a unit that is so similar to my mom was picking the pump strapped on back to work and back then I mean she had the baby on her back saying that family unit is oh, my gosh it's nice to have the help toughen up you're, a good! This is the real issue one go back to the rams, show I'm gonna call and I joined by my colleague, rachel crews. The phone number to jump in is tripoli. Eight to five. Five too,
five as triple eight. Eighty, five, five, two to five. Let's go to carol whose join us in what sounds like a lovely place, mount the home arkansas. That sounds like a great place to be carol. You're on the ramsay show thanks for taking my call you back Do you do when life keeps getting in the way of you getting the baby? Setpoint? Oh no tell us We want a life carol. Well fourteen year old car with three hundred thousand miles up and gave up the goethe everywhere you later raiders betrayed her vehicle anyway, I had been all my money, I'm getting hard to get me around dan making got my credit card paid off in june.
Now in the car They have eighteen hundred dollars worth of work done on next week and I have five hundred dollars in my emergency crime. There are taken Five hundred dollar him put it towards the eighteen hundred dollar work and put thirteen hundred, I'm mad dreaded credit card or do I continue to. May I tell you to a thousand dollars make a minimum payment on a credit card. and and start paying it off. That way. I don't know what to do you make a year carol. Ten thousand three hundred, I'm retired, on social security. Ok, how are you fifty five sixty five, fifty five, which is a sixty five, sixty five ok sixty five years old and you have no no money to your name, no retirement. Of course night. It was away
gonna happen next year, yeah yeah and here I gas and I finally woke up- it was fifty five and you know: what's the point will cure wilson We keep going on the numbers here. Just real quick. Are you able to work I got congestive heart failure. Ok, here a crash diverted by in my back. I can stand up about twenty minutes at a time here now, I'm an old lady now can I you something sound, sixty five, your stuff going on with you, you got some spunk in and I think that needs to be called out. You you don't sound like you, you know wasting away, I never smoke Oh, my god, it's bad debts. No six, four carol rachel behind every never had her. I good for you guys,
I mean I gonna. To be honest, the numbers are tough when you're just and on social security to be able to kind of gain some tracks? and here well, let me like, but I've been one thousand two hundred seventy five dollars a month. I did took your advice and I mean I have restrictive. I may be put away if I don't buy a puppet mcdonald's once a month probably put by three and fifty dollars into an emergency fund. Have a car payment now have a house payment. Okay- and I have about fifteen hundred dollars in in debt. Fifteen hundred and that's on what I have to medical bills and medical bill in collections. Hundred dollars a month on those three okay, so a car issue, we got fifteen hundred dollars in debt and that's it yeah. Ok,.
here's what I would envision care on. This may be a little bit of a challenge for you, but but the truth is with you just collecting social security and living off of you know of that. There is not going to be big, swings in your budget, because the income side is just really not there. So I'm wondering care all for one year for one year, is there something you can do dear the day to make money from home No, if that's a m, a virtual assistance, I turn others theres many different options, but I just wonder carol: customer service, John yep and then again have- and I know, you're sixty five, but I want I want you to be to be bringing in more than fifteen thousand dollars a year. Why? I would have happy by a computer or a laptop. I dont have either one do you have you have your son
What are you calling us on a cell phone or homeland, a telephone call? Why thank you can find? the old used macbook facebook market play certainly finding some things. I think, having don't assume that a level technology. You may well pride, I don't want her assume that she's going to buy a computer, they made opinion. If you get a customer service roles and light, then they act as liability. Yeah just be open minded as what we're saying here, but you ve got to bring in some in korea. I mean that's kind. The bottom line careless, I think you know would be amazing what you could do working. thirty hours a week, making too Twenty two in our house signify. currently, these numbers start to drop because the good the other great thing is fifteen hundred bucks and a girl car issue can be fixed rather quick by just bringing in some income- and I think that the biggest thing for you, but as far as your car, how much damage? Could you sell it for
for california- is- are worth. I don't know, I just got it in february and her name It's a ninety nine yeah grand chair key with eighty thousand, had eighty thousand miles when I bought it. Ok yeah curious and obviously it's broken so you'd have to like factor in the medical by earth. I'm sorry that there were pairs, but I or if you would be able to turn somehow yeah. If it's worth of you know We haven't you buy it for back and regular five hundred and thirty five hundred. Ok, yeah, I'm wondering cure honestly. If you could see, I just want to putting eighty hundred into a thirty five hundred dollar car feels like you're, just kind of spending your wheels at that point. Now so I mean I I you could look to see. You know Is there? Is there another option out there? Could you could sell it I mean I I I I can't in good faith, you to go and fix your car on credit,
or you know we're never going to tell you to go into debt. So you know I, I know a ned. I guess the the main. Question is: do I you can? money out of my emergency empty, my my emergency fun when something comes up, put everything on a credit card to get my thousand and then start little or no credit card. No, no, no you're, taking it out of your emergency fund, your cash flowing as much as possible. That's why it's there in case of an emergency. So instead of continuing to go deeper and credit card that use the cash, that's there and I or two if there's somethin carol, even with the current card to go, get a second opinion, and I wonder if you can, you know, finds them now it's not going to be a long term fix, but something to at least get you to and from your at the store or what you need around town, ah for five hundred bucks and then hopefully you're possibly getting it. Getting a job here and the next month annually in some words at two buff up- that emergency fund back at a thousand dollars but saying currents on that
I call on those medical bills is key, but I would I would cut up the credit card. I wouldn't even let that be an option. and then, when that's not even an option, that's when other arpt options start to come into play where you have to realize. Okay, if I don't, if I can't charge another credit card, what do I do I'm going to have to get the an opinion and we have to look to see. Is there cheaper way to fix this car or carol? I just want to know what kind of community you haven't mountain home arkansas. Are you part of a church community, or do you have friends in and people around you because europe? awesome, lady. I can just tell em is what communities for someone might have a car that they're not using an extra car they could use for a while. I mean once you to have the courage to say I need help and I know that's not easy what situation? There is really to community. Actually I'm pretty much alone? I don't have any friends here. I meant that transition
My only friend is in Tampa border ma. Am I getting pretty much anger I make up under the church. Adele. Have major community groups. I guess zero The euro is higher gear I really think the time is now. for europe to get some community get out in me ass, some people in an enlarged EU life as bad good people. That will help me right now, and do this on your own and- you've got some tough situations here. So I really want to challenge you in that area. But rachel gave me great advice. Please don't go into more debt, that's only going to make the situation worse. So hang on the line. I want to get you a free session with whatever our financial coaches, that's our gift to you. It can walk through the details with you hang on the line. This is the ram show
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talking with you about your allies, specifically your money, your work and your relationships, this is the ramsey show. The phone number to jump in on that conversation is triple eight, eight to five five to two five. I'm can coleman joined by the incomparable fabulously looking fall. Today, gutter fall style rock today dave you're, watching the ribs show the ombudsman are evident. You're gettin comments, youtube. You go with sleeveless sweater width. Once the kids go back to school, it's like for you just go in before I was over and I'm with were here and fall? If you get a sweater, whether fast enough, that's a personal convictions, whether whether sweater, whether hey, if your enjoying the show we would love for you to help us by sharing the show. However, you're watching worthy watching subscribing in sharing helps us. get this message of financial peace. Taken- can of your life out to a lot of people, and this is fun rachel. Our feet
this leader James childs, sauce in the hallway here during the last break- and this is really fun- just three- of the many many reviews we get. we are asking you to do for us. We ve got one from new zealand, I listened the shore every single day, while farming here new zealand. This is exciting so that I gotta call him up. and tell her that I'm a huge deal. Finally, I've made it. I am now glow You know I'm not the who's, that guy who's the ball global because of the glow. Who is that people, I'm no pit or global superstar, but I am now I am on a new zealand right now, somewhere, a guy is herding. Sheep and listening to my voice is very exciting and then we got one from the uk, which is my personal favorite. If I was going due to leave america you go to, I would die would because our age chap- I do say, oh chap, give me yet. yeah. I love I love the brits are very nice. I love riding the tube. You know: look at you're such a local,
diane, I load the two everywhere and then we got one from paris and does that's nice too, so we are all around the world. That's what's so funny about this. You tube and podcast stuff. It's crazy! The world is truly flat, so choose paris, london, which one I've never been to paris. Oh, you have no very surprised by the now know. Maybe save it for a big anniversary yeah? How many years you guys are fourteen, may maybe they all fifteen? May the old fifteen. May twenty five will say: okay, you would like parents. You know why everybody sits on the sidewalk. Can these campaigns now and with the chairs facing the strangest spent at the very earliest thing. It's a people watching extravaganza. When I am, I love it. Wonderful, his I'm a peep! watch. We got a lot of fun people watching in paris, so there save up your money. Gotta go debt, free folks to remember that some wireless,
to the phones. Boise idaho, is where Eric joins us eric how oil resources and happy friday to you. Yes, sir at is how you Friday, the wonderful good. So late. Last year I moved to baby statistics, another ten extra. It's that they're not been able to knock five years off. The back end so far got about two twenty five to go and I think it's pretty aggressive but possible. I can pay it off in the next five years, but the new stage for me in the financial ernie though, as urban you can help me. You learn how to frame life. thinking about other big expenses, while pay off the house now? Fortunately, I dont have immediately, but I'd say: there's a pretty high problem well. What am I going to die before the mortgage is gone? Oh my gosh Eric my thinking is, like you know, if I
that money for a car the mortgage hang there are no longer. But if I don't do that, then I have to dip into denial. Did he find and waited what what did you say is going to do about it? Sorry, hard gonna die your car, I, my gosh, oh dear. I don't even want to know what your thoughts are thought of as a I thought you said like it was a yet that someone in your family- I don't even want to say it cause. It's just gold and I can't said oh no. I was like We hear you lloyd, sensitive about every hour, a car. Ok, what's the girl, I'm so sorry, we gotta live refugees to breathe. What's the car. We call it server, two thousand and eleven. It's old chrysler, two hundred I dunno. It's got so many miles on the odometer stop like six months ago. Would you have any money to buy a car right now buy a new car eric. I do
that's, what I'm trying to figure out in balancing right because to me, like, I have an emergency fine rolling on the third like baby steps, some throwing everything, How would you ve been really feel like all the time come off the back end of it. But I also I will. I know probably going to need a car and I'll get something conservative from and come, but I guess it doesn't seem like buying There is a reason to go into your emergency phone. It's it's! Not! It's not like your cars you know that the day, if you buy it and you have no gash outside of your emergency fund. we like retirement account? I should cash. So if you look at your monthly budget, do you Have any kind of margin over
two or three months where you could change your budget up. Cash flow buying another car, as you said, is gonna be conserved of anyway. So what's that number you gonna buy ten thousand on a car, twelve thousand. What is it I work and I think it under twenty thousand. Oh, do you have any other cash outside of your mercy fund that you could put tat? You just paid the mortgage What's not extra on right, just organs earlier, oh yeah! in the thousands, the mortgage. What's the margin. That you could say love towards a new car twenty five october. so five six months from now. You know you're getting sir and closer to that? What twelfth in thousand dollars, if you sell yours for you, think not but the odometer that sounds a little I gotcha who's gonna buy that gas there. I actually I'd like to see the facebook listing for that one
I many miles it as on it in altering thing for me. I know it's this device that that money aside if not an element needed, I want to be responsible and be prepared when the time does come, that the car is no longer functional. And I put enough money in it to make a lot this long and about when worm no more money makes sense. You know the bloopers, so Eric the way we look at baby steps. One through three is that you are intense. This is like the game on scorched earth like we are just worth we're doing everything any extra penny we can get the budget it's going to pay off. Debt is going to an emergency fund and that that's really where were focused and then winter on babies steps four through seven, which is where you are fourth or sex. Then, at that, its intention all, which means you can kind of step off the gas. A little bit breathe have some margin in your budget, enjoy a vacation save up for a new car all of it. So
again, yad saving up to buy a new car Our will get delay you months on paying off the house, but again we're not trying to be intense at the house. It's just anything extra that we have or in a start putting towards that so I understand your excitement, but I do want to give you permission to enjoy your life like you. Can you can pause saved? You are you have a family Eric. never been blossom children, but I have the world's greatest ollinger my wedding feast day about all this. What what's her take wanted we're on board like we have these conversations together, yet the inevitable, but this is great, a great place to be I was financially through the five ten years ago sure, but it's just new, so it's kind of like will we sure eric. two, while rachel's giving you fabulous advice, I was researching used cars foresail underdog. Thousand in Boise, idaho, you ready, I
Two thousand nine hundred poured excel hundred tonnes. seven thousand miles. Ninety eight hundred hours are evil. that its white yeah, ok I'll, get you a gun, metal, color, two thousand team, nissan ultima, seventy thousand miles. Thirteen thousand five hundred. Ah, a two thousand fourteen mazda, Hundred sixteen thousand miles, twelve nine tell em all over and Eric dude got a model. I wanna know grateful. You want till I basically need the like a little bit of
in vienna the air gara Gouty Hossein your discipline, but it's time doing I o connor, here together, slow down a little bit. Get yourself a good car. Go on a nice trip with your wife. They enjoy some of his life, while you're still intentional up paying off the house. We will all be eric, you're gonna, be out everybody getting our rachel crews, good our! Thank you, America. This is the real issue. I
the headquarters ramsey solutions, broadcasting from the pods moving and storage studio. This is the ramsey show where we help you win in your life. Specifically your money, your work and your relationships. The phone number to jump in is triple eight. Eight, two, five five two You five triple eight eight to five five, two to five. In common. I'm john with my colleague, rachel crews, who is obviously dressed in all of her fall. Color she's got the kiddos off to school, she's, First, a messy she football.
Already there alone can, if, if you're only listening the show today, you might want to move over to the all you to feed. At some point, because the audience, members in the lobby or love in the four garb. Thank you. You know you're looking at her ass Larry. Thank you can't thank you. Can we are always having fun together were ready to go the ability, My compliments are out of the way, and now I could do my job alan, joins us now and helpless, texas AL How can we help no we're having a blast. What's up, you saw question: for about student loans. I have approximately two hundred. Twenty five thousand dollars student loans and most most away, which this problem by law degree. So with this too five thousand dollars alone? There is the eighty requirement I am so essentially after
years, they forget, whatever's laughed, and then you clean bad. What efforts on it as your pact that you pay the tax liability on now, so I currently pay interest on alone, which is roughly one thousand two hundred and twenty five dollars a month. They keep the principle that so roughly pay fourteen pounds. Seven hundred a year on that I have sixteen and a half year laughed till. I reach the that programme. Meeting I pay two hundred and forty two thousand five hundred dollar dish over the next twenty years, or now with my adviser. That's it, x Y ability obsolete tax code can trees will be around probably out in dollars on that? Don't coming out to be pre eminently two thousand Allard essentially payments, then payments next, sixteen the next half years, but I my question is: do I to make more sense to utilise that plan it. How about that
I get let alone ride the twenty years when I have a la fiery that contribute maximum what year work and then all the efforts by america, the principal per fifty per five years, like a pull that out Go have that money for the pay, the tax liabilities bathed art yet you're, twenty workers, They re by my house built like bell, but just wondering if it makes more sense, hey down alone. It's bad luck! In now what are utilised the programme was gonna interested undergoes a spot that hands down pay it now I start paying on it. Now. I don't you know when you're using words, you know time frames like twenty years. Sixteen years, all of it it's a long time, Alan long time- and I know it's a lot of debt. So how much are you making? Ah at as Oh you're, now at this with this fancy lot agree my wife neighbouring onward toward the two hundred thirty a year, perfect aright
so Alan. If I were you guys, I woke up in your shoes. I would act like I make an eighty thousand dollars and I'd be pay This thing off in less than two years, done and be done now and be done, no waiting around on a programme the whole. I guess like the pay as you earn- and that's the two I all this stuff, you're hearing, Seven, that's keeping you guys with loans around you're, making an incredible income. You have an incredible amount of debt, but I would not allow me I would, I would do anything, Alan to just be done, be done greeting and then, and then all is yours you're not doing all this matter to be like fourteen thousand uninterestedly, I was exhausted. Listening to I mean I don't see how you guys are smart people be done and go, live your lives and go be great lawyers and make great money and dry fancy cars and do all the fun stuff like go now at our vision. Just don't be in the cycle.
Waiting around for programmes and trying to figure out the math just get rid of alum. What's your income potential as a lawyer. The type of lawyer yeah probably you know, I'm not! I'm not have not in big law. So more of these smaller firms so most likely gonna to pryor that not typically that come included my wife's when she currently makes it will also probably gonna, be around that three or four hundred, Alba no LOS gatos. We just our lifestyle You mean you mean together, I'm asking you, A really lawyer answer, but you didn't answer me a kind of water. You practice
I do I stay pointing mostly fell back on a further four hundred thousand. Yes on that and I'm gonna go sorry a step further, either not to go off track of. Why not try all running or more, my. I think you can make more money. My point is there's ways for you to make more money to fast forward. What rachel saying I am in complete agreement with her. You got really intense wrath and anger. I know you're funding retirement and I know your math brain is really law. Cause you're. Given us all. This map in this call even so even telling you to pause retirement, probably making you cringe, but I would I would pause everything and I would live on nothing for two years and I would just be throwing everything at the step, because you guys can have this cleaned up and then, with your income potential allen like what you are gonna be millionaires like you guys are gonna, be doing great. If you find just say: what have we done planned this map game of figure? Now you know what can I danced I'm here and let I you'll make great money go and let that work for you
at your income, be the thing that help speed up your wealth building, which it is your income as your largest wealth building tool. And so I would. I would go scorched earth alan, you and your wife, when I know Dallas, two hearts you do that in southern allay in and bureau and the law. Style agree creep as there and you, as are probably you Sullivan, a certain lifestyle with this money, but man I would. Can buckle down and just say one arms odd agree and his experience and skills said is an opportunity to print money and I'm not be crazy about this, but you can make more money and I would be building more I'd be finding. Can I do some freelance legal work? What what is it up? The ladder look like to get to what you said to get to freedom and the spring something that I think is really important. I am I'm not doomsday or you know this rachel. I I am concerned about the forty million plus americans that are bout ready,
hit with a reality. That's been paused for a while and at his student loan payments, our common do in october and I think whom gonna lot of pain in this country and so we decided, we decided to say we're gonna jump into this and we're a very important event, it is a free of it. It's our students, Loan debt live stream to two september. Twelve. Seven p m central dave, ramsay, rachel crew jade. Warsaw are gonna, be argued about how We got here a more importantly, if you're here and that's alone debt is there The answer is, yes, is their way out the answers and emphatically yes, so we you to join us. It's a free, live stream. Licit! Tell your friends your we members about it. If you know somebody that is feeling the weight, the pressure, the stress of those stood alone payments coming. Do please join us september. Twelve.
It's a tuesday night, sevenpm central here's we get the details, it's free bravely solutions, dot, com, slash student loans, rapidly solutions, dot, com, slash student, loans, it's an important night, it conversation job miss. It hope is going to be there the solutions. Dotcom slash student once we'll be right back. welcome back to the ramsay show where we help you win in your money, in your relationships and in your work, I'm KEN collins joined by rachel crews, the phone jump in on the conversations triple eight eight to five five, two to five. So here's a quick question for the audience who likes free cash. I'm waiting May I my hands, I hear the hands. I hear the hands going up all over the planet,
I'm glad you like the free cash, because you come to the right place. You could, when one of our five hundred dollar weekly prizes or the grand prize of three, thousand dollars. If you running is your chances. All you have to do. Is inner daily ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash giveaway, so that's ramsay solutions, dot, slash giveaway! You cannot get our best selling books like the total make over from paycheck two purposes. Pass change your future for its lowest twelve dollars and a computer, colleague, doktor John alone, is brand new book building a non. Just life where he can learn the sick daily choices to break free from anxiety and when you pre that now for just twenty bucks, you get seventy vote and free bonus items and then are popular all as questions for you conversation cars or on sale for twelve dollars you can see here we got a lot of discounts, grew deals in august and your they're getting great deals your signing up to win cash, so that's kind of fun
so I got to do. Is shop the sale today and to win daily at raves, solutions, are slash, give away or ramsay solutions, dot com, slash store. So there you go. Get to the phones. Julie joins us now, all green bay wisconsin. The packers the frozen tundra lambeau feel you know what any of that means at packers. They move it. Yes, but it's poison can, but it's kin How soon can in a city comes up? It's like then again pyres data. My new york, I saw at EU level that guided I worked there always play in dallas and right I'm lucky. I Rufford we got dallas coming up necks. Renounces the right like an old man and the very words there. It is all right son. You know what I can
myself. Only our europe of words get. Let's give! No, are you a pattern? Fan Julie, rachel and can I guess I have to be right. I know I actually move a little south of green bay, but right we'll find then give us a general area, and so I got a little excited. I could Julie, that union care less, whether the packers win or lose it. Doesn't I dont think wanna style. Ask us, though, you're an oshkosh I am is our my gosh was founded I'll. Think so and ask us, because here is that right? the arch cardiac wholly brand is from Oshkosh was constantly It is absolutely I'm so glad you called to treasure is a joy rachel neighbourhood with norway my day, because I want to go home and drop it in the conversation and my wife, like did you know that the art gosh little brayley by buy for iceberg eyes is from
large cars was kurds. Is it ask us what saying, because is that right? it will? No doubt it. I was become our ok. Ok, I got to thinking from the name brand of gas in the name of the colony. Let them now I see you get financial wisdom, work advice, your relations. wise, any get the little trivia fact that could help me out at the local bar out there you get. I Julie we're here for we helping renouncing wasted your drive, Our problem is funded talk about wisconsin, yes, I am finally getting my divorce the live next week gosh. If an alarm I'm coming young yeah. I think we're not where the fourth ready to be done. the lawyers, but everything we were, very amicable people, so I just kind of one I just wanna buy from rapidly folk fear,
what to do with my that man, though, I'm on baby step two and I've paid since the spring started with rapidly, and I didn't take up Of course they are financed. You yeah, I thank you and I paid off about ten thousand dollars. For you, too early yeah and I had been started on it before I found ramses, though it cannot like energize me and they re like I could really how I want where instead of tat, you do not own mere, can why. Why are you so yeah yeah? So I only have about a little five thousand dollars laughed and dad did for you. I will be getting a cash, but a man of over thirty. thousand dollars, but that would complete myself too
and three and I have just a little bit extra, but then I'm here for a o, hey of about seventy thousand, and I bought at one time some also called and They were gonna, be cash map because, with the quadrille hum, I wouldn't get that extra. penalty, and I guess I'm just trying to figure out, Now, I'm ranten. So what I'm looking at is passing you using that for a down payment on her house, condo. When I end up finally, foam yeah yeah, I'm adding that could be, for sure great option? Yeah I dont their idea of keeping well, one case around with employers of exit and all of that is not a great option in yes, you know the temper. sent penalty that usually would pay before for fifty nine and a half during during d we're settlements, I'm pretty confident europe
there. I think even cash out without penalty. Do you have any retirement savings I have a pencil that I'll get about hundred dollars, maybe a month, came if I wait colleagues sixty five and then also have over a hundred thousand dollars enough for a one for you. I just put me to arrive. good for you and what is your job to prefer one yeah? What's what is your income. My income right now is about ninety thousand dollars a year. Fantastic, naturally julie, Just say I mean everything you know in your situation, not just the math and the numbers, but just even your attitude. Julie through all this is, is such on the encouraging positive and you have a lot of momentum. That of momentum, or way through, like a really sad situation.
So how long was the the whole divorce How long did all that take, as you said, were finally done with it? once I went to a lawyer it might quickly we gonna. Do you know You are one divorce, but it's just so hard. I think the mighty stuff up annoying legally. What are the rule? There is thus sure I thought that was just worth it to do that yeah yeah, oh yeah, for that worked out. Really wow, so I think the guy had been just gonna say I think. part of my situation in, but I am actually fifty Four years old and really Pardon me all this was because leave the now. I need a buckle down. Look
retirement. I want to enjoy myself in retirement and not feel like. I have to live. You know, day by day and worry about money, and to I myself, yeah julia, you dollar really good shape rachel. Love for her to visit and with with maybe multiple smart vesture prose in her area just to get a second opinion on that for a one k, what would be the yeah that, because you you're gonna, have baby step three taken care of yap assume. get the settlement, your debt, free europe, through babyship to babyship. Three and rachel's right, I think, on their budgets you know do you role that into it in your own retirement account on what you already have I'd love you
shit with the smartest or pro of you. If you are my friend and you are my friend now I'd want you to get a couple of opinions on that and just look at the tax implications and everything but yeah. But that being you know, if and if you decide to cash out that four o one k without the penalty, you know that could be a great baby step, three be of down payment of what you're thinking you're, making a great income and Julia. I think yeah I mean everything you're saying is is on track and I would continue to fund your retirement. Like you're saying you have one hundred thousand dollars in there, so you're going to have it's a great head start on your own doing that. But if you are on the line, if you'll pick a pickup, because I want to give you Dr John maloney's new book, it's coming out here in the next few months called building a non anxious life, and I think just the healing portion of this for you in the marriage and the divorce is important as well. Don't move more room to show coming up
welcome back america. You joined the conversation here on the ramsey show about your life, specifically your money, your work and your relationships. I'm can comment on joined by rachel crews, the sour we are here for you, let's get back to phones in phoenix arizona ray is waiting re. How can we help either thanks so much for taking my call But I am on baby step one and am struggling, because I don't necessarily know how to manage the urine of insecurity I keep getting of only putting it. in reality, the mighty emergency fund and then moving on to baby step to o, which is a really good question. Yet, when we tell us what you are specifically worried about cause, I feel, like I heard you say, I'd like to have more than thousand saved, is What this is really about is the exact I'm feeling like anti- I might even when I do get about it. I'm not gonna. Have my budget words cut outward
on spending every single dollar every month. I just then scared something overcome in one thousand dollars, isn't enough to lie back in a spot where I got. Let's take out debt. Okay, so do you have margin feels like a margin in your budget right now. I do what kind of margin do you have? gonna be fluctuating throughout the year, but it I'd say: forget chunk one I start getting rolling on my that's noble what are you going to settle idea? What was that? What is a good chunk when you say that what does that mean? Is that two hundred dollars at two thousand dollars note? He had grown up watching it. Yet a month and will be like three hundred a month, but it can be up to five thousand okay perfect and how much debt do you have sixty five thousand sixty five thousand? What is that? A fifty five thousand student loan three thousand on personal alone, the men seven thousand on a car, long k and how much making a year. Eighty five between eighty five
at five thousand and finance for you, that's great, so yeah I mean, I think, part of that thousand dollar emergency funds. There. There It's gonna be a level of banks and urgency which makes people go through the baby steps. Babies up do that much faster because they're, like oh, my god if you like. If something were to happen, but the truth is right majority of emergencies that we see whether its new tyres on a car? You know whatever it is it most of it is under a thousand dollars, so majority of it is and if not all you do as you pause the debt snowball state, kern on everything, pile up some cash with what you need, fix and fix it ends. having the idea that there's gonna be no debts, that debt is not an option. You find a way to get through it all you find a way like you really. So if it's the car, that's broken down, you go and get three options, and you fix the small part that you and get drunk along to save up to fix the wrestling you just you figure, you figure it out, and so the problem
that debt as just become such a safety net for people that mentally you can't even imagine no not having the credit card just in case of an emergency and so that thousand hours will cover most of the staff that you need and if it doesn't, you just pause pile up some cash and go through it. And right. Here's the deal. I love, how rachel explain that, because if you think about that she's right actually most of those merges earner thousand dollars. But I got to the point when I first darted this many many years ago, rachel I didn't touchy mercy for my first step was not to touch the mercy fun if you wish to rework the budget yeah totally, we pay our walls, but I mean I would go. Can I cash flow this without touching emergency phone yet and re with the margin you're talking about? You gave us a range of three hundred on the low into maybe five thousand, because you ve got LE. You know a little bit different income flow you're gonna be able to be. Ok,
and I remember one time I give you one more story here. Just a distant drive this home psychologically I rose early on stacy. I we had no kids every bar bought our first in franklin. And we are on this journey. We had student loan debt there's only debt we had until so we're working at and going after all the stuff and r H, vac one out enemy omelette, you gotta be kidding me remember this before, did not expect freaked me out for a minute and I got to go. Out there and he was like our ears that we can do a small fix, and this will get you through. and then I started figure? Ok. What would that, if I have to buy a new one, you know what? How much would it cost and in in by just not freaking out realize I didn't have to pay anything right, not enough to get out a credit card go by new unit there, the way to work through it, cashflow it and not go backwards, and we never missed a debt payment that we're paying extra eludes. Here's my point: we Something like that happens. You can always pause in figure it out and talk to the people that you get the service. Rum, hey. Let me get out of
a plan here? You know again at the end of the world. Anybody thinks I gotta have a credit card. I gotta have we get this call out when someone's got. Let's say they get forty thousand dollars ray in their savings account and they calls up and they go thirty thousand dollars in debt. We go empty, it pay. Ray. You just felt right there did you hear it so This is advice? We give all the time because, most of those emergencies the point were making is you can manage your way through it? You can an ray, I mean a big part of this too, is feeling this intensity of getting at I mean like vouch poor, we talk about your behavior change aspect of all of us and you have to do something different to get it resolve and you obviously are when the you're not happy with where you are financially, so you want to change your habits or to change the way you're looking at it and the more the faster you attack this debt and it is gone and its outer here which
yeah you're good at each of you guys, buckle down and you work extra you make some more. I mean you know to be out to get this paid off. What probably three years it there's something powerful about? having this intensity towards that baby. Step too, which is Really key, and so we want that bout thousand dollars fastened with people thirty days or less get that sell stuff do ever you can't get a thousand hours and move on. You want this momentum to start and the more you kind like play, K o k? We need like five. Since gonna take six things months to save it up and you it just edges drags the process on as your income In ten years to go to payment so getting to that baby cept too quickly in going through it as quickly as possible, is really the is your best bet said. Building well from getting two point. Eighty point be getting your come backwards. Yours is one of the biggest things you can do so its the fastest way ends again ray you're you're grown you're grown up.
You can decide and got the call in this. I do what you want, but this has just been proved: over and over and over and over and over and over and over yup. I know what you need re. I think rachel's right, you know what you need. You need a big win, then the next week. So what's this, what's? What's the smallest debt was at the three thousand, our personal one? one. What one is one thousand miles? I am one or two thousand okay, so the debt snowball you for you with this. Yes, yes, how quickly could you At that one thousand our talk about it, september. Nah. That's appreciate I said: let us have some fun here. She will get you some momentum. What could you re? side, something here, their sell, some stuff. How could you do to get a thousand dollars outside of your current income before into What could you do yeah me I'm neither saw my vehicle. I could have done no less so
a vehicle on Monday. We gotta jumped to that because that's what you're? What's that vehicle worth? I think it be. I think now, my eight thousand right now I've got seven thousand left on it yeah but dinner, then you don't have a car I have another vehicle that I get it's a work vehicle that can use for that is the ray of hope we needed. Oh, I see what she did there folks were delay. Do it re? Do some crazy, All the car you'll get a thousand bucks. You'll get you'll have debts with that, one per without one sale, what your car payment or no on that too. There I'm paying one. Fifty insurance bohme you just gave you saw raise yeah the cars gone, the personal gone yet again, elbowed out that stood alone. In your on I mean you're, getting. ray you with us,
it is hard. I haven't even got through baby step. One of the hard I just need to do is sell the car and gets baby step. One yeah dude rip the bandaid off just do it. You gotta just I'd it's one of these things, gonna feel so good. As soon was I watch on instagram of some some health guy he's like you. Oh no! No! You know where those twenty robins talkin about health shock and organise work out or some ban any like.
No there's! No negotiate! You just do what you gotta. Do it go she ain't yeah! Just do it just do it so re tony robbins, cold, plunge just do it jump in the cold war? Just do it it's going to be by the way I love what you did. There was going to call this segment wordplay with room. I see what you did there remember. I call you regret alright folks, race going to do it. It's gotta be fun to just do it. I love it. This is the ramsey show. What's up george kamal here. You know I've been seeing a lot of on the internet lately other than everybody's trips to ITALY, bad finance, advice and that's. Why I'm so excited about my new project, where you get the truth about how to win with money, tune it on spotify as we simplify complex financial topics, bus borrow money, myths and talk with life millionaires over coffee, we'd get new
blows every monday, Wednesday and friday, May you don't want to miss the fun so go or listen on spotify just search george camel with a k welcome back to the ramsey show, I'm in coleman and I'm joined by rachel cruze, the phone number to jump into triple eight eight to five. Five two to five are scripture of the day comes from second chronicles. Fifteen seven for you be strong and do not give up for your work we'll be rewarded. Gotta be a rachel crews theme quota the day to night then the only ones from a virile Wang. Thank you oh man, how about ashen When you have a passion for something, then you tend not. To be better at it, but you work harder at it. That's a kind rachel combo cause. That's my jam that that's what I do hit ramsay's. I want you to find work that you really really love, have a passion for, because you're going to make that unique contribution, vera Wang great
How would you say, she's more known for her wedding, lounge yeah? That's her! That's her thing! That's how I think about what Well, then I got that one right. I was a little nervous stepping out there on the diving board that great fantastic stuff. Alright, let's go to fort worth texas. Now Judy is their duty. How can we'll have hello, judy, hey, can it is, can and Rachel yeah? You yeah? How are you today god. I had a good interview for its attempt. Job with a school yeah and you could lead but other job, so I'm encouraged about good opportunity waited go Judy, that's a good report that made my dad well My question is why I have a pension dad's disarm,
you wanted to know? If I could? I am, I am pay about sixteen hundred a year in enters on thirteen thousand five hundred of credit card in line of credit that occur the interest went up the you know because of the prime rate, and so what I'm wondering is if I should take money out of the pension about half of it out of attention and- and just you know like take out, one thousand the first year and seven thousand second years. I don't pay a lot of taxes and I figured but the taxes on it would be better their twenty percent of irish, but because the fact that I don't make that much, ah special working camp- ah I'm figuring get, maybe half of that back after the taxes back that's my question is: is it to save on the interest? Shall I pay off that thirteen? thousand five hundred of the pension in two years time,
judy. How old are you sick? Sixty five around six five? Only rachel had asked that I under sixty five yeah, and how much? How much are you making? Well, let's have I am just currently an attempt job that I'm getting about five. maybe a week? Ok, ok! What would this? job, pay that you interview for today. they didn't do so salaried and it would probably comparable because at the same number of hours and I'd be a little bit more because of the danes office, it is in your pension only one thousand any other retirement, but you haven't neither savings. Thousand. I made the baby's that I also have a foreigner
for our ability that I took ten years ago to get my medical pay for for life. Ok, so you have that cash and then ok, because you know my my goal for you. I want you, debt free, and starting to build up? More of a retirement, but that is gonna, require still You know you working and bring in that income to knock out this. Thirteen thousand. So are you living off pension right now and for ten years I took it early to get a medical play for ok, ok, yeah? How was your pocket, ok with medical and how much is coming in to the pension to you each month, forty forty one hundred and forty four one hundred and forty ok a month is what you're getting from that yeah yeah. I really want to keep that pensions are some place judy just for your retirement sake,
ants and have you knocking out this thirteen thousand from this job that you have and and maybe even being able to work more hours and do what you can to get this? Thirteen thousand dollars all that you're not touching that pension. Could you want to continue to be able to have that in retirements, so that that's my that's my knee jerk yeah. Well, maybe you on that is down the road, because this term it's gonna be nine months we twenty nine hours a week came I won't be able to I'll just be able to make the men on payments nine months, and I taken the microsoft office, sweet classes and almost done with that, prime minister for his dedication and then this how about a training, enable me to get a better job? A duty. Can I can I
eighty eight with you- can I throw of an idea to that? I want you to be open to. Would you be ok with a sure I did you. Where the whole lot more money than you're getting paid and eyed, and I and I want you to change your mind, set from well I've gotta. Do this tim job for the next nine months? No, you don't that's why it's attempt job. You could leave it tomorrow and I want you to be thinking about what I in writing? I shared this on my show recently fort worth. Texas is one of the fastest growing cities in america. You know this yes duty fort worth access is exploding guy you and the greater dallas area? What are we will call it? I think you ought to be thinking about. In home, nanny position or something like that with some wealthy families with my wife, about six years ago, hired someone your age to come in and be there when the kid got home from school, she did meal prep.
light a very light cleaning. You know just tidying up laundry. if that when Stacy was a working mother outside of the home, it was a massive massive value to us and she made sure kids are the homework. Me tat. You just look that up. You can be making really good money. Thirty! Forty Fifty dollars an hour potentially because your gold, family, a young family that may have two working parents What are you looking at opportune like that? What a great environment that is, you know and all of a sudden you're making really great money in a great environment. What were you doing in your job before Judy before you're tired, on a university. I've been maladjustment than some other non profit company, ok, yeah yeah, I'm just we add the skills just thinking outside the box like what you're saying can cause. I do think Dan
Not everybody is you don't I don't hang that on. You don't want me, hang that you gotta cook. The point is Did you take care of kids No, you can't now I don't believe. There's an ad, but I'm sorry I don't don't be sorry, when I was little, I didn't even babysit yet daughter, has worked on me to try to get me to get on my granddaughters level just that's ok duty, but you were my. He saw you selling yourself a little short I was just thinking outside the box. Judy, I think, is what we're trying to do cause. We want you to because also this pension of thirty one thousand. You know you you can't.
Live off, that we want more in your retirement to enjoy retirement and just that as well? So there's going to raise the level of our work, you're, looking at yeah, even an executive assistant, you ve cannon and are not, however, world. Let's get you in the for profit. Were let's get you out? We can make more money. No you coming out with all these, but this, but that listens do you're sixty five, your able and I'm I'm trying be kind here, you have got to increase. your income right now, robbie, Your pension to pay off some debt is not a good move review period. and you got increase your income and you can, because you have to build yourself. Some margin, that's what I'm getting at You are worth more than just settling for attempt job. That's giving you twenty nine hours a week. Ok what I'm dr, an illicit, I'm I'm trying to cheer you up and go a you of. A whole lot more to offer. You're not the five year sixty right! Ok, I got it.
Yeah. I do then get after thanks khan Julia or for you, we were gonna, see you have a quality quality liar heiresses next year, so my goodness great opportunities in europe. The quick message. Urban dont limit yourself keep looking. dont limit yourself, rachel great fun today always to be with. Thank you, america for listeners. Thank you. James chiles are fearless leader somehow keeps the train on the tracks. Hey we'll be back before you know it. This is the ramsey show the folks kid coleman here. Did you know the ramsey show is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online check out all of our shows from the ramseys that work wherever you listen to podcasts the
Transcript generated on 2023-08-20.