« The Dave Ramsey Show

What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed About Money


Rachel Cruze & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "We have $200k in student loan debt,"
  • "Should I move back in with my parents?"
  • "Should I get life insurance for my baby?"
  • "Navigating social obligatons on a budget,"
  • "How can I save to pay cash for a house?"
  • "How do I invest to create a passive income?"
  • "Getting spouse on the same financial page,"
  • Dealing with a 9-to-5 schedule,
  • "Should we move or pay off our home?"
  • "Should I pay off my student loans or car first?"
  • "What is the 25% rule for house payment?"
  • "I am feeling overwhelmed about my finances..."
  • "Is it okay to take out a small loan for a reliable car?"
  • "My husband's truck is about to be repossessed"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I, live and the headquarters ramsay solutions. The show people that, where we have people build well, do work that they love and create amazing relationship. I am a rachel crews hosting this hour when my great brandon ramsay personality, J, warsaw- and we are here to answer your questions again about your life and your money. It is a break all anywhere in the country at aaa eighty five, five, two to five aren't,
phones at this hour and we have as it d and possibly in dallas, hey welcome to the show, I think we're taking the call Sullenly, how can we help I'm am a new aside. This came across you guys recently an heard you give him a grey advised and hope you did Well, I I have a pretty significant still at large. bed about two hundred Thirty thousand. Dollars whoop were doing a degree in business the and it's a masters with due care degree But I know by the quota huskies and then I have basically no paving or anything so I'm just trends. So how I can maybe chip away at birth and get my one track, I'm
forty, nine film like it. You knew this and is it you or do you have a family married married? Ok, and as your husband have any debt or just this one. student loan. You guys have together now, just this one thing alone ok, what do you guys earn? I I about one bourbon. In base, but I'll have a good incentive like annual- incentive of another twenty percent for maybe fifty to sixty, and then I too have like these like star concerned. Instead I can cash in once a year. What can you get right? I'm sorry what he? What can you get a few cash and stock incentives, This depends on what the stock is training at the time, but probably around all twenty eightth already
What about your husband? He doesn't work right now, ok, and why sorry, I'm hitting you at the questions, but I'm trying to get at a clear scope of what's going on yeah, I guess hasn't, but he's trying to start his own business well done. basically think we want income family. Does he feel howling, as has not been working about two years, what is: he feel the weight of this debt I do. I know you do you're all it sounds like you, guys have a kind of a separate thinking when it comes to money and debt is a kind of sounds like that from the you're talking and I'm just be honest. I don't like that. This guy hasn't been working for two years. I am all for starting business venture in going out on your own, but I do think that you have to making. A certain amount you have this be contributing financially. While you do that, that's the best way
so you're kind of bridging your way to it, posted just stopping and who I mean gotta make ten dollars before you make a hundred thousand, so it's like, if he's not making any thing. How long is it going to be until this business really generates income? That's gonna help. You guys become debt free. You see what I'm saying, when you go in a dry tomorrow, making Fifty thousand dollars you know get because the truth here is, is that you know with the extra bonuses that you are saying I mean you could make hundred and thirty thousand dollars in a year, so here's that here's what's wild is what you get think about. If he went and works, And he made sixty thousand dollars. That's it you guys could live on that you could have this paid off in twelve months in twitter, that's on even side, hustles that we were you, that's even cutting life's too I mean get that would become a guy stiva him. Tribute is, and so what you have to realise. The bigger picture here is that you can write if it's just you working your way out of debt uk,
go and lower your valerie, and it would take you probably three years to pay it off on yours and that's possible that is doable but we want always give you as a plan where the fastest most effective way to get out of debt in the clear obvious missing piece of this. Is that there's on another income and again, if he's home with the king, the natural childcare, get if there's little different yeah. There there's reasons for four people to have a one income household, but there is also people that even have that situation that choose to go to work to get paid off, even if they want to be a state on parent for you guys. I mean that this is and so to me again. The bigger problem is that you guys aren't on the same page. Does the your and page you could knock this out in a year verses, three and for years and so I would. I would really encourage you guys you if you sound the line. I want to give you guys financial peace university. This is our son, our nine lesson, coarse and if you can munich cates your
level of stress and anxiety and fear that you're feeling or hearing that you now called us. So we know that it's there and start I understand the why it's not this like! Well, you're, not doing that and you're. Not it's not a blame game. It is a where you're at. Where am I at, and this is what I'm feeling and my prayer is it's somewhat of a marriage studio at at any degree a spouse would look at a spouse's. Oh my gosh. I don't want you to feel that way. One hundred! What can we do to do to work on that and if and if he can't come to the table, because some people crossed their arms like oh that's up to you, then that's the then it becomes a marriage problem and it's not a money problem. So you, you start to see these layers of what's happening, but I think it's really him. for you to recognise that, because you can just fix the money thing you can get out of debt and three years, if you just sacrifices on good news as she's ab like either.
if he never contributed rights. There you're going to be sitting in the average spot where you pay it off, and you know that's right, twelve to twenty four months and it's going to be gone and behind you. But I want something more for you yeah and there's something about you working together to get it gone lately. If you just say whatever I'm going to use my income, he doesn't have to know about it. I'm gonna pay this off. There's always gonna. Be that thing between them! That's like why it's mine, it's yours yeah! This is the time where you really get to come together as a couple and I'd hate for them to miss out on that yep. So stay on the line, we're going to get you that and- and my my hope would be- that you guys could walk through these lessons together. Watch them together, start conversations because again a plan can happen. So here a say: you can pay this off. You have a great salary. You could reduce it, not live on as much and tell him sorry, but I got two because this is what we're doing here. Is our new sacha salary for the household and ran to figure it out. But if u s gonna team. Not only does it help the money situation go so much faster, paying off debt, but it helps your marriage, which I think you know jade.
exactly what you wrote about in your queried that's coming out, which is money he's not a map rob hey gotta right here and there and you can actually pre order it right now. You guys at his brand new, comes out December faith, which has come up as exciting, so it's only ten dollars and if pre order, they actually get an exclusive q and a with you, that's right now, right you and yet so you can do. That and I love this- you guys cause it's a quick, read and so free for you all out there that are like oh, my gosh, it's kind of intimidating to dive into all of this, and I dunno where this is obviously the perfect first step
in two hours. Yes, you're going to you're going to relate to it. It's going to spit speaks exactly to the problem of so many people are. Having is that personal finance? It's it's one person had knowledge of eighty percent behavior. We are the ones that we have to control and gosh J. Does a beautiful job walking through that, so go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, store, pre order that quick, read money's, not a math problem, because that's what we talk about all the time on the show, because it's the truth, it's a it's a! We problem right, the men's ballet! That's what you believe absolutely so make sure to check that out again: ramsey solutions, dot com slashed store the number What time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move.
The questions all the time about where to start and what to do first getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority. I recommend ten to twelve times your income and lock in rates for fifteen or twenty years. This gives you plenty of time to get out of debt and build wealth. I've been recommending Zander insurance for over twenty five years. They understand and live the strategy and will take the time to help you find the most affordable term. Life rates go to zonder, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty two eighty two, Welcome back to the ramsey show we are taking your calls again. It's a free call anywhere in the country at triple a at eight to five five to five up. Next, we have jack in Boston, hey jack, welcome to the show hey I think he me an absolutely thanks for a colony in how we hope. So
I am a recent call graduate and twenty two I just graduated this past night I started working with him. when I was he's already making plans for this year. As I'm, you know, entering the workforce. I had taken a job in in the boston area and so had a few of my college buddies. The industry of us and you signed a lease. That's currently where I am I'm. After signing the lease actually received a second job offer, in which case I work remotely and I ended up taking offer and basically calling to asks, you know. Because I work remote and I spend about twenty twelve hundred dollars a month in rent. You know, of course, there's utilities a bunch of stuff just because the area is expensive. How beneficial do you guys think it would be to move back in with my parents? Helped me clear: some of my student loans
in carpet just how much student loan debt is it and how much is your car, so the student loans are about twenty seven. The car is about twenty two and I make seventy and you make comments. Seventy seventy carry up. Seventy two okay, I, if it were me, I think that you have a great income, starting out I mean to make seventy two starting out at twenty two years old, I think, is excellent. I dont think that you're right, is especially high. It's not like your arms been two thousand dollars a month. Ip slowly would not move back with my parents. The only question that I was what I thought you were: going towards is I have these roommates and it's super loud and I can't get any work done like I thought you were going to go down that pathway, but it doesn't seem like the so the issue. I think that you can buckled there. And pay off this debt on your twenty thousand. Our cars is, I don't love that, but its within the threat
old. So I am not madge. How quickly I didn't budget. Do you know how much money you have left over after ran after gross? after gas that you could put towards debt yeah sure so well, each one after our make all my payments at the table, eight hundred two thousand dollars already got. Then that's good yeah, jack. Ok, so this is always kind of a tough question because mathematically, it's like you know you would think, aren't be absolutely whatever you can reduce expenses, and there was much of the debt yadda yadda yadda. But what that doesn't factor ran by just kind of like using that escape and using that plan is that is something to be said about that jack signed up for The alone and jack signed up for the car alone and so jack means to figure out how to do this and after you do it's. There is something of a those dignity as a young adults that you're like oh yeah, I had a problem and I solved it now.
Part of that solution. Be you move home with your parents and there's a very strict planned that gonna be there for twelve months and whatever whenever sure rights I come. I am not one of you, like never ever do that There is a lot higher street, but I do lean towards jade that there's a part of me jack that, unlike I think you're, I think you're a grown man and I think that you can figure this out. I think you could beside hustle at night too, bring in some more money this was due in every dollar webinar. Yesterday we talked about side hustles and are so many people are making anywhere from eight hundred and two thousand dollars a month. Doing so has also, I way sir, an extra income ends if you had a really diligent plan and it was again something that europe we know there is a time frame. I know what I'm doing and I'm gonna do it and be dine and an get out like you could, but
injectors. A pardon me that I'm, like I, I think, have to item yeah and yeah, not moving back home, that it just as something to an ado, What mines in and I always use as examples kind of a stupid one, but when you open up the refrigerator, there's no milk and you dont brett You're like a man. I have to be an adult and I have responsibilities, and I have to figure out how to make life work, and there is just that extra safety net when you move home, naturally down moms gonna go get the milk that that it, like you're gonna, be taken care of which is fine, but I think it's dance. A level of this post, no responsibility and and being an adult, and if you start dating and like I dunno just all this stuff, just moving back longer dating dating for me rachel, because I would be thinking the same thing. Jack like if I met you and I'd be like jack's great and then I'm like wait we're goin your mom's house. There would be just as little piece of meat I'd be a like a man so for that reason, as is, like short, take for that reason alone, I'm out by
the other thing. I want to ask you just about your money: is: are you contributing to a foreign k through your work? I am yep salon player, matches four percent, so I put four percent to four one k and then another six percent into a roth IRA. Okay suggested a piece of advice, and this is the way we teach right now, you're, giving away ten percent of your income and if it were me, I would pause temporarily, while any get that back in my hand, so I can quickly pay off this debt by the even if you did choose to go to your parents how some live. I would still do that because the point is, let's get this debt wiped up as quickly as possible and then when your debts gone. You'll have so much more money that you can be investing another five percent when the time comes to be investing fifteen percent, and I love that way more for you do I have any c did. Do I get rid of him and by the jack. If you have any savings leaving laying around. I would also through that towards your debt cause. Something tells rachel that he
the guy that might have a little bit saving yet and allow guile entering extra jack judges thought on this day, and I think that you can see. I think you can do that. I think you can. Get out. When I am the move back home, I understand again the math side of it so that did you to do. It's not a completely wrong decision right, but there is something in the hall sick picture of who you are as a whole person that I think, is there something it's been on your own and figuring out, but I think it's great right up. Next, we have gracie in salt lake city, hey gracie, welcome to the show, it's think of my girl. Absolutely. How can we help. I have a little question because my well ok, I'm kind of problem. Was yourself I'm wondering if I should get life insurance for my daughter, she's come aboard my mom, life insurance. For me when I was a baby which is often but
my husband other have any life in turn, but all those so kind of like another matter and I'm kind of light bulb, but it would be nice, then so yeah for sure. Ok, so the rule of thumb, as at your insurance in your investments, should always be separate, and usually when it comes to children, getting life insurance there's a level whole life in their there's, an investment vehicles in air and it ends up being an entire financial product thing that is, as always up it's not a good product, not essentially because we were want to think about was life insurance is that if someone is dependent upon your income, you want like current say your husband needs life, insurance gracie, you even if you are saying oh mom, need I insurance, but we recommend term life and go down that path, so anything like there's a girl or insurance like and again a lot of her life yeah lot. A whole life policies will mark to children in their like, oh yeah, with you put this in and then
grow to this, and I mean it is its. Is this entire honestly? It's the whole product just crap, because the investment and side is not great in your. Your baby does any life, insurance right. There depends on her the whole purposes. If something, god forbid was happening. You or your husband wanna make sure she's taking care of cause right. Now, you guys to provide everything for her so Your baby were to have life insurance. If, god forbid something happened to the baby, that's been you guys would reap the money from it. that makes sense. It makes instead? If something were to happen to you or your husband, there would be tunnel money, they're waiting for her that whoever here. Take her would be. She would be just fine, so it's kind of like flipping your mind on. Why do we this out and once it really for gas and again, people will throw when the whole investment side. But again, if you I have a whole life policy and she goes and tries to get and she cashes it out at eighteen or something and and changes it up what could have had a few adjust investigate and mutual funds under like an up
account, or you even put into a college fund for her like a five? Twenty nine would be led. some bounds, more money. You would gain way more of a rate of return and end christ on that versus the crappy investments that sit inside of life insurance is so it's a great question. Gracie again, she does not need life insurance. You and your husband need life, insurance and term life and we always recommend zander insurance. If you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, you can find them on our site there that they're, where we get our term life insurance, my husband and I because they have great rates they shop, all different services. It's not just one provider that they look at and so life insurance to all of you. Listening. If someone is dependent upon your income, you need life insurance
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the ramsay show a question of the day is brought to buy neighbourly your neighborly, that for home services for over forty years neighbourly has an exclusive network of train. Local service providers are backed by the neighbourly done right promise. So, if it's not done, I too neighbourly will make it right. Visit neighbourly dot com such ramsay today to learn more love it. They question comes from Amy in Louisiana. She says: how do you navigate soldiers, social situations while trying to stick to a budget instantly volunteered to help with a friends maybe shower, and my husband and I agreed on a certain number to spend on it. The who shower. It was connected me to another friend who wanted to help post who I had never met in the plant. conversation I asked her what her budget was in we heard the number I could help with she's She didn't have a budget, but my contract It was fine, long story short,
shower, ended up being bigger and more expensive than I expected its way over budget and she asked if I could reimburse her too pretty health reimburse her too pretty close her half sick to close up like to close the gap, there's a typo. There is awkward I feel it tried to set expectations, but here we are help pouch wow look. I almost lost it. Well, treating obvious here's. The thing you told her from the beginning, Rachel cook correct me. If I'm wrong, because this look. This is one on which I gotta go. Jim, I told you from the beginning I can spend two hundred dollars then aims being two hundred dollars, and if she who did not have a budget said, that's great, thank you. whatever your contribution is. That's fine if she already said fine. Then at that point, if chose to by other things that I am not reimbursing you matter of fact, I'm gonna go like we'll. Why would
spend more like? I would be asking her questions as to why she's to spend more when yet she could have finally just match my budget in it been even two hundred two hundred. Yes, I know it was so amy I mean honestly, you didn't such a you're, so why Is it an unlike? You knew going an here's, my budget, your husband about it. You had a set amount. You communicated that man did the other per person show to do something different and that's not your problem should apply your problem. You said exploited. and so on The girl you ve, never met. You probably never see her again, so I wouldn't worry too much, knowing that I probably more, I'm probably more of a people pleaser, so I feel like I would even find the text thread hopefully like which and send the screenshot yeah and just say hey. So sorry, my husband and I had we had but this money aside, this is all we could do.
I mentioned to you earlier hears you now: here's a shot of our conversation, I'm so sorry, let me know If there's anything else, I can do to help, not money, related or something but yeah the silver lining, as this is a person she's never met now. If this is like this for any friend, then that is really awkward, but I think, but again I think you have to. U have to stick to your guns, and you know you had not communicated expectation and are you show up and it's all then is like old man, but on the front, and so you guys everyone listening or watching right now. This is a great less. and that if you go into an events, a social event which happens all the time, whether its wedding showers or weddings, with a wedding gift, a teacher presents a lot of our classes, will pull money together to get one teacher gift: yeah, If there's any type of group situation and you have a set amount of money jump, you don't feel
any level of. I feel bad that I have set amount communicated. And say it out loud because it's going to give you peace, it's going to give you control and the more practice you have talking about money in social situations. I think the easier it becomes it can feel awkward at first but- and I think only one other thing, and maybe who knows it, she did it or not, but like as as the planning immense is just being a reminder. Remember I'm only going to be able to spend two hundred like up so she's, suggesting all it would be so cool if we did these little balloon thing is ok but real, why can we spend two hundred dollars? Yeah, oh, but, like I found this great little caterer dedicated da yes, but remember Well, it's been two hundred out like as long as you make that, like the mantra that you're saying over and over again there is no room for any body. Tat is bunny, Jane alike, these just social scenarios, whether its kid birthday parties or again showers and were not, I mean anything that has a level of a with
called like not like a group that yeah but like the vibe like, what's like, like the aesthetics, yes, you want the aesthetics to be beautiful, fortieth birthday party, big celebrations. All of that you know there is this balance of you want to celebrate. So you're putting something on for some one, a good friends you. Obviously, you want to sell, that per cent of all right, you throwing it for ex wines, eve your family, that's what you wanted to be nice guy get all of that, and I want you to be more than their. You wanted to be beautiful, but also has its just got out of control. The expectations of all these events is crazy is crazy. So it's not normal, like Just so you know, that's not normally have food trucks eight years two year old birthday party pollyanna bounce houses like it's just that's not normal it's become normal? So we have this expertise. This is what our life should look like some degree? And it's not, I thought, plenty of stories about like bachelor at parties my god, where it's getting married. When I listen to girls that are getting married in there in the bachelor at
there's no wedding showers and the wedding than there's a trip. trip involved. Oh yeah, there are always now I was I only the kardashians did that like when I was getting married fifteen years ago. I don't think people didn't go These are now drive against europe, and our only the region- and you have as yet look over some major cash to being a bridle path party, these days real! It's really! I wish we all could just like all the women in american can lock arms and just make a pact that, like we want to do that, so each other- and we were all just together- are big birthday for everything like we took. We're not we're, not we're not doing this yeah, I'm not doing it hard so so hard, but again, clearly verbal I think what you can do is wise. It's not awkward is actually very, very soon for you in your money. It's right good job, Amy, alright, I'm next we have joey and manhattan. Hey Joe. We welcomed the show hi good afternoon, Greg you so much for taking, call absolutely. How can we help
yeah. So I can explain a little bit of my situation, but essentially I am twenty. Three years old can make about sixty thousand dollars a year, and I want to save up for a house, and I know that kinda, like the traditional rulers to pay cash for it on, but my parents startled. Struggled with you know growing up. So I'm a really big saver, and for that reason I tried a priority. As a roth ira, you know different stocks and I have also had life insurance, which I'm sure people have some of the pentagon m, but I guess to boil it down my questions really. How much should I saving to buy something cause, I'm a little bit against renting, even though I know that that's totally ok, if that's still allows me to save, I mean of that you're thinking about all of this, we are trying to make smart choices with your money. I think I would applaud your matt. You know you mention paying cash for house yeah. If you have the patience and the funding to save up and pay the whole thing full out in cash, I think that's great, but if you dont want to do that. That's also fine. You know I'd look for some.
some situation where you're paying at least percent down, since you're really were hoping to go the cash option at least one percent down I'd, look for a fifteen year, fixed conventional rate mortgage and I'm just if you don't I would just like to put a few holes in how you're doing this, because I think you might be able to do this in a more effective way. Do you mind right, yeah god, so you mentioned stocks that you had Can you tell me a little bit more about that and how much is there of soil? about eight thousand, can spread across regular stops back that I just invest, Do you like the robin hood, abso different thing, like apple facebook, tesla, just like big, tenable, famous doktor. Nor can I will do well over time gap in addition to that, I do invest just like on call a corner at my right diary through them, so I have another one thousand just kind of investment, one of their aggressive kind of sad, such as different stocks, if they kind of it for me
manage ok percentage put towards that goal an age. While I don't have time I had I do normally about about among the ten ok where's. My point in saying all this is: you might have a little bit more to put towards this than you think. I'd probably stop with the stocks, and if you wanted to get here sooner than later, I'd, probably put some of that stock money towards saving for a house, especially if you already have three to six months saved. The thing that you save up past. That is really going to help you get that down payment quickly. So if it were me, if I had those six months saved, then I would probably liquidate those stocks put it towards a down payment and if there is any your cash lying around above three to six months. I use that to start building that savings for the on payment as well beyond any non retirement. Joey can go towards that. Describe this as the ramsay show this so to sponsored by better help, hey folks
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spot this season, with better help visit better help, dot com slashed aloni today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help h e lp dot com, slashed aloni welcome back to the ramsay show. I am ramsay personality, rachel crews, hosting at this hour with my friend and rooms, a precise jade war shaw and thinks giving it is coming up. You guys, and I wrote a kids caught, I'm glad for what I have and so the idea of attitude and contentment, and all of that is is so keen and again it's kind of part of the the holiday that we are in even this week. So if you have now had a chance to grab a copy for your little ones and the little ones in your life I'm glad for what I have learning, learning, contentment and learning spoiler alerts that god love is the thing that fulfils you play
said that enough and some my amazon reviews were its religious. They didn't tell us and oh gosh to hurry. Boiler alert it's god that help as it brings deep contentment, but these are, There is little animals, you don't go through understanding that their stuff is not bad, but they start to believe I can have more and more and more I'm to be happier and happier happier which we fall into that mindset as adults too at the end of the day. We all know that it just doesn't fulfill us the way we think it does. So I'm glad for what I have many children's book. You can check that out at ramsey solutions, dot com, slash store next, we have ryan and raleigh north carolina. Hey Ryan, welcomes the show, How are you guys we're having absolutely things for calling on? How can we help for questions. I guess I have a pretty decent amount of money and I was wondering how to go about
king at more like a passion income and doesn't we have heard anything better. I could be doing with my money. They wonder now answer great quest ok, so how much money do you have saved about a little over a hundred, fifty thousand and what's it and now about we see these came and you have given a debt ryan, no, dad and you have an their savings. Besides, this any retirement. I'm more it's money to that. I you'd have set aside that I don't even touch at all I'm so I guess that would be like towards that yeah. Ok, but you don't do I have like a roth IRA or a four o one k. Yes, yes, yeah yeah and I have a tsp, also cool, okay how much money do you make a year. Now not too much bigger.
I'd say like this two thousand now, ok, perfect and what's yours, living situation. Are you. printing, do you own a home where you out and with that. I'm in a military now, anything now, just military housing, but branch or you The army. I'll great will thank you for your service and sacrifice doing that. We greatly appreciate it so yeah. This is that this is a good amount right, I'm very redress that you saved a hundred fifty thousand dollars. Haven't in a city and I think you're right. I think you can put it somewhere yeah and actually get you a little bit, more make make more. I'm just curious when using passive income. Did you have something in mind like? Is there something that you were thinking of that you wanted to run by? I mean I've. Only looked at like property really, but, like I like other than that, like
I really do I don't know like what the best thing to be doing, for that is what I might do So I'm assuming you have no debt you're, not the end. They on like this is the only savings you have. So what I would say that this is what you do. I would problem we set aside what I think my expenses are for about six months, and I put that separately. the high yield savings, account, If it were me, how long do you play being in the a tree in the way that you're like hopping around. If it can independently how how it goes, Probably my next goal would be setting aside enough money that, when I'm done with the military or were more stable, where I could buy home in cash? So I probably invest it. Like you said five years probably just throw it in an assembly, five hundred account and let it sit and and
six years, when I'm ready for it. chances are. It will have grown and wood Let us use it for a for a big download limit on payment. Yadda yadda ryan, I think, were I think the first goal would be you know, owning your owning. A home is one, big pieces of your financial picture, and so we want you to be able to do that and then oven the owner outright. So jaded saying, as is right, that if you can, just by with cash outright your primary home. Then. Obviously, that's like me, passive income, like your question, but it starts to get you words of financial stability, because if you just dream for a second think- oh my gosh, if you put fifty per or seventy five percent or a hundred percent down on your home, and even took out a small mortgage and paid off then you're, same ability to save ryan that you have now was still probably gonna be there and who you are that that's a part of you, your natural savour, you're. Look. for ways to make money you're looking for ways yet even ask about passive income and
from there is where you can say, accounting put some away for retirement, but also yeah. Maybe I do go in and I and I e and I get a property by probably hash and flip it, and maybe we sell it and you can kind of being that game with cash or hold onto it an rented out, but all of those things are secondary to, primary residents. That would be the next big spot, but I'm I'm with J. In a vanguard account putting an index fund like fund mechanism p five hundred, as can be better than a cd you'll, get a better rate of return on your money. So that's that's programme do exactly jade said. May I lean towards that end? It's not like sex, at last. She is passive income by right, but passive, but its stability like we're like you're setting yourself up for the future, and how did you told you: how old are you from twenty seven ok, so yeah, I mean that's plenty of to do all of this in yemen, you could look up in fifteen years and have some
rate cows, to get into the real estate game and do it without risk. With cash and oliver but I think at this place the next wise step, all the settles and again that's it. Five hundred mean if you get some till pace and taxes on, but you could take it out and use it. If you wanted to hear I, but I would protest, let it set their cause. You don't have a lot of you know you. You may not have a lot of expenses, you have no debts and there's no real right, and four major passive income right now, sir? It would use your grandpa agree the butt but again I like we're your mind, is that's because that's more of a long term played to be looking into that round, but I think that it's gonna be sooner for you ryan, then People is an aim because you ve set yourself up her one. Well we're so yeah at an hundred. Fifty thousand dollar. So well done well done, I'm next we have adam and whisper, hey Adam welcomes the show, hey guys thanks for Michael absolutely. How can we help.
So my wife is employed by company. that grant stock to All employees and she's been with a company for quite a while now and as we gained actually quite a bit of stock, and I was unsure what to do with that with that thought in what has actually come to the point where we have enough to pay off the mortgage. To our house, he's earlier. We should, if that, with a worthwhile fail to pay down the market, essentially one two three yes yeah yeah for sure Adam I mean the company's stock. You know we always I mean I think it's a nod to them. That's a great thing, but are stuck into one stock.
Enron, as always the name I'm gonna had re, so there's always and always gonna be risk, even if its accompany you work forward, even if it's a great company yours zone undiversified, so we always do recommend not to put so much into company stock. So if you guys have that, much? I would add on. I would cash it paying off your home if you're so grades How much is how much you left it's about two hundred grand, come on amazing Adam? Do you guys have any other debt, but it is a sub. It's a sub three percent interest rate and that's the only reason where I'm I'm waffling on that this decision, because Maybe that is a nice some for you know, retirement one day, but I No, that outweighs you know not. they not mortgage at this point in time by iran's rightly, I hear your sang, but my question yeah now I hear you're saying, but I also think that you can get a better rate of return by you guys.
Putting money away for your retirement and not dependent upon the employee starts right, so I would put retirement in you and your wives control in you know four one k or a roth ira: that's more diversified in mutual funds and go that route. Have your house paid off and you guys can throw so much money on retirement and have an incredible retirement so well done Adam well done thanks, Jay for being a great co host, thanks to all guys in the booths for making the show happen. Thank you, America. This is the rams job. The live from the headquarters, ramsey solutions- this is the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. I am rachel cruze hosting this hour with my great friend ramsey personality, jade warshaw, and we are again answering your questions about your life, your money, your relationships, your career, anything and everything. You give us a call at triple eight eight to five. Five.
two to five hour we're gonna go to vancouver with Giuliano Giuliano great name. Welcome to the shop. How can we help hi there thank you so much for having me on long time listener first time caller, I had a question, so actually moving to indiana in about six months were just waiting for my immigration papers. I had the pleasure of marrying an american okay, great swell, welcome to america. not now, ok, so I you guys are getting married, your moving down indiana. Are quite so we have a town house in vancouver and the market here just been crazy. We done very well just by owning, so we're looking entered the? U s with approximately three hundred thousand? U s and I'm looking to trial just a house that under that limit in order
it'd, be mortgage free, where both twenty nine mile words, words, words. My wife's pushing a little bit, maybe have a little bit nicer nature of a kitchen or slightly bigger property Can I go more up to the three fifty four hundred range and have a small mortgage check, my my big in turn their obviously I value It would be advice you guys gave to try to be mortgage free about five months into starting business in the idea of being mortgage free, give me peace of mind, knowing that I don't have to maintain such high monthly death. So how do I talk to my wife, compromise or get her to see my yeah, how much? How much are you guys, gonna be bringing in a year or two? You know I have an opportunity to work for a bank in the: u s which would bring about two thousand, but I'm currently trying to pursue my own business, which, ah I bunch
to make the same amount, but it's only been about four what're. You make sorry. What are you making anything from your own business? yet, no ah, but our product, those live in about a month or so. Ok, that's great! in what your wife make? like to stay at home. We have three, rightly children, okay, so great. Have you got a lot of you looked to see what I'm sure you have kind of what market is for a round under that three hundred thousand dollar mark, in my own, opinion I'm. I believe I can compromise a little bit more and for around two. Fifty the home side meets all of our family needs. It's really, I guess just the trimmings and certainly bigger size, opera is what my wife's wanting further the family. What is two fifty get you be specific therefore bedroom three bathroom, two thousand square foot home on an idea four thousand square lot. Ok, and how like how
fairly old or fifteen to twenty years old. Ok, can May I I dont think I don't think either of you are wrong. I was gonna. Let s start when ever your wife is coming from uk ireland, the the reason I understand why she's coming from his cause you could afford you can afford easily to do that like if you have three hundred thousand dollars in cash. Taking on If eighty thousand dollar mortgage is ya mean just fine, yes alliance, I, honestly think that it could be. This is going to do No, but a girl math here. I honestly think it could be a little worth it because if you a newer, nicer property. There may be less spent in repairs when you first get in. So it's like d want to pay for less headache up front or die
want to pay less and when you come in its like, aren't we switch the carpet are right. We gotta do something about this weird tile in there now we're gonna want to replace the kitchen cabinets yacu years. We're we're gonna want to do all these things when it could be more done on the front ends with a very small mortgage. Yeah I'm voting can I place my vote? Can I put my ballot in room absolute think, I'm voting team why? This is only because. Well let me before I voting rights any other debt. whether that no do you Any money saved a sign of new hundred, yet we have twenty five thousand saved. It's not your most forward in education is generating gallienne as originally emergency for achieved in a minute a little bit of dirt. Actually, it's um, it's just the debt that I'm accruing from starting my business. What's that we're looking for are currently about forty thousand, oh that's out of it
also the money were entering with the: u s at three hundred I've factored in we're gonna be paying this debt down as well. Well, when I would you as I take some of that. I take forty thousand of the three hundred kane pay it off completely. because if you want to talk about going- and to your new business whenever that is little sounds you're trying to build that bridge now that, for me, provide more stress how dead on the business would give me more stress than having fifty thousand dollars on a home because your home. At least it's a force savings account every time. Make a payment more goes into the equity right and more goes. that principle, but with this debt hanging around I'm sure, there's an interest rate is hatch plus there. Just the stress of oh, my gosh. I've gotta make this thing successful, because if not- we are left with this price tag and work. from that place of debt is Never. What I would recommend you're gonna make completely different decisions decent. I'm saying like that is going to affect how you run your business? More than you could possibly imagine ends coma
want to make sure that you're not continuing to add debt, as you started this business right here, you so soon to someone's you're saying paid down be accrued debt and then, patent law that essentially of pay off a transfer the debt overtures small mortgage that is manageable monthly. I'm saying take the three hundred thousand pay off forty. So now you're left with two sixty and then now This does change a little bit. What size home you get. So I can't I It necessarily not swapping debt dad's us working debt from debt. It is using guess that cash that you have from the sale of your home and canada to help pay off the business debts and then I think big with that choice. Yeah, there's your taking on what we had said earlier anywhere from fifty to one hundred thousand may go down to fifty, maybe not exactly a fifty thousand dollar mortgage and that's what we're going to do, and I think that is going to that's going to give you a totally rent mindsets and ends and yeah found
on the business side of me, I think jade is right. We we talked to so many small business owners through entre leadership, a department here, every mc solutions and help walk with them and one phrases and again we're pretty counterculture cultural, if even talking about taking on a small, you know we understand all that, but moving at the speed of cash change is it changes who you are changes, how you go home at night. It changes your sleep. It changes the anxiety that you feel towards a small business when there's not that rescue air you're gonna slower, it's not a spine and is exciting and people what we find a spell with entrepreneurs. They have so many ideas and none of them are great, and hopefully they all work bites. So
if they get stuck with a bill with something that didn't work and they're having to pay for it for years to come, so just be thoughtful on that. So yeah we're we're like half team wife I'd go half the year, one thousand fifty thousand on a mortgage, and you guys can pay it off quickly and get a better home that you're not gonna, have to keep up with as much and that's great thanks. So much for calling in this is the ramsey show hey its rachel crews. If your health care costs are increasing, while your choices are decreasing, check out, christian healthcare ministries see a jam as not health. Insurance is a biblically based health cost sharing ministry that has helped thousands of families across the country by sharing each other's medical bills. C h m is an affordable alternative to health insurance that aligned with your values and makes it possible for you to save on health care without giving up your freedom check out more at c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget, that c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget,
welcome back ramsay, shall I am rates of her- is hosting the thousands of personality jade, warsaw and with span about being here at the ramsay solutions. Headquarters is all the rooms personalities work here. You know we're in and out of meetings with each other in the hall, and we were talking about a video that we saw recently, which will we will show you guys here in a second but the perfect person to talk about this was walking by comment yeah. I got a bad signal come in here and join us for this segment, because there a video that was published was it was a bloomberg that embayed, maybe business insider, because no I mean it was just everywhere- is coherent with our rivers, Tik tok video young girl this agency, and she was struggling the reality of what working full time nets and how it felt ninety five. Ninety five
exhaustion cell. Let's go ahead and play play that video sweet girl. non problems being so dramatic and annoying by this first job, like my first signed, a five job after college, and I am in person commuting in the city, and it takes me forever to get there there's no way, I'm going to be able to afford living in the city right now. So that's off the table like if I was able to walk to work and it'd be fine, but I'm not so it literally takes me like I leave here at like I get up and train at seven thirty, and I don't get home till like six fifteen or yes, and then, like I don't know, time to do anything. I don't, I wonder, shower, eat my dinner and go to sleep. I don't have time or energy too, by dinner either like I dont have energy to work out leg. That's out the window lake I'm so upset, oh, my god. Nothing to do with my job at all, but just like the nine to five schedule in general is crazy. Being in the office, and finally give whose remote you get off at five and your everything's fine, but like I'm, not home, takes me lol.
To get a woman like like people had dropped the office. It doesn't you don't get off at five, It could be worse. I know I could be working longer, but, like I literally get off it's pitch black like I, don't have energy. How do you have friends like? How do you have time to like me, like a guy- I don't know like her- you temperately dating right. I don't have time for anything and, unlike so stressed out, a hug heard account first things her. She gets home around six fifteen in all it's time for his eating and showering. I want to know how long of a shower she she a long shower. Do you have kids? She has no concept of time. I don't have time to work out to see boys it seems more seen. What are you doing? I wait. Wait, though, can cause. I kind of there were part of me that kind of She was saying a little bit. What part, because I've always from home, I've always run business from home, which means like you get. If you had the ability to tweak your schedule,
very easily. You don't ask anybody if I say I'm in start my day at nine, a m or if tuesday, I go I take my daughter- did, here. I want to start my day at ten a m and then I'm gonna come back at nine p m and make up that what I can do that, but when you, when you have a ninety five job, is like no you're here from nine to five. That is block. So it is a lot less freedom in that way and when I too, job. It was my first ninety five I I felt this shock like I was like oh wow. This is a big block of tat I've always blocked my time in smaller china, very sweet that what you're saying It's not the same as what she say: it's not as she gets home at six fifteen or she has time for is a shower. She can't even marry be a quick microwave noodles shirt by the the. What she's really saying is she's weak,
No, this is a heap minded young girl now not struggling, and I like my god if I lived in the city and I could walk there, I'd be fine the whole I'll down was about her time from six fifteen until tying yes, you didn't account for the four hours, thus as a young girl whose very climbing to hear used to more out of melt down onto it, isn't melt down. But if you are used to more hours in your day You can spend the way you are shy, but she does feel like this is her first job though it's hot out she is reacting to like. Oh, my gosh. I just sit here like this- is that this is a dud thing to do. But let me say this: I remember I remember waking up probably like four into work after college coming here and thinking like Oh my gosh like this is my. This is my life. This is my life for the next forty years. We, however long like every point
Up until then, there is the transition. Momentary school to middle school. My school there something new and you wake up in this like daunting, adult brain rethink. This is okay. This is my life reverent, I'm getting home watching bill of fortune. six thirty and at seven wasn't on tiktok like I knew I bills to pay like we have to work were adults here, but I do think it I again ironing so tired. Please help me here tat. You get TAT you're, gonna forsooth last night. My duty, The boys were out of the house with friends, jos, are our youngest headed a friend upstairs. I was in the living room, watching a football game and completely snoring the timing, and so I get it that's so what this but I guess video is hold on a second. You guys think I'm so mean you're, gonna, curmudgeon, majesty, courage, since, when did having
common sense, make you a curmudgeon while guilty is charged, because this girl is freaking out over the amount of time she has between getting home from work and going? I know maybe all this is about she is pretty out, but she also could be learning something about how she is. She could I'm not saying she is, she could be learning. Thing about how she's what she's bit towards, because I do think some people are more bent, I can go to a ninety five job. I can punch my clock. I can be there from whatever. Two four, nine five whatever and it doesn't bother me and I get used to it grapevine in and other people are I need to work for myself. I need to be able set my schedule and shining should to start and stop. She could be like. Oh my god, This is the world like? I can't do. She could be. Let me take another look at all that by but even jade. Let me say this not against this girl, I'm ready for another rank by uk, but but I'm just saying, if you have, add to and didn't have a choice. You gotta work, yeah, you wouldn't necessarily probably melting down,
Here's your saying! If she actually no other options in this is what she had to do you eat. There is a gun like you, you would have to find and our strength she doesn't have another. I should like new line of work tat. I presume you were only that we take another tat are looming not be a curmudgeon for second, I let me help me I think most of america's prior bring with you, of course. In that we are almost always do, but anyway here's the thing. Let me take the carrying dad had from ok take the kind at I understand sweetheart. This is a real shock to your system, all the things that sister jade and sister rachel said. They love you, though you're older sister or sister. You would be to start with a new age or in a only I get it. Here's how black! If your struggling like this call, your friend listen to a taylor. Swift saw talk to mom and dad don't go on Tik tok and melt down? Stop we're here
very of not because let me tell you something: I got some crazy thoughts in my head. I don't want anybody to know, I sure, as agents noble hockey, stick a nocturnal going wildly it's a care detail, but let me just tell you: I didn't see things out. There are even more personal, so they are right. I added some things out there, even more personal. That was the editor version I have seen, and I know yet leave so that I've seen as is the dead. Can yes stop sharing our souls on tick. Now that can is very good. Weird We all deserve a chance to melt down. Yes, but for god's sake, do it in private What you're friend with somebody say, Jesus we're talking about this poor girl otto. Show me I don't know her any ill will at all as I'd actually go. Oh, I want to give you a hug I get it. Life is hard. This does suck yeah either move into the city life when you could afford it or
in a job where we don't have to commute because connecticut, is a real stress yeah? I don't want to in any way minimize the commute, but you know Look you get home at six fifteen. Maybe you don't take it three hour shower. I don't know- maybe you work at five main trade out, maybe get up at five. Thirty work out. Look like the way you do it and I will say this: it's a crowded around eight, multiple children sitting here. All of us we probably can adjust more viable right. Am I swear it may make shoe. It makes huge ass. They don't know tired, harry multiple kids, too, tired to the bone. Can I get a name, a man, a man? How? I think this is us. This is the correct procedure,
welcome back to at the ramsay show. I am rooms, a person I rachel crews, hosting at this hour with rooms, personal jade, warsaw, and we brought or other fellow rims person, can com and by big brood yes and they are not. We do we wave demanding, as we had a reaction, video ass. If a man- and we just love, can we suggest I m one more signal form and help answer a few of these calls come an answer. Let's go to kyle and making georgia hey kyle, come to the show. Toy do? I can take somewhat much for tickets. Absolutely. How can we help so just get low backstory, my my wife, the teacher We live in one county and teaches in another. or currently due to bear the whole. Babies up second, but we're all in beside the parental plus we've got every dollar premium. We've got everything set up to start in our budget
We're we're we're we're going hard, but we're we're kind of future thinking and so were considering whether to when we get the baby. the poor pay off our current house completely at work. Working through the provided, shakes or just pay off. Now, down it bore a new house in the county where she teaches now reason. behind it as we it's going, the council's about twenty five hundred dollars a year per child december, after realise those gorge teaches that obsolete. I try to figure out what's what's the best option? to be more financially prudent, far family feature: ok, that's great! It's a great question, so your wife teaching in the county over and so you're. Just going to clarify my. I got that question correct that that's it. I decided at once. We get to babysits four five and six: should we just go ahead? A move or pay off our house in full in the county, the Turin
yeah, so we want to determine whether it will pay off here before moving or if they have enough to move. Where we go out with all the prerequisites. Twenty percent down yeah Do your very stern all that quick question the benefit of moving the kids to the new school just suggest to be in the same school. Is mom or is it a better school district, better schools? So what kind of on the outskirts of the town warner, robins of the greater area in the house and counties the county that it's in my but we're we're literally like a mile from the border of house and county so, but where we just happen to not be a part of it, I probably would then I'd once you get to baby steps for five and six. I continue to pay extra towards the morgue just like you normally would because it still savings account and when you get, ready to move and you sell your home and you receive the equity. That would be you on payment on your next time, That's probably what I would do. Yeah payments as our
Instead, you do. You guys have to pay off we were about one hundred and thirty thousand and that we make a hundred people here, How have you guys mapped out the timeline on when you think you'll have paid off We currently looking at may appointed twenty six. I actually about this. are a side hustle with a friend of mine. Doing development and software development are good for you and hopes to kind of make some extra money to get this done. Quick, ok, but that has the kids in that school for two more years, do you want to move sooner than that workable in school, yet or only child currently is about to be two and then we have one on the way to do it. Now, you guys have some time. Okay, that's great yeah we'd have a band you're young younger. Only child right now will not even start for at least three years. So, by the time we get where he's starting school, we won't it will be done out of consumer debt got
just trying to figure out how much time do it yourself, yeah yeah, I well, I would definitely still be putting money towards paying if your house, just like jade, said and then you guys get to the point. They you're grey, we're gonna move for schools, you start! Looking at it when you sell your house, all that equity can roll down into a down payment, and you may have to still take out a small mortgage save your house's paid off realise currently are which apply, won't, be began, that's what I would do just like Jane said: it's kind of a forced, yeah saving you're, not losing anything. By doing that, you not. So what are you doing? What it was all in it? So I guess I was really are our biggest thing: was it it when we do decided It would be worth five thousand dollars a year. a move and you to a new mortgage versus just game. Now wait a year. What's the matter
thousand dollars a year. I am I have to for the kids going out of district. I see so here's the question you already answered one power. One part of this is the school system's better, where your wife teaches and that's better for the kids. Presumably yes, you check that box yet alright. So the question is: if school system that you'd? Why, teachers in that you want to send the kids too, was in the same place your house was, would you be moving houses, yeah I mean I would would yeah what's up Well? No at least we were meeting you in the house yeah so which is more important to you. Staying in the house that you're in now that it's paid off or it will be paid off or saving the five thousand dollars living Different house with the kids are in the district cause. I think that becomes the ultimate question on me. I'd pay the five thousand a year. If I really love the house yeah, that's because now I get the best of both worlds. So what what's? warranty, what's the most important, the house or the kids in the school district, gradually arabic broken out,
How should be goes were were the only then we moved into this house when we we believed used usb a and didn't have any boundaries at the time now. We have to know about smart by, so here's eating that's a line on him for you now when the king from school, thousand dollars. That's your line item in early, many five hundred at first right for one calves, corona It became evident managers and they were all here we're all parents here. Can you have older kids than us, but also kyle, my kids, that their own public school and I will say one of the gifts of. that we have found is at all the kids, are zones for that school, far elementary school for the middle school in high school in surrounding areas all my kids friends, all live in the neighborhood next to us in all of its there's, like a community that millions, I could see you guys when they enter. You know maybe elementary score to be like us. We, when we put
have this community, and at that point that's another value that very good point to add, and then we do want to move. For that reason. So even your reasons for, for you know, maybe you're good to stay in the house you're in till they're in second grade third grade, then- maybe maybe not always- maybe you guys feel like. Oh my gosh. We want to be part of that community because your kids are in private school, so they're, friends be scattered, You are right but they're in private schools close by anyone believe how many kids they went to public school with an elementary school and middle school, they? Ok, I just saw rachel, makes rigour. Point your point on this real quick question they are the neighborhoods better under the school system, is better makes me believe that maybe the neighborhoods or better in this other is that true or false, oh yeah, I said: You can look this up, google, this! I won't eat up any time on this, but there is Full data out there and it's why we moved into the neighborhood that stacey and I moved in two years ago, and it was a bit of a stretch for us. We sacrifice in other areas to be able to do it, but there's
out there that the nice or the neighborhood, the wealthier, the people. more successful people, and that is up really helping your kids long term relationships the around other successful families there some. two that's not guarantee some silver bullet, don't read too much into that there's something to be said not just from what rachel said from a community standpoint, but also the relationships and how it codes for their future. You they become good friend good families, that really helps long term in their career. They ve dave map the stuff out, so I would think about that as well. Yeah in our in our churches is on that side of town as well, so we were getting closer Every penny. They really the goal, that's kind of where we're where we're going to go there, but paying the house off like jade said still. The right plan gives you more options sounds like you're heading in that direction. At some point, yeah, maybe of over years codified, the longer term. This is for you guys often you'll do in the next year or two. But may I think it's a great guy.
We have an end again not to keep on this point, but so once an hour when our daughter sorted kindergarten. We knew where we, where we had five Here's to say: ok, where we are all was to be in this. Part of the county oliver and we started saving in that was our five, your goal and we made it happened, which is awesome so again, I think those goals for your family kyle, as is huge and all of you listening and watching that to just be you think it yourself, it's not just the money, peace which is important. We wanna be wise about that, but the whole sick view of you and your family units who I think has issued sub thanks for the call kyle. Thank you can for joining us. This always took off always a pleasure. I want you to marry. Her evenings issue can keep in the world a floats. We appreciate by the word by rachel's new book, I'm glad for what I have monies, not a math problem by jade warsaw by their books of energy solutions die. You can go now think so behind can we'll be back
pay if you're planning ahead and already starting to think about christmas presents number one. You are my people and number two I've got a good idea for you. What if you skip the scented candles and matching pajamas and instead gave a guy that can change lives, the gift the keeps on given I'm talking about, and every dollar gift card for forty, nine. Ninety nine you can give loved ones and entire year of premium budgeting features that will help them take money stress to the curb just had to every dollar dot com, slash store to get the deal that every dollar dot com slashed store. And so I am rachel cruze hosting this hour- our jade warshaw shock college a blade. Eighty five, five, two to five, it's a free call anywhere in the country and I always feel like jade, the the weak, the weak.
thanksgiving obviously brings a lot of gratitude and also a lot of shopping. That's right! Black Friday is a real shopping day, and I think it really can be to your advantage. If you don't get taken carried away with this. Fine some deals for christmas. I know I have amazon alerts that are gonna, be hitting gap for some giff, so you can take advantage of that and also if you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash store our black friday sale is going on. So we have great gifts, meaningful gifts for your friends and family as low as eight dollars. There's audio gift cards. for as low as eight dollars, better selling books like now yourself. No, your money, my it'll in an dave's book. The tone money may cover babysits millionaires on your past change, your future by doktor John bologna as low as ten dollars, wow and financial peace universities, the lowest price of the year at fifty nine. Ninety nine, my wallets are out. Actually, we have a color
and camel brown, black and champagne, and that are going on sale just for this week. Specifically so so maybe we ask about my wallet we go on sale, they usually don't, but we're doing it for black friday so make sure that out so go to ramsey solutions. Dot, com, slash store and you can pick up- also jade presale of jades new quickly, monies, not a math problem, so again lots I'm goin on here earlier that the solutions we are here in the festivities, black friday, so take advantage of these deals, get some great, meaningful gifts again for your friends and family Ramsay solutions outcome, slash store, I'm next. We have alex in Houston, texas, hey Alex, welcomes the show europe during aerial we're doing great. How can we help or so to forms of debt? Unfortunately, idea was carved connote to do it alone and
ere, the number. So basically I make of forty six fifty fifty two, which is forty one, seven net at the moment saving I actually have eighteen thousand dollars saved up but for your alarm urban trying to save them as much as possible. So my question is ok. Do I, and others is kind of a big deal Why do I knock out the car? If I have seventeen, nine loved ones, Doubtless due allowance? What do you have it? basically, two thousand. You know I would probably go ahead. While we teach the debt snowball workers, your lowest amount, so honestly alex, I would go out and just knock out the student loan debt get rid of that and then, if you have your emergency funds of a thousand, Restart emergency funds, you're gonna, bring
Eighteen again, all the way down to a thousand so you'll, throw seven eel thorough. Twelve at the suit along at a paid off you'll have five thousand left wing. which means you only have we broke. I guess a close to twelve thirteen thousand left to knock out on the car. so I will would guiding just get the soon loan done and then start chipping away at the car next, so who also till we blue book I did so and get it like. I could talk dirty, get you get thirteen out of it, so play into an hour like you could sell the car for what sorry I could sell them. terrible butter, and I were thirteen three thirteen Oh no! I button because you're still underwater yeah yeah, I will keep the car. that's not it fund. An extreme amount boy, you're kind of get? If you didn't have this eighteen K saved, it would look a lot different, but with that money, yeah yeah
the outer this in no time cheat malino call very quickly so they're, not just through the mounds and then throw the five thousand at the carpet. and then just how about one thousand served up by god knows exactly gap. That's exactly what we would do. That's great like some really I'm guy in just the and what's what I love about the idea of just the debts, nabon working this plan is that even though you saved eighteen thousand, which is incredible I don't know. If you had a goal you are saving for, but the idea you know a lotta people are just like. I just know I need to put savings away and it's candidates like nebulous idea and so there's something about having that more focused goal of looking at that car and saying you know what wonder what do we say? She ear europe like thirteen down left on it, and tibet recreate thirteen thousand. In all events, there there's like an actual number two. It there's something really motivating about that Alex. I would encourage you, you know it
can bring in an extra thousand dollars a month inside hustles, eight hundred dollars, heck yeah work, a couple nights, maybe some weekends and just pickups it up for a short period of time throw a lot at that thirteen thousand and get it knocked out really quickly. So again, this idea of putting money too, that spy upping some income cutting expenses I think, you're right alexander urine do awesome, say up get ida, student long paid off by dinner tonight come on now get it out at our next. Heidi and Houston, texas, hey Heidi, welcome to the show. I think whatever you might call absolutely. How can I help. so my husband and I recently started looking upon gas and we are looking at our first house and have them questions on so are currently not free and we ve been saving per down payment and we ve been.
Content for a few years and finally found a house that we both really love, and we were actually thinking about putting an offer on it today, as we'd been looking at our budget a lot and talking about it a lot and looking at the money that we would need up front, and we had a question about the recommendation that you have for the house payment to be under twenty five percent of your take home pay. Specifically, ah we're wondering if you he could taxes and insurance and that twenty five percent, or just the principal one interest and I'm kind of tagging For that also would you the fifteen per in that year of your household income, at your specific, invest in requirement before you take the twenty five first, of your take home pay or would that be gonna score questions hiding great questions. So so no you would. You would include that fifteen percent- you just look at your entire- take home pay that hits that
in count that, in that would include investing right like It- would be that entire number. So you would not exclude fifteen per cent and then look at that amount. As your twenty five per cent know, you would look at your entire come pay, so that is the good news and bad news as yes, we do include tackling. Insurance and that twenty five percent- and not to be. I kind of one had something else to have you guys picture house yet like you? and of no. This is what we're thinking of you and so we actually I'm near thinking about putting in an offer on a specific song today, actually that I'm there I'm we're pretty confident that we'd be able to get. We were going to make the offer in a couple of hours here, yeah I'm excited yeah. We do have a specific house in mind or with like a specific Isn't everything so good that I always did I tell people the first time salmon. I bought a house. I was shook by
really the cask sounds like we ve got our down payment. That's it! That's all we need and then heidi. I was Oh wait a minute, there's the down payment and when we I put the over and they were like. What's your earnest money that you're going to put down- and I was like earnest money- what's that and then they were like, then there's closing costs in some of those, we had a pocket, unlike closing cause, and then there is the inspection and the appraisal and they're all these things that I was like. I I, Didn't know, and luckily we had extra money set aside, but I always like to sell people hate me. Prepared. I always say when you go to buy a house come in with a stacked deck, and I say this payment for de earnest money for e commerce, cost foresee, and then the k consider things such inspection, all those things, appraisals, so just I'm going in actually have created a very large frenzy and included all those eyes on
I didn't do it. I'm included all of those things down payment causing cause prepared cause infection. Let's go on the ranch. Get otmar apartment in the next few months are moving ex ante. Is my husband actually has a point. on pay that we're trying to Can you want from a previous job- and we d like to do that this year than for an alarm income on tax bracket
if you yourself, I've included that I have everything I can think of that amazing. Well done heidi! Well done I mean that's, that's incredible designer right there in the diligence of it. I am so excited for you guys. I really am. Thank you. You have your focus, you said you're a new listener, but you are doing all the right things and, being so wise with a purchase like a house cause it's the largest purchase and we want to be a blessing and not occur so we're excited for you, heidi. I have all the numbers work out and you guys get the house that you want thanks, jade for being a great co host thanks everyone in the booth and thank you america for listening. This is the ramsey show
the headquarters of ramsey solutions. It's the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create amazing relationships. I am ramsey personality rachel cruze hosting this hour with good friends, ramsey personality jade of shock and we're here to answer your questions. It's a free call anywhere in the country at triple eight, two five by the two to five percent, but got shit. I am in the unix arizona I shall end welcomes the show. gray. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for taking my call and fangirling a little better, now or so glad you're here. How can we help, and so I, it feels super bowl over overwhelmed with money. I feel behind. My aim are registered nurse had their on for about a year and a half, and I currently make around seventy five thousand dollars a year, but not my take home. I take him about work here. Man
and I have about ninety k in there and I still want to go back to school. To be able to increase my income go under for advice, I'm and some reassurance on one ngo, my baby, I have ok savings, do you have. right now. Tween, I repaying like all my arm and black man's. In my work. I am just everything I have about. Sixty thousand how much is a non retirement I have already, now, then, in a high yield and about two thousand and just like individual investments. Okay and just investments What I am your do, an awesome, I mean you got forty two thousand horse saved. That's that's excellent, its impressive, very impressed
I also wanted to known of yours. I also wanted to know if your currently investing still Yes, I am from my fourth or their work. I have witnessed I'm going to mine for that account. All right, so I your programme, like for we have to say I know, there's a lot of that security field fills dressed in anxious and overwhelmed. I think that anxiety is just knowing you have this ninety thousand dollars of debt. The looming ends the way I feel like. Maybe you ve combated. That is just a kind of put some savings to this it's a kind of make. You feel ok, but yet it's not the problem isn't going away, because the problem is a lack of savings. The problem is this debts that Hang of your head? That's preventing you from moving forward in going to school, it's preventing all of the staff and so
We always say cheyenne around here that if you're not happy with your currents financial picture, that means you can't keep doing what you been doing. You have to do something difference and it's gonna be uncomfortable. Change is not fun, and so looking at money and acting differently with your money is going to get a different result, and I would bet because we have so proof of literally millions of people that have done this, that there is a different way and not that what you ve done is wrong me. You have saved and you ve done a really great job, but I think there's a couple of things that you could change here and it's gonna feel uncomfortable, but I It's gonna make a big difference in this picture. Cheyenne. Are you ready? Jane you and drop the ball back. Like a drop the hammer first things. First, I would pause investing because you were like, I make seventy five thousand in you said yourself. I make seventy five thousand, but I only taken for K, which means youth
he'll that twelve percent leaving each month and you feeling I've, because you know there's this debt there right. So I would temporarily pause the twelve percent get that money coming back into your hands and then I would take that along with my forty thousand in savings. I keep a thousand aside because you just need a start or emergency fund just a little cushion their side. take thirty nine thousand of it along with. to kay that I have sitting there. So now you got forty one thousand and I'd put it. this ninety thousand dollars of debt- and I knock that back now, you're looking at you know, a little under fifty and I would then because you ve got this topic back in your back working for you. I would just keep going strong and just pounds dead until it's gone now next question to you is: what kind of time do you have? we working overtime.
right now I dont have a hard time. I worked at three a twelve hour shift a week. I work and extra day up. at a different job. I just it on, and I'm still finishing my mouth and I'm in january by have clinical rotations on indifferent day and online school? You kind of you kind of hate, your max at time. The look I look. I I get it. There are times where you get to this equation in your letter, right, I'm! putting as much time and effort as I can and when it gets to that you just gotta right the worse across the finish line, and no Ok! This is the margin. I have and I've just at that wait, I'm just locked into my time line- and I know I've done the math at this point on this date. I will be debt free, and so If you dont have every dollar I'm austin pick up and make sure you get every door, because I want to make sure you plug these there's an because with every dollar you can literally go in and say: ok, Here's a numbers on working with. If I do this certain amount by this,
civic date, I will be that free and then, by this specific date. I will be able to build back up my savings in them by this decent. I'm saying yes shy and when are you done with you said you have you still during your masters? When are you done with school yeah, I'm done on mid january to carry you pick up on like that. You should look at I heard and that extra job you're taking me that you have done you do, I'm sure he did a price comparison versus working overtime with your full time. Job verses, this new to have more I get paid more perfect. Awesome awesome well done great fun, yeah, and so I have a follow up. Question yeah sure on that, for the time being, I'm investment, I still keep the match at work. Resigned. I would not. I would because here's the thing you're gonna beat I'll be out of debt very quickly. If you you the prescription that we just wrote you you're gonna, be out of debt, let's see that leaves you with forty eight left could
live on half of your income, yeah, ok, when you're out a dead in a year a year and a couple of months maximum and then, when you're out of debt, you're gonna build, up your savings or whatever. you think is you know, forded, three billion! If my area within area you're gonna, build that back up, and then europe, to be able to invest fifteen percent and then at that point and when I would start saving up their cash. If you want to go back to school and here's the wild, I felt sometimes- and it's not always the case, but sometimes we do find that p, Ok, I want to go back to school this business and a lot of you will just make the decision today, regardless of their money and they go into debt and they do it versus is having a little patient a little bit of patients and you may look up so I am not saying this is the case. You could look up in you're from now start saving in any event. You know why I have no doubt
funding my retirement, I have savings in the bank. You're gonna be in a completely different place emotionally with money, and that point- and you may say I think, I'm I think I'm gonna work towards a doubt. You don't pay up my house or a down payment to keep moving off. My financial goals could career wise. I feel settled in fact now you may not, you may say: hey I'm going to spend another year saving to pay my way through school, which is great too, but but you never know, but that that's the beauty of saving and that delayed gratification is your. Is your choices, change your options, change and your desires change, and so you actually let time do it's work versus making an incense decision going into debt and you're stuck in this path. So that's one reason: we love the idea of saving up paying for things because it puts unlike breathing room and through equation thanks for calling cheyenne. This is the ramsey show guys, let's be honest, some things. You just stay in the nineties where they belong
boy bands and waking up at four a m to stand in line for black friday deals and that's why, for this entire week you get to skip the out and find new meaningful gifts for as low as eight dollars. An hour week, long black friday sail from popular two questions for humans. Conversation cards, you're gonna find some for everyone in your life, so high in sharp arranged solutions, dot, com, slash store for early access to our black friday sales, that's ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash store some of the comments on youtube? Jade, always kind of make me laugh with all the dynamics of the ramsey personalities cause sometimes like. I don't think rachel and KEN really get along too lonely seems, did not like jade or like there's these funny like predict our relationship, but I can tell you in good faith, everyone we genuinely enjoy each other or us we're gonna have a christmas party with just us, and our spouses come up again
how's like we're, I'm fun, yes right. So we love the people we work with, and you know who we love is sweet, george camel yeah, we love or george camel, and if you know how you love, how he actually co host smart, many happy hour with george and you ask has a brand new book coming out in january, called breaking free from broke, seek and pre order today, for only twenty dollars, you get a hundred hundred dollars a free items, so this is instant as to georgia's newest tie. Show me the money than exclusive access to an online. preview, private events in cuba with george the e book, the audio book there so much there and even includes three months of every dollar premium up that ireland? Ok, that's worth even pre, or did that every hour premium. It's amazing, so george, just a great job- I mean, if you listen to hear him here on ceremony, happy hour or the ramsay, shall you know that he brings humor brings facts and the way he looks at money has it it's such a great things
exposes, so many they react It's very he's like yet is that an arch, his parents? We met them earlier in the right. Are we ve known now? We ve got to see them down from Boston. say: go to ramsay solutions. Outcomes are store and pre order. George camels new book breaking free from birth, we love ariel Sharon's happy thanksgiving, happy thanksgiving, all right, let's go You, the phones, it's gotta, call and net this tennessee hey, call welcome to the show do you like all absolutely? How can we help you're, so I'm twenty years old on active military now so make about fifty thousand here I am in a position where we have a lot of expenses after, like all and soon I just like two thousand every month outside the samara need, I do have twenty three thousand dollars in student loans. Armor! about four thousand saved up to them. I didn't
like seventeen under a month toward them but now, in a situation where I've, unreliable car car ac, doesn't work in mississippi and engines, gonna. Now, working well and how to repair it, and I want to get one by spring when it starts to get hot and get a new car that I'm not driving around with no ac yeah but I want a reliable and obviously I have enough saved up the by like a new car cash, but on a one of you know, go with another The anchor sums that will show how to allocate that two thousand and seven for a car and soon learned and if I should buy a new each car, ok yeah. If you were to Kelly blue book, your car right now, Do you have any idea what you get for? It? Are you ok, twelve hundred two hundred, I perfect,
ok, so we always talk about call. Your four walls are, you gonna, make sure covered, which is food, shelter, utilities and transportation, and that transportation is a reliable car now, yeah, the ac, doesn't work on the agenda in an antenna, see he come over here and you don't want that. I'm totally understand that tolerance, and so what I would do is. I would put some money aside if you're here able to save six you're able to save too thousand dollars a month, you said after fences and everything which is which is incredible and so I may, I would shoot to try to have maybe Six grandsire steer sixty eight grounds say and so that's gonna take you. You know three forms to be able to save that, and so that gets you into what a march April, which with whether wise is still yak assemblies already got the for K saved. Yes, so that's right, that's right
I I'm trying to do two things at once here, which I know we don't always recommend, but knowing that your grant to replace your car, it is it's a needed expense, so you won't be able to save for that. But I I also want you to start chipping away at the student loans apathy rhyme or what you could do, you could go thou or you could say: ok, I've got four thousand dollar saved on next month. When I get paid in december, have a newt another two thousand dollars, but with that and what, if you just plus the money from selling the car so that six yet haven't seventh. And two hundred. So what have you said? Ok, I'm but thousand now, as my starter emergency fund and then I'm gonna, just six thousand two hundred dollars, I'm gonna, get new car in knowing that in january, that starts, might baby step to debt, no ball payment and assume, I'm done paying off my debt. If I'd like to put a little bit more to upgrade, you can do that. Because you had. I am you like certain
so you say getting you gonna get like pay cash or you want. Oh, yes, now to get a new one now in december. I would take in december when you get your next paycheck. As you said, oh, I have two thousand left every check and margin science, number when you get paid. I take your two thousand. Of margin. I'd add it to your thousand that you have saved, then I'd seldom are that you have I'd, get about thousand bucks for it, like you said, and so what that leave you with four five: seven thousand dollars in the night. Keep aside one thousand just as a safety net and I'd by myself. six thousand dollar car now I heard you earlier when you said I. Wanna buy another junker, and I get that this is done a temporary. I just want you the situation. We are driving something the engines are crazy there, I am, I mean yeah the basics and then you're gonna, take in starting in january or like okay, now starts my student loan. Payment deal and I'm gonna put two thousand and I'm gonna be done with it by the end of the year. So this time next december you're gonna be like all right. I'm done. I can start upgrading my car if I'd like to or if I
this carstone do and welfare. I'll start building up my emergency fund, so you've got options. Yeah and call I mean with this math right now you could be. You could have a new six or a new to new use new to you car in january. Your student loan paid off by this time next year and Think that when you can start getting that traction, you may find yourself being like. Oh my gosh, ok a few nights a week, I'm gonna work extra and try to get even that paid off by october of this year I even shaving a month or two off. Your time line in your car at the time of the motivator daylight, where I want to get rid of the suit alone debts. I can save some more cash in the great thing, Six thousand dollar cars are really doesn't, go that much further down and now you, and so it hits gone yeah you're pretty much at the bottom of it, which is great I can keep stepping up in car that way, so that that is for sure what we recommend do not go get a brand new car one with a car loan. This is the this is the slower process in way call, but this he's gonna, give you a lot more freedom, a lot less
stress when you do things with cash. So thanks so much for your service call we I appreciate you yeah you mentioned earlier, and I think the coals situation It is amazing to me when you can be intentional with with every single dollar- and I love that call it cause. This doesn't always happen when people were he's, like I just happen to have two thousand dollars a month like he doesn't have a lot of expenses, which is such a gift, and you want to take advantage of that button, but having best for your money. That's one reason: we'd love every dollar or budgeting up and being so specific you guys the budgeting that idea I love it Jane. I know you love and love. Is that you and I we we he found over because there is a a fan national principle. You guys with your money is that you have to be intentional, so whether you're living paycheck to pay check or whether you are in coal situation. You got to grants every month that you, It happened to have that such as kind
their stay in the cycle of hiv paycheck or that two thousand, if you're not intentional with it, it starts to dwindle away and being so specific with every single. All that you have is so to winning and all of you that our new listening to the show or watching the show. This is a crucial, crucial part your financial picture as budgeting, so you have not downloaded every dollar download every dollar up, great, even too, premium version because it connect to your bank, there's paycheck planning to so many so many other features, but getting this radon. That's right, you agree, I think, and even going into holidays with with shopping and everything you guys. This is the way to get control of your money. Is the budget items Think- and I I tell people all the time we have the free version of every dollar which, if you're If you love hands on and you love really having your hands in every piece of it, then free version scream Are you but the premium to me? It has these two key factors that so many people miss when it comes to budgeting there, like dude, I'm doing a budget wise, stone, working, I'm like you're, probably not planning your page.
Yeah, but you know exactly when to spend the money. You budgeted for in the premium version. Does that answer that automatic transaction tracking that is critical. You must track transactions each day otherwise you're not going to win with your budget, and so every dollar premium provides that, and that is the key. That's what you need the episode download the app or go to every dollar dot com and get started you guys. We want you guys to win and be intentional, whether you're cole, with two thousand dollars a month or you're living paycheck to paycheck a budget is something that is going to help you as a tool and a habit. That's going to help.
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Amazing, you re wearing that it where you guys from work Essential is okay, so allay a so how much debt have you guys paid off? didn't thirty nine thousand dollars. Why? Oh, my gosh, and how much time thirty six six months waking making what kind of income we stir it off at a hundred and thirty one thousand two hundred and seventy dollars to jobs and inside gigs, ok ah, we ended at a hunter. and twenty seven thousand four hundred and eighty six dollars. Okay and dumb art income. Just recently boosted, it did. So, where does make it now again one. Ninety three was a gambler, no side gigs and soon we are looking at thirty four thousand between raised between between the two so well over. Two hundred thousand you ve gotta, do where
school social workers, fundamental health in the school settings two. It just recently got my grasp go degree. Actually, during those thirty six months we cash flowed my university wow. My guys, you guys incredible why what incredible work that you an incredible that you guys paid off this amount of debts or a hundred and thirty nine now, so what all? What kind of debt was it? we were pretty normal person allowance title alone, payday loan yeah are alone leases releases. Nor did it all everything did it Ok, what happened? We loan Sarajevo, as so what happened thirty six months ago that made you say what are we doing well, yeah. We had a mess so much dead and at that time
we had a move back and when my parents- and we were married and moving back and when my parents and really were okay well, something gotta give enough is enough and Actually, it was during college. I met you asked me to mine. Her husband is a pastor and actually hosted a s f p, you so sure, to really rodriguez of news that each has to rudy and his wife christine, and so we got started with p you we did the yeah. What do you call it? The plastic to me as plastic surgery, credit card, yeah, that's and then we opened up about finances because I think that something that's really important in a marriage trade among people don't have shared finances. We ve been learning little by little and yeah. We just opened up and that we started budgeting and we just babies that one got that thousand dollars and then we went
Why would they baby step to so inquiring minds want to know what was it like? you, because you say we opened up, we open what was it like when you opened up and started combining your finances like be real, it was Chile wasn't too bad. It was about me get. You know, really you'll and shame I actually when we I just started eating I kind of kept it from him cause. I brought the bulk of the debt into the marriage and I just uh ha There was a lot of shame and go. I made a lot of poor decisions and he is amazed. and he was very supportive, and I eventually opened up and you like, like? I got you like we're gonna, do this together, so Really helped us to collapse. Will into paying this off. We we really combined and comes once we got married, pre marriage
counseling and our marriage retreat help. Then, as the vows like just really adhering to those really helped us so wow we're here plus, I saw the potential in my wife. She was great since for even leave, and starting on now choose great as we like you know what best my first that we are so great. Is you guys? I mean a hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars is no joke. we're not talking about thirty thousand dollars of debt and one hundred and thirty nine thousand. So what all did you do and you guys are you guys work with. Health is full district, but you must have picked up. Some side, hustles and all of it so tell us your workload. I know it was alive. Oh yeah and uber eats postmates. Teetering That's the poor night shifts units. Are you
desktop support on the side, though, before I started mental health care? I just recently started like like this year. I used to do a desktop support for aerospace company, but then on the side. I would like Hell be my friend set up is dj wow, meaning in everything else. Yes, germany hours, would you say at the most, because what we do people who say: hey do some side hustles and all this lives and something about all gosh. What you guys are the prime mix? bull of go and beg or going home. So how? What would like at the highest point, how many hours reworking probably about right you're. Seventy privatized three five and evenly yes, it's this miss right because what it takes and not Your shirt has dried out of every five years ago, when we're not saying to work. Seventy hours a week for your life, not not sustainable but for
season and probably wasn't even that for thirty six months right, but at the peak get out was that was the most of us? Oh, my god. What guys are your incredible? I gotta know cause my husband and I we did this. Beside hustle thing. Think there's always one that you hate right. There's someone that you're like now, I gotta do it well is the one that you are like. I, when I let this one go. I am free. I got when this was a friend does support It was a friday, Saturday sunday, I love my am ninety five, my salary job and I would be miserable. I hated it. Nearly we had to do it and order to to move forward. I remember is that take her and pick her up every night justice also we made this evening, but I hear you hear now: how does it feel? How does it feel to be completely deaf free me I mean we can pay
for a nashville trip, and yes, yes, I I just it's just freeing it's so peaceful and them such an accomplishment like feels like you're being choke com. Only by now, you can breathe again so glad you guys. So what would you say? The key to getting out of tat is definitely a lot of love and communication and empathy and understanding so girls. You guys know if you have anything. I agree: education. Healthcare are working together as a married couple. Economically, I'm your point earlier. It is. It is so crucial, so important. Ok, so you guys you're incredible! I'm proud of you! absolutely amazing? You are the prime example of what it looks like to sacrifice to come up against numbers like this, a hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars in paying it often thirty
mindful absolutely incredible, so edwin and carlo well diamond, and give you the live and give bundle to be able to take some of that home with you. You can give some away and we are so excited to sell. Right with you, so we have edwin karla from los angeles who pay up a hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars and thirty six months making during thirty one thousand to one twenty seven during this journey counter down. Let's hear your debt free scream, one too. Three where they think they are only really how incredible so good I mean that's it jane and in So I'm just like you can't, and no people have different worries different life circumstances by the end of the day, if you can
I used to do it and for thirty six months you and sam are proof of that. Edwin and Carla. Carla are absolutely incredible. Absolutely incredible. We are cheering them on and we're cheering all of you on if you're listening or watching this- and you think I dunno- if I can do that, you can look at them as examples to say it's possible. We see it everyday, it is possible. This is the ramsey show our scripture the day comes from some eighty six. Eleven teach me your way. Lord said I may rely on your faithfulness. Give me an undivided hearts that I may fear your name. Serena Williams said I am lucky that whatever fear I haven't sight of me, my desire to win is always stronger. That's window! so good, oh, my god There is real, I mean all of it. There is the fear of chain, of doing something new. Whatever is in front of
You think you are my cautious as possible the desire to win it stronger love it I love it's all right. Next week joanne and new jersey. I joanne welcome to the show. Hi. How are you doing? Well? How can we help Now with my my family and I are facing an eerie issue, my then on a commercial basis, a small business with trucks and where were actually bathing reprocessing and right now are income is not bringing an end to cover the cost of a path. I can't I'm right now, london school. He right now we were depending on the income for the business as well as my part time. So I just wanted to know like what options do we have
You said trucks is their multiple trucks like what kind of businesses that it knows it's actually, one track: it's a commercial truck, okay, so the truck mit. So much work. Ok ends. You said: there's a pass. Do balance: what is the balance on the path to balancing about sixteen thousand ends? I'm just trying to get to the root of the problem. What has caused? What has caused it to get to that point? Is it he just not getting the work in order to bring in the money, or is that he's bringing in the money? But we ve got all these bills, and this is keeps getting pushed to the back of the line. Can you kind of lay out? it's been going on. Well, he did an injury arm in the beginning of the year I believe he was unable to drive bomb, even one their higher. Whatever happens, we we lost a lot
Are you might be lost last weird, we're not able cleared. I gave up on stole the truck around a little bit bill, though that's another issue worthy maybe they become behind. We actually had a job where we did not get paid, that about jobs which kind of better. Back to okay? So how long has it been where it's like? Basically theirs? money coming in he's not able to do the jobs you're in school? How long that, then, I believe, fix my ok and assist in the lab Ok, so right now you guys are in crisis mode, because it's kind of like I've. It feels like you guys we're like some things give here, something's gonna give here and it never did and so now you guys you guys. I gotta do some serious something serious here so
the charter is sixteen thousand dollars behind what what have they said like? When is the deadline of hey we're coming to get this thing. I believe that and the man they'll probably come pick. The truck fell, how much you guys I wanna join before bauer. I believe it's about. Seventy eight thousand! Ok- And, and coming up with the aim of this amount of money is there I mean whatever we can do for it not to be repossess, causing you just start from historical story. Yeah from scratch. Have looked into selling it. We ve tried selinger lombard again, that's that the options are very limited either. You know you don't have any fight any interest, or
We haven't had any luck with selling at all had hot. What have you got in? What has been your attempt to sell it. and my husband actually had it may have more detail than I do. I know I've. I've picked up some information from him haha, but I think he he acts family friends, I'm I think he's actually gone to several businesses and offers and to tell back no buyers. What is the amount that you guys are trying to sell it, for? I believe, the same amount that it better like this balance, which is about seventy, eight of them or what whatever were ok, here's. What I would do And you have no money sitting around nothing, you can sell nothing, you can do you have to two other vehicles or vehicle vehicles, wine, which I get to work and to school or
my regular activity, then for him to say: ok in what are those which are both of those worth. I'm just trying to get your numbers I would be maybe ten thousand he only to vehicle. and here's what here's what I was getting at was getting out a situation where maybe you get rid of one of the cars and use that keep the tree in operation and then over the few months you save up cash and by another we'll beater that one of you drives that's an option that you look into. I'm here older these cars that you have one together? fifteen and the other one other. Ok, so maybe it's being the two thousand sixteen and trying to do something like that maybe you have to ask your of how desperate you want to get to save this truck. Because part of me is like you haven't.
making any money on it for six to eight months in part of me wonders if it's the right business for you and honestly, I hate repose, because it's gonna jack, your credit is gonna. It's almost like a bankruptcy is gonna just thrown atom bomb on everything right, but at this time. I do think that you get to this point, where its unnecessary ending and you have to be like look this, not been profitable. This has not been fruitful for us for many reasons that you listed earlier and part of me go ahead, was gonna, say my aggression to sell it. I mean I feel, like that's going to be the the best and so innocent, just friends and family Joanna mean think this is calling companies. cross aggravated you'll drive it to a different states. Having like again, it is putting the the work in the sweat and tears into getting this thing sold. I think, as it's gonna, that's really the only big things I mean even with these. Harsh jade, but if they can drop the price it bacon cell yet of their cars yet and drop their prey
my tenth up like sell it at deal. Yes and you guys are taking the hit I be trying to make that dog hut until the day they buy it from my fingers. Ass right, ashley exact. Owe that to me, that's the in plain is what can I sell to put with this so that I can sell this get this court this fraud, even if its old at a premium, sixty eight thousand dollars take the ten thousand of your primary car just to cover all the All of that, and then you start working to pay off that sixteen thousand that's a work to get a new car and you guys to start over verses. This asset just being completely taken away- and, I could say, said It takes such a deal on your credit, so yeah joanne. If I were you guys and safe, even if you, if they hold off three possession to the end of the year They can you have no more time that going to be the thing and again the urgency that hasn't may have been there, and I want to put words in your mouth but to jades point. of it being six to eight months that lack of urgency at its gets caught up to you.
caught up to rise and said there needs to be these extreme things that happen again. That is, that is fine. in that, finding a buyer that that would be my number one goal and yes, and even for you guys joanne I mean I: will there there's even that man. You may want to think about for yourself, pausing school. I agree for where you are and getting a job in just giving you guys in a place where money is not just like sucking up that review. We just had a jeffrey scream on the stage earlier in, and he said it felt like a chokehold around me and are enjoying a fact that that's where you guys are it's like it is like the world just keeps is against you and man like decision after incision. Nothing is going right and you need things to start going right, but that means there's gotta We change in your life for that to happen, and it may be uncomfortable to do things like pausing school to get a job but getting the money. The cash flow in finding a seller for their setting. There's a couple of big changes that really are
possible. I mean. I don't think that this is an impossible scenario, but it's going to take a lot of work and some creativity to to to be able to navigate it's gonna yeah that yeah You can't get past the discomfort like its uncomfortable at their in this situation by it
I'd rather be I'd rather make myself uncomfortable in other ways to get out of it. Yet I can write more fruitful for sure gap. Biological Joanne. Thank you so much. Thank you jane for another great, our thanks to every one of them boosts make. This should happen to think you, america, and remember, to take control of your money and create a life. You love
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-23.