« The Dave Ramsey Show

There Are No Shortcuts To Financial Freedom (Hour 3)


John Delony & George Kamel discuss:

  • The uncomfortable mindset shift needed to become debt free,
  • How to handle vacations that you agreed to before starting the Baby Steps,
  • Why the return on investment on solar panels is so difficult,
  • How to determine if a job offer is a right for your family,
  • What to do when you don't feel supported by friends and family during your debt free journey,
  • Why cashing out retirement savings to pay off debt is a horrible plan,
  • How to challenge yourself to decrease your debt payoff timeline.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I Why is america this? Is the ramsay show broadcasting from the pods moving in storage studios here in nashville tennessee? This is where america hangs out to have a conversation about your money, your life, your relationships, your mental health, your work, all whatever is going on in your life, we're here for you triple eight, eight to five five, Do five, I'm john d lonely joined here by my good friend george camel and were taken your call. the toll free call money.
If anything, you got going on a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: it's got jessica in huntsville alabama. What's up jessica, hey Georgia enjoyed also excited to talk to you guys. Are you calling to ask us who we think is going to win this weekend between alabama and uti? It's going to probably youtube go ahead. We already know who's going to win. Actually, oh okay, I see what we're doing here: On top of all? What's girl a ball back in sport? jessica, get hot. Let's make you really gets me. George has not you're talking about literally, I was, I believe, John knows that that so cool. He knows when the big games happening in belarus. What's a better effort at the sight of land corridor come now. Yes, this is when John coaches me up, and you told me to change oil on my tesla. Oh yeah, we ve done about the idea of having a show where I teach george, how to do things that most men already know how to do an ash, and I shall john how to get passes in securities
which are strong to quite strong. Yes, that that is going to be a huge, huge success. How can we actually be helpful today, jessica, yeah speaking of trexler? I'd, like you guys, just settle a marital discussion, yes and we weren't we're gonna, make two hundred thousand dollars the here and now nobody more next year or obeyed, two, and we have two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in london, are you a doctor? I know we're both master, not your trained nurses. So, and then we have our car there, both paid off were I will be eighty to ninety, both co no one is a tougher batch, should we allow our cars ok so mean on a financial like on paper there,
nothing wrong with you! Guys having ninety thousand dollars worth of cars when you make two hundred and is paid for and so selling one of these cars doesn't free up When a will accelerate your debt free journey, but there's no reason you guys can't be debt free within two or three years completely. Even this level of debt, so the question is that if you want to sell one cause, you like, we don't really need we don't love this car. Obviously you're going to sell the non tesla vehicle I met jessica listed. I know that not have probably will like. Why are you calling right now? I know, listen as somebody who's sitting next to george and I have a regular self esteem. I would sell both of these cars This is me out, so you don t like that I'd cell both of the cars I would by the two, ten thousand dollar cars, and I take the sixty to seventy thousand dollars and knock this debt out. Yet too much money to be this broke. The next three years is no reason to do it and you are faking
pseudo fantasy happiness by driving towards, every day in day out by tesla tomorrow. If I get a one, a love, em le monde literally jealous of georgia's car no kidding, but I am not there yet. and so I'm not gonna live in a fantasy world whilst or I'm gonna drive a seventy. Five thousand dollar car. When I saw the a mortgage- and it's not gonna, do it, and so I would sell both the cars and by two career as and let that be, the gas jet engine fuel that you need to get yourselves at a dead. That's it george, would I do that yet well, and I think that to johns point on paper, we're not gonna, yellow june, say: oh, my god, it's ridiculous! I just think It's gonna be a lot harder to pay off tuner twenty five thousand dollars and debt in two years, even making two hundred. If there is not some level of sacrifice yet We don't talk about us enough, George Jessica,
it's hard, there's an old adage and boxing. which is its hard on. You ve had your big payday when you're multi multi multi millionaire. It's really hard to get up at five, am and go for a run and jump rope and go to the gym and get punched in the face because you have a million dollars in your bank, account It is very hard to get going, Intense and pay off two hundred thousand dollars with the debt when your cruising tesla just is it really easy when you're driving in my o six tundra, that I love with all my heart and she is I'm duct tape. Other at this point It's really easy for me to get that mortgage paid off right to to grind and grind and grind, because I'm tired of driving the same yeah I get it back. Another reason I think thousand dollar emergency funding is so important because dimension and that you're working well yet like a little progress down to a thousand dollars in the emergency fund. Are you really doing this.
we know how much money have you guys we have, thousand dollars. Probably three times you are monthly budget were biweekly paid. So I keep my money for the next smiles and then pulled over and there's probably about two to three thousand hey? Are you guys here? I can have these now on us find he's doing any investing, rhino, ok, cool well. That should help. I mean making two hundred. The question is: how much of that can we throw the debt and it can sell one or both cars. How much faster is going to speed up the process, how many paychecks of work tales off warned that cover d. these cars, and so when you put it on paper Like that, it changes the conversation with with your husband when you go home This is seven months of boston or tails and weaken propel our job forward by selling these and theirs.
because, on the other side will always sell more cars, and we will continue to have an amazing income with no debt. George- and I talked about that on another show the other day, the more I'm around people who have signal. Get wealth, the more I realized they are spending their money on the single most precious resource on the planet in its time. So if you just do a simple time, calculation, what's gonna take how many months would it take us to pay off ninety thousand dollars a year, Those cars are worth nothing and then you look little kids. I hear the background and you say you know why Where will it cash out another year of your life living like this paycheck to paycheck pay paying off our debts? because we really love or fancy cars it, it's a no brainer and you get it. Story to tell your kids like we used to do he's fancy cars and we sold them so that we could become debt. Free is right, like mom, just passed a curious exactly no then further, if
yet. You have really well played your ear your time is not worth the car and in may. no mistakes? People are going to on the youtubes going to be like he's and sale you're, not nuts, I'm saying I'd buy tesla tomorrow. I'd buy struck tomorrow? I just have different calls in my goals, involve sleeping really well at night and not bringing about women, we're gonna food and not worried about the next fill in the blue. Right I'd rather not worry about those things, I'd rather by my time, Also tassels are going for insane amounts of money right now so good time to sell. You probably gonna, make more than you your purchase form guessing I got the same problem and I regard make a lot of three. Sweden has just go about a two thousand and eighteen.
Can't tell the difference between the two thousand and twenty to mother tee. My friend wrote to hear their team gangster. They all rachel accidently trying to break in my car the other day, and I was like I'm winning I'm waiting for she had no clear line was way older, good jobs, you gotta, be a comfortable gotta, be uncomfortable, get yourselves out of debt. It yourselves out of europe.
What is your boy? Take two five: five did you find? This is the reins. He show I'm john bologna joint here by george, camel, hey we're so abrading, the one year anniversary of borrowed futures launch by permitting the film on youtube That is a sentence that didn't exist several years ago, but I'm here we are premier, the film on youtube on Monday october, seventeenth, seven p m central with a watch party biofuel, I said that, like I'm a hundred and eleven years old they're gonna, throw a big who showdown, but we're gonna have a hoot nanny on listen
Our futures are award winning documentary that uncovers the dark side of the student loan industry. We believe every high schooler and parent of high schoolers should watch this film and my higher ed colleagues should watch his films. Well, so share this with someone. You know that needs it following the watch party. throw down on october. Seventeenth, you can view borrowed future on youtube for free on demand. Film is still available on amazon, prime video apple tv, Google play in ramsay solutions, dot com where you can rent it ad free. I can't you to disrupt the toxic stewed loan industry join us Monday night for our borrowed future watch party on the youtube's you can arrest. bp on the ramsay shows youtube channel for a reminder god, you michel in burlington coat factory vermont. What's up michelle. Good. How are you good? How are you. I'm doing I'm here, I'm letting a devastating
So, what's up, ok I'm on babies. That number two and I have three only two hundred and twenty two dollars of that laughed I ever so gloves to court, but before he started this journey, I agreed to go on a two week, pew part kind of kay and then the third eu jobs. I won't have pity appeal, so I started up with me got, jury is knocking off again and I have five. in three hundred and sixty two dollars in my savings, but every time I look. That ratio. I just kind of kills me that a camp hey it off for my doing the right thing. Ok, So you have, you agree to go. Vacation, hooja, greater unification with the first week of my trip to florida and then the second week it my friend bachelor party, which I'm in the water and combined. Those vacations gonna cost about five grand.
I also wonder think about. Like me, The expenses for the two weeks of work I'll be nothing you're, not getting paid for out of it so all that combined, it's five thousand bucks, I'm hoping to get another, I'm hoping to get it to six thousand just to be on the safe side, so a couple of things here. Number one You agree to this vacation family. You agreed to be in this in your friends wedding and then they laid all these expenses out and then you got a new job. Yeah. Ok, so As far as I'm concerned, you gotta job and that that life outside a vacation. So of my, I had a friend that was going to be in my wedding and He called and said. Dude I lost my other job and I laid off. I took a new job. I got no paid time off.
I'm not going to be able to come on the week long blow out. We were going to do I'd, be like oh, that's, a bummer dude and he would say I know man but I'll, be there for the wedding I'll be there for the rehearsal dinner, all that- and I would be completely fine with that and had a family event plant and my oh brother called and said hey, I got a new job, I'm not gonna, be all that make it we got started. I would say, dude congratulation. Look into new job said Just me so as far I am concerned. I don't have any problem with you reaching out to your family. It as an integrity choosing got a new job. I don't have time off. And a position right now to not get paid. The other side of that is every single one of my jobs, including the one I have now. I live my life with speed. I've been speaking at places for years, and so I've got things on the calendar for months six muslims, nine months in advance. Every single job I've had come in, saying have already got these things on the calendar is ok and
a single job. I've taken, they have been like absolutely no problem, come on it. So if you've done that already with your supervisor, sit down and say hey. I already had these on the calendar when I took this and I should have brought this up and I didn't, but if you think that would save conversation to have. I would try that too that way. You're, loser that money also. Did they do now. I hope these vacation per annum. giving you the time off but think I'm an hourly employees are just not paying you for it. Ok, yeah can you permission to choose and I get paid for doing Certainly there very ok I'll love. so what is it? What's? The hourly pay twenty five dollars now Ok, and when are these trips happening earthquake of november, all of it back to back yeah, basically fly out afforded arizona and you've already. The flights yeah is that part
this five thousand that you said I now want to consider the bread for yeah. Ok, oh Both the hotels and the flight you ve already paid for those we are still thinking. You're gonna need all that money. What are you spit? What're you gonna do pool, I don't. five leases enough. You for, I know I'm gonna wanna lake. Not gonna, see while nothing we're broke, know you don't your parole cunning. Your time is what they want. You don't have the money. They. you to shop around in a pool and throw around someone else can buy my screen. Yes, ok, If I'm an I'm in your shoes and all this is paid for, I'm gonna be dead free today today and I figured out how to go, spend time with my family without trying to buy their affection, and if you don't have the money, you just tell them. Sorry guys can't go out to eat tonight. Y'all y'all have fun and if they go hey, cover your meals, no big deal. We go. That's so nice
except the generosity and that's it and you take a flashlight and you take the kids out and you'll go catch, sand crabs and it will be the adventure of a lifetime and they won't remember the whirly gig bought them for fourteen dollars, but they will remember the time you got pinched on the fingering. You yelled the bad word and you ran around like, though remember those things figure that out that cool, yes You are broke and you're about to be debt free to do what are you doing in arizona? What do you have to pay for? Ah may I going out to dinner. I think Whenever we go out There's like a wine too, were so that stuff. I would be as concerned as you possibly can be on that and I would be really open. because these are your rider dies. These are your friends, your close to them. You'll love each other that yolland each other's weddings.
I will let them know. I am tired of being broke and I am get myself out of debt, and so I'm gonna come on the trip, I'm gonna have dinner, I'm not pitching on the ab on the appetizer this time, I'm drinking water, I'm going to be there, I'm going to lame. I know lame. I know I know Although the wine tasting of artes put in three hundred bucks, you that I'm gonna go to that, that's fine, but where I'm gonna, be smart about this and are going to use this as a time today go off the rails? Here's Y hear broke, you can't afford it and I I know I want to. I know, I'd I'd. I want it for you, but you're broke in future Michel is going to love present machine made these rights gone. Oh, my gosh, I just got back for the trip and I'm dead free, yes, got a new job and focus on building the emergency fund and live in my life and starting to invest and do all these things and you're not having to carry this debt around four. Who knows how much longer, because we
blue at all the nieces, nephews and wine tours think of future michel. Think of prayer, michel and future michel. Ah, here's. decline juice. built over resentment every time to give you feel over not buying a bunch of stuff, but a junk four kids that are to it's gonna be gone to be thrown away in the next two or three months anyway. Choose the gear. over the resentment of I don't wanna hang out with them, because I'm broke choosing built over telling your friend, hey, I'm not pitch in on this super atomic, what we are not I'm not doing the pedals ever in doubt now you just a wise decision, always always I'm not doing it. I don't want to be on a peddled average. Not do it.
Use guilt over the resentment you're, going to feel when you're sweating drinking whatever three yd beers. You've got and you're all annoyed that you didn't even want to do this. In the first place you sent everybody choose guilt over, resent choose it every time, she'd tweet that that's good! I didn't come up with it, so never mind hey. This is the ramsey show tripp lite? Eighty five, five, two, two five we'll be right back the
aaa, takes you five bob. Did you find this? Is the ramsay show? It's got you george temple florida was up george, French, taking the call you gotta, woodsman, pigeon, gonna, think you're going. if I'm on babies are two or three years? My situation, I have a house that I owe three hundred and seventy thousand on toward about, many fine and you're just me out by six months ago are aware, would build. Ashley are allowed to interfere with six hundred dollars for the mob, so investing in solar panels are so The panel loan is total, a hundred thousand with a three hundred and Why do six dollars a month on the whole
no pay much My question is: should I treat the solar panel payment? That was just kind of this would have, if would normally pay the utility company every month and not really consider at a dead end. focused more on putting off the house early boards. When I consider the solar panel payment, which again we'll hundred thousand on a consumer gap and trotted to off as quickly as possible. It's absolutely consumer debt. no six way have? Doesn't it weighs about it, and I did that wrong there? You know what I mean is not a debt I would choose. The word now. Listen. I've have a. I live out here in the woods and tennessee. I have a I've had an engineer come out and draw me out where the solar panels would be what they will cost, how they'll be installed. It's on my on my purchase list, I'm a fan of 'em, okay and but I think its honest at this point in the solar panel world,
to say used the word. Investment is a way you're trying to lessen the pain of a hundred thousand dollar consumer debt you just took on became so trade is a hundred thousand bucks. Yes, could be saving on your letter bill great. To look at his investment is not the right way to do it. I paid off as soon as possible before paying off mortgage, yes absent. Let me ask you one more question here. What is Interest on that loan? solar panel then point nine. Nine am crow I hope our mortgage is four point three, seven five, so my thought was well. If I pay the house, After you start throwing them out of the solar panels, but but what happens if you have a paid for house- and you owe seventy eight thousand dollars on your solar panels and you gotta, sell your house. What we saw how to loot? I also solar alone with now.
Other chalybeate alabama proceeds upside house always there when they sold. You want a hundred thousand dollars solar alone. What would you do that you lose? It was mine, like I said, our electric bill with six hundred dollars in one month and ox. You know we have all the installation, everything we had an energy audit. Everything was wage. Just lemme lemme the break this down for you from a break even analysis standpoint. So. trip bills high. You know it's obviously summer time, but now are heading in the winter. So what would you say? The average is that you average it out. course of a year. What would your bilby per month. Well, we ve been allowed for six months in the average has been over five hundred dollars. Ok, We haven't had a winter. There, though it's gonna go there. The answer is yes, the towards, let's say the average as four hundred bucks a month over the course of the year, That's forty eight hundred dollars a year.
you, took out a hundred thousand dollar alone with interest, let's just say a hundred thousand for easy numbers divide that by the forty eight hundred dollar you save a year, it's gonna, take you twenty one years to break even on this purchase Let game. Is it worth saving the five huh? six hundred dollars a month if it's gonna take twenty one year. How old are you, george you're gonna, be fifty six years old by the time this was a good purchase. and that's right about the time you'll be replacing the solar panels, four legs. If you still live there, the chances are your problem in a move in the next decade or so right. People move all the time. whose body are forever home there is deserving of animals and the other thing the house did not increase in value by a hundred thousand dollars. Did it.
Yeah, I was rhetorical, say illicit drug dont forget man. George drives attack. sir I've got solar panels mike you we're all about it. We just wages, want to be honest about what we were taught. I'm not I'm not trying to beat you up over this. I just I know it's easy to justify these things as you're. Looking at the electric bill, when you're angry going- oh my it's six hundred dollars a month I'll do anything to not pay this and by anything I mean go a hundred thousand dollars into debt to rid myself of this pain. So all to say, get rid of this data as soon as possible. There is no easy way to do it. It's on the house. Now we can't just. I wish he is the thirty day return window. He solar panels I'll be amazing no I'm sorry! I ones and I'm sorry, you gotta pay the price man, but just pay it off. Your consumer dead then attacked the house. It's right here right now the time of year, when its make or break when it comes to our goals were heading in the holiday season and let's be real hard to stay motivated. Colder, it's hard to get a bed is getting dark years. When I go to bed, we all
if goals, whether it's to find a better job, make more money, pay off debt, build stronger relationships and it can be hard to keep momentum going. But here is the good news coming up at a couple weeks, we have one of our biggest events, smart conference, we're headed down For a day, long jam pact event we'll get advice from leading experts on money, personal growth, career mental health and your marriage, you'll live all the knowledge and motivation you need to reach your goals and lived the life you want Join me in the rest of the ramsay personalities. Dave Ramsay can coleman christina alice rachel crews, even even letting george Campbell speak were excited out the invite to get a plan for your money relationships, personal growth and career join us live in person on october, twenty second to get your passes before they sell out visit, ramsay solutions, dot com, slash Events to get your tickets today are as good, becker in Joplin Missouri. What's up rebecca,
hey guys. How are you pardon how about you I'm hiding for my children in a classroom is both will be an honest, but I love so what's up hey man is a family backers. Doctor a large hotline This then moved ass to while area and for him to cover their clinic in their hospital, the clinic was incredibly mismanaged and, as a result of the hospital, this gun went through. End quote all at the clinic a free press took them over, we ve got these benefits industry place. There is zero employer satisfaction day, have the seventy mimic here, there's no opportunity for growth. They have told him in writing. If you don't care about promoter, satisfaction, In the meantime, old Lawyer has resurfaced and that hey let them were so. Finally, what you back there, hesitant and they've offered more money, and nine can he and they were trying to decide what is the wisest waits for our family?
I was. Business is closed. Businesses open all that if day, came to me tomorrow and said: hey, we are having money problems, we're gonna have to let you go. and he came and did it it with integrity. I'll be upset, I be sad about granted in those was so bad, babo bar and then, if you can, back a year later in said, hate the higher her you for a new venture behind the doors. He is poor to be himself a person of integrity, and I know he cares about me and my family in an obese. Happened in between that and I'm ok with it. So much It is not like what happened. Why did they have to close? It is how was interpersonal relationships that they treat were the honest with you. The treaty with dignity, business happened, fine, did they too you honestly and with integrity during that transition.
They did not. However, there has been a leadership change so when they found out that we were potentially looking, they came back and they said listen. We have made a mistake. We have egg on our faith, we accept responsibility, you know is what we offering that has been guided. The part of the changes they are offering an increase in the clinic salary, but the hospital salary would decrease by essentially that same amount, but we gaining last commute gaining an opportunity for growth that at the expense of heat not have a non can be currently and he would absolutely not negotiate that non competed. It's sure we're gonna have to ya. You can have to figure out what's right for your family when it comes to those type of thing, what I
this? Is the devil? You don't know with the devil. You do. The devil you do know. Is your employer. Looked at you and said, I don't care how much your life sucks we're going to make our money, and if my employer does that, I am out on the first train now, I'm out of there and because my my marriage and my life isn't worth that job. So sounds like it's a good deal and yes, it's going to come with some with some sticky points to it, but that's what I would do trust your gut on that we'll be right back the the the the the
today, scripture the day is proverbs fifteen one. The gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh words stirs up anger. The great viktor Frankl says the one Thank you. Take away for me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me that I link is the single most important message in the world. Today there is no money, and I would consider a life changing quote. Transformational. You choose who hurt you, though, One thing you can't take away for me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. That makes you invincible It literally is a superpower. The ability be calm and somebody else's angry in your presence, the ability to walk away and sam worth more than this, the ability to say I want to be in relationship with you, but iris, used to be belittled like this, I refuse to work at a place. It treats me like this. I'm gonna pursue interruption, he's the one. thing you can't take away from me. You take them.
I believe that you can do it. My life, you can take my family, you do everything you cannot take from me. I choose to respond to what you do to me: powerful, powerful words from the great viktor frankl love it alright? Let's got you jessica in Cincinnati ohio, its agenda there. So much for taking my call absolute mon iron curtain, on baby step q and am in the process of taking care of them pretty decently, a large consumer debt that I had a crude while I struggled with them depression in the last couple of years. but my issue that was making some of the necessary sacrifices, but I've had to make I've gotten a lot of flak from some friends and we first saying no to going out and then no offered. hey for me just so I do get out, though how do I start to assert those boundaries? Couldn't makes me really uncomfortable and they offer to pay yeah, you two two ways forward: guy number one coming
out of a depression, a depressive season and getting well. You have it that that's it agreement with your body that we're gonna feel this discomfort and we're going head into it not away from it. Ok, so the saying no saying I can't make it and having somebody say: I want you here so bags. We like you, that all his grab your the cost of your meal in that, Shame that discomfort that I'm not worth that are not enough. There does pitying me. Those are feelings that we are going to for the first time feel em actually we may write em down. We may look in demand evidence from am I are they really asking me to come out and pay for my milk as they pity me? Are they really just feel sorry for me or my their friend, and they see that their friend like so what you'd, I'm gonna grab your meal at much further Have you hang out than have twenty dollars burning, a hole in my wallet it so the first thing is, you can have to begin to feel those feelings discomfort, that's the key to getting healthy, ok, walking through little.
Ninety stepped through those feelings. The second thing is: you're. Gonna have to make peace with missing. Things sometimes and not being so. Pride You skip out on friendship just because you don't want to have their help, see. What I'm saying here again I think it's worth going out. Sometimes let them grab your food for you. by the way when, when I had a friend struggling deeply with depression. Yoda felt the time, completely helpless and able to grab dinner was like something I could do. So, even if you don't like the idea of somebody paying for your dinner grabbing, your movie ticket, think of it as a gift to your friend I now never letting them help me your domain, because it gives them something to do because they love you, and I want to be a part of your recovery. you, they don't know how to do it. Do not doubt the training of the professional whatever they can give you twenty buxton to grab some fajitas at some nachos yoda mean
The ideal and further friendships- I think that makes a lot of sense, but I do, from a family of lake. We give you and then we use it against. You heard her. Yes, How do I set it? Ok, so exactly I want you to feel at that. Put this in your back pocket the things we to keep ourselves safe and alive and we were younger because the things that destroy the relationships are relationships as adults. So as a kid, you knew that extra ice cream is gonna come with some garbage attached. But you knew and dad called and said you can borrow one hundred bucks for fill in the blank that was going to come with some heavy heavy costs. and so you learn to shut that down. You learn to say no I'll did is by myself. I'm gonna be alone ranger to the rest of my life, and then your body said we can't live like this. That's depression. And now practicing relationships moving forward is,
on learning the things it kept you alive when you were a kid are now the things are hurting you. So we're going to practise letting george by me dinner. Because I know george isn't gonna it. You know if george proofs overtime, that he is just using me or he expects something in return cool. I learn something about my friendship with george. I learn something about george. So on quit rights, I'm not going to over moralize it I'm not going to beat myself up, I'm not going to feel shame over it. I learned something about george. He didn't tell me the truth, cool I'm just not Take food from him next time, I'm not going! Let him from a concert ticket next time? Awesome sure that makes sense yeah. It makes a lot of them here. I feel like I'm, not the only one that struggles with that. Do you, because you do everyone does yeah everyone. Does we at georgia- and I were just talking about this off air and that it's hard to
take something from somebody when we all have that friend, whose, like last year, I gave you for olive twenty cents wendy's- and you owe me for cash you know. What means the worst impression of me yeah, I'm not saying that was george, but that's for sure, george! That's why la venmo right! We can just settle it right now. We can all move all their lives There's a thing about practicing relational needs that we have as young adults and into adulthood that our committee lately opposite to what we needed to do to survive. Kids, and you deserve friends and relationships. In fact, if you're healing from depression. A powerful, strong, loving community that walks alongside you is the cornerstone of getting well game. You're worth that echo yes, thank you so much. Let him pay for your dinner and and on those other nights it you just can't get out of bed, feel free to that's cool or tell me.
Tacos and shop at your house. I be fantastic, one more: let's go to Chris in oakland: hey chris, we're right up against the clock. So you're right, your question, ok, ok, you don't gotta, keep it quick three years I start my new job Monday, I'd, have. I read the numbers If pay off student, I want to pay alone dead in a random numbers and it should be. I should get bringing about sixteen after months, but I do good question, so I haven't traditional. I already thou gotta go now, don't do it don't do it. Don't do what don't catch it out say I've kind, hurried home. Do it then any time someone says I got a pilot debt, and so I have this a retirement account here. Don't do it. Ok, not do it I'll go, get a second job, get a thorough job. Twenty hours a day and I'm a maniac about sleep cornerstone of physical and mental health, work really
Do it ever you gotta do do not cash that thing out there. fees of there's penalties, and on top of that, your robbing from your future self. and that is never wear, so the future risk will be here, give non retirement, even cash, that kind of stuff out, but if you got I raise for one case, don't touch use your future income. I love. What did does tells me is that your gazelle, intense you wanna, do whatever it takes to get out of this debt in them mean It cut stuff! My budget cut expenses cut subscriptions, do some side, hustles get a raise, get a second job and those things are all great cause. They don't rob you from your future. To watch what you John Chris how many working as a lab at stanford hospital oh, that shabby place man at all, we all have to just statement for the team every once in a while good cause.
If I'll get a lab assistant at Stanford, just make it a monthly challenge, go or I'm at sixteen months of debt payoff. How can I shave that down to fifteen or fourteen, and so I love the idea of making a challenge of how much extra income can I bring how much how Can I live on during this time to make it make the sacrifices painless as possible, and you can yet there are sixteen months ain't that bad, I found tat he had so much readout absolute excellent. Always think about future. Chris. That's what what adults the theme of the day, but that's exactly right. George. I remember paying off consumer debt that
imitation of cut corners is so great. Oh, we love the american wage off so great. It's why we invented the drive through fast food. Don't even have to. We don't have to kill a cow ourselves, it's right pale and I think Jenna will AJ even andrew and especially bobby back there. Thank you, george and thank you, america for listening to the ramsey show. We will be back soon daycare, the hey it's John alone. He co hosted the ramsey show. Did you know over eighteen million people? Listen to the ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash the hey! If you're a fan of this podcast, we've got more where that came from. As you know, at ramsey we're always looking to protect our listeners from scummy companies, slick marketing and money myths, I'm george camel host of the fine print where I do the research for you to help. You rise above the system, that's designed to keep you broke and in debt so that you can become confident in your money. Choices check out the fine print wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode note.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-09.