« The Dave Ramsey Show

The Cavalry Isn't Coming...You ARE the Cavalry! (Hour 1)

2020-01-14 | 🔗

Budgeting, Home Selling, Debt, Savings

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of why I'm sorry solution broadcasting from our car rental studios edge that day Rams Asia were debtors door packages of how it has taken the place of the Bmw, the status of joy, I'm diagrams your host! Thank you for joining us. America were so glad you're here when phones triple eight eight to five five, two to five, that's AAA eight to five five, two to five:
starting office hours, gonna be Andrea in D C: hey Andrea! How are you goodbye hurry and better than I deserve. What's up. Anything did I re gonna have to cash out the matter. I was wondering what exactly could do? are you gonna have after the taxes and how much is in it how about four? garden in after taxes, it'll get like twenty five. Twenty seven thirty you're not required the cash out. You are required to take required minimum distributions, or indeed on it, but you don't have to come. The cash out now, depending on where you are in your baby steps, are, might recommend that you do because there's no penalties on it only taxes. Now, what? Where are you guys in your finances? Are you in
It is a dad or what's going on with you. One, we learn more account here. Ok, well, you can probably just get out of that gotta timeshare exit, team and dump. It would be a better plan. We have more than me. As we have done, the lead takes a little, but upon I'm waiting on in the midst of their father, it takes about a year. You have shown that there are a good I'll show. You don't really need the abuse, the money for that right, collect Coca and you don't have any death. Do you have your emergency fund
Yes, I do wonder how you gonna play poker. Are you putting fifteen percent of your income towards retirement? The girl, you dont great? Ok, you got kids now, no need for kids college baby step five Yonah home. Yet you have a mortgage on it. Yeah baby steps. Eggs is any money. We confounded stager at beyond fifteen percent going into return. Beyond kids college, which doesn't apply here, baby step fathers, babyship shakes, pay off your house early, so audio and your mortgage Oh well, one thirty, nine, forty, forty one, forty one already left right and what is your income. I've got a motion will be allowed one. Can you tell me you are doing a great job, you ve got everything, organise and laid out the way we teach you to do at some real, proud of the excellent job. So at this stage
The extra money you get your hands on we're gonna, get your house bite off as quickly as we again. If I woke up in your shoes, I would cash this money out, pay the taxes on it. I would enjoy some of it. Like a trip he wanted to go on or you ve got this trinket you wanted to buy and- and I would throw the rest of it at the house that makes sense link thanks for the call open, phones, a triple eight eight too, five. Two to five Johnson Florida, John. I warrior who gave us going than I deserve. What's up a service number and unfortunately, in short order. Military orders short notice, motor orders night, the move your sir, but I found but wait another wasn't about six months ago, About a year or two ago I did a cash refiner on my house, so I lost all the equity. I'm not sure what to do.
My all about to seventy seven on the home after reading it three real, there's, one of them being in the lobby The house would probably myself around thirty to thirty five and manufacture and all the causes should it was selling commissioned everything like that? I just don't powers at the monies not sure. If a morning ash go when you cash down the river paid off tat. We can change our habits, William, Blake. And I decided to wait until I got it- would solve the problem in a dinner which, since gone through a few about six months ago, which is great we're gonna budget started caught, one be sentenced, everyone be how measures are urgently needed. When new the bill was covered up. So I started the opponent monies. I've got about five thousand on top of emerged on milk. I had read, it is produced. Ok for me, I might say like most of them. Hundreds grab my why you got what you can probably borrow the amount it takes to get rid of the house above the cash that you have heard. You talk about doing Africa.
Like didn't wanna loosely, but another would apply for houses, sometimes under wasn't this is a small amount. You're not gonna beat you're, not gonna, be in it's, not it's, not eighty thousand box or somethin. It's it's gonna be five. Ten thousand bucks right from the night, though the Gerard have to that. You don't have today to get out of this thing I won't get her out of it. I don't want to. I don't want this thing riding you like a horse while you're deployed where they move. Are they moving you? Are they just sending you to the sand bars the whole thing? Where did relocated to another state aka such a change of a quick change, but a change? I would you read out. I think it's not gonna be a blessing to you in you. You could go through a lot of trouble to sit on the house for a year and hope it comes up in value or while you pull up the money for it to come down, the house could get torn up.
When are you could go through a lotta Haswell. You could write a lot of checks because it wouldn't rat. You know you can get it allows stuff here. I would put the single market and sell it. Nobody would you would you be revised, then, in terms of paying virtue household at the same time or waiting for to sell. How Quaker they movie. You should be bar. We borrow some extra money to accomplish that. An open little bit a workable about four thousand dollars, unrealistic things: how to make the market we're not gonna do without you have that mining and how much is in your emergency phone while they learn to conduct a thousand about five thousand yeah. She starter emergency Fund, Coca COLA. Yeah like asylum. We work in this debate is that to you, but we started a similar to our like you're gonna have a baby. You can, You could tell that have come on. You can smell it in the area. It right by grants. Quicker. They moving you about two months and what your household income,
hundred and ten good? Ok just put full stop on everything, pileup cash? that's what we ve been due to a minimum the payments into some of the last month. We grow like part out and on top of everything else, so I think you can do more than that, even because you're an emergency mode now- and you know it on a need- the cash to do this- I don't think you're gonna be operating to households. I think you might have a house payment, but move your family with you get a run or, in the other end, and you know you're gonna do that and about two months and saw just get ready for deposits, and I can stuff with Gay, Bowen, rentals and rental fees, that kind of stuff and get right move. I get this loan arranged and you're, probably gonna use as five grand you. You know you probably Gordon two months, another Verdammt. What what would you recommend her the loan and friendly determined mouth, the shortest possible?
put it on three years or something and then going to pay it off in twenty minutes. As fast as you can imagine, settled, on the other hand, to get others our moment when you watch push your baby step to play button again, what you're, subtly and storms gone back then that's what you would. I thanks for your service brother with vision. This is the Dave. Ramsey
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thanks for bringing where those America common threats for your dollars and teaching you to live on less than you make a concept, Congress get Rash, Jennifer is with us in Florida. Jennifer welcomed the diver amnesia holding Can I call you appreciate blowing up had a few coworkers and try and obtain a market, but where, this programme, but why are you not enable eliminate all your credit and bad but you have in your credit card, will jump up like the covered from two hundred and thirty days.
Who created both my mind, any kind of guarantee the hurricane in I'm. Just wanting your thoughts on show confused you that you said something about financial peace University on now. You didn't ok, good, because we don't do any of those things are so sought someone's offering you a thing: what on television or something yeah appeal word of mouth your facebook and what they do is. I guess they reach out to you that there are people that you, oh You owe money that collectors, They were completely squash it out without paying any balances that's not playing a complete lie. That is a scam. Ok, I it seemed like wine, but again, which is clear to see so many people
We didn t know there's a lot of people and goods in writing. There are people listened the nigerian Prince money to a mean you ve seen that one read. Surely I mean that goes back before there was a mail. I used to get those hard copy in the mail box long time ago, so young people that believe in that too, but they're not get anything, and there is no Nigeria.
French and you're, not getting any money from him either. So now, there's no magic wand, kiddo aiding the sounds too good to be true is now what there is that is similar to what you're talking about, but is not what you're talking about is a what people coin as debt consolidation, although it's not really dug consolidation, what it really is a debt payment plan that is a bad one, is also a bad idea, but it's not technically a scam, and that is where you pay your payments to accompany. They don't pay your bills on purpose you get way behind on them and then, as they collect more after they ve collected their fee from you, then they collect more money and settle your debts for pennies on the dollar and that's been going around for years. Are several companies large companies that do that? But did destroys your credit, of course,
The problem is many of them don't follow through and there you know once they get your money there very difficult to communicate with. So I don't recommend those either Come in! You handle these things yourself, but there is no such thing. That is true. As someone that you just give them money and they squash your debt and your credit score jumps up immediately. That's a complete lie. It does not exist. Ok, ok! I think you from all. Thank you I appreciate the golf Michael is in Colorado, Michael welcome to the diver amnesia Dave. Thank you so much for taken by some sharp. What's up, I am, I am twenty eight years old and my company, I work for a coal fired power plants. My company Justin, the other day bad by twenty thirty art. Will be down and so on, ten years on I'll, be look up.
My job, I just became debt free good, and thank you my question to you is: I was starting to invest, I was trying to say for a house since I won't be in this town engineers, I'm not saying for house. My question is: I make a good amount of money where I'm out I was wanting to know. Should I maps out my bra for Ireland Am I wrong irae for the next ten years instead of the for homes? What do you mind? My bay salary is seventy three grand, but I've made a hundred Grand Alaska so many years Without May I scrubber operator, I am It shows that we could come near me. Into the atmosphere, and what are you gonna do I'm gonna try to move into
like wind or solar within Same company within the next ten years by the media, a planner I just wanna. We now have the worst case scenario. What time do you live in my life? Craig Colorado Northwest by one million right by Unita show fairly rule. Yes, very error or farmers, call come gotcha, ok and with the cold, shutting down real estate in that area, being the primary employer real estate in that area is gonna struggle. Example now cause it's a small town. In the end, the plants closing I got lacks all over Europe. Going ok shall yeah yeah you dont by real estate there. I agree with you would load might arrive. I raised my for a one case, maxed out also
some money aside. That's not an for a one case arrive Irish is just in good. Mutual funds for two things are three things, One is for you to read tool if you need to take some classes are whatever in order for you to have the money to move, and maybe by a home number two and the number three. You could use that money to start business in ten years. You might decide not to wait on them. The clothes you might decide to leave earlier. Right, exactly Maya. My rough IRA is key to fund the output, all of it and mutual funds, but I want you to have some not an I raise for you're. Ok, for your move. Freely reset your life, your education, your maybe start a business thing show and buy a house when you do move and I'm gonna
out of their sooner rather than later, I don't want this plane announced the plane is going down really want to write it all away to the ground. Exactly where I was since I mega money, I was gonna see. If I could this. You know at least set myself up, well for my next job. You now have some decent retirement by their, but also I mean what what what on what making more money. Years from now in a day, a career and leaving right exactly right, you don't have to send you don't have to make less money when you leave. If you think this through you ve got a little time. No panic here So you can see here in my dream and say gosh on my second act when the curtain comes up again after the first act as closed, but the second act. I want to make two hundred a year and I might want be in. I don't care what you wanna, be you just decided and figure out what you need it.
To go, be one of those and create a difference. Of opportunities for a different set of things and then decide. Where you want to live in that process, it might be that you day and energy. You may want to completely back up and White Board your life, and you say: where do I go from here? I it's it's a pretty cool opportunity. You got thanks for the gall open phones, a triple eight eight to five five to two. I've Amy's on Instagram, I'm having trouble with the concept of stopping my fora. One came has been. Am I got him four thousand a year we only have fifty thousand in that my employer will contribute eight percent. I contribute three percent. How can pass up this free money? We don't have much. Did anyone will honey if you don't know that much debt A passionate, much free Monica, you don't pay it off real, fast yeah. You talking about you head Gid, here's the thing: you're, not passing up that much money
It is time for you to focus on getting out of that. It is your primary blocker and you can work your plan if you want to work here, plan Amy our plan is what you focus on is what you win at and so you need to focus on getting out of debt so that you with your shortest path, then it is twelve, is to be dead free, so good news is that you, probably by those that often about a year, if you roll up their sleeves and stop everything but quit trying to be. Several things it wants, that more glorious
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the lobby of Ramsay solutions on the dead three she's here. My Anna is whether my my and our young, how you that's an honour to be here. Well we're honoured to have you. Where do you live? I am Lee from a walk. He was content, but I live in Murfreesboro Tennessee. I've been here for about four years now now can I could welcome and all over the good that for each growing every screen I've been living for this everyday work in our pay off bills. To get here, I love it and glad you're here. How much replied? Ah, I have paid off sixty four thousand two years good for you
and what can a range of income darted? Why moved here with a husband and no job, and I currently have no husband but to have a better job, so I came with a budget of about fifty thousand and currently I'm at ninety, two thousand good for you. What do you do for me? I am a project manager to stay the Tennessee Great, often very cool. Show you tried your husband for great job, not about right here, not a bad turn. Around Ellingson payments already went some things as well. That was a sixty four one. Ten dollars of a credit card and the rest sixty three thousand was a good. Oh great lakes soon allow gurgling statement. If I may get kicked out the beyond and fire now look at my diploma or with with peace. Now we ve got a report within exactly exactly good, for you. Good, for you shall watched, you only get out of that journey two years ago. Well,
Can I am not from here and prior to move into Tennessee. I never heard about you, so I like us at a hang with no job, and then I took a few, we'll small though contact jobs here and they are so one particular contract- was located Here- Franklin, Tennessee and souls with healthcare company, and it was this big deal for the new people to go see. Ramses House and soldiers, like have you seen, divergences, how she hypocritical to fourteen floor, go to the West Wing of the building and you'll, see Deveria House, I'm like ok for one who is they Ramsay and who cares about is rarely exactly how exactly so? Is this big tourist attraction for new people? So we went to the forty four to West Wing and if you saw it, you can see a little bit of a house and down like ok, So who is a? U why? Why would support of this house? I will I'm debt free and I wait. I make six figures and our financial coordinator for financial, peaceful, my way back up, so I'm a contract or making
ten dollars an hour with a masters degree, and you don't need this job. I tell me about this day Ramsay. Shall we nominate exactly what she told me about? You well then really dive into it. I was gonna do in my ish thing and then finally go on the raw bad marriage in Tirana get financially on peace. We just cannot get all went to court for anything. It's all been a dive, took element linked to this day, rams a guy that I've been hearing about, followed your programme heard about your programme, brought it to the the Lisbon as he's refer to, and he still want to jump on board some like. Ok, one go through financial peace. Myself, as I always want to be dead free, I was raised to pay bills and pay more time and have excellent credit score. But ok after that, what what what happens next and so when on the financial peace journey by myself and finally at did
be steps that one two three and any rights while looking around your ladyship. Thank you. What are you tell people to flee grid to getting out of that is where I want to talk to the woman, that's out there and its trying to hold onto a marriage. That is fair and listen to so many of your callers and I've wanted to call in some of the answers that you gave like who an amalgam can take a device, and I'm gonna call on from that. Gonna call your vice that you would give to so many women out. There are no you're all about marriage. I was all about marriage and I was raised in the church, so you're always rays to make your marriage work, make marriage work by no means necessary, and I've done that I did that. We want the cancelling. We went through every thing and it is didn't work and saw just won't talk to the woman out there and its own offence holds afraid to leave to that still feels like she's trapped in that failed marriage, because I felt they had been there done that, but I trust it God, and I did it scare- and here I am debt free and I did it scare.
This put my trust in God. This is like a dream. Control never would have imagined now be debt free, single, allowing learning programme making ninety through their independence lion it you're right I'm trying day I'm trying to thank you for your point. I think I have for you to listen to what a great story very cool, so the key is just, do it and do it scare? Do it scared? That's what I had to do. I trust God, and do it scared? That's that's that's! All I can do is no magic magic trick. I had a pic of a part time jobs being married. We went through its financial hurdles, they put ASEAN and I told them what can assist both depart
jobs as follows: plant both good part time jobs. Well, I d it and he didn't know. So I think that was a straw for me here. I am a grown woman. Think here were grown man with two jobs and all I was the one was working and working out so door that times keep myself saying I picked up body building against a fitness. I get involved with fitness body building. Does what help me take my mind off of a failed me urge in sticking to the points, I say why what I'm gonna do is work on myself mentally emotionally and spiritually. Its physically was workin out and financially. I did your plan and I do them simultaneously all at same time and it works. It works at the trust got into it, we're afraid to within a year get after it do it I'll floor. It was your biggest cheerleader while you don't where I really didn't tell a lot of people, so my family, my father, really helped me and just occurred to me, but
Madame advertise. It people just knew that I was workin out all my whole life consumed a working full time, job a part time jobs and work out. That was it's our religion, and now I didn't have time saw it. Wasn't this big thing I just want to do it with the mayor. Urge you not suffer in silence for two years, and I just did it not just pray enters into. Did it sides has really been have a big audience. I just want this between me and got me a mean. God doesn't make sure that I do it's assess kind. What the into distractions I need interference. I just want to do it. Goodwill is pretty good. Cheerleader got it s, no use, in other words the best. Well, congratulations! We may. We are very proud of you. Thank you. So much so proud of them got a journey to get here get outta here you are here. I standing on that. Every stage you did it, Sarah loved you get the trophy there. Thank you and I disagree and thank God for you in your programme. It is really. I know you don't say that you ve changed lives, but with your guidance, it helps led us to where we need to be something.
So much you you're, the one o indebted I'm proud of you very well, then we get a copy of a crash Shoguns book for you every day, millionaires cassettes. Definitely the next chapter in your story. That's where you'll be headed. Now shall very, very, very well done my on very well done our I my Anna from me freeze, burrowed Tennessee, just ass at a sixty bore battery rate in two years, Megan fifty to ninety two, quite a journey. I counted down Matera Debt Bridge, groom three, two one! they charge done is how it's done. Oh man, oh man, oh man, I love it.
Jealousy is on twitter. My mother says it's my my husband's obligation to pay for my son for out of state to Asian, even if it means apparent loan where new to the baby steps and we refuse to take on more debt, we told him to get scholarships. Are we doing the right thing? Well, your mother is interfering in stuff, that's not her business. So as gently and firmly as you can, you need to tell her this is none yet none your business, my goodness she's got a lotta about mom? If you want him to put go out of state, you think somebody ought to pay for it. You ought to do it because we're not done as a matter of fact. I was sure Junior down just time he's not going out ya know where the money, if he can do some, were yet to complete free ride and watched gotta state. That's fine
but I'm guessing juniors not getting a free ride. I'm guessing he's not got a hundred percent coverage on this out of state tuition. Now will be going and state honey and that's what we ve got the budget for and what we can afford and there won't be any loans taken out in this house, even though your interfering grandmother thinks that we should, but it's none of her business, my goodness gracious. Some people have a lot of Gaul. My goodness gracious! I grandma ain't. None! Your business
shut up that's from day. This is the day rams issue
major over the gun, some of you were thinking, maybe get published on my financial goals. I got the Christmas decorations and some of you been putting off investing baby step form beyond you'd, only to put off investing game on baby If you're looking for your views, However, your retirement guess. What is your responsibility? I sure thank you. Remote, which is well known for its ability to handle money, will take care of me. That would be a stupid statement new. I thank you get ready for retirement. The gallery isn't coming. You are the Calvary
Good news as you'd want to figure it out. You can happy born your corner with the heart of a teacher. That's what Good financial adviser has the heart of a teacher hours Mr Prodi, you don't get to become some one that we send you to, unless they have the heart of a teacher they allow. To invest with confidence, because you understand what you're doing you don't do it because they said do it? Yonder does David said. Do it? get started go day: Ramsay Dotcom click on smart vaster pudding and volatile drop down list of smart rest reproach in your area, and you select the one you would like to work with, or you select all a woman in a real, much different ones and then figure it out. But it's all up to you to pick
the childish works. Cavern knows where those in Connecticut High Cavern welcomed the diagram she show aid. In order to talk to you think the marketing Michael sure. How can I help ok, my wife- and I just start now on your plan- were really excited about. It just started using every dollar this month and it looks like we can put about twenty five hundred to three thousand towards debt We have about twenty eight thousand dead and still have about Ethan. And savings that we were saving to put down on a house before we found you plan. So with that seven thousand above the baby step, one amount that we have. You are considering paying off our car to free up the two hundred dollars a month payment just one day on that occasion we could gonna start off with a ban since we have a lot of money in the bank. I would you just do the traditional step to that's noble, the mass change right, so it with us
depending on the car it won't Jane it changes. Monthly amount that your freedom, but you will get out of debt at exactly the same time. Mathematically that you would have otherwise, so it doesn't matter how many so you'd have. Seven thousand is obviously not your smallest that then now we would actually be the last one. Oh ok, you got a bunch of little ones yet! Well it we got about three thousand credit cards, eighteen thousand loans, but they're all they all stood up in the tiny one where the car land is going to last year. I got you it's ok. If you want to do it The thing is, I probably wouldn't I probably would work the straight. That's noble again. The interesting thing is when you run the math out, it's gonna come out exactly the same, so the only
argument here is which one gives you, the most jet fuel emotionally right to attack. There's enough with an You know look down how many of those little ones you could pay off for seven thousand dollars. That would give me a lot of jet fuel because, like rats can be a whole bunch of your list right. Does you got yadda stuff under a thousand box? We are definitely how many humming. So it's it's. My wife's theme- and I know it is argued yet so I dont have yeah right in front of me, but I think the biggest one is like like three third thirty, two hundred they now MA, I'm talking about the low credit cards cause. You got a lotta billy under one thousand dollars. You got a lot of bills three hundred and one yeah yeah like three hundred and one five hundred and one and the like fifteen hundred on the other. We re not goes out like right away. Now they ve done it, be nice to be done. Credit card free. Yeah, it's just kind of up which ones
give you guys when you talk it through together, the most the most emotional jet fuel and because mathematically it's gonna come out. I mean, within within a penny or to other sang show. Doesn't matter me I am probably gonna do that. I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna pay off the little ones, because I like the idea of getting rid of a whole bunch of stuff on the list, rather than one thing on the list that, just as that would give me more boost the way by the way I'm wired show thanks for the call our I'd, Sarah is Withers sorrows in Tennessee. I Sarah welcomed the diagram she shall sandy. Thank you could make Muckle sure. What's up. I am about the way I want to say to my honour the data that reach doing this, the iron, the woman she speaking too. That was very interesting that she had to say that today so cold,
I do love calling was arm. I haven't you asked about you re an apparent catch up against when we were blow for me, my brother, Ombudsman mine, No to me for me to put into its wonderful. I got married sixty seven years ago and it's gonna be sitting there. Another child, I'm about Paul out of three anything into it and sitting around thirteen thousand dollars and our only way We started looking to you and I want to get your employer like, cannot catch that out and use it towards debt. Or is it better
Leave it here and start contributing in my cam what we teach people to do to stop investing temporarily while they attack their debts and so no wooden add anything to it, but also to our folks. Don't cash out retirement accounts because of the penalties and the taxes that will be do without unless it's to avoid a bankruptcy or for closure, and that's not what you're calling me about so now I suspect this is invested poorly though they have, and it is I mean I've had got a guy. I guess everyone's awhile dropping. His smart vesture tab at day rooms. You not gonna, find the smart. Pro in your area- should down with them. They can help. A roll over into some good mutual funds? With this? That's what I would do with that. I would not cash out
would not add anything else to it until you ve worked through your debts and worked the baby steps baby step one as you stop all investing in saving until you get one thousand dollars saved us starter. Emergency fund may be step too, as you list all That's except your home, smallish term largest pay minimum payments on everything, but the little one and attack the little one with a vengeance. Once it's gone, he attacked and action once that's going to attack the next one. Once that's gone, you take the next one, wants you dead, free everything, but your home that frees up money. You go back to your one. Thousand dollar account raise it up to three to six months of expenses, and once you ve got that set, then you start investing baby step for fifteen percent of your income going into retirement. At that point is when you might start
I will use my MR pro and start doing your new Roth. I eurasian show forth with your investing that birthing look at our, I can see is worthless in Utah High Casey. How are you they they ve done good area better than I deserve. What's up saying, so, I had my back was up against the wall and I had to take out a high interest one to avoid at my age garnish from my employer from a report and a couple of things What's that? What am I? I have a few doubts about coal dollars left over for my arrest statement. I owe them some money. Do I start with a debt snowballing pay off the credit card, You do the national law, but in view of the irish money, put them at the top of the list because they have online our very heavy penalties and interest. How much do you a? I am
So right now are saying about one ran ass with pelting you know that that is accurate. I couldn't and ask if you could find it. I ask if it was accurate just because, They are saying: oh, it doesn't mean they calculated your stuff right. They should be aware that over twenty five thousand dollars that I didn't, oh, they had miscalculated want to my deals. My tax guy had to give back with them and explain to them: they're, not that competent over their first ensure that you actually have the money second figure out why this mistake cabin and that you never do it again. Third put them at the top of your no bow and knock em out his masters, partial thanks for the gall. This is that I ramses
hey, it's Kelly Associate producer and phone screener. The Dave Ramsey Show, if you would like to be your deputy scream, live on the show, make sure you visit, Dave, Ramsay dot com flash, so it registered. Who would love for you to come? The National Intel Dave your story looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crew, show a podcast from money, expert, Maidan, Rachel crews, guises rights of creators, and I'm so excited to tell you about. My party has a lot of you, darling, paychecks paycheck their end ass. They don't even know where to begin that they have this need. This wants to get in control of their money and his match. You, you have come to the right starts, so each episode, jeering at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast, makes region. Today there are more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel Crucial wherever you listened upon. Gush hey! It's just
producer of the day. Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2020-02-21.