« The Dave Ramsey Show

Stop Outsourcing Your Life & Start Living It (Hour 2)

2022-01-05 | 🔗

Debt, Investing, Relationships, Home Buying, Home Selling

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the remedy solutions. If the lambs issue were better down cash and the pain or about more than just taking the place of the double you status, symbol of joy, they ran through your host, your job, able not about your life and your money, open bones in Tripoli, eight to five five, two to five that for polite to five five, the truth,
five Doktor John, the lonely rooms you personalities are said, is my co host. He is the best selling author of the book, redefining anxiety, also host of the most popular and exploding, Cash around here other than this one at the Ramsay networks called other John, the Le Doktor John Lonely show. where we talk about relationships and boundaries and all kinds of staff and some of its a little crazy, but most of us just regular people trying to figure out how to make their way through life, and I think what finding out. Personally, as the convergence the things that I thought were crazy, is it it's going to some yeah, I was going to some others there, some stuff out there are some of the topics are weird, but most I'm just like ya. Gonna get that in May. To so tell me about you, not ethically so spigot away we always say around here that national finances. Eighty percent behaviors only twenty percent had knowledge. So
tumbled into the fact, backed in fact twenty years ago, in this thirty, your journey there, if you want your marriage? working on the same page. The chances The EU becoming wealthy and getting out of debt are very low, it's worse than that. If you aren't controlling your behaviors. Your maturity level is not increasing, emotionally, spiritually Your ability to build wealth and hold onto it is: dickie loosely low, an actual data points to that the extreme that is, I have worked in the financial crisis world now, often on middle indirectly, directly for thirty years, and one hundred percent of the addicts that I have ever met.
End up broke, it's just a matter of when they either by. away from the addiction the behaviors associate with it or they end up broke because the addiction It's their life alive, from the inside out bother relationships at each up, all their money at each up their career and their building make money. It eats up everything eventually. it takes hold and it is the guy that demands minute by minute day by day, worship? steal your life from you. Addictions are the x dream of Miss behavior, but one hundred percent the Miss behavior. What are we gonna? Call that you're not called an awkward Where will call it soon? If you want to call it just things that help you personally that are harming you personally, but feel good in the moment, then you get in. all kinds of garbage here and and what we ve seen is an explosion of those things, whether there too
addiction level or not, because of our access to the internet. and the resulting industry explosions around gambling Gambling number to addiction, now in the world, coaching number one and two Van wish, for obvious reasons, destroying their fine for obvious reasons, and because it is the ultimate and arrogance that you think you're gonna, win and number one addiction porn online porn. I mean when I was a look porn was was a play. Hidden under a rock in the woods exactly. You know and are under somebody's, some kids mattress in the neighbourhood of that poor anymore, every play wherever printed is on somebody cellphone read by the bedside table well and it's boring compared to write the other stuff. Now I mean it's just the bizarre at let me tell you guys. If you don't know, this is the
number one addiction and more money is spent on pornography now in America than all professional sports, including NASCAR, combined more than spend on enough I'll tickets NBA tickets. Anything added together and we know what its due into their lives. We know it's not just being approved, that's not the point point users of behaviour mechanism here that is being destroyed in people's lives and so you pull up on the internet, we do research here all the time on internet could rose utilizing the internet for marketing and for connecting to you guys for good stuff, but by our five x. The number one search is borne by far and the first fifty things that are searched on the internet almost none of them have anything to do with you winning or you doing anything.
Doing it are all controlling either all Jones Icy, Donald Trump. spellings of Joe Biden, made the top fifty that's funny. I care who you are the porn Cripple exploring worn in failures gambling scores NBA scores in a car, about scores Therefore, I want you for ball. Another won't wrong that with with of but but you it's all you, being somewhere watching. Some one else be successful is right. I will never, forget, I went to see a forgot, the movie jazz movie James Point as it is blonde now and what's all the movies beautiful movies is great with me, my life and I doubt and I was walking towards our current parkland. I thought I just spent there books into two my life to watch. Another couple We'll have a romantic arc, ingest
dancing when it could have just taken my wife dancing and never forget thinking, I'm sourcing when I go two guys to go play basketball. Why do I pay money to what other people play? Only that multiple another man's jersey on my back. Does it make sense you some guys comply softball and I realized in all the way to my car at the park at movie. Theater, outsourcing my entire life refuses to outsource of intimacy opium wages and outsourcing right. You just keep going in going going and at some we have to plug back in or that or totters hits forest right. The economic collapse. Their children Faye he symbolic hands in universal right. We're gonna have to do at some point it man, if we can what back into our own lives? Man would be like don't watch a fishing Joe GO fishing. We write down a vision,
watch your golfing watch. Your watch gulf is a privileged in general, but watch governmental outside like got off, go plague off I know you shock at each other to go like all. I can think of a shock. I'm sorry, I'm talking to the p bother here really get on. I'm not that good, but they say they dummy not just learn how play, but the Arabs x X is the governor of lime juice. Doubt me somethin, you know, did of spending million dollars. On a five thousand each television put a gulf simulator in your basement spotlight one of our gas, your did the other Milton out himself. So point being guys, you you you think you can separate these behaviors or these miss behaviors from lack of success in your money in your career and you can't there the cost all intertwined there. The cause, that's how it works. So you're not gonna win. If you keep miss
having obviously that they keep running from your life, don't source, that's good! That's good summers! This is the rams. So this is the time of year when everyone start setting goals going to the jam, quitting smoking losing weight good for you, but what's equally important is making sure your family is taken care of by having terms if insurance look, I've all the excuses, and I'm telling you it's not expensive, it's not good located, and you need to do this right now. So stop whatever you're doing and go website right now and get your family protected? It's an absolute necessity
the doktor John DOE. Only Ramsay personality is Michael Ocean. Today, open phones, a triple eight eight to five five, two to five one week from Thursday, just nine days away on JANET the thirteenth we have a huge event called building wealth in twenty twenty two, the event so loud over fifteen hundred people will be joining us live in the audience and of course, in addition to that, we can offer announces a so loud as a free lives amen over sixty thousand. Have you signed up for the free lives? This can be me speaking about wealth building in twenty twenty two Rachel? Crucially with me, George Camel, will be with me and we're
about not only some of the things that are going on out there in the real world today, like the real story on Crypto. What the real story on nothing down real estate. The real story on in. teach what's the matter. Story and watch story on how to really really build wealth and we're gonna unpack Therefore you and you really ought to tunein again A free of it this neck Thursday night one week from. Moreover, most of you January the thirteenth, miss the opportunity. If you want to register for the three large dream, which is the only way to watch it, gotta Ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, wealth, Ramsay solutions, not life, wealth and, of course, next week is week. We also launch the new book baby steps millionaires and you can still get it. I pre sale at Ramsay solutions while you're there. Twenty bucks Andrea, is weathers in Denver, high Andrea. How are you. I can hear you better than I deserve. What's up being,
My question: I'm a little nervous, will bear with me. No trouble, it's all may have been, and I started baby step to answer me. Doctor. We paid off on fifteen grand on one that which is my class very good, but the baby steps have caused us you look at our mortgage and we realise the word just over that twenty five percent mark, but on a thirty year and then, before there, he and I have been going back and forth and we just cannot seem to make a decision on whether actually want to stay in this house on cars were a little bit Gerda the real estate market, but for my things that we go back and forth on it we are a little bit of land on which he believes it might be that investment for development down the road, but one of the other things as well thought thirty minutes away from everything in town awe, and the house, what we really want to have to put about a hundred and sixty thousand dollars into it, and so I just kind of stock on on what
do, and I I wanted to get your advice for trial shoulder income four hundred and ten right now. The way should right now we think it's gonna change. Yes, he is enter. Enforcement is looking to promote, which would add about twenty thousand dollars on through their income, and that would be which were which mercury, usually within your twenty five percent of them I'm not one hundred percent sure what a twenty five percent would be on a fifteen year close off the armenian argon before us. Ok, So then the question comes: where do you want to live and win. Yeah. I hear the zone of confusion, you want to move and he doesn't that's what it sounds. Like that's a little bit of what what's barriers it's all in there.
yeah. I go back and forth Allied Sundays. I really want to move and be closer to count because I'm driving my kept back and forth between school and active, I feel like I'm in the car, suppliers everyday show the piece of land. Is you only free unclear. Now we all three sixty on religion. What's going on its thirteen, girl right outside of our little town- that's really developing. I'm really kicked up development of all my movement, like I said I really go back and point: no, not an easy question: you don't go back and forth does is closer to town or further from drought. It. Even if the way from our church, cool and I fear my inner. You may feel like time. Minutes away from that. We,
a tiny little town that you're around Now- and this makes you thirty minutes out. No you, don't already found this mixture three minutes. Three, we are thirty minutes away from everything like our school in our chosen today, but there is a market today. Yes, ok. What would you do if you are on the land? It is the thirty minutes, Then I can bear it by thirty minutes away from everything. You know that let's developing its about five minutes from here, but right now we don't have the school in the church and everything else, though there just now kicking up development, which is why my husband was like this. They honour until given men come our way in view of their you'll, be operating, and we are the property now. Yes, all that's why I was confused. I was two pieces of property. You live on the thirteen hours yeah, oh crap! Ok,
we're. I'm confused move to town yeah. Shall it Why won't you to say what you want to do something is keeping you from saying what you really want to do. Her husband thinks he's a big time, roasted develop version and watch polish dream. That is true. Yes, There is a big and every single robin, obviously traffic, because he wants to develop something, that's probably about five years to early way too early and had through energy thousand dollars in cash to buy it I'd say by it, but he doesn't know you sell. Your in debt should not apply real estate speculator instead of building a home everything slows down this little tiny town at there, just ghost Caput for the next fifty years and sits and Yaller a worthless, die and sell it fell at move, enjoy your life, It sounds easier. What's that it had an island in the ongoing do with a twenty five percent issue, though it's got to do with you. Don't want live there and you're trying to come up with math reasons, to tell your husband why you want to move the affair
I think that the twenty five percent thing just made us go. You re. Look everything I'm outta here. It's tight end, It's far away and that's all once how the scale- and this has a scale as we might make a bunch of money of which, but this up in the large someday but you're not roasted developers, your bill, no family right now, you're you're in law enforcement, don't a real estate, develop, remove, ok it just therefore monogamous roasted development, a pain in the book bunch of its pain, the but you're dealing with people and coach people and planning people, and, oh, my god. Like you, my shirt shoot yourself. It's not also there's a rock underneath to dig at at at at at at when are thus on its fifteen hundred bucks, an hour that, at that at at at at at ok, so yeah I'm intensity. La Rock young
yeah. This is you're trying to combine to mean different things here. You call TAT John kit and trying to use once said a metrics to just say: what's in your heart, junior heart is gonna, move you. If you bought the that same math closer to time, I'll be ok judges and underline all you want. Is incomes gone up and you got your life back you're, not Robin thirty missed everything. Yeah you're! You moved out to the country's done on Toronto, in our time move back to town, it's not as much fun! sounds. I moved up to the country into this nice subdivision. Those way on the known aware- and I feel I country pay but you know when I was a kid counterpart. Families that are built, We have to get a list of won't get a trip up to town.
hey, gotta, get ready to go to trial in the woods, and that's you have to get ready to get ready to go. Do shit, we're going to go to the markets and event yeah, and the fact that I just said to the market makes me that's what I've been there to her heel of your Mouth Euro Manders came out exactly the grocery store when you live out their done on Toronto, allowed the kids zone it it's fine or another hour, but I did not anticipate that part of this last move because that that home we had was a was too much of a great. but her sell it but the middle everything I could just we like off the hill of the house in order at the mill everything not now plan my gas station
closer analysis. Office has come to work a lot of that everybody go yes, we do we sarcastic about one moment about best love, I love, or can you also a luxury, but every second of you just have to do the old job edge of glass and a throwback. My guy, this does the Ramsay share. Lonely, Ramsay Personality use. My close today, open phones, Tripoli to five five two to five Maggie and courteous are worthless in Cincinnati, says almost green. You guys are dead. Three: congratulations! You well
how much did you pay off? paid are sixty three thousand nine hundred and eighty nine irks or how long do better fifteen months? then you're range of income during that time made about ninety and ended at a hundred. For a living I am asking care and beauty. Specialists are a major cause medics company and when we started our get free journey, I picked up freelance make up artistry and I also say at home during the day with our three kid cool good for you, and I am a plant supervisor at our water treatment plant here very good you the best skin of any of you and your coworkers. Don't you as incredible mortgage so humble, That was the sixty four thousand.
ways, I'm chronicler credit card student loans. Ok, She can't normal no car payment, no carbon we can all have been paid out for a while ago. Ok, so what on fifteen months ago the started you guys on this Ramsay journey. He asked Oh, We knew a few people who spoke highly of financial peace University, and so we are We attended wine at a church a few years ago, Curtis was the one who got hooked on aid and it really got
the point where I I thought you'd moved in her house Dave. I mean your podcast was on twenty four seven home show whether we were at home in the car cleaning. Please, please read every single book I mean it was literally like you are a roommate but you're living, rent, free, so remote from Hell, though in cell, during that time of him being online with it. I actually had some debt that he did not know about who know me yeah, We we really were making much progress too, and so I had been hiding some credit card debt from my past and I thought I could handle it on my own. I thought, as my problem to deal with them in, I was embarrassed about it. So once I became on us came about it. We are able to work as a team track. What we are doing in every dollar. We are winning with it snowball. The magic really started happening fifteen months later here we are
I can see if you're hiding that, how may be any everywhere on every coffee table, you could really represent Dave. Ramsay I don't blame you understand, so how much credit were you hiding eyes that thirty thousand From from how long have you been married Really it's our ten year anniversary to day ochre, happy anniversary, show you been hiding. Yes, you been hiding this inside the marriage for a long time, yet but the conversation when you finally came clean, but was alike that regards behind it was hard. He he knew about. Some of the greatest was an honest about the amount, how it was still He saw that we are making payments on the credit cards, but he didn't know that it was in paying the balance down ends. So
I was trying to pick up what was left of it and I just I couldn't keep up with their then started to that's just my my attitude was different. Around the house and round him in any conversation about money. I just like, ran away from secret soul, yeah yeah, so I think reach to breaking point, and it was a really hard. Rotation allotted tears, but happy we did it what it feel like when your wife shuts down have thirty dollars were the credit card that I've been lie about it not the wind out of me when we first after a few, and we started on this, I cannot tell is holding back,
for some reason. I couldn't figure it out and I think after we paid off a credit, All that I didn't know about those excited about progress. We made in the stir money. We could snowball into the next dead. That's what you broke down at all. came out. It's that took a couple weeks. The color recover Can I go from there and actually, We ourselves to the plan and her actually. Finally being all end with the plan Maggie Kurdish doesn't sound like the kind of other blows up when you got this information. He just conflict that you sad Yeah he's he's a man, a few words by now. I dont want to make him angry. Was the angry that night, oh yeah, yeah, ok,
Well, we were always we see around here. You get to point where you can't you kids, you can't do it. What happened yesterday. All you can do is deal with the moment right now to deal with what tomorrow's going to look like, and so are they long time and which then got there, but I'm proud of you for saying enough's I'll tell ya. I admire your courage Maggie Wrong, not only to the surrounding that, but also to tell the story right now, because that is a valuable you don't know how many people you're helping at this moment, telling the story on, because it is somewhere around thirty to thirty five percent of spouses hiding that from there s one one of the three marriages are hiding debt, and it's just its it each! Your soul, up inside your stomach, Abbe, you, your walk and also in an hour
figure out what's wrong, my can't connect wise wise and why he failing as oarsmen. Why can't get this moving while its relationships, things not working? And then she comes cleaned us? Oh now understand I'm a color, but I'm an understanding on the fast forward and now you're completely deaf free. What does it feel like you do that together, while so powerful yeah, I mean it. It feels incredible suggests people too. It'll make purchases and not have to worry about it. I mean courteous right afterwards when we made them, hey man, I'm that week, you cite manner I feel a little bit taller and no joke ponzi people started commenting at just Tal. He looked like I was so I go standing two inches dollar while you were wearily well you're, not carry knowledge. Sixty thousand bucks around on your back inaccurate around the separation and your marriage, you together and you ve, accomplished his great goal together, what a cool store and a ten year anniversary, whom I love it, you guys are success. Man
then you're both in crime, Ok. So how much does the make up artist thing? Pay is a sad gig. Did you do good with that? Yes, it. It was where I'm, the freelance make a partnership that I was doing where we had that jump in incomes to die. I'm ten thousand king format While so, you do well doing that. Ok, not about a bad side gig to have out if you can get the word covered his messed up a lot of them away things out there, obviously, and so a lot of people are they in the in that world that do anything round production, including make up our aren't. You haven't had the work that they used to have and unaware, lady in here, that they were gonna shoot and she said she and worked hard at all and she was happy to get the work to be done here and so very cool. Congratulations, you guys wow what're, you sharply the key to getting out of areas. so I think the biggest key and we'll cut it
about this earlier was once everything out in the open air actually working together, she wasn't holding back. I I think that was a huge key at art. Our marriage is better because of it sure personally, I like she said listen to the show all the time anything I hear one of your clothes or sayings are viable. Verses actually have a huge list. my phone, sometimes all that Four motivation, that's called honour and thank you for I'll. Send you a copy baby steps millionaire! That's the next chapter in your story and, of course, I'll, be total only make oversee. You can disruption one's life, sixty four thousand paid off at fifteen months, making ninety two one hundred Magna Carta, I'm so proud about Ilium, laying down it down. Let's era, debt pre scream three,
fine words story. I love it meet people. This is the Ramsay Doctor Jones Lonely rooms, you personality, here's my Cobo pushed open phones or AAA take two five: five, two to five Harrison's and Boom North Carolina Irish and welcome their amnesia
David after down. Thank you for taking back all sure. What's up yet so I'm pretty dead going to open up a german I found this year. I've got about a thousand dollars sat in investment and savings and twenty four You get free. I have no credit card that no laws may covering a devil. Did you get three hundred thousand dollars a twenty four years old I've been working hard, looking teenager your, I actually made some really smart investment decisions and On top of that, you wanna grandma, passed away. Probably a year a day, and I got about fifty thousand from that, but everything, Just then, it came along the way I see while good for you Asian, don't that's mine blow. Way to go. I'm so proud of you. you're, an open, a GM. What he go, spend opened the gym,
right now, I have a budget of a hundred thousand, but that comes down to my question question right now. She I'd bite the bullet and and sell some my investments and pay that capital gains tax were showed. I borrow against my current investment assets, and aid borrowed money are seen as I possibly can you should. use the money from your investments. Are you should not do the deal? There's two benefits to that were three benefits today, benefit number one that you don't she coming, and I saw it coming us when I was your age I went deeply and at buying real estate became a millionaire by the time. I was twenty six. Ok asked at all, because I too much debt show, the benefits You don't realize, and I didn't realize it allows him authorities because it was before them. Forest are doing it. When you
are doing a business investment with money that You place an emotional vow. You on that your investments its emotional for you to pull fifty Hundred thousand dollars are those investments that you ve watch your way shall hard up into. Would you agree with that statement, yeah worded now. Here's what we're not yours was weird if you will get twenty two. Thirty percent more purchasing power. or using your money than you will borrowed money, because your look- pissed about using it, hurts more. To use your money than to use borrowed money. Sugar careful and wise with it and you'll get a better by yoke. You know what I don't need that piece of equipment right analyses find out of this is gonna work. I'll do that in my face too and by the way you do need to open this german two phases: you don't need it open it like you know
You're doing as you ve never done this before, because some of them you think you're gonna work aren't gonna work on what you spend a bunch of money on until you ve operated the general in a while, yet understood and right now two or three jobs right now, I'm I'm full time router and then I had two other side job that bringing some extra cash. On top of that I'd like to still the real estate is often I can't I'm operating the gin, so I welcome Those two. Meaning that they come coming in witches. Canada, I read my thought about potentially bury the cash in the first place. No, you never means a pill quickly now If you're not willing to put your money in it, don't do it you it's a commitment, man shall number one is you're gonna, be wiser with money. Number two is your lowering your level of risk and your potential for success is increased on the German,
you don't have a strain of paying the note you're! Twenty four! You made three thousand bucks. That's unbelievably awesome! I love it, I'm happy for you. I'm proud of you, if you bought hundred k of it. You screw this whole thing up your life ain't over it and even closed over. You still got two hundred grand. You still got a wonderful thing ahead of you and you still got that had on your shoulders, which is actually the sacred sauce you're right. I couldn't agree here with a hundred thousand dollars. Vestment, that's gonna about seven done bells these days right, maybe eight, eight bells with the price of Jim equipment. These days, yeah I'd, probably call to get this thing funded, Brill difficult there now. I really would ease into this. I would open it with a minimal version one though, with a plan, Six months, I'm gonna take a diversion two and six. Much more will take it aversion, three as proof text, meaning
prove out some of the system's processes, marketing that you're gonna use in this thing, because opening and Jim in in a covert environment is a it's a high risk environment than in an invite, it now and opening it in four months is gonna. Put you behind the curve when people start even joining Jim's rights, as somebody could put off for a year, save lobby more money or wherever that looks like, but before I learned the business you want. What percentage of people are back? What percentage are in your area? I'd say my guess is boons pretty open. like our area were completely open, as if nothing is going on in our area. But but you know that the The fear porn, that's surrounding corvette, covered its out there. Hammered out a dc and being hammered in the media, because it's really good for the media to scare the crap out of you all the time observe ratings, kullak, tornado warnings right arm and yeah, you just you know you. You got all that us in business environment, your operating in and you d
had to that. With that. An eye in your in a high risk into I mean the number gems and open and fail as almost all of us in a good in a good year. Urinate in irish space, young miss like restaurant business is a tough business. The last I'll tell you is this: I I understand your reasoning that you want the german state morosely business run, a business starting a small business and running it. That has a lot of ours of open to the public. do not require your presence are required? focus, so I don't they, can. We do a lot of real estate in the year you open the gym. I think you can be downloaded a, you can't be their lot. Yummy sweeping the floor if be shutting up. The chairs and resettlement on belgian Chinatown staff in Europe. We do not. You can be working. Your bought off man, and I
you know if you would be unrealistic. Business been roasted business but anything to address a monster barricading. Your focus is a good way to call. Failure I'm gonna recommend you plan on doing very little real estate t get that GM up and running, and It's making so much my that uniform, put an operational manager- and there were you'd- want to be there all the time, but you can't do that the thing running. It's up to you this year, maybe you better rocket and on Cash, four: don't do it for the call open a triple eight eight to five five, two to five Knocker John Bologna. Here we're talking relationships, we're talking money. John. This. You don't hey, let's send him a copy about if he storm laughing, he assume a copy, Entre leadership and let the arm our play book on how to run a start running business. The way we run this one here how we ve grown this from a card table my living room. The word is today show that this whole thing of a guy that takes
the is twenty four men amazed that is pretty cool, is a high performance guy he easily twenty four year olds too good for donor capital gains, are here but he's running about three different. angles here at all times, when he's done something with the investing I didn't get into what it was that that worked, the danger having been that guy, because I'm a bit of a math matters a thing you know and so I was that guy. I was way ahead of the curve when I was his age. Thus I was a millionaire, but almost twenty section had hundreds of properties and so forth done for but today I think I've found over two thousand b shrill state of my life, so I mean I was early, adopt early whatever performing arts beyond my ears, like coming in the early days, and butter big on hour, that guy that
he's not only got an abundance mentality, but I just got some extra motor runnin they're here The challenge here is to not miss. Your past success, invincibility Hubert, you always still every new job every project, every new job
start over what the humility at Square one and build a backup yeah, you learn some new every time the age it's gonna, take twice ass, long, ass, parsimony amazed by a hundred thousand our lesson to be learned from this one, and then you have given us or maybe makes a million dollars in cash. My memory becomes the next, whatever train of doomed observer who oppose this hour. The rams show in the books and they were empty. Doktor John Bologna Range personally have a friend or family member, the needs of daily dose of Ramsay advising there live. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day podcast, it's a piece of advice about life and money under ten minute check out the Ramsay call today, podcast wherever you listen about gas, have you art strapped, which student loan payments odds? Are you know someone who is millions are having to put off things like buying a house and
kids, because their stock. We produce New documentary called borrowed future covers the dark side of the student loan industry and exposes how the system is built to work against. You watch borrowed future, on streaming platforms or go to borrowed view, Da Gama borrowed Future Dodd Guy hey it's James producer of the Rams issue, this episode,
Transcript generated on 2022-01-05.