« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should I Stay Gazelle Intense After Paying Off Debt? (Hour 1)


Dave Ramsey & Kristina Ellis discuss:

  • Buying company stock,
  • Staying gazelle intense in baby steps 4-6.
  • Inheriting a million dollars,
  • Renting vs. buying.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
from their quarters of ramsay solutions, broadcast barge moving his voyage studio. That's the rams asia work! That is done, gauges, gang and paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status symbol of jacques. We all people build wealth, do work that they really love and create actual amazing relationship. Christina alice number one by selling author ramsay personalities, my co host. Today, as we answer your questions about your life in your money, the college free and some say the advice is worth exactly what you pay for it. The phone number.
triple eight eight to five five, two to five: that's aaa eight to five. Five, two to five we're gonna start with scott this hour in fort lauderdale, hey Scott, our you good day, our you better than I deserve. What's up, I work for a for a company that I get ten percent of my salary, the ability to purchase company stock. the stock has been very very fruitful over the ten years that I worked for the company the way our our stock purchased works is that we get to purchase the ten percent salary twice a year and a six month period at fifteen percent. Below the lowest point in that six month period, so the the the sometimes when I get these the stock at the six months, it can be forty fifty dollars a share better than the market value. At the time when I
red baby steps millionaire and the money make over. You talk more about in your retirement in to mutual funds. I've kind of considered that percent. As being my part of my retirement of I take. Sixteen percent out of my total salary, with six percent Therefore one caveat that my company matches and then there Ten percent is in company stock and the stock has done nothing gain in the in the nine years that I've been there and big jumps as well. So do I leave that in there and consider that still tempers my retirement, or do I switch it like you, talk about in the money make over to mutual funds vote. regulations so much Had a home run, man feels cunning, and so the outlay. Your theory has been stretched tested yet
And that will come along, ok fertile, a couple observations. First number one, cut me start purchase plan is no different than most of their own at all, exactly what you described: fifteen percent below the lowest of the six month average, whatever ok, and so it's not like you're getting some huge discount and other people that have a work for publicly trading company which stock options don't get. It's almost always exactly what you one very, very similar. If not so it's good, but it's not the biggest deal in. most cases. If you look at a fifty two week, high fifty two week low on the charts, you will see a move of most stocks more than fifteen percent up or down, and so that fifteen percent discount can, as you said, cause because it's down causa a great perch price, but also can cause you know it can evaporate and about my blank just because the normal volatility of stock, not perfect.
One observation number two single stocks are more risky. Then mutual funds period no exceptions god, you're you're violating the diversification rule on a yellow, got in one basket, or at least that They are all in that one basket. and so it should you're taking more risk. Even though you ve had benefit of this country. Doing very well, it's gone up, gone up, gone up, I'm happy for you, I'm glad I went up. I don't want you to have hard times, but but that can share that concern. gloss over the fact that you're taking risks because you have an a loss, the scarecrow. The woke up on all issues risky show what we tell to do our standard rule of thumb is odd, don't put more than ten percent of your net worth in single stocks we currently have more than that the weather formula you're, giving me a gun
So the example of that always comes back. To my mind, was many years ago coaching, a a lady that had worked for procter and gamble, which is a fine company. She had thousand dollars and for a one caves. All in count me stop. It went in half the year, she retired he's so I dont get none of my forlorn K is in I work for apple is, is an apple? Stop? Oh just professional, wonderful tobacco. This purchases, a total separate deal and, to be honest with you dave, I haven't done I'm ITALY divorced a couple years and I was lucky to get out and be debt free and you know, I've never really read your books because I never had any. I didn't have any debt, but after watching you with Robert morris, I downloaded the first book and then much second book and really motivated me to kind of get my act together will you please. Asked. He says, spread your poor
two. Seven, yes to aid for disaster may come upon the land, our boys about, is it's about. wonderful. A single stock story is there is on the planet and doubled, the arab large crazy. But I wonder if you have to get rid of some of our more money than reports really do they actually have more cash than egypt. It's an incredible company, and hey. You mentioned you read the first two books and that you originally had kind of stayed away because you weren't in debt, but I recommend you pickup baby step millionaires. Maybe that's what you're talking about? Oh perfectly, accurate, I wrote, know I read both of the books. I've actually listened to probably probably three times each will. Thank you. So the the whole question is: do you how much risk do you want to take and- and I think we can stand up and cheer and apple has done a wonderful job of all the single stocks out there. It's the one that be the most tempting. It is an unbelievable story, but I still am risk averse enough to say, ok,
I'm gone where the scriptures has spread. My portion is to seventy estate. I dont want my home d, you on one company, and you don't have your whole deal, but you got a lot of it and so probably gonna, be a little less apple prone. If I'm you, if I was ever gonna, do You're doing it would be that company. Oh my god, it's wonderful! Ok! So you know, if you want don't give Donna? I just want you to hear le. I want you to feel that your your violating the diversification. Principle and that nothing but increase risk. Apparently in that one, bad I found launch one bad lawsuit over it. Hamlet or whatever out on a letter. I have no idea what can happen, but you know it's there cancel cultured. I don't know, I don't know how this works, but what However, it is, I just don't want it's not in your control, your wife a brazilian employees, you dont controllers stock, and so I e.
I wouldn't be his heavy ended as you are, but I will act I should say if I was ever going to be good there. You know that the financial numb, regardless of what you think of the products or the people or anything else Financial on that company are blistering good yeah, that's it. right position to be in the declaration, the crazy, how much cash they have it's mine blowing, but but aside from that, I still well armenia I'm sitting here saying how much I'm a fan boy of their stocks- and I don't know a single share that says I follow the principles
I don't buy single stocks at all and if I was going to it, wouldn't be more than ten percent. Don't just do what you want to do, but I'm not thanks for the fall just as the rams the hey John bologna here. I say it all the time you can't wish your way to a better life. It boils- and being intentional about what you do every day. Intentional acts because healthy habits in one of them important things you can do to improve Mental and physical health right now starting tonight is to get enough quality sleep
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Firstly no alice ramsay personality number one by selling author is my co host today, as we answer your questions about your wealth, your work that you love and actual amazing relationships MIKE, is whether such philly, they might Welcome to the ramsey show eggs. Dave. I'm happy that you took my phone call and I thank her. The tool to really changed my life. I really appreciate it modern. How can I help so I'm on baby steps for five and six and ever since they paid off my death and disease not me? Full emergency fund saving up for a house, but the last six months. I've been.
over budget, and I just feel I sort of lost that gazelle and answered. He regarding my budget and expenses, and I just wanted to know. If you have any tips to help me sort of get back on track. MIKE. What am what motivates you to succeed? Financially? What what gets you excited whenever you think about saving and money? I don't know I guess just the yeah a worthy free ends being able to do what I want. I mean I was under so much pressure from debt for so long and so wake such the big part of my life that lake distance, the sense of freedom That's been really my! You know, I guess my ashley nor my eyes, the agent. How old are you know? I mean I'm thirty, seven
what do you do for a living? I work and philanthropy? so you're development guy, I yes, ok, go well want one clarification once you're in baby steps for five and six? We don't teach gazelle intensity, we say from intensity to intention, but even then your violating, because you're goin over budget you're not being tension, guys you're not doing within your money? Your money, not What you wanted to do good, you're, goofing up, that's what you're telling me even that you're not being intentional, because you're not living on your budget so that you can buy the house right now? Is your budget too tight? it probably is. Are you single? Yes, are with or spender by nature. I used to be under, but I think I think I'm a bit of a safer
except that aren't where you fell off the budget and didn't save yeah. Well, I mean I'm still in what should be Thirdly on its hands, but I'm still putting money my retirement account? That's just you should be run by the usual. That's only if you do, if you want to do that, while you're saving for louse, that's not Ok, sometimes baby at baby step. Three bay people stop there. Tom, and sometimes they keep retirement going while their saving for a house either ones. Ok, not enough, his violated there, your moral about motivation. So if your budget is reasonable for you to live on you're not haven't strain and hold your breath like you were back in baby steps, one through three instead you're just in you, went from sprang to now you're a marathon. You feel the difference yeah and if, in that, kaden that rhythm, your butt, It is reasonable Then you ve gotta, start asking yourself. Ok, What do I want more this down at?
These are, or are these eight pounds of theirs doughnuts gonna put on me. These are questions. I ask myself every day yeah so I mean it's like like I saw a bumper sticker one times and it now nothing tastes as good as it feels to be thin yeah. You know and argue that, but that's a good bumpersticker, so you know, but the You know that you know. Is it worth it to not do that thing. That's a budget buster animal, to get your house probably need to get like pictures of houses that you like and put them on your average writer. It's not a idea that's not a bad idea. Gonna get a visual in front of you. This punching you in the nose every so often and you're gonna wait a minute. I've already spent restaurant budget. If I go out day three more times as waken screw around this money, I'm not ever getting in the house,
Yeah. This was going to say: is it so important to have your? Why be clear like you need to know why you're fighting while you're saving wire budgeting, I love that and philanthropy and your already a giving person the huge motivations of getting to baby steps southern as so that you can give and live like no one else. So, like Dave said, said, get away. the house that you want get takes them. By yourself and just think they're gonna. Why am I doing this? What is inspiring to me whenever I reach baby steps have on when, when I have that paid house in work, I do with that money. How can I give back what channels are excited about? The other thing that helps most of us is to have community around us while we're trying to be accountable and to be encouraged. and how some people in our lives, and so if, if you ve been through philanthropists university, I have not ok I will put you through, that it's you into some of those groups and let them and just tell groups do to be real with a group and go hey group. A ya gotta homey accountable because you're gonna be you know
the good news. Is your single and you dont have to convince somebody else to do this? The bad news is written by rag, and only if you mess it up so so, but you so you need some people in your corner that are colony out and reminding you what's real. What's important, could you already know all this stuff, you're, obviously bright guy? You know to do this. So pretty cool man I think you're gonna be fine. The good news is actually had a budget. That said, wait a minute you're off the buyer, you're off the path you hit, the all right I'll get back in my way in its tellin ya, right, discriminatory and, as you know, we have that before so now. The numbers- you accountable, they wake you up. No wait, wait, wait, wait! Rick is in springfield, Missouri, hey rick! Welcome the ram, show big Dave Kelly. How can we help Oh man, I just inherited a million dollars from my mom, I'm disabled, and I don't know what to do. I'm married. I got to the special needs- kids, I'm like
like eleven hundred dollars a month, admissibility check now it all this money common hundred help. So let us not just prove up in smoke. Why didn't said so that my wife, how old are you, come it'll be fifty this year. What's the name, your disability sure. a car accident. I got caught up in a forty five car pileup yeah number me what happened to you. I had another body experience, I mean really acts and what is the origin of disability or disability? the union told me that I'm not able to perform my duties. I used to get down in a forty, fifty foot hole and now I feel like the walls were going to cave in on me. So I wasn't able to do my job. I guess paranoia my job. so anxiety, yet from the regular show you what with each other. Ok, that's for how long ago was that back in two thousand and eight Is there? Have you ever tried to do anything else.
I don't like leaving my house in today's society. I neither, but I get you back. Ok, here's! Your wife work outside the home now she's a home gotta. She say that all much extra, the kid make it all Levin our bucks a month, samantha super budgeting. Well, the million dollars like you say could go prove, and I appreciate your fear about that and the way to keep you from doing that is to put some folks your corner to teach you not to do it for you I do not want you going in doing something because I said to do it or someone else to do it. The job of lady going your corner it and they need to have the power and argue not you not your. That's. Ok, if you're in the stock market alone care of your there, that's what we're mom mom personal retirement, as in the stock market and muff, or a one guy now word by them? What I am worried about as you put money in something that you don't
we stand and that someone else told you to do it and at you know, then than that than the monies gone and you're a victim of that, and I want you been a victim. I want you to be a victor anko, so you are in control. You make the decisions. You sit down with some one. If you want to talk to someone that does investing the way we teach here on the air. You can click smart vester at ramsey solutions, it'll connect you up with broker. That do mutual VON investing the way I personally do it and you begin to learn about it. If you're scared our market right now, that's reasonable, but You know you can't be scared of everything and more than a half a million dollars make any money. It's gotta make little bit of money on something and put it now: off again buried in the backyard have coffee. He put it in something and buried in the back yard, is about They're gonna cost you a hundred thousand a year,
So you need to have a little bit of courage, but your courage is going to come from knowledge, not being rash or being a gamble. You learn about buying a house before you buy a house and then you don't make a mistake. Buying a house. This is the ramsey show the what
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witherspoon dallas texas, I amy. How are you, Mr Andrew, how are you doing better than I deserve? What's up it's a good question mutual funds? Burgess curious, if I were you every surgeon both have a proven track record of you can get one percent growth over them, How does it matter I truly need tf have mutual fund really. Now I do about something The thing you don't want to get into a lot. If you're reading about a t F, send you gotta rabbit hole on one. These stupid read it. Bridge or something like that. Then you may People using you d have to do to try to time the market jump in and never gonna get it my whole life good. That's it It's a wise thing. I don't I haven't gone back in a long time, but my team tells me from time to time peter things going on, and
but yeah, it's like reading the comments. After an article, you understand why some species- you dear young, and so let the yeah. Dumbest humans on the planet, but they are in the e f. If you go, if you get off I'll use an ugly Government issued predicting jumped, unlike that show where you're getting the financial advice from goops are trying to figure out some get rich, quick thing: ok, don't use an eighty of that war. if you're simply using it like a mutual fund, it ITALY, is a mutual funds car how it acts miss very, very, very somewhere. Would you agree with what you ve learned about it yet I think I mean we're going for a more efficient tax things I didn't plan for. if need mutual on less tax efficient that that's what I'm going to show you max, not all your retirement actual. How to prevent that free out and everything you, Sir way to go out? Are you thirty three hasn't thirty two
gang who yeah the eighty. I will give you the same benefits on the tax efficiency, that lack of national be five hundred, would an index one If you buy a low turn over mutual fun, you know that they don't sell the stars. Inside of it very often has a low turnover ratio. That's why I do in europe why should I be stuck poached baby steps, seven stuff, you're gonna person out of debt percent matched out on retirement now working put some money and not get my butt taxed off right exactly and show that the e f o? Let it shut their basic goods. Capital gains, growth turn over mutual fun like an index, five hundred will sp five hundred. Would it's a basically cap gains grocery don't pay taxes only until you cash it If you'd held it a year in cash it then you can be taxes. Taxes on capital gains right, rather than full ordinary income right. Such varied. provision, I love em for that purpose, in your setting super super yes, but Don't want everybody else out there listening at twenty two million listeners thinking, oh in buying sale and I'm gonna,
I've been the market. Now the market and use eight. It have to do it, which is a lot of times. When you hear people doing these stupid motley, large articles or something like that. I don't know what they're doing their teaching you to do that of timing. The mark is bad, but eighty general issue, whether I'm zipper impressed three years old, killed every step? Seven might drop. I love among all Madame had to spend tat stuck. You go girl, abigails, witherspoon, rapid city, south dakota abigail. What's up I might be a little when you are. I am, I am currently working in and outside the arm, boyfriend. I am looking to move in together and we can agree on whether to rank apart. Or by a house together buying up without being married. Looking like madam, he can put some advice, I think you're done on the right track. With that I would not recommend buying house was somebody or not married to that can open up so many doors to complications
What's your kind, a timeline for wanting to make a move we can clearly six months. What's your our? Are you guys you're, twenty and twenty to twenty and twenty two if you're willing to talk about buying a house? and you really know we ve been together, why aren't you willing to get married we're very young, yet year high school the young have your married all arm. yeah! I know when we ve been talking about, I think, will probably get married within a year or two. Where, where I'm calling learn, I a serious conversation this weekend because I wanna get I can't when we're gonna get married and how much the wedding should be. Affably fell, vocation
you, you called asking advice about the house and about the whole situation. I'm gonna give you more than you ask for ok, ok, where there was a Brookings institute did a study that sad in america, if you do three things, your probability to avoid poverty is statistically astronaut or, in other words, the likelihood of being in poverty. If you avoid these three things is very, very high mary before you have a kid: have your first job after age twenty and get married, for you live together, but that the testicle analysis. Ok, and the child says of divorce for people that live together before they get married are for times higher than people
get married before living together, statistical evidence, interacting so yeah. If my youngest is thirty when they were in twenties. If we had had been having this conversation, I would say why do you think you can beat the odds. There must be some reason behind all of the day, must be some reason behind all this. So if bubba is willing to sleep- with you and buy a house with you, he should be willing to marry you. That's my dad talkin look, I'm sorry. I told you get more new looked for and how do you know what I'm not cause a problem? I care about you get out, Why should a win, and you know that you're lookin out when I did go, thank you so
I'll buy a house for god's sakes or somebody not married to because when you break it's very, very difficult when somebody dies or becomes disabled, it's very a very difficult, yeah some guy, it's very, very difficult. just like even applying for a long while you were not married would come katy? I did didn't wanna do not work. dating I didn't want to have to deal with the burden of formal nauseous agreed a great shout, yeah, rent for sure and on, but you need to consider these other statistics as well. I kind of god By your not but much, ok, it's my job to tell it's your job to decide what you're gonna do you're like a grown up and stuff funny a few days to think about it, like really take some time. Think about it, pray about it, a valley, before you have this conversation get your own emotions at all, because I mean I think you do have an opportunity to really have some of
harder conversations about, whereas this relationship going what's the timeline and a sound like you know, you guys at least the ability to have the conversation. So if that conference, It's happening this weekend. You know just take some time before happens to consider what dave's. That answer more wise way to approach at no, if you're sure enough to make all these big life decisions than usual. Not make a big like decision. So why our you, when you got twenty three point, three point two so young people get married Alta then? You been married how long ten years- and I got forty- that's thing so you know it- it works yeah. It's an amazing thing. You know and there. You go one successful marriages, their built on those hard conversations like being willing to have those hard conversations about yeah. Maybe he wants to move in with you or he wants to wait longer to be married. What, then, you have to have your boundaries as well. The part of your brain you're, using to make a permanent commitment when you The house is a pretty
Miller part of your brain that used to make a permanent commitment when you decide to get married because- You were in the house, the ultimate it you got. The we got the bridge, on your forehead, unama you're there and new york, stuck in this deal. And so on it very, very similar, shut of critical. King scales and get you there and I know you're in love- and I know I know he's. persuasive
especially if you're buying house to like you're signing on a dotted line for that as well. That's pretty intimidating! If you're not married, it's hard to get out of either one marriage or house owning ownership. Both are messy, so yeah. You need to be really sure what we're doing here, with permanent decisions long term to shoot this is the ramsey show the Moving season is heating up. If you're changing homes, it can be exciting and maybe a little bit stress. There are some things you can't control like interest rate an inventory, but with the help of or studio, sponsor pods. Moving in storage. There's still a lot you can control pods is the
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christina was ramsay personality. Is my co host today you're on the rams issues, I am dave. Ramsay, open phones, a triple like eight to five. Five two to five amy is with us in Dallas texas. I amy. How are you, rune doing well. Mr ramsey, how are you, sir, better than deserve. What's up, I'm a good question, and I'm pretty sure know, the answer is no stranger to bite. I work for a large cap company to be discussed and over the years we ve built that they sat down through ASAP. option that we received. Although debate, should I sell it? and putting didn't mutual funds. What's it all back ground? What's it all yours it's worth about, one hundred thousand dollars, which is about thirty of my network, maxine, retirement already and a man you already have to sell it on port
I was coaching. A lady with procter and gamble about Tom gets away from me must be twenty. Five years ago, and I honestly have no idea what program gamble stock is doing today. It might be wonderful. But she had seven hundred and fifty thousand. It was her whole nest egg and she had it all in company stock. She was a png. Employee. Benji is a good company by the way again I have no idea about investing in them at all about this: an observation. What happens when you have all your money in company stock or thirty percent of your network and count me stuck? It went down sixty eight percent. Seven hundred thousand turned into like hundred fitted out cause she violate the rule of diverse? and on the the real war, ten percent maximum of ten percent of your network and the reason for that is, if, at all, if it evaporation, became, were zero years Ok, you showed got ninety percent.
but I will really want you to lose thirty percent of your net worth I'm not saying you're very large, kept come usual, unbroken predicting about they will for large gap. Honestly, I just I personally wouldn't take that much risk and you already knew that you knew I was gonna say that right, bad feeling. I guess I'm torn because it's like it is. It has gone down a little bit. If you had seven dollars in the middle of a table in cash, would you go by the starter? Would you put it in mutual funds? I am porn on that decision, because it you I'd like a worthwhile. I give you that thirty percent of your portfolio on one count- you know I don't know if that's the way. I do know that dumb but I was trying to get you to say it, but I'll just say it. Okay. I know that's too much of your net worth that. You got at risk and want to play and you're emotionally involved, because you work there you're still impressed with the company
ray, and here the word lying. They can be an impressive company, their stock still shock, yeah and you can still like going in and still think, they're good people and still get your head taken off. Now? I second question I thought all at once or state space it out over time Is it doing pretty well right now, I mean it, don't I'm still ahead. I guess What I'm any grilles, don't think anybody in single style is doing well. Where now I don't, I don't think you're gonna sell at all at once because I'm trying to do get you to sell some of it now. So I think he's probably better for you to ease out of it as long as you actually do it and I'm not gonna. Let you off the hook you do need to get rid of at least get out. Where is no more than ten percent of your network? then, if you just dying to own it, then that's fine. I listen manner.
Several hundred million. I don't have a single single stock of my portfolio, not one. I, like the risk review, I believe the game on it because I get it back every year as a downturn. What's gonna know back up, so you really need to cut down to about five percent, You have to show you how to do this again in two years: right: yeah, ok, spread your portions to seven yes to aid, for you do not know when disaster may come upon the land ecclesiastics, it's even in the bible to diversify, while a wild, as that how safe, because you do not know when a pandemic may come up on the right stone! I mean you can't you can't do that to me. When one all mine, money in one type of real estate. I'm a little heavy in these buildings are here, but I guess I on all these buildings there were several hundred million.
but we're grateful. But but it's I believe, I'm okay, because I'm the tenant too, but that but who knows, I may say, that's good. I can be a problem, but ah but yeah You just gotta be careful to not put all your joint basket cause some periods torn on the basket, way said if you had seven hundred thousand on the table. What would you do with it? I think that's a good way to canada disconnect from the fact that it's beneath that she kind has a biased the already, because it's where she works. I think that's a good a separate things you well, main here's the thing. She's a player she's got a high risk. Tolerance does her thing is always gone up. she's, it's gonna be a great investment in. I saw that she's got that tolerance thing going, but but I've been on the other side of that when I see the thing turned back down and so on, going to tell you that in your right, what happens or even if you're, not connected to the emotion of the company. You can be connected to. Oh, I really leave in this company stock. I think this general I'm gonna buy up,
I believe it home any work for apple island phone. It makes my investment, but I believe that a great investments on now, I'm emotionally connected to the single stock and that's probably a great stock. If you were going to win, I don't I don't pick single stocks. I can't don't don't take my advice on that. I'm using that as an example but the but but you know you can become connected to it and what that does. Is it it dive? It makes you I will maybe I wouldn't put it all in there, then. Why are you because it's this transaction and that that shot cost analysis makes you look at it? why Leland is in phoenix highly lend? How are you I'm doing all right. Are you great? How can I help so current officer, lieutenant and I I'm in the middle of selling a riddle house, my own create clarity,
at go right now I plan on getting around two hundred and five whenever they take from it to arm so I'm shooting at My current debt right now. I owed maintain on cars and ninety on a house and I'll be completely deaf free, but also own land on building retiring? I saw win land The land free unclear? When, were you really like without my question retiring about ten years. I wanna start building within the next five takes you five years to build a house world. I gotta get the subdivision. Everything is not being taken that long buried about its five. Our trip back and forth. family that can do it but I want to at least start the foundation. in five years to the day. we will be dyed with them, I too years, my retired, you are a planner, that's all
you do not need to start. Do not need to build a house for five years, it'll be righted by the time you get on roof now any belarussian twelvemonths, really mean what leisure building on our genuine thing or something when you're, not so But I save some money and keep planning and moving in that direction. So you're gonna, be free and you're going, invest the marriage, the money and like a mutual fund, to get ready to build on this property and said eight years right, yeah yeah, My question: to put it towards a mutual funds, Do I you dont need over seven hundred dead, but I have now you pay off all the that you have your hundred percent, that free, ok and then that an idea of what you're gonna get bail number on this thing that I have no idea the money aside so my eye of your now pay off your car you're gonna buy it never borrow money again, raise your hand on their borrow money, again
I never borrow money again. Okay and then you gotta, pay your taxes and it sounds to me, like you're gonna have like seventy grand left over to put in a mutual fund or drought. Okay, I do told in a mutual fund and call it a day should I do it in my fourth fifty seven that I already have knowing nope, or should I be pulling one that you can't afford fifty seven deferred compensation, not comp, you can't. He has really worked in a hurry, They put it in an hour. I just born in a mutual funds can touch on one of our smart rest reproach and could you just park in it for seven years? How old? Are you? I look at you the military right. No? No, no correction! Oh ok! You should lieutenant you get you through me. Aren't you,
You're you're, good you've got plenty of time. Now you don't want that in a mutual I mean you just wanted a mutual fund, not enough retirement account and and all your planning I think, it'd be awesome. If part of that plan is building a house with cash to set that, as part of your goal is building that house five years from now seven the ramsey show the have you been inspired to make a change with your money want to know where to start. Take her three minute money quiz to get a plan. You can follow ramsey solutions, dot, com, search for get started to get a plan. The hey it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products. Services. You heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-09.