« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should I Get a Second Job To Beef Up Retirement? (Hour 3)

2021-12-29 | 🔗

Debt, Insurance, Relationships, Career, Investing, Retirement

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
from my point of view, I am she solutions, broadcasting commit all environmental studios. It's the rams. Asia, where that is down just came on mortgage, has taken the place of the Bmw, those not a symbolic Andy Rams. Your Hostaqua John Bologna Ramsay personality of the Doktor John Bologna podcasting you to show, is my pillow today, open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five, that's triple eight, eight to five five, two to five
really in Denver. Our first call this our highly how're you doing Thank you got I have been, and I are currently on babies, pet member to our annual income is about a hundred and fifteen thousand per year and we have about seventy five thousand left in debt to pay off, though, thinking that we can be completely deaf gray within the next twenty four months time and my question, Is that where do we prioritized family planning into the baby steps? If we're me an international path. This burners mainly through Sturgis, be or adoption well, there's not a baby in the baby steps of babies when you read out babies, but you throw a curve in there when you say there is a different kind of caused here ok, so you know I think and there I guess the other possible question that that similar you're not
showing that question, but the somewhere in vitro. Ah, you know when we do that and I'm I'm, I'm thirty action. I am not alone two more years and that kind of stuff I get that question over the years. A lot, that's it's in the same bucket of questions. and so I make. If you're gonna do or adoption you would do the would learn so much about these two things that you would find that there is a vast spectrum that people pay for these things far. One thousand to a hundred thousand spectrum? where's being about forty five to sixty thousand, depending on which route Again, in the United States are international, and my husband S. Thirty five, though ages, something that were definitely thinking about Thank you. Ve got more research to do. Ok, we were
with many many many families that have done adoptions for how, of your low number or less and so I think, you're getting a the Bentley pitch. Rather than the should rely page on, the adoption process show now another thing that does no, it does not cost that. My answer, I think you ve got your here's the thing when I, when I the more information I gather in the more options I have more power. I have in making a decision and I dont a given options, yet my right, I'm sure you don't cause approaches, are quoting mere ridiculous. Wow that money for our first choice between these two. Guess you spell that we could have the biological child the adoption would be secondary. How could we know we can achieve a broker, an archive You know that obviously there's a lot of ways to compensate a target.
And a lot of money rangers on that as well. So it it's a personal thing in such an intimate thing. It's very hard for, somebody on the radio like me to speak into it, and and not so the college or not shone like I don't care about it. I do care about it it it's just. You have got you do not want to get into these situations. And look back later and while that that it's so emotional, it can cloud you from treating it like a business transactions as much you sure that I wanted to be emotional. I wanted to be intimate. I wanted to matter, but I also want you to use wisdom in the process, as I make sense here now, I'm not trying to be unfeeling in other words, but but but shop anyway. I can tell you in our life me and my wife own, we were walking down some of the steps we put an end,
oh a line we wouldn't cross, because we knew that once we are It's got into this deal and once there are people around you, always single, there's another option. There's another option is another option that suddenly you wake up and you're you're so far your head or so foreigner water. It just the whole thing. What was gonna be this joyous precious moment to really really cloudy. What's the seventy five thousand under? Oh, my gosh everything We have a much of cars about one five thousand bird last July with ninety we sold while we surrender to vehicles, member paying off the death, is the thought it, but we have few cash cars now. Ok, we have to be right now so that twenty five is the deficits Brac, yes and then the rat.
This ban. That too, I have with my parents and their credit card just furniture. Much do you. Oh your penance faddy about twenty thousand You know I mean I might consider knowing that a polish point in the rest of the club so that snowball? Could you do want the cash to be freed up to build a do these other things somewhat. You work, international destiny, Bonwit you're, pushing through the majority of it, but that twenty I might ask for a moratorium on that until after the baby, and so I went out among pay anything on this because we're gonna get you a drink, it that's a good blackmail and but ya mean negotiate that were them talk to him about it in and so yeah that's a different kind. dad that you could get your own now. Payments are no interest, while you are clearly
the thing and then come back to it after baby and get it done. That will be fine The question is not really wonder: babies, you questions were to stick a sixty thousand dollar or forty thousand dollar, or twenty five thousand dollars bench in the middle of your debt, snowball and its annex that is very into very emotional, and am worth every penny. I would strongly recommend go into a council, Jurek recommend or a pasture, This is one of those moments where your pictures and words get screwed up right. We think in in pictures, but we Beacon words and were same baby, we're both sand kid or both say and pay off the debt. That's when one of you has one picture: they'll get another one, so just been able to have a third party the walk you through monsieur bizarre same page, where we headed. What do we want to do here and how? What order one do that man? You can't go wrong, get everybody! On the same page, the other dutch, important and I agree with what you shut our eyes to the unity of the talk version you do have to pee
a line on this Because otherwise, your emotions or plough passed any thing this reasonable. You look up. You be hundred video or somethin I've actually be bored in vitro where they just break the bank, they just keep going back and that was my wife's wisdom up front withdraw line here. Let's say this is this is as far as we can take this and then
we're gonna work hard, but right across his line and those that ended up being extraordinary wisdom is usually our wives, progressive, straightest, absolute. Is it just it's more? Those places where it's impossible for people worry yourself to tell yourself? No doubt you now IRA, sad and touching story. Recently, Zander Insurance has set up a scholarship for children whose parents died without life insurance, its touching, but also sad, since it's a situation that occurs all over the country and can be avoided in so many cases. This
is the reason why I talk about Zander and term life insurance every day, it's not expensive or complicated, gotta, Zander, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two, so I don't have to keep talking about these sad story. Doktor John Lonely. Ramsay personality is my co host today. Well, the housing market is hot. That would be an understatement. Your house could be worth a lot more today than it was twenty minutes ago. That is not an understatement. That's the truth! you're old insurance policy. Mine I give enough coverage if your house's worth fifty thousand or more than it was a year ago, insurance policy. Has the old values stated on it? That's all you will get if it burns.
Hello, you need to update your policy and guess what you're insurance? I just didn't. Call you either. Some policies automatically razor coverage a little depending on home price by The inflation rates, but not enough to cover, what's going on right now and if your agent hasn't followed up and reset your policy, you do Have adequate coverage show recommend endorsed local providers for car and homeowners insurance and can get a much better deal and you'll get an agent to stay on top of things. These are indeed agencies agents, they compare multiple policies to find the best possible coverage for your home and your budget text home two thirty three, seven, eight nine and talk to her stood insurance pro about finding the right coverage for you getting upper amount at the best possible deal text home to three, three seven, eight, nine
Richard, is where those in Atlanta High Richard welcome to the Rams issue. yeah. I guess you know better than- we deserve sure oil? and so on in baby such point six about very thirty six thousand after tax. Here, I am idea of working the next year getting a sigh job in London. the side, job money. So looking about twenty hours that you're a different job and the primary job money. talking about per year towards saving it towards retirement savings target your opinion on it. I have six months saved up right now. Such time did you did you as, depending on your single, I am sure law I I have to Your pay, my mortgage while yet that is my home. Elderly people.
yeah, I'm all in then her Anything it necessary for you to have a good life. No. No living very much dear. I gotta do you often what about off then heard I mean you know I want to work hard, make more money and have more money should not do that ensure, unless you're giving up something major in your life. By doing that is yes, that's where money comes from, shall yet another all that, but also don't want. You think that that you're twenty four you make thirty six thousand earlier. You need a panic about retirement. You can start saving fifteen percent of your income now and do that every year, as you get raises as your career grows and you be just fine, I would make more sense to protect them toward your time. My little girl of thirty six thousand towards my mortgage well,
teach that you should be putting fifteen percent of your income towards retirement and everything else toward your mortgage, so both both So if you make fifty six thousand because our work and extra then fit Ten percent of fifty six thousand would go into retirement that year any other money you can scrape body or budget that you want to do something important with would go towards peace. off your mortgage early. That's what we teach baby steps, four, five and six. We also especially for twenty four year old, go getters done over complicated dont trust, sport. The system does following their end it does come to feel like that. You're trying to figure await a game. The system here and and point as you can relax a little. I think you're Ok and it's ok to work for make some extra money and then follow the process and you're gonna get there get there just fine, but it's not like. If you know,
If our front loading thinking, I never work again as I would probably, but that's not what I find as normative among step millionaires, everyday millionaires that I mean everywhere crises in Birmingham high Tracy, welcome to the Ramsay Shop. hi. My question is: I am merely to a self made minor weeping for three years together for a total of seventy eight put my two we on hold, and I cannot help him with everything his businesses more This is what enabling I one job. I have actually get a paid salary foam is. I am a project flash office manager for an electrical contracting company.
We ve got to crossing nation, though. as the wonder job. I do actually get a salary. War, but on top of that, I helped them with everything off his other business. that he has and of his personal like you know, economic up, a word for it, when we got married, I find a clean up you know. I understand that you meeting before me, issuers and your stuff for such as yours,. But I'm starting to feel like were never going to build together and I put my career on hold, I'm helping out. Him and his thumb. push dress you what else is going on,
why then? Why didn't you have kids and that something tat. I thought what he's doing me a long wait as well, and- he'll like everything in life is like there's nothing. But ours like don't get. Why keep values my opinion or why? You feel me why? Because The truth is true. That's why you're here yeah. you're, not crazy, and all They train. You know everything that you say that John, because he has in saying that I you got your psychiatrist, because there is no reason why I should be unhappy with my wife, because he provides me with all these things. That floor, ass or except for meaning he tells What you're gonna like and what you're gonna love away you need, and then he provides that with giving you any input on the things that you want and need in Europe.
living somebody else's life. It is correct. Just like we all we all got by no, we did no People got Biden checks, they didn't get value and purpose ripe. Very similar not crazy as the gas lighter special. When you say hey, I'm doing ok, they say why you should try somebody right. Dave said it. The right, eat, Susie right on. You feel this work. It is true. Yeah and I am a member of her worker, I'm very through Google. How have you been married three or shoulder you, I'm thirty, five elsie. He is fifty one. Yeah he's acting like a batty not just the year differentiation you're the daughters lush employ, we build overbearing. Don't you think I
but like I am more their employees now. What would happen if you quit I have written that in the current year. Don't run us what would happen? I think the dynamic would change. Just for a moment- and then you know he said the right things, and then, though, I know that you're doing a thing. What what do you get? What are you getting paid to be the project coordinator? administrative assistance, what A year approximately like fifty thousand dollar it? Ok, you can go find another fifty thousand dollars yoga. Different drawing on a different role. we are absolutely anything that he always says is that I am supported entitled because he pays off the fields which he, how idle curiosity more all sudden what he says? Don't matter of hard enough of Lord for him anymore, now ya,
Here's to work on your marriage- there is unanimity, got rid of jobs, are more else should get a marriage counselor if he won't go, go without him and let the Mercosur navigate you through setting this guy for one possible chance to win or two possible chances to win, and then they shouldn't gonna go well, it's already Nagorno Karabakh, crypto currency. Almost everybody has heard about it and almost nobody understands it. So what is crypto currency? Anyone, Andorra, camel host of the five French, the show where we talk about the hidden transcend keeping you broke in this episode, we unravel the mystery of crypto currency and talk about of investing in crypto. He's your ticket to wealthy down or regrettable check out. The fine friend with me, George, camel wherever you listen about gas Doktor John Bologna Rams. Your personality is Michael O. Today, Kara is whether such Sacramento California, I care of our you. Try day thinking for keeping my car just watch upon
I am just. Dreamily overwhelmed- I guess is the best way to see it. I'm a single mom. I grew up also with a single mom and who struggled I'm definitely not as bad as office. going up to buy it still struggling- and I am I know you There are incomparably, I'm pretty sure I've. I've, renders introduce me to use so I've been like the last few weeks. Listening to the park have been. You know, So those are my google. I got the integrated you are you. Are you his day, but I just came out of my old man for some reason, I just I filed bankruptcy into Nineteen, because a creditor was going to take twenty five percent of my wages and at one point I tried to put ten percent in my retirement and I have enough for rent. So I knew twenty five percent was like So I did file differently. I did open a couple credit cards after just too, though my credit, which now I know that
hunting, but I dont use them out. I put a small amount of air right off. I was literally just turning though my credit I don't wanna be my rent is going up again and August. I just I don't know what you will you I'm terrified. Our little does your baby law there. Actually payment, from my youngest are my oldest of a twenty four August. Am I my youngest will be seventeen in August any raised them completely by yourself to the yeah, my youngest, this one, her GAD Wisdom and he's basically very when we start again almost five month, though he's her down boy got. She knows, but I'm here, spend in the picture. The last half century nine and then like can you in the picture? So I know you don't you held, in my view, been unmarried mother of children their life and aid here,
You don't get me wrong. I ain't dopamine stopover, ok, you're freaking hero you're amazing, and you're exhausted. I am in constant. I mean I am fortunate that my job I'm a surgical technologies, so I am able to pick up extra shifting oh and for many years I worked six or seven days a week, and you know it is not known how to do anything for twenty years, except put out far ear. Basically Guiana. and I heard you twice its tired of it, twice on this call credit I to minimize what you're doing yeah, but I'm really lucky and ya know could be worse on ya know you are too hero work and not you. And you almost got it done. I mean you're supporting amazing, let's hope in the next chapter, let's Rome, when the next chapter and make it also together. Ok
as I am so proud of my girl, they re now they are very financially conscience and I want I want you to be proud of you as your of your girl, and you're, not proud of your girls. I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you yes what do you make a right? Am I My bringing home moved about. Forty wine berries, his and I just recently started pick it up more. So a man woman again by what are you forty five, a forty four yeah, pretty good guess almost like I've done. This ok yeah if I were to us, so are you sure, you're forty five year old, single lady, whose kids are grown, Jae ha. Ok yeah. So what for the next twenty years of your life, only five years of your life? You get, who have what we call an encore come out on the edge of the stage after the place over and you take a bow, and then you go again show now
Thus you start fresh Wasperton were eighteen or were forty five and we're gonna whiteboard, where do you wanna be? Who do you be. What do you want doing when you're sixty five. I want to not be afraid to retire from about your career, my career? I absolutely love my job. I love being a surgical check Are you going to think I would ask you to my twice as much money as you make, so what are we gonna hear? Ordinarily, european is always than Michael. Our Larkin like that you're not gonna go. So what are we going to watch? You don't take to be appear. Where are we gonna? Do this actors yeah. I go back to school. no. I mean I don't feel like. Pleasure work for pay for it. I would, though, do twice reimbursement and others. Like my employer. I saw some yeah yeah,
Unlike our plan already, I want you to a certain point. you have to the house. Evil then yourself and do it that you can't work full time anymore, that another listening already Europe a Europe of certain abroad blocks and where it can upon, or we could do for hours when people and about so I tell you what successful people do. Ok, this look out there and they say this is where I wanna be regarded. About that Then we are ourselves the question. What hast a true for that to occur- that's not true today Ok, we ve already established some a couple. Those things one is you're going to go back to school to his son. You're gonna have to prepare a way. To eat. While you have to take a little time off to finish that schooling and we're gonna get there and oh by the way, along the way, we're gonna get out of debt and along the way, work and out man. They're gonna, pay for four years, for this is getting even better because tuition reimbursement, I'm leavin this all along the manufacture, might
a programme that will allow you to continue to work there and do yours do your practical. There are whenever it is. Rather too, I don't know I haven't finished yet you just started. This is gonna, be on some awesome I care. I just thought you every day that we take care illicit undertake this in thirty seconds. my mom didn't go to college. She came from an ecosystem that didn't invite, didn't support that at four. They too, she took her first community college class in took another when the next year and another one the next year. This is my mom, I watch did happen and then at fifty three she graduate now, I'm sorry, if fifty seven she graduated with their Phd at sea, three she was tenured in its seventy. She just stopped The department chair at the university that she networks so here I wasn't that's a map, the David he's telling you Honey you're just getting started.
of all the whole age who care in my own head your own here, the target of sixty year old, non pissed off now illicit Dave's, old terrorists and he's old, but he still no and write this your damage. We get off their care care. You got all hot, you gotta, you got the back have to go. You just played nine holes and you got no more to go. Encore baby. Take about I'm just doing like exam. There are thirty. I pay you should use. You just finished a frequent battle. Eight year battle, a twenty year battle- and you got yeah. And I am proud of the fact that I dont like I'm- not frivolous-
not my times already spent here and there they should have done some stupid stuff. You wouldn't be human, exactly started, I dont vacation and things like that. I saw her there all right. I regret that you need to go through from entropy shivers to integrate this stupid credit card. Stephanus bankruptcy, Stephanie Rearview, mirror stood about your windshield, I'm tired of abandon your windshield. Initially in the past year, you put it back there. We will end up doing stupid stuff. That puts you there and that's the heel, of your finances are gonna. Put you on track to go BP a year. Bp Ay and you're gonna make more money from fifty five to seventy than you did from twenty five to fifty five in its the beast over you and your you're gonna throw you shouted back, no look at me a dead right, so you have taken care of everyone. I also now it's time to take care of you. You ve been put of everybody else, and now it's time to be proud of you, ding ding girl
Irma using all down Kelly's gonna pick up. We're gonna put you in a remedy plus membership for a year as our as our gift, he is to put you on the way and we want you to get in there and get into financial patient. First, you get the every dollar outgoing and get your
your financer straightened out. Go too can common dot com start following the stuff can is doing on career, and you have thirty days to start taking solid steps on this journey. I don't want to talk to you again sixty days from now, and you have done nothing except wine. Minos kill this Don T in school going it now. This is the rams
Our scripture, the ecclesiastics, seven twelve, the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him. Who has it? Albert Einstein says we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created a man on a man in requires new thoughts. That's what we're here for Monsieur knew how, from new thoughts easy new actions. Governors weathers governors in Fort Walton Beach. I Kevin welcome to the Rams issue How do I just don't? Take Michael sharp? What's up no. The question that I have is about life insurance, so we are doubtful. Opera house we are currently went in. The plans for the planet. Frida animals, we should be- I guess
a financially three point, and I would about five years my questions so humble how much and for how long should we get life insurance, assuming we're going to be able to help ensure fairly short time horizon hooker self ensure means that five years from today, you're gonna have a paid for house your kid. Groaning and gone or you of so much money that your kids taking care of. If you die anyway, how old are you so we yours thirty, four and you're, renting We are currently working on it. We do have to shoulder and how much money do you have currently, we have around five thousand and when you make a year So we are income I now is about
Forty We look about a third of our income so worried about a lot of into investments. my arm should do it? Job change probably was about a year Our income should be creation substantially. Ok, I Well I mean, apparently you understand the r R. My definition of self insured is Israel if money of an investments that your family? I have enough income coming, offer those investments without touching the principle to take care of them. easily your income! Being there. Your income replaced by income off of investments without into touch the actual principle of the investments. If you're gonna be they area five years than you know, you're there,
Are you guys healthy? Yes, okra cause, here's the I mean a million dollars on authority for you I'll just on costs, but the cost of a pizza? It's not much money, Angelo and I do yeah you nothin. I guess that's my question do we do that. Could I know you kind of today we recommend the ten to twelve. Yeah, you change your mind. Branwell may remind me, and if you buy me a half on you would Whatever you not me, it's just not much money when talking about some super expensive policy. If you got his Zander insurance dot com- and you quote out, a million half two million whatever on our thirty four you're, just not that much. It's done costs at my show If you buy that for a ten year or fifteen year? I'd, probably just fifteen year and then, when you reach the point that you our self insured, by the definition I just gave you that you're
wife and children are, you know they got a hundred thousand dollars. You live on, so you ve got You know me a mile and a half in investments that that they can draw off of. once you reach that point. You just cancel the insurance if you want to You may find other uses for it, but in terms of just adding things in that kind of stuff, but it's yeah the difference in a ten year in fifteen years, not gonna, be substantial enough at thirty four years old to screw way that I wouldn't worry about it. or even a five year. I mean it's not it's not blow you away that it's it's not triple and costs are much more and So I would prefer Just go and get a fifteen year twelve times more in common than if you reach self insured before the fifteen years is up, cancelled and I look at those decisions and my life Dave on it on a seesaw and what of risk right? and so what's five hundred bucks or six or silver dollars a year.
verses. My family being taken care of something happens, it just doesn't make any sense on the other side of it right. have the. Advantage in the distinct disadvantage of having sat with thirty five for Euro widows care that had Two million dollars or had nothing correct, in its distortions, five hundred bucks for the suppose you, whatever age and it's it's not to game changer that such an understatement Over used, cliched say that it's it's its oxygen, Everything not the money replaces some by really like that, but it's a week a different conversation. Man be shooting in that living room was somebody and their Goin Dave on their friends of ours. Now Dave, I hate we did this stuff you the day when the clash man we got you I gotta, get
but to me and honours common animal scared. I'm gonna mess that that's right, that's a different thing than did net, I'm scared and then I'm scared on our heat. Next week I gotta go to work on Monday, so it just it's not that much money Carson is whether such Saint Louis I Carson welcome to the Rams Asia. I did you're, taking my call sure. What's up So my wife and I often last year and a half a ban on baby steps forward, tried and six God, the two years. Prior to that, we were all each that's one, two and three and paid off about eighty thousand dollars in debt. My question is so we got a little one year old boy. Am I wife, what were both gonna content together, She wants to quit her job and what does she make on? What did she make? makes probably will be about one thirty five, this year, when you might-
I make about one fifty one, sixty four ward heelers one should come challenge and your income. Gaza have. Well so the way tat we ve been living right now, essentially we're living off of my income and saving everything from her in, You look a little bit, but well, a lot of that year for many seven hundred, thirty thousand adorn beside anymore, exactly yellow- and that's ok, so you're, not gonna, be quite as wealthy, but she's gonna get to be there with her baby. Do it ok! Well, I am all for that too, but I also know why in know hundred Five and growing over the next five or ten years. We could all that into destiny. Can you know what that can grow up to go in What does she do for Lord? She do for a living. She D. Digital advertising I would tell her just for the fun of it for the
for the intellectual stimulation to do free, Lance, Absolute just came right busy does one Grady Freakin Banana Liberia and if you'll stay current in that world, she can step. Again whenever she wants, or whenever your wife, you have absolutely no financially to do that, and I trade one year olds for money in about thirty seconds, to an end I totally agree with you on its more just. Is it is it you know, we could have in the future is a wise decision. I and you don't need at her side. I think you don't need yeah, hey, it's not a map from Carson. You can bet you can be multimillionaires on a hundred. Fifty thousand, and by the way you're, not gonna, gonna put two thousand in the future, because you're gonna be making more and she's also going out some freelance income and when the kids are eight and ten and she shouldn't homebuyers self, rather Adele mentors girl, she's not go back to work. Newsome cause this woman likes what she does. She just like one arrange better
way more than worried about you, your income, I'm worried about her identity and so she's I'd recommend her get some professional women. Some said among women in her circle yeah She's gotta get brings me to man, and so I think that make
me a lot more comfortable with the decision to studied as tuckered out. So I really appreciate that. Thank you. I'm so proud of you guys. I'm proud of you got up to. Babies, have four where you can do this with no brainer our time to get to this exact moment. This is this is living like no one else, so that later you can live and give like. No one else is exactly what you're doing well done very proud of John D. Show thanks. Man show James Galleon, both on diagram, Senor Hush, we'll be back with you before. You know it. In the mean time, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial base and that's the walk dangling with the prince of Greeks. Crises have a friend or family member, the needs of daily dose of Ramsay Advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day podcast, it's a quick of advice about life and money, and under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call today, podcast wherever you listen about money, isn't the only thing we talk about around here? Get life. Changing advice on your career from my good friend and clear expert can combine all makin com and show, according to a recent Gallup poll, nearly seventy percent of Americans are disengaged at work. If you dread going into work every Monday morning and you're just trying to make it to the weekend, you can call me show is for you, everyone has a sweet spot. You're sweet spot is at the intersection of your greatest talent in greatest passion. We will help you discover what it is you were born to do and then will help create a plan to make your dream job a reality. You matter and you have what it takes, join the conversation on the can com and show hear more from the Ramsay network, including the current com and shove, where ever you listened about gas aids. James pretty
her of the Rams issue. This episode is over, but
Transcript generated on 2022-02-18.