« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Insurance Won't Cover My $55,000 Life-Flight Transport Bill (Hour 3)

2021-01-26 | 🔗

Debt, Savings, Relationships

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from our car rental studios. It's that Dave Ramsay show what matters dumb caches. King and paid off old mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw as the status symbol of choice. I am Day Ramsay your host Chris Cockroach spoken Chris Coleman. That's a combination of Hogan, an omen Chris Hogan that Guy Ramsay Personality number one selling author knowing well. I do my co host today. The phone numbers triple eight, eight to five five, two to five Benjamin.
Is where those in Washington to start of this, our hey Benjamin! How are you. I love you. I thank you for my car sure. What's up, I'm married ten months old, we're looking at getting out of day. He stood up to date, around eighty thousand dollars of damage? How we got twenty two thousand dollars. Student loans laughed got about yeah! Thank you! it should be. That's for sure twelve thousand dollars shaved and expecting income based around March in the Bush maybe just enough to cross the finish line with maybe a thousand dollars for an emergency fund. To my questions, are you not journey time bomb of China? through the arch. I live.
Don't you have changed a major around on normal optional. Stop! Stop! I'm confused. Did you just say it twelve thousand hours in the bank? Yes, ok! you're, not work in the blood. You know we're gonna baby steps coil where were the others passed here we are, For your work and your plan, yeah I'll, wash your work, our plan Euro, eleven thousand our Czech today and now you're eleven thousand dollars on your student lounge. we have had on your account and then we can go and lighted yeah, then answer my question. I was gonna love like a rule of thumb, for my situation can chew, have a baby, but granary are your driving time here now I heard you say, demanded yeah, that's true! Benjamin always got the only time you would have adjusted as if you'd had a loss of income or been followed, then,
returning people to stockpile money, but even in that, during that period sure income got stabilizer your hours got stabilize the money you had saved. You would get back on the plan, so you wouldn't you just you- just need a right that check. If you're gonna do our plan there, like Dave, always you'd, reserve the right to do whatever you want, but I want you to know this, The finish line is better than when you finish the elder eleven thousand in their student out your household income, cold up here and there, sir I'll run out, but I'm a leg, work about a hundred twenty value between a nominal got out. Well done so you're gonna that other eleven out in what too much. Yeah, where our projecting in March, and that you know
Should I weighed on that drink a larger union spend. It unites. Now young government Jerry Weight on the government to fix your life. Your lifestyle is gonna shocks, that's a rule of thumb, so overlanders more eleven thousand a day, we're gonna be dead free in the next two months and then you're gonna build an emergency fund, hard to say it a thousand times. You wanted to know how much is in your emergency fund three, to six months of household expenses which, in your household its to me, luck is five thousand dollars roughly a month. Would Gimme, the german hundred fifty seven hundred. Ok, I was pretty close almost like I've done this before six shillings Tom you three or six times six, So our between eighteen and thirty, six thousand dollars for Europe. we find it emergency fund. You ve got a new baby. Everybody concerned about that, including me. Why don't we round that up a little bit and just say we're gonna, be it Thirty thousand for your emergency fund when you're finished with that
I think that the period of you now all afternoon building it. I can assure you from its value he gets there. challenge in mind my mind TAT lady Charlie stressed, but I wanted to urge both air and water. Wanted to be a whip on your back there because you to run through the finish line at freaking mode yeah The purpose of this is for you to not be comfortable, but a run like your hair is on fire to get out of bed. That's called gazelle intensity, and that cause you to be very freaking, focused on not only getting out of this dead, but getting that emergency fund implies, as do the number people who can be dead, free but their home and have a fully funded emergency fund is only ten percent of People- america- that do it I can't do it, but almost no one does or thrown yoga me in the top ten percent of Americans when you have no payments, but a house payment and thousand dollars in a bank which pics
which makes you officially the third pic I mean you. The pig and breakdowns right without about now, when pandemic comes any Hopson puffs linking those other people's house down whatever you're sitting, there were thirty thousand our education, not a payment and oral, but your house payment in a baby. You protected wellgood, daddy, here's the thing, don't think about the money bits leaving you in the savings think about the money. That's leading you! That's debt, think about the entry that you're paying, which is a penalty, so The ship in Paradise bench with all its call. Intense freaking lay your ears back focus. Did it gone get her body and you can just think of the legacy your ten month old is gonna. Have it's a game changer my friend so again address that line of thinking, but you gotta, think different again end of ninety days, you will have as much money as you have today. No you really well. We will be dead free and you have said rebuilding that emergency fund show our target about a long time, we're not leaving you out on the edge of a cliff all winter. You now
ninety days from the time you ll be right back, where yard I accept Sally male Begone. There's that there's big, that's big so that all, but if you can do it Benjamin what what trusting in the regional pointed out Chris is and for you guys listing. You need to do this for yourself. Sometimes too. I have to do it too, is sometimes we perceive this risk. or this pain, or this fear of her here I believe thing until we but all timeline on it and we go some very long by exploiting the spill over right. by the button. If this really socks, but in a week it'll be memory your or in Britain ray bunch I'll, be right back where we are monitored lunch so we're like leaving this little family in peril no dangling under threat because our doesn't understand that a thousand dollars and much anymore knowledge, bull, crap, that
on twitter about us right and how stupid we are knowledge does show. the point is that you know I mean why pray ok, we're not going to restaurant when I'm goin out eight we're, not gonna go away caisson while we're in baby step to wear gazelle, intense we're, sellen everything will work and extra beans and Rice Russian Bain scorched earth. We shall much the gives think their necks were completely focused, completely thugs completely focused completely published completely focused. You don't do that for twenty years right motion. People. Do it for twenty months I think some do it for thirty months, not meaning. Do it for three years right demolished everyone that we coach ends up dead, free except their home inside a thirty six months: Ninety something percent time. That's
the point you ever do anything for a little while people- that's it did in this- is that I am sure free last. It was one of the best decisions of my life. That's what Neil em said about using timeshare exit team to get out of his time share after the resort refused to let him out, listen. I've said it before. If you ve tried selling your timeshare and can't if the resort refuses to take it back, call timeshare exit team, the people, I trust, call eight for four nine, nine, nine exit or time share exit team dot com
They reveal like you'll, never saving money or by, although your dead after you're, like twenty twenty alot of people, lost, hope they feel, like their stock, money should not be one more thing that you have to worry about or be stuck about. That's why only twenty one we are hitting reset because, no matter what is happening in the world, you can take control of your money. You just need a plan, and proven plant Ramsay plazas our step by step plan helps you get the quick wins, so you can make real progress on your dad, because you get all your dad out of your life. You have money, and what that means is you can start investing? You can start spending and you can make it happen registry, generous! All these things happen, so
If you want to get around she blushed. That's where financial Peace University is that's worthy Ray dollar premium app is the baby step Tracker act at the Asker coach, the communities that are going to cheer you on all kinds of other classes in there to manage. Truck for you can do a free trial. Wow, that's ridiculous time for a reset gotTA day, Ramsay DOT, com slice. Reset and remedy What team will help you with a small daily wins hold your hand, show you exactly what to do this and then do this and then do this for nine. days and there's nothing better than a great start, Dave Round arms life, reset some is weathers in Utah Jackson. Welcome that I've Ramsay show you first say thank you for your show. I've been lessons about month down. I actually love it. Lol thanks. How can we help, though
just little background on nineteen years old com, torture thousand in the bank with distance two thousand dollars out alone I to your client year saw me the basic training a week from today- and get back. I have a detailed thousand dollars before those school of school law and so my question is: should I've been there I right now, or should I give that caused the office you go to school in the fall? Is the military paying for it. he saw give my tuition fees for unobserved, call good. Yeah, I guess so branch or you gone into Jackson on the National Guard, ok good for you- that's a good programme. They ve got way launched by them and been bragging on them for many years, they're. Just wonderful! So wonderful pro we're doing right.
can pay off your card a day after day besides the kind of put your stomach and you throw a little bit Jackson, Well, you got a pretty expensive car for this situation. You consider moving down in car because your college student, with a sixteen thousand american and the Good NEWS is your college is paid for? Are you gonna stipend as well yeah how much less so we'll modest taken, but I will give you message from ideologies, came the dollars a month. Ok and are you living on campus or at home so I just moved on from college, but in the file during the summer believed him out. The basic training or Canada,
this coming follow you shut your going to school right, yeah you'll be on campus. Then yeah is that paid or plus a thousand dollars, or you need two thousand dollars to pay for that. Now it's the tuition It was a thousand dollars now? What the housing market. became out of the thousand dollars. Yes, ok, what I'm trying to figure out if you pay off that car today or you gonna have enough money to go to school in the fall and pay your bills. yeah, I can t I would a job right now, something other I find work. the time for twenty hours a week, even while you re school, ok, ok, yeah wonderful yeah. That is so. If you can, I want you to go back and check my numbers right, but I think I'm understanding you with the tuition
for thousand dollar stipend in the seventeen dollars plus you ve got Seven thousand hours left over said: you'd have thirty by the time you get back home, so that's another seven Fleda fourteen in there. I just want you to be able to go to school, with zero dead and no payment? be able to eat. If you can do all that, I want your pay off your card of day. If you can, Do all that? Aren't you show your car and move down in car and pay cash for the car that allows you to do that in one of those two things. I think you can pull it off. If I have understood your numbers correctly conversation. I think you can pull it off now and indeed you point out the made up of understand. That's too much car for that and for his income. situation is acknowledged their right and he's got his forward. Thinking a number be nineteen and have twenty three thousand dollars saved that accident. That's a big deal as a great job there,
Yes, there are dollar loan, not so good right. So it's like the Happy Hogan sat organ about stroke. That give me run the numbers, my friend, be satellites in emerging right as remote relative We hope in safe mode. It leads to me the alleged united we gotta meet them, and then they make it up. If you ve got to Chris open? She wants you to check it out and get over. There is taken of the notorious for facial gestures and expressions, they'd get gifts, and things said about the teams shows there in the show, but we have a lot of fun autocrat, soviet, so check it out. You can find it on Youtube: Apple, podcast, Google, all the things. We have a lot of fun, it's collar, driven as well, and we do some segments, colleagues that power, panicked or pomp did we get to safe and happy huggin. Yes, we do we do and Dave. I've got a flag that I throw on people who are doing stupid. Also.
throughout all, I'm gonna, like football Throwback, grew of penalties. Football, throw us right, but you gotta come triggered. Are you wearing yellow referee man? Now they take it all off. So much from we weren't so frustrating to me that Larry hit, is it really is. No, no mass Huggins! No mass just me, come I'll check it out. Here. We hope in the sad Hogan emerges under their legal me, some money I can make on use em they sell out right now my put their store so outside for a dollar fifty area about a million by nightfall. There we go make a few dollars. Arrogance say said: Philip it'll be a Zahm. What's up man Sammy, our oh, how are you I'm doing well there. You are you better than I deserve. What's up Have you beyond I'd know s to day they probably and
five hours of your part can really like to you may get some sleep moved on it are you knew today, so I started no you're extra videos, maybe over a month ago and I cannot recall, just gonna get into Pakistan. I saw your video the other day of the Communist China. it's an, I am Hawks- were honour brother, that's us, and how can we help here today? So personally I'm following pretty well, I'm working, I have. I was about fifty five to learn that I should done this time next year, which I'm I'm really excited about, how good very good? I am actually coy about my parents, each home How old are you? I am
On Monday, I ll be twenty four. Now can you what your household income I make fifty two hooker anyone know how to get them doing. What you're done, they are doing the exception well and in their making really good money by. I that their saving more and they have them- has a motorcycle, a car. So the house to finish now, What you're gonna run into SAM is what we call the powdered but syndrome. Europe want some powder, but they don't really want your advice on sex or money answer your chances of view teaching your parents, this stuff is very low. The only thing you I can suggest you do. Is you tell your story? Tell them what they should do you tell
stored moment eloquent under the current look. What I'm too but put under you might in fact them because with the virus- and I'm not talking about covert both but now be the happy happy home. Invite is there's a happy Hogan, primarily the sheer scale of about a body of telling you yeah. Just about your story. Tell em point you are doing this is the day. Ramsay show resolve Ramsay personality is my co host today, open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five formulate a two five, five, two to five Davis, intense cold. I Dave welcomed that I've Ramsay shed. Thank guys banking. Take my call appreciate, listen, do you share we enjoy. Thank you. How can we help? I have become
Can I thank your opinion on a medical bill, we have of christian health care and we had an incident where I was injured and all expenses for pay, except for transport. They don't cover transport Ellis, disliked threatening? Does the policy we had and I lost my short transport was close to fifty five thousand. Our good Lord. How would you do? the bird. Yes, no! and I did not get the parachute. That was not a fact. I was pretty much out of the hole. the whole short flight. I could so you got Lionel by them. No! I get nervous. It wishes to another steadied Rebecca, do surgery on on my eye on my hand, it couldn't do the city that I wish em so in my home town. They chose to fly me elsewhere to have the procedure done, why
you know you are you awake who was. advocating farm I was your way, but it was an amputee and cut off by a cut laughter. currently felt like it was important. made to the nearest any as quick as possible to have it reiterated on their work, their catch? No, sure that's, ok I had to go back a week later and have it has removed It was my arm so, but anyway I that woman two years should I Be you know concerned but that bill in terms of right now, I'm just ten. Twenty thousand marks ah handling of learned about it. I mean it's a legitimate bill and that they can grow they can do you.
The challenges are wrong word. What should I expect to? Would you negotiate? Yes, you know that that reasonable tat yes had appeared that entire mail, or should I try to negotiate that down those big it your thought newsworthy. Amid do you have written by a thousand dollars? then we don't have a choice. Ok, What's your household income about seventy, ok, I think I would talk to the president of that air company there probably local company there and they are Did they fly you from into Pensacola, aware balmy here, ok and a jet poplin turboprops, ok, well their hard caused in
flight was a tenth of what their charging you it did. Not more than thirty five hundred dollars to make their flight and turboprops bigger. Thousand no, I said a tenth of that is there for look out for your in their again cast down. There are act, they already only airplane they gotta if we only airplane, they're gonna, pay a pilot, paying insurance and hangers on other staff and are running a business. I get all that, but in terms of if you charge a turbo from Pensacola Private go to a ball game in Birmingham you would pay for five hundred dollars over and back? Ok, go! Look at I've got to go. Look at a charter site, go look at air charters ok and that'll. Help yoga mean that we're not this poor guy out of business by him charging you if a thousand understands or medical flight and all of those kinds of things, but I don't
that helps me with my conscience, in other words of, in your case, I'm gonna up and settle this for ten cents on the dollar. And what will to do. That is two things one is you need information, so go to a charter site? and unjust figure out find out we'll get a bid from attract from two different charter companies. For a turboprops like a king. Here, ok to a tube somethin like then to engine craft right. Yes, there. Ok, you can tell I've done this before show in terms of chartering stuff, so yeah got go charter. It you'll, be amazed and then to look at what cost the charter and go call. president of the lifelike company, whoever they aren't. I listen I only makes only thousand hours year. My insurance does not cover this. I don't have fifty five thousand dollars. I am grateful for the flight. even though I didn't was unable to keep the finger it. It didn't work out, but I'm still great, for you all did your job, and
accusing you of doing anything wrong, I'm asking for some mercy and I looked, and I saw that I could have chartered the flight with being a medical flight fought for, about fifty five hundred dollars. Would you consider working with me, and giving me some kind of a discount. So I can just write you a check and call this a bay I owe you something. I can't pray you fifty five. and you're just being Humboldt with your hey you're, not being arrogant, not accusing them of ripping you offer doing anything wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong right. There fill in this story. Ok,. But by clarity, but he's not gonna lose fifty five thousand dollars by you. Writing this down to fifty five hundred he's gonna it even better I was concerned about. I wanted to make them more generally, the right and duty to take By the way, I always think about these things, too, is if so, if a guy called me Thing was reversed:
you own his company now he's gonna call you Seventy thousand dollars a year. I don't have any money, the you now with a digit ray one of the finger did not work, but that's not your fault, you guys did your job. Thank you! So much I'm cure just curious, unwanted actually caused you to take me up there, and I know that you got expenses and planes and I know your own business and I'm not trying to I'm not out of time and money and try- and I looked it up, and I got a private charter this for about five thousand dollars or or- thirty, eight hundred dollars or sixty two hundred dollars or whatever the annual number areas can be somewhere in their it's gonna be less than ten and the now would you, take that if I can scrape together and was called us today, somebody called you Dave in situation in broke. You even new private work, I'll get your money anyway, hello, yes, Sir, because you have then
extend mercy to a guy like that. That comes to me like that and our business. Now, comes in years yellin, additional cousin, Addison, saying we gripped him off and we're supposed to give him a deal. We're off. I don't got down to the ground and break. Is you know? No, I do in there now, but come in here you had your hand at every year. It you know spirit dave- and I think you do in the research- Goin in having their conversation, you taken notes and being clear. It's all about the Spirit the Dave's laid out for you here for you to be able to take the approach Callaway, your wired anyway, in it, yes, Sir, that's why a lion the question to be lacking. Obviously, with the could git allow week, we have no other dead, never small family data. We out our house. We could make arrangements to do so, but which it being no know just would be an extreme burden to have to do that I would even go into that we're going to do this. This is one of those situations where
Taiwan, all at the Walgreens it is is isn't, is one tenth of a penny when you home bucket of em right and if you buy The hospital it six dollars, yes, sir, that's what this is and will be enough. again the guy's not doing wrong he's in a specific industry. That's the the This model has chosen to endorse, embrace and insurance companies will pay up most of the time. but you don't have that policy so your ear there. That's expensive expensive trip, tell you I'm sorry day, but I think you ve got a process to be able to walk through my friend, finch strategy. Malaysia, really is ridiculous is what it is. so when you're negotiating. Anyone do the right thing. The only way you oughta negotiate, He with the most information, usually wench,
So gather up information go get you some. In this case or better some research, and you know you're financial situation. That's right, and you share that. With this guy and bringing up today and shave, you can make a deal and usually with an individual you'd, make a deal
structure of the day, Romans, fourteen eighteen, nineteen, whoever thus surprised is acceptable, the God and approved by men, show then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building where Churchill said: mountain tops, inspired leaders but valleys, mature them. Open forum
the triple eight eight to five five, two to five, you jump and we'll talk about your life and your money. This is your show. Chris organ Ramsay personality is my coach. Today, Mary is with us into a coma Washington High Mary. How are you? I am well Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for taking my call sure I'm my question is found one of Mister Hopkins Book. I read that you couldn't money from your IRA to your age. I say one time I was wondering why Would you that enterprise should do that? Are you sure you read that right now I dont think I may be wrong, but I don't think I can do that. I don't think you kid either bury what what's this apple. What are you? What are you trying to do I ran to accomplish? I know you. I'm I'm trying to you. I met,
I want my agency worth twenty twenty one, and also I am. my my IRA, I'm I want some quite a few years ago, when I did something wrong- and I was hoping that he's kind and make that up with this transition from because I know you can move a little bit, you can't move all a bit kinds and you can only do it once in a lifetime. Roy you read that your honor did you read that increases book? I do yes and then I went to not get up on the irish tax site and you He can't you may know more about it than either one of us to including the guy who wrote it in his own book crap. I don't. I don't know about that. But but what are you trying to accomplish? Are you tried to fund the h? I say: are you trying to max out your your your eye I'm trying to make out my agent say why about
The two hundred dollars from my wife, I'm sorry, I'm that's. Why I was calling could use your hoping he built. Why you don't listen Will you had better because that doesn't sound? It doesn't make sense, you know, but the goal of halving the money in your age. I say obviously as being able to put that money there, almost like a medical emergency fund. The goal put the money in your eye as to be able to grow that right to be able to for your high definition, dream so One is there as a safety net and agency that you can invest right, but then that The IRA is there for your dreams so that the crew, moving up those funds is that there is no longer, even if you can do it and why you ve evidently looked at our balance, allowed one time. Ok, that doesn't mean I would do wrong
Even if Chris Organ suddenly spoken, he forgot it happens, you're reading something else, but because I have never heard of that in our red Christmas, but before it was public, so of caught it and I would have shown a chaotic. Are you talking about the lodges? I didn't know you could do that, but apparently she lifted up Narras. Let's assume you can do it. Ok, you're, not just don't know, ruin which is probably true. So that's, ok, we can't know everything and show. She probably right you probably don't want I'm paying for whatever reason, I still don't see any reason to do it, that you would do no there's no answer. the answer would be unless you ve got a really good reason and the reason and the movement, Crete in I'll call The reason to occur right that then I wouldn't do it. I would do that not now. I guess a reason could be if you had a here medical expense coming and you want to pay for it with pretext dollars, you
dump a month or money over near Hs aid. By doing that role over him pay the medical bill Diana pretext dollars inside the taxes on the medical bill which have get out of your IRA to pay them Oh baby, you're, gonna pay. Taxes are absolutely show that the reason, I guess, if you had a huge in other, so you had two thousand dollars in your age. I say, and medical bailed out of your pocket was gonna be a hundred fifty thousand. Then you want to move a hundred over there. That's thirty Grand right and access now do it. So that might be a regional may. I can start my way through this logically that there might could be a rare circumstance in which it would you do it, but as a judge, planning tools, crystals right now, keeping separate wanted for medical care, one is for dreams. Don't confuse the two now to research that the ups and downs very, very different. no idea, but that, let's just go with all that merit jaw wonders whether genders in Fort worth high under our EU aid,
This is an honor. I really appreciate I ardour. Thank them are coming up. so I work for the city it Alice. I contributed pension, though I listen to you for quite a long time, and I have heard much about engines are no, You say the ten percent a year and come into retirement, and my wife were right about that point. So I'm already being forced to take out about thirteen percent ended. Pension which I know, if I actually retire here, will be great, but it's not growing, much on that site, and I dont know- should I just knew aside from the thirteen but two percent in like a Roth or something or do I just even count the plan on written reply, from here, but yeah and you know, if you, depending on your years of service, you might get a lump sum roll out. If you left there and that constant still, it's not growing well, and you don't have much control over it, so that makes it spamming.
And it's a pension and is not in your name, if the city, a Dallas, became insolvent, you can lose and That's happened and other cities. I don't think that's gonna happen in dollars and on having reasonably that. But but thinking through that those situation. Firstly, therefore, one Kayser represent your name, or rather rage, consent, corruption, your name and there's no way to loot. You of your city went broke don't lose that money, your company, broken loser for a one cat. So anyway, what I do our folks situations, because you know control over him, because, if not growing as well and because not an asset in your name, I counted count it. Maybe fifty percent translation instead of You putting in fifteen percent of your income majority put in thirteen and a half in there. Let's put in you, know, count that eighteen and a half at about half the college, seven percent you so to put it in. You know you
you need to put in about ten percent of your own money and something else: ok, Gimme eighty percent of your own money and something else maybe not the full fifteen, we're not gonna ignore that got dimensional out there, but I dont want to comment at a hundred cents on the dollar, because concerns, does not make sense yeah, make sense and I hated the swale club the nose recently how much actually putting in their I'm pulling and like every Sunday of data. That's a law and I'm your man. I really wish all these years have been over ten years. money I would have you know they are each other. I was fast. Never they now, if your wife work outside the home, a full fifteen percent of her income yeah, you stay alongside then this, a simple idea. So, let's see then, let's call it a year ago you're, putting in thirteen and a half there and our gonna counter that half an hour You need to put in about eight percent
your income into something else you make. About sixty five here. Ok, and so you can prob. Just do a rough Irene, you be pretty close. Ok, in some good mutual funds and that just kind of your backstop if something got weirder sideways, what the pension, that'll make you feel better. Cajole, say: hey that not all in on this pension. I've also got other money grow and an azure income grows Youtube, you're gonna, be in a better situation. The annual me my wonder, more men under our amendment another hour. They are in our name what you could do, but our union, six thousand dollars. That's gonna be pretty that gun close An won't kill you and you know you,
we get to see that money build and that's all in your name. Of course, you have control over their clicks, more investor directed icon, their hope. You get an hour I shut up for Wroth and from that mutual funds to choke recited that responded by gravity Weldon James Childs, in Cairo, genuine the booth. I am Day Bramley your host. We will be back with you before you not in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's too, namely with the prince of peace, she's, a friend or a family member, the needs a daily dose of Ramsay Advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day podcast. It's a quick of advice about life and money in under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call. Today, wherever you listen to me, you ve got questions about retirement. Investing becoming an everyday millionaire, go bigger and broader, with my man Chris open on the gross organ. Shall I M excited to be able to talk to you all weekend and we go we're gonna focus on your calls and it's going to focus on building wealth, investing and how to become an everyday millionaire subscribe to the Chris Open show wherever you listened about gas hates me
producer of the Dave Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2021-07-09.