« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Girlfriend Is Getting Pressured Into Buying a New Car (Hour 1)

2020-11-26 | 🔗

Debt, Relationships, Investing, Savings, Business

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the head waters of broadcasting, all environmental studios Day, rambling show what matters down wages paid off a mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status, symbol of choice and they ran through your host your job and we'll talk about your life and your money. Open phones AAA eight to five two to five Anthony, O Neill Ramsay personality, number by showing author is my co host today here on the year as we take your questions
start with genuine Hartford kinetic. At this hour I Joe, how are you good, sir, better than I deserve. What's up little situation, Tom I've been reading this girl for a long time. now today. We should marry her. in the future then our brother Malls Canada and involve the philosopher finances right now and again you gotta convincing or not to buy a brand new car, and Can I have the picture so commonplace like the alpha Melville there like a close, my family, and he turns to take charge quite a bit? and he's wonderful, commissioner to buy like a brand new hundred dollars it or something, and now China concerns how to do otherwise. She had a really good job this time next year, particularly well, and I have been trying to tolerate a pay cash more something that she could afford. An NGO from
I'm not really sure what I should do in my position now being boyfriend at all what are you? What are you gonna do Joe Romania? Could you said you had a boyfriend or why do you want to get involved a me ask questions. I think you know the answer, but why do you want to get involved one perish should be an over head with a brand new car and too I really really care about Erin. I why you know, like I said I had a definite in the future I'm head over heels for it. I just I don't want to see it, make a bad financial mistake, but I don't we have only been dating about a year now and I've been here her years or so naturally progressing after a year towards marriage, and you don't really you get to problems for this one is there her
The law has too much influence over her and two issues, but to make a stupid decision right. Yes, that's fair! So how can you say those two things? Nice take a k. I think you can. I think again I mean nicer than I just said it, but I'm not known for sugar coating stuff. So, but if you know Thank you know you have to help here, cause you're, the single guy right. That's what I mean. I don't think we can show you just do just gonna jettison the girl amounts. Motels bade us a stupid, moved. I found a wise decision. Don't do it? Ok, well, here I will try again are so it might sound like this. You know it looks like our. Where are you know, we're pretty sing towards making this a very, very shares relationship, and I know this. Is you talking? Ok and I know from reading and from some of the financial things, I've got input on that being
an agreement on our findings says the number one cause of divorce and marital problems, and so, if we're gonna, continue to progress. We're gonna have to move towards being in agreement on our finances, because now, doing so set us up for divorce. If we wanted to get married- and so we have you and I have to deal with this and get on the same page, because that's a deal breaker, it's a deal, breaker for marriage or after marriage when the two, but it's a deal breakers. The number one cause of divorce show you now you re we want to deal with the number one cause, and so In light of that, you going deeply and dad on this car is. Is it is a problem? It's not wise and I want you to be in a position to have a good life. Not just have a good car and because I care about you and the second
is this: the number two thing that causes problems and marriages is exe. family who can't stay in their lane. Interfering, mother and laws interval father and large interfere brother. Enlarge that stay in their lane, and so Two of the four issues: the call problems in marriage in play on this one subject, and so you and I I I about you and so I've as a part of us going forward. We ve gotta I've got to talk to. through with you in some kind, a kind way and You gotta you're gonna, have to hear me on this because it is a big deal but not day them ass. It is question for joke. Joe said he's already told her. No suicide same from me. It seems like a month camp framing it in. We have to solve this. Part of a long term relationship not adjust you're buying a stupid thing. I got you For that reason that you need to listen to this, because you
listening to this is is gonna serious problem our relationship? Yes, because we ve interfering in large with too much dominance, and we ve got a bad decision on finances and those two things it cause here's. What does projects Joe for you is ten years from now, this is worse, not better. If it doesn't truncated. Now more about you'd have a field day. What this guy, I mean, is already in like over a million over his head with a brand new marina. That's just the start. There very ably get into debt like existed day, job Well, he's not he's not gonna get AIDS can be sad and you're gonna be sad form. Culture, hopefully gonna, be to his sister in law and so you're gonna, get to wit, the family, going through financial destruction when it crashes any we'll casual, easily, reckless Dube, and so The bottom line is if, if you project nagging
things in a relationship into the marriage ten years than another, if you marry a princess and you think she's not gonna be a princess ten years an urinating. she still gonna, be a princess. Ok, if you marry a guy girls that that that done like to work, much lazy, Don't expect him to suddenly get ambitious, there's a wing, ok that that's a dome, you can project these behaviors into your future relationship, and that makes them if their bad enough a deal breaker on the relationship may well, you spanish, listen, you're dating live. You told me stories about absolutely, but once the single, because I took the o day, Ramsay Philosophy added, let s do almost gray raved I've just come straight for but ass. I totally agree with you a thing for me: at thirty, six on my I'm done. Tryin to you know best
I know this is. This is what I think- and this is what I mean you can cut to the chase- pretty quick uniting, but you don't have to go at year end to figure this out. Yes, I like twenty six under the first day. You got no no thing being twenty. Six take me a ten minutes. Wow, I don't want no more. I don't wanna know you're telling me you don't need to tell em over there may now. You may write a book on the sum that may, but if someone says hey, I wanna do finances or you now want to purchase a car. I went to stick with the credit card TIM Innocent into the game already know this is this is not gone where I wanted to go and if their belligerence exact em. If they go well you probably told me out of it. Ok all keep Talkin hands. Do that if they're like in your
Gonna change me, I'm sure, you're. Ok, I won't check please check every. Only all my girls are those that I rooms, Asia,
we continue to face challenging times. I hear that a lot of you have been calling Zander Insurance to see if term life plans are still available. The good news is that the insurance companies are starting to loosen up the restrictions. So if you haven't dealt with this yet do it now. Let us crazy season, motivate you to get your priorities in order and check the big things like life insurance off. Your list rates are still low calls Zander insurance. Today, eight hundred three five, six forty to eighty two or visit Zander dot com and the only around three personality is Michael host. Today, on the day Ramsay Show cabin is next governs in SALT Lake City. I gave an hour you
you'd better than I deserve. What's up. my wife and I probably gonna, wrapper babysit three, this map Mr Prodi said three be reinventing highly and answered. you have been built up three for quite a while I am Do I start investing during those three joy then placed on the phone to work again, about a year trying to get things right: we have three and they're. So now the time or are you are you? Have the emergency fund almost done in baby step? Three right, and when all the little doubting, whether that be done, ok and then is when you're talkin about this question right. Ok, we'll people do it.
Different ways, and either wage ok with us. One way is that they do some investing other saving for their down payment on their home, ok, and that obviously then slows down the amount you can put into the downpayment fond agreed. road, or sometimes they say, I'm gonna hold off on baby step for investing. Until I get my down payment from my home built, and so they Paul rotten in L, a babysitter three be Impala cash for the down payment, which obviously makes a down payment come a little bit faster, depending on how much we would have put in judgments, but either way is fine. We just What you shaving for house until you are dead, free and have your emergency fund, which is where you are yeah, yeah Kevin. How old are you life man? to use a twenty nine years, almost shouts annual income, the household coming, thirty, six thousand here. Ok,
exactly how much are you looking to save to put down on a home We are having to do ten percent down and then said. bastard thousand dollars. Just now, most familiar rumour might be harder than a market for three thousand I suggest that you have outlined so your and our yearn to spend your income coming up dramatically now you're a club of everything else. around thirty six grant. Right now, I'm I'm working- don't turn up. I'm I'm gonna work outside hopeful that the animals are working on them movie. A company, but beyond that I'll be right. Reform are making. You looking for sure you may, by a start or house cheaper than that before you buy that house you're talking about their as an example, so that
there's a lot of stuff yeah, it's all about the trajectory of your income, because You know you're sitting there at about forty percent of less than half are not little more than half of the sixty percent of the Average household income in America right now, but you just getting started here. Careers are no shame in that area and so, you ve gotta. You know you got a build up that income, though, to able to say the down payment to be able to qualify for a mortgage and you may and about a hundred hundred, fifty thousand or house first or Dave and correct me if I'm wrong, but I will say in his situation, I would keep renting, probably look a bit I'm glad. You start investing income up then start looking into buying my bay. My way to do at twenty nine years old. Thirty, six thousand get the thing up to Ralph. Fifty fifty five gland start maybe a little bit towards a whole, but go ahead and start investing now and then, when you get right around an income and next maybe hopefully, year two years you can agree
we go after saving up for those much good point concerns three knobs to tune here and which of those is the most important buying a house investing or getting your income up for him be when each forty nine? Yes, a millionaire, yes of those three in his situation it would be income yup, that's the most important one. and then by the house in starting to invest, will be somewhat tied. The right because both of those things need to occur. to hit a millionaire. Yes and twenty years show really really. Stop man, hey thanks for colony, and we appreciate you listening. Is in Washington Dc High Matt welcome to show they gave me thanks so much bigger, Michael we appreciate it sure what's up question. So I'm not some overtaken us are not by some twenty five years old and I just want to be. You'd be closer to my girlfriend and we broke up and do something about and a motorcycle for about five grand animals. I can afford it or not. I make
twenty grand a year ago. A hundred fifty grand cash just in the bank hundred grand just sitting in fifty grand and single thought and fifty grand I for one k, you're kidding, I do you got on about how on us about a half hour purchase. What's really only six thousand that again I said what's really gone on here. How much is the motorcycle one thousand dollars but at a hundred and forty six thousand dollars in there all right, a check and pay all that often will have a discussion about a motorcycle I'd like that, I dont advice. I have to from problems. I am I right where I live and I would point four ran on a car, but none of them. Making it or not. But I guess you know I guess you're saying I M O Rebecca one person, of your life worries- is five thousand dollar motorcycle ninety nine percent of your life? Or is it a hundred forty six thousand hours in that?
a check or pay all your dad go by the motorcycle remain a motorcycle hundred grieving over the girl for him there. a little baby. I want them to do all we can to be with her and now I'm out together. If I just my ground, they friendly described the do get out. You may France without a motorcycle. What what? What do you need? A motorcycle make free just then the only doubt the only negative part about the motorcycles number one, the debts in the way number two. It sounds like it might be: some grief spending grew over the relationship not that it does not kill you financially. You can afford to buy the bike you can afford to buy the bike and said fire to it in the driveway? Not worry about it? Wouldn't it's not ok, financially, but what you can't afford to get into a situation where you react to bad feelings in your life by spending? Yes, you can't. You can't put that groove in your brain that that group will destroy
long term. The Daphne will definitely at an inn, hear me closely maps. Will you pay off is dead? I want you go ahead, it's your emergency fund backup. Could I gotta give it to you to have that kind of money at this age? Just as great you just don't look backwards from what we d you know so glad pause. I investments right now. I want you, couldn't get out there and then make you get your three to six months right. I've got enough to do that. Each project needs to alligators hungers cup on a grant of understood. Right was a hundred, and fifty thousand in his savings in a hundred thousand in investments now show you some of both it will use all the savings. Yes, two hundred forty six thousand, your pay off at least four thousand dollars right. Ok, pull some out of investments and make sure it set aside as an emergency fund and by the bike cook great and you get three done, then you ve got your first three baby steps. We call them in Place Matt, but just our drone soul and look in the mirror and go do. Is this just a modest grief spending here
and that's not something you want to get into a long term. Thinking that every time I feel bad span everytime, I feel bad I eat. Those kinds of Angolan I've? This is why we teach don't move until you are married. make a life changing move. Could you said he moved to displace for his girlfriend s death different subject, here we are today Rapture Anthony only oh sure, whatever that, although a mate and I'll go with me, you're saying don't chase girls and boys around the country, don't not unless you not. Unless you are married like why move to the hard core. Why move? In with the person? You are hard core May one day I move I'm not going on that boat, but I mean chasing somebody moving to the city with the person versus moving in not as moving in so you into the city hall, oh yes, ass, the armed with my daughter, came home, said I'm moving to another city. Secondly, closer to my boy,
friend. I will have a problem with that yeah I mean it's not wrong. I'm just saying. You up and running your whole life for the possibility of this ain't. A workshop. Got want some circumstances listed out around that. I would make that. Ok. If it's like immature and flighty, intellectually, was being used. Upper manipulated, Jaffna like if she's a strong woman make your own calls that's a different issue. This is that I Ramsay shift.
the lobby of Ramsay solutions on the debt stage with a question is Jean from along the brush got June. How are you Dave and get if you guys she can we help? So might we wanna? Thank you, he my hesitant I've been debt pre for about a year and a half ago so because we have with you so much. Our daughters have sometimes been tortured in the car for hours and hours, just listening to the show, and we talk a business and their very on
Pinocchio minded but times as many teenagers can be, they have so many ideas rolling around that it's hard to kind of haunted. In so my husband, I would like to know how we can guide them, but at the same time not crush that Spirit, a gush of really good, given the example which remain as far as in they have a lot of ideas given three examples there. So sometimes they talk about they wanna Bacon, sell their baking. One is very get a painting. She would love to sell her paintings. They talk about, may be starting a dog walking business sawdust. So the kind of all over the spectrum? So that's why some guidance will be great azure as their mother. Where do you He there shrimps, because I think young people we will come to the table with a lot of ideas, but as a mother and father you can goddess and say you know what longevity this is you're, strong Gatt, we're just gonna focus on this one thing. So what you said Could it painting? Is that her strength right now, then also
identify- can even make money with painting at the age of fifteen years old right now, right away, neither is too there's one. That's a good baker and who loves to paint and her paintings are amazing. So I would say if I were to see somebody selling paintings fora, younger person who was may be true, to earn some money to go to college or a car. I would definitely by something like that, so I think I would love to incur return them ok now the other daughter loves animals, and I would love to encourage her and possibly starting hey will do dog walking, but then there is always the questions. Ok, do we after professional liability insurance like what's the ramifications, on our end of it verses, you know what she can handle as like a fourteen year old, so yeah, so the doll walk in businesses.
the very, very common in very, very lucrative for a young person asking them my most recent products, thereby couple years ago Dave Tee, not Japan or toolbox kid I'm one of our young kids in there was make about forty five thousand dollars just from watching dogs walking dogs a year, so as very, very lucrative. So I like That idea I'm not privileged to pay anything, but I do know one thing: people always hungry and so baking, you know, you can obviously makes some of that money as young person in that I don't know about the painting side so divided over the shrimps, but those to our good. now a definite get our teenage Minotaur basket. Hazmat effect I'll, give you one cause ruin it teach you everything you need to have in place for those two beautiful young girls out there for me to have to be a legit running
business, and so there are not any insurance requirements for every state for walking dogs, but there are some, so you don't have to go by the state. Iterate and most Tommy don't worry about it. Also damages I'm not gonna make a big deal. Is the point of a teenager starting in running a business is not that that's probably gonna be their life's work. The point is not that they're gonna make a lot of money. The point is whether or not a work they're gonna learn Arabic, good to customers and smile and put up with a crazy person. Irish often does recalled customers and they're going to learn how to price something. At more than they paid too-
Get your loose tensions, watermelon and get a beggar truck. You know it shall Yolanda had a price it and make a margin in. So it's all about the lessons that they get it's not about that. That's going to actually become their life's work or make them wealthy with the rarer. Very, very rare, accept some kid who you now goes on starts making unbelievable crazy money doing something which happens one out of it thousand are one or two thousand young entrepreneurs or whatever may have The seventeen year old made four point: two million dollars, building an app for animal yes, something I think the Asia. He bought a built, an app on like what she coach or stuff, how to add staff to the animal farm and had made like four million box and show that, but that's very, his dad work for him now this very unusual but the what at a time when my kid you're working, it was
that I was trying to I'm just trying to teach them entrepreneurs and wood, they shake someone's. Look how many I smile take care of the customer, pricing model brush it for another. Make a margin. Here's what margin areas which are in your ear. Gross revenues are your net profits, coastguard solves nothing from other middle that short teaching by the accounting and end from simple stop me. When I come. twelve years old? I wasn't because I was gonna bone landscape company. But you know what I had to take my gas from MILAN. More my repairs or month deadline markers of wearing his out, and you know that just Avenue we later or something like that, and Then I manage from all the income that I created and then that's my net profit and making a profit launch statement on my business at twelve years old, and so and I'm still doing that show that part good so
the lessons or what you're? After and one of the lessons you're talking about its focus gaps, and so it might be that you could look at like. We would look at a business here. We ve got to opportunities, we don't have Billy Timewise, the bandwidth to do both So, let's analyze and say: ok, if you saw made a painting. It takes us to make it. He would sell it for this. You have some supply caused in there, and so you can this many paintings in a year and you would make exe www. Instead, if you did baking in private more of that is probably cheaper, you know, and so you'd have to sell the paintings for a lot more in order to offset what the baking would do, and you can compare the two things a business comparison and then choose one. So, maybe that's that's one of the lessons, because you simply can't do both get well. I mean you can you can put your in both things, but that's not that's not good. That's not good entrepreneurship, either
so you start with one get going and then, if you want to add something, Eight or find what you got this from going, but do not start looking at the simple lead six of how much of this I can put out. What's the output and therefore, what's the prophet gonna be and then compare, two opportunities and choose one: that's a business analysis, and it's not that it's not a primitive business analysis, so not another company s. I think I think I have to number allows region. Kids was I'm really not training them to do this thing? Amusing? thing to train them to be adults. As I told you, how are you too, you kids so the blonde over here is fourteen charity and the brunette will sorry blonde- is going to be fifteen like next week I'll get on their Bernard and are going to be fourteen next month, Oilcloth wrote Ferko will happily all will take Euro a catalytic urban get you know a toolbox, teen outward or to a box and help you get that dawn. That'll be helpful to it's. A pretty incredible product Anthony, put together,
So congratulations well done. Thank you so much open. He's a triple eight. Eight to five five two to five Brad is with us in Dallas high Brad. How are you there? How are you guys doing better than I deserve? How can we help? Yes so Obama paramedic here in sectors, and we have them, the Tories them percent. Do we have to donate through our pension periods? What would be better to do with the other eight percent, whether it be there for fifty seven plan that has no import your match? or will it over into a raw outdoor Roth? rather the rather for fifty seven is tax deferred and the Roth is tax free, Free is better than effort at gotta wear out. Then had a body mine, a reply at moving the wrong choice made by the people? You go talk there, they're they're, not billions.
It is all a millionaire. Well here, here's the way. The math shakes out. Ok you. If you're forfeit sir, if you put the same amount in the same mutual funds for fifty seven, its tax differ, growth is deferred comp, Let's say that that account grows to five hundred thousand dollars exact same amount in your Roth in the exact same your father would also grow to five hundred thousand dollars in the four fifty cents. The five hundred thousand is taxable in the wrong. it is not so taxes on five hundred. Thousand would be fifty thousand bucks, how wrong your friend is not tell you
a millionaire loses the diver amnesia everybody around she personality number one by showing author also, the creator of the team entrepreneur toolbox is Morocco poached today, your own job open phones, a triple eight eight to five five, two to five: that's AAA eight to five five, two to five
Sarah is in love or Kentucky. I Sarah how're, you. Hi, I'm doing well. How are you all their great? How can we help. yeah? Well, I have a question me and my husband got married and Jerry. And we ve been together for almost nine years, an entire gal college. So we how did you get married and his his I'm having a thing or separate bank accounts, has changed right before we got married basically and I guess what I wanted to ask. You is, what do you suggest or how do you think we can communicate I met copper I think we should have that rare or the same account. I personally the Brenner have enjoyed.
I count. Liquor were in our married now or a couple more why's. He feels that we should have separate was the question. I turned out last year there were no apart. I guess he doesn't want you beam man against which, by fires why he spent his money on them for that Not his money yeahs just don't say that. If not why his money and is not your money I agree with both the as our money. If you want to be independent, you shouldn't get married. I told him that Why do you now I, like many others,
ok, one millimetre amateur limitless target, rely. Jesus Jesus said your treasures, were your heart is where you spend our money is directly. For a direct reflection of what views on life far. What your value system is, what your fears are, what your dreams are and how you spend your money reflects all of that when I all those not combine their spending and their accounts and their go than they haven't, combined their goals and they haven't combined their dreams and they don't face the facts. together there doing life has to roommates, which is what you did for nine years. That's the problem and then but the you're out you haven't combined where you're going and shall come occasion is down and there's a high problem
A much higher probability of marital problems in divorce. In that situation, and a piece of it is this? Ten thousand millionaires that we interviewed, one, we found very, very consistently in the largest study of millionaires. Overdone was that they come by The council work together with their spouses and their spouses were support even cheerleading. I agree. They weren't pulling on party rippling each other apart. Yeah, three it's weird. It's I come from one out of eight he's. The only child grand charm so I mean I've got values, and these are the same as that, of course, I'm asking you by far that you know we try to work together. Thank you. I think you need to have some marital counselling. That's what I'm doing. Ok!
However, good the someone that you can both crushed to speak into this, whether at your local pasture organ urge counselor someone you can both get trust with, because the idea that he cannot, I know- My wife tell me why today, one or more of tell me what to do either. Ensuring don't want me tell her what today and so we lay out a game plan together that we both, a vote in and out, I want the day when she don't tell me what did it we talk through it and we both come the same conclusion. This motto: monies going for this body: wander off and go do whatever the flip. I want to do by the way, she has not created a personal income her by herself that she could income in thought for years all the incoming comes out of the house idea, but it still our money our income and hide as if she created the income in terms our vote is equal to mine.
ready to make a large purchase when we get ready to make a decision we have to do with equal. and he doesn't this becoming very difficult for ya-. It's gonna, it's gonna really hold you back as can be stumbling block in your communication. Your relationships, if you don't solve it, have a magic wand and make it go away and Sarah what you gotta do is you need to tell them the main obstacle. Fine accounts, as will enemy that you all and they come to him and say you know they can we? Can we just get some some wisdom, don't make it just about this, make it by hey
We just want to healthy start. You know so that way he doesn't feel attacked. He doesn't feel like you're, just China prove appoint Peseta hither schism, callously this gsm wisdom around our marriage or how we could do this start off on the right foot and then bring that up in a situation because Dave here's my thing, if, if he's having a problem with that he's having some some other problems and other things within their relationship as well, are great merit, and so our deafening recommend that Sarah to please listen to us get account sir, but get cancer for everything, not just one particular issue. We pretty much on one of the conditions of May giving blushing for mom one among getting married, was it they're, gonna detailed India Pre urge counselling because they come from a weird family. Yes, you imagine, being my kid yeah, oh my god. What blushing and what occurred and then so
You imagine marrying my kid and I want to put up with this loud mouth family. It's got a lot of opinions, though you know you got show you gotta get ready for this So if you are single, if Europe, child and the only grandchild, and so you think, your special well you're bring in Prague comes to the marriage ass. You know if you're one of aid used to sharing everything. Maybe too much, you might be bringing problems to the marriage, guess what we all bring problems to the marriage to work through those things, and so it's different like when you. You get married in your authorities, Ursus murder, twenty one so different game, your treasure
certain your way our logo yeah. You got your slow system, Mr Bachelor, I am I'm gonna. Stay. Thou, know that, and you know it somebody on interrupt your system. You know that's companies, that's gonna require some. Some discussion, Dave can move on passing, suggests a molehill. I may add, Davis can escape. We are behind me, I'm area, can you imagine Rachel crude oil tankers shouldn't and privilege counselling discussing day, ranging no? Never I can promise you it at all. Yeah. I know wisdom I know I know I'm a saint perfect other than my other than my narcissism, this negative? But you know the margin is no Dave, but you know what the problems are. You got me. We have extra problems in this, mainly because of the soul
british status on the wealth and the others to others. Extra problems are coming into more than just normal everyone to his two Sarah Anthony everyone has something to unpack. Absolutely I'm going to have a lot of time. You know my brother is getting married next month, David. He actually did premarital counseling before he engaged because he knew. that they both had a lot to pass before even said. Yes, let's get married, they went to council beforehand see if pre marriage Polypary yeah- He said it was the best decision, so I said, ok Ahmed tried out when I do find it so much That is well known that there is a lot that comes with mine, your driver subject, thank God, you're in the spotlight error. My knows who you are. You got a huge social media following people recognize you when you're walking down the street and Weird thing to marry into it is it's a strain Dynamic, and you know so it's it's just a thing, so
and everybody's got somethin like that. So, your husband's cases just that he thinks the top. Though access the world rests with the top of his head got his parents, grandparents told him that the only one run around nobody else run around underfoot and that then bad guy, but I hate have to share. For the first time in his life is everyone's bigger husband. Those who say that it does not big in only a more all gone. Stubborn were severe unpacking our stuff in front of you, so there you go, get our data
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Transcript generated on 2020-11-29.