« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Family Is Pressuring Me to Stay in Our Expensive House (Hour 2)

2020-11-10 | 🔗

Education, Investing, Retirement, Debt, Home Selling

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When the head waters of worms solution casting our car rental studios. That's the day, Ramsay Show were better, DOM Caches gang and paid for it has taken the place of the Bmw status, symbol of choice for solving Ramsay personality number one by showing author is my cope ocean today, open phones, Tripoli, eight to five five, two to five: that's AAA eight to five five through too
I've written is in New York. I read, and how are you thank you so much you taking like all sure. How can we help already ten thousand dollars? There were launder going into my junior year of College. I found your show four months ago and I'm halfway through Chris but right now I'm trying to get out of debt and changed my future. Since I found you guys so I started a farming business. Two months ago and I'm making more money than I ever at my life. So my question is: should I take year or a semester of college and focus on crushing out my current debt or I go into my neck, Europe College, paying out of pocket and then slowly chipping away at my existing they're gonna be ok very Vienna limit omitting through this guy, money. Are you making?
you're, making more money than you have made your life yeah. So my first year I brought in life my first month too much beyond made three thousand. Last month I may around five, this month and projected to make even more good for you. Wanna go man at that and proud of us. I don't see how shall I mean Christie, you should meet I think you can get them get through college and then your bill, not if you haven't knocked the ten out by the time you get through got cash flow colleges, draw born drip, obtuse, knock off the town as fast as you can But then? What are you studied in school? Corliss applied James, ah, very good, very good. yeah that that country is gonna, afford you a great income better than your Megan now? and our should anyway and most of the underground
come on. The eighty thousand I'll arrange that I've seen lately doing that and yarning. That's that's pretty strong. I like to read my like that plan plan B, because it will you gonna, be able to knock out that stood looking down at the rate. You're doin, you know, but as they will say, a job one is the cash flow, would make sure you're able to take care of this school, and then everything else is going towards that debt. You're gonna have that thing on hearing them another matter months, White ago yeah, you feel like you gotta what you got this thing by the tail man good job. Thank you so much that I really appreciate the less than thank you so much and very welcome avoid the eighty thousand dollar truck the true story, rationalize in your mind, to carry your plumbing equipment right, so apple juice? Don't don't don't go that route right like key thinking differently and remain aware rate and there's a system out there to try to get as much money from you as possible and assumes you let your guard down, that's where the creeps So keep your guard ups. They aware my friend and keep working plan. Surreal
is where this in New York, I Shariah how're, you think data. Taking my call thanks to you and increase. I am calling because I'm part of my compensation package that my company gives me they give me restricted stock which I can't touch for three years and now some of that unrestricted stock has become unrestricted and I'm just wondering what I should do or could do with it when you can sell it. If you want to work what stage of the baby steps are you in? don't. I am on baby steps too, and I will be completely debt free next month, with the exception of my house great, and how much unrestricted stock value do you have if you shoulda your unrestricted start, a little bit over four thousand onshore sure, ok for it. In your merchants, you ve gone finish up your dad and their structure baby step. Three. yeah. I mean it's just sit and air, and you get money it was. It was compensate,
What am I right? Yes, and so you worked x number of time it became unrestricted, which then gives you access to it. You have every right at has nothing to say about what you feel about employer by you selling it or any of this stuff. This is money that sitting there and available for you, so use it to your advantage and lady good call good question. So they beginning the AIR House prices I'll know what they're Gandhi and this coming year. The actual the crazy. If your plans got sidetracked, Lasher and you're thinking about homeownership or maybe you're thing about selling- and you got sidetracked by the old, a pandemic, Wolf he's out there having and puffing you might want to are, as you re, making your decision whether it kicked back in at the first, the you're. Not you might want to start with a good, solid, real estate agent, not everyone has roasted licence knows what they're doing as a matter of fact, and most of them don't most of them down.
about. Eighty percent of Europe does not eaters certain office neat doughnuts and that they don't. You know seriously. That is truly a parade o principle. Eighty percent of them make twenty percent sales. Twenty percent up, make eighty percent and of the twenty percent that make eighty percent of sales Twenty percent of those make eighty percent of those sales. Why me? If it really is a unity, the cream does come to the top pretty quick here we have researched and worked with only equality, high octane high protein roasted edges for many years and we were allowed them to become endorsed local providers, people that we endorse for your next home purchase or your next home sale, and these are the best
the best high octane high volume. They know what they're doing them actually selling houses, they didn't just get their licence and which they did. They actually do it so text. The word house to thirty three, seven, eight nine house to three three: seven, eight, nine and Chris. I think that, because it not because of the pandemic, but because of the shutdowns associated the pandemic draconian rules in truly states. We are seeing people leave if New York by the drove through really are- and it's going to create it, creating a card demand market in some other areas, so real states, heating, in some other areas and eventually you're gonna have a cool down
in some of those other in some of these areas, where they're leaving we haven't seen it yet right. We have not seen California House prices drop, yeah, we're not in New York House prices drop yet, but we will do if you keep stopping the supply demand. Kirby stupid keeps Gruner that there's gonna be a lot more supply than there is demand, either way with your neck, navigating a potentially slowing market or a market that cheating up. You need to prove that you got it's too much at risk and too much at stake. I was talking to affirm out of New York and he said you know the the rents are starting to even come down and the upscale living
months and condos, and all that are becoming more more empty people or leave him. So, firstly, the countries the rents in the values will come down after the YAP. So you know this is something you ve worked too hard. You don't want to leave it to chance. You want to deal with someone that knows that market inside him out again properly. God, you, whether you're, selling or relocating, and so you're you're gonna, be infant nominal hands talking with one of our real estate. Real peace and add a guy. I call on the airy us today when John Lonely in our own together and said that his wife's uncle Michel House, they were living in and finish because he thinks, since Biden got elected, that the economy is going to crash right after the first of the year and in Phoenix Arizona and unlike listen, dead,
post election stress disorder. You ever mental illness, airy these ticket math yeah- that's not, alas, it well valid, and besides it yeah, maybe in some areas, but is the entire common gonna crashing January. No. This is the direction. you do, where we all have enough on our plates right. The last thing we need is to not get a good night's sleep. Think about how effective be during the day. If you can't even think clearly, because you didn't actually arrest, that's one of the reasons I've been recommending tuft needle my family has their mattresses and they start as
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Seven hundred dollars a month started get eight sixty five or ten five thousand dollar lump sum pay out now I have been told I wouldn't be able to grow twenty five thousand into what I would need to make seven hundred monthly at retirement. So I should leave the pension alone wondering your thoughts on this. Well, Angela. Here's the deal first and foremost have your age on. Here is what I know, but it seems like someone's making a reach, and assuming that you know what happens when you assume that you couldn't grow. This five thousand and lump to become much more than what it is. So I and of the lump sum payments. Are they going to give you an opportunity to grow? Could you gonna have better investing options than just what's inside that pension yeah? You take it in your relit over in a direct grants
well over into an ironic place it in good growth, stock, mutual funds that have a ten year track record or more. We suggest- and I personally do this grist personally- does- is spreading across four typing: growth: growth in income, aggressive growth in international, financed from one to help. You do that sit down with one of the smart vesture approach by clicking faster at Dave rooms you got come now. Whoever is telling you this Christmas exactly right. Their mouth is wrong. Here's how I know their mouth is wrong, even though I dont know their age, pensions are highly regulated. They are not allowed to invest aggressively at all, and so a pension
rate of return is always sat at around six or seven percent. Your pointy five thousand will grow to enough at six or seven percent to create seven hundred dollars if it stays in the pension. We know that otherwise they wouldn't give you these numbers through, ok and if it will grow to enough to create seven hundred dollars, a six or seven percent the right elated amount that you're gonna find in almost every pension than we are very sure that if it does better than six percent to seven percent, you're gonna have more than seven hundred dollars, and so I think whoever told you this is making some different assumptions or possible You don't know what the crap they're talking about. Edna is whether soon Virginia Beach I Edna how're you gave him. Are you not deserve? What's up I am a new welfare ran into the baby, I'm gonna jump in.
Had here thinking about that too and the term listening. I know that you consolidation, the new programme under a no go. I unfortunately went through one I'm done with it. However, when it comes the debt that I already have. Should I go back and at those consolidation that I settled with the other today, no longer there saddled Ergo, so the consolidation company played all the way through, and every loan that was in that programme is now settled. Is that what you're telling me that crack ok yeah usually that alone, that's over a ten year passed. It was settled it just during our subtle. You know you don't have a doubt anymore. My current economic, you know I mean I'm a little lamb or so you just have a traditional baby step to laugh, then, which is just your debt snowball, critter, yeah analogies.
they focus on. How much do you have left young lady, sir, my current that yes MA am sixteen thousand five hundred and must believe my car you're good girl. So that's where you stay focused on right now, I'm just remember: when you try to get out of debt dont add any right like you, don't go! Look at another car. Don't do anything, that's gonna move your backwards and- and I say that tongue in cheek, but I'm being very serious because you can so easily catch herself getting in it to her to deserve man.
Policy, especially as we get rated come into these holidays. If you ve been making some sacrifices and cutting back you'll start to feel like that, hey you wore was me and no no, no! No! You just want to stay clear and stay focused on what your treason bound. You know you brought up a couple times today and it bears repeating mathematically speaking the hardest and the most important step to getting out of that is to simply stop borrowing, because if you stop borrowing any pay, I much eventually, even if you don't pay extra, eventually you'll be dead for that's right now you are you're, not gazelle. Intense you're not make him super progress is not superfund, but I mean, if you just pay your house. Payment eventually pays off. If you pay, your car payment eventually pays off even you're, stupid credit.
But if you just pay the payment in some principle in there eventually, forty two years from now, it will pay off. So if you just pay your payments and stop borrowing, that is that you just tilted the children able in your direction you sure them and then, from there you start power, that powers more word on the fire and you start attacking that using the best snowballing, picking up extra jobs ourselves much that gives think their next, then you can at the very moving started. Get that I'll bet you're in all this are the problem, you're right holidays come around resolutions here in a smoke. On somebody its ambition, Berliner, who know- and you know, and you dropped by the car lot nurse at low reflection, for that shine, she's your eye, you ten you at my head or the other car I wasn't looking into. It is just that the shine off that car.
Catches. Your eye gleam colleague here another dimension, only by like that, but what it does and that data something something shiny and you don't want it is- is I get this way in this way, with the chalk Adona I deserve it. I've worked really hard to day our militias up there in the dead gum rooms, kitchen cookin, those homemade chocolate chip, cookies thereof, the devil. Yes, she's not, but they all noted the fact that I am you smell at smile when I come out a studio and others, violence. Cookie do you know, and We do this with everything in it, but you know what that is: that's a little kid inside over one I was, and it still their cause children do it, feels good adults devise a plan and follow it and you your exactly right. You can just fall back into an entire
mentality. Well, you can think about. Christmas is not about me. I didn't think I car was gonna, jump out there well and think about it. This year if you're not able to see family, could you haven't seen him as much your drink and I'm gonna make this the best Christmas ever and then? What happens? You over extend yours A little emotion goes out. The emotion or you got some guilt or shame could have been able to see em. I want people to just reset, take a clear breath, and this year may Christmas be a little bit different. Your less be smart unless be more and more focus on the budget more than ever and give yourself a leg up to start twenty, anyone on the good foot, not the debt foot. I you know I was getting some money where the Ramsay Christmas giveaway we're going five hundred dollars a week. That's true and you're gonna die, Ramsay dot com slice give away no purchase necessary register will every day
and we're going to avoid five hundred dollars a week. An we're gonna win we're going avoid grandpas of five thousand dollars as well Dave, Ramsay, Dotcom, Slash, give away and out, while you're there. If you want to see that shining she Chris his head on his book and it's the everyday millionaires number one by selling book, it's right there for ten dollars and there's a shine right there and say it rather on the cover that come in gleaming white teeth, Photoshop wonderful, Jesse all our books are also over ten dollars a day, Ramsay dot com. So you know check all this stuff out and the total money make over just go Where did the daily shoulder? Eight eight millionth copy so pretty crazy. You get it for ten bucks Christmas number one selling books or any Rachel'S any of the loans. Nuke greatest ten dollars dream, Defining anxiety came out this week. And
of course, Rachel to best shot coalmines, rush, shower Anthony's best sellers are all browsers. Are all ten dollars and while you're there be sure you register for the five hundred dollar give away any register once a day. They Ramsay Dotcom, Slash, give away
Chris Organ Ramsay Personality is. My co host here on the show today open phones, a triple eight eight to five five two to five Matt is whether in Phoenix Man Orient great how you don't let it better than I deserve. What's up, I have been following the baby steps for a few years. Now me in my life, I got five that I'm actually they advocate level you region- I am. I probably, after the over the years the inquiry into a deferred. Your way for another really thought I find myself population. I pay for my wife and I thought we were gonna pay off our house, and that's kind of where we're out, without any doubt, our corridor
clear and Edam carried gotta go DEC, we have this opportunity. Come up this year. Very shrill estate opportunity were basically we gotta leave viable dental properties, the key. more using are ah primary. Ass, we did unconsciously familiar with the product, the old one mortgage, basically a line of credit which actually the first mortgage checking component built into it and so on we we bought for industrial property this year, on a whim because they cash flow really. Well. We did fifteen percent down loans nor am I Pierre, my alarm and basically, the mortgage payments between eight hundred thousand dollars apiece and the casual about four thousand dollars a month, while their gross is for them to the council after eager So these are obviously it it's been great for us homage, really kind of accelerated. Our debt they off instead of looking
The primary outstayed off only twenty two will probably gonna get paid off them next year in twenty twenty one, we're running any issue is: how do we do could we always kind of followed that you're not leveraging approach, I'm working my wife and I both kind of got. No, that we pulled out it's kind of dialogue and mortgage that between the four houses, even though that finally, while I'm in here, fraternity. Basically, none of these houses have any vacancy, and were getting pressure to get even more. because we really have a waiting list of penance that want to move and causes can unleash opportunity. It is question you is, if we can still get our primary house paid off, next year and continue to grow into these other by an old properties? You think this is a bad like getting worse.
formula are from that we keep enough nagging somebody's with the cash will be as good as they are can you think well organised, I'm starting off the yoke of you. I thought you started this car with how you had listened to us and followed us for years. He hated I didn't know what I mean. You know the answer to the question: if you listen, and followed me for years you ve, never whole herd may tell people to do what you don't know you sure. Ok, that's you! and I certainly when told more of what you're doing you followed, you follow the plan until you start following the plan. You ever happened exactly and through, so that that she's kind of like it's, it's basically come to another source of income for us and by listening to languish less, but I have a source of income to several hundred million dollars of paid for real estate, the
we had a mortgage on at once and I did not use. Leverage to building are used cash to building mad you're gonna get in trouble because you have not factored risk in this scenario, and leverage is a two edged sword. It cuts. Ways. You know that you have just continue design things also discovered indicate. You have no measure of risk whatsoever in that ok, baby, you
a real estate. Anybody else. I know I want you to hear these phrases. Meech real estate niche yeah, yeah, ok, Hoddan, bought for properties on a whim and was being pressured to buy more what what? What were we? What are we doing here is sounds like late night, real estate get rich quick scheme, one o three, it's a bad plan as got headache and hearty written all over it down the road here. Interest few years more for it, and the other thing is Africa, continue for four minutes or listening to you to performance, northern worry she's, gonna change, Susie's informally in Vienna, high socially how're. You sues regarding. How are you great? How can we help us shit o my husband and I are looking at possibly telling our home. The reason that we want to follow is because it is a really big payment. It takes that forty two percent of our time and
even ones were desperately anxious. That percentage keep me up at night, and I know you guys counting every time. You know: fifteen your mortgage, twenty five player in com and I just beginning pressure by our family to day in that house product per annum, the poem Northern Ireland. They don't get avail tilled, the Hirsch yeah Muslim, and that was why, because I'm looking around for those that are about eight hundred dollars months, persons are eighteen hundred dollar like mortgage payment in ages. It seemed like a good idea to me, but I just wanted How is that was like a Dave, approved ideas about really trying to do things? The railway is your income gonna go up enough soon enough that you're not gonna, be strong strangled by the house. Now, honestly, I don't see that happening and that in turn, your relatives were well meaning, but they have no idea about your personal life and its none of their any. On business yeah! That's what we reach your husband on board with Susie. He keep thy Father,
I need you to don't want you haven't, got a job there. I don't even have a vote because I'm not paying the payment now. What what I do if I woke up in your shoes listened thing is escaping you up at night. That's where regions Can you up at night is taking a big. Of your life teachers to own this house and in you have determined it's not worth it now. Should you maybe by another house, instead of maybe my magic, by about our work is not in a position to be able to buy that with our national, and now it's not gonna work out. Why don't you go on other, because we might help them off his job last year, when I was tired, now nine months pregnant, he came home and told me: he lost his job. Not actually habit came so financial keep because they relate. We can't do this anymore, we're not,
like this anymore, it's his other job that I make enough for this wasn't forty two percent and he dared here that he thought about an eight hundred without lower pay higher. Why? Because you were able something that was it. What did he do before? He was a man operator. Bogey he's done differently, expediency, tight, machining drugs. You can get an end yet his income back up to that, then he cried. He actually, you pay for money Thursday with our king and saw its paving ass, a law on child care The vote will end up having a childcare. Ok, we both our he worked fighting for Sunday and I worked Monday to Friday, but we're both working and sober. we had this primary machining job. You were at home, I'll show you evening are yeah. He walked with him during the day. You gotta work at night, but we can see each other
I urge that we were making or making relevant money about time if he is speaking his income back up that changes answer through that earlier. we can't get his income back up then you may want to make the move yeah, that's what this comes. Working at taking us back your job is that he's out I don't want to work a second job in order to pay keep a house that that that major, mainly for the rest of your life I don't want do them, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying he took a step down. because he needed work yeah, but now if he can take that step back up an income that danish qualified and it should be making that other income. Then he added is old job. Then the hardier I am quite sure that if you won't do that- and you want to keep the house that changes the equation, and so but
Relatives are well meaning, but they don't get about much their pay in the payments and thither paying the payments or other problems that sole This is that every measure
Chris Hogan Ramsey personality is my co host today here on the air, open phones at eight hundred and eighty eight, eight hundred and twenty five five thousand five hundred and twenty two I've. Alisha is whether an Indianapolis highly shower you I'm good Harry you better than I deserve. What's up? Ok, though, no consolidated milder dispelling stay put on top of stupid. I told I get that I understand that, but I need you to hear me out because much hurt the call how what hurts might get hurt, True. I have yes problems that my insurance will not cover, and there is this company who was talking about celebrating the remaining twenty five thousand dollars credit card dead, end
though, in an extra ten thousand, and it would still be used hundred that, where payment on payments for credit card the one hundred and forty something my question is: if I go do this, which I can then use? The ten thousand affects my teeth and then that appear in the one body there offering. I can t you pay the six hundred and thirty. Actually, if you pay, when paying, which, of course with eight hundred would that makes sense and locally? you stupid, but I wouldn't extend my any further. Could then pay packet of blackmail Many depending on the interest rate? It did extend your debt while ten thousand dollars further. You need ten thousand dollars worth of dental work, I'll pull it too. crucial overtime hours, this big every too. In my I'm sorry, it takes a long how much it seventy
I wonder delegation affect every teeth in my mom and at one particular Wanna hurt the dentist won't touch. It is my insurance won't cover short one hurts, but seventy five hundred to fix all of them. oh yeah! I have them for the calcium thing, my teeth don't get the calf. Starts to get into an uncharted, we stop us like it. I'm just trying to understand our. I do not really not trying to be smart. You have one tooth is hurting. Why do you not remove that tooth or the damage? want to remove that cures until we can put some for the revised, therefore bridge anyone put the device and for bread and lays down from the queen the earth to his cap either duties and will cover the two teeth until he does themselves cleaning thing where they have. could you hours Bombay notified, horsemen away, you're clean? You need to go to undergo a yes to day you need to go to,
you need to get some other opinions on this. I am not a dental expert, ok, but here's the problem. You have a roof league and you just call me to buy a whole roof and finance it instead of just fixing the leak- and I dont know how to do that. In your situation. I again I'm not a dental export. If I were in your shoes, I would get at least two other dentists to look at the situation and tell them I'm on a limited budget. I need a temporary fix until I can save up the money for the permanent fix, ok, I believe and unto work, ok, and even if it is truly a seventy five hundred dollar thing to be done, it will save up. The money will get there and, I believe, in avoiding pain I mean I'm a complete whoosh when it comes to pain and so on with you on this,
Pay almost anything do not hurt because I'm a complete worse so I'm with you on all of this. However, this just sounds: why does- and it sounds like two alisha- that the debt consolidation, only because you share this information with them and their found showed you away. That emotionally beckoned quarter quote trotted, look like their help in you. Here's the reality, death Validation is a con. I mean the way that their able, lawyer, your payment, is they extend the length of time that you are in debt? That's the only way, there's that mathematical wizardry, this now, but she sign if she pays the whole of the same six hundred it would be out and if the interest rate is the same other than the ten thousand you'd be out at exactly the same time, If the same pay, my username interest rate right, but that doesn't work because Ten thousand dollars to the balance sheet. Look I'm not going. bar the money, I'll tell you when any time I'm making a decision and the
We options are the only options and vision, suck it means need more options. You have one option with your dentist that sucks yeah, you have a tooth. It hurts and not doing something sucks as an idea You have this ridiculous idea to borrow ten thousand dollars more by the way seventy five hundred or do the other twenty five hundred going to Kabul. So you know there's just I think your harden and I get that, but I'm gonna go get to other dentists independently, look at this and most people in dental practices do a great job. I endorse dentists and many cities around America on the local radio. Does it we're gonna do show? Proudly, I also have had a few experiences with them
where there are trying to show me a Bentley and I needed a Volkswagen. I actually there that this happened when I was brought up to date. The year we found bankruptcy- and I went to the danish- goes out heart because I'm a worse undeniably money I mean I did know what I've done. Bobo and went in there and the guy said Annie to do this is nineteen. Eighty eight. I need to do three thousand five hundred dollars worth of work to your teeth or you're, going to lose all of your teeth within five years. I said: well, I'm gonna lose all of my teeth within five years, because I don't know three thousand five hundred dollars. I can't borrow it I'm just coming out of it. gradually, and so I left in our that work of had done much, none seriously, two years later, every two Still in my head, so the Gaza complete jacked up con while now
saying hers, is nothing other than are right. That did happen to me, and so I'm always listen. a time you're dealing with professional situation like this, an attorney attacks, person, investment person, a medical professional. You always get second opinions until you find options that figures show that come out upon a treatment plan, the future life and your finances, and that's what you do because
are counting on. Sometimes your emotions in your pain, absolutely signing any just give it to me I'll sign it whatever it is. You skirted stop, make it stop out his son right that such good was them get a second and third opinion to slow down about make that colleagues from love you, but I would really would do and get an opportunity to talk to someone and let them know what's going on in all of the things he suggesting may have to occur, but they might be able to occur at a different. That's right. Increments. That's right! Not all at once! Without the dead, that's were Anders Org and an without the pain. You that's what I'm challenging. I just it's not logical to me, so I might be wrong nodded and expert, and I really don't even know what I'm talking about. But I just have live life long term and on a year,
surely smell fish when sometimes fishy go. You still got all the same to everyone on its impressive, have even gone my wisdom days, which makes no sense at all that they never even came out seriously. It's crazy. What so just was wrong. I mean you know you're wrong it, but I'd like to get a second and third opinion. An end again. Take notes why you're in there be aware, but that so true we get paying going on, we can easily get emotional hacking and imagine if you're, in with a family member that you care about, it can be hard to recount some of the things that are told to you, so I remember one time I would have given somebody a house to get rid of it. I did have those when I was eleven making drown. You you, don't you just your mind is in a far nodded for I didn't miss when she said my teeth. Are my two thirds, I'm tired
and she said in a way that, like I've, been art awhile and I'm tired of it here- and I understand that appreciates that. I'm sorry I, That's how I would do it if I were in your shoes and if you find three people to tell you exactly the same thing, then you ve got a different challenge, but usually I find I make better decisions, the more options that I have its decision making to gather, and lots and lots and lots and lots of options and to suckle Slatter out over the side near the muzzle of video, stick with another stand up criteria got one of those two words really good idea, and I often and if I have only bad options, I just don't have enough options. Truth drawback rather more like that, but then help me with almost anything specially things. I don't know anything about, I'm having to learn something new about it and that's what I'm gonna do. If I'm in her shoes there, some wild you for calling in resolving our thank you, Sir James Childs, in it
The both great show great our puts us out of the day room show in the books, This is James Childs producer of the Dave Ramsey show you can listen to Dave Rachel Cruze Chris Hogan for the rest of the Ramsey network, anywhere with the Ramsey network, app on your smartphone catch, all of our full shows browse by topic or send clips to your friends to the app store and download the rams today,
have. You got questions about retirement, investing and becoming an everyday millionaire, gulp, beggar and broader, with my man Chris open on the crucial genscher. I M excited to be able to talk to you all week in week out we're gonna focus on your calls, and it's going to focus on building well investing and how to become an everyday millionaire subscribe to the Christian, ensure wherever you listen about gas hates James, pretty or of the Dave Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2020-11-10.