« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Boyfriend Wants to Spend $525 on a Psychic! (Hour 1)

2020-08-18 | 🔗

Debt, Relationships, Career, Home Buying, Business, Savings

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Importers, Ramsay solution broadcasting from another car rental studios. That's the day Ramsay Show were dead, is down casual, gave an awful mortgage taking the place of P M W ass, the status symbol of choice, Andy Remsen, your hosting Chris Open she personality newborn best selling author is Michael push this. Our open phones triple eight, eight to five five, two to five we're on top
your life and your money, and it turns out curious that those two things are interwoven Dave. I'm gonna tell you, you know my boys used to play with legos and stepped on a couple of things in the middle of the night. When down like I was shot, but the point is that those pieces, flatter that other burglar alarm, ideas, memorandum and right from the front door, but these fit connected in your right. This life and money stuff, it's gonna go together, and you can't prime apart and this idea that you know the Americans with the way we have learned kind of a greek mythology of thought of critical thinking, we'd like to compartmentalize things, like something's wrong Sunday like church, and then people do weird wacky stuff that again the church on Monday and in others compartmentalize different parts of the world. That has nothing to do with that, and I certainly do that because it's all part of the mosaic, it's all part of the picture and these things all work together. Your dreams,
your fears, your two holes, your. Why? Your family tree you're up bringing your jobs, your careers, your character, the or lack thereof. All of these things end up being woven together and we ve seen over the decades of doing this. All the data points that ensure that that that show that that's true we're here to help you with your life and your money tip is whether in New York I Tiffany how're, you could, I think, most- would argue, Michael all sure? What's up so I ve been getting a guy for about three months and last night were hanging out and he drawn up to that I am on spending about five hundred and twenty five dollars a psychic. I see a miracle uncomfortable. I thought that I thought it was.
I feel the idea I would. I thought you had a bit of why you don't like this person, but this person could do for him. You're things are going well up into this appeal. This point. By definitely acting. I I've been doing the baby. That's that's for almost two years I started with them without nor the bear down to about twelve thousand upon the tail. Dirty Enzo hearing that definitely gonna hurt my ear Lately nerve is so, I guess I'm wonderingly What is it like? I know the father and twenty five dollars or the psychic. I do not forget them. You put the two things together like really nervous. I would resign exactly thinking that you could be a response but with money and thinking about you know future gas propaganda last forward through five years from now on the Gosling Mary, this guy's gonna tonight,
and how long have you dated this guy, she said three months, then you tat Will she started off with long term and that's a reminder that don't well that's cool, so ok show what work. How can we help? I guess my you know then it would be a lot in the early dating on a single woman in New York City, and I guess I wonder: why are the filters in terms of money? Could I found myself thinking or are we not financially compound, oh yeah, I'm wearing their situation, the others to issues not number one. Having talked with allow the single Ladys that work on our team here and in our theirs. I get to hear some very interesting conversations over here very interesting conversations in Tennessee. We call it Slim Pickens, there's no lot of good ones out there to pick from right,
and others gone is kind of proven this theory to be true. So I you know on twenty five dollars. If he were spending it on something else, doesn't necessary, scare me, but you call me in to were people of faith, and so we think psychics are funny I am also personally, but I didn't like it survives you're, not a respecter of that methodology. That's a lot of money to spend on Voodoo yeah. What have you talk to him about? Your financial goals has told you what his arm. Super clear. What use are, but I mean you know how it is when you get into this journey. You know how to talk about all the time we get. You knows, Michael, how old? Are you guys? I'm twenty nine I've got, my daughters are slightly older than you
Sean's about your age. Then we will know how to answer this is Papa Dave and has nothing to do with financial. Really, it's your values are not aligned. You believe different things and that's more important in a violent and twenty five dollars. The father and forty five dollars is an exceptional amount of money to spend on something where your values on a line so really caused you to go giddy dvd did it, but you know that if you were one of my kids wherever coffee I'll just go discuss, not the one, and the reason is is that if you can agree on spiritual things, if we can agree on money, you can agree on. Kids can agree on in laws. Those are the four things at break. Everybody up you around. As you said, a fast forward, and now he spending five thousand with the psychic, because she's now our marriage counselor, and that's that's what your flash fording yourself into so I'm just that's just but Dave saying you don't have the same set of values. Now, if you both were industry I guess you could go forward, but
magna. One of you is not in the: U N, that's gonna be a deal breaker, You gotta be aligned on the important things on religion. Is one of them Tiffany run Don't stroll away, I won't you treat us like death and were on yeah. Ok, you your ear, you're gonna be ok honey. Just just when you meet here's the thing find out crazy early and then avoided here's. What interesting? Ok, you put your money towards what important to you. And so, if you put a lot of money towards something he says it's very importantly, so the skies like a recreational psychic guy he's in deep regret. He'll psychic use fifty dollar drop by for kicks at some fair or something right. Twenty might not only because they are the palm resources ha! That's like a record no gambler, but this God drop to two thousand and twenty dollars on the black jack table and you don't believe in gambling. It get that
our tradition. There is enough money that is like wow, and others there is a one to punch here. That's really good conversation about my wallet, twitched pocket, yell outlets, culture lodge very tight, teaches us from your just type, your type but that's a meter. I've read like you, you you have to look at that. You say that is a red flag right again it. What we're talking about coming in to opening a show today is that your values it there is an integrated thing here. And social rules. I would dive out alternative rooms we, but without the religion. Well then, it wouldn't be diverging, because I truly believe that what you believe causes you to handle money, certainly answer as a person of faith when I believe that the borrowers truly slaved the lender, then that causes a separate
of actions, reactions and attitude, yes and extend I'm not aligned with someone on that, then I can't be and deal with them As my couch today, this is the day Ramsay Shell during these crazy times. The best advice I can give you is control the controllable. Let's start, looking at major expenses, like your monthly ran, are your house payment. Folks, mortgage interest rates are so low. Now
now is the time to invest in your future. In just ten minutes, my friends at Churchill mortgage can share ways to save you serious case through a smarter mortgage plan to speak to a specialist call triple eight loan, two hundred or go to Churchill mortgage dot com. This is a paid advertisements, animal s idea, one five, nine one: animal s: consumer access, not org, equal housing, lender; seven! forty, nine Mallory Lane Sweet one hundred Brentwood Tennessee three seven zero to seven Brazilian worms personality is my co host today, around the day, RAM show borne by showing, over a couple of times over as your insurance company ever bumped up your car insurance for no freaking reason. We know this is pretty men when this happens, especially if you're giving it you're all to get out of there then I just want some of your money, but folks, you don't know
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I'm I'm paternity leave until February, and I wonder how do ask my husband to the other kind of your staying on mom. I dont really feel like. I want to go back to work. You like a really want to spend time, raising our low one or great go. Saudi. It does make enough money for your level. Yeah like he makes about nine. Seventy five, What's that mean like nine hundred thousand nine hundred the thirty five thousand dollars a year, yeah, ok, I think you could probably freaking struggle through its it's, not a failure as it is. I think he has. I worry that I'll never go back to work so like I don't know, I think, because his mom words like three. When he saw.
I know they much nine hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. Mercedes when you're working. How much did you make? ninety nine percent on bill, And how should were comparing it to his right? Yet how many kids do you have just? Ok? Ok, deal Sharon Ramsay went home. The full time mom when our first daughter was born thirty four years ago. Yeah. She has never worked in the workplace. Sense. She is engaged in a lot of ministry boards? She sits on hospital board. She is engaged in being a full time, may meet a six grand babies. She read three wonderful children. I call that an incredible career
here I just don't know how to get my husband on the same page. It's about it. It's gonna be a sit down and talk to him from the heart. I mean just point blank. May I hate, I thought you guys need the money. So flabbergasted go so I now why? Why does he knew all about if it's not so that your family can do what they want to do? I now like I did so. Point in paying like a man here you what I'd do converter fortunate as well, not here and I'm not sure you don't want it, So if you want to be outside the home and have a career in that aspiration. You want. Do that. The no shame on that either absolutely but but this idea that somehow motherhood is full time. Motherhood is not a is somehow to be shamed. Oughta be looked down upon his absolute bs. Mercedes, that's where you gonna talk to him and lead with the heart and talk about.
You are you wanting to work, but you want to work with your kid, but does make it reconstructing close Photoshop, no, not at all, but why I kind feel that way and I do and whether it was but the that merit I recall that mom guilt Christie Right talks about that alot mom, mobs can't win, because if they work there guilty and if they don't work, they're going to slacken mom like guilt is built into the whole programme or something How long have you been married Mercedes a year? What boy I'll do for a living- and we gather about seven I'm keeping investment adviser, credit, ok, Press, if he's doing so well, I don't I think that number one? I just want to give you encouragement to say a this is not crazy. It's not irresponsible. As a matter of fact, it is a high dignity position worthy.
Of I mean some one was Abraham Link Mother, someone was Billy, grow mother, someone was, you know, and the hi call this a high calling and so. Someone was Martin Luther King Jr mother. I mean that this is a high calling. And it has dignity. It has value. It is worth equivalent to anything, could do in the workplace. No shame no gale down and should be no hesitation, financially or economically three a Mercedes, monitor, Jabez dont, go into this, this is a one time conversation that sugar sway him or give him. This is going to be series of conversations. But I want you to lead with your heart. No trotted factual, don't go any that just watch your heart wants and then what happened? is, it boils down to. He has an opinion and you have an opinion.
You gotta get to work through this and you may have to reach out to your pastor or to a therapist NGO. Have this conversation, but if you don't stand for it and show you are serious about it. Then he's not gonna, believe you turn off a teller can take his phone away from her said the baby in his lap and point the baby and say what's more important than that order, for about a week. I won't tell you right now: you're value, just wit, Tal share years ago. Is that if you leave I'm coming with you, if you had your go right, all the cabin was expected for her to say that that that she made the majority here- and you know something ajar number that is while impressive, Tony's in New York. I tell me, are you better than I deserved? Man said you did Michael
absolutely our congressional help So are we just discovered you guys that a week ago, so maybe a blessing in disguise, but I'm so I'm twenty four and I'm looking about a hundred and seventy five right now? people come from. What are you for a living, I and I work for a silicon Valley such start up, but I'm in the cell. Guess you do? What do you do? I sell I'm in the south. Our killer. You wanna start man, I'm so proud of you well done. Ok, another moment my shock. What what how can we help Here's. What do you think is two weeks ago I decided you know what I'm sick and tired of it Ding New Jersey rents. As you know, our are crazy. I guess so copies action all that jack, but I did some quick, math and realizes spent about fifty two thousand dollars in the last two years renting and it just went no problem.
I never said money again, so I may decision I might go, let's look into buying a house or not But a conduct right so over the last two years. Is I've ve got about Hungary, K in the market and then another thirty k and just like a bird and keep on saying that I pushed up as a coded some sitting on to get money, but I also had the stood alone that that's about forty two thousand radish today. Yeah I needed in the that is that zero percent? Who cares? If a so you can get on my? U by word or if it was four hundred million. You still pay it off. Today, even if this, represent your dying and over your head. So what are you do. I did I don't wanna. Take money out of the market in the index is so, do you think I should grants
and for a year I have to sign a year lease mountain about. You told me you around thirty thousand dollars and forty two thousand adjusting launder. That leaves ninety thousand forty two year exactly that would be mostly in in the market, and I was saying I don't really want to take the money out of the market. I kind of want to continue whatever markets we're talking about your there's, a real estate market, you can put it in or there's this guy arrogant, you can put it in I woke up in your shoe, sir. You are killing it on the income side, I would be dead free. I have an emergency phone and now it's my property with the other down off buddy oil. There's a girl named Tiffany in New York that used to Lady Gaga, like psychics, should probably like to get to know you. This diagram singled out.
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the slogan Ramsay Personality, that selling number one by showing all their proper terms over is my co host today on the neighbouring show, is whether in Boston Massachusetts says almost greeny and you are dead. Very congratulations, the asylum. Thank you very much. We bite off eighty eight thousand cool alone that take about forty years and much good for you and your range of income during that time. A law under a hundred two hundred and twenty, where you do for a living mom, Rachel manager of a market, for you show a Canada was the eighty eight thousand dollars.
While most of US credit card dad about fifty two thousand and thirty one on a vehicle which I stood alone and five thousand medical that ok. So you push through forward half years doing this, pretty steady good push So what got you started on this whole thing? Well, I'd like to do a shout to a friend of mine. I also used to work with other sky Ramon. He got me. I show me your programme and explained to me, I'm gonna go I'm excited about it now made me realize, like a painter saw much sooner than I originally anticipated, Erika Major believe exactly exactly have good for city is at what was the biggest sacrifice you made over the last four and a half years, while To be honest, I kind of did the Davis thing for the first couple years and once I took our financial peace University for the first time back last July, I got
cited inside its on everything and a right off. Oh that moved you from Ramsay issue all the way under game on, that's it, makes I'm gonna, find out why it up love it I'm proud of you well done: how old are you thirty, five years old cool along and how's? It feel now that you got no pay much. I await off. I shoulda geologists makes me more more dedicated my focus on my everyday life or that personally, five in the workplace, or whatever they may be in gets me now get me in Let me stress that in time a man do body financial peace towards don't go together like airline service, very cool, very cool. Well, well done well done. Show you oh yeah, I'm I'm guessing student loans. You probably have never been dead free during your adult life. Have you
I have not now that's pretty cool, now, you're free, a lover. Yes, I am Let me cite in about twenty. Tell people the key to getting out of debt is just getting I'm just I mean to be honest, I just need some You're gonna need someone to help you I stay focused and get through, and that's what I found something about the affair. You class, but just people must situation sand in a way. I have this problem, but I can get through it and you can get three eyes as well. So really help me felt get focused and you know support teams the best part. Like as a good class cuz, no shaming, just encourage Don't do it do it. You can do it. You can do it right, as it very good that has been tasked with endless and I want to tell you buddy, be careful, could stupid around every corner? Ok, you bad older scraped implored to get out a debt. Just keep your defences. Keep your eyes on the prize. This fully funded. Did you find the next step and you can do it with the same intensity Alice
I got it always will send you a copy of Christmas book every day. Millionaires cause that's the next chapter in your story, my man, very, very proud of our I e and eighty thousand dollars from Boston Mass paid off and bore years in five months, Megan one one? Twenty zero. British grew blue man is some so I agree with our customer care team. Just sent me rammed concierge team to sent me this email Did you have to read this on the air from Linda at ten years old, my daughter purchase your own house or their own money on horse. I'm sorry, that's better than a house. Ok, at ten years old,
or their own money. All this our who knows not on for twenty five dollars. She had saved these funds through several job opportunities, but mostly from a dog business that she created when she was eight around the same age. She decides you want to become a veterinarian short, multiple job saved every time and going. Let's go. She had already save thirty five thousand dollars her father and I did not pay for any over veterinarian degree. Her first, Here and veterinary school they were asked to write their personal gulls. One of her personal gulls was to get out of that school debt free. She was given a failing grade by our professor, because her professor told her this was not. And obtainable go well. Thank you, doctor, Debbie down idea. Really, ok. She just love dream killers out their schools. That's what they call a trick tenure of there is much toward the story. She graduated debt, In May of twenty twenty one she is,
a the envy. Thank you for your easy. Follow directions: you're a blessing touchdown wow Godfrey unbelief both starts at ten years or ten years old, at the thought of saving up the potential, buys it and then has this habit now and belief, self of what's possible and even it s even Doktor Debbie down or can't take it away. Yeah yeah him of his tweed and his pipe is looked at council level patches on Israel, both murdered, I'm so proud of her a commonly you. I had a professor college, we very much. This huge presentation was a case study thing. We in the senior year you took all the stuff, you learn and put it in this case study and we were so proud of ourselves as overhead projectors renders how long ago was- and we made up overheads and we had a whole presentation- and I am the speaker- I'm gonna get up and present all the stuff and we had worked
way through the stuff and we work months on this presentation is our front one of our big project, sugar. We go in, we finish up and Doktor Debbie down or drops his glasses down in his nose. He said Mister Angie, you have a firm grasp on the obvious, you're what I ran into a while back no said you know what I'm gonna go, live and you're gonna do saying What do you do? I so common sense successfully is in indian apple us. I actually welcome that I've Ramses Shep. How do you think you may call drew up Rita wages graduate from college at Bay, and I was offered start at the top of my head.
Your phone is screwed up start again, you graduate from college in my congratulations with a degree in one at retirement age. Ok, Then what happened? Everything after that, we lost I'm sorry. I recently offered a load job thought I was dead as I already covered by carried. So I have no expenses but goal has always been that I wanted to start my own loathing critique. So I was curious. Right now would be a good time. We started those, I don't have a fundraiser like a cash flow it, or do you suggest that I save for my future when I'm on my own won't you could problem They start was from the online. You talk about an online boutique correct, yes, tracked yeah, something you could say. That, with very little start up costs. Just your sweat right, you don't have to you, don't have to have
Eighty thousand dollars worth of stock to start an online thing. You shall have access to it and drop ship. It. I bought it. I arm was planning on doing something lie which have in the tory that I personally howls and bent, but shipping, but just through the wholesalers I would be buying from why why not use them and rob ship, they can have a two year, twenty four hours. You can have it your customer in forty eight or they can direct ship to your customer, bigger fulfilment centre. What does they matter as a wholesaler one of the two young, sir? I guess I didn't act or the public that option and ass. I just from what I was hang out from the wholesaler revised, although level for you to get them and towards business and give them money on stuff. You had shown the date given you a masters degree in business, and this is where
you don't want to bring all the expense and the overhead a lot of an inventory well protected. You're, not sitting on fifty grand cash right now, you're living at home and trying to make sure you get free and slave up money to get out. In short, it on your own, where this is a great opportunity for you to do both run. Run, your new online game that you ve got in terms of your new job and then get the business, open with a drop shipper, very low inventory start up either way you throw but don't get deep neck deepen inventory on what you don't know. It's gonna sell a keyboard with baby steps. We get out on your own gap, Muslim, Abrahams issue.
Social demands. Your personality is my colleague over today. Here on the day, room three show shame is in Chicago. I show you Commissioner, I think you're sure, what's up So, as I go out longer, I never want to spend any money on twenty years old right now and that's for some reason I used ingrained in my brain. If I don't have the money, I couldn't splendid surrounding them. Twenty seven twenty three thousand dollars thousand very five grand for
fifteen Grand another managed fund and a hundred and three grand distant. The bank go so I just rent no kids, not married, and I'm wondering if I can buy a thirty five thousand dollars Herndon ever reach searching for the best about two years: I'm kind of researching as one month two years is lusting. After a year, when the money? You know, My reproach, much. Do you make you a hundred? Ok, Chris, You got a hundred three thousand dollars and the bank makes a hundred a year and you make a hundred a year. Shame we! You can go get this car.
Ok, what's the enemy, I just I just thought I'd go the money, we'll go to show me. Somebody help one another, one that like it's a new one, but it's out of your mouth, a type are actually, they hold their value, pretty well another like yet nothing else has value. We also motors they all go down there they all got ten years from now. Ten years from now it's acute Laval, car yeah, so you may is a rare car. It's a hard card, a fire! and I bear used or new for that matter. I really by a one year, old one unless you're a millionaire about a year, I could buy one used to pursue their vehicles, one what ten or twelve thousand miles from got bought it in his wife said again anymore or something and puts it up their adoption like a puppy, adolescence
says he I don't wanna be because I set myself so up to save so much. I don't wanna be. It is all about that and you know what I should have had a little bit of fun, Jacqueline bought that car, so that I don't want to be good at your very wise. We teach people to teach their children and themselves. To always increasing, Without for each making ten twenty million dollars a year in which, on the same thing there's three you can do with money, and you should always do these three things. You should spend it and enjoy it. In other words, you should be outrageously generous and you should save in investing and we try to get folks to do that, and so now we re people who, although not do spend it somebody people, all the noise they give away somebody really people. They know how to do is say it like you good to learn the other two scales, the generosity scale and the
Does it make your life well rounded dinner and a good? Let me tell you how to do this with wisdom and Chris. What we do is we teach that you can talk about as we talk about. Of the ratios morning with ease athletes, tripe and so looking at this, I would tell you, as in the ratios, that paragraph approach Dave's right to give to save the spinner absolutely imperative and you ve got it yourself. I can hear the locked up in your voice about the thought of spending somewhere and you give yourself permission to be able to enjoy it. So it'll give you that oh you're, being able to give it as well and so right now you got this just so tight? I want you to breathe, you do and well for yourself a percentage of your income on giving a percentage on investing in percentage on spending. It doesn't matter if it's two percent make yourself do something in all categories:
yeah, ok, and then I will keep you I'm having that. Only five year old, I never lived. My life regret right, yeah, a murmur either funny I saw my money verses all the hard work in The german do in certain common one year old version and our cause there, a new one right now than they were starting five. What's a one euro, one caused yeah there on the market for thirty to thirty five, ok, so they're not taken a big hit. The fan, dear there, ok cool how many years I've been regular, a garden they started until on seventeen October. The Mckenna us to demonstrate But again I am thirty. Two grand yonder. I kinda funny thing ass, the man they got here. They are great large me like that. Just beautiful,
hunt that twenty seventeen down training get at twelve to eighteen and nineteen on but yeah I wouldn't buy brand new. We don't recommend that until your millionaire, but you know you're in a position to spend that come on havoc on a car because its less than half your annual income, you can pay cash, and I don't have any fear that year somehow gonna got around down a rabbit all of spending now so just just in London, joy part two months really do version bananas in Phoenix. I've been. How are you I don't talk to you, a big fan, thanks for all you do. Thank you. My question is more about the work, related question and professionalism. I guess I've been in my current position for four years now and for the past six months, I've been told that there's a raise and a promotion potentially coming, and it hasn't happened yet and now I'm looking for other positions, I just took kind of found that
might be interested in moving to a new company, and I just want to know if it at the gold to it the rays and then a month later, leave for another job. Just to get your thoughts you I'll bet, I'm curious is the fact that you started looking for the other. And was it your frustration and irritation that you haven't received the razor promotion yet to an extent? Yes adds folly them and so on you you are on a scale of one to ten ten being out the door and one being your stuff for life, where you with his current company, only about six or seven or eight of the regime's big enough, and you thought you could trust to people's integrity next time they told you they were gonna. Do something you would say yes, because by sounds like their integrity of them not follow. Those
Bet you a little bit. Am I missing something now another dead folly, pretty accurate? I don't like being led to believe someone. Nobody does. I do feel really Are you there and that day, you know that you my work, but I want to make sure compensation is keeping up with that. I get now know well that the way we tell people to act on business ethics from were teaching Krishna both teach contrary leadership to business owners. Small business owners, in particular, is when it when it comes to the employer or the employee. A good way to handle business ethics is simply treat other people like you won't be traded, take take your shoes off, but their moccasins, on bulk among their moccasins. Now, if you ran at business and you had a Ganem been Workin there and what would you want been to do? I would you want been to act, and that will tell you what to do.
And at the same time been for you to put on their shoes and walk in what they ve been doing and what's been going on in the world and in the economy and try to get a feel for that and identify and from them as well, yeah casino, you gotta, ask yourself, and I don't know I'm not suggesting you're right or wrong one way or the other, and I'm not shaming you into staying there at all, right or or leaving prematurely or anything like that. But the you know it if someone said we're gonna give Eurasia six months in the normal course of business. Six months have gone by and they just didn't keep their word may lead you along this one thing, but with during the last six months where this LE pen, The big issue, that kind of through a ranch in a few things in so a micro cut some people, some slack, maybe if their do it, maybe there's other things going on once a short radio college. Your whole life, you gotta. If you got a bunch of indications
of lack of integrity around the place than you're. Probably out of there. That's right that's differently, but at the same time go have a conversation. What's goin on, let's be adults here and not run all pouting veto, I didn't think you know what I know about you, but I think if you were gonna ever give somebody from grace had an employer or an employee. It would be during the scope and I would completely reader has little endemic. Puts us our that around you show in the books hey guys. This is Kelly, says you producer that Abraham Seashell did you know over sixteen million people. Listen to the Dave. Remsen show every week in a lot of those people, listen to one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country defined station near you, heads Dave, Ramsay, DOT, com, slash.
If you're looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crucial upon gashed from Bunny expert, muddled, read your crew guises rates of crews, and I'm so excited to tell you about. My party has a lot of you: falling paychecks paycheck their end ass. You don't even know where to begin that they have this need. This want to get in control of their money, and if that's you, you have come to the right spots. So each emphasising gets a time of inspiration and practical advice if not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast makes region nor more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel crucial. Wherever you listened upon. Gush hey, it's just producer of the Dave Ramsay show
Transcript generated on 2020-08-18.