« The Dave Ramsey Show

It Takes a Lot of Money to Support YOLO (Hour 1)

2020-05-12 | 🔗

Savings, Debt, Home Buying

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of RAM. She solutions. Broadcasting, our car rental studios, that's that Dave Ramsay Show where that is down caches gang and paid off home mortgage has taken the blame. W has the status of every only Ramsay personality and number one by selling author of the book that free degrees, my couch today, our phone numbers AAA eight to five five, two to five: that's AAA eight to five five, two to five:
come back every day. Thanks you haven't you back, I'm leavin is whether man show you, to you two of girl dumping. You because you wouldn't take her to the restaurant. She wants to go to a close. It wasn't in your budget, its com, firewall, and you are now America's cheapest single man may day our cheapskate aren't you met David got she'd come all day. We gotta be on my side on this thing. I am just as you just easy to make me. It is funny how how how The social media world is really responded to this. Video is shocking. No, I have a lot of work to do especially young millennials, because at the young lady, that's watching his video there saying that I'm cheap, because but they're saying is it if he really lighter, he would have spent five hundred thousand and her- and I was I know how yeah this second date Dave would have been rest arrived at IONA. What girls Bertha
five hundred dollar. Almost second day when I went to the waste to be carrying me, it was about two hundred hours per plate per person. Will you do? It is like a five course meal. A fine Dinah via the girl you take your specific restaurant in it was a five hundred are, as it were saying you should done. I should have done on the second day and all I said in a video ways: hey wasn't my budget for this month, but I will add it next month sought it say: no, I do said, hey I'll- do some maneuver random a budget to do it the following live, but they were not that she really will respond to me. She just go sticky dumped you, yes, but a one day damp one date does. But you wouldn't pony up for the five hundred bucks exactly by using
When she sees me on this national show, could you know we do national media girl? Shallow did she say? Is that all you people got money, and so she responded to me your tree, but she shallow date, look I got another word for, but I am afraid I respect your beauty, nor so save us all. My show that in some respects, but is, is it but is good, but here's the thing I do love Dave is the gods are saying that's a different perspective. And I should odyssey look at that. The budget for that is well said. Ah, cotton up and sarcasm aside, the truth is that it's really a great filter yeah, by which you determine who you, whose eligible to go into a relationship with you don't go in a relationship of the princess. You have a long. Life are happy very low life. I mean. Are you We work in Sydney because there's no each expand like she's in Congress, man,
The demands are five hundred dollar. There is the second day boy or she go she. Let me my god a straight up, but as a father no Dave, your daughter came only said that hey this God told me, we can't do this particular thing, he's on a budget, notably apprentice. There you go there, you know, don't buy apprentice, gas that count that makes it less qualified you're like a real man, you're, not a little worse being pushed around by some princess at once? If I mean why Father I don't even know about- will even honestly light after I thought about it. I think that the budget save me Dave, because should be paying five hundred hours for dinner with anyone on data I should be spent in that kind of money or my wife, or maybe my fiance, but a girlfriend someone I'm getting too. Oh five hundred hours s a lot of money or food.
Many many many years before that I have made me maybe Mynheer return, did we're married tree rednecks another cheat shape does it matter, Massive mill was with you man, you taught me that are paid for it. We should do now for your high or that's fine, though that are you create a conversation with among the young singles, the Euro Age Group millennials to say, hey, you know. The media to be on a day to day from I know, but you up it's part of being. Up to say? I have some level of discipline. Yes, You know you may discover that's. My truly is cheap and you don't You know one of data, that's cool, but you also, you know, but not in all five hundred.
Our dinner or second date, truthfully back. That's the princess category, Dago doing us just as over the top. Thank you for saying that among I'm on your side, but I will make fun of everybody and socially or in your body out. Man, images go and you got some because some people that protect the regular forty two yes a lot of future created like this big argument, any argument Anthony only or on you put on you too right. Yes, yes, I want you to go to Anthony, go to Youtube com and it just type in Anthony O Neill less on radiated things on my part on Twitter awhile ago. Yes, people are taken off you to tightening up inches, putting out the issues, assuming all over the place, and I love it because I know that we bring the man to our tribe and were teaching them how to be good stores and really work. With their money, Creating conversations were woman said were what what budgeting to o using then I had the opportunity to introduce every dollar so is, is creating a good, healthy conversation, and I actually like the back and forth. I disagree or he's cheaper,
he should instead it like this one person said I should not have even told her. I was on a budget. I just should he said no and unlike well, I was on a budget said I was Marie's whatsoever is creating a good comes later. It was you, I think I think you did exactly the because the truth is you're not dating somebody for just fine you if you're, yes, the reason for you dating S, marriage is, is someday. Finding the right person a merry and so yeah may prove that budget in their pretty quick. With that, because, obviously it's what you do for freaking living to start with a but I mean you are a national bustling offer in the moneyed space die. This is who you're dating die, but, oh, my god, it's dance, dance is and what the but the other aside from the fact that Europe
ah well known celebrity in that space is a great filter for maturity, self discipline. Your vision for your life or are you just? Living for the weekend yellow baby, you know And yet I was hard to support. Yes, takes a lot of money to support that over a long period of time. I like it. I come from a guy who hasn't been on a date. Accept was one woman in five forty years, but so what do I know about anything in the dating world? Nothing, truly dad jokes, that's about it, are boomer or whatever it is. You understand me, but the odds. It's interesting, though Watch that interaction offer this thing, and so Anthony only on Youtube in following their podcast, there is no answer,
Twitter Instagram and you can get this story. Scott around me join that conversation. If you want to argue shed its a good conversation started up, it made people think the ESA, and that is our job here in my day, Ramsay Fancy I'll have my back out there. Can we allow dialogue, although all the whole bloomer tribe, like me, they'll outcome, they got your back, you know, and I don't care what you get that so many others, maybe not do not make it taken down there. Man will be all right. She heard we got you Anthony only on Localhost today, on that day, Ramsay shall open funds. Eight hundred to five five to two
a guys it's Dave, Ramsay. I want to talk about my top choice for home security. Simply safe. I've known these guys personally for years from day one. They engineer their system to be as simple as possible, with no trade offs for your safety. Simply safe is simple: to set up even simpler, to use and most important protection Hall home twenty four seven better than anything. I've ever seen visit simply safe direct dot com now and you'll get a free security, camera. Co host on the today Show Ramsey personality Anthony O'Neal number one best selling author of the book that free degree Jason is in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania under the day. Ramsay show. How can we help thank you gave I'm calling on thirty September, and I make about
forty thousand dollars a year and I'm trying to figure out where the put above the fifty four I work get the teacher, so I don't before I won't care something with work. It's all just goes to the pension system, for my irae- does ok but I am wanting to step up much. I'm saving for retirement, I'm wondering about it asking of where I could put my money for all three Beecher school system? It's unusual. I don't know something I could look into. I know you got the pension plan with the state only through charter school. So yeah I'm telling typically at school system or have a formal three b as well as a pension and a fourth rabies. Basically, the same thing is therefore a one k: it's got a few little minor differences, it's a little bit more flexible than the four one. The thing you want to watch for is to make sure you get an good gross fact. Mutual funds, like we recommend inside the Fora three baby, but I'm pretty sure
We have one be shocked if you down and the max that out that I'd max out the Roth, the of any sort Employed income on the side no now currently, I made you did some tutoring or sampling. Obviously you could do some do a sap and do some stuff through self employed side, but you gotta, creates or self employed and gum other than that Eurostat in the open market buying mutual funds. There's not a union collapsed out. Everything is available. Roth fora, three be would be the two things should be available to you, but that thorough three base should allow you to put nineteen thousand, and so I think, it'll be plenty of you. If you have one pretty sure you d amount, I can't think of in thirty years of run into any school systems, didn't offer it yeah Jason. Do you have any kids? I do not correct and I definitely would Davis and suggests may be looking into their college fund, but I agree with you Dave on at it.
Yeah, discuss max everything out, and you know you ve done a great job, didn't housemaid for me. At this stage you don't really well keep it up. Our eye Devon is in Nevada, high Devon. Welcome that every time she shall Anthony heyday haggard doing good man, I can't help it. I have a question on producing a home, the two years, I've made brother good income, but now, with this covered I believe my income may be different. I was seventy percent of the three saving the twenty percent down. Suddenly now need like ten thousand more sugar wait a year to see my new income or ones I hit upon the profound what the three to six months emergence emergency fund and then go through the House Devon. How much do you have now, as far as I am not happy, but how much do you make it here right now? Well, so I'm
putting the thought occurred in Vegas, and so it was the muslin dominant appeared ever last year. My clothes was sixty. Five saw this year. I don't know what it will be, but I do have thirty five already saved up, so you have thirty five thousand sate up. That's on top of the thirty six must correct now it including so it would be thirty. Ok, so they that so that this is what this is. What I'm teaching and Davy as well? Is it you gonna, save you threatened? mind, some guy in the eunuch Emmett such that and you gonna, save ten to twenty percent down. On top of that, so you gotta do the math. They are so whatever you three to six months dash for emergency funds. You don't touch that put down on top of the house. Three b is not going to set aside ten to twenty percent so in your case right now, I'm going to recommend you max out that three to six months, Sonic, a young guy, I'm cool what you doing three months, just one that in
but you need to go ahead and just get that and then start saving for the house, so dont being a rushing into a mortgage, there's nothing wrong, rent it. Now, if you called fifteen thousand of your thirty thousand year three to six months, I would urge you of your thirty five that give you twenty left over to punish her down payment and you make an sixty five. That's fine! The thing you gotta figure out his watch. Your question is this: do you are you worried about the income stabilization in what kind market is we're gonna, be for wedding photography in the coming twelve months. Given that the wedding season is in the summer the summer in its definitely gonna, be down right now, then people that do not get married or get married without going full on with photographers everything. Do you not think they'll do some photography when the shop Here's up a little bit later or get married a little bit later. I wonder if you're gonna have, instead of this year being,
June weddings. They might be September weddings. I don't know, I don't know what people are doing. But would find out from some of the stuff. You had book that cancel their elders, not getting married or just get married, cheap or are you not to have you? There were in the back yard, with a social, distancing, wedding or waiting. Those heptameron have a big celebration because the ones there push- it down the road like that. You're really lost that income, which still gonna come the one Did it on cheap that you lost that income and it's gonna be a year before Erica We don't know exactly what the new or a look like after that, I suspect may take a while for you to get back to where you are, unless you come up with some creative ways to do photography- and o Connor, remodel your business and little bed, but that I'm with you, If you want to wait a year, if you wanna, while allowing get us all figured out before you jump into a house payment, not knowing what your incomes gonna be, there's nothing wrong with that in its not a fear.
Thing, that's a thing that just says I want the numbers before a pull. The trigger are coal is whether in Georgia and the welcomes the diver amply how are you I have- Are there any question? Are self employed, an iron I can tell you bought Alchemy yeah you're. What Gabriel. Because I'm a single mom gets in low income. Households those who disagree while I am on the level of those situation, because my income is about to double over the next twelve months. Income unstable very unstable one month. I could out like twenty grand and then go to two months or three months with no income and I, my home paid off already, but I also have a rental property on the property, so I'm getting income from that. I have like five thousand five hundred and collection, and I have my
the student man and ten thousand and credit cards and I'll try figure out. If you can help me first calculated I should be paying myself. I've always dealt with that, like I was just going to take what I need of it came in and then leave the rest in the business and I d like to try to have two million dollars by fifty four one, We can recommend a sort of fine, but I can give an answer if I should say a credit card or is that that birth- and I also I teach you the final appeal cell phone- But I also can do that. In addition, my training, you can't help pay for it. What is your house? What are you gonna make in a year profit that you're gonna pay taxes on total in a year? I worry I'll make fifty five thousand, but this is about a double time. Looking at a hundred thousand over the daddy, I'm just gonna double I had a large contracts. Can they do July, Burst Volker actual well time? look, I can remedy wrangling organ along in a hundred grand and how much does
You have oil, Fifty five hundred intellectual you showed my car. I owe money on your car, my car's thirteen thousand lives. There are fourteen out of them twenty seven and fifty five hundred put your thirty two five. What I shall I much on the credit can doubt credit cards and out thousand dollar business. Ok, so pretty simply Morgan work, the debt snowball, absolutely absent You know and nickel hear it. I want to tell you, love? You passion. I love the question at your asking, but you gotta start a foundation started a baby September number two. Gay ass, you do have a thousand also sitting emergency phone right now. More than that that, yes, I did I last week, I am I still only last week and I would like to know how much I have read about them now. So clinical take take two thousand that it towards your death. Snowball lotta from smallest enlarges attack that once you get
that they were going movement to emergency. Fine, don't worry becoming a millionaire just yet build a solid a nation first looser deaf, smallest, two largest attack on in that order, using everything above a thousand dollars and then and what We're taking home from your business is everything you can as fast as you can. I don't think you got my expenses in this business. The way you're lying about you need leave much over there and bring it home a clean up this mass old, our regular economic but the total money make over to help you do that. Martello number. They show Anthony only around your personality number one by showing author of the book at free degree
just launched a quick read on rams repress quicker? It is like a fifty or sixty page book is based, We a chapter or true- and were putting out a few? These quick reads just to get some great up information you guys it's called draw your student loans that these step by step plan to pay off your student loans, faster and so Anthony. This book is a great book form. People that have been found was for a long time to give to someone else. Is a gift deftly deafened Dave? This is a great book for people who do not really doesn't do not nor teaching, I was pretty much worse than do and how to get a budget Haiti's debt snowbound how to throw up. Money towards student loans each month in right. Now is a great time, especially being that we have like another four months offered no interests without making to pay. So if student loans are only dead at this present time, are we gonna teach them how to go ahead and not this out and get it out the way, quick, fast and save them. Some money in the long run, but if you been listening,
for ten years. You don't need this book. He hardly known the stuff now. But if you are it's nice entry point is of you that no some I've got some dad. It's called destroy your student loans that the step by step plan to pay off your student loans and of course its ten dollars is part of our ten dollar say all right now at Dave, Ramsay, dot com, you guys are probably where the stimulus package out there, maybe even gotten your cheque from the government in the mail. Did you know the free money is only part of the stimulus bill, one thing: build as trains rules on for a one k withdrawals it used to have a ten percent penalty. Plush your taxes. If you take the money out, there wave the ten percent, mainly through the in the year to allow people to use or for a one k- and this is tempting for me-
To take money out, but it's a bad idea, do not cash out your retirement do not derived from the future. For your presence. That's good the future. You will be pissed the current year. Yes, if you messing around with this, and if you don't have by the talk, too, will connect with investing pro Godaddy Ramsay dot com, slash, smart, vesture click, the smart vesture button a day, Ramsay com damn put in your Iphone, robbed unleashed the smart, Mr Prodi, in your area, that we recommend that work for us, but they are they're gonna, give you advise, the sounds remarkably like what we talk about here? Then we have the heart of a because they want you to understand why it's a bad idea to catch up
retirement, you gonna, lose all those years of the compound interest of the growth of Oliver Data. I got upset this just the other day. Some antimony took out ten thousand dollars to invest in two single stocks from the former get so borrowed money from their forward k to invest into single socks, I had to catch my mouth because I really just when a discreet me go off one m, because you rob from your future you're paying back money wasted, quadrupled. Is that borrowed money and its single stock, yes and solar borrowing on there for a one day. In that case, Roy the carrying it out. Early. We're both are no mother stout Who is with us in Texas, high row? How are you got an answer? Thank you. People there lay. The council should appreciate that already so successfully. You paid off all my that. Actually to rephrase most of my,
one final wandering to pay off his negative equity and my people. You think I'm gonna have to stable Can I do I don't wanna go to pay it off by sometimes some two questions that others should I make payments per month obviously making overpayments each man to get down to be you have the car, or should I say that the make must stop towards that negative equity shortcomings. This can be done with it when that's completed. The next question will be Should I buy a little cash car with well ask me with some liability issue, her troubled by the best possible cash, or should I announce a little little small car? Will you be able to apply the same matter, it is true that look I'm paying off. No, you wouldn't heroin How much is don't you worry and how much it costs Then how majority, oh, are, you sure
sure why alone it is my three thousand nine hundred and eighty two bucks to that is the official pay and the value of the colors around thirteen ground here take found a box of their say about four grandfather by five green upside down and then what kind of terrorism carries Colosimo Little Theatre? so what you are no doubt about what he make sure I make thirty seven thousand before bonuses then I do have a supplementary income, but I did I get for delivery services provide what fourteen thousand dollar car is not completely out of line if you chose to just pay it off and keep it, but you twenty thousand dollar careers got point out our cards that basically we want to play down the seven in the salad, because you don't you know you're the car anyway, there's another, what yeah and you can do that. Fourthly or in a lump sum, they really doesn't matter much which one you do. I would
I go ahead and pay extra monthly into you just because if the monies are your hand, it doesn't accidently end up in the wrong place later right. Mixer I d come over four months: water or you can set up. So A sort of money goes on. I just I just under four thousand bucks were not enough for me that the euro can be affordable. Months with a job, however, have no concern too. Being offered a job or having decree something come actual itself would take that down the one thousand dollars, but you want to hold it for right now. Do you get the car down? So if you can, give yourself a car, but three thousand on it or four thousand on it and then pull three out of that account and finish up, get you down without allergenic, get where the car, if you're, gonna sell the garden wishes start throwing money at everything. Above a thousand bucks needs to go at that car like crazy,
and really really focus on it, if you're gonna keep it because If it's not an outline car and you're, not gonna move down a lot from thirteen thousand our car could move to an eight hour. Have another five or whatever. But if this is We debt laughed and August impound on it and beat on it. I think it can be done with like a year a year and a half and your fine to keep it. If you like the car and is set you asshole, and the second party questions out just keep if you gonna work too hard to paid off dongle by another Kashgar Guatemala, the baby set number three star. Second up you money we're about a car for years down the road. Like creed is in hey create. How are you better than deserve help much up. Oh I mean my wife are currently on baby step number two and I'm just wondering if we should pay our debt down to a manageable amount and then get so that way, our credit is good enough to be able to be approved.
Because our mortgage wonder that we visited before we started doing the baby steps was always telling us not to pay off all of ours. Because our credit would go down and we won't be able to qualify what I think finish needs a new mortgage lending. Here's, while you can you, can get along with zero credit score with a mortgage. That knows how to do manual underwriting, and that means they they do. They manually check your job to make sure they are. They manual check your down payment with the bank They manually check your record. With your landlord, only if you paid on time or early and If you have a zero credit score? That point you be fine, not only where you have a zero credit score and that's what you want paid everything off enclosed all of the accounts. But now not gonna, manage dad to create this false. This illusion that you're willing, where the crime
score in order to get a mortgage. That's just ridiculous that that's adaptation, its tail, got that so that later I can get that so that later I can get dad's for that later. I can get dad so that later I can get that and that's that's the called that America stuck in this worshipping, the altar of the great fight go great fight cohesion. Your provider, so Contact Churchill, mortgage they can help you with manual underwriting on a mortgage. That's what you Indonesia. Yes, yes, our humble babysit number, six create in alma ATA got a fifteen year fixed rate. A lot of money and there it was The honest approach or didn't have credible mortgage did alone rancher mortgage Adela quickly.
But it may be that this is the river amnesia.
I'm sure version Anthony O Neill, although string comedy ram, she showed a day, would make open phones triple eight eight to five five two to five Elias is whether in California, I realise. How are you What is going on it, but the two man what's up, so I am torn sudden I'm criminal making about sixty thousand dollars a year on self employed a mob exert too, and I paid off on my credit card except the car alone, It's eighteen interest rate an interest rate more Carlo about ten thousand dollars left and I travel up works. I purchased a
another car cash on so that circumvent the mild and finance car Michael. Do you guys would be? Should I go car loan on. You shall be negative three thousand authority that research, or should I keep the Karla ART continue to pay off and have those cars. We'll get you two. Were you wanna be five years from now and data they had all fit us, pay it off and keep it paid. So it should pay it down the play down the three thousand and sell it gets. You were we'll be five years so you'd have no car no doubt you build your emergency phone, your driving, the hooped Yves DE veiled because you put miles on something which is smart right button bows on the trooper car. And then later on after you get your merchants, Yvonne Building save up a move up in car with cash right. Yes, he does that get you
we'll be faster or is the other way each of their faster, I want to be the answer without them though they may I think, at twenty seven years old you haven't, time man to go ahead and just get the three thousand dollars sell the car right. Fifty four load allow and then stood at three to six months in your emergency, fine man just start investing in days gone by by road. Color and by then will be worth you be thirty. Twenty nine may be asked good as a good play. I wish I wish I could have done in other. The thing is with cars Anthony that all of us do this, because it's a big item physically and it costs a lot of money. We tend to emotionally feel like a car purchases, actually more permanent than it is now is it I mean you can drive a hoped for a year and shall it and you, gentlemen, you you know you can
as long as you're, not trading in the brand new cars all the time, and you done it with cash. You know you. Can you don't have to keep cars yeah? can just go away and when we say hoped we don't mean no, no debit card it's a quality card. I guess you from point a to point B. It made. I get you to point see what are you of all the work, exactly your dream. What exactly? Are you not stolen? Yes, azure deafening, it's all, but but it's a temporary thing is my point: you're not start doing this anomaly lifetime us from balloonist four year. Yet you doing it for reason. At the end of the day. That's why look at it. I'm DR in his car, so one day I can own my dream car. You drive like no one. Also later you can like no one else. You live like no one. Also later you can live and give like no one else, Junior is with us and Merlin. I Virginia how're, you yeah! Thank you. Take my call Dave question. I have Korea is that my husband, I weren't early seventies and on
Recently we haven't been: listen, Two very long. We heard you as we travel Klaus Company for a family, but that would be but we would be able to hear you by our question. Is we have the areas that are about local bank and they're just getting yard. Wait o five and we have cds and we have a money market, but were wondering now will not get having on the money market were or just trying to figure out what How should we invest with what we have then the Irish, we have about nine five thousand in the eye. So your earning five hundred bucks a year rather than ten thousand a year if it were invited well right, probably time to move that your money market is good for your emergency fund. That's fine, but If I were in your shoes, I would click smart faster at day. Ramsay, not com should I would once more rest reproach and begin to learn about from investment options that are much better,
for your. I rang and wheat. Recommend never doing. I re at a bank for precisely that reason that you ve experienced. Because the right, a bank I mean nine times out of ten is gonna, be just stuck in a money. Market type account earning nothing, and we see that date. There Dave will point. Five were seen what averaging where between ten and twelve percent on you return, so I agree. Smart best approach is to encourage you know you you're, not you not too far behind you, give the right people get onto right plan, you'll, be ok, yeah, Egypt, but you're gonna, hafta you'll get really serious about building this up now and investing it better. So I wouldn't Sidra about this for two months. I would get it done and by the way, the start markets down right now, which is good news, because you're buying all its on sale. Guess her such a great.
And a role that I re into some good growth, stock type, mutual funds and again smart vesture, broken help you do all about. They don't work for us. These are the people. We recommend in your area. Stephen, is in North Carolina High Stephen. How are you They involve ourselves good men up here so so twice a year, remover graduating with a pop up degree right now. The car wax my first part, two thousand and four Toyota Corolla, There is hardly any problems that Thailand I currently have right now: eight thousand dollars saved the am I saying either and I have always been of the Mai, my next car? I was going play pay out cash for it, Now these are moved out of the thirty dollars Tooth,
sit down now it was a student alone. One play all boy grad school with Electioneer. So should I stay Molly my theory and pay all or play towards my stood now while insurers or should I just thought- Finally, before getting into a grudge good, I get stuff Stephen them ass. It question: why are you going to grasp? Why do you need it for two particular career filled you going into, or do you just want to go into a right now. Well right now, crow you now using my bachelor, The girl, I'm trying to get into your school we'd, like entry masses, I'm not I'm not getting anything to me- I'm not making anything yet what I want to make in life. So I'm just saying this opportunity to try to whatever wrong? I apply.
Klaus, my timed AM university, and and when you go to school, to get a nurse in Greece. Are you paying for cash? we take it out more loans. Yeah some of the other side is decrease. The total here at the end, safer than the rest of my life will be here now, no! No I don't mind if I show you don't take on more laws to go back to school. So my thing right now. We need to act to sit down, they get a plan. We get a vision to wear. Ok, here's! Why mad here's? What I wanna go! How do I get there without reckon up anymore dead? I have no problem. You going to do You know you're nursing degree, so you can get into that feel ABBA promote you racking up debt for that, so I think, is how do we cash flow that get that can be. The first thing then at the same time you're twenty three sitting with thirty five thousand, with the dead the car is not really an issue right now. The thing gaze one. How do we get out this debt to do? I have
do. You have a current job right now, all right, I mean stretch their business, Also, I do support european strength and how much are you making a year or two they're, probably around thirty. You must now show Anthony's right the first step to getting out, don't borrow anymore, so they eight thousand dollars. You have saved goes origin, nursing, sing and scratching up more money, working more living on nothing you don't move up in car and then Toronto student loans book adjoining money, should withdraw that car through that you got the nursing skill and you can either but may scholarships as you can work is made jobs. You can, unless pilot fashion, finish up this degree that you're looking forward with cash, the cash you ve got much extra strength together hold on we're going to send you a copy of Anthony's book that free to great Khali I'll pick up and get that done for you.
That puts us, our that I Ramsay show in the books are linked to James Child or pollution down your social producer and rose Brenner on day room. She roused we'll be back pay. Its Kelly associate producer advance Green up today. Ramsay this episode is over, but have you heard about it about product or service? Didn't have a chance to write it down? Don't worry. We list everything you ve heard about during this episode in the pot cash out or had today rancid outcome thanks, have you got questions about retirement? Investing becoming an everyday millionaire got bigger and broader, with my man, Chris Open on the crucial genscher, I M excited to be able to talk to you all week in week out we're gonna focus on your calls, and it's going to focus on building well investing and how to become an everyday millionaire subscribe to the Christian, ensure wherever you listen about gas hates J
producer of the Dave Ramsay show this.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-20.