« The Dave Ramsey Show

I Work in a Rough Environment...Should I Leave? (Hour 2)

2021-07-30 | 🔗

Debt, Career

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reggie solution, messing up our car rental studio. This is the reality shows where they have a conversation about your wife money, you're working relationships. I told you about my colleague, John the loading we're here for you, America, using free college, open triple at eight to five five, two to four Tripoli, eight to five five
two to five: let's go to Phoenix Arizona to start the sour off Thomas is their Thomas. How can we help. Thank you for everything you guys do got a quick question today. I am twenty four years old me and my wife and we're making it about one hundred and forty thousand dollars combined income per year. We ve got about so now will you be inheriting about three hundred to four hundred thousand dollars in single starts from a family friend of ours, I'm a huge number of numbers guy more currently on baby stuff, to regard are that we're gonna have paid off in a couple of months here and we also have a Home that probably within states after, inheriting with money we could completely pay off? I'm wondering should I reinvest these bingo backed into new for fun, and you know the work, the baby's that then pay up our home and maybe five years,
should I catch up with money and they off the home. How much do you have the baby step too oh baby that fears about probably about fifty pounds I wish it were paying off in a couple months here: ok, it's a dinner. And into baby said three and just a couple of months yet and how much you on the home. The home, we're gonna, be owing probably a bow as timely, received this inheritance. Probably he thought a minor. About my around four hundred thousand bucks Oh you're, inheriting you think between three four in four hundred we're not sure without number is there really depend on time and yet the bomb Well, don't you know this as those deals words like ok, you know you're that stuff. Coming to you as an inheritance. I want you, sit down with one of our smart vesture priorities start with that legally sound and ok, what's going
Look like the taxable I'm just not aware of that. If it's an inheritance of stock, are you aware of the single stock? So what I want you to do the best zoos you're following our plan, I want you to with a smart. Mr Prodi, you have a smart, Mr Pro already that you, or at least a whereof. I know you're, not a net step yet, but are you where asked more, Mr Prodi in your area, yeah I. Actually, I'm already worth one fire who do on fires: Q, taking on the card. But we have leave. We ve got probably about thirty thousand dollars in retirement already in our on our own funny forthright and on an inspection of Pakistan He heard in the world's leading back after TAT. Oh ok are that that's all thing. Ok, so if it's me, I'm gonna pay off the house. I'm going too fast forward, you know all the debt, and now your rock n roll, the nature of the only reason I wouldn't say that house is: if you're twenty four you say you are calling for the only
only where would not bear the house if you think you're gonna move in the next two or three years. and I think we will mean my wife. He bent work with our for your birthday. Come up on a couple weeks. We got married young and more work here or for life for guaranteeing its them pay. It off next identifies off the next day, because now you're already there you're here I mean now you're the fifteen percent coming out. They must have for your saving, for the kiddos in five. Is here through six and it's all about seven I'd, pay it off instantly and then in fifty the oats less. Let's give you some more than that eighty years somebody else. All of your kids are sit down, saying: hey. We all got four hundred thousand dollars or four million dollars and We gonna do this with our houses, the right that now you're done legacy change. I love congratulations, Thomas yeah. That was a small detail that we need this good. If that's the money after tax absolutely wipe it out, be done with it. That's fantastic, really, fantastic!
that wireless go to a social media question here. Chandler rights in on face look. How do I keep from wanting to keep up with the joneses when I see everyone or help me? Having things. I know what he's talking about you. I ve never had their private and have no idea. What is it about so again, this question because we're both strong wills, guys, neither of us like and told what to do, but I am a soccer fulfils an at Amazon therefore a cool card reverend Road. Indian, like I know, I think I need to get that car. or a rifle or new fish rival man. So I'd, be told what to do and the people in my head, but then I am with you on the golf clubs, the classic cars, so de. I have to do it number one with its in a budget? For me, I have to know what I can't I can't do number do. I have hyper hypertension talk a lot about the summer shown hypertension about a gratitude journal shift.
My way of being towards what can I consume too. I'm so grateful What I have, and if that life its itself or ultimately, if I save for a car for a year for them, I end up a lot less car than I was searching for because I'm I can get by with let right so it an orientation for high, just jump approach the world, yet I think I dare to things for me because even I gratitude. Sometimes it's still that shiny thing and I start compare and myself I can get in that like how did he get? there. Does he have all this up? I can get there so what I have to do that to focus on my priorities. First, so one of my priorities, what am I put in my time, money into could cause it? central. You know we live intentions is like wealth
professional- I don't have that, but I have this or I'm working towards this. What are my priorities? I gotta bring it back to. What am I focused on? What's my story with my journey? Is I'm looking at their story? That's where you get all jacked up. We decide you get different priorities or whatever guineas shops. I remind myself number one of my priorities and then I'd take a good at the long term. What's the vision? What you know my trying to make contact with our life because monies involved in afflicted of year stuff is a part of all, and so I can do those two things. It does help me get back to that ultimate place of gratitude. It kid so I make myself no it's maddening to me because I you know me, I'm a dumbest stats, nerd and I know the data, says about happiness in money, and I know the happiness says about how long it actually hangs on when you buy the new car and how much lower that happiness. Our alliance, we buy the second core and a no what do I know what it says that money does it brings
this that other stuff doesn't bring. You joy other stuff, doesn't bring you pass. Basic needs, doesn't bring you sleep does you're a good marriage, but every person I know wants to be the one like I'll. Try it out half a million dollars on saving figure. That right, I have to constantly for me, go back to the data and say I keep believe is to be true. It is a myth. It is not true
What's real is much too hard? It is nobody's this may have a written you, life, it'll, save your stuff made. You be grateful. You got some people. I know little insult on that by the way that extra just perspective, but also their souls almost to shake your head. Just put it, but that's kind of just being husband. The till I live in perpetual state of states has shaken legal, Laura Johnson lines. The work of the agency, just as always like a eulogy, hey, don't go anywhere more of your calls for whole war breaking out. This is the re admission.
after a crazy year, what are you doing to protect your future? Moving to a fifteen year, fixed rate mortgages a great way to build wealth, faster, dont white, invest. Ten minutes talked of Churchill Mortgage right now, qualified buyers can get a fifteen year conventional, fixed rate loan for less than three percent, a pr with no hidden these cultural mortgage triple eight alone. Two hundred this is a page advertisement. Animal s idea, one five, nine one! Animal s, consumer access, dot, Org, equal housing, lender seventeen, forty nine Mallory Lane Sweet one hundred Roma Tennessee. Three seven zero to seven programmes are for Select Loon types only and are not available in all states locations. Welcome back America! You are listening to the Ramsay Show. I can call a joint by Doktor, John Bologna, we're taking your calls about life. Now with John I, together we can have a fund cup. Of course we could take your money questions, but
focus on helping you in your work, working on purpose that could be figured out. What is that work that I was born to do or had alike? there are noted, is or how do I get there or hey? I know what it is that I'm supposed to do. I know how to get there, but fear finances failure? Family hold me back We talk about toxic stuff, a work and John, when we talk about burn out goin on their relationships, John Turnabout relationship, parenting, marriage and all the stuff. Of course eyes under that money umbrella, we're talking about life, so we'd love to hear from you triple eight two hundred and fifty five two hundred and twenty five, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight two. five two to five. Okay, so John I've got an article, its fresh it those it's like the hot now sided Crispy create. This is like this is hot Wall Street Journal Sophie encircling clean. Let's do ok and here's a headline ad.
You have an interesting perspective on this because of your higher at background. So I'm really fascinated are out Lord here's, the headline our Lord profited when college tuition rose, he is paying for it allows the former chief second of student giant, Sally. May then he's got complain about heritage. Higher education is where it gets. Rich irony is so deep writer you might be to Life Jack, exactly the price of colleges too high. He says pain first red children's education recent years he said, left him appalled at the tuition bills at land on his desk ray Semester, this is a direct quote boy. Sure glad we say for my grandkids. If the average income is forty thousand, were fifty thousand or sixty thousand. I just don't know how you do it for the record AL. He still out of touch. the median family income in the.
Say drano. Seventy eight thousand, followed and I'll show you just a quick snapshot of the media, but there's also median tonne that Estonia reside s right. Lotta people in that range he's talking about the forty thousand or lower right and he's gone they afford, all the news is AL. They can. I don't watch you set up a system where they feel like they might be able to be. Irony John, so that goes on in this article, three basic comes out, says I knew what was going on. He was Look! Here's what happened. I was a partner in the government and Congress gave Sally, may an unbelievable return. They curse banks to finance all these lungs and an eternity. This massive massive company, where the Our were worth three hundred million dollars. and he says in his article there's no question in my mind. I knew what was going on. He knew that they were making it. Easier and easier and easier for people to go into debt. He's admitting. So there you go.
When I read this, I was like you have got to be kidding. Will you have announced lanyard too much, but they allowed it. See because higher edge basically was an hour jack and to because we're given vehicle to do it, and so I want to ask- I've been talking about this Malcolm Gladwell, spin, big on this issue you got Harvard, I think, is a fool billion dollar endowment Colombia? Will, I think, top ten endowments in the country, their staff, and even some other leading educators in administration have asked. you, some of the endowment to help pay for the good you're degrees of doing it? I just want to know what are your thoughts here? How do we not feel like this is about big This is not about education. Yeah, the phrase with some of the schools that they are a hedge funds with her and components to em right that they're, just giant had fun companies look haven't been inside, it's easy to say an endowment is just a giant savings account. Much
and down and funds are in are tied up in a day gives this much money and wants it paid out to this type of thing. Overzealous strings attached a tonnes stirrings right, so what think of it down, and I just think of a savings account of night and that's not how those always work now you can get creative and find new ways, except, I think, the day you ve got a group, a school with massive endowments and thousands of schools that do not have to love. Everybody in a pilot user is talked so, let's get away from me down the conversation lesters talk about this has been a steady rise into action is just been go on, go on, go on going, go and here's the that lead. Sally manuscripts, adopt controller stew much what what are you was part of a think tank that we dug into this thing. The challenge here is it's a strange, strange universe. You can if we create a a college tuition model that has no no loans. No, ah
scholarships. That is just what to come here and people came back its. He penny model. You know what we're doing we're sales, we're not words it cost seven dollars, get a shirt and get and Jesse penny almost one way right. People want this idea that I M gonna pay more but get a scholarship, and do this it's just a guy it's got out of control on everybody and somebody outside that system is gonna, come up and disrupt the whole thing because it can't work now. Colleges. Have known this for years and can have sat with people. Clocks take have wept, they ve, like we know, stop doing this to kids and they just can't seem to turn the nozzle and Unfortunately, you can't turn on your own house. Somebody come can do for you and you talk to Thee busters of the world? You mean a half year codex of the world and there's a store Berlin, its common, both ways. Bruin Bruin Bruin, improves hard not to think that higher it cares, morbid,
their fortunes in your future. That's what I say hard man had died, tough stuff, so very interesting, stuff there it's of it. hey this range solutions. We're gonna get in this we're gonna be disrupting the stuff. I mean acres. Here's the deal, people going to the point where the guy look, I needed a qualified and theirs It's always a qualified Well, what you start to see happen is quiet proposals, the American Counting Association quietly says: why don't we just Critter owned program right? where now or anything, pick them at a year. Wind G Finally, as you know, what we're gonna train you for can work for us. still happening, it's gonna stewardship and off its own Google's already doing so, Google and Elsa Major Initiative last year, where they ve got six month training programmes in several key areas, mostly technology based but they're like
like a hiring forms is like the major lecture and it'll go to. Farms are talking to Estonia, training anchor, they won't Addison as a citizen. So I'm a lifelong educators. My biases there I always want citizens to know about history, So I think the other day that this money schools in high schools, have no concept you, don't know that story is right. That's tragic did so You got history. You ve got basic science. We folks like we're tat. We talk about the codex, you folks, you we don't even have, basic science literacy across the borders we can even say is this: is that their side There's thirst, math, there's just general cortical knowledge, my fear, not having some of these companies break off into. So you know what I mean an atm. A training programme can work for me. Is you lose a collective knowledge? The others If it is act, we catch are two hundred thousand dollars. We can't fossil
you mean like a. How do you find that bout? Well? So so, because I'm pretty vocal on this item educators, I've had some educators come anger. What does Europe? Why are you hate higher education? I go number one. I don't. I respect the liberal arts, but what I'm saying is: there's more the college experience the gist liberal arts we're answer. You gonna have to get trained. You guys, you're gonna have to step your game up in training people to be able to move into the workforce. And adapted or wherever I love the focus, a laborious, and I would say this that I promise You got a freak you out on this, but I'm for a basic level of Austria. They wouldn't be teaching that better in the in the in the elements middle school in high school, but once you get to the college age, unless you want to go into history he'd, be like hey, you know, look we weaken higher education, about preparing people for their future. So to me I go. I love! You know this. I love a custom. I love. customization, meaning and kick. Ngos? Look I
going to this. We know how we think this would be good for us, stuff at college. But I'm not is concerned about I'm more concerned about what you're talking about wise is true because of our current education system in K through twelve, I remember stuff from history.
From Katy. I remember stuff about science on a whole accepted like science, but I'm not gonna sides and that's what I teach and that's why they go out of the entire palms outside of pricing, issued its whole thing and you start rolling down hill for poor master, Edmund uncontrollably back to test phase in the garden middle supplies, create a lot of our union in order that their brows now to the bottom line, is gonna, be all right for relevant and it's gotta, be due to the high seas, supports in the lobby. Great crowd here, don't overtaken you cause this
Welcome to the Ramsay, show I'm comin rarely personality hosted the can culture on the railway network joint that my colleagues job alone he's the host of the dock, probably wondering how much time is you go Smith on those names? Was there a lot of creative people in the room when we get those out hours upon hours and NASA we came up with What do you think about the culture yeah good Ok, let's go ahead, so that We did a toy safety was missing. I would have had some also rock band names that we're gonna is. Can we awesome so great? It didn't work? I come he's a gauge AAA eighty five, five, two to five. You could also engage with this on social media as well. general trying to break and based on what he does on the dock. John lunged, Jug Doktor John Bologna show easy said her. Focusing on relationships. The tool, an emotional health and then I'm helping people
get out of those dead in jobs. Get out of. access to hear both deal, disorder talking or break so refocus out there fewer new situation right now, you're walking out the bay steps you, your gazelle, intense, You really need their job. I mean it. It's the shovel. but you're in a really crappy. Let's call it hawk sick nasty situation with either coworkers a your leader or your leader, our leaders and impossible pin head. I didn't an event with the odd trade leader the other day out your leadership that the group here yeah about leaders I want to hear about your bad leaders are the worst thing with companies is leadership you're in a horrible leadership situation? You want some advice from John and I will but I want to hear about your boss. Here's the deal will change your name and your location. Yes, because we don't want you to get fired, we due to leave and tell them to stick at cry Ass, a great great, signed by Johnny Paycheck, take this job and shove it. Yes, it ain't you fire after each of us on all about your Paul. Here only do that, but first look
This we got another fantastic couple, while in the lobby Ramsay solutions on the debt free state from Austin, Texas, Scott and Holly Welcome ravenous, yeah, so you're here to do a deal Ray scream, yer, exciting, ok, tell us about how much detail a hundred ninety four thousand five hundred and ninety four thousand five hundred thousand how're two and a half years. What? What and we pay the first hundred and forty thousand often the first thirteen months. Oh goodness, now does include a house Does it not tat? Was it cars, cars? second, I am I'm guessing here that you're a gear head. Yes, sir, What kind of cars man anything that has wills now come on. Tell me something there had to be a car to in there you're a little proud of
denying sharing over I knew it. I knew it anything up to twenty fifteen forty to fifty. How bad did it hurt turrible, which one hurt the most and I did for this- oh ok, ok, then the rest was student loans to the credit cards and What was your range of income in this time? A hundred? Fifty thousand two hundred seventy thousand? Ok, while what're you gonna, do I'm a physical therapist, okra oil and gas industry oil and gas. There were some overtime here to get that twenty five. Bob or is it just gradual increase? promotions, ok, good, quite a bit overtime actual then you guys have a great cellar, but I don't want that. Overshadow you're paid off tuna thousand dollars and in turn, twenty months? That's a lot of money, so you meet the other good salary, but our
May I take it after major. Wasn't a lot us use soak, tell us again remind us how much you paid off and at first thirteen months he said a hundred, and forty thousand won't talk to me about that detail them so we sold everything out of you noticed our hearts and our friend short, but they say we sold everything, but the kids that before we literally did that we unfortunately sold all his toys a razor about and they were all paid off for cash. So those hard and in his baby we saw that we had alone on it and vote. We watch the baby. You, though, this truck, which all fair it is there was a beautiful truck. Man thinks and now that it was that was the day we sold it. I walked away the tears for that picture. Did you really crazy? I thought you might call a year. Lyrical are bad,
All the cars you drive and a coral or on Austin Texas? None near schools used to be twenty vehicle there you go ahead so that gets you go on so I mean how quick into all the selloff. Do you go: oh wow, we're gonna. Do you really believed yeah? I think that was the hardest part. We, disarmament it before the show was him? coming forward in saying, ok, so my truck and I kept pushing It was a big loan and he turned ok that were selling the boat in a razor and their loan and our cash smells like no. No, we don't want anything from those we do want to get rid of that and he said if we're selling we are selling and we are getting rid of all of this debt. If we're gonna, do it we're gonna, get it done, we're the big in two going and doing in travelling and we are telling people know constantly
The only thing we would do is home vacations with these guys are friends over here. People come visit us, but we kept telling you re now who, at the first conversation with the who sat down and said, I'm scared. We owe hundred thousand dollars- and I can't breathe she's been talking to me about it for quite a while others would never get on board with and what's on, they pushed you over the edge. You know it! It's one of the things I d been a friend on us. Tired of hearing about it. When you listen to the Bay Ramsay, showing here about the people, that of have done it and how their living life now were real big under trying to give Turkey community an undue work like that But when you wrote it never have the opportunity to which we were living paycheck taken. May we were doing good, but it was all gone out. Disperses come in so Two and a half years ago, you finally say I'm tired of her telling me we have to do some sort, listen, the show and then hearing the stories like your sharing right now. That was the moment for you that yet
to a while and then, when you said, I'm all in its real. You were carefully all in all inner goma go back. They go home right. So we ve heard a lot of this. But what is the mental or emotional key? Or what's the discipline that you would say two folks listener? I now that that allowed you guys to walk this. You know, first and foremost the man you gotta, be pretty strong with your relationship. You know with your teammate with all your friends are going to do this with you, you know have and that that physical you no help to go forward and just keep doing to keep on track, as that is the biggest thing that I would say, is got it ever has to be all in, and you have to remember that there are gonna, be fights you get you here. We ve heard these that free screams for the last two and a half years People say it's hard, but they don't tell you how hard it is and how stressful there's times he didn't want to keep doing. There are times I don't want to keep doing it the first
thirteen months or easy. We sold everything, but after that it was like slow and plugging away, and we did things wrong and we'd get back on track and rise and fall off. Getting it back on that we knew we wanted to do it, and we knew we were on the same page on that part in that helped and then having get support system sky, me one quick, sing too husband whose it in there and he feels like his wife is just complainant nagging and wine in what what would you tell him taxes, mail, the soldiers after fifty it and get my for the community as a whole and its extent of what you tell that man leave your ego at the door. Man, we all in you know, be supportive and write it. You know go with it so great how's. It feel now event yeah, it's it's very freeing in it, something that you don't. You can't even explain the day we paid off on March. Fourth, I was like
we're done? What do we do now and then, obviously we keep going through the baby. That's what that moment. Just now in our kids right now we can go do this. Are we can give to this and we can donate here and those happened we're just so it's just offering what We legacy that the kids or talk about fabulous, going, bring em up and introduce the kiddos to everybody. I'm sure they're ready to do this screen. They ve practiced, We do have. This is Bracken he's ten, and daily is eight break it leader together. Oh yes, ok broken entails. Right. So they practice they really. You guys already broken into. Ok here we go shop in the lobby wishes on debt free stage Scott Polly Bracket and how nice eightieth talent tailing, got it a hundred. Ninety four thousand five hundred dollars a two and a half years make it out of fifty thousand two hundred and
forty thousand dollars. Let's hear your death Frisco handed down to three to one where the kids get it love hate. What do we do with? This adds the legacy funny it's still move. This is the The banks are the reins show by my colleague, Doktor John Loading thrilled. They have you with us, Tripoli to five. Five two to five is the never John, and I mention this earlier.
We're gonna, have some fun here, we're both those retorted during the brakes and we get Lotta calls about people liturgies dealing with mental and emotional. I deem it from work. John. You know just difficult people, a lot of times. It's an awful. I mean train wreck awful human being, that's their leader. it causes unknown physical, emotional, mental challenges, and it really it is through families, Ricochet evaluated at home. No question agenda, but yet your global, we need the job. how can I change jobs while in the baby steps or hand by the way I can help you. Of course, but it's also, this is the ideal anything I hear like in but I am, I filled the blank he guy I'm a roof, a landscape work too, as in
This is the only shop in town. I'm that guides for I'm stuck here is no longer true. So we want to tackle that holistically on here about these positive I dont radio. I wanna hear about Europe's good rate. Your leadership experiences Mccall. Here's the deal we're going to change your name and your location. Lore Johnson, is a is a pro. I may come she's in the hall of fame those he has her social change, your name location at here's, what jaws going to tackle the emotional till stuff. It I'm gonna, come in our work on. Ok, what's the path out of their cause, this is a big problem. You got a horrible loss. We want here the story. Oh, what about the jerk coworker You want to throw your headed and of an everyday can begin as yet not at all and can now or if you don't go, but if you have been promoted four times and now you gotta the title and I've given you. Yes, all avenue departments and no pay race. Yes, because a grateful right,
right. Oh here's one year the associate associate the assistant to the vice presidents right. Here's what you really like working from home, you didn't know your jam and now you're being all you gotta get back in. What do you do? I need that income can we'll take it all, and I tell you mean more productive in the last six months than I have ever seen you, but it was ok, so yeah, but bring it all and made a lot of stuff out. There's wanna hear about these losses polite eighty five, five, two to five. I let us speak of the situation era joins us in Lincoln, Nebraska, Sarah oil. And act as an ongoing work, blast. What's going on with you, good. You said the call in about an issue that works. We love at what is happening in the workplace, China by going back equally. I love my job and I love my boss, but I have a co worker who refuses.
retired season there for thirty two years. I work in a police department as a frantic scientists, though, had a lot of trouble, and mental issues already as it is where China deal with the work that you go and could be a lot easier to do. I had the eyes briskly corporate that their job any further, The main issue is, I have other, offers other pieces, but I'm not going to take the geek its and pay, which would be a really big. Agriculture can pay in order combat kilos just a dad fire things like twenty second up end and deal with it. I've I've told authors about it here. well ass? They are aware that I try to go to cancelling the canoe. Get you Image will back the figure how to handle that have also changed. Chief, though
avoid working, I personally but its wanted. Things were, I think, she's going from the copper and when I bring that up, I've been forgotten, like we're gonna go what she's doing bites I'm going to fire, and you know that longer slowly along with courage. You gonna believe me a lot of people and their away that another fifty, I can't boot into personality, though, when she would tyres will respects what we know that she. doing going first of all, Sir Joshua Hierarchy, neither first of all I'm so sorry you ve taken this year leaders and they basically or say we agree? We agree, we agree, but we're not gonna do anything about it and I don't know if they're scared of her could spend all my time on this, but so that John and I can develop a bit more. What one is happening with you changing shifts. So you
I know she's doing things that are unethical, but when you change shift where you're not directly working with Does that make it better or is the fact no she's doing an ethical thing, just eat away. You, like a cancer, explain more. I think a lot easier for me, I'm flexible my ours, not easy for you to this change has to avoid that one on one on what my close, it is when you avoid that which is great when you're not around or are you in a play? Now, where you love the job, you said I love the job, love my boss, a when you're doing that. What's your emotional state mental stay about her when you're, not on the same shift. it's great renouncing shift unless I have to go to. Where can I find difficult to go to court and passed? You try to explain something that I know it's done firstly on her on the attorneys like as I've, confronted that you four cases and said hey how to handle this, but I'm testifying that
something must be done properly and that's undervalued? How officer hey? Listen just point of at this point you gotta put in writing. A public protest mean that you ve got Put in writing to your boss. Is that there's unethical work being done that there's mismanagement of cases, these things, ethical and moral responsibility to local communities, but you signed up when you went to work at a police department. The second thing It is this type of sloppy work or on ethical work. Have you wanna characterize? It is gonna result in either bag. Get off or good guys go into jail right and then notwithstanding just this person is miserable to be around right, and so at this point think the conversations on to relieve heard me, you may vote museum. I showed not by your hand, but in your lap
Ethical issue fell in your lap as a public official and you ve gotta, put it in writing and say: I'm gonna go up the chain here unless this is handled, unremedied art. So, sir, he's right about that. But now we get a start thing about. What's the path out a here, because if you do that they're, not one get rid of her. They may get ready so you're walking down a path we ve gotta have some options. You said you had a couple offers are both of the offers, a significant for stepped back or a slight one, another huge, maybe a huge downgrading in pay. Ok, son, as well as it is change in our then they're not flexible are so. Let me ask the really naive question are are those the only opportunities that could exist for you to do work that you learned knowledge is the bicycle. we are currently at its around family and stuffed. It though it had other benefits as well, Ok, so what I'm saying is? Where else can you go and do similar work.
you just another organization. Another police department is that possible. Yes, it accepts that the pay gap Yeah, ok, so what I'm here is no you're telling me the only place to do that. Forensic word that you want to do. Is where you are currently so your basically in a your kind of ETA when situation. We hope that, with what John saying that is, puts the leadership in a position where they do something about this. But if not I mean when we, about forensics in the type of work there. I gotta tell you things on the challenge you on and energy. I'm naive in the sense of knowledge on your particular industry, but I know that hyper work you do that. There's there elements their task, their functions, their roles where you find similar work may not be in law enforcement specifically, but you can find work like that You agree with me or disagree.
Yes, I got an answer. You gotta start look, so we go it's a function issues over his John and I got out of what we were doing work. caters were content were cut teachers instructors, we're going Where else can I do that type of work and that's what you got? to do. The investigative paced, the analyzing, the soggy, whatever which say break that job down a very. simply by making a one she what's the type of work. I do that. I love unless start,
king for opportunities to do that. What will it take the qualified? How much will it cost? How long will it take to get me there would allow one about what you are lying town when a teaching apiarians there's a million different. I look for that type of stuff. Sarah you gotta do quickly and I agree with you more responsibility and writing sorry. More of those kind, of course, will help you, John Carbon. This it's killing says he produced for the Ramsay. Shall this advantage over, but if you heard about it and that product or service it didn't have a chance to write it down, don't worry. We lost everything you ve heard about during this episode. Podcast shown that section of the Ramsay showed up thanks for this dialogue year in a row and living life just going through the motions, build confidence in your cell and learn to crush the God who created you check out the Christie Ride, show where Christie inspires, you break through your limitations and create the life your proud to live, pale and cresty right. You know it so easy to feel stuck. You'll live just going through the motions of doing this is doing laundry carpal lines and a whole list of commitments that bring new no joy. We live like that. That's why I want you to check out the Christie Right, so each episode will help you felt competence in yourself and the guy that created dear more from the Rams network, including Christie Righteous wherever you pollution, applaud, catch, hey it's James,
do of the Rams issue. This episode,
Transcript generated on 2021-07-31.