« The Dave Ramsey Show

I Have Over $300,000 in Debt! (Hour 2)

2021-03-17 | 🔗

Debt, Retirement, Relationships, Home Buying, Business

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Ramsay solution. Casting our normal studios gets into the Ramsay Show work that is done in the pay of mortgage, taking the place of the Bmw status symbol of choice. They ran through your hosts Doktor John, the lonely. Ramsay personality is my colleague over today here on their open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five. That's AAA eight, Five: five, two to five starting as our off is gonna- be Lance and Amarillo high land shower you.
I'm don't allow Dave Ferrie guys better than I deserve. How can help there? You hate and I'm really, are you guys were, I guess, adults of wisdom. Here am I I'm pretty sure, I'm in a position that I could retire, but I dont know if it's a wise for me to ok, in what ways and unwise you diamond monnier you. What, I've got a network of about. We ought to look at a group, well done Did you inherit that or what the bear of our farmland idea that hundred probably of that letter rest! I would suggest there is paying attention. well done him, who had already paid a lot of attention gets up so, as I know some young guys with that kind of money, you ve, if similar
tired, what's the hesitant Senor hard here without my my wife, health is marginal. She had some gastrointestinal. I use, and so I'm I'm meeting at whatever getting warm I'm a lady, Augusta, hesitant there are high and lick state sixty two Show me a long way away from Medicare and those kind of things have investigated is buying something like a blue cross bushel policy through one of our young people. and I mean it clearly. you know I gotta know much about that of coverage that supplies. I guess. I don't know much about what the coverage yeah. You would want to know that
So I guess I would sit down more than endorse local provider on health insurance and learn the Ridges, but have you By health insurance that will cover her issues why would you not richer? You know, I don't know it's just I probably would I probably lands what your trade, what would you do out there near Marilla Nike Director whereat insurance cover? Ok, show you probably could do a lot aside. Gigs at your schedule. However, you want to do and work time has a lot about two things: you probably the skills to do that and a little bit a contract work here or there. If you just launched a pigeon, keep your skill, sharp accounting for the fun of it. ambassador insurance, but in all regain
lot of freedom, a lot of independence by going ahead and retiring if you will, to do that. You ve got the money and, if you ve got to help him ass? If yeah work work I carry you have to retire, but you don't have work either right? Well, you know, I don't know the job is getting up and data for nearly forty year than me. I'm getting get no more. I suspect you could probably do a lot of the same kinds of things on yours. agile and less hours, make pretty good money and it wouldn't be as burn out for you, but the whole situation is what great John you immoral. Now, let's that's exactly right. It's it's! The Those were higher than all the other stuff goes with the culprit: white enamel well, I don't ever recommend I dont say ever, but I do not plan to quit. Working completely
because you have rain embody, will quit on you. I do not. I want to be doing something I will be wandering around this building spread and spreading heightened sense in one way or another, but the I do need to downsize and an offload some of the things that I'm doing over them. ten years on sixty and be good for the company I'll be here on the air, but internal stuff, I do. I don't need to have my hands in everything ongoing and you don't either by the way. So you could do something like a graduated thing, rather than a trunks thing, meaning you? U gradually, by by leaving their and picking up. five hours of contract, work that you do at your leisure you made freakin money. You just need to keep your busy and land this is ongoing, this geographic, but it's not, as is happening to people all over the country, but there is Taxes ethos that a man. Is his job and
If you quit working, Yukon acquit ceasing to exist and Just the way leave far away and you ve got your hands and that your ninety guy, which means you private on call for less forty years, there's just this sense of This is who you are and now you're. Faced with the woman, you love more than anything else in the world's got health issues annual spent time with their new word about this word, but that a dead man, good man you're good husband, you put in forty years. You ve worked hard, youth, clearly elective said. Have the money sit down? Get with somebody who knows that market out there and Amarillo and re imagined some things and get some peace in yards, but some time when your wife, like they say twenty five forty hours a week, do and worked. You want to do this exciting when you wanna do when you want to do with a highly or doubt rash oysters yards, the choices are there, but on Show- and that's not the
everything you said, except that the West Texas thing is not to say it's everywhere, yeah everywhere, it's everywhere, isn't it. You know it might be a boomer thing. More than a millennium thing, but but this idea that that other that, because Our generation accurately recognise their dignity and work of Gazeta, big demolitions, flipped it where relationships, everything and works, just not a thing, and that is not something you need to do- is urging indignity and work. We are made to work. That's right, there's an extraordinary dignity there. So there's something that does for your psyche, for who you are, I give you a sense of meaning essential purpose, assuming you're doing something this not immoral wrong or whatever, but the and it can be literally workin on the farm, So we got here, you got your big Wash Texas Ranch there, and rightly so. but but you ve got the money. The health insurance in place. Imagine some part time
Sure things do that over the next ninety days and retired That's what I would do if I were in your shoes, as I literally writers and on what that place you work with emotionally. I can hear that for sure you're here you know you ve stuck it out. You you're there not mean, but you're done whether nationals this this request for it like. Is it a character issue and not an orator is not not at all by good for you and for set yourself up like this now, for you absolutely my any may have enough Landy runs a big cattle operation or something I was with a gather down. Eight thousand acres, such close, my line Can raise some cattle and can put a couple account son had now than they can work it out and then you gotta go find em, it's gotta be bail out front running right. It's a lot allow square miles, but it's you mindset and show you
something that you put your hand to make sure your health insurance issues money. You ve done it touchdown everyday Megan! Well, that this is the Ramsay, no matter what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move.
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rapidly to get the best possible deal, question comes from LISA in Kentucky she right my husband and I are debt free so we live and was purchased as a gift to us from his parents. The house completely paid for. However, there's always a however gave the house is not in our name. Do not secure without the house being in our name. We have a great relationship and I trust my end loss but have an issue at this. What should I do so? My first thought here. Dave is, if Somebody buys a house for you gives it to you, but it's not in your name, not your house, that a poorly Look at that no smell like they bought a house and let me live in it. Now, but there is not a gift run children, your name very eager so is it out a line here, conversation. I think the way you always have a conversation,
That is a very, very important too. But a lot of icing on the cake before you. Talking about this in the icing, the lot of sweetness and that's gratitude, absolute, how grateful your and I would never want to seem ungrateful worn ungrateful and we are so thankful hash of worth. It does Gus uncomfortable. That is not our name, and we want to know when we're gonna get it into or no well done, and we need make sure all these assets flown certain boy. That's fine, but but bottom line is that this is where I was give my kids a house and leave it in money because it is not. There it's your hearts there, how shall I let me give an example, her father in law is workin, second shift and he fell at the wheel
and he goes crushed underline, had somebody and a is killed on the other car, the taken that has to be taken. That House attract Missus Ashe when show him for five hundred million dollars that judgment lane will be on the house. That is not heard right and that's called an axe. And right that I've ever pencils had fallen on anything wrong. I call him a drunk you and drunk driving out in calling me they sailing negative about it, but it just he could business, go bad and generously But they are wrestling all of his assets right and this house is asset, not curse so and the other of advice. I will just give you. Is you don't talk? Let your husband talk at his parents. You can see there was a smile on your face, and I are the only thing you're allowed to say how grateful your I want you to Hungary for ya you're not allowed to make the
body, language or grimaces or words that are part of this The conversation that has at its essence, conflict in because you're get labelled as the cause of it. Now you're gonna be labelled as the dissension, but in the family yeah right the evil, it would mean. Ok is machine, but his wife gotten new go so they say something along the lines of wealth. We will win not comfortable doing that now. But we will. In my head. I immediately switch to this in our house. We are living rent free, my parents cells. We now are saving up for employees and I'm off to the races their exactly I'm going I'm not sleep over it. I know that you are the free rant, Ariane, I'm gonna, use that save up and by my own house, I'm not gonna throw fit about it. I'm going to work out a moment ago by ourselves. How will you say it was a gay aft now moving on removing non british gonna? Look if you're, not put it in my name is not a gift. You gotta have a clear logic
your head, so the elephant thing This LISA is, is that you won't need heard loud and clear from John were saying you're right, absolutely, yes, you're right, you're, not crazy. This has got some weirdness on it. There's something weird here, and I dont know what it is, or maybe a simple thing that they ve they haven't had good. acts planning, but nobody show them how to do it without getting without getting a give tax bill because in art, thou see a good taxpayer that can teach them how to do, for an asset that says as a gift without having any gift action under the unified state. Give tax credit in one piece of paper with a fine. Of their catches, a sheer and unless they have an estate over twenty million dollars, will affect their state taxes a dime. So there's lots of ways to do this. I made us not know how to do it and theirs, but but if that's the only reason, but I'm
guess I say that's not reason. Some mothers feels Ikey Dave, but, as you will all end, is that out and while asking run on in an interesting that the sand and asked the question he's the guy. I want to talk to you in this day and age, because he's the one go have do the talking as if this is handled properly, Heeny still with his mama. Not his wife, databases Mama. Yes, I tell you this is how this you're gonna go about. Do you feel paying off your dad's gonna take forever? Well, hang off your that won't take forever. We can show you we do at all times what we do here, Ramsay plus blushes, where you get out of debt faster you'll become debt, We will be spending money without worry, you're gonna be building wealth. You're gonna be outrageously generous, going to show you how to do all that. There are three acts that worked together to help you if your dad as fast as possible, of course, that includes european diversity. Of course that includes the baby steps tracker. Of course, that includes every dollar premium. Of course it includes a bunch of other stuff. We're gonna show you by step day by day what to do for the first ninety days and you get
free trial at Ramsey, plus by texting trial, two hundred and thirty, three seven hundred and eighty nine trial, two thousand three hundred and thirty seven Jackson is in Oklahoma City had Jackson, what's up better than I deserve our gonna help I'm only moving forward in two days time of an open, I'm doing work, my girl, parents. They honour ripping company down of border. Ass may be made between five and nine thousand a month in order to save jobs, are excluded gonna rap average I haven't the five thousand currently savings and then show, as may not come back roughly One thousand three month argument Without doubt knows to put down I'll stay up, putting down on a few clicks in writing. El the other side, the maintenance, and I'm mortgage dude. I should hold on in still
A little bit more jobs, more money. When I come back based on a number of points, duplex yeah, we're just wait: prevented the idea that you're trying to create some assets and trying to create a baseline here to start to grow your wealth, nor want, I want shouted daddy any dead. I haven't coroloni idea that off her out Let us now go ahead. You paid off their own bat. Now, where our strange make the move or the two shrinkage first track in. Let's get back rather than and then you need an emergency fond of three to six months of expenses and then, if you buy a duplex an eighteen months later are married to this girl. You're gonna sell did it. Ex Amber how's that she wants to live in, pushing or live there instead, I would your short circuit that and let's wait and pile up the cash for the marriage to buy a house. Ok
I also have about eight thousand dollars each opened a man or a thousand and just like a lobby that account that investing in how did I m going by the car off your back? Ok, and what about the reports to the house? Deepened entered the good and bad in Europe as a down payment and keep those in there. Now you have your emergency fond of three to six months of expenses and a simple savings account just for nowadays and then everything else is going down. The shouts goes with Gaullist pay the house as fast as possible. After you buy ok, may without being about replaces I wanted to hold onto a user property down the road peeping out, you don't get your purchase a home I want you to get some rental property later, but I dont want debt real property and I don't want you learning to be a landlord while you're learning a new job and while you're dating the bullshit daughter at all what you count the any future dollars that you are earning from the father of your girl
Some of you said yourself up for a triple heartbreak loaded with so many things can go wrong, we're doin! They go wrong, they're all longer on which it is my living off the roof officer on what happens. Relics Yale its count, those just after there in your hand sounds bonds. I, like you, got an adventure ahead of you, that's the most passiveaggressive they urge you stated. It gets adventure until you're, crazy, but you this is the rams
John the lonely rooms personality is Michael. Those today here on the air open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five mechanisms, whether some tap of Florida, high MEG and welcome to the day. Ramsay show. I see all my screen: you're dead, free, thank you. How much you pay off Ninety eight thousand five hundred money may again, and how long did it take? five years on a range of income. Forty thousand to thirty and fifty one thousand and forty one you do for a living I'm a speech on language pathologists at elementary school Vereker, somewhat. Debt was your ninety nine thousand dollars
A visa card to my day had a limited car to make his card. My car came and stood alone. Normal. deeply indebted broke. Yes, how old are you. I'm thirty, nine. So what happened? thirty, four years old, I guess Wash Char guy was living on my own combining spending my money, but woke you up. you mean they want. Ok, my bills, rolling, overdraft from a technical for maintaining out Just there. I'd really. I mean here. Let me appeal and that suggestion Canada overdrafts and no more
scarier. Yes, so you're scared straight, yes loved me too. Yeah me too. I don't ever want to go back neither life is to freak in short I remember one night precisely I can take you to the living room and the day sk I was sitting at. I don't see it in my mind as clear as anything I tried a balanced but back in the old days, were used to reconcile a cheque book by hand. On the computer and it was certainly not on the internet. There wasn't one and when I bowed book. I realized comparing it with the checks that the bank has sent me that I forgot to post some of and that I was, four hundred dollars and overdraft, and I remember sweat on my upper lip. I remember my heart racing, our members the palms of my hands and it was cold, cold
so outcome Poland, terrified, and I'm out you shall never one b there again ever way. I remember sitting: at the end of the day with coworker Afraid- and he would help me balance out, my checkbook and I will pull at it and it didn't work. No over after overdraft overdraft- show what you do. He had the bottom dared straight. Tell me what you did. What was the first thing you did attending a local church, and I was talking to our friend that church one day, however, about my finances, and he wanted. I heard about they. Weren t financial peace, and I know that you will tell me more about it and they should introduce me to. Erin Little, who also him his wife. Did there that's great the story! You in that year, a little. He talk any more about it did you hear my story.
And he offered to spite me today. the Financial Peach University at the church. Why It was a blessing. Why blessing I'll bet, you do ever somebody someday. Won't you! Yes, in article five years. Is a long grind? What you going for five years, I didn't want to disappoint God. I don't want to disappoint error and I wanted to support my south and I do not want to live the pain. Other people back seat cap at it that sixty Mont Use kept bad! It get better care about it, You really got disgusted, down at Euro shouted lasted: five years three extra jobs on top of being a speech path, that's already! that takes a law of patients in time. What we're your job Mosher Drum! I did my first job at home healthcare. So after my full time job, I went in for clients in their home
and I did that further five years and then within the school district, were offered much called Tpa were also Lear able to sit, and I'm having meetings and I will get paid for that. and then another friend offered me a site job, What under her for doing brand ambassador aware when few grocery stores, liquor stores and I handed out samples of wine? like eighteen, possibly twenty five dollars an hour for three hours. That's how you made it five years. Let's be honest, was the alcohol as I do that often I that was our sporadic here and there and then Erin. He offered me two years ago. He offered me to work on the side during his recruiting
many like he on the bill. So I would do that after work as well treating nurses, Vienna found this guy. Make sure you want oh yeah, he or environmental using given me what a great mentor wearily very proud. I am very proud of you. Well done our eye. Star. You did that you're a hero, I mean you through your by yourself, three jobs, you lean and you keep at it. You keep scratch and you keep law on your scrappy for five Breakin years new pay out. Ninety nine thousand dollars. You are an impressive young woman. What value mentor. Somebody else, like you, been untoward there's a few people. Listening to this one of is just like you were tolerance, Do it? What's the key to getting out of that, map sitting down getting accountability, partner, putting all yours.
And monthly income on a budget. And go out and if you can get a second job go for it sell stuff stop eating out. Buying you really don't need. Let's do it. You did a lot of sacrifice for five years. Was it worth it? It was. It was what your big go. when you get down with this, and you got a pile of money in your millionaire, your Chris Yoke, everyday millionaire. What your big go! do with money. You in vast, save girl be healthy, enjoy life Are you gonna retire without any final problems you go well done so proud of you. I know here we are we are all of us. Rams year we love people like you, your incredible hero, you're out there doing
your scratching in cologne and making it happen. Nobody handed you nothin. You went and took it Lee Lee and morally took it well done hard work, sacrificed discipline, dirty words in America, for some people today, Are you in weight on Washington to fix your life Yunus when fixed it proud of well dining feel very, very, very well done our ninety nine thousand dollars, Canada off and beers, Megan forty eight to fifty one plus three jobs can Download Sarah debt briskly. Yeah baby carry college ogre. How tough you think you are I've year grind to hoo hoo hoo,
The item is a gangster. Do daddy, I saw at Calices man, man calices, that's not! This is not for the fate of art, those not for the worse. you gotta, be willing to step up our girls, a warrior man look in the mirror for five years and seldom worth it a more. You don't want her to draw down on you, she's a warrior man, she
done, while she's gotta Trunkful about the hall sample, show MEG in we'll find a way for her. What stood the rooms Asia
Doktor John Bologna Ramsay personality is Microsoft. Today, open funds, a triple eight eight to five five to five Michael, is in Sacramento. Michael welcome to that I am, she shall tied aid just got such our predicament. I'm fifty four years old. I've got primary residence. I've got so much credit that I've got about. Ten thousand. credit card cargo, but I probably have about three hundred thousand dollars total than on mortgage tat, just Spending my wheels and I don't know what to attack first, I just I just lost the young. What does the the two hundred ninety thousand. the other tuna. Ninety thousand between student loans
the credit loans that I had to take When I got divorced about twelve- ago to arm? I had a house that here it is trying to sell, and I told them that, if you at least others not foreclosure, I will gone that loan as a personal debt. I pay my bills. So I did down and I've been pain had ever since so on, and then a variety of other allow much as that lying on the floor. Fifty thousand dollars a four percent mr sturdy a that to learn, is sixty seven thousand. cars or what just a little ninety ninety thousand cars and what your household income?
one seventy salary and I just recently our opportunity, which I started to make an extra three five hundred a month, bunker overtime, consistent, so to an until pension in and what is your homework It is worth a thousand, and I owe- Sale lives, Demi, fine on it. What do you do for a living and I have to physician assistant alpha and you have to no properties in that order. They worth see. I want Montana that's worth three hundred ten thousand- and I owe to her thirty thousand on- and I have one in Idaho, that's worth during an orange five thousand- I o three hundred. thirty on it. The tension of six hundred I was in bed what time zone
seven years or I can take on the four months armoire can take. Three thousand among annuity so on. How much do you want to be out of this mess? Really bad and useful are too short a bother you knives does my entire life. I'm gonna get divorced and his eyes to the other party ready to get your life back. I buy ready for you. I didn't really I'm ready cause. I'm gonna sell everything in your life I'm ready, I mean, but most probably about cars is weak, so so all three properties now the both rental properties and both cars, yeah, ok I get your to five thousand our course you make to it ten thousand dollars, So now you have now you have baby I've ever remember, remember, but not you
her home and you will have Turn ten thousand dollars laugh minor stage. Are you gonna have about a hundred fifty thousand dollars left in debt and you make to ten and pay them, In two years the problem is, I just got these properties six month, a few months ago now, you're on temporary work, strange broker and I'm gonna be taxed heavily onlooker, doesn't manner I've sucks, you're, drunk man, you have so much longer up in your life. That is not producing joy. If I can One more thing: I got up man alimony of two thousand a month, but never gonna go away until I die ok only four thousand already to that. I gave us from going out of that right, so Twenty four and seventy five is a hundred attitude and you're gonna live on two ten and you're gonna be dead free in two years and sell everything
your personal resident Asia. If I listen what I let me tell you what I'm reacting to em reacting to the tone of your voice, called in. You sounded so overwhelm so despondent, so stock. That is to me, like you, were willing to do almost anything and where I am? That's where I am, I think you should do. I think you should feel that way, because you you feel like this twelfth can years. That's been hanging around your neck and you, college money in European. You can't get traction you are so We can stop it's unbelievable and you can't that's what I did. I miss something, no email them and every time you walk into the hospital to help other people. You ve got fourteen cinder blocks in your own backpack that fair at least brother. You gotta set that pack down. You got a bunch of crap in your life. Man the down and just start ninety thousand hours or the course job creation? who are you who are you
Who are you impress it matter? I'm not asking that in a jerk way, but there's something you. This has any two million plus dollar house, and these were armies in Sacramento. You ought to hear that the three to and too expensive cars and to homes at some stolen you that you're not gonna man. What is it yeah, you know that that this would happen all watch it this year. This has been death by a thousand cuts layer upon layer upon layer. This stuff is built up and then it never goes away. Such acute That is a fact that there are also other guys. Twelve twelve years ago thing we got student alone there still hanging around after all these years. We then we I cars and now Brody's houses Indo. Ten thirty one show you get hammered on taxes out the backside. So you drive one hundred thousand origin taxes. we are not allowed fifteen per what what measure your gain? Is it your old enemies? My game will probably because I put
eighty down down on one and seventy thousand down and guess what you put down has nothing to do with calculation of your game. How much capital gains? Did you roll and others? Ten thirty one I was, I was told my tax it'll, be. If I were to cash out about fifty thousand oak. I got that lesson about their goods. Only fifty grand this is the price of cleaning up your life? So I basically you're gonna get enough out of these properties to pay your taxes and be free Oh that's a wash we're, not show the cars for close to a wash, and so now you have two hundred and ten thousand dollars left. I was wrong earlier: it's not one! Fifty, because the capital gains bill. I said one sick one fifty, but it's gonna be to turn out enough, today, our cap against bill in there, but now they show here's your stood up. Faster you pay off to ten making to ten three years at seventy grant. and that means you have turned to the measure of a hundred ten thousand years to live on
do you pay alimony and seventy grand towards debt for three years in your honor percent that free elderly people, You don't need everyone, you fifty seven! This is how you do it. Ok. I just want to make sure I understand so both car, so both appropriate and engine Your plan hard else, complete focus like so pissed off. I am so sick and tired of being so entire! That not only shoulder stuff, I'm gonna sell to the kids if they don't hide scatter, my wife to buy, and hopefully it will be too are now well. Does she want her life back ass, good He wants a husband, can sleep Lee before not asleep, can breathe husband. I can walk around the neighbourhood without his head spin and without having grabs phone every two seconds they can wake up with a smile on his face call it financial peace, that's what we call it. and you can do this man, but it just if you wanted, if you
sick and tired of being sick and tired. That's when and your life man. If you can get through Pierre School and if every day you walk into the dramatic situation and he'll people you can do, this is no use land to it. Just are you ready to be willing to go up a cosmetic Lately, different group, forget the plow down the middle, your brain, to get your brain to function differently because you been runnin you ve, been run a great american match and if your wife, contribute to this doing that done even faster, so I'm the only thing I did they added her shower car dead,
ten I'll show you but you're constitutes the Idaho House. Dave Wilkie mean they range again, a man. You can do it. I believe in you might just this type for a man I felt it lay there was. This is the Rams ye shall have a friend or a family member, the needs a daily, those rambling advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day, pod cash, it's a quick of advice about life and money in under ten minutes check out the Ramsay CALL today pot gas wherever you listen to pocket. If
Looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crucial podcast from money, expert, Maidan, Rachel crews, guises rates are created and I'm so excited to tell you about an ipod passed. A lot of you filing paintings pay check their end ass. You don't even know where to begin that they have this need this want to get in control of their money. Tennis match you. You have come to the right starts, so each episode, jeering at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast makes region. Today there are more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel Crucial wherever you listen, the pod cash hey, it's true producer of the Dave Ramsay show this,
Transcript generated on 2021-07-08.