« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Much Should I Invest Into My Side Hustle? (Hour 2)

2020-08-21 | 🔗

Debt, Education, Retirement, Budgeting, Home Selling, Business


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Wales. Usually should broadcasting videos, but they re hungry, show that a stop gap measures paid off a mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status symbol of choice. Morocco closed on the third day Chris, she personality number one best selling author. We are here to help you with your life and money, open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five Christian, is whether such taxes I crushed over. How are you
How is every thank you, Miss Ramsay, Mister Hoopdriver is an honour to speak with you shut up. Well my life really click. Ok, I got my wife and I will work with can the conclusion that we were in a position where trying to the Guardia after treatment to have a child. We ve been trying for many years and many less carriages, some kind of enough in a position to make the best person called Mr Ripley, so I tried a similar amount of time for your art show Have you gone through the different pricing models and look at all the different things? Yet? Yes, sir, leave all the stages there's gonna be adding up about. Eighty thousand dollars not prove to have a job. It's not theirs. Per there's procedures issues go
Prior to that now it's not eighty thousand dollars more parties. No even clubs. Now, ok, ok, good! Not even so! That's what I mean you gotta go shopping right, because there's a spectrum from all the way from eighty thousand, probably one round for eight grant, and so you know cause of the eighty thousand for most people would be prohibitive. So what would your household income? they'll. Come is ninety five thousand total quota and giving money we're about twenty thousand dollars saved and about ten thousand all that crap. What other didn't you have Christopher wherever a whole mortgage, greener? Thirty?
then we'll credit card bill from the twenty thousand, not alone, for twenty thousand use gmail built for thirty Alberto discern thirty. I well here's what I would do if I woke up in your business anywhere, not answer questions. Ok, you got two funds from different pricing models than eighty thousand dollars, but that's not within your range. Ok, you have twenty thousand, but you have twenty and thirty and forty of their ride him another. Yes, it was a twenty thousand on credit card, twenty thousand on the core alone than thirty thousand and stood mom
Yes, and show your ear fifty grand from Vienna dad if we use your twenty towards dad. If we ignored that and said okay, we ve got twenty thousand. What kind of ivy of Programmes We get him for that and you can do a lot for that it, but you're gonna sounds like you're gonna, be using a different doktor than the one you shop with initially. Ok was, it sounds kind of crash to say I'm gonna shop around on something like this, but it's just like an adoption. You need to learn what the different Apologies are otherwise you'll pay three x. What is required or you do in adoption, and so just me, and you need to learn what the different methodology is. Our It's a very important thing that you're asking when someone ask me: how do we shape up for adoption, or how do we shall show up for heavy of its just because the most glorious thing in my life and other than my walk with Jesus has been having kids, yes and
our group, a thousand sympathise with you already know. Neither you call me about that. I can tell you that we more important that you could spend money on so right there with you, but I don't want a magnitude going to dare to do it number to undertake shopping at the best price must allocate that twenty two. And then, let's linnaean, really really hard with your budget as our cleaning up the other day with your income goes Christopher at once. If you guys were to have a bit, does your wife want to be at home with the baby or Is she going to work home pressure for a couple months and then that actual fact we're ok
like they say, shop around body. I know you know you're at that point. If you have dealt with miscarriages, which are got wrenching ray you're willing to do whatever to try to solve it, and I'm gonna tell you something: having a baby is a blessing, but the pain of those other miscarriages. Those that still real and are you guys, may need to go talk to it that council or thereabouts about it, but don't go blindly into the night, trying to do whatever just a fix it, because I've unfortunately talked of friends that have gone through rounds of IVF. That did not work, and so you need to prepare your mind as well as your heart and are you guys working together and you pay cash cause? You don't have to.
Payments on some work that attract doubles. The regret in the grief- and you don't you just don't do that, so it's a highly emotional thing in the only way to work through it is it and keep for making a mistake, because highly emotional is yet to take lots of time. Learn lots of talk to five different doctors, five different payment methodology asian and there are ones road repay. Certainly no keep wanna tell you until you get a pregnancy. There are others in every time. You try wants it so much and so is like group, our book discount, like everyone, it's all in there enough I've seen. I don't know twenty five plans over the years people brought into me as a financial couch said. How can we do this and that's why I actually you know the pricing is not from personal experience issues from watching all that shit we're right there with you. We want take your existing income while you're doing all this stuff, like that twenty k that you got cash and set aside for this
for emergencies or whatever, and then let us terror and others are taken nineteen, gay or whatever, and leave a thousand and therefore working you baby steps pretend that other money, when their work your way through these credit cards and work. Your way through my what shall I stupid guy and I gave you know it's funny. You mention that, while couple that I coached did a payment plan through the doktor and it didn't work to the tune of almost twenty grand and MRS years ago and she broke down crying San every time that payment can. It was a reminder of what didn't happen, and so I am I'm with you. Do not finance this. In any way sell what you have to take on second job, if you have to
but just pay cash is don't want it. You don't have that. You now remember right there without good. Good luck with this. I hope it all worked out open funds, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five in or anything it's highly emotional, and so much of so many, the big events in our lives will become a personal finance are highly emotional, a business buying a home having kids adoption IVF even in the conclusion of life were you funeral you can you when you're in a highly emotional state, you can overspent. So listen, one things lobby boil a question about. The will is an example. What kind of power of attorney dna
Do you have everything laid out in terms of your final instructions? we'll take a quiz on how to get your estate in order tat. The word quiz three hundred and seventy nine it's free and I quiz two hundred and thirty, three seven hundred and eighty nine during these crazy times. The best advice I can give you is control the controllable. Let's start looking at major expenses like your monthly rent or your house payment folks, mortgage interest rates are so low.
Now is the time to invest in your future. In just ten minutes, my friends are Churchill mortgage can share ways to save you serious case through a smarter mortgage plan to speak to a specialist call triple eight loan, two hundred or go to Churchill mortgage dot com. This is a bit advertisements in a less idea: one five: nine one: animal less consumer access, dot, Org, equal housing, lender seventeen, forty nine Mallory Lane Sweet one hundred Brentwood cynicism, three, seven zero to seven! Thank you for joining us America. Mad is weathers and palm beach. I Matt welcome that. I ran she shut Thank you Dave, I'm on a relatively new person. I have been listening to six months under an outcast co determination. I appreciate everything into force. Banks have a question for you, I'm self employed
I make a very good living won t. I didn't. Contributing a ton of money to between my. And my wife, I gotTa Wendell problem that I owe about about thirty thousand dollars on equity line a programmer so I'm paying it'll be paid off in a year. Great line by more my mortgages about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I've got about ten years left on that. I thought I was thinking. Stopping like, where one can you contributions for the next couple of years, pay off? my main house, but then my tax implications will see. You know a ton of money not really between
between the my Irish, my for one case. We contribute to the last two years, a thousand dollars a year, you're not doing right. Now, I'm I'm doing it for the tax on fifty four hooker you prior between Ross anyway, visions for the tap, what many hacks implication and are not worth what you're losing on the back in because of the Roth Gross tax free- and this is none of this- is growing tax free, it's all gonna be taxed on the back end and it sounds like you got a couple million in their already. Do you no longer hundred thousand now? Is that? Ok, well done a good job, sir, your millionaire, I love it. Fifty four good job you're, so.
What I would tell you to do is you're not going to be touching. This money may be ever in doubt, you're not really gonna go into it and so from age. Fifty four to age. Eighty, four, that money growing tax free versus the tax deferral- not not not never pay the taxes, but the tax deferral on the eighty four thousand that you're in now. I think that just the forget the house for, secondly, the discussion of whether you do a Roth or irregular, because you're not gonna, be accessing that money anytime, soon. The tax free growth is mass mathematically. Gonna kick the tax deferral on the small amount there making sense no matter how does one eighty four thousand dollars? Let's just say, eighty four thousand you're gonna for twenty years. Ok show That's a hundred at one point: six million that you put it that way,
grown, though over that twenty years, to probably close to ten million cause you Leon you got when you ve got twenty years older, older. Typically. Ninety the ninety seven percent of what is in the account is growth, not what you have put in when you look at your contribution to get to the eight hundred versus how much of it is growth, you'll see what I'm talking about. So the fact that that that lets say out about eight hundred as an example, seven hundred you put you didn't put in and you gotta pay taxes on it. If it was a Roth, there be no tax, as on seven already. I understand you say, come up at the next year on the ground and taxes, yeah well doing. Do that or come up with an extra two hundred grand in taxes later, that's the problem and that Libya should be-
what's your household income right now, it's over three hundred Slovenia, that so I mean the aspect of you attack and in paying off the house. You can do both Yeah, you know it's not like. I mean that's what I that's. What I've been trying to do in the earlier? I would do fifteen percent of your income going into retirement, which is probably about what you're doing and actually pretty clothes and are then than just don't shut us knock that house now that you're gonna get out probably about five years, not turn and you're you're doing so good. You can't really mess this up. All we're trying to just maximize it right in. If I were in your shoes, I'm fifty nine. What I would do, is I know you're not going to touch the vast majority of that money, you're not going to need it. You can live off the income of some of it without ever actually accessing what has become the principal. The original amount you put an plus the growth and, if that sitting there, tax free, it's great for the next
duration or its great for you. If you want to access it, you got enough taxable out at eight hundred. If I woke up in your shoes now one of our small entrepreneurs and run the math by them. They'll show you I would go a hundred percent Roth, absolutely and Dave. I dont think people understand when you utilise afore one key or for three b and its tax deferred. That means you pay. Taxes this money later when you pull it out, and so you don't have that on the wrong side, and so people are thinking the tax, the referral and we're saying! No, no choose the non tax option. All the way young contact first attack. That's right! That's what about what is as he's getting up to e saying in any correct about this. We put an eighty four thousand in a traditional he's, getting shaving without knowledge on this year's tax on this year's correct, and that would be about right right but growth on that is so much more and that all being tax free, your gear,
You know you shaven twenty today, but you're gonna lose two hundred later go there. You go because merchandise, friends as accurate. So even though don't want to give the government anything that I don't have to that's right. They got enough right because anyway, I don't have enough cause you're so stupid what they do and print money through the wine sound misfit toys, evidence the show that the thing is the now, if you have a horizon of ten years or longer before you're your be accessing the money Roth versus traditional math, most always working, he assuming you're, using a good mutual phone with normal growth rates in the market. That's what we're doing! is where this will it be room if you go out of their internal How are you will go, Are you an honour to be talking here? You drew my watch up, so I just had a question on the kind of what's my next. That I got my financial planning and building? Well,
keen on private. Going on to my second, your college I'm only around sixty in a year, and that is for further work on commission too, but before commission down, I have all my school paid for. I have a wealth. I didn't know if I should go into like a logo a low cost index find there were watching my locks, Dutch DE the fact you gave in asking a question, makes you a rock star at nineteen years old, you're amazing did your pair, hold your down. All I was asked by a slut bears on tap where I come from, I guess I'm a money might Mom. You don't really started ensures that his final and tell you around forty A lot of money on new younger like me, but is also spending a lot of it too. I don't want to be put in that position young. What? What? What are you studying sure.
Why, while on a major on I plan to get money on the earth, than a year had so I planted is gonna, combined pathway to finish my bachelor Two more years and under a masters degree, of course, you're. Ok, I mean you're coming to work for interest solutions right it, technocracy spliced, not by my place, because on others to let him have it agreed on by bring training up retard Chris. Now Will I love the path, your own body and the fact that you are using your parents example to be. Your motivation is outstanding. The fact that you have school paid for absolutely love that why'd you in the same path and we will tell others the grossly mutual funds are going to be the way to go. You doin that at eight nineteen buddy you are going to be an everyday millionaire on a fast track than many people ever thought could be put
about the thing up. Until you is not only do you need to play often in building where you have to play defence and what that is is avoiding stupid around every corner, because it's out their bud and just learned to save up pay cash. You can have nice things just slow down and be intentional well before you do that. I would one thing I want you pull up a big in case something go sideways. What Molly scholarships, because the best investment you can make in this discussion is called. Will the return on investment of you finishing your degrees, a hundred percent that free- because you had a little for cash pad report had no low Rachel vote if you want to, but you get out of school that freak you're going places you donwell way to go about this. That I Ramses,
folks. I love telling you about great brought action today. I'm talking about American made grip, six belts. Listen traditional belt, never fit right and their uncomfortable, but grip. Six belts, an straps are interchangeable, which I personally love and they have a clean sleeked, look with no holes, no flap and no book, and they hold tight all day, in fact, they're so comfortable. You can't even remember you're wearing and talk about affordability, while grip, six belts come without lifetime guarantee, and that means you can replace them for free to get this month's Dave. Ramsay specials visit grip, six dot com. I Ramsay show Chris Organ Ramsay Personality is my co host the zone and day here on the show
Dad Bree Stage in the lobby of Ramsay Solutions, Geoffrey and Caroline, or whether they guys don't worry, we're wonderful. How are you better than I deserve? Welcome gonna have authority, you guys live Chattanooga, see actually Udo urgency northeast of it. No right word is good to have you guys welcome. Welcome How much did you pay off so we ve been? four hundred and thirty thousand dollars and for her iron. Thirty, four, fifty good for you and how long did it take? It took us right at thirty months while and your range of income. During that time we started about one twenty. We finished up room one sixty good for you call it what you guys do for a living, I am a sales engineer, and I am grade teacher, also very girl good, for you got so tell us what stop. Did you pay off guess I analysed here. I was started off a little bit. What there was a credit card Jackie, I loved my points out and I had thirty six thousand dollars and credit cards.
Those points paid off yeah. We got a couple three flights out of it: thirty thousand origin there, but then we went on trips that we just paid with credit card of course, while so then also had about sixty six thousand in student loans. Of course, I was me part both of us, but we also had a twenty eight thousand dollars into cornets awhile and we can't forget the thousand are lazy boy, of course. That's. That's! That's like that was needed. Now is my. They give to him for his thirtieth, you go very nationals were normal obediently, have you been ILO Yorba, married and seven years? We just celebrated Roca, show two and a half years ago, five years from trains for the marriage, something happened. What happened? Well I'll say it started.
Lost her grandmother- and I got a very small little inheritance- maybe is under two thousand dollars- and I was kind of in control of our finances at that point, and I got a new where we were but care on had no clue where we were And so she wasn't we're about ready to start Avenant, making a family and basically, what happiness caravans like well? Why don't we take this little bit of money? Add some two: it gonna go doing another honeymoon like a baby, moon and celebrate in our last big trips without kids, and so in. My embarrassment out like Alice, do that, but I nerdy danish. There was not a good answer that, like that, is not the way to live life, and so we went to urge maker on an all inclusive resort, had a blast, but it wasn't Same as our honeymoon, because I knew deep down, we should me there, and so We got home and I started Google and how to get out there like. How do I do this and that's when they range
pops up like it's everywhere on the group of machine, so I've bought your book terminal, make over, read it and probably under two days, and I was just gung ho on it, and so I cleaned up a little bit of the mass myself. My mask is also shamed of it and then a few months into it came clean. I came clean, the Caroline and it was so much easier that boy it was so much effort I mean: are our marriage is just been, is blossomed because we now communicate in it. Just it's amazing. I read the back in a day and kept right on board an I'm super competitive, so what'd. I think another programme work goes like yet. Let's do the game of occasion worked for. You is that I was amazing, get after. I love that will very cool okay, so Caroline before he quote, unquote came clean. How much did did you think you guys had? I knew we had my dad from college so probably about sixty grand
and I knew he had put a little bit on the credit card, but I did not know it was so astronomical. Good Moldova, corpulent idea, you did know you finance. The lazy guilty has charged yunker, so you know You knew most of it idea to credit card where's that could the credit our balance was shocked. We had separate accounts, and so I think that was a major problem once we kind of guy it financially on board as a team things and where there is a lot more clarity layer will, that makes you know, but the but most crushed increase, but also communication increases the speed by which you do everything. Absolutely everyone, drapery told me this would adjure. What's the biggest thing you sacrifice to get out a dead man we're beach
Evil haven't been other page since their baby moon and we ve already booked our trade next are saying the older people a big one year. We with any budget food is always eating out one of the biggest cut back and so there is a lot of cooking a home and things like that. But I may we still lived life, but we kept it in all we tried every month we are trying to throw money. Thrown out of mine is possible at the deck the badger way out, creation absolutely and every dollar apps changer I've completely and I'm in cells, and I'm strictly commission so, there's some months that it was now we waited. We waited all mountain. We don't have much to throw at it, but then, in the bigger months it was like, while we're really Mona the big power at their picture makes up for it.
Way to go, you got a slight ago. What do you tell people? The key to getting out of debt is a hundred and thirty thousand and thirty much am I being just picking a budget sticking to it and communication, namely the communications number one, but I think we're really changed. My philosophy is truly believe that it's not ours. You know you talk about all the time and we actually
quick out to the former financial peace class. We just wrapped up less nine yesterday, all yes, but you know an expression that lesson we analogy of the cup overflowing of the plate and others know when it's, it's not art, we're just managing and when you, when you give that up its it changes everything now what you're there? Something has to happen inside of a person that makes this the handling of money. Nope nobility happens inside of you when it's something bigger than you that you're doing with her child your civil war, I'm changing my family tree, I'm gonna serve God, because managers stuff better or maybe a better Stuart. Those are all things outside of us that raise our nobility and when you do that, you increase the speed by which you start to win with money back
you, you will sacrifice and do things you wouldn't do just for yourself, and you guys did great very proud of you who are your biggest cheerleaders each other gas, no at some family. That was encouraging. That's for sure, yeah definite in financial base clashes. Have you got in that yeah? We took once a week we're on the journey for about a year after we read the books and then just term in we weren't slackened, anything but just to keep in it. We drag a class and went through it after accountability saying so that was good and then very good for that and then now you're treatment the strike out while coordinator there are very good. Well congratulations using was very, very proud of. As our heroes well done, and you got to babies but understand their go, sit with mom and dad and sit with Grandma's, nay on their names and ages, though, and Henry is to an Aubrey, was just boring. She as five exalt around so that baby Moon stuff, where I live in
what I was about for five years. I have the Google my generation didn't know this way, but it's good learned about it from my kids. It's important so good job, you guys, well done very well. Then we get a copy grocers book for you every day. Millionaires, that's definitely the next chapter your story, you guys are on track to kill it. Man well don't you like good money, you're in control? Your work together. You have all the attributes of people who become millionaire. Do your ride on track good job Javert? Carol Ottawa Tennessee just as to remove a hundred and thirty thousand dollars paid off in thirty months, Megan one twenty two one sixty Let's zero dead screw thirty two, why What is our boys and girls love it earlier?
They are cool, Dave, Amity and so young and he made up obviously in unity. Yes, they are obviously anything you can see there. That is that's one of the big data What do they want or not? Try this that I rams Asia
Thanks for joining us, America were glad you're here, open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five, dare I guess, weathers in Denver, high Derek work into the river amnesia my call both of you sure. What's up The theme of Somalia, I apologize if, after a little nervous yourself, I talk to closely monitor that without castaway late December, last year and taking care of my bomb in the house in their modest now and assisted living. We ve got her own position, good place, her expenses or forty three to forty five hundred a month, but she gets intention other Two thousand. We are selling passes over that just about the clothes on the house that they lifted
and put the house in a trust that technically mice, Susan, I own, but we all agree that a good natured sisters and I that the money is going to take your mom when all is said and done after the sale. The lantern cap gains alone repay from sale expenses. There can be about a little over three hundred thousand dollars left. How does your mom to my question Gonna turn. Eighty one in October should eighty rigour how's your health. Oh, not great, but better case, she's she's, doing he's, ok, tough times for yourself and so on. Why interrupted you? What your question is a super question. One is once we get. The check for the house should learn a little over three another case
do we just put it into one account and pay all moms expenses out of their. Do we take some of the money, but it into some kind of high interest rates tat in the West Bank account to peel expenses to distribute the money between all. He kept them and say you got. You know you have to pay this much of a month. The cover moms expenses they'll get up. The first part of my question censure sisters in agreement. My opinion would be, and I'll show you a Christmas is, but my opinion would be three hundred thousand invested in from good mutual funds. Here's the thing your birth rate is about thirty k a year from now. You tell me right, you're about twenty five hundred a month in the hull. Right That's, never again be thirty. You shouldn't you: should forty three hundred and two thousand right correctly outside heard twenty five hundred?
that's thirty thousand hours. You show your birth rate is thirty K. You need thirty carrier, give three hundred produced ten percent. It would produce enough to support without damaging the three hundred Now it won't necessarily do that every year, some years it might produce more some years, it might produce less, but even if an average ten percent you as are basically gonna end up with close to the three hundred to distribute to the three of you when she passes. If you can get the money, invested in it. You see what I'm doing if it makes eight percent eat some of the money. If it makes twelve percent it's gonna grow. You follow me cause. You need, you need thirty out of this money and if you can make three hundred produce thirty or more, the whole three hundred will still be there you see I'm doing the mouth yet to do so.
What I would do with it is would sit down, will want to smart rest reproach ourselves from mutual funds and try to get something this fairly they will probably from growth from growth in income. I probably would stay away from the norm. International makes on this I might have a little in aggressive, but I dont know that it be a fourth or third but sit down and try to get together portfolio, but how yield when you say that that usually means cds and that's gonna high yield cities, two percent, which means your and thirty Grand a year, and after ten years, thirty three thirty three thousand is gone. There yeah he's dead on, and I want to tell you this here's the unique thing about you all situation that I am proud of, you that you and your sisters or an alignment can't you know that. That's like a rare
record type situation, and so, rather than to wait on bad. I think you take is saved, suggested put that in a gross thought, neutral VON. Have this awareness and understanding you know you can have the document drawn up that you know what happens in case, one of you, whoever the executor is. You want to have the source personal secondary, but the agreement is, as the primary goal of these funds is to take out your mother and whatever solution. When she passes. We just distributor three ways then, rather than anything of it like press and say you were managing it or one of your sisters were managing it with a smart. Mr Pro, each one of you can get a statement every month and see what what's happening, The money you know you can look at it and new Maman Doolittle Review over the phone once a quarter right and go carriers for we are in a week. Seventy five hundred dollars for this quarter three months at twenty five hundred in the mutual funds. Ten thousand shall work for me.
We grew a little this month or it made it made six thousand and in a way, eight fifteen hundred of our money, you know- and you just kind of review it so that if you'll do it, incrementally throughout the year at least once a quarter over six months there? later on someone doesn't look up and our haste thou money. That's exactly you know you don't get that later Well, don't do that, but that's what he believed in me. That's what people like me, this has happened to be married to crazy, that that's husband or spouse could cause that ripped so stay align. Take here, your mom, you guys are lots of communication, yeah communications key and, as they said, get that copy of his statement. Everybody. So we all see everybody's on the same page and we can be. You know what I'll go further food, even just riding up a little agreement. Job wanna take your mom where this money, job too, is how the money invested the software it creates, of income to hopefully take em? without damaging it
and in job three is to distribute the money equally and have the community equal mama upon moms passing in the meantime, have quarterly updates, and one Cecily account and those going on and can discussion of input boy that eliminate some drama manager, because what happens is that people when people don't know what's going on? That's when they become crazy? Oh, you are an outcome with Slow congratulation hats off to your family's beautiful people, these you can mediately allow you six years ago. This is not about you get in in going off to Vegas. We're going on a trip is about regular gurgling, where he could go on a trip right now. But but you know you it's about taking her mom, which is as it should be, its worth smoke, What was her african house? You know, so there you go while good job man well,
That's just some ideas. You could go out a lot of different ways, but that's probably how I would do it when that's kind of what this places about. How Krishna that I presented. My colleagues today, Ramsay Personality Chris, is another. Greece is in Boston. I Cresson Boston. How are you. How are better than I deserve. What's up, so I have about investing in my side has also our full time eventually do too firewood inside Europe. Recently was that my logs glitter obviously brought so my way of money. Aside died question about: do I And is getting going again and he went out of it. Ago again. What do I do? I don't know. Then move up into one. Oh, how my productivity more money inside saw much remains one from. I showed you made splitting word how much money made again you're inside anywhere from eight
a thousand dollars a month. I dont valuation wasn't much better cost. Probably Four thousand dollars for the one I'm looking at. For five thousand and Shall I should like it break even I'm dead I spent fuel and main and thought it signed. It be spied sixty, seven months, you're on the cat, on babies than ever to the market in paying off all my dad and so you know what I'm gonna do. Repair. They all want Europe Elmers glue, rubber band, duct tape, I'm gonna repair, they all endeavours. Anyway, you can what broke on it I draw a line then catching fire, the hot, like line busted and caught fire yeah yeah, it's oil based there were no day. Is
a fire when the not what burned alive. Align the engineer, felt there like a lotta, ok. I'm going to step to them by used that was a breeding ground. One rental he's gone yeah that one's gonna try to justify by new equipment. That way I shall not have in it. I wouldn't I once been that kind of money and on that kind of a return. If you can make your money back in thirty days or shadows on baby step to fine, but not seven months, done it before those words, not foreigners like real work. This is that I Ramsay Shell, is James Childs producer of the Dave Rams show on your smart speaker. You can add our skill by saying Alexa open the Ramsay network skill from there. You can listen to all our shows Ass day, money. Questions like how do I invest my money or what is the debt snowball find out? More Dave, Ramsay, dot com, slash smart speaker.
If you're, looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crucial podcast from money, expert, Maidan, Rachel crew, guys its rights of creators, and I'm so excited to tell you about an ipod. Has a lot of you smiling paychecks paycheck their end ass? You don't even know where to begin that they have this need. This wants to get in control of their money, and if that's you, you have come to the right starts. So each episode, jeering at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast, makes region. Today there are more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel crucial. Wherever you listen, the pod cash hey. It's just producer of the day Ramsay show this? episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you ve heard about during this episode.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-22.