« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Much Cash Should I Keep On Hand for Emergencies? (Hour 3)


George Kamel & Dr. John Delony discuss:

  • How much cash you should keep on hand for emergencies,
  • When to buy a rental property,
  • Paying off debt when it feels hopeless,
  • Selling cars.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I live on the headquarters of brandy, solutions, broadcasting moving in storage studios. This is the ramsay shop where america hangs out, have a conversation about your life or my personality. George hamel joint today by my colleague and friend, doktor john alone, and we are taking your calls. The sour aaa eight to five five two to five susan is taken us off into mine. Susan welcome to the ramsay show I answered taken.
Call happy to take it what's goin on here. So I'm watching about the on the current her keen that heading towards Florida yeah. I live in iowa till we get tornadoes here and I was thinking if, something wiped out the power in this area. A big natural disaster- and I didn't have access to my emergency fund cash should. I have on hand drifting game, interesting question. How much do you have in your emergency fund right now, I have over a thousand dollars now. Ok, what baby Deborah you and even fall in the plan? following the plan yeah, so I want to phase like two after three, so you still have some depth. I do still have I'm dead, but I'm down to less than fifteen percent ouch my overall available. Ok, much debt. You have left
I have about fifteen thousand, ok and then a thousand in the bank call all right, well, not counting my mortgage and that the temperature has to that you, your consumer debt, ok we'll You called the right show at the right time, because I have the proper hymns doktor, John alone, this man as an ordinary razors to last century, yeah I more into ah food and things like that more than I am cassa up eight, this Actually I grew up in Houston, so very similar tornadoes hurricanes. All the times is kind of a part of life. It's a meditate. What I think, I'm gonna tell you what my reality is a cool I think, is a small amount of cash that it was. That number is going to be relative to people. What I consider a small amount of cash and what dave ramsey considers a small amount of cash, very different numbers. Alright, but
what would I what would I need to give me a couple of days if I needed to go stay in a hotel? If I had to leave town and drive a couple hours away in put gas in the car like very basic fighting to go, get some food and groceries, and I didn't have access to abc its balancing this, what could happen with like, what's probably gonna happen, right and as a the sun a homicide detective. I was I used to believe it could all come down at any moment cause that was that was my dad's world, and so that's my natural bent and I've had to train myself over the years to it could, but it probably won't write it probably won't so I have no problem. If you have a thousand dollars an emergency fund that you keep to interfere, five bucks at home and cash, just as a I can go, get a hotel and I can drive somewhere and be somewhere for couple hours or I could. I've twenty four hours and get out of here and go stay with a friend right That's what we're looking for the eye.
Yet if the whole banking system goes down, the cash is worth the paper. It's printed on ripe, xo, learning bob we tend to overdrawn. We tend to pretend that the world it will, after some kind of crazy calamity, that the war old would exist as it does and I have a friend- is a banker he's a dude if the homework asta you're gonna be shooting your neighbour for water in barbecuing dog, I like that, As you know, it is over right. So it's not like my kashmir can help they here's the other side. I am. I was him a proper I'm to someone prepared, how about that sure? That's ever literally divert the bite. I live in the woods and I have a year's worth of meat on handwriting strike, so I eat some would call me a ga call me a prepper I live in. A neighborhood in a society is exactly, but there is wisdom in what emergence, but I don't have any cash in my house right now. I don't have five thousand dollars hidden at home. I have and on that before, I don't have that right now.
I'm not super concerned about it. Ok there's a spectrum from like a tornado may becoming verses like it's the apocalypse which I've seen left behind very scary, anytime, I see a pilot clothes. I'm nervous. I'm like did, I get, is It is happening, it's gone, but Susan. I think it's wise. If you have a thousand bucks right down the bank, if you want to take out five hundred of that in cash and put it in a fireproof safe, I think there's some ways. Defence can help you sleep cool yeah. but I also won't go there once you're out of debt and you fully funded. You guys thought yeah once you get like ten thousand in the bank. Maybe you up it to one thousand in that safe to having cash, just in case even beyond a natural disaster. Sometimes you just need to have cash on hand. Your bank accounts got locked up for some ray and as there's wisdom and during the tornado that came through national here, I don't the last time you were in, like a an event were Power went out for a couple of days of like that. But stunned at how far, Technology has shifted, people were
well to buy thing. I was able to buy something with my debit card on somebody's cell phone because it had one of those little plug in things it is they it. It went very, very quickly. is what I'm saying so. The I'd like. I grew up one time a hurricane alisha came through. We had nothing, like ten days like nothing. We kept on a camp stove as the whole deal. some parts of the world are still happens is the support of our country. That still happens. It's very rare do. You feel better I do I just you know like I've got my dry food in my water and blankets and whatever else- and I was just thinking wow, I don't have any money and like and the need to put some of that aside. So I want to no it's her thoughts were on it in my life, the more cash I have at my house, the more money I spend on stuff that I really dont need. That's that's! That's it it's the south pole mechanism, that's while I keeping it in the fireproof safe, not just gonna sit in a wallet John had to disappear
But this is a real john. Regardless of what the reason is natural disaster, something else, there is a lot of fear. I get messages, probably at least once a week of some alone, but I was watching the news and what, if what? If this digital money in currency goes, digital- and I I what, if Biden and the irs's is gonna start looking at and itches. spirals out of control, and usually they don't say, I'm looking at the news, I just say: hey turn off the news, turn it off and they go yeah your writer off. I told her on the show, but a buddy of mine who's, a he's, a banking commissioner and he's a just a a brilliant mind when it comes to money. I was hammering him one time just what This is what about this, and I was in one of my anxiety spirals. It's all coming down and he finally said the magic words that were like a light switch for me, and he looked at me, said: hey john, I don't have a meteorite. I plan, like s posed to mean. He goes up. Gonna put they retirement I'm gonna, put money in this. Been this program. I'm going pay my house off, I don't only.
Cars are depreciating assets in its dumb to borrow money under the aegis, aegis, so straightforward banker, and then he goes if I get hit by a meteorite, I'm going to deal with that on that day, because it's not going to waste materials like oh yeah, so Although monetary system implodes and crashes, we have bigger issues that we much been at his house on hand. That's exactly right! There At that point, you know it's gonna, be your best bet your best apocalypse bet. What's that have close relationships with their neighbours- no your neighbours so that they dont look at using enemy. They look at you as somebody to do life with and to get through the next. Her
the hurdles that y'all are gonna have to overcome together. Know your neighbors really really! Well, that's your best apocalyptic move! It's good, not having a bunch of crypto currency. If they're not going to want that the apocalypse they are, the zombies cannot be bought. My neighbors gary and lawn they're not going to be doing much with doge coin nope, but we'll bring homemade. I showed her. My neighbor gave me some tomatoes from his garden the other day, hashtags a lovely apocalypse moment. Now that we can do it, this is the ramsey show the
It was crazy. The ramsay show has been around for thirty years and to celebrate, we recorded a video panel with all of the ranges Yoko house in one room, to take a look back at some of the unbelievable experiences we have had over the years, especially dave who has been- for all thirty of them, so in my episode. We talk about the best and worst calls we ve taken, and there have been some deuces. So we lie at some old audio of dave's thick southern drawl in those early years. You gotta hear that, and we remember some of the most got wrenching inspiring and even bizarre moments on the show. And producer james produce this panel and you're gonna love it. We brought in the actual calls and audio clips from all of those and deftly my favorite episode. We also
about where we see the show going in the next thirty years. You can find all more of these special episodes on our youtube channel the stories from three decades of amazing people doing amazing things can change their lives and live like no one else. So go check out. The ramsay show on youtube and watch thirtieth anniversary panel that dropped last week. open phones, this our trouble, eight eight to five five, two to five, I'm george camel joined today by doktor John bologna and Chad, joined to sub next in san antonio chat, to the show. Thank you very much. I appreciate sure. How can we help Michael today is about I have no disagreement at all with my wife, but I'm just thinking about this and wanted your thoughts on that? It's quite the disarm or leave you go ahead now, really she's want me to buy. Investment property, to use it as a rental on the coast, while mammal problem why to invest money and get lost
But now I wear it. Where did you hear about this She saw it like instagram, video or tik tok or somethin. We actually happen lay down there, already a vacation home of our own and it's a new division with coming common, about. Ok things like a pretty good deal, my question to you or your thoughts, I'm guessing is they're, saying that we could finance but them whatever, and they would like. The sand, but I think they want no higher than seven percent. So my question is much better than that. I'm not scared of putting it in real estate. But do I but more money down. Do I walk away from it completely. Are you gonna want to get your thoughts there? I'm not out of debt. I do o money on my home, which I owe roughly two fifty on my property. word north of Amelia?
other than that I'm debt choice, so no consumer that just a mortgage on your personal, those, terrific, ok, Well, we would tell you to pay off your primary residents first and then pay for any investment property in cash. and that a super conservative and super not cool in today's culture. You know what that means. You're, like that's like six ten years from now, boring the money now the problem is you're gonna go you're gonna, be over half a million dollars and at how much is this new property, roughly four do. You want here other be task. Now it's faithful and how often you gonna this beach house plus a month at least how nice do you rented out and between, or is this just for you guys? Personal use? Only ok well,
You got the paid for any house. What's that worth or the vacation property one dirty towards one. Fifty! Ok, you owe to fifty what's your income It combines we're this year is gonna, be properly three and a quarter way go fantastic income so that she is making three and a quarter. How quickly could we pay off to fifty and then said, up another four hundred yards so that six weeks You guys make three twenty five year, how much of that can go towards these, these exciting dreams you have got I've got some. I got enough, my home in the bank in it's one of those. Scary thing. That was not the last dollar. You talk about doomsday papers and provides like well I'd relic. The banks were, we know words at How much money do you have in the bank? It certainly why
chair. Why? What do you do man? How should I know you should pay your house off that the the year. You have a tax every month we can call your proper tax. which is the a pr in your home you're hey you're, paying every month to not pay your house off like it in in a major event, not anybody anything and being what's a covert hit again and everybody can go to work for seventy two sixty days are twenty days whenever and the country's broadcast it is, and they can't do male checks anymore. The person and oh anybody? Anything is gonna be better off in the person who suddenly can't make any payments as a fair. Yes, sir, having three hundred seventy thousand dollars in the bank in your bank, while paying somebody else interest.
on Monday, the register it just Quickly in saint doesn't get him, it doesn't make sense if he had twenty. a thousand dollars in cash on top of your emergency fund, just as extra like man just in case I could go with you. There are enough of a proper to get that or you twenty five thousand bucks under your mattress gotcha, I'm with you on that, but dude. Pay your house off me pay your house off man and the idea of having this rental house with a mortgage on. It means your profits are gonna, be real slim which means you're, better off making your three twenty five and you are making a thousand dollars if you're lucky in profits on this runnel house. making twelve a year right, yeah so out the scenario with me of three: seventy: the bank. We pass the house today that leave you with one twenty, let's call twenty, that. Your emergency fund, That leaves you with one hundred right. Yes, they've rennell property want is four hundred, which means you, Three hundred thousand our gap. You make three. me five: could you saved hundred thousand dollars in
in two years, making three twenty five and no payments in the world say us so now are looking at this with a very different lens. You called in saying I'm concerned about interest rates. Now, what concerned about anything and by the way. If you if we have six to seven percent interest rates, which is what buying house is right now, if you in the house costs four hundred grand. If you show up to that scenario with three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars in cash and sale, buy it right now, they'll sell it to you and Wealthy people with cash to care about interest rates because it doesn't apply to them. It applies, to people who are having to work through bank to make their day little bit brighter I used up that the whole system this way but how the wealthy hang under their money. Could they have cash when other people haven't scramble to end the it slows down because of interest rates. The wealthy can come
Buy stuff with cash at much cheaper prices and that's how the wealthy get wealthier already gosh so it sounds like two zero years away from getting randal house judge which make you said no, but does. are you gonna path. Your house did a pussy. Is that will be so call for a guy that has paid off his house yet do it for me mad for john aided by going to do you think that's out of our are no better than very. There was a tragic you pass. The test will point better. Software is a different conversation now for Chad. He gets you go to his wife and say honey. yet, there were no house, but it's I take a little while give us eighteen months, and that means we're paying off the house today that freezes, completely, we have a hundred thousand of the bank still toward this house and we make three twenty five put away one fifty to two hundred every year which means we're gonna have this money within the next eighteen months. A lot- and we're not gonna! Oh anything, which means every single dime that comes in is now profits. This
for our expensive are after our expenses and that to me man there such freedom in that I remember and again by and all the investment strategies bear, remember a cumbersome Can we truly munger and war buffet, nay said? What's the number one strategy like. What's the number one thing I could do for investing and I think it was charlie Munger that said Ten million dollars in your checking account cause. You never know and be. well to be the first guy the table with the czech and set out by that right now and you will get
extraordinary deal from somebody who needs to sell something you'll give them a gift of getting rid of the thing. You'll get it at a credible deal. You don't have to go to a banker raised, money eared would have killed. My does your checking account. I'm a long way I've got ten year old, I was taking account, but this idea that dude writ interest rates don't apply to you if you're paying with cash you'd have to worry about what the economy is doing. You just I've got an ally and pile of money. That's right! It's a good problem have but jobs and a great job, and we are genuine excited for this final house in the near future. This is the ramsay shown
welcome back to the ramsey show, I'm george camel joined today by doktor John bologna warrant. Remind you guys it. If you enjoy this shell, please consider subscribing leaving us. Stars living reviews and sharing it with your friends. If this shows helped you in any way we wanted to help more people like you. That would be fantastic, open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five jenny joined to sub next in and Y, see jenny welcome to the show wisely. You could kicking call absolutely. How can john and I hope so we owe a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and add mostly consumer death,
thousands of both to the irish. we are already on payment periods with irish? At the first thing we did when we found our we all the money we have made every stupid learn. Should decision possible later welcome to the clinic I am expecting a child in two months. Currently working remotely have one challenge, cool and long with new ordered. I work remotely the money I thought we were living. In ireland we thought- We are doing everything we had to go until I notice that all of our critical to maxie. Now How is this possible now we can do that. I didn't you budget- and we had a hundred dollar temperature on a monthly basis. we ve been given that for the past year, I'd, say you, two hundred seventeen thousand and debt overtures
yes, and not only that a great purchase, the home. He bought the least expensive home that we can purchase been to new york city area and new jersey area, and I'm one He opened one more than you think I'll decide that they have been rigged out will help us do this. One wall when open that one you all, you realize that you just because the money paid and we've spent over one hundred thousand dollar tricks to ensure that is where most of our consumer debt come from. It's us putting stuff on their credit cards to fix the house for lunch. One thing we've fixed Twenty other data broken and getting. Not correlations, we don't have any card payments, are truly organ have been paid for but, like I said everything else, it's a lot of consumers that now
Why do you say that I've been listening to you guys for the past three weeks since we started our budget? I'm am angry and mad. I don't know what else to do, and I am every feeling in between to get me started and motivated to just do it. they had been able to pick up extra hours and all the time not work but commute to work. It causes around twenty dollars a month between yeah, about two hours away from norway, ledge and taken. Public transportation. It's gonna be on our committee. Giggling and coming back, what's he doing for work, he works out. I mean on another state. So here he helped with the orders of the documents that are needed for those either
hey jenny, I'm gonna, ask you a hard question k and- and I normally make jokes about this- that I'm not playing. Ok, I'm being I hear it in your voice. Okay, you're, a scared. of young kids with another on the way, I it in you, There is something people can roll their eyes and I get then it's worth rolling your eyes at, but if you're born raising taxes newborn raising a york there's an. stir. You can't leave right, are you connected to new york? Yes, and now we have our incremental very flexible with us one, that's one of them one is that we actually move to the next date closer to because we could, It's lady, like I can I'm talking about cut ties completely. And go to another state where you can keep your income year, state income tax, where you can get some
some breath in your life. You have created a life for yourself that your bodies cannot exist in cannot create six hours a day and be parents and be married and be connected to another. You just can't you can't have it you kid. have run a deficit of eleven hundred dollars. Twelve hundred of that is just in taxes and in tone. In an gas commuting ships, If you create a light that you can exist in it may be that the north east isn't the place for you and your family right now. Is that an option for you. What time is it ass? You ve lost your evil lost it. It's fine. Can we go somewhere and start over cause? This isn't working man you're drowning? Leon Joe? johnny added to the point where we are now around seven hundred plus wicked
overcome that we're gonna be going down. I know him because a temporary in your work, over time. Your commuting all over the place should cars or fallen apart is so large. This band aids am I right, if I'm wrong, tell me, but it sounds like I'm right here. The extra seven hundred throwing at a hundred seventeen thousand it is never ending battle. At that point, and so We're trying to find any way you can drastically reduce expenses and increase or keep your income and that might mean making some big sacrifices that you don't want to do right now, yeah, what's your mortgage perry, twenty four hundred, what's your take on pay, you clean up there and they say it's sixty two hundred.
If you are, you is a house in sellable condition. Could you sell it not loose x, I am, I won't, be able to lose after everything we ve been that debt in the house was more. Do yeah I'll. Do ok now, Why not you what we want. It would be a loss yeah. Could you sell? It Take out what you ve invested in it verses. What you owe could you get out clean that word on one's, let alone the mortgage. Gave a twenty percent down the house, it's worth, while purchased out right now for sixty five, and what's your mortgage on it twenty percent out or whatever our mighty jumping down another ok had been paid in the house, we ve been busted over a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. You you're twenty percent back, but you are still on the whole because of all this its figures you invested into it yeah? That's
some cars fallacy? You may never get that money back. Yes, tat made me the biggest stoop attacks you paying your life, but the problem I'm seeing right now is that forty percent of your take on pay is going towards the mortgage. Yes, and that's or the tolls and the gas and the kids so right now you can't breathe so. This isn't a sustainable lifestyle to begin with, even with the extra seven hundred dollars coming in a guy a This is really hard, as is one of those things that were like since the early, afraid of being known, I don't think, be able, but we make now in another state, we still have a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in debt in another state We won't be able to bring home what we're bringing now I am. I would put that out in the world. You you promote correct. Could you move out of new york?
Do me a favor, because I am her wish that meeting? Ah, but required in the office. What make annually make seventy thousand only doing what later I like you, billy can make seventy thousand dollars outside of new york and If you make sixty thousand dollars in the state of tennessee, you keep a chunk of that money, because there's no state income tax you can make signal. We had already think, while math teacher in the right school district sit so heirs of sand I don't want you to limit yourself on fantasy on imagination, because yellow in desperate need of data of facts and you're has been. What do you do at the airport? as a coordinator that helped with the aircraft like a guy, I travel all over the country, so does george,
been to a lot of airports, they need a lot of coordination across cross. The country gay and I beg you what it all kinds of different things: here's what I'm saying, I have to get real about the fact that you have created a life for yourselves. It is not sustainable. You cannot live in the life you've created, whether that means move, whether that means different jobs. So that means sell your house and yes, you're, going to eat the one hundred thousand dollars you put into it that stinks, but you can get out even steven rent for a couple of years moved to kansas, moved to texas. I don't care what you do, but I want you to imagine a life where you've got peace and you've got to build from there. The
our scripture of the day comes from deuteronomy thirty one, six be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the larger god goes with you. You will Ever leave you nor forsake you switching. Jackie Chan once said: wow what a pivot there was: don't wait for the change of circumstances, eugene, And the circumstances that is a good one and other news that was just didn't expect. It asked Well done, georgia, king, the king of the transition lotta wisdom in both of those quotes timeless and modern Aragon, all right open
once a triple eight eight to five five, two to five wills up neck in colombia, south carolina will welcome to the show the way that we know the hard left her and I agreed it's hard to follow the wisdom of packaging and we will do our best. What's what's up with you, you know I was gonna want. I'm wished her head thanks. I had a great job couple board and cash don't have any day. In the house change jobs, incomes going down a little bit will go up significantly over time, but not you should have been really frustrated. by the amount of money to be spent on the two cars there are driveway just generally by them, absolutely and even though we weren't going into the guy who said I just felt like we could have done a lot better job legitimately tag last several years, I'm inserting some general advice on the course
Should the clean your stocks there on what to do so on the czech in general? How many do have To joining one suv for, Now we need to solve them. so selling them you're gonna have to go by two more cars than right. We're headed! So here s the problem I wanted what you got reaction react. Usa, sell em Your thought, I know I need you shall. I know you said one for sure. Right like we ve got out We eighty out dollars worth of car sitting in the driveway. What kind of car is? Eighty two to colleagues will it take or is one of the two cars as she d yeah you now. If I may, to the purchase chapel month you after a car accident, one help me get rid of the day, so
It they're worth eighty combined What's your household income this year, would you think going to be here soon it'll be or drop in for about four hundred two hundred it's still a heck of an income. So perimeter wise ratio, eyes you're still. Ok, you got to pay or cars. Are you just why to pay off the house? And you want to expedite this, what's given you pause and tapir leave, you feel shame over this. What what You violate your own conscience here what You think this was an unwise purchase based on your income, and where do you guys are at financially whom I love him? like I look at it, establishes that we put up, could save not more than when we gator it'd be in a better position to be all or nothing in a bad spot as what's a better position in your mind, I mean
bigger number in the tank. Probably you have a fully funded emergency fund yeah your investing fifteen percent into retirement and you feel like you're on track. How old are you guys. Twenty seven. and how much you haven't retirement I got two hundred thousand, you're gonna have like five or ten million dollars at retirement. So we I am, I guess, you'd better where's, that coming from I don't know how you define better, hey, look, If I'm getting the other day, a six year old daughter was outside and He's paint a picture we like michaels, who got a these low manager, canvasses issues, painting and shoes. blessing your music and being demonstrative. I don't know where she gets that from, but she was waving arms around in pain and my wife said: hey you're, going to knock over the cup and
She kept moving around with her and then she knocked over fell down. and I watched her for a minute and she just frozen sat there. and the water ended up moving all over everything. And, finally, I said: hey you ve knocked over the water. You can't put it back in the cup You can choose to get up and go get some towels so that it does not cause any more problems. He got up and ran to tat was almost like. I just a guy snapping fingers to get somebody out of their. They got stuck in you're wasting a lot of energy and time and your which waste you're just beat yourself up? I don't wanna get another. Why. But the question is: will isn't we could? We should have cool you? Maybe you could have, but right now how it happened in the I think you could do is is sell the cars or make peace with the cars. You driveways george, said financially fine. If
haunting. You then sell a man and they go your day, but it's sitting in, we should have, we could have hurt, say it you're, just choosing the poison. Today, with decisions you made yesterday, you see what I'm saying: yup yup And so I want to see like this limited as this is not a situation that you can in your way. Out of you, just gonna have to go. Do the affair, Can it so well? What's left on the mortgage up three? fifty poet, two hundred and fifty in greener awesome. So even making to undercut. You said your income dropped. How quickly you think you'll pay off as mortgage three years. yeah I mean we ve had a longer corner. I think if you try to adjust them up, just change: do them faster than they would get caught up in sight, lights,
Twenty seven and I sound sixty you're doing so great not on any twenty seven year olds door and their billig. You may count you have what you don't have any dead, there's or forty five still pan authors do loans and here's are caught. We're gonna call it yours like I don't like this. It would Dave calls it, but it applies here that you're stupid tax. Congratulations, you made it ton of money at twenty four, twenty five, twenty six way to go, you changing you're, changing gears at twenty seven awesome. You've learned a woman forward as we build up our business back up and our income goes from two hundred back to four hundred and then on to eight hundred and we're going to spend our money differently. Where Howdy people were toward a foreigner people, and I'm were great with that. we're gonna pay our house. Is europe saying it just about end. We recognise that was Tom. We're gonna do different next time. Can you do that europe here. You have a nice appreciate
That is why we need the call by the lesson. Is that the general? What do you do for a long time? Probably the kitchen but bite in person bury your guy was very high standards for himself. I'm guessing. You are super driven to be doing you're doing making what you're making at your age- and I think it can be easy for guys like you to beat themselves up at every single corner, instead of just grateful and be. Free with the contentment of man. We are so blest. We a pile of money in the bank. We don't know anyone anything we have amazing, beautiful cars and remember the time when something stupid and we have done some stupid things along the way. goddamn again hate Do me a favor will stop talking so bad will. Would you commit to that.
yeah cause you talk to will in a way that if you heard somebody talk that way to a waitress in a restaurant, you'd get up and knock their teeth. Other had, wouldn't you some yeah yeah, you don't say You're not a loser, not an idiot. You haven't bankrupt or family you're, not a terrible husband, all these things that you say to yourself on a regular basis, so stupid so dumb. I can't believe it stop. Stop stop treat will with dignity and respect as well deserves, it was doing a good job go now Yes, thank you for global, preceded good stuff from well. which I've been down that revenue man make a mistake to some dumb. Get paralyzed, because I just beat myself up man, canada, John- could on better. This is clear
john classic jacket where to go to loney. That's the one idiot yeah yeah point you got to please yourself and they go well. If you look in the rearview mirror long enough, you get a crick in your neck right. So let's look in the windshield. It's a lot bigger for a reason: go your future is bright or bratty man way to go. That puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books. My thanks to Dr John baloney, all the folks in the booth and you america do next time, spend wisely save intentionally and give generously the do you love a good day. Brandt want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out your favorite moments from the ramsey show on youtube: go watch and subscribe to the show channel on the hey. If you're a fan of this podcast, we've got more where that came from. As you know, at ramsey we're always looking to protect our listeners from scummy companies, slick marketing and money myths, I'm george camel host of the fine print where I do the research for you to help. You rise above the system, that's designed to keep you broke and in debt so that you can become confident in your money. Choices check out the fine print where ever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-10.