« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Do You Forgive Someone Who Won't Say They're Sorry? (Hour 2)

2020-12-11 | 🔗

Debt, Home Buying, Relationships, Career

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters, Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from the dollar carbon society they see who's today, rabies show where America hangs out to have a conversation about your life, your money- your mental health. My name is video NEO hosted the popular you too. In future power can show the table with Anthony O Neil John Bologna National best selling off there s house an amazing pike asking you to show the Doktor John Bologna show. We are Ramsay personality.
Hosting the Dave Ramsey Show today phone line to open eight hundred and eighty eight two hundred and fifty five two hundred and twenty five, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight two hundred and fifty five two hundred and twenty five have a couple of lines open today. Kelly is out today, but Madison is standing by to take your phone she's, killing me on the phone line today, and so are we would love to have a conversation with you I'll just go out to Wilmington North Carolina you feel good afternoon. How cannot today- and I hope the least I can do now- I illusion- usually the perfect candle from my question under the bridge tat. You are a man, not they forgot. How can we help them? so like my wife, and I were a baby steps for five and six. We both work like learn, jobs and more low compensated, and my wife to come home to be a full time bomb on school or dollars. So we thought about it worried about it. Uninstall support it, but she has
guilt about like leading a six figure in time and also like afraid of failing till I get. her like she's bring in a six figure value to her employer, but she's invaluable to our family. Right denser, I know like will so pliable my income, but are we making a bad decision in order? Can I help her alleviating fear injunction. Let us talk about the income side and I went down to China help you figure out how to connect with her on the Minto and emotion, decided things west, your household income right.
Currently, so my wife makes one five and I make one thirty one care Swain about light, two hundred and thirty six thousand a year, and so she comes home. You gonna go down to one hundred and thirty one thousand dollars a year babysits for five or six. How many cases I have got to go to? How do you feel about that? As a man of the house? Do you feel comfortable with your household income being at a hundred and thirty one thousand dollars? Will you do you, as if you will be able to provide a comfortable way with that income due only we would sit down like everything right now is that goes beyond the biscuit were working that right now in two thousand and four five and six like There is certainly a lot of excess right now, but
either we sat down with looked at the budget, and I really don't think we're gonna have to show like change our lifestyle or an adult We just may not get the timing of the house as fast and as a necessary evil. Do you have We must have six months in your emergency phone, so I now Six. Ok, that's perfect and you all investing everything see, I think, you're in a healthy place. Now I find from a financial person. I am a huge fan of a one of the parents coming home and I say one of the parents specifically because if the wife is the breadwinner on have a problem with the father coming home and fathering, you know that the kids to me that's what my brother in law did and they're doing financially. Very well with that, and so I think, spending time with your kids, especially
Are there young is more important than money, but at the same time we also want to make sure that you have enough money to provide for the home, and you and your wife do so not today. How does he connect with his wife to make her feel excited not guilty coming home, so Phil I've lived this experience and sums gonna talk to you from from my experience or go. The first thing. It's important for every guy out there to understand is there is an entire industry. It's the air, it's the water the air we breathe, the water we drink. That is designed to tell women no matter what they do. They are not enough if they are working. could be working more and taking care of this and growing humans, and if they stay at home, they should be doing this and there's an entire ecosystem designed to make women feel off kilter
and so the temptation you're gonna have- and you probably have had- is to make this a math problem. We can afford this, and then you took one step further and you made it a character, a character issue which I love, which is true. You add this much value you're good at much value to our home. So I want you to hear me say those are no bull pursuit to delay it out like that. For your wife, that's not the challenge. The challenge here is excess since existential its deep rested, with the message she's received. Since she was probably a little girl saying. What is your value? Here's what you should be doing, here's what you shouldn't be doing, and anyway, she looks and leans into there's somebody there. she shouldn't be doing that, and so what is gonna be a great gift to her Is you letting her? No I'm going to stop giving you advice. Unless you ask me directly for it, I'm gonna be here and everyday organ, a hug,
Day, I'm gonna listen to how things are going in number two. She needs to plug in with a gun a friends here, she's gonna, have to do and is going sound counter intuitive she's gonna have to learn. skills in the same way should learn skills to go, be a work, she's gone, to learn skills that are going to help her an extraordinary ceo of your home and we, like Think those things are innate, kunak we're gonna, get married, we're gonna know how to do this, and we will never have to learn new skills or not relate learn how to communicate its gonna, be similar and there's gonna. Be moments of change can be moments of guilt was Gary moments of frustration when she's gonna have to reach out and say How do I not fill in the blank? How do I take it? these two kids in one's cryin once agreement once she had to learn those skills and you're gonna have to provide her a safe, Shane Free space for her to do that. Learning. that failing do that growing in a chicken process, but the fact that you're calling the fact that you are asking? How do I love my wife better? How do I love her deeper and how can I facility
this transition in our family duty is blessed to have you and she's gonna need you not your advice, and I hope you can internalize the difference there to anyone creative us, any woman who is making this transition. You wanna go home, go home, it's an Jordan, everything in it is harder than work most of the time it harder than as the time, but you gotta have a group of people around they can be with you as you develop a new identity, not daddy and again. I said by saying that I'm I'm not I'm not marry some asking you Diego Indisposition, afford someone else. S knee wouldn't even be a good idea to when they're having a conversation ass, the spouse. I Kate Bay. What do you want to do from home like this
I feel as if some ladys are like hey. I have to be doing something. I need to contribute something to the family financially and I think that's a S fair, but it's like my sister, she came home is heard. Her husband taught she's at hey, but I can do this on a sign in and he said, ok, cool. Let's do this when he comes home, he does things she. we will do that. Is that even accommodate? Absolutely it's not in and we live in these polar world right now in this move is an all or nothing Gallia, but if you think about it, she went to school for four years she prior Master we should get six years invested had learned to do this job. I want her to put that type of energy in law. How to be present and running this house all too and developed that I didn't need and then yet, along the way, I'm gonna be a writer, I'm gonna be a coach, I'm gonna have a side hustled, that's all that's awesome. we're talking identity runs like a man. That's the key here. Eleven eleven man we're taking calls AAA eight to five five two to five. This is today rates
you, wouldn't trade, your education for anything. But what about stood alone that well that's gotta, go as splash financial can help splash financial help. You save money on your student loans period. They give you access to the best network of lenders and the technology to quickly get the best refinance offers that suit. Your needs take advantage of historically low rates with splash financials low rate guarantee. You can't go wrong sign up today at splash financial dotcom, Slash Ramsay John Loading, the best possible, show you also to public Youtube, showing come to pack has very soon to table with the meal are here today, which you gave Ramsay show AAA eight to five, two to five triple eight, eight to five five, two to five that the journey
people- do their debt free screams. I always ask them what the key was to making this happen and they almost always say the number one thing is budgeting: that's because a budget puts you in control of every single dollar you bring in every single month. You tell your money where to go a set of wondering where it went, and I remember those days wondering what happened to my paycheck when I got it on Friday and it was gone on Monday. So when you start Ramsay, when he saw me, he start a Ramsay plus membership. You'll follow a step by step plan on where you budget learning manage money the right way and get fired up as you made progress on your debt, free wealth building journey. That's why we include every dollar the best budgeting tool in the world, and I mean is that
best one in your Ramsay plus membership. You get custom reports on your spending habits and YO connect straight to your bank, so dear transactions show up right in your budget Roy away and you can try America guess what for one hundred percent free with the travel to Ramsay, plus don't wait another day to fill in control of your money start a free trial of Ramsay plus just text. The word begin b e g, I n two three three: seventy nine thus begin to three three: seven. Eight nine Leah is in Ohio good afternoon Leah. How can do today- and I hope it decides to talk to both of you- I'm gonna background a million have two kids. How question about back from my plan, we learned about you guys, but much have paid out, by both now and in that way, to go
We have taken six month, emergency commonplace, man, we just opened up alive I away last month. Now I know we're supposed to put in fifteen percent about income or I'll bring home and come into their got irony I get that, but I don't understand how much are we supposed to put him to a full cream milk can combat such a grey crescent, and there's no specific dollar amount that I wanted to put into that? No less rewire, because you said you spoke with fifteen percent into a Roth ira- is supposed to do fifteen percent into any retirement accounts, so the safer in his apple. You have a job it into a for one k, a rough whirling k or former UK in a match. So I want you to max out that match. So it goes in this order. Match
Roth then any top retirement account. So do you have like us in an employer right now to do in a match, and now I dont work enough at my home at my job was unusual about paper benefit. My husband is an honor operator truck driver and we are currently setting up money to buy myself a truck as well, so we were both being owner up truck drivers
you gotta. Let me so you're doing absolutely right it. So you are investing in a right area. So why are we even do us? Tat may be call a smart S approach because even think there some other options you can do as business owners and at the Essen p. You can vessel to that as well, but you do now. What do you do in that part right? So when it comes to the five twenty nine access it thank you and your husband can sit down and talk through said. Listen. How much can we put into it and I would definitely say, look into by at least our aim for in between twelve to two thousand a year as about a hundred two hundred dollars a month, if you can best a bare minimum, because studies are showing, if you could do a hundred to about two hundred and fifty dollars a month, you can have anywhere between eighty two hundred thousand thousand account. If you do it over the period of fifteen eighteen years, and so I asked a bare minimum, but what I'm doing is worthless max and it out with my nephew Sidney said: that's what our, how they reckoned!
His nose set percentage, there's no set amount, is whatever you're comfortable doing ass long ass. You are also investing in to you and your husband's retirement sounds good. Thank you very much, and I thank you so much Leah Good, for you guys can combat man. Love that question like how do we take care of our Keynes man? I love that shines enough. Let s get out the new sought, how kinda and I hope you are you guys, I wonder to day to night, What do you guys, Bulgaria, men, dishonor taught you may would do well? How can we help us all? So I have been blessed it an incredible opportunity and my question is: how do I get flies on this moment, an inbuilt, even more wealth, the young age daughter was opportunity to twenty nine I am currently only true rental globally.
full time job comes about twenty two last year I'm paying due attention in the two of our aid. totally about yet another fifty dollars of three seventy five in both but here the gravy and now you make, but I love that given the opportunity to live for free historical home in my hometown. all the expenditure you tell your pay for- and there is also a budget- will restorations, though I won't be spending a dime You know. How can I capitalize on this incredible moment and an opportune Life and I met my wealth at an early age- male young age. I remember blue. I love this conversation, the start brother, you, twenty something about! You single. Are you single? I am, I think, I'll help random single, but no one here I've been led by the night yeah, but but you taken ok, I got sick.
eight thousand dollars a year? No dead, you have a fully funded emergency. Fine correct collect our right. You have two rental properties. How much do I owe unease rental properties I saw about sixty on one and about one. I'm sorry too, to seventy on the other side were so you're looking at about about to seventy seven and deadly rent properties, but then you're not paying any rent right now when it comes to the profit it you're living it cause. They're gonna be taking care that great yeah What's your current ray, what right now, wherever you're Livin, I'm not I'm, not gonna, I wouldn't. I currently renting. I was living in a home and I just moved out of that. to move, ended a struggle home.
And I'm writing that out. Right now go so you know, I said, is again: we had this caused some something similar to this earlier, not a huge fan of financing, rental properties, or maybe I'm just really not, but because you are ready there. The best thing for you to do to take advantage of this opportunity that you have right now I'll be attacking the sixty thousand on the home, has six thousand dollars and then very negative man. I'm gonna go to to seventeen. It is not right. Ok, that's what I would do in this in this situation and to be honest with you man, I was Yosemite Seventeen without do yeah, I mean tat. Eighty can what you're equity against the two seventeen house- I am always very probable- it probably worth about two eighty to ninety, so I probably have. What would that be? Seventy then leave
a boy and pay off your other house free unclear, and then that money in and by your next house, with cash out? I owe you I own that one obviously it I'm writing it out bird Our money, though I'm gonna, put that you can learn it. I'm getting toward this awful through a rental I'm gonna put out towards the mortgage fell. Just have that paid off. We to images. Goes back to what you know. What what John is getting too as it, which will we want you to pay cash from into properties, but because you are already in a huge fan of you having to be really chicha, but at the same time, if you are in them and you not paying any rate right now, you need to be aggressive gay then I am I end. If I was in your shoes, I would listen to jaws advise years. Why you only making sixty thousand dollars and you have to mortgage- is that your hill liable for us is a lot of weight. Our rather you be,
pay off the more than sixty keg stack up cash go by when he called in to render probably from it takes one mayor of one city to say: everybody go home at both of those renters not being able to pay you think of the month, and those mortgage companies are calling you the day after I now brother, you can be dead. Three have a house that you have out right that you're right now, you're living rent free gave Rio's sentence, Tonia Texas, Gabriel good afternoon. How can doubt to dna?
Guess I I'll do it, I didn't get yes, I would know grand opera, I just I just found out. They ran the show. I'm kind of red, my head around the success to see and was somebody at my salary and be ok. I can I can, I feel, be achieved. His death I work a married. Are you my wife and my own, but only I'll bring on how much bringing in the year. Well it up whereby a year, but after essentially, what are these? with more like twenty six six until tomorrow, my line taken Gabriel. What do you do for a living commitments. We're gonna make word for it for university. Ok,
were Anthony, gets into the money part. Are you hear me directly Antonio God, I was used in Kyoto case, I'm talkin directly to you? Ok, ok. You do is noble in good in the world. That university could not go on without you being there sure. So you don't make it on a money, and you are in the presence of all these fancy pants phds who walk around as those there better than other people. I want you to me say directly, you ever You will work that you do your valuable, I want you to stop hate non yourself in thinking that you less then ok sure they do yeah. Do you hear me directly? How do I do? what you do is valuable brother. In so dont him hall around Europe. Make this guy. You can fix stuff. Do what I can do nothing contingent on a radio? My man? Ok, thank you
but you know what answer here, but we start this conversation with your head held high, that you're a good provider. You do good, You make sure that students have a place with it learn you. changing the future of your city in your state. Because of the work you do better. Thank They deserve. May its major fire me up right. There are some tough he does. So here's the thing to me- and I want to echo what he said with facts, so the average salary in America today is forty, eight thousand dollars so you're forty five You know you're you're, not you're, right around the Bob Heart, so let's not less this look. That fact are here's second fact that that that we have to look at you and thirty one thousand hours with the dead. What kind of genesis- most of the car making a very low, apparently for now you get almost
thousand hours in a car like ours, Ispra. even the most because now the dichotomy that critical nice driver, you called us- you are what kind of car zebra the necessary, as everywhere I wasn t tat. I took it Sudan. Thou Sudan can get seventy thousand seventeen. How much is work all in healthcare Israel, but then alone article and there was the other eleven it you get credit cards. Now just must have been collections. Ok, like what medical bills, medical bills, utilities, ok, medical bills, utilities! I tell you a little ones yeah
Yup nobler- that regulates the commentator gone from political, ok cooker, so here's the forcing Caprio that that gave me. I want you to really consider before I get to the practical here's, a re forcing you get up in a paper near you. Yet I want you to write down his work. Why? I want you to write that down which the circle that five times until night. I want you and your wife to answer this. One question: why why Do we want to change financially? Why We want a better life after an n n. Do not stop talking about it until both You are emotional and you see tears coming out your eyes.
when you have that answer, when I'm about to give you necks and when I have Madison do when we get off to fall, is gonna be so easy for you to accomplish, because your? Why is making you cry when a things my mentor taught me man just a few weeks ago, is shipped him. A whole just thought process when it comes to my wine, I'm going into this nature year, twenty twenty one, that, if your, why does it make you cry, then the eyes of commitment will make you cry. You have to make sure that you really know why you want to change it. wanna make sure hey. Why are we when this is when we start this baby step journey, we Randy solutions, is it's gotta, be a hard process, but our I'm gonna pushes through so you're making good income. Okay, you're right there around average.
the very first day we got to change. This is on my cetera. That's the very first thing and am ISIS starts with where you going. Why are you going there? So that's the very first thing that you and your wife did really dive deep into is. Why do we want things to change financially then from near you're gonna jump on a baby steps and not really want to live in. A baby's has right now, because you know the world knows him gay or what I'm gonna do is give you some. better than a two minute. Three minute phone call with me, undoubtedly Zammit giving free access to Ramsay place. This is our key Miss gift to you. We are sowing seed into your next stage of life. You and your wife gonna go through and take these classes together and
get on a budget, do you gonna live blow your means you're in a great place. Financially. If you follow this, you, you won't be calling annexing how to live in a low income budget, because a budget is right around the norm. You're gonna be asking questions about how to be a well. How do I start thinking about a legacy from my kid? How do I become an everyday millionaire. that's what you're gonna be asking so breath. We salute you. Thank you so much for colonnade, but I want to say, alive, Madison we'll get you there free trial? Das Owen dotted DM myself. May I would encourage you to. Thank you not thank you. Bravo colony, thank you meant it can New Rocky, with rapid solutions to listen to the world. Listen to us connect that's the deal? Social connect, one meal social class at Doktor, John Bologna, at John Bologna at John Bologna, and me at Anthony O Neill and every single day, we're posting self rule.
Innovation around money and with how to keep your net track, but the number one tool you can do right now. The number one thing you can do is come up with joy and starting January. One jump on this thing that mean that not to deny gonna give you and ass man, empty place and everybody listen- and we ve heard in this hour a fifteen year old and to this gentleman who walks around with his head. Looking at the floor thinking he doesn't have value he's got grandkids skids. Allow the house is all aid ranges and between two never too early to get started and, more importantly, you sitting here listening it's never too late to stir It is never too late to look in the mirror and say I don't have to live another sleepless night. I don't have to look at my wife, sleep next to me and wonder: are they gonna be ok. You can access your who follow us
we'll plan. That's real heart is a plant assume doing its art and then be free, but you know what a man isn't it funny that people they don't want to go through a process of financial freedom? They just want a half an inch of freedom. I dont think Ethan. I don't think they know I. I just don't think there are theirs millions, but I think there's tens of millions who don't even know what it would be like to wake up and oh nobody anything. I was talking to a person s it ass. It would you rather live. Twelve years where you are or would you rather take twelve months that will be hard to change the rest of your life? She told me are rather stay where I'm after twelve, because her pain has become cooped up. That's right, so she's
and beautiful bondage. She's, not Willie, and I think America listen to us right now. They are not willing to take twelve miles of pain and China should teach a cavern thing to change the next twelve years. Twenty years, when thirty may, we will talk about you, Gabriel, but today rich, The lonely host of the doktor moaning show
video, the post of the popular you to show coming to pockets were very soon the table with an ill. Are your cocoa sedate here Dave Ramsay Show Triplet eight to five five, two to five triple eight eight to five. Five two to five Tina is in physical or Florida. How can we help today here? You are trying to talk to John then back only Argos September, and I want to give him an update after like I am you make him up raise little idea of this goes well. So what what's the update? it in gaol is ass. I am I talking. You and Hogan I was wondering well, then I had just been diagnosed with stage for breast cancer. Ah, you have you ain't credits. Are you how again,
You can t hurt my husband and I was a coach to help us you're out our way out of debt? Absolutely, instead of instead of one month, you're gay, rapidly solutions are whoever the powers that be over there. You three months, a coach just a baby. two we are get free. Why congratulations yeah how good they were already Twenty thousand for change credit card and how these truck get an We had started when we had started the baby steps and I think May June before I was thank the type of target monkey ran through everything, but arms one called. What's he gonna. Thank you so much for calling to check back in that's a blessing to everyone. Listening more
importantly than your debt journey. How's, your of our union. I feel staunchly I've gotta be lifeline Treatment, of course, which aim for go on? I was able to go, go back to work for a week later, the weak and then my count cake and eat it. Blood transfusions, not back off. Can tell my count come back up, and hopefully I can be released to go back to work and work while I'm will be enough to do so, I urge you to know that we will continue to think about you or continue to pray for you and your husband who continue to pray for your health. Specifically, and I want you to know that there are millions of people on your team and, and my couch that you guys get me is also breast cancer. Survivor, read me perfect codes, to write and there's nothing better than when you
well, to look at a tragedy that life is just dump in your lap right. Just don't do I lap and you're able to grieve it and to take a deep breath. Some people around you that are ready to go to war with you are ready to work alongside. You are ready to sit by you and then you're able to make meaning on the back end in this phone call. Woe is me, making. I want you to know there are millions of people. Thinking is gonna, be there. Debt. We can't do it as it is. We got this going on our life. I don't about this. If Tina did I do it. Would by do it you? How can you that's exactly right, to me to my good friend, Anthony to everybody. Listen to the thing You know my hope Windows. One have one last thing to worry about when I'm no longer here that our reality sure it was gauge what it is but he won't have to worry about money and grieving, be at the same time that such aid
such a good idea, after thirty two years of marriage, it's gonna be a hard one. At least he won't have that to deal with and debt and everything that goes along with that, along with that, he can just concentrate on, his feelings in going through the motions and Tina No, this, but I'll do speak it out to even folks. You don't have cancer, we're all every one of us temporarily able able bodied, we're all hang on to sink in ships and what you are able to do right now is look at it at a true stark, true right there in the mere right- and you can look at that Knuckles husband of yours and yoke and love each other recklessly, because Ya'Ll were uncomfortable for he's needed hard, hard work and I'm so proud of you looking to continue to pray for you. I believe that crazy things happen sometimes medically psychologically spiritually.
and we got your back ever- will, as it shows, got your back Tina, I'm just so grateful that you called in LA. I think it's a Christmas gift for all of us. I appreciate you: kill rock Crystal I was hoping that no again, oh, I love listening to you. I was out of the day that you too back on together- and I haven't- I haven't- got that yet so I was like all right- I'm just going to call and try and get through I wasn't gonna arrow dirty laundry, but Chris actually put a a request in that he no longer be on the show with me, because I'm so much better at it. He is and embarrass him he's learning still this whole radio thing Anthony as much at it, and so that's gonna. Won't we we get pair together, regularly decided on that point yeah, you know what he is a whole modulator. It's not even Israel voice James Back their drops it a few aspects. He's that insecurity, the whole thing, but anyway, Tina you're really speak.
The plant array of America were airing August during loading. Now he's a saint, but again so grateful. It's called. Thank you so much for circle back to rise and we are with you on your journey- has moved forward. Dawson wow, I mean I'd, feel offended at oh. No, it s it s a success story and ass, a swarm here. You know to hear more stories. I dare to encourage people, and I just love her heart. Our heart is ok, we'll listing for my husband to deal with. If something desk way. We hope a desert, but if it is at least one lasting sector in there's something about folks who does it? Seventy percent of die without a will, because they won't look in the mirror and say here is the reality right. There's people who won't make a budget right because they won't sit down. It's a here's, a reality.
Atinas and inspiration. She is staring death straight in the face and shall continue to work at and is continuing to work at it, and man can you imagine Anthony been able to set your spouse of in a position to say what's, common is gonna be hard to make it as less hard as possible, what a gift it s a definite well, not to date, been tin, Brinton! I'm sorry from Instagram ask a question. He says: how can I find the shift to forgive someone When they aren't sorry for what they have done, forgiveness is not for somebody else. It's for you guess. Forgiveness is a brick. That you carry around with you, somebody hurt you they hand it to you. and I'm carrying a sinner block around my neighborhood sorry, sorry and as they know, I'm securing a brick I decide to set that down. I D
if they say their sorry- and I mean it- s- gravy right feels good. We can reconcile relationship, but forgiveness is so that I will not carry that burden around anymore jihadi, death like how do you if it? If I hurt you real bad and I move all of my life, but I did not say I'm sorry how D you release that stress that burden from you? What are some practical things we can do in price, is to do that. Sometimes it's as simple as acknowledging that you did this thing. It hurt I'm carrying around with me I am choosing to not carried anymore and then you will hear pot back up in your head or walk into a room and see you there. My heart will be the little bit not say no. I forgive him up So it's reminding myself, sometimes its head, its traumatic, its abuse right. I'm gonna sit with somebody. Who's gonna teach me some skills. on wine, that from my life and most often it's a decision to want to and we
want to love carrying around injustices. We love king around other people's things. They did ask that makes us feel superior huddled in it, something about setting down a being free. I can deal with it, remained a hassle across me out, though the day Ryan Amiss I forgive you up, but rather because seraphic, even when they say that they just kept us Would you know it? Hey honestly ever gave women. I just kept our move a model. Carry that I'm not gonna have that. I got too much to do had too many people to help people deserve to be focused on someone else's
our rapporteur for this, our America this day, brandishing this is James. Childs producer of the day, Ramsay Shoe you can listen to day, Rachel Bruce Chris, hoping for the rest of the Ramsay network, anywhere with Ramsay Network on your smartphone catch. All of our full shows roused by topic forcing that's your friends. You're in a rut and living life just going through the motions, build confidence in yourself and learn to trust, the God who created you check out the Christie Right show where Christie inspires you to break through your limitations and create the life your proud to live. Pale Christy right. You know it so easy to feel stuck. You have one
just going through the motions, doing dishes, doing laundry carpool lines and a whole list of commitments that bring you no joy. We live like that. That's why I want you to check out the Christie Right show. Each episode will help you felt competence in yourself and the God that creative dear more from the room she network, including look Christie right, should review Lucian Applaud catch page, aims producer of the Dave Ramsay Show
Transcript generated on 2020-12-21.