« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Do I Protect My Savings From Inflation? (Hour 1)

2021-06-14 | 🔗

Debt, Savings, Home Buying, Career, Business

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for. Turning under the Ramsay show. You know we want to protect you from scummy companies, bad products and money traps designed to keep you broke check out. Our new podcast called the fine print where we do the research for you to help. Keep your money safe, listen to the fine print tat.
from the broadcasting, but all car rental, studios, rams or matters casual has taken the place of the Bmw. Those that a simple common Ramsay personality pushed up again Coleman Show is my co host. Today, as we talk about your life and your money, open phones, AAA eight to five five, two to five, that's AAA eight to five. Five to two
five can only can combine, show talks about careers and jobs and getting in the position that you want every year. Are that you for the rest of your life that is, and canvas article it. They got Hannah me right before the show they should do. What about it on your show earlier is probably worth talking about. The great resignation yeah surveys are saying that american workers up to forty percent of the workforce in America is looking to change jobs this year. So here we are, as we are approaching, have through an event. There's gaunt, hey, I'm gonna make a move. So you see this in twenty twenty one and twenty twenty two a lot of you. For changing jobs, you talk about twenty five percent. Is the lower end of the survey? Forty percent? That's an extraordinary number of people are saying you know what it's time to make a change is? Surely a pair of eyes do not on by the pandemic. Here you are, Tropical reset Zhang Life's too short towards
something I hate with people. I throw here's, what happens so we the changes are the greatest concerns for any human being changed scary. It has all this unknown, and so, change is really really ugly. However, when a forced change happens to useless take the pandemic and it was a man- some change for people in law, largely arbiter, arguably the largest area of their life. You think about time you spent at home with family friends sleeping you think about work. That's the thing you spend most time in your life, and so when there's a force, change unanimity choice, you were sent home. Followed, lay off or you are working from home. So now, all of a sudden, your confronting a change did you had no choice over and now you're dealing with that change, and so then we begin to go. Oh wow! This is huge. What reports of my life. What I like to change- and I think that what has happened collectively, people are gone well, I had to deal with this or what look like if I actually worked at a place that I really love. What if I did work that Matter
to me. What would I have to do? What, by changing things, to be able to get qualified to make more money? What if I paid off debt and I think you're seeing people are going, you know what I think. It's time these time and I'm gonna, move here's it's interesting with this forty percent, Erica workers are considering moving into. something also they're gonna quit their current job and you got nine three million jobs Dave than that are open right now. and so it is a good time- is the point because companies are needing talent. They want talent yeah, but if you're one these companies with no soul. You could take advantage of people and now people are gonna come up with a labour shortage. What we already have- absolutely having you're gonna end up not being about cause, each folks are but we're saying Is- is that, because of the pandemic, they should life's too short and that's what the surveys are indicating that that there,
I'm gonna go to work for a company where I have two short again. That's true they're going go. They wanna do some plug into something where they matter where the matters and words, something that they have actually have a freaking talent at that they're, not just there to collect a check the truck. realized life rouge or of an organization of our abject. That's it see we all long. They will benefit from this. We will benefit from it. I must say this again: Coleman Show in Ramsay solutions were position to help a lotta people make this move, because now the day they mean to know, they're. Looking for some of em, don't know they're just going this, isn't it What we teach everyday, as you know, Dave on the Deva only can culture is hey use talent as your tool, your talent our premium tools, you do work We call this passion. You just lie the work and then that, Work creates result that matters deeply to use a. We hire people Randy solutions, here's what you gotta be heavy crusader. You have to be deeply deeply committed.
To the results of hope, practical pass forward for before to turn your life around whether it be on the Doktor John. The only show will you emotional held the king, gos, your You career rail, your money, life room, and so will you come are you better emissions and you better care about the result of life change, hope, practical steps forward for people We all together the interview, mergers and if you did, you won't forget now. If you will- I to us. If we want to just caught, you were the exposed, because this is a different place. we, we remember this morning, a stab me we, this is how we do things and not Nobody needs to be a wee. That's true. Thank you I mean if you, if you want to just say well I've degree and actions on other search. I have a talent and you should pay me for delivering on that talent. New sober happen. No, that's why we're here, so many developers coming now you as develop what we
Erica developer forty hours away, not eighty concern and we work at developer, Were there riding code doing something that matters, and so when they were Look up during the pandemic that in what grubbing go. I hate my job. They woke up and went man. We got a lot of people need our help. It's exactly right, so they're gone hey. I know that if I'm in here and this company coding that it is going to be directly tied to train, formation, I think that's Everybody wants to make a difference in the lofty show. The net result Bobby for the economy overall. If this position is accurate if this surveys accurate, will be a huge increasing productivity cause people leave jobs in back. situations that they are not good at that there are not passion about NGO plug into something say that are good at and be their passionate about in a better situation and they'll produce more waymore, which
goods and services which will help the economy over our really. If people everyone followed again common rule and got in something where their talent and their passionate was aligned with what they were doing every day, that the economy would boom even more productivity rises and durability increases, people stay longer tenure people a place where they go. My work matters. the company sees me Dave. You just touched on this underneath. All of this is a massive warning to leaders and to companies that, if you don't give people a connection to their work. If they can't see that you care deeply about because they could be in her sweet spot. Tell it admission a lot, but if you have occurred, be culture, they will leave you. They will leave you at an end better have a place that is is held you better have a place that has dominated by leaders who care for their people and people feel a hey. You see me, I'm not just doing work that matters to me, but I,
matter to you because you sure how we collectively everybody resolutions matters to the world out there. That's what's sure about this place and companies, adult figure this out, you're going to lose talent at an alarming rate and the companies figure this out. Dave are going to hello, they're gonna grow like crazy and one of the things that He came to the conclusion that I disagree with was that the worker is demanding that they work from home help while those people gonna lose their. That's, not gonna work bad idea by the way, not gonna work. It has Are you trying to all of the data new that's right and work from home does unequal work, shooting I have a great culture,
everybody separated all the time and its we're seeing major companies that thought there were gonna go that way swinging back now again, the third time we ve gone through that he should watch this wave go back and forth and I've been unpopular every time we don't work from home. We work from ear with human beings in the building where we can see each other. Now. I know not: everyone has the means to do a full renovation, but thanks to our friends are blind stopgap. There are some small changes you can make to help improve your home.
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wash this membership will show you how to make the changes. You need to get the results that you want with your money. That's because Ramsay Blush gives you complete access to our online money. Cautious, like financial peace, university. No yours, no your money, the tools like every dollar that actually make sense, get out of the cycle, start making real progress, jump in a free trial at I'm sorry plush, today, text trial, the thirty three seven eighty nine text trial to three three seven, eight, open found here, a triple eight, eight to five. Five, two to five JANET starts off this hour in Pittsburgh. Janet, how are you. I'm great how're you better than I deserve what's better than you deserve. I know it. I've been listening to you and following then
The nineties financial peace, yeah yeah, in two thousand and nine and again in two thousand and twelve, when I was living my husband, repaid off a hundred and sixty seven thousand dollars in that, but got right back in my supper. I did from him sixteen months ago got a restraining order and the kids and I've been living on our own. Since then, I have to admit matters DEC the other grown up. Sixty sets iron including child support about fifty seven five a year. I have two jobs one is I worked for a person without tourism as an aid, and another one is. I work in an emotional support, therapeutic classroom as a professional, I can job, I'm not crazy about there's a lot of danger there and I'm good
nor shall I paid off my last tat, my car answer last week where to go home. Yes, and so on that Yeah I took the rest of the money from the settlement from the house that we saw during this year, market born. We saw the marital residents and I put the rest I am fond of my baby step. Three though I feel like I took two huge. Steps- and I dont know quite what to do- there is still some money. What Dover and putting it in a fund to save up. A down payment for a house perfect, but like the tax burden, move back home fervour some place where they have nantasket jobs. Like you guys do! Ok! Well, you don't have I worry about a kid carrying switchblade into school gotcha, you now, very well anywhere and age, but yeah? Ok,
no I'm done with funding college and all of that that's my daughter's, probably gonna go into the air force. We don't have to worry about that. My son at lunch, page ranch and I'm trying to figure out any have everything budgeted. I just want to show you How to do this house thing right without screwing up because gone back into debt- and I just got out of debt- I wanna do it alone I'm thinking, maybe fifty thousand dollar house the eighty at home, then that talking about moving to all eerie alkaline, yes, and here is a mistake on the lake it can. You buy a house for fifty thousand dollars and european, showing you still can that the problem is a challenging thing as employment market that That's the thing now. My one job will go with me, but
other job out. That's twenty three thousand dollars worth of income that I have to replace really with what I No, that's not Hermes and airy better than tat. I have family there, but mostly the familiar you know I could go pretty much. But I dont have another financing package. That's what I was I have. girlfriend who lives down a North Carolina that the rate of there is some expensive- and I dont think that my second I will transfer down there. Job situation need working time in a working from my son and that's abundant Pennsylvania, I'm golden in Pennsylvania, yeah, was going to ask you really quickly is if the eerie job situation was just a snap, it was already take care of. Would that be your replace of all places. You could go yet he so so how much extra money, if we remove the second Jobbery or in the classroom, is essentially a pair of pro
much money. You need replace on that particular job. How much twenty three thousand! drive it, but you know and make more than a lot you could be ass. A. Let me ask you this, and I don't think that back into summers off with my son, I have a twenty one year old son with autism gotcha. So Ideally you want the summer's off. So what did you do well? Well, that's ideal. Cracked. I so! Here's one trying to walk you through. I want you. Have an ideal list. Okay, so ideally fuck you get a job in the school system is not is scary as the pair pro and in these classrooms whip, these kids that ideal, but we say: ok, let's look for. What's there Not assume that is well too horrible job market, an eerie the mistake by the legs, what you call you gotta pee! HU, the whole area. So let's see what their legs my way. You know that you're no so what's look at ideal and then we will get ok. What
I do there, which still give me a life in my twenty one year old son, I'm gonna work. Forty hours would make really good. My can make more than twenty three and I think you get ask yourself: what can I Well, let's just start with the tools we who can tell it here, Randy solutions as a tool that I can use to do, work that I enjoy so start with. Hey, I'm really organised, I'm really give a people, Unita just do a quick assessment and an hour you gonna kick overcoming the career clarity guide, simple little work. She loves you get feedback people who know you really well see get some confidence on this, but just begin to identify the other day, job that you can do well, that's a better environment and now you're there with family, your saving up and you're you're gettin that house lot quicker than you realize, but don't assume the something out there, you dig into it varies, a work, an area that she can do Dave and make more than twenty three the outcome Can you to save on your baby step three be for a down payment.
When you move to the area, you do not have to buy a house immediately, you can rent for a little while, let's get all these career boxes checked and your income and even support boxes, checked and maybe South Carolina. Usually, I will tell you. There are sections of North Carolina that are less expensive than Europeans. Ring show you're you're sort of assumptions, there's just not accurate, so you ve Everything in here is bleak and horrible, including prices on houses, and then everything in North Carolina is the land of you know plenty and inexpensive and Give me the one of those is completely true. There are some good spots that you can they can airy and land them and some good jobs, and you can pick there and the same will be true of North Carolina, and so these blanket statements now. I do think why there is no one to go to area what familiar is after going through this divorce and all this pain you wanna familiar.
pledge to heal and I'm perfectly okay with that idea. That's fine! The familiarity part of your statement was absolutely truth. That was very good, so you know began to find something make a move there is nothing that if you go, ran and get a job there's nothing You say that you don't find a better job in a different place later and move again. That none of this is is now. These are forever decisions. Shall you gotta get on path here, the too you know, heading in the direction of a career and a house. And in those you're, not in Congress of where you are, I think you can get. There are really do open funds AAA eight to five five, two to five: that's AAA eight to five five, two to five We are faced with a set of decisions like that. Can.
We take a decision making is in war, the leadership things and on trade leadership. There's a couple of things that that that when you get emotional, whether your wounded, angry: whether you're hurt whatever emotion you wanna put out there you shut down, on your Provision and you fail to see how many options, for the way around something you get tunnel vision and options the more options you have. We making any decision the better like languages or make the right decision. When you start saying absolute like there's no drab there or that's me, just always expensive. These are absolute statements that are inaccurate and that's coming out of your pain, this desire amnesia.
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Mr Buzek, Nelson Mandela and I work in a daily. Maybe it'd voice. I, like I say I value so great already Lebanon and got by man Its motionless overruled technicians Dona pipes like that man why to go, what kind of debt was sixty five thousand, it was excluding, let's just say, half of it was stood alone, and then there was a car that we basically got rid of them was a credit cards at all loans. And you did all of this in fifteen months. What happened to you guys, fifteen months ago? Let you on fire like this. You got after we, we did the financial Peace Programme and, after that, my parents, let us live that freedom. Referee rhetoric, The way that I can call so you been with them for a lower you out yet
were actually live in one of her. What was of the cabin and also, MRS basically just victorian eye out. So you know, trying to pay all the loans off. Another was a feat: now, since we base will become free. Our seven for a whole guide go. You guys like fund what what inspired me to take financial picture virtually a well her mother kind of convince us to a typical the course, and she supposed said hey, you know, will pay for the course. So if you go, if you don't, But then you owe me money. It's not enabled slow, fair trade sure you gotta show up after our way forward along album married a year now while ok, so that's a first!
order of business for marriage bone go the God of an atropatia. Get married, get out, adapt dislike the thumb out. You too, I'm twenty, eight, we need next month, ah lobby. Thirty one tomorrow payments in order to launch wasn't: it was all mine, all you're, ok, it was your mom Victoria, the paid for the gorse? Yes, so she during our sun and lawyer? love it. That's great I meddling mother law she's awesome, so fine good for her good for you guys for? Listen, I'm proud of you. I took it nobody, humility to do that. I'm proud of you there on that very, very cool and answer you step in, say: we're gonna get married uncleanness mess up and you just want wide open. This is correct. So what do you tell people the key to get that is well it's just mostly. You know when you are given opportunity.
such as what we were blessed with you know, a lot of people were not take advantage of that. you know. They might actually tried to why you know by car and all this at the start of urban enough. Her so we decided buckle down and the whole thing within, although the beans and rise to know with our bud We have to get rid of the rise in the kind of plan stress from just being, and we won't ask- and I follow on questions below Eighty- even on this way, to motion admiration for my very fun. So when you started taking the class, what was maybe something that caught off guard. You didn't expect that, we saw the you never thought of or something so common sense. You like. How did I not see this as a good small
Another snowball you notice learning how to I should go through the whole program you now that was probably I was the common sense par, but really the non registered there may but I know when we took the course you noticed when you're looking at the big picture. You know not the small picture, it makes sense. You know it's like hey, you know if I'm that furry or word every you know, a week. Pretty much just do anything we want, they wouldn't have anybody holding us back or anything so very cool, and I gave you the fire to go to it there. He, way to go. You got some so proud of you that we, who are you biggest cheerleaders mile family. There you're I would say her talk and her family out such kind about financial peace thing getting on things, kind of a family thing for your family. It's ok, very neat, very well,
How excellent oil Dern knew so? Well, don't I'm proud of you? We got it. I'll be of the book of the legacy journey, which is what your family has engaged in. Changing their legacy in your part of that legacy, and now you're gonna extended on and we're gonna give you an extra copy of the book. The total money make over to give to other friends- or maybe you can inspire them, began the journey with you and I get get going they can be where you are how's. It feel now that you're completely free, wonderful, like the alarm area. Very fond way to go. You guys, congratulations, Adam Hand, Victoria from the kings. portentously area bloodshed accounted down, let's Zira debt breach of three to one where it Were you very well done
Mary is in Macao and Texas high Mary? How can we help today? I gave you we're taking my car hire you better than I observe. How can we hope will I just launched baby step dream, I'm gonna go ahead and certain baby step for soon muzzle able to incorporate baby steps. Six into. the baby factories, so their houses paid as well. However, I'd like to open my own business, it is pretty expensive. My six months savings would not covered at all how would be able to get all the money I need without taking out. Each node and using the home as collateral? Let me tell you that the number one reason that eighty percent, of the small businesses, fail in the first five years. Cash flow problems in cash flow problems created by not,
hang your taxes properly and they come down round your head and debt here's what you do you don't open this business. The way you're thinking of doing it, we have to grandmother way to get out this. What kind of business are you talking about? I like it, but then my own lot, climbing Jim, ok and showed that a very high risk endeavour, don't mean falling off the rock I may risk. I mean the business failing high risk there are one hundred percent of rock climbing gems do not succeed as a matter of fact, very small percentage of them succeed because people make the mistake of thinking. I install wrought climbing and people will show up a field of dreams. If I build it, they will come and that is completely be ass. It does not work there So what do you do for a living? Now?
an administrative assistance, look at why the rock climbing tell me the why not Don't explain all business to me, but why did you think that when you thought of a company- but the only thing I ever heard, he thought maybe passionate about blogging. I've enjoyed doing. I dont want you working for someone else. I wanna work there myself, I do agree with that. I'm gonna help you do that. So do you climate. You do clams and nature now not on a wall right. I push indoor over outdoor. However, the fact that matters you like being outdoor. You like adventure, sports, you probably like hygienist, true or false, yet on China. I so you know work for anybody else. You love outdoor adventure and all types of what like to see you do, is stay
stable. You ve done such a great job, getting where you are. Let's get a second job, but now this time. It's not about getting our debt, let's get. aside, hustle, that in that space and you probably ward for somebody for a season, but let's take people on high, let's do some outdoor? outrigger. People are doing that kind of war, that kind of work and their eyes end or climbing Jones you now you can see them how you can get it by other staff, temporarily yeah, but I'm with you David. She ultra low, set out door, adventure side of things she liked lemon or auction want enshrined. She said no, but we both said it right climate jobs are a good idea, so I want to buy one to buy. I know I don't want to go from administrative assistant to owning that's true,
KEN Coleman Ramsey personality is my co host today, open phones at eight hundred and eighty eight, eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five Kansas City Ernest. How are you good day, valued at other, not observe. How can we help wondering what can I do to try to the money we saved from inflation saved where's saved our distant saving. You can't basically right how much is undergoing Feldman ten thousand spun
Now, twenty thousand emergency and the emergency fund you dont protect from inflation. That's not what is for its they're just for it. Durance show in life happens Commission goes out, some guy get sick, somebody's laid off. That's! What's for it's not that it's not an investment. Investments have to be protected from inflation. By investing at a rate of return, That is higher than the inflation rate, and that's what you have to do you have. To make. The inflation rate is average unless seventy two years four point: two percent So I am not by another two percent to that show you got him. Over six percent on your money on a long term, investment to break even with tax with an inflation, and that's always been the case. These Increases in prices have come, let recently, the cars and houses and building supply as in other staff as well people up again
the dangers of inflation, but inflation has always been there to erode your long term. Investing if you don't do that and so on Georgia view put money in a cd for if the years at one or two percent and employees running four percent. Obviously going backwards and that's not the handling your money well, but your merchants, You find is not for that. Your house fund is gonna, be spent Elsa down payment in your house in the next couple of years. Right. Occasionally so inflation is not going to eat. That does not combine their long enough. We're inflate can get. You is what are you doing with something as a ten twenty, a forty year, investment? That's where inflation get you doesn't get you in twelve months. look, I'm not make sense for you change here How do I use have jumped up and vibration have jumped up, but that's not gonna be a standard way. We're not actually
Ouch projects got twenty percent a year for ten years. Just wouldn't it should not happen. Thus, we ve got other issues in its economy and then structurally, not our wired in Amerika. I do not see that happening, but could we see it for coming off the pen? They make, can we see some of these things, Bob temporarily, you back, we have car prices, are an example of that. In its old it's more due to shortages than it is in the house, and watch the supply to man curves equal out. it's gonna slow. The rate of these price increases, ungracious, not a bubble, and it's not gonna burst, has not gonna go backwards. Fifty percent, or something like that five years from now, that's not what it's gonna do But this driving demand people at home and spit no money except on Amazon for a year. And when they came out their cave, they all one bottle Lincoln House, and they all modest, Lincoln Car, by the way, the lumber factories an open, Megan, tube divorce and the car factories
an open making cars. So we This tremendous shortage of supply, because the factories, operating because willow coverage run around in the factories and nobody wants to go in there, and so they were. Scared to death, and so we shut the factories down. We suppressed the economy and that, so there is a shortage of two before is not because there is is spike of demand, but because What making Freaking tuba force There is a shortage of blue to make plywood. Why? Because big run on plywood. No because a clue factory, one open. Ok, it's a simple think so. It's gonna smooth out because are up like crazy, a shortage of ammunition. You know why Biden you came by bullets. Ok, that's why, and you know what we're going all kinds, those of us there- firearms aficionados runner, we're having
check out for our ammo because are making ammo so freakin faster these factories trying to catch up that it's alive. it's coming out effective, which is dangerous, cruddy blow your gun up in your hand of the bad Peter Bullet in there, and so just gotta email. I met this morning for friends and I just bought some bad stuff in just about got killed with show you don't eat, but that's the point factories are gearing up like crazy trying to catch up and as they. Catch up, you shall work and gas gotta move there. Really. Why? Just what people are said? Inflation can get really scary to people and remember the media exist a freak you out our aid, that's what we are all talking about trust. We it's everywhere a big boy, if you listen closer Davy Lean and you can literally or the headline goal Bob Palm Paw and where's freak people out. Here's the deal is a sham The term inflationary lay like a bogeyman, Sir Nigel now we have definite buggy monster, the covert dad it's another gun avenue bug wrote looking much
see where we are next year as to whether this is true, inflation hike, verses, just a short term spike, because the whole supply demand thing. The things get even back. I actually think that's true. People eat or actual, but sit tight, whether this spike in me prices at all. The things that are better off having to do with that prohibition system and everything. Goin off line it's gonna take away. This was the biggest artificial shut down in it history, mankind of made kind it so you don't just war met machine backup. It takes a little while four to get home and well in some of these core operations or my word about optics than they are actual says, who literally true and southern, not reopening. Just because one crazy, you know, active or somebody's gonna, bet about two million people on Twitter gather seventeen people on twitter snow bit about stuff, and so there are working
how things look nor are they actually are there not really worry about measures make there were about some by bitching about me an open, that's right, that's what it is, and so each corporation have no soul when they have no principles, no backbone, and so then, What's happened in these situations, and on that, of course, those of us that did open and did run our businesses we're trying to kill our employees. Jellia diagrams you tranquillise employee, the area from which is common, counterproductive, because I've got no employees. I've gotta go rehire em, all its obtainable from its kill, kill him off problem you don't wanna, kill em author, their hard to replace dome so that's what's going on now, man aren't so earnest turn off the news. Yes, avenues. Get your financial advised from Fox NEWS, your financial advised from CNN for God's sakes, those people, on the tv in front of you all have a hundred twenty thousand our stood alone that so don't let them talk.
do you about economics, and they don't even know what inflation is. It's only on the prompter in front of him. That's it! I don't even know what no one voice sugar refining anchor man exert every clearly right, you're getting funny so vice from run burgundy. What's wrong, this picture, but he doesn't even know it's just a little number here's overhears, scarier, part Davis, given full by deceit not always around Burgundy reading someday prompter, a twenty, What a twenty five year old producer, typed it in their forum, they don't understand economics or inflation, say I'm. I remember. Jimmy Carter gives real inflation ray. I was real inflation that is not supply, demand, curve thrown off by up and endemic. That's right. For economic suppression. That was not that's a different thing. We had
bad monetary policy over a decade, yes from the seventies up into the eighties, and we were jam and at ten to fifteen percent inflation rate per year for a decade there. I remember lower interest interest rates at the height of that you remember that was the resulting thing that that ended the Carter administration for sure yeah we had when I was twenty seven February. Nineteen, eighty one interesting Twenty one, our own rules, that interest rates for a home were seventeen percent couldna skirmishes, fixed rate, seventeen percent and that was the undoubted and enemies here is interesting. Three years earlier they were ten. While Why not? When I got my license eighteen years old in September, I remember it went from nine and three quarters to ten. For the first time in modern history, we had ten percent mortgage rates
and people were Screamin ridge about a window, little sure that the world is coming to an end and little did they know, is going from ten to seventeen and only about thirty six months. This crazy, that's real inflation. The word battle short term for other, just don't worry about the short term and long term reflection. I feel this is the rams have a friend or family member, the needs of daily those Ramsay advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day podcast, it's a quick of advice about life and money in under ten minute check out the Ramsay call other day, pod gas, wherever you listen about gas,
you're in a rut and living life just going through the motions, build confidence in yourself and learn to trust the God who created you check out the Christie Right show where Christie inspires you to break through your limitations and create the life your proud to live pale Kirsty right. You know it so easy to feel stuck. You'll have life going through the motions, doing dishes, doing laundry Harpole lines and a whole list of commitments that bring you no joy, like that. That's why I want you to check out the Christie Right show. Each episode will help you build confidence in yourself and the God that created more from the room she worked, including what Christie Right should ever you pollution applaud catch, hey it's James producer of the Rams issue. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2021-08-07.