« The Dave Ramsey Show

Help! My Husband Needs Ideas To Make More Money! (Hour 3)

2021-08-09 | 🔗

Budgeting, Investing, Home Buying, Relationships

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for turning under the Ramsay Show, you know we want to protect you from scummy companies, bad products and money traps designed to keep you broke check out. Our new podcast called the fine print where we do the research for you to help. Keep your money safe, listen to the fine print tat.
Quarters of Ramsay solutions, broadcasting from our car rental studios, it's the Ramsay show what added value and the pay it off for. He had just taken the place of the Bmw status, symbol of joy and Abraham two euros procure I Ramsay personality number one by selling author business booty or new book on pre sale. Take back your time. The guilt free guide to life balance on sale now, for twenty dollars at Ramsay. Solutions include two hundred
dollars worth of goodies to go. Whether include a live stream event that tree and I will be doing on September, the sixteenth she'll be doing and I'll be doing a little bit of it, but I'll be there. and I you guys in on some are some life, when it comes to balance. She's gonna, walk you through the process open follows a triple eight eight to five five, two to five: morality is whether such Dallas high melody welcome to the Ramsay shy. What's up, I think even once for talking me sure, how can we help so my husband- and I am- we have four kids they make about. Around here, not just tat idea I'm with the kids, and we cannot garden overheads. Furthermore, gave you a little bit tightened At the end of all those we have about less than two hundred able to go to settings, I'm just wondering if we
If I'm right take down we're just wondering what we need to do because we we're stuck here. And he kind of his open q working a second job and you know saving money they told you can go back to school. something, but he does not want. Could be like you know. He puts his life working to job, Oh he's kind of like I dont know what to do here. If I should try to work up my company, could he likes the company but It's not making enough right now. When you said I'm question carries, but one part of your question melody said we're stuck here What you mean by that? I just wanna question that before we dig into others, oh what we really like it here, and everything so great about the area by some new given neighbourhood and they said that don't want anybody to sell for at least a year from buying.
Can I can then determine that I don't think so, get me No, I was wondering if that even legal I dont know knowledge in the paper. Told us, it's not there's gotta My you'd restriction it from selling. For here. That's just a So how much much of you may like to use it, We had a thousand right now, but they said that because I am for tax purposes, it'll be more like fourteen next year, and then we haven't my taxes for water and it just adds up so fast. with forty any thought after taxes and with four kids Realistically. We have to have a path for his income to go up you need to sell the house, one other to show you, asking your asking the right questions
It doesn't matter how much you like it is, whether you can afford it and you can prosper. Wouldn't I've got to your house. Payment is probably about forty percent of your take on pay. And to your heard about, we figure it at this point to your husband's point melody. He doesn't want to work to jobs forever as the path to keep this house. never gets a sea. So it's not a good point. Neither did it, I mean, like short term, and that could change them. That's fine fail, not long term. Let me direct you to kill common dog com can is rams your personality that teaches people how to find what they're good at what they love and what gives them some passion. And then started and only then start asking the questions. What do I have to do to be One of those that's a ringing calls it get clear on what you want to do and why you wanted to watch it. tell your passion what is it that that you'd
of doing and what you're good at and then. From that you got. Ok, I don't know, I don't know, show you have that degree or I don't have that certification or I would need to go, be an apprentice to do that, there you say: I'm I've, gotta get qualified and then I've gotta get connected Those are the first three of his steps of his path stages. to getting the work, the dream job that you love show moving up inside of his company might be the answer, but only if it's moving towards something that he loves doing and that he's good and that his passion about any she's himself jazzed on Sunday morning on Monday morning right now, so we if I say ok, five years from today, three years from today, two years from today, what could I be doing?
If I could be doing anything, I want to do and I had all the necessary degrees- and there was nothing Allah me back. What's my favorite thing in the world, and I could make eighty thousand dollars here, maybe who start asking yourself Edmund? Then you don't take something just for money for sure. That's a Babylonia, but you also don't take something discuss it in front of you and your saving else lightly, which is how we got here. He's took a job, yeah yeah and that's what mostly It's not a bad thing, but the Good NEWS is the House of Commons. You the wake up call. So I thank you. has it sit down together with a kitchen bad and you do some soul searching about what he's going to do with his career and is that then going to manifest itself in the more money for enough to keep our family from being broke due to their house, and I thank you I think when you run those scenarios melody, you start look at the numbers and go. What does he
to make it for you guys to stay in this house and feel good about it and afford it and then You know. Is that possible with this track that he's on, but then you look at other after it may actually be both. It may be changing careers and You still realise this, isn't it how we need to stay in in the season and that's ok, we you start to lay out all the options you have chain career. Second job sell the house. I'm combination of that. You just start to feel more. in control because you realize you're not painted in a corner with too bad options. You have more options, you think so you have been some time just like Dave said. One Kids are down where you can. This lay all the options on the table and that will immediately reduce your stress because You can see all of the paths. To get you to where you want to go, and then you can make the best decision does not make sense I also want to ask you what you thought it would be really it for me to try to do so,
you come home, having poor kids there, five and under the tough, but it can be done. It would require you to give up any time that you by yourself right now, so would be before they wake up her after they go to bed. That would be one that would happen realistically, and so it's just, I wouldn't even know where to start. I dont have what kind of tell you what we'll send you a couple of things from the stingy copy, Christy's book business boutique, which with your idea of what you might where you might start and a messenger copy against book, the proximity principle and I want your husband to get on- can common dot com tonight because we need a track. ports make an eighty grand and I don't care how what the tracking if it's three month three years two years one year-
five years, whatever Anita Track, if you're not gonna, put that track in place, you need to put the shouts up for sale. This is the ram she shall look out, it's easy to put off taking care of something like life insurance. But now, more than ever you have a responsibility to your family. Get it done terms afraid of recently dropped and its action. Easier to get coverage now with many companies offering to skip the medical exams? If you don't have life insurance or not enough, you need to step up. Care of this and let the team at Zander Insurance help gotta zander dot com or call eight hundred three five. Six forty to eighty two
We welcome the ram Felicia Grisly right number one by selling author and Ramsay Personality is Michael Ocean. Today, answering your questions about your life and your money. If it feels like no matter what you try to do or how hard you work, you cannot get ahead. I know the feeling, lasting stress born, sometimes then terrifying, you do not. Have to live like that, if you're sure I'm tired of being sick and tired decide that you're ready to do something different. So you never result it's time to commit to a plan that actually works, financial pressure, perversity is the step by step plan. That's all, Millions and millions of people pay off debt Control of their money, combined
or the premium version of the every dollar budgeting tool and you'll make progress right away. It's the. It's only available where the membership to Ramsay plus decided data break them. cycle of living paycheck paycheck this month only we're taking thirty dollars off the price of a twelve month. Emily plus membership and it's got tons of stuff on it. to be sure. Firstly, and every dollar are just part of it start with free trial of Ramsay plus today by text try all to thirty three seven. Eighty nine text trial to three three: seven: eight. Nine Michaelmas Witherspoon LAS Vegas High Michael, what's up, I heard you do do better than I deserve. How can I help pay saw my nor any like financial teaching, except for like Youtube, and that's where I found you. I owe two hundred eighty thousand dollars on my house.
Did he granted the bank, and I was wondering, should I put that hit the right order, principle or in the market, and what the reaches my house pay off: then bought out and pay off my house given either Dep. Now giving further savings I have another fifty thousand admire copper tyrant thing, but I can't allow tell em retired, personal way to go on being that free. That's awesome, you're in a great position you do want to have an emergency fund. You wanna have a full. they funded emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, so that would be for you, but you wanna make sure you set that aside and that's gonna be in cash in a savings count that you can access. Any time does need to be invested. It doesn't need to be complicated and you dont want to put that towards the house, because you need to access if something goes wrong, but then the rest. What you're gonna do Who is it with you?
already investing on baby step number for you and invest fifteen percent on baby step number four and they will take the rest and Put it towards put it towards your house Anna and drop that down. You should have any type of fees or penalties for paying. archer some at one time, and that will drop your drop. Your balanced, Cloning is making progress at the same time, maybe step six short. I called the deal. Is this. I am honoured that you found us on Youtube it scares me that that your only source of information, I dont think where we live credibility. We do we do this for a living, but you probably need to get some books. and some other things I'll, send you a copy of our by showing book the total money make over which will walk you through the whole process. Profit. Building wealth and Christy's exactly on track. There We teach a process that little
only tens of millions of people have done called the baby steps, which is the shortest there. just between where you are and wealth, which the underlying question you asked what the fastest way from made a big wealthy, meaning pay, of my house have some money. Is it put the mindless marketers about my house with the money so you need an emergency fund, a three to six months of expenses as she outline and you put the rest of it on the mortgage. The reason we cited do that, rather than invest, the difference is that. The data that we have. Having studied ten thousand millionaires, among those that became millionaires. North of eighty percent of them did so, but to primary things, which is most of them another, they got up. They gather home pay it off, and that was a big chunk of their network and they steadily invested into their retirement accounts or theirs deferred com for a one,
a rough. I raise something along those lines, but usually it was for a one Kazan, Roth Irish deferred comes ITALY down the list. So you know that's what I would have you do. Some work to get the house paid off and then that's paid off not having a house payment enables you to invest a lot of money per month and the? U of advantages, so you're able to build wealth very very quickly, then she loves weathers in Vancouver Washington, high Sea la how're. You gave me My call sure what's up here, so I am twenty four years old I married I just had to set our first baby, he's tenfold now arms and gradually end
Thank you confirm inexpensive, so so my question, as here in bank of a Washington, as you got probably know, the cost of living here is, after nominal, I'm a decent housing and gave the neighbourhood is anywhere from. This is a minimum of three twenty five three fifty, but you know what you're gonna get a sizeable house if we want to have another. Avian have a three bedroom could be like four hundred thousand, and so the twenty percent down payment is very, very large amounts, and I'm just wondering for people my age, especially the millennium John View generation, Optional down, so we have sixteen thousand and our savings account we ve got two thousand and stocks. We're gonna have forty thousand by August of this next year, and I am just wondering if we should just do your gun verses, doing all of their liking. It out. If that makes sense. Zero down. I would not buy a house the major immeasured if
you, don't have any money, you shouldn't by house. That's bad plan. You're gonna get yourself in a pinch. So you need an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses and your dead free before you start talking about buying on first time home by don't say. Had we don't tell me what you have to put down twenty percent? It's just preferable, because if you don't you point two have p o my private mortgage insurance, which he's gonna run you about seventy five, two hundred dollars. per one hundred thousand borrowed per month, so it turns out. A lot of money going to an insurance program that pays them the mortgage but in any event, you get foreclosed on that Applause lavished on homebuyers and homebuyers programmes show There are no first, I'm home bar programmes that don't have some kind of mortgage insurance backing on them as it is, to be very, very expensive and leave the whole premise of a first. I'm homebuyers programme is that
first on homebuyers, don't do not have any money and they goodbye house anyway. Well, that's a dumb but idea. And so I stay away from those programmes that there really not a big blessing And if you don't put down twenty percent, I'm ok with that, but put it on a fifteen year fixed the payments, no more than a fourth of your take on pay and let me tell you what, if you then Vancouver. Washington is an area you cannot afford live in under guidelines. Then that means Vancouver Washington is an area you can't afford live in. You may. be able to afford to live in CAN Valley, either or in men on Manhattan Island. Very, very expensive, Realestate. There's a lot of areas. People cannot afford to live in it because I don't make enough money to live there. I don't think that's who, in your case, I think you're out there looking around houses new to sell some, you liked, in the new start cry putting this narrative in your mind that you can afford
that they only houses that you can afford or are the only ones you like are the ones that all they have and that's just not true, so uneasy take your time. He continued learn. The real estate market you get a good downpayment implies, does not have to be twelve twenty four. Down, but it does need to be a fifteen year fixed and for the payment is no more than a fourth of you take on pay. If you don't do that going to. Slow your wealth, bring dramatically because you here's the wrong side of assumptions to handle your money. That's gonna put you in a pitch, anything I just encourage you to think about is even if you want to have more children, the future. You can look getting a larger home when you have more cash in the future. You D have yet to have your first home, be the house all the bedrooms and the location and start a little bit further out of town, maybe smaller less bedrooms and a few years that home values gone up. If you want to sell and you got more cash saves you'll have
absent. You'll have to do it all right now: you're, not the russian bear. So this is the ram chef This year I Ramsay Personality is Michael O today in the lobby of Ramsay solutions on the dead free stage bill near where those guys. I worry,
grandma you better than I deserve. Welcome forty olive Jacksonville Florida fund Welcome to Nashville I hear all the way up here to do that free scream. How much did you pay off three hundred sixty five thousand wow, nice. And how long did it take you? Thirty seven months, oh wow kick and your range of income during that time to aid for fifty. oh well, you guys do for a living membership sales with freedom, book club, ok, pharmacists, honor good good for you guys world So three hundred and sixty five I dollar. What kind of debt was there? My students learn Otto Loan and Elise with himself furniture, and for one cologne and our mortgage loans were removed
doing while show how much of this very sixty five was mortgage and how much was the pharmacy student alone this loud when we committed to the plan was about five thousand, but it was seventy. Eight aid at the beginning, ok, so you are, I was thinking on, was about to sixty five vocational- and I was the launcher, actual excellent. So you can just got Seven months boom boom, one beside the do it it's gonna, that's right! Just like their eyes are gonna hear the story. What no world got you shall fired up. Well, we have to go back and so about six years ago, you're looking at our marriage was not in the best of shape and mountain of debt. And so I began my own plan. Looked at first, in my still loans, and in nine years have paid off. Thirteen thousand towards the principle
forty five thousand dollars in payments. That was my hand Mona moment. It's our began, tackle in the debt and secret without husbands, I'm awareness to alleviate some of the marital stress and so fast forward to the followed twenty seventeen we got plans didn't to a local church through our children and family had been praying for us for years, and our sun was saved. That went her hand him, and I were baptized that spring yes, and so we entered in to a fast and tithing challenge, and so that's when I had to basically confess to bill that had been paying off dead. without him knowing and betting over well, so we had to get through. That end
Essentially me no had asked for forgiveness. And once I got him, come on board It was on our way over to Nashville driving over for my Grandpa S funeral We were listening to your show and he agreed to do it with a with me and so then we began and a year later had paid off Lara consumer debt. establish our emergency fund and and then began the mortgage and so on. See him and was speaking what's the church celebration, church all around us and Bill great, yes, a bright church, wonderful, very cool, they ve been a great family for us being a that kicking screaming and into the day. Ramsay Pro programme kicking on forever forever grateful for it. Now, while I'll show you both MAC, How does adults in this process? Yes, media, advertising
very very ok! So Twenty seventeen She comes and goes. I've been secretly paying off debt so what was it that piss you off about that the fact that it was a secret and you ve been deceived cause like I have less debt that make anybody Matthew, yeah. I think that the big thing was how like everybody else, I always think now you can put them the into you have some kind of India. Make more money than what we were paying off rusty loans, opening? That was the big thing in our salaries. Talk about about it at work with. Nobody likes secret yeah, that's not cool right! Ok, that's! Fair! Ok, interesting show you're right, you're, making the trip international radios on you guys are listening, and you're you're like trapped. Can't get on this car and she's got that radio alone and so you'd, but something you heard started click in what was it? I think that
Oh yes, aha moment for me was she said want to get rid of my infinity lease and go by a used car. I think that's that's what ultimately baby say. Ok to this day. Rams got worse. Now this is he's got way too much influence her and learn about the air at our unreserved as it may. We will wait for me. I was cars where a big thing ok and he knew that. He had slain and pay attention. So there you for you to say that bills whack world this just got real. It yeah! Ok! which, for my wife, the car that she driver drives. I'm a lot more concerned about it than she is. I can't I'm like you need a better car. Ok, should card is not her. She don't cars on earth. but you gotta know lot, but now, thou yeah, that's interesting up there, the coup, you guys very cool So your son was how old, when all this happened when using
grade, Soulier grossly or didn't want with a friend the church, so he there was a friend that he knew went to celebration and had been talking about it. And so they woke up on Sunday morning, eight a m dressed and ready to go, and we take. We have tried to take em the church who a couple. years prior? It was the train wreck lawyer and, but God It was in this and he was leading the way and what them we walked in the doors we felt like. We were home, I'll, show hate, he got up address, Our job undertaken a meeting with his for now, the registered and added in the whole family while yet unknown our son and daughter, like we're going to church this. These are hours of the youth programme is based on their freedom, not by than they had the emblem of the youth programme at all they had in and out when they were on spring break. With my dad stepmom. They actually picked out a church
got online picked out a charge cause. I always went to church with them when they went down south charged with similar and got us plugged, it is cool, that's a mechanism so power, while others story and now, Odette House or anything. What's this house worth work boarding to Zella and the current market and around five hundred as far as Europe, is that I feel so amazing our neighbours directly across the street, just pay them yeah. So we come out and cheer each other a love, that's awesome! Well, what's the secret was that was then what and take away. They like you, gotta, do this. If you're gonna get here, I think the biggest thing is really doing it together and in getting got involved in them and just being obedient yeah and I'm being determined yeah and not giving up gets hard because it does get heart yeah. It gets
and it's worth it look at his eyes now and is on the side of it, and is there a peace and contentment that is on describable houses affected your marriage, It's totally brought us back together, we're doing things as a as a cup doing things as family now, I spent my eyes- are impressive, Loveth, my? What three year Journey power, almost dropped on the place is not even the same. People living in that house net is complete. Really changed very very be cool, go on. Actually our own can little sitting here so you're plugged into the official babies. community I'll, absolutely Marianne, Mercosur, you're you're a big deal and that community they wear them sit near your big dollar, two thousand three thousand people a year Kay Meyer than your big deal. That's fine! I love! Can that's cool aright three sixty five I'll get the kids in one of their names and ages, Bailey,
Seventeen. Our daughter, Libya, is fourteen bar. I threatened do Barboza bright, Arbed. Thirty, seven months, maybe to eighty two poor thing: kill him on the income to count it downloads, zero dead. British grew three two one, who really call this the rams?
our scripture of the day, Romans. Five four and five patients produces character and character provisions, and this hope will never disappoint us Thomas Edison said what a man's mind can create. Man's character should control Christy Right, Ramsay Personality number one best selling author and is my co host today room? She personality The Anna is Witherspoon Jacksonville Florida idea welcome to the Rams Asia? Thank you, Sir truck driver and forty nine. My husband is a couple months. He wasn't my toe drive her. But he went out on medical issues two years ago. I'm in
then doing hardly disabled. We reply, he loved to have long term disability aid, but we have to fight for that each month for him to get that check, but he is getting his love for fire month. Oscar disability, and I did my and I like eight hundred and forty seven dollars a week- bring home and I am on salary, and that is, after all, the insure does Love Life Insurance programme. I check all that comes out ahead of the number of her. my husband is, On board their me down I think, all the credit in getting caught up in the sky with you about and the girl- and I had a conversation with them this morning. He knows my so give me every day, I'm only homesteads times a year or so I dont get to go home use at the house and he made me so
this was on the Shannon. What hence We also have to doing accounts moose check those it the child gets done my account alike, gave a majority of the girl than his check his medications that this food- so you're over the robe. Yes, yes, and I'm done I want a job, but I did I like they take care of us here when he had a problem. They looked everything out and help. This is welcome. Disability initiated getting, as I saw emeralds and disability now he meets the criteria. You got your hard work in another way, I've had my brother Mccloy driver. Now, though my kurdish
forty thousand seven dollars. It vanished. Seventy six hundred- the cycle, but must also look can't drive anymore but was but those that on and if I did I'd turn my back, can I would get chemo I was on it, he decided alien give to get rid of it. I did check on that. We are familiar with, our we'd have been constantly thinking up stuff from his late wife did you buy? She died of political issues about ten or twelve years ago. Yeah? I'm could emerge a law, we start but he thought, but they paid for that is getting on with pull up here for a second year, the the first thing that stands out to me is is the fact that your operating in
lanes I know, there's a lot of variables. There's a lot of debts. There's a lot of bills. You get checks coming from different places, but the fact that you have separate account, and you are responsible for these things. He is responsible for these things. That's a piece of that influencing how you view your approach to money, more than you realize it's not just the account that the money citizen it's the way that you approach it. and so putting your money to gather into one joint account worth all the come goes in and then you go sit down and do a budget for the first time together, starting his conversations and putting money on the same place. Will we will give you something different to work from, whereas now in its equal. This is mine, and this is yours. It almost in firstly, you have, but with money came off the road. The thing that you common was gone, He sits at home, you're, not home ever and
he is. He has a set of problems and a set of money. You ever set problems and a set of money and their completely supper. right. It as if you are married, is what you described So let me know when you talk to him about began on board the plan, the framework your operating and is even conducive to that plan? I guess this autumn thanks. I I'm not saying he'll be super excited about the plan. If you were to combine your account, but I think that's an important first step. Your luck, the ideal roommate you're never there as well. Armenia now we're very what you can find you We wouldn't like each other for a while. You are not addressed me. I'm not suggesting you divorce. I'm telling you that on a practical level your day to day lives are so separated that its very difficult for you to have a common goal and show what need to do a step back from this and set a common goal for the two of you
The common goal would include you being taken care of, and him being taken care of, so he s got this these dealing with the emotions of not being able to work, and he was a hard working dude. And he's not able to do that. Now that's emotional for a guy for most parry an hour and then you're, looking looking at a bike over arrogant rod anymore and you come home from the road and go your best ideas sound his bike. In that that's! That's! Not gonna fly real good, you know, and I am sure I'm sure it was not a good conversation so, but the way For that is another reason: you're not wrong to tell him shall abide by. It needs to go. I agree, but the the Is is that he's got the Ceta needs and once over here and you ve got a completely different sets a week. You need to draw back from that, and you guys They began phone, get on the phone call, get get back in town and reset and say: ok, you're, sixty five,
when you're seventy five? And I and fifty nine where are we gonna be? Where are we What we want our lives to look like We shall then be operating. They were operating now with careers. Will you gone? all the time at fifty nine is that what you want to do is not a bad thing. You just have to do to do that on purpose. and where do we want to be with our money, what is the steps that we need to take with our money to cause that future out there to occur or nothing bring up a good point, because with her husband going out on disability and on how recently that happened, but the facts of that year deal dealing with and saw wonder when you start to have a conversation about a common goal. Even asking him some questions like in this transition. What is something he could get excited about? but that is what will be how he spent his time? How you is there something he could do a hobby, some something that that within his
studies in this new reality- that he could get excited well and that will then flow into the conversation about money and goals, but in this transition. I'm sure it's been incredibly high. but when you start talk about values and dreams and the future like you're Sayin Dave, then then you know what to do with the money. Both but just to zoom out a little bit because you're right, they got through the running income. really separate lanes and you gotta come together on what that desired. Few. Your looks like what is something you're, both looking forward to and working toward, and that brings you to go to work towards it in your individual ways. Now, and you know, the thing is the umbrella km of what we want. Our last look like should be big enough to have both of you under yes No, you know any showcase Sharon Dave where young be in ten years look I were sixty or seventy. Where do we want a base where we want our lives? To look like oh crap, we need to make some moves to cause that happen to cause that Our future is Henry Cloud calls it that that view
of the future that vision to occur and if make those move, because what is happening now, if you're, making all your decisions based on what happens by Friday and one up his by Friday for you is distinctly different than it is for him very distinctly different. what have? What you want together for ten years is probably a lot more similar. Then what happens by Friday, but then you can, Give up something that happens by Friday to get to the long term goal. Is the motorcycles not the ten year plan? You know it's not what you think about the new ten year plan there and something else could be in the tenure bright. Something else they get should be should be in the ten year plan, so that
that's the way to aim at it and get it going in that direction on day or under the Uno. Don't put you into Ramsay Plush for a year and that you and your husband work on that, there's something you can both do and discuss while you're on the road that we can be taken at the same time and then give it away to talk through regulations hold on we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's also may only one way to financial peace and that's the walk daily with the prince of crises have a friend or family member, the needs of daily dose of Ramsay advised and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day podcast, it's a quick of advice about life and money in under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call of a day on gas. Wherever you listen about
money isn't the only then can we talk about around here. Get life changing advise on your career, for my good friend and career experts can combine all my pen com and show, according to a recent Gallup poll, nearly seventy percent of Americans are disengaged at work. If you dread going into work every Monday morning and you're, just trying to make it to the weekend, can Coleman show is for you, everyone has a sweet spot. You're sweet spot is at the intersection of your greatest talent in greatest passion. We will help you discover what it is. You were born to do and then we'll help create a plan to make your dream job a reality. You matter and you have what it takes joined. The conversation on the CAN Coleman show here more from the Ramsay network, including Likin com and shove, where ever you listened about gas, hey it's James. User of the Rams issue. This episode is over the checking Episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2021-08-10.