« The Dave Ramsey Show

Don't Wait for Things to Happen - MAKE Them Happen! (Hour 3)

2020-04-06 | 🔗

Anthony ONeal, Debt, Retirement

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Ramsay Solution broadcasting from all my car rental studios edge that day, Ramsay show we're dead, is dark ages in the pay of all port. It has taken the place of the Bmw, the status of control and they ran through your host Anthony O Neill Ramsay Personality number one best, selling author of the book dead, We degree joins me
Day on the show, his message of hope will be delivered tonight on all of our Remsen network: outputs, including Facebook, Anthony O Neill and Anthony O Neil Instagram, I'd, Anthony O Neill Day room Dot com at and I will show you two very everywhere everywhere- fine videos. Earthly knows my came from a rather different outlets. These days, data add up that. With all of you having all of the social media, from twitter and everything all all the six rim personality blush me and then each of us? hosting on each of ours. That was a hundred and six a post of just those messages and show, and then they went out to, of course, our following those different social media things, and so tonight to be an incredible. Sure, I'm looking forward to hearing and look forward to a two day last week, I
how to something that is, I believe, with downloading from God. Just at that was my message for tonight. You know last week you Rachel and hugging spoke life in tourism into money, kinsfolk lifeless life into us. When it comes to careers and doktor deed is really just but life into all of us with our mental, and I just really wanted to be a lesson to the people. Someone in Lilac Chrissy does the personal development spiritual side of things with regard to some dark times this be eyes, and we need to see look at a light. So tonight I'm talking about how we, how all of us in the world today, no matter where we our life, how we all can still be the light- and so I am speaking did at young kid at college. Graduate. Listen! Forty graduating this year too, that high school singers as looking forward to prom graduation, I'm speaking to it today, single parent that was are thus going through this filling alone or speak. It's all of us tonight. So tonight! Oh, my! U to add!
Neo Neil Instagram at Anthony O Neil, you gonna see eluded the preacher sight of me come out tonight, but I'm excited where we always do when you speak and we love that get accused the same thing and it's my favorite part of it's. My favorite compliment my favorite criticism I'll take. It are Bianca's gonna start off this hour in California. I Bianca well that I Ramsay show how can Anthony our help today, guy thinking so much hot air. We would therefore either advice. Had been an airbag begun with baby step. Three and thereby thing party got in the middle of all. This may have done it. Yes, it does wonderful great timing. We have three big like thirty two we want to accomplish, and we don't know where to further watch put. First, though we have four kids currently is. We're all going to be in college soon. One is already in her first year in college and the other three are triplets, who are all going to be in college in about two years?
yeah We also want to have another baby and bird. Will you to move out of the house where living and to do there were thirty, two and forty four, so the sooner the better and on that preparing, as we want to move on to a baby step three b and save a down payment for a house given the Bay area and of modest Then our area, like a tree bedroom houses five to six hundred thousand dollars We now know what are you out of the home we're living in worth: We ran really really old how we have great around my husband been here for a long time bow to move to the same type of house in our neighbourhood. Would be fifteen hundred dollars more per month. Lloyd. You stayed here, those are really old house I'll tell you ready to one. Forty two, if you can,
only have done one of these three things. What would it be. I would like to have another baby. Well, the Good NEWS is plenty room in the Royal House arrest and Laden for college we're not for another two there's Verde I'm in the minutes. There's gonna be welcoming ones already gone right, yeah! Look so that there's room opening up every day, and show and if I'm u my second one is. I want these kids, the older kids, to go to school, that free right and then my third goby by house a kind of it me, I would have had that. That would be my order, but you get to decide your order. I dont care at your order, but here's the thing
you! Try to do everything! It wants an? U justified emotionally you're about to go into that for one of em or two of them, or all three of them does everything you mentioned is, as has us as a nobility to it. Homeownership college education, new babies, so on. Show the one's going to school or not yours. Now there might that's ok I certainly did the math and it just occurred to me. You didn't have them when you were in wealth. Ok, hopefully so good should mean that makes it a little harder. A tiny little bit harder for you. How long have you been there stepmom we have been married for two years and we ve been together perfectly aka, show two years, though you been
super heavily invested in. So there your children, you love them, you care about them. But if you know Some of these other things are probably if if a normal human we're doing this. They, then you know you having your own child the day you get many new deliver. The baby is a huge price forty two. You may be more than his kids going to college kind of thing. That makes sense by the way. That's what I would do ass, I would mean making it doesn't mean you don't care about them and it doesn't mean you're, not putting them ahead of your own, wants her you're being selfish, or something like that. That was not what I'm saying, but here's the thing you can do. Anything if you line up and say, doing the other one until I can do the other one and you just say he's, probably not banish vouch for maybe five six year.
And my husband really wants a house that held like pride and joy. He feels really. Not. Finally about himself, though we eleven sensor, Mina gonna crappy play. Then you mine, I mean like an egg in wonder that, like us, but my the question then is Lycosa before Anthony. What do you want more exactly? What are the priorities in a for both of you? I will sit down the conversations obey. This is where I met in LA him say Bay, where this is why I met someone a day, said earlier on in the show he said both for you all: gonna have peace and in a got agree with it, And here's what I would do if I was married, I would actually wants we come to peace, whatever that is ruined write it down our He's gonna wine, then to then this is number three. So this we're not being distracted by the things were going down that priority this, but as a single man thou be my suggestion, just it gets it is written down in both of you all be at peace with it. Now, that's good
I tell you we are argument. One time it wasn't nearly is noble. As what you're doing my wife and drive on those old, blue Astro vans, remember to tumble Ezra way. I do Tracy, yes and human drama that they had. Eight hundred thousand miles I felt like and honey evolution staff at the office that she wants to upgrade the car to a better use car. We are arguing about which one went first and as we talked about it, she was actually right. She did she needed move up at a crappy car. We did that first, then we did the office. Thank you dont, both just which Ort yes,
safe at home has never been more important. That's why I want to tell you about simply safe home security. They make it easy to get comprehensive protection for your home. No outrageous, monthly fees, no contracts set it up in an hour and your home is protected. Twenty four seven with emergency dispatch. It's why? U? S news and world report named simply safe best overall home security of twenty twenty visits. Employee, save direct dotcom right now and you'll get a security camera on me. Every only adjoining me this hour. His new quick ree, many book.
A quick rate of sixty four pages called straw. Yours do loan that comes out today. Can get at Amazon dot com. You can get a diagram. Should I come Anthony, O Neill, dot com and Anthony you decided with our team that we needed to put out. I basically a couple chapter share the equivalent of a couple chapters on specific, weekly- how to destroy Eastern London yeah day, if you know last year in a goin up to now the number one question when I was on a book tour when I'm out media his even just recently as and when I determined hall showed the number one question have always been axis. I case is great, for my son is grave and my daughter- but I have hundred thousand dollars and stood alone dead. One of these But when I was on a timber, how shall we interviewed to case who had nearly two hundred thousand hours long dead and does like what do I do? Then? You are a book up that free degree and she's like to lay exactly ok, you know- and so we just wanted to have just a quick reed- is a deep dive into baby September to this is not for
the average Ramsay Follower, because you were you already know baby September too, but this is for individuals who say you know what I want to attack it here's nothin to Dave. I've learned this is the great book to give to a bunch of keys. Each graduates who are about to graduate this year, who sitting at home right now, whispered launder, withstood alone down ten bucks, Tin box, Rhubarb, box, when giving out for graduation gifts and too but who were not already if you're already like your coordinator of financial biodiversity, twenty times dont bother book for you, you know what it says you ve already covered it. Ok, it's not like go out and Anthony saying the same thing that although we say it rambling quickly get out of that. One. Ok and of course we are right, show us what we do show that this is a different format and its from in Anthony's voice, of course, and addressed to because he runs into so many people have no idea who rams? Yes, yes, but all the speaking you do on college campuses on hush, go campuses and
Media you're doing your ear you're getting hold of to say I don't want a babysitter it is actually show which is great Destroy strong gotta hated. Maybe Callaway highlight your stood alone there. Kill, all Sally may starving give her her fiction notice, yes, and even right now, you know, even though Governments are able and pushed off six months for payments. Soft six months for interest. No, you still have a job. If you still haven't come coming in now was the best two destroyed, because you can been destroyed. A lot quicker, yeah years that cured judge gas rather than a chance to kick up kick back and not work at it is, and I fear load a larger job at two different thing: you're, not working baby steps; you're not pay an extra there in that. Situation you you, you don't have an income but that you got a different set of pride already: food shelter, clothing, transportation, utilities in that case, yes, but the Yom, but but those that are
in their plans deal to have steady job, predictable incomes, destroy stood alone that in his little secret inside the book, Dave that that want people, people ask me: why should I refer, and I Well, if I reef I, what was of eggs the thing about where I get a lower monthly payments. I guess so upset with that answer. So in this book I talk Hey here's! Why you? You should ratify. If you hit the certain things, but it has nothing to do with giving a lower payments is by giving a lorry judge rate, in putting more towards the lonely Maybe you out of deaths we really bright this down a win is the right time to reach because not everyone, shit Riva run exactly you re five. You get a lower interest rates s with no penalty exam, and no closing costs and you can do that- were splash finance or they'll do it.
Now the, but they do not. They may not have a lower interest rates and you have done it in which case you would not reef. I don't do. It is the only advantage. The only advantaged refine is a lower interest rates. That's it never refinance unless your net effect on your interest rate goes down. Metaphysics different interest rates, but the net effect of them are just want them all one payment that silly don't do that right, pay, em and fourteen premature cares come out medicinal ball anyway, but the net effect of the interest charged on your balance is at your current interest. Rates is less yes, if you re Then you would refer. That's what you're trying to do? these are is whether these are is in Louisiana Chinese. Our hour, you don't get man. How can we help? for me. I M aware everybody house last year after
our mercury expenses and after investing three percent of income and worked with forty five hundred dollars and I'm thinkin about turn on the house. Remind and beaten with last year's amazing about someone a good plan. The desert. Debt free except the home? Yes, sir, You haven't children to save, for college I have one is too are probably put some of that towards some college and the rest of it towards the house, and we always tough ocean baby step forward, not to put thirty percent and Anthony. Yet we also put fifteen percent it right now there is a lack of freedom. My wife, not fifteen of your house, all! That's! Not thirty of your household income! That's just fifteen your house has owning air all sorts of article fifteen for her than people
we'll be able to listen, if you add under gather, if you had your incomes together and take fifteen percent of that that's fifteen percent of your household income. By the way if you take fifteen percent of your income and fifteen percent of her income, it's gonna be the exact same number- absolute, it's not with our authority, I'm not your address misunderstood what you're doing you're doing baby step before perfectly and yeah. I'm gonna throw like crazy and get them, step three years at his eye. Just amazing he's gonna, be weird Amazing! I love weird is a good thing for years. We should beware normal broke, don't be normal and then about where the other day Dave, given the situation now normal would be pretty girl. I completely agree with completely be normal of agony. Normal right back to normal, got to know Just send is in New York, I just send are welcome to the diver amnesia.
Thank you guys, you guys you're, so arson because a view I just finished paying off my credit card bells and I'm ready to take on more student loans, Diana Guy S, we go, he wrote some astute and lonely had descended on. I've had sixteen bounding and No, I'm not I'm on that now and it's starting to see how this works, though employees because My uncle s concern daughter, I love my my dad, though I just graduate college and my family, struggling before the pandemic and because it now you know his small business, incomplete, lay shut down. But I don't see this as a wake up, call that he needed you know He hasn't even try to get a job like temporarily, and I dont really the truly satisfied and I
no matter how I can get him on your guidance teaching. You know it's hard, you very stubborn, no chance it right things does. He know, however, interesting great father what my father's in it- and I just want to say- I can understand how you feeling that Dave speak from the Father perspective, but I want to speak directly to you. Don't allow this situation to overstretched you and why you need to be doing for your life, be a concern daughter, but don't they you're concerned for your father now jeopardizing impact your personal life, because your father has thumbing its his speak life into given some suggestions of a make sure they
you're getting through this season, measured at your healthy during the season. But as far as in from the Father perspective, Deva is not too much. I can really speaking did acts, I'm not a father we're on our own or that you have to be I'm in its bottom line issues. That's a child to parent, with both of you being adults is difficult to give advice. We called the powder, but syndrome want somebody powdered, your, but they don't really want your opinion of money. Man, you know, he hated, you know it all. I think the best you can do is talk about your story. Allied, Hey Data just paid off these credit cards, a data Morgan. There stood alone that hey dad, I'm so excited about this. Learning the stuff from very Ramsay man. If you read this book from Anthony ameliorate this book from diagrams you that hey here's There's that here's, what I'm and I had not waving your finger at Ayman, wagging your finger insane, dad you're, stupid that'll, never work with very few fathers anyway,
you are more would be enough to allow their kids do that to me, and I ll show you you know you just gotta talk about your story, though he'll be proud of you and he might catch on over the years. I've seen so many family suffer by not having life insurance. It's not that I didn't care, it's just that they didn't know. So they did nothing. That's a huge mistake. Listen winds and wives, moms and dad's. Think about it. You died. How would your family pay the bills, the mortgage food and plan for a better future? This is what life insurance is all about, and term life is the only way to go. It's not expensive and it's not complicated. I only recommend Zander Insurance and I have over twenty years, call them at eight hundred three five. Six forty to eighty two or get instant quotes online at Zander dot com
our foreign. You change your question for me and Anthony to get up to new and through the both of you. How are you good? How can we help I did something incredibly stupid for almost four years ago, Engaddi car fleets I found you last year and I thankfully to turn it in a couple of months, which I feel intend, undoing and buying a car in cash. Yea Hawaii No, I want to know how do I calculate b? into my total debt that way, when I go to tendency to do a debt pre scream, I give you an accurate number,
this is our first man. Let's see You can pick any number. You want I'll, be happy with you, but the US see there's a couple of possibilities. I guess when you started your debt snowball, was the remaining balance on the fleece. At that point, you could use that number. When did you start your debt? Snowball I found you last June on an eight hour car right to Lake Tahoe and that is when I decided to stop being stupid. So I think back then the amount was like three three or four thousand. I think. What's your monthly three hundred and sixty five dollars yeah so by foreground, then into our Marcia. That's pretty clothes. Somewhere around there I mean that was was the balance of the time we started and the balance of the damage that, for Ukraine will be zero, so that will be
The process of how much did you have paid, even though its technically fleece but eyes you gotta get rid of it. So now I'm having a correct, well, that is a new question. I have not have good stuff Emily is in Georgia. I Emily. How are you I'm doing what about yourself better than I deserve? What's up on twenty one, and I am on your third baby and I had a plan to purchase the car encounter next year in the summer, but Monday, my car had stolen a kind of jack that my play. Well, then, an hour would cover liability, so I was wondering what you saw. I do have thirty five hundred emergency funds saved up so far. How much worse, elegant words about six thousand and you didn't have any you didn't have left on it there, Emily. Does that mean you didn't have full insurance? And I just I love you
car stalling. So you get nothing there. I don't get it! reach out to my internet company and that doesnt cover your life. I was in the act of Enron and even cover your car, then it would only cover the people you hear exactly so you ve learned our lesson. You need car insurance that covers aft and collision when Europe this broke. You yourself ensure through something like that lets. You ve got lots of money ok, so, but you got thirty five hundred violent out a guy who's steals a car in the Miller. Corona. Does this Corryarraick needs double time is The guy might have been a girl cars that, if I don't know but yeah clar, was this the Scum burger stole. It was my one about my first car and it was until we're too Cameron Legatee out.
Whose steals a two thousand seven Toyota in the middle of carogne of ours, prior car back. They do you I'm trying to get my father please. If they, though you're gonna, spend the money you got to buy a car. Aren't you re near ass. You can do to you now you know, I'm gonna tell you going over there. You knew that, for you call right on Ebay that have a lot of opinion that people were thrown out. There's a lot of people have money, opinions, don't do it don't do it don't do it maybe we'll have the? How long can you go without a corner? Manage that question? Could you hello? Could you go without a car? Could you stack up some more money asked what I'm trying to ask? Probably not were quickly. I could maybe borrow my mom's car for little bare, issued beginner thyself, wandered out Where are you
finally share yet there. What do you make it take home after talking about fourteen hundred every month when you're livin with your branch, yet Maybe if you heard off a month transporting hundreds of the equation, that's what that's one Anthony's pointed ears cycling and you probably not under threat my mama, probably wonder car back by, but five thousand dollar carbon thirty five hundred dollar car. Yes right! If you do that because I'm gonna tell you can do whatever you do and and then the instant you do. The purchase you're on the voluntary insurance agent pudding inch it's on your car. Yes right at us, Ecevit, Laurent Absent yeah. You gonna pay cash for whatever you do so you're, either by three of our car now or your by five thousand dollars or forty five hundred dollar car. In three or four or five weeks and pick up extra extra hours, having get it right now and as parliament
Oh they also our car. My love, as was writing criminals. Never sleep there! Never unemployed, MAC, us of ITALY. MIKE, is in Kentucky MIKE how're you I know how are you guys better than deserve? What's up in Poland, employee, with bureau prisons. Everything, have now multi as pay you have had in the twenty thirty eight fund, which is bound about twelve and a half question, is it is now time to move over to see eye to eye which is all the more risky as stock market again come back up, yeah cause your bottom on sale. Enough dogmas? That is one of the double check now may they looked up to see on on just pulled it out. Just Google see plan track record right,
as of January of eighty eight, its average to ten point six six or by eleven percent arrogance turn which about yes, M P, is done during that period of time since nineteen eighty eight, when the Sea plant fund, which was formed, it is the best performing of any of your options: And yes, it is probably gone down more than twelve and a half thou know about you. Twenty thirty eight, but I'm in no, no I'm saying had you been in the sea ass, an eye. The way we teach you probably we have launched more? Do the corona right now got lots more value in your account than twelve and a half ok recommendation the point C S and I you have guideline are generally damn, I wouldn't Eighty intercity yes and Togo tenets es internally, I and the Essen, the arduous, from space for the gumbo right there
what is it just a spice, because it s measures more got me: can we wilder than a buck? eyes, your international and its underperformed performed two. Ashley over the years, but got some international flavour in the gumbo here and that's what you're looking for, but if you had invested in that MIKE it would be down more than twelve and a half since the first of the year, probably as markets down more than twelve and a half, and then when it comes back, it would have come back Beauty is that you were in the other thing, which was a little bit lame that these life there called life plans. The airplane and you know so. You didn't much, but it's a great town to make them, position and write it back up. Does you didn't have to take the right down? So I mean you probably off twenty percent or somethin run. Our mobile to total would be overlooked at today, but so you did actually time it correctly. Although that's not something I try to recommend
to do so on, but the sea plan there we ve got a lot of people. I talked about in the millionaire Study Don T S p that were federal postal workers, federal employees of different kind, military people, that had literally built a million dollars in net worth doing that over the years and that's beautiful day, and it is not just doing that and just Bessie make wise decisions during that time. So I absolutely love it now. It's it's a good way to invest in it perform some of the other things you could do in the open market, but you got so many other advantages and by the way we wish our folks like the Roth section of the test, be as well to gross track. Referee, freeze, good thing: I love free fourteen day, free trial on appeal for entropy. Conversely, right now for salmon our history of thirty years,
when that you can get that a diagram? Judar comes myself and a bunch of other free things on their ya to check out was never going to trial began at this particular moment in time. This is that they were empty shell. our scripture, the day, Romans, twelve, eleven and twelve do not be slothful in seal, be fervent and spirit. Serve. The Lord rejoice and hope be patient in tribulation be constant in prayer. Lily pasture said, let me tell you the secret that has led to my go. My stuff
lies solely in my tenacity. Never give up a question that I come from Blinds Dodd com. There were one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee means. If you miss measure, you pick the wrong color, they will remain your window blinds for free. You have free samples, Shipping and what the new problem they run every month, you're save even more years. The problem Ramsay to get the best deal the right course. And I'm gonna go from Daniel in Arizona Dave, Anthony I'm on baby steps to get twenty seven thousand and stood alone that fifteen hundred personal loan, eight hundred on credit card, just the Koran, irish pandemic unnoticed, much student loans of gone from eight and a half percent interest. Zero should stop paying my credit, and focus on mustard alone, since they have no interest or should I keep the smaller that being my credit cards and personal and the mustard and lunch. May, I think he knows answer, but I help him out again. You know we're not gonna set,
but it's not the debts. Nobody ever gonna continue working it on that dollar may ask the owl gave a more aggressively after that right now. Is from eight hundred fifteen hundred pinning our Yang com and then go after the suit alone that raising the eight hundred know something of fifteen hundred, then knock it off yet does not only three hundred bucks get those two things done and then get after those to launch the thing is the interest that's your saving on the student loans, not having hey that is going to work either. Way. Mathematically, it's gonna end up in exactly the same place. If you pay the exact same amount so uh. There's no math benefit, and you know at the little ones, because you get that get pat yourself on the back, get to say Attaboy well done well done Daniel in Arizona. Well done you get to keep going then you terror that student loan, and even if it is we re entry for group. I had all this fast as we possibly can. The fact that they have given you in it
break only accelerate, shall fast you pay it off. It does not mean you stop paying on them is actually acted. If I made out thinnest, then as golden nobody, babies have you guys dont braided debt, snowball them in the way they were tone is like. We ve, always told you. If you're in the middle of a crisis yourself personal crisis, com or financial? You do not work the baby steps, you stop and build up cash. So if you ve lost your job in the pandemic, if you have been followed, pandemic, then you're in the middle of a crisis. You stop everything, a huge pile up cash and take care of your four walls. Food utilities rant being your first three and transportation. Could gasoline, are and to go to your new job that used our work and to get things going again. As soon as possible or may take anything. Just keep going. Keep money coming in Don't it's really easy? A situation where others there's a lot? of excuses out there. They are
disguised as reasons to sit and wait on something to happen. Meet anyone somebody's gonna happen when you make something happened, ass it I'm sending you twelve hundred dollars. That is not going to fix your life and if it did by definition, you were already struggling mathematically of twelve our fixes your life. Mathematically never life. The answer it? It doesn't fix your life, it's a joke, and so you got a lot bigger, by a gala bigger problems and Anthony you. Each branch that this week, where the mortgage countries offering perfectly healthy people financially healthy people, the right to go into forbearance and delay their payments, which is create a mess on down the road. Yes, it's got a forbearance plan and then I went to pay my mortgage payment. The lady said was hey. We are offering forbearance for three months and I was like well really. I said, okay give me a little more information about that. I still paid my bill, but I just wanted to ask
for knowledge. As you say. Yes, I gotta do it. You see no push off for three months and then at the end of that forbearance plan, all three months plus the current month, we'll all be due at one time so of your payment is two thousand dollars a month, for example, that major paint eight thousand dollars in one lump sum. How does that help people that doesn't help people at all now just delays? The foreclosure is fostered Even if you, even if you are in a crisis situation, I mean, if you, if Bush one payment. Until you get things, go on then catch it right back up. That's all you can do Roger broke. Then that's all you can do But if you know this kick in the can down the road stuff. You just ba loans for these small businesses that are supposedly forgiven, and I gotta tell Ya Reading the details on it, and I think you got here by rug over the top of an empty manhole, you can fall right straight through
find yourself in the sewer, but Davis talk about that. A everyone forgive something we're haven't. We already have this conversation over into stood a low world. I've heard this before, and there are a lot of people saying hey. You know I thought I was gonna get Malone, forgive him because I work in this area, but then I found out well, hey you didn't make this kind of payments. Are you didn't do this? Are you didn't actually go to this partake areas ought to check box for they come on when you forget for Ex come William, don't check the box I'm so sorry- it's alone now trauma and don't tell me It is not a grass nights all alone and you have to meet very. Stringent guidelines on hiring firing, maintain your payroll small businesses for that loans, forgiven. This is the SBA there, the DM v of small business you're about to get yourself in a crack. People do not do this not to kick your can down the road with Asia. Forbearance
not kick the can down the road with a supposed forgiveness, and you make a good point. I haven't. We heard the song before same song, different Vargas, Sir. I'm from the RO government and I'm here to help, whereas they should make your hair curl right there. When you hear that friend, I'm telling it is eighty eight thousand people right now with a has our curly, because they thought there was when we get there stood in those regions that have been turned out. Yes, We approved a handful a handful just like a just five hours, homage diggers. Your dick research stood loan forgiveness not happening and you ll find its crew not happening. That's what you're gonna get the unified the borrower slave the lender and that man is not very forgiving. That's what you're gonna find! Don't do that and dark the forbearance down the road and stay off the paid Islanders law. Please don't systems are seen it
today Dave thirteen cars, I was gonna, say: don't taken license plate number. No, but thirteen cars advance financial like it, I'm like what are you doing this? This is not the smart move, You guys they're going to charge you ridiculous interest, and what's gonna happen, you and gifts, in this for years and for years and for years, because if we don't the money. Now, what makes you think you're gonna have the money when you do get a job back or when it is Why you're gonna get stone was nuclear three jobs delivering preacher by the end of the night S, you can get jobs with Amazon, good jobs, grocery stores, eyeing, like crazy Amazon's got a hundred thousand jobs, have launched nice job you wanna do is your career of the next five years. Now we're not try to get through the next five years we get to the next twenty five days. If you don't have a job, but if your jobs, ok, just caught stay away from the stupidity
because I start my day always feels good in the short term and always your loser pressure in the short term and always makes up. Bagger mass in the long term, and that's what tells you genuine southern dom when money and arm so you do not have to under this, and when I hear say oh, should have an emergency via told yourself. Oh, you should not have been out of tat. I told you so when I say that with your heart we're here to help you, but would also told you if you're hurting, don't get, no, don't break your finger. In a break in both your legs as a result, pleased that just your ear Europe cut off. You know, despite your face thing, don't do that check out financial peace University a day, Ramsay dot com, slash hope we are the first time in thirty years, giving you a free fourteen day trial. Some of you have fourteen days left at home and you get a free fourteen day trial for the full hop her for sweet that nine weeks clashes its nine classes, so you can
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Transcript generated on 2020-07-22.