« The Dave Ramsey Show

Don’t Let Your Dream Become a Nightmare


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss:

  • "When do I get life insurance as a single mom?"
  • "Should I accept money from dad to buy a house?"
  • :"How can I start working through my debt?"
  • "What do I do after losing my business to a fire?"
  • "Go back to my old job if they pay me more?"
  • "What should I do with my savings as a single mom?"
  • "Should I use a 'Buy Your House Now' company?"
  • Willie Robertson on the new film The Blind,
  • "Should I build my credit to rent?"
  • How can I pay off debt at my age?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I. The headquarters of ramsey solutions, which the ramsey show where we help people build while the work that they love and create actual amazing relationship. I'm dave ramsey your host, Dr John bologna, ramsey personality number one best, selling author of the book: change your over your past change, your future and the new book. What's your? What's, on my mind, the
manage book is absolutely going crazy. It comes out one week from now. building a non anxious life. One week it's going to be out- and I that's why I got John on here for this first segment cause this book is setting all kinds of king records, Ramsay and sales is doing really good. Apparently there some anxious folk out there yet The cool thing has happened so far. The numbers are amazing in their fun note, no doubt about it. Making monies great and helping people say I want to have any hope of their number people's what's important. Now, been really amazing. Dave is, as a part of a book sale. You send out galley copies, which are just for the press. right here that in its in these interviews park ass, black ass pike, s, pocket, radio interviews from people all over the place and working with the podcast and they're saying: have you got a second? I read this book and my wife and I sit down. I had a hard conversation last night or I just pre ordered three, these books from a family members, and so the folks,
getting the early early drafts of these things there not being a broadcaster there being a person there, sir turn and it's it's element of humor really powerful. If you turn pretty current media people into humans, this is magical, so yeah, it's. I'm get excited to get it out there, man, Moscow. Anxiety is not the problem rights, the symptom, its fire alarm, going off, something's broken and show you talkin The six choices in your daily choices in the book that we can make to you know, build a solid foundation in our life. Shall win something scary comes at us, we can be prepared sort of overwhelmed with anxiety, right and most people say start. Where do I start when I start yet we ve all heard of the free, is the attention economy. I think that is a ganda, leslie, positive spin on what I like to call the distraction economy or the look over here economy, and so we ve
been trained for the last twenty five to fifty years. If you ve got a problem, it somebody else's fault, by this scroll. This run over here. Look over here numb out now, flicks it away instead of getting to the root problem, and the challenge with that is your body knows your body knows it doesn't matter how nicer cars are your body knows you, private, get fired, doesn't matter how many dates you've been on your party knows my marriage has fallen apart, and so you have to start by choosing reality and that's just step. One write: what is the actual state of your health when's? The last time you got a blood test when's the last time you sat with the doctrines that I'm not feeling great. How overweight are you when's? The last time you sat with your wife or your husband. the table and said we're not alright right or when your kid walks in their house, and they just me
we beeline into the room and they slammed their door and you just go on those teenagers. Your body knows that's not right. That's not right, and so you have to own reality. Choose reality that step one right and there's six of those choices. If we pull him apart in the book and the same way, here's the problem and here's how to fix it. The god knows if she is if you can order it in the last week here before it actually comes out, twenty dollars. You get. Seventy five dollars were the free bonus items, including instant access to doctor jones, talk, smoke, fire and on what you did the other day in chicago at these smart conference. Is a big hit, the e book of in building a non anxious life in the audio book. A building in an anxious life will also be delivered to you next week, when the book comes out. All of that for just twenty dollars on next one, week one week, one hour later, you won't be able to get those that shows tuesday. The third gets here, that's that's all gone is that they should the book is for sale. At that point,
and so we want help you guys out. This is an important subject, and this is a fabulous treatment of an important subject: gotta ramsay solutions, dotcom hit the bookstore get the twenties our but building an non anxious life this week, while you still can, and with all of the add ons it's a great deal and on we're real careful ramsay. We have a a a high percentage, like a hundred per cent of our share of our books are on the bestseller lists, we're not, blushing outfit, that just prince stuff in hopes on works out very, very selective, very careful and we beat the snot out of these manuscripts. These authors, the mark, plans. The whole thing to make sure that we're actually serving you guys that way. When we bring you the next book, you know which also gonna be good, miss not we're just throwing about their shave, you guys you will get a shovel or not
say: I've defended to dissertations and I'd rather do that a third one then sit before in front of you guys and defend my manuscript again now that it's it's order which we believe to be unclear as to be unkind. Ya'll very clear, very kind of you are very kind. Take your money now I love the suction or your need to get to the point of iron sharpens iron wow, because you have said this in one page. Instead of one hundred and fourteen yeah but yeah I mean it's, it's a it's a refinement process, but you end up with a book that is clean and very clear and direct, which is the op Instead of of mail to the publishing house unhelpful- and you we're not just throwing stuff out there on paper to see if a work piper stood at gum, expensive, the do that's ramsay solutions, dot, com, a slash store, you can hit the bookstore there store with all of our stuff in it and pre order, this new book building unknown anxious life. We got one week to do it and get all of the but he show your hope for this. When someone reads it is what
is the main reason reads this: the first thing they do. They feel not alone and I think, most of are spent in our own minds and our own cars. and our own behind our own headphones thinking were the only ones feeling like this, that our marriage is a downwards like this, so want people to read did not feel alone, and I want to provide a picture at all stories from calls of had in my own personal life out to him, not the only one in the second one is, I want you will have a road map just to do something, front their parents did the best they could. They just had a limited amount tools or tool, kit, culture, tellin him and completely disaster, The other thing to do This is a roadmap to build a life and that, quite frankly, you deserve it. You deserved at peace in your life, because the hot man lives heart, lice heart, and so on those moments that when life's not just slapping around and it's a map, it's a it's a guide to roadmap. Now I think you might actually discover that your facebook friends
ro french right or you might wonder why they are revelation for some of you are always, but friends would actually meet with you for coffee for a drink or for some nachos, if you'd, actually to say time is going to be maybe or maybe maybe to realise oh they're, not for real. I needed some different you. I realize my marriage is better than I thought it was, and while things are good, we can start playing for the next stages come in. If you think that a really good french, let's just have a covert thing and see if they show up exactly yes, and now foods, real, real, real fast enough as alright building a non anxious life, Dr John bologna, two weeks ago, guys go get it at ramsey solutions, dot com, don't miss out thanks John, the rams issue hey folks. This is, can coleman. You know we're all trying to win personally and professionally, but the fact is what we're doing that we're getting older. So it's important to do
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while the back of the rams regime were glad you're here america. Thank you for joining us. Sarah is ensuring that north carolina, I sorrow Welcome to the refugee issue, I think, is for having me. How are you better than I deserve. What's up. Eighty per question on the first part of my question is at what baby said you I figure out if I get term, life insurance single mom to two daughters and then the second part of that question is: is it worth at me, I'm just Does the fact that the other appearance, my daughter's father and I are no longer together america. He shook domestic violence. They don't necessarily trust for all. With life insurance and my parents don't live in the country. I am from this now that a viable option for me and what baby siberian corporate that kill? It's, not
by be shut up? It's a now every guy it does not go on a baby, insurance purchased out of your budget immediately. What baby empty put our gasoline and not a baby tat people in your budget, yeah car gasoline run your car indeed take children. If something happens to you and so I've insurances an immediate purchase for you, so who has to take care of the children. If you were to pass away their father I thought he had domestic violence issues, he still has caused, I'm due to the fact that domestic violence against began, not my children, Her encouraging! I was just you yeah. I feel so much better than me. Yeah That's sarcastic we provide gosh is the you the men they deemed him, though, in the event that our past, unfortunately
They would go to him and, as someone who has filed bankrupt, why am I doubt blast what he will do that money? Now he doesn't get the money he gets, the kids. Why look as though there is if I were to go in big business under either way you would leave. I would have been beneficiary of your life insurance, be a trust in the truck. It would be managed by a trusty which is someone you select, that you trust with money and do your wishes and the tree would say something like the chill and can have the income off of the investment. What do you make a year about four, thousand dollars in cash if you had a five hundred thousand on policy and you instructed the trust to invest that in mutual funds and it made fifty thousand dollars a year that would pledge the income that you ve created? You probably don't need that much goes hypothetically discuss actually gonna feed these children anyway. So but, let's just say,
that you did. Forty eight thousand ok shall forth thousand dollars a month if it made for them dollars a month. You could distribute that to him as child support and he gets monthly income from to take care of the children for the good. Of the children as long as he is taking care of the children the on them. goes where the kids are. So if the kids get the state comes in them because it commits domestic violence on them. Then the money just be happy when instruct the trust to keep the money and build it up for when their adult, ok that may but you don't know him. Fifty thousand dollars or five hundred thousand dollars yeah you give him monthly income to help feed the children. because he's not capable of even managing his own money. So we need to send some money over there for food. What a disaster this is not already. This is not the should not fun for me. I don't love me
the kids going over there really don't go love the idea, the kids going over there with me, but I would rather than go there with money than without my yeah. It's not then a fund for years berkshire like if, god forbid, something were to happen. I know all those insured them their bare five and seven they're pretty young. Now, I'm like that's my concern and my parents. Don't live in the united states, though I wouldn't be able to make them, like an executor or they could be, they can be a trusty link. Don't have to be a us citizen to be interesting, they can be like a man charged with the money they could be insured. Lemme tell you to leave them, as the troika led. Ok could be someone who does not live in the country. Necessarily thou in my other confirm what does it matter? Are you asked that has been ok? They don't have to build their managing money on behalf of a trust not on behalf of themselves, so
If you got a mama bear legal forms, com, you can get a watch called a family trust form. And get a will and the will says that the money and then by a life insurance policy from zander insurance and make them beneficiary of the life insurance, meaning where the money goes upon. Your death, the name of that trust, the Sarah trashed I'll call it, and it's very them the big chunk o money, whether its three four hundred thousand dollars about all it needs to be here, goes into that and then instruct your parents to invest the money as the trustees and to display a certain amount of money per month to him as child support. Ok and as if he no longer rely on entering the children, the trust no longer since the money to him. Our cap
So if he were to well, I guess this is hypothetical. We don't know. Okay, so I mean. Would your parents take the children if they could? If they could they wed. Obviously being from a different country, myself included as a bit break your eyes entertain the idea of moving back home, but I'm he would not allow, but, I think, a hypothetical. Whereas battles in a corner and they were my parents would be willing to take them sherman. stipulate a bunch of things there that, as long as they and if they end up taking care of Children, because the state takes the kids from at some point, then they would also be receiving the money from this trust and want to make sure these kids are taken care of as all we're doing here. Okay for the purpose of life insurance is to replace
care through money that you give your family, and so, if a gas making, a hundred thousand hours a year and his family is eating out of that. A million dollars in life insurance, because a million invested at making ten so it will be a hundred thousand dollars. We replaced that guy if he dies, replaced. The income these created, we replace the guy but replace them income that is creating that such him, to be able to win our ships, the kids to be able to fight Only this remaining up to be able to win financially and I'm not make more money than they were made with him here, but at least replace He was doing in your case, Sherry. She. What she was never replace what you are doing to care for these children income wise, because your ex obviously not responsible enough to send you money over there sure you're, taking care of these kids in that respect. One of the money is not responsible for their own emotions. This is
Just not a good guy, nothing. In a story that shouted exciting to me for him. I'm so sorry, sorry your face and all that but mama bear legal forms, get your will and trust in place. Zander, Insurance get three four hundred thousand dollars in life insurance is not very expenses by the cost of a pizza you can make that fit in your budget, specially You get out of debt and start to have more and more margin. Some god bless Jani. Sorry. What we all have been through over their open found here, triple eight eight to five five, two to five soil erosion. Rageous people in the world are those that are the other side of a domestic violence situation. And I'm an old redneck hillbilly, I don't even like the phrase domestic violence It makes something extremely horrible. And rage inducing sound, very lame It's not lame at all. It changes
we trees it changes, a dreary, puts it first on a family that is on believable that can be broken by the power of god. I mean it is It is a nasty mass when somebody adrian that stuff add lay in the world worryin. We get to see it fairly, often and adjust still to understand Redneck adjust pisses me off such simple. This the ramsay show. and life insurance as one job too, place, your income for your dependence? If you die? That's it If someone tries to sell you high cost life insurance that doubles as savings or an investment strategy. Scams whole life value variable life than run terms,
from sander insurance is a much smarter way to protect your family future zander shops, all the top companies to find you're the most affordable term life rates. Then you can go build wealth with what. you save not by falling for those crap Paul please go zander dot com to learn more, that's zander, dot, com or hundred three five six forty to eighty two. Can common Ramsay personality is my co host today. Thank you for joining us. Amerika, open phones, triple eight, eight to five five, two to five lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt, free stage, charlie and katy, or whether shea guys? How are you a we're doing? Well, better than we deserve. I welcome guys. Where do y'all live we eleven chandler arizona, which is a suburb of phoenix. So it is good to have you are welcome. To nourish will show your katy essay listeners, maybe no
The list goes on. The radio oaken is thus one of our biggest was invited you to get, and I will show you two universe. Are I gotta go Well, you timbers will like kin sweater today so does baskin robbins and so all day with the jokes. This is going to be good good good day. This is going to be fun. I can just tell yeah alright guys. How much did you pay off me paid off three hundred and thirty five thousand dollars, three hundred and thirty? How long did this take? de months wow and your range of encumbering the five years started at two hundred thousand and ended at two hundred. Ninety two thousand. Well, what do you do for a living disturbing nurse. I guess you are not a financial visor. Of course you are less perfect. a great combination to great careers, obvious doing very well at them. Three hundred and thirty, five thousand you pay off your house witted! year. Where love I love,
very cool. So what's this house worth about? Eight hundred thousand, of course it is and mister financial adviser. How much is in your court? Investments about nine thousand with about fifty thousand in precious metals and critical. I love it. So here we go over. Fifty thousand, you been really smart. Well done that fact, job guys. I love it man, so a million seven right, yeah net worth and how old are you guys and forty nine and fifty two? And you did this by fifty years? Oh wow, look at you, I'm so proud of you way to go. That's so fine, ok tell us what happened. What started this journey with pay off the house thing five years ago yesterday journey really started back in two thousand and twelve after about ten years of marriage. Unfortunately, we found ourselves in the middle of a divorce and yet and as you can imagine, it's a pretty difficult thing to go through yes how, while yet yeah so and at that point a good friend
and had recommended day a ministry that you may be familiar with called divorce care? Absolute. I went through divorce care and they teach you about things like to deal with anger and loneliness and depression and all of the fun things that go with the trained train wreck called divorce and as a part of that year and one of the segments action, Now one of the versions for financial peace talks but things like how to stay out of credit card dead and use a budget wisely and things of that sort. So the programme was exceptionally for me. It really softened my heart and so much so that, even though we were divorced and not living together at the time and in what not mention the programme to kate and she attended. You know three or four months later so and at that point we, you know after two years of being fully divorced, we got sit around and can one day that you know. How did we end up in this situation? What happened to us and what, if we had gotten a second chance in part of the
We're square in the wonderful part that ministry, which we have now been a party for the last seven years, is reconciliation, and by the grace of god and the power of Jesus Christ, we were able to reconcile and restore. Our marriage after three years of being divorced and so just been a real blessing for us. One of the non negotiable for us when we got back together was We never wanted to end up in this situation again so get, finances in order was certainly going to be a cornerstone of that of men process, so we attended financial peace universally back in twenty sixteen or seventeen as part of the reconciliation process correct to get on the same page, which is what reconcile means exactly while look at you guys. wow wada journey, so going into the regional divorce. What push
vintage of the marriage problems where money problems, money, fights, good percentage, yeah, okay, yeah! I think we were pretty normal and you know it it's enough, one cause of divorce. It certainly didn't help anything. I mean we made a lot of mistakes along the way we bought a rental property with a he lock. We, you know we used to take trips and spend you know wildly with credit cards and things of that sort. And while I would say that the money issues were not the primary cause of divorce, he certainly did not help aunts for sure and put extra stress on top of stress my brain and coming together, gave you a common language as a part of it. Reconciliation process. That is a courageous step sorry, I love you guys, you're amazing, what a fabulous life you've built a man and a healed, a healed life and life. There's a lot of healing that goes. This is it
The homeless, the should not somebody tripped backwards into this. You walked headlong into it. Yes, sir, and his bandits In a while now so we we, we got divorced in two thousand twelve and we reconcile that the end of twenty fourteen almost three years later, so we together since for nine years, remarry correct. Yes, yes, while how long were you married prior to that had a half? Ok, knowledge such offer good he'll, while, while and your kid you're with you one of their ages and pierce, our oldest is sixteen I mean our youngest is for, Look I show they were around through every better. This yes said they experienced both sides in the middle ages, the de la data, what a thing you ve done for your family tree not count the money even but just the whole thing. The healing issues, impressive, yeah it I'm really struck, you know by the ocean in, and that has to be said, rewarding to be standing here today at the finish line, knowing
you guys did were very few. People will do, which is actually try to reconcile much less actually do it. I'm curious what did the, p, you getting on the same page with money when you guys finally got back together. How did that affected communication in other areas of your marriage now that you're coming back ago, we're giving this another shot, definitely made it much better. We were far more focused. We had a common goal moving forward and that kind of bound us together and everything moving forward. Rowdy love it yeah, I would say, definitely improved our communication. So I like what you said in the in the insecure video about when you start off up with a budget you're going to be terrible at it. The first month then get a little bit better month to a little bit better month. Three- and that certainly was us and we we we met weekly basis on the nerves of the financial adviser, the family, so in other
meetings used to last an hour and a half then an hour, then forty five minutes so on and so forth. Now we can do a budget meeting about a minute two minutes or something like that so, but it really did help to improve our communication, and I would say that when we were apart or before we were apart, the first time we were married, we had separate bank accounts. We had one joint account for you, know dual bills and so forth, but then we both had separate baking health, but combining everything. Now is just really help us out tremendous interest, throwing grenades into the other account all the time while he had an hour there yeah, I'm a I'm curious to know. Did this debt free journey have a tangible effect on you all making more money? I think without a doubt I mean I think
we didn't have peace and a lot of ways prior to getting divorced and now say that you know we certainly don't fight about money. We don't fight about. You know anything like that anymore. So now we're on a different. It's a different level of communication and understanding and relationship. Indeed, yeah. It's a whole different whole different setup but do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You guys are impressive. I love it. the alas wow what a fabulous story outbreak kiddos up, they need to be in the debt free scream. The they're gonna be enjoying this in the end result of this journey anyway, so excellent work. It got they live and give box for you. The baby steps millionaires book, the total money make overbook the financial peace university, and you can give that somebody cause I'm sure your constantly ministering to others. Now you can't keep yourself with that journey from doing so, Mr Prodi, I thank you for sharing an amazingly inspiring story.
Just your he rose man, I'm a new face, some real demons, europe, faced them down and running out with a stick man, that's just a beautiful, just, very, very impressive, very well done our eye. charlie and katy pierce and mina they got out there. But that's only a part of the story. Three hundred and thirty five thousand paid off house and everything babies, Millionaires redeemed lives sixty miles making two under the two. Ninety to count down matera debt breached, grew three to why why really so much more powerful. This room here,
if you're buying a home in today's market, it takes more than hope and an internet search. You need a team that you can trust through thick and then that's why I've recommended churchill mortgage for thirty years, the experts churchill know their stuff and we'll take care of you, the Ramsay way. That's what churchill is. The only ramsay trusted mortgage company go to church of mortgage not come today to learn more churchill mortgage dot com. This is advertisement in mls id one: five, nine one in mls, consumer access, dot, org, equal housing, lender seventeen, forty nine mallory lane suite one hundred brentwood tennessee, three, seven, zero, two, seven thanks for listening america can coleman. Ramsay personality is Michael vote today, The EU is whether in fort worth texas, I matthew welcome the rams. You show a thanks for taking my call churn what's up my father has returned.
And owns a smaller, be part, and he recently asked me to use my buying power to buy another point. body to mimic the army. Did he on sub, but on a larger scale? So I recently made an offer of home and put our money down, but I've just kind of rethinking the whole thing. I just wanted to get your opinion on that, the home the whole and property- we are partly thing- is limited to ninety five. We paid to ninety five or not. the home, is where the second rv park is going to be. Yes, okay, I am I'm a little bit confused. I he he can't afford to buy their army park. So he wants you to buy one for him well, he knows that my buying power is capable of buying a bigger piece of land. Can she doesn't have a job anymore he's regard, so he knows that, as far as by
Our argument not buying power, borrowing, power, right, ok, right borrowing Ours is bigger anyway, so we could get a bigger property and the imf, it's been overall would end up paying whore yeah but that would be yours not his correct, corrects the terms he was to say, as he puts the initial infrastructure and to get it I am very good at making money and paying for the the mortgage of the property and we would spit any split any profits above the mortgage, other property. Fifty fifty. Ok, are you interested in doing this, or do you feel obligated to consider it? Because it's your dad? I I'm interested. I think that the properties beautiful they I've I've frequently hung on it
the rv park, they one and it's a really nice lifestyle, really good people that you meet. You get plenty of opportunity to spread the word and to to lots of different people, and I think that the security that the cash flow brings and just just brings the fact that if I broke my leg at work, I wouldn't My children, one star, salem, you're married. Yes, what does your wife's about all this I'll be honest. She is willing to follow me until whatever I get us into so I I don't think she would boy city, then, as she disagreed with it, but so far she seems like she's down to follow me wherever I go. If you break your leg at work, his aren't gonna starve, and then your language follow me into this. I think, is a pretty good indicator of how you see this right. I don't think you
I think this is a good as idea as your dad does your she risk. He doesn't see. Yeah I see it. I see a pain That is a little higher than I can currently afford, not much higher than I board, but I think it is higher than the board and unless my dad is willing to immediately come in and boring where the money and we get renders- and they are quick to worry, that the cash flow is coming out of your problem in it. But if Man, if we get out there and there's no renters, then we're aware of the problem you know now and the infrastructure could be almost as expensive as the property in your dad done over money. Well, he as he does have, he has enough to lay the infrastructure and I'm a plumber, and we have like curtains, the the families we do. The work work ourselves we ve put in who are these bought a weekend and then
and on the very next week for four hundred and fifty dollars a bot. So I have no doubt that for thirty five forty thousand dollars we could lay the infrastructure for ten to fifteen thought. Okay, so now you're, partners with your dad on a piece of property that your home is on and also contains. business that you're in a partnership with your dad. He does. Have the money to do all this, but he has the money to put up a little bit of money for some plumbing roma Ariel Sharon. You gotta, dig your own ditches why they have been we need to do the total infrastructure. I mean I ain't nodded his lack of damage estimated about forty thousand now what the infrastructure and he had plenty to cover that doesn't have a role in belgium should take twice as long cash twice as much you're, not the exception rights. These are the three rules, a business
look I show. Ah, this is this is got about six different, Places that it can go wrong in only one place, it can go right, show its scaring me: ok, you you're dad as a salesman and he old you on this and you know, not if you're not opposed to the concept. If the piece of property was shepherd, from your home. It would remove one of the six problems, This goes sideways. You got bunch a half baked rv crap in your backyard, why? of your home on payment, you can't afford that's what happened if this goes sideways, if your god, for something happened to you or something happened to him. and you were unable to complete this plan and manage this business now the poem
Are your children live as at risk that this is an. I I I see their working model and they have a premium spots, what you know they charge seventy seven fifty for their spots, the really beautifully dine. I have no doubt that slowly we could get to that point, but we could get back and quickly that pay for fifty apiece and am you are not your. I mean it might be, that you have no appeal whatsoever and no price shall get them in there yeah. Well, I've done some research in the area every part nearby as full. There are two major likes ride on either side of us within fifteen minutes on either side of us, and I am not at all it's a beautiful area at two and a half acres. Well, I will tell you the rules that I run my life with and then you get to decide what you're going to do. Okay
one? I don't do partnerships, the only if they want sales, a partnership because- of all the deal that can happen. The days are default. Disinterest, drug use, divorce, death. disability, and you gotta think about what happens in every one of those cases with both of you. What happens if your dad gets disabled? What happens if you get disabled, what happens, if he decides, he didn't, will screw with it anymore. What happens if he just decides? He doesn't like you and what happens you know? What happens? What happens? What happens all you've got is an entrance strategy. You have no eg, Shit plans whatsoever, because you're only assumption is that this is going to work and that's not how business works she you have to. you have to have a so number one. I don't do partnerships number to borrow for business under asia
stances in a very real sense. You are here number three. I dont combine where my children and my grandchildren and my puppy dog and my wife lives with my business property, thereby if the This goes by by my family's homeless. That's all in relation to show their just a bunch of I am sure that you are willing to do that. I am not willing to do and you call and so my job is not to kit and be a dream killer. My job is to be a night. Prevent her. There's a difference in a dream killer in a nightmare prevent her and they're. So there's a whole lot. More can go wrong with this matthew than go right everything has to go exactly as planned for the stephen work and nothing ever goes exactly plan. I I couldn't do it because it lights about four different things I refused to do, and there were six words that he said towards the in its more than I can afford, and that's where we are
mints. Certainly americans is how we get into this debt student loans. At the skyrocketing credit card debt, it's more than I can afford that's the end of a sentence weight get to place that you can't afford it's more than I can afford. The conversation should be over there and we ve got to as adults and guilty of this. We ve all done this week. We wanted, but we can't afford it. We gotta go if I can't afford it. It's done, You know you walk away. I can't afford it conversation. Oh it's it's hard. it is an absolutely caught up with the family. Here and working other sounds fine until it's not fun, some ah madame I've. Given you all the warnings, if you go forward anyway, unleashed address those and do it in a dark that everybody shines the the ram felicia.
law from the headquarters of ramsey solution. It's the ramsey show where we help people build wealth to do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. The coleman, ramsey personality and career and jobs. Expert number one best, selling author hosted the ken coleman show. Is my co host today, open phones at triple eight eight to five five to two five, that's triple eight, eight to five five to two five, so Can my pr changes may this year, and I love this one: doktor carr, H, p written by a gun, I'm nathan, dire, expensive cars from finance personality, Dave, ramses, car collection, oh so you're gonna love the cars ion that I dont home,
not a single down over here and not a single one of motor? I own never seen those nourishing these cars. You just complete. Conscious makes up I just is literally made up I've seen your cars yeah, the is. I would like you to have a few yellow corvette here. There's a nineteen, thirty, four desoto, that's my favorite tight love to see you and miss, share and roll out answer that sort of whom now here's a mustang alleged cool nineteen, sixty six convertible mushed I'd like the man wish? I had a car. I wish I was at school as he thinks I'm not worried. Forty eight chrysler town and country convertible with the wood peddling annals now have that car either sure would driver to the polite to fifty nine jaguar ex k allotted. Ah, that's scream Dave ramsay. Only he don't have it you don't now don't have it. You know you'd, think he'd it actually get.
one of them that I own raw erect and you have a killer west. I've got some nice cars, but none of them made his list. I also, but at you know, Abraham lincoln said everything on the internet. True, he did show that tells you Come on man out. I am I am much worse than I am in person. If you read on the internet and I much Color on this cause site, then I sat on real is at a real site. That's a real site, you gotta car hp and it's got a famous people, supposedly with their famous cars and their mother picture and the whole thing, and you don't even look happy. He didn't you pick a happy. Picture. Where are you own? Those cars you'd be preamble, perpetual, scowl? Ok, I which fairly easy to catch me Now that is a completely made up. I can't believe I'm looking at that is tat is complete so far on cash. I wouldn't want I wasn't me I'd want to be me.
is there. It is I should have somebody right up an article all the fate cars ion. I can really press my parents, young people, I mean and all my high, Your friends, hey, look at all these fake cars own. I'm gonna get calls from insurance people now, if you are wanting to ensure this portfolio of vehicles that I do not own, this is so great that that's all really great dude. If you would work as hard telling the truth, working as you do it lying, you can actually make a living from really true the creativity there. Now, It's been always been a lot of time him or he probably knows how to actually build a website and stuff, but instead spends his time being a fraud. If I was going to come with a cartoon out a throne in a suit up EL camino approach, cause, I'm a redneck, that's what I mean a nod to the horror that try to be a truck and couldn't yes now like try to go back to your to your roots, man, at least in my own name and electric vehicle, is not a single ball. They would call it my seat,
the key of earning an electric. If you don't own an electric car, it is a complete fraud of any of them were electric. Oh, my gosh, all out there good call James, yet open phones, aaa eight to five careful what you read. I just wish I was as cool as one Nathan dyer says. I am Steven is in athens, georgia, hi stephen welcome to the ramsey, show how you doing great man. How can we help John is a situation that me and my wife have got ourselves into on how we're going to get out of this hole that we've created. Okay, so no backstory recently, so the omens in southern california. We made great money, about two hundred thousand on a whim. Wages picked everything up and moved up to athens. Georgia in that check quitting
that were well paid and move into her, not well anymore, so the work that you up here and but a whole me immediately over faced time. I would never recommend that again, but yeah moving the home and we got them closer than the dictionary. Your pictures they're ye about about four two days from visiting a friend to house thinks all the banker cutting jobs without fifteen plus years. Ok, for new refugees in athens, georgia. I bought a home and instantly the home needed. It turn a money put into it that we were not expecting, and I just didn't show hooker nor did inspections, ok, so gerfalcon death and critical
that obviously the home and then cars that now you no longer. I guess I can t afford, that we were able to afford in california you couldn't afford Mickey unimpaired foreign boca, it could well be correct. Shorty on your cars, Altogether about seventy two thousand and breaks for my car number, one but one. I think I owe about fifty thousand on connachar number tuesday, twenty two to the seventy two then or you have three cars. I correct three cars one of arms about twenty thousand and then the other ones just about paid off? Ok, and what are you your household income now that you got no jobs about it. In ten thousand hooker. And how much is your new house amendment twenty one hundred and how much
how much doubt of iran up other than the cars by twenty seven thousand in credit cards. Ok, to do the repairs on the home or just just because you bought stuff because we bought stuff Andy deal appears on the whole some of the money that we use. We use try to use most of the money that we had left over after selling home and bought per during a home, try to keep a good next day and that didn't work out a lot of that money. Liquid cash I to go into the home right away we got no money left no money. James another? Well, you can offer Furthermore, korean you shall it period even if his pipe, I'm sure you ve gone ten, you dont need of it more carbon in my garden, dim pretty simple cronies and shall arrange now in luxury. so your income coming up dramatically in the next twelve months. You need to get rather car. Probably need to go further to point out our car to and get your couple beta.
the drive and to get us much cleaned up. So what happens? Is we have to catch up until we get the budget back and balanced cause you're, not in congress right up and so you know you got it. You gotta one hundred ten thousand our top line and we got em the bottom numbers fit on inside of that with a working budget and that's gonna mean shown at least one of those cars and getting a better get your father nor car and that's the one I would make and you I will help you with the process hang on up which goes into financial peace university, it's our class to show you. Right, shot up and how become a millionaire later, but one things around teaches being? Should I blame impulsive? those are the rams ratio, Episode is sponsored by better help. Hey folks, doktor john bologna, here times it's hard to get our brains to turn off, and I know it talking about. I'm the king of racing thoughts they ve kept me up at night. Got me up early, kept me from canada.
with people in generally, just prevented me from enjoying life. If you find your Start to erase it inconvenient times a great way to me those thoughts, slow down or stop is to talk them through with a trusted person there he gives me a place to do just that. So I could get off the next thought treadmill, learn positive coping skills set he boundaries and find some mental and emotional peace, and it can help you to if you're thinking of starting, therapy give better help a try, better help is convenient because it's entirely online, so its flexible and can fit your schedule just fill out a brief quest, near to get matched with the license? Therapist, you can even switch their pissed at any time for no extra charge, so take a break from racing thoughts, with better help visit better help. Calm, slashed aloni today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help h e lp, dot com slashed aloni.
the thanks for joining us america, KEN coleman, ramsey personality is my co host today: open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two, two: five georges in Sarasota Florida, hi george, welcome to the ramsay chef Paul. Gentlemen. Thank you for taking my call sure. What's up so moved with my family to Florida two years ago, left my business in washington state and it's been there in Tacoma washington for about five years- and I am lost couple years trying to work remote managing the business. It was a struggle. Ah, we bought a piece of property here were planning to build. and, though you know a month ago, the bidders burnt down there, we completely now I'm trying to figure out what to do next fires, maybe
now we ve saved up about a hundred twenty thousand dollars was the land is worth about? A hundred we are thinking either to start something new like this. I said that I was doing there, which is an auto wrecking I'm on the smaller scale or for me to just get a job being more stable, sell the land and buy a house, which is what my wife wants us to do We have three little kids, five, three and eight bundled I should good insurance. I had no insurance business was struggling and dumb yeah, so you just lost interest or me to be. I lost it. Yeah pretty much. All the stuff survived. I'd say like ninety percent was last show. So what's the land worth because you owned the real estate I did not only real estate.
my landlord had re insurance for the building of butter. Land I purchased here we were planning to build on, is worth about. A hundred thousand. And we have a hundred twenty thousand even then renting or painting? Yes poker? What would you do right now you just snap, your fingers with the skill set. You have knowing your industry. That would pay you the most. What what would that be? There are a couple options I have found may be gone the consulting for company out of company, or I honestly like what, for myself my whole life very six and are now so. Do you
trade skills, I do have trade skills what work in a body shop as attack, repairing carts and I can do get. I can give back into it What what was the ugly angel was what you said. It was a wrecking. Yes, what's that mean that recycling junkyard like a junk yard? yeah, but I was doing more of like indoor undertaking, which was parking cards I'm telling you gotta parts. I can show you a bye Old car parted out shall off the scrap and solve the parch correct indoors, And when you are entering call my and you all live there and the business was flourishing, what did you make? What was your best year? Profit taxable profit about a hundred. Fifty ok,
Why is it what is take to shut that up or so you lost up there. You launched tool, and some inventory in the fire What do they want to know? What's it like to shut the business up and get it running, not counting the land and the building would take some tool. Some equipment the electorate to grant folding I like, probably around their here or what I would do. If I were in your shoes is, I would take some side gig hustles. hush on ground to make a living would go rent an aw, a warehouse somewhere not an end. I would show your land. now to shovel andrea to earn twenty thousand bought right click? Ok,
take fifty out of that, and not now, I've got a hundred seventy put down on the house. Ok, ok and arm imo start the business rental property, not a pound peace, a real estate. This time, I'm gonna. Insurance on it, and you know how to make a hundred fifty thousand hours your partner cars and on the inside out of a warehouse right, yes and you get to doing. You could turn a profit within ninety. He's doing that. Can't you yeah yeah, I figured you could go. That's a quick turn business! You have the of the You have the access to the supply of the total vehicle When do you have a distribution for the parched part em out We'll get him hold rack, quick. doing that our local basis, you're done then on a national basis. An international. Yet we are following the other partner parting outage. It's an internet function right. Yes, this is not like from
little boy in Sarasota wanders and involves a transmission from your partner sucker out your son and at every level he's all over the dead gum. More allow this thing, and you know it Actually I don't you know like fire. You know the cars and you're a good without even asking that have the parts that are I demand, so you know what to buy scroll that, because the parts on that particular vehicle will sail the parts on the other. Vehicle, won't sell shadow screw with it right, that's not accept yeah, you got your decisions if it is this rate, the issue that I want to address real quick is the relationship issue. Your wife wants you to get us what she's calling a stable job. That means a salary, and so you a point you gotta think through that. What is her concern? What's her big concern of cause, I grew dave. You can actually do that. I would be working in some trades in an odd at ease. to a little, but based on what
But I wonder what she so worried about chiefs worried about me being home and having less stress, because I had to leave her well, we decided to leave to florida. I had to work I'll, come home. Why no movie of already he was just something we wanted to do like. bull crap. Why did you move to florida? Ok, so there is a little bit all politics, my its closer to my wife. The family, okay and I'm better for our kids. Now you go okay, that's fair! That's a good! That's a good answer! You're, alright! And now a Yeah, so I'm with, can you know you can start that the parting out on the side at first until you get it up and running. But you can make. we're doing this and you can any trade job or any shot. Hustle agreed
this is the way you make your family. The most money is reopened business and run it, but don't get in the real estate business being part business. Rent, the dead gum warehouse from some. I let them deal with the real estate, like you did before this time, insurance on your stuff for god's sakes, but other than that yeah and and show you can drop fifty k there, You can shut a hundred, and seventy aside for a house start talking about when we're gonna buy the house, actually the truth that you may want to rent for two years and establish a really good income self employed person to qualify for addition mortgage out of this particular business. but you're not, you know you gotta get that business really rockin for two years to be able to use that money to qualify for the mortgage, because I have two years a self employed income to prove it out. as your granby megan sixty year. Eighty, do in trade and that's the based the house you're gonna buy. So if I may well guys. If I can get my wife on board, I'm going to say.
let's get a rental and have a too your plan, I'm gonna, work, at the tail end off we're going to get this. How to get this business up and running and then I'm gonna quit the side job and run the business fulltime, I'm going to come home at five o'clock and I'm gonna higher staff and people working. former me shot or how to be gone all the time and we run a business during a normal business hours and we grow it and we're two hundred and fifty because we're not staff up and we're gonna run you no harm. getting people from tat people as well as some people the actual rynch. Turning and let's get this hang up and going in three years from now you'll be making sure is money, that's that and by house with a hundred seventy down are a hundred and fifty down give twenties emergency fund, but yeah europe the sugar and you had no insurance in considering you now have a good plan before you ve got our good options, we run a dutch in great financial shape minus the insurance exactly. I have the insurance with another video under whatever it is or more
Lesson learned lessons: lesson learned this, is the regime. What we judge ramsey boils down to taking control of your life, it's all about personal responsibility and if you own a gun, that's even more important, shall I recommend becoming a member of the? U s: concealed: carry association, you'll, have immediate access to liability, insurance, education and training to protect your loved ones and defend your rights in the most responsible way. Go to? U s! Cc aid dotcom, sledge, ramsay enjoying today. That's? U s c c, a dotcom, slash, ramsay, thanks for joining us america common ramsay personality. Is my co host. You jump in Malta, about your life and your money: open phones, triple eight, eight to five five, two to five hate,
oh and perry are with us on the debt free stage in the lobby of rapidly solutions that Gaza warrior welcome. Welcome good to have you saw how, where do you live, amorous massachusetts, you're welcome to nashville, and are much debt of you got paid off three hundred and five thousand dollars, okay and just along three years a groundwater, excellent excellent show if I've got my notes, right, you're coming to join She asked yes, just happened. Well, what are have going? Well all right right. What he's doing I'm a product manager are team Oh, I see the team is out there. The very clear idea of you showed what that means. Is we're not gonna. Ask your income. three hundred and five sound.
And what kind of debt was this everything from business debt to car dec guards, family loans, house, improvement loans everything so tell me. Your normal, very How long you been married, we just at five years, yet Ok, so two years and a marriage, normal shocks yet and how'd you get caught. And then end up working here too crazy story. So I came across eu like a decade ago. I think found a buck. Ah by I m ready, like deathless, end to really try my best to follow it, but mad hammond arm. Once we met and go married were dislike, leavin, the laugh and an covert head and he had his own business and lost the business during covered. The bats. When we were like, we lost almost every thing, and that was when
like hey, maybe we should follow the essen and that's kind of how god, on their the plan, was when we lost everything cause The thing was going fine. We were normal up until then the income disappeared and all of a sudden what you thought was smart turns out to be stretched tested. Yes and didn't look smart anymore, the absolutely and we always remain on the business being able to continue and to be able to pay the lifestyle. And then you know the business went for making about sixty sixty five thousand dollars a month to zero, because locked out and so all of a sudden, the lifestyle caught up to us and we realized there was no, it wasn't sustainable. We can do anything, we almost went bankrupt and so what I do now perry, I'm I'm in marketing an email, specialist, okay, alright, so you can just transfer that when you guys moved to that ain't right, yeah, ok and get back to make those banks Hopefully I was that your business that now I was actually onto Jim
I only had a personal training studio in philadelphia. Oh It's a good way to get completely shut down during was not the best business. Yeah philadelphia, shot everything well and there's a little covert. They don't like people that is true yeah I get. The cupboards are mad at people that workout oh wow, gosh, I'm sorry, sorry, you went through the yeah, but I'm so happy. You found the light at the end of the tunnel yeah and when we actually scheduled the the dis debt free scream, she had an AP Yet it wasn't even on the radar we kind of just put it out there to kind of get full circle, and then We will. We will only hosting a few classes and south on the website peruse and just now, looking different things you have and announcing. Let me look at the look at just for fun on I saw a role and I actually just one who do a coffee chat to learn like what is it that you're looking for a product managers,
then I can tell a my reza may to like be what you're looking for oil. If there's anything, I'm missing, I can go out and then get that experience then try when I'm ready, so a coffee, Chad and adapt to, He is. The man was iq coming down. Let's you now, C4 can speeded up and yet we stepped into the trap of its being a great experience. Are we really excited ago very good work aboard welcome to nashville. Congratulations are at night been through Helen back? What do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is, I think, like one in communication, we like we listened to the podcast every single day for a couple of hours a day and would constantly dream of what things would be like once we pay everything off and- and you know, we we, he lost his income. We were only on my income.
So we basically were like we gotta live everything's gotta be with in my income. So then, when he did get a job and all his income is what helped us pay it off within three years cause we could live on. One income In short, you should give way to get got your life's, not weigh down yeah and we ve sacrificed a lot like it's not like. We were living, the last stole it wise. We sacrificed allied gave up alight and- tough three years by worth, energy and intentionally was huge. You know just being able to speak about everything and have a plan, and no, this is a season that I'd be along season by it would be. You know it end sooner than later, if we just kept to the plan and so I think at one time I had seven. Obstacles diamond. I was doing anything that someone would pay me to do.
mean almost anything anything. Morally. Yes, yes, and so we just stuck to the plan and we know always communicated and even in the hard times we together, you know understand where we were in that journey in visualize, where we were going in We finished sweating await ways sooner than we thought we would result like perry, you are working a whole lot, that's a big sacrifice, but nicole- and you are talking about a lot- you extended that now. So I'm curious what were some of the toughest sacrifices that you guys made so one of our big data wise, we did Van life our little bad, so we bought a sprinter van if our backhoe, mercedes, sprinter and and flip that so we had to that- was that what what kick started it we were like. We have to sell it like a now is like a big sacrifice. Was a good got paunch it
oh look, we're living was amazing, laugh and then to then be like it's gone and we made that sacrificed salad. So that was a big chunk that helped us a lot and then yes, we did and eat out. We didn't do anything. There were times I got invited to my friends, bachelor read and I was like I'm I'm sorry! I I can't afford it, and I have such amazing friends there will I come. It's ok! Well, we'll cover you like. We want you they're so like that was amazing as well, but humbling yeah, but we had to say oh and I think we ve come the annoying people that say loads every megan or two. You ve gotten whatever that now, when it sunk into when things were so, to turn around and when we are in the van you know you have cheap utensil and cheap things to cooking we literally never even bought a new spatula. We are using this broken plastic spatula that couldn't yearnings up and
we went to target one day and bought a spatula and ooh yeah drinking glasses were when we would get spaghetti sauce. We had rented with drinking glasses. So when people came out, we were like sorry, we don't have glasses and we hope he will be come on guys. You can buy plates cause. We only had like four and he had dropped a few and- and they were like, come on for trouble for that harry that the sacrifice of scary drop and you can afford. Then you can get plates like we yeah. We could but then attack, but then we could get this as well, and this as well so we're just like were were sacrificed a lot even for our, and we have a- baby boy at wise. You know he would go again. We only had like three or four offered them like sorry, we oughta be laundry like for you, don't have anything. I could we about. We sacrifice a lot about senses, while also you'll never know how
you know Dave as a whole. Lot of knows there that are going to lead them to a pretty big. Yes, here just a moment, and I think that's a great lesson. You guys are also convey relations were honoured to have beyond the team and honour to have his family. bashir and absolutely incredible. We got the baby steps millionaires book for you, the total money make overbooking, financial peace, university ship as well. You'll have all those things when you're here anyway, but you can give him away and your sons, age and name levi unease, forty he is clearly he's a baby commercial, perhaps point out he's gotta, very clean out by laundering that freshly laundered after that, perry. I believe from oil formerly remember massachusetts now from Frank continuously, three hundred and five thousand paid off in three years, counting down. Let's hear a debt prescribed. Ninety three to one
the wow. That's the way to start a new job. It really is quite a start very good stuff. This is the ramsey show Let's cut to the chase, it's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices and interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way, you'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsay trusted agents are just experts who guide you through buying or selling their people. You can trust to have your back from the first call to closing they find a ram trusted agent near you at ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash agent, that's ramsay solutions, dotcom, sledge agent,
can common Ramsay personality is my co host today, our question of the day is sponsored by neighbourly your home for home, services if you're moving a long wished to dues but neighbourly as local prose like housemaster five star, painting though genie and junk king to check items off that list visit neighbour our common schedule, a homes, arms export near you today she comes from Alex in Oklahoma. I recently changed jobs for a pay increase to get us through baby step. Two, it's the same role at a new company. My previous employer said that they could not make me counter offer. But last week I heard from a coworker at the company that they may reach out to me to see. If I would come they may try to imagine new salary or maybe even increase it. I was wondering if this is a risky move, I'm concerned that I might be a target if there are lay off since I jumped ship. I enjoyed working with my old team but left for the large hey increase almost fifty percent is.
Concern rational. If so, what can I do to lessen the risk? Well, there's a whole lot of maize and may bees- and I heard this you know I came from a coworker, sir until the old company contacts you back Alex. This is all speculation. Let's start there, but if where to contact you and you had this- I think it's a legit concern, because you know if someone left me. If I was the owner of a company in someone left me, I would be worried that they would leave me again and that's that's. You know a reasonable worry. You left for a big pay increase it, but it, but I would just bring it up to if this happy, and there's a whole lot of may bees in this, and so, if they call you back, they want you back You can explain, hey I left. I need the money. I was paying off debt very reasonable explanation and in their reprocessed to say, hey have I created some concern for you. Do you think I'm loyal like I bring it up in the interview and look em, I bought eyeball and allow
to address it. You know address itself in the room and if they go, there's no elephant, then than fine, but I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you know they say but they ve got concerns about you leave him again now interested know your thoughts on that, because you know people leave where a large company, any company has people move in a move out. What's your take on that, if they wouldn't match the salary before you left, fact that are coming back now and doing it makes me not want to work for them. She wouldn't go back. and we have a real at ramsay our rule. Is we almost never rehire because in the times we have rehired in our world or not on a hot. overworked world when a low turn over world, I gotta friendless and arrest doesn't she requires all the time, but I have a hundred twenty five percent turn over a year, so they re our people, then, on the other they work. Seven different places, no cycle back around it,
but that's a different world issues, a low turnover world, a man and what we found over there years of running ramsay is the reason that someone left the first time will be the same reason they leave the second time, and so I agree the think. That's you! How shall we dont rehire, except in very rare circumstances? So Ninety nine percent of the time it's no. I think I have two people out of a thousand that are on their second round here at this moment. If our right, I can name one upmanship, there's another one in the back of my head somewhere but on, and we actually call that guy unicorn yahoo because he's pretty rare, usually he's a fabulous team. That's right show but his nickname around here is that for that very reason, because it unusual for us to rehire- and so anyway, but also, I would reverse that in your case and say very reason that they didn't take care of you before you left is there
you dont want to return. You know they didn't step up. They yet wait until you're gone and then there like wooo, I guess because you're right you're, the first one back out the door when you get back over there you're in a tenuous shutting, I wouldn't go back. I think your other add your decision, you moved on got a fifty percent pay, raise at stake, failure and just say thanks guys. I appreciate it. That's nice! I wish we'd had this discussion before, but we didn't and I'm not cool. You know they make the offer the spot. Then that's different yeah, a lot of speculation in this too, and I think he needs to be focused on the nail where he is and let's move forward young. Would you make a good piano quit jumping around on every penny, despite those at at fifty percents? Not a penny, but if they're going to just match what you did and you're going to go back, you know now: yeah I mean if they want to give you a fifty some of what you got now we'll have to talk about it. I guess, but you know, but if we all you're doing shake it
be careful young, but because we know that, following the great resignation, was the great regret and correct millions of people, went to another job and they went o. This isn't what I thought it was gonna be or what I was told. There is a lot of echo and on yeah you they told me I could I work for some and I could work from home and then mom, says even so, miss coming back to work in the office that the great ass, the iron rhine irony in the history of the world, so lot of fun, lot of an open found a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. trainer isn't boston, mass high katrina? What's up, I believe I can things were taken, I call I am a new listener to your show and I am of kicking myself or not with an inquiry earlier. I feel like never really weren't you adult when it comes to my finding at those, though I have ought to learn
I am a forty five year old in your mom by choice. That means I decided to have my children on my own thing, on donor, and I say that, for you know, I'm totally financially responsible for my two kids beta turned why and three either a little babies and I'm really feeling anxious about our financial future and I'm just a little bit paralyze about what my next step should be. I have a chunk of money in saving and I dont know if I should pay off my mortgage watching strongly about. I have about two hundred and fifty two thousand and three, the trial of the kids writing the junk we have about eight grand a mirror in their accounts as well. and how much time I could have about one forty five. Other what dutch other than your mortgage to you now
Does my mortgage not pay off code on it, because I have a feeling you get atomic waste? An opponent wrote. It Ninety seven, ninety eight, it's not much, but here my complication, I my house a few you to go from my father and I bought it for one fifty and it's a great deal at the time. It was probably worth three fifty now. I think it's about worth six fifty m, but it's falling apart and it also keeps with two that all went well you're not so the whole thing together is probably fell for sit around six. Fifty and everything is kind of old and falling apart and constantly putting money into fix things never mind trying to get it on some of the repair, if I know only the come, someone the other car occasion I have is that I have very long. Can you to work and I'm from high school teacher a high school principle, and I spend between three and four, the day commuting right now. So my children, I now
my kids are in daycare. It's fine. I've been an absolute or, to you know, pay people to take care of me. heads for me if I know at some point in the next few years and neither are going to have to get a new job, which I don't argue for by. You home that's closer to work. I just don't know what to do with my money and how to set myself up for success in five year. One of the two fifty km from just my feelings, your frugal amazed, and I mean you on two and fifty thousand dollars less than you made over period of some years, that's impression, while I'm forty five suppression, five and I never have not eighty five and it is done as you did great result of the compliment you rock katrina you doing right now. I would say that I would show your house tat every year and move closer to the district and pay cash. Ok, I can tell the house, because it's a family house, but we are very attached
whose we me and my parents, I'm not attached to it, somehow allowed me to have the kids that I Not have been able to have one. I was running an apartment by show served its purpose. it's you shall it even would When will you know I would sell us the chances of Commuting three hours a day is precisely zero for more than ten days. That's gonna kill you. Who's. Gonna shock, you even more obligated to this house, and you are spending time. We are children oh, I know, but now I use It's stupid house my guided us to shortage of Amelia, you gave your children a gift that It was a blessing and later became a curse because they didn't want you to feel bad. You didn't give them a gift and you would
Do that to your kids and your dad didn't do that to you sell the house, it's a house, this other ramsay show. from the headquarters of ramsay solutions. It's the ramsay show where we help people build. While do They love and create action, amazing relationships. Common ramsay personality and number one best selling author of the book from paycheck purpose, all about careers and jobs. She's? My co host today open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. dane is in denver, hide, dane welcome the rams issue. He welcomed me yeah. I guess I've always wanted to say this. How are you doing this strategy? better than I deserve. What's our man, hey are you has ever quickly question openly
I'm looking to make a lateral move and housing from one house to another. I currently own my home there with it and I'm looking to make a m flight move, not not too far away, and I'm I see it as two different options that I have I'm trying to avoid: getting another mortgage out, I'm trying and avoid moving intervention. temporarily, and I'm trying to avoid storing all my stuff I'd like to just go from one house to the other. I'm I see it as I can do a sale on contingency or what about these? We buy your house or services they need a scam or not whether or not a scam and butter buying the home to resell it at a profit, which means they have to buy it from you at below retail right. Yeah the money that I would lose on, that would probably paper
the rental for how do you know what I've done a little? Are we search? I know renting is extremely. I hear and I do work with a lot of appraisers in the line of work that I do on the land. Surveyor I mean all of this is all of this is assuming that you think you know what they're going to offer you correct, correct and I've actually reached out just know you can fill out those forms, email, kind of forms and I'm none of them have responded with number which kind of shocking me a little weird yeah, exactly it's, because they don't want to scare you to death. They want you to sell the house, but dude I it usually eighty cents on the dollar, seventy cents on the dollar awhile It's not a small. It's not like two thousand dollar discounter, something I mean a lot here: you're, not so desperate or you
No, I'm not! I don't do it, don't just don't do it, here's what you need to do. You just need to be patient and do a contingency sale. Ok, let's see I like that, I'm not gonna, do it otherwise! Ok, I saw my personal residence when everything peaked out two years ago, because it was a real killer opportunity to go. out of the house and I but we shoulda and delayed possession by four months ago, And I was four months to get the other house purchased and moved into an, but that you know well: did you take out into a discount? I just refused to show are the wash show you're gonna, referring to show your home out from under you. you're gonna, show it some kind of terms that allow you to make a one move.
and then the person I'm buying it from they also have to agree to this. To me, but what I would do start shopping the area that you think you ought to be an answer. I could live there there. There if you want to make an offer on one of a contingent upon the sale of yours, fine, typically, what most our do. There's differences in different markets is generally culturally, except the state community, for some reason, decides it and culturally and a market, but most the time you have like a seventy two, our first rather refusal. So if the seller other property that you want to buy accepted a contingency offer from you. You'll be content upon the sale of yours and they keep, there's on the market if they get another buyer of seventy two hours to say I'll, buy it anyway and you would do that you would let him go right. Yeah, ok you're right. I do have time on my site, I'm a wash and saw it,
until the right deal comes together and the right timing for you too, by the who, that you want and move time with a sigh of yours on contingency shale- you just don't do it I won't say, won't take a contingency contract. Okay, combat, oh yeah, yeah. Alright, I like this idea and I can do stuff just take my time. It's all out of convenience. It's got a new, hold down the street, and just what you do, I'm gonna carefully locked the dominoes up, so that when I push them, they all fall in may beautiful design, my life and Indeed I wish there were totally get free. We on our house, forty two years old, I'm, I'm I'm sitting pretty during the trick is to not get married to the purchase south yeah.
yup, there's only one. If I don't get there were no, no there's lots of houses. You can purchase right sure if you don't get married to a certain house Then you say I'm I want to move over there and I like this kind of property and Whichever one god a ranges for this whole domino system to fall I'll land in that, and I won't be happy as a clam, not the second. He had a born yourself against, and I have to warn myself against us to amend the bit of known wrote done restate. My whole life is worth you ve got everything lined up in this one comes to buy your house. You ve used. your emotionally motivated to get that deal done, so we can push the dominoes and if you're, not careful you'll discount your home, negotiation process? Could you get all excited right? and just beware that that human nature, yeah? I got all this land on, don't worry! I won't take that late little amount, but how much I want to push the dominoes and now you're about to take ten thousand dollars to lodge led to
then you should have suggestions play hard to get and don't get married to the next one, and you can learn these up in your gun? Be just fine and I want you to know that dave dave practices, He preaches in a lotteries, but you did that also negative. We're thinking about your talk about the house. What I miss in the porch- I don't know, You got rid of that house with a porch that you had highest point in waves, a county. I could see eighteen miles off of it and I I You took me back there for second beautiful, I'm being selfish, beautiful ike how to miss the hang out here out there in the light of the nice people that bought it from us. They paid me for that view. Yet If they did, that is the moral of the story. Folks I read I, I thought you were a little crazy, but it was a good book. It was a little crazy, but it was if you're ever going to sell a particularly unique property during a super
the hottest time I've ever known in thirty five years of real estate would be I'll. Do it and you did- and I did it right at the national market to show it just in these. evenings and economic I wanted somebody all the time on here. It's just house, then yeah, but those that that house the views on that property taken from astronomical yeah. A moment ago I do miss their, although a national down in the woods now we're I've got no view which is amazing to you like that for income. Why I'm back and walden pond here a bright light I must be out of loopholes for mute, arrogant, yes or sell. Those problems will be big. Redneck poetry is a big deal hillbilly per curry pulls a piece of shit learn from from the woods of the hill, but I've already titled or we go it's not next book who knows by these tough measures decided This is the rams issue
in common ramsay personality is might go home today. Foreign willie Robertson. Is the ceo of duck commander and buck commander star of a duck dynasty leave expanded. family companies from living room operation to a multi million dollar enterprise willie. book with weathers. Add entre leadership summit business leadership did a great job back in may, and I he email me the other day with this film. he's done about his dad and is arms early days, and it is shut me a link to it. I intended to watch just a little bit of it. I would be intelligent on this interview and I couldn't turn it off. It was absolutely fat well, are you? How are you my friend How are you doing good man you make an around pitch in a movie I been in new york city
In an hour ago, during this bay young foxes, mornin, what is it now that didn't work out, but we're working on some other stuff for later on? Yeah I've been pretty much phone on my computer. It been interviewed all day long, though the big weight with criminal show I'm not. read the film synopsis Allah. You just tell the story, but I knew a little bit of the story from talking to you and talking to your dad and your brothers over the years that your dad was Basically, I Hell razor and I had an amazing experience, talk talk through what the films about. yeah it, yes Tom set in the sixty to seventy seventies. It- and I want to make your by aware not that bad day, that the aftermath of a friend, abbott way ride and has a strong say that this is right at the beginning,
This is where thou really lost his way down. Just really spent about ten years is making making life really rough, but my mother not tab and then is the story of his work. interested in how he found the lord and I'm and how more probably more importantly, how mom forgave him to keep the family together or you know David. That might happen. My whole life would be completely different and vienna, Who knows what would have happened. I probably wouldn't be talking to you today so uh, that's out of that came the company out of back in the business duck commander from That came got dynasty and then you about all the things that have gone along with that, and so we can trace that back that this, this really spiritual moment, I think, you'll realize when you say the movie man, how close it was, you know just to be in over. You know completely over so uh yeah, it's a powerful story and it just felt like one. We have to really meet willie can here. I'm just curious was
phil reluctant to share the story and movie for me, just comes across as a guy who's. Just so humble, and just a play spoken, managed curious to know what he's feeling about the story being told. he really was. I me they ve been so transparent throughout their whole lives like there's. Nothing in the movie I saw, but I hadn't heard them tell us directly. Really open about their lives, but I think once they got down that like making they and we're gonna. U now pretty much highlight that the worst time a girl you know that was struggling. I'm so glad you daddy cotton, christianity and really is generally alive, but they do not look back your past well look or the press forward. Let the mecca the about it, which would live forever right over. Here to really take back into the past in the deal with that. But you know what a year he benefits if some somebody at one person, I'm so the law,
over there by the murder. You can help shed some light on up. He was willing to do it, not just yeah. It's kind of a guy, he has a job so yeah it was. It was well, then it was really hard for us to watch and it's just hard to watch. You know your your parents, like my kids or grandkids. You know a talk for all of us. Gonna watch watching that pain that is well until the story are catch its peak and the story so well told, Not only is there a great story, but it's well told the screenplay and acting are their lights out in the guy play in your dad has got them He's gonna action out god. I thought it was fill a couple of times. A piece sounds he could do voice over fulfilled. Aid from england? Now why it's great he's good good manners, even problem america yeah! Isn't that amazing? How those are really all the cast and how they put that you know how they when they showed up and do what they do it's just
it was amazing. Just put that story, the hardest part day was to make it not radar because build life was really read it. I thought I might have faced by a movie about a guy who put about by albania as want nothing to do with phase will back the grid story of that as well. Oh or you know we're out we'll get ourselves in situations that, though yeah we just wanted to be real and raw and honest and say: hey this: this is it. This is what life looks like, Movie comes out nine. Twenty eight, the twenty eighth of september this week, called the blind and it's shirt and a duck lined him talking to of his friends is asking him how he turned his life around and in and he d take you back through the history, as he's telling his friend the story, and it, it's a great shut up storytelling mechanism is absolutely good and blown away.
his kids from england cause. I gotta tell you man, I thought he was a swamp guy. I really did a he. He completely sold me and when that preacher baptizes your dad in the movie in the in the swamp and he comes out screamin about Jesus and loving Jesus. I got random base. It was A male I can cannot I'm not crying. You are the dusty here yeah, so submit our genes are bad as tommy yeah, so No, I know what feel watchful wants people to make Jesus. That's fails, whole thing in life. everything he does about that and, as you put all of us together. What was the overall goal for the family? I may really the number one was the same day I may we were wanting. Tell this story and corn, I got into production related, tell stories and we saw the power that does as we have just with the many thousands of people
You know like what does what the story may? What then Maybe she met turn the prayer for years, but the dinner table all that, but we rely irony that but war stories like this out, we didn't critically work longer to our stories, but with it, but this is not just doin that we decided. But this one out in the end so yeah. That was our goal, which is to you know, say: marriage is how painful and then until destroy that look, we're we're no difference. Yeah. I think you can see people on tv, it looks like we ve got a lotta gathered by oh, I they got money and budget. You know then we just want to show you now. Our life is just like yours. Have it, and also having spent time with the current version of uncle CY the youth version of uncle sigh was my blowing. I found my favorite part because that's what I didn't get to say, I didn't get to see that grow. That gets the young uncle saw a little kid. goodbye about both major
fine and the moment we branch out dated august, compare branch on female played it back. The other and terry toll that story. The story. We have therefore taken very fishing. They told me that story. He was doing autographs- and I have a pic- I was like thirteen years old I said hey. Let me tell you the story about what your dad did know he, and so we put that story in the movie. What you've always been an inlet? Let's not miss that folks. If, if you didn't catch, they talk about. The hall of famer legendary, terry bradshaw and fill hang out together now Phyllis quarterback nine harry was the back. I know what I'm saying there. Now I get a quick goes. He wants to duck racial, broad child who comes the quarterback right and fills decanting instead of in the interval. How great is it, but just imagine those two having conversations ills or sub care anders at the other end repatriation. I learn. How do you get tickets and movie information for the blind willie?
yeah. You can go to the blind, maybe dot com and find out more about it. You can purchase, take it now, can learn how a theatre gets gather the charge, and you know that as we only have a week in the theaters. You know I'd say if it does well, they'll they'll, keep it longer. Obviously, and I'm a we rarely got to make the statement. You know the hollywood, everybody else who make movies and said hey. These are the kind of movies that we've seen any such successful movies. You know revolution found afraid a there's been great. What so, uh yeah they'll supported the move. Is the blind check it out at the blind dot com So you soon my friend good luck with the russian gods. Blushing John! It thank you buddy. They think be good there's? The ramsay show. Common ramsay personality is my co host open for again
we found a triple eight eight to five five, two to five, you jump we'll talk about your life and your money on that debt free stuff, ages, scott and rachel, hey guys. How are you try again. I got how are you we're doing great. How are you guys doing better than we deserve? Where do you live? We live in Laverne California, which is just outside of pasadena. Our very cool, welcome to nashville and how much data because paid off we paid off three hundred Seventy seven thousand seven hundred dollars awry along this. Take it took about five and half years for you love and your range of income during that time we started at around one sixty I mean it, your change right at the end of twenty nineteen covert hit the wedding planner, not so we dropped to about one forty and then I picked up a ton of jobs. So we increased
except to twenty working about seven jobs. At one point, are you back to wedding mining? Now I am thank god, but on seven june, Why what kind of debt which the three seventy eight so about fifty thousand was cars? Twenty thousand was credit cards. and then another three hundred and forty thousand with student loans, wow wow way to go. Gosh no student loans, galore yeah, yep for what I too a pharmacist pharmacy school, which is very fordable yeah sure, and what did you pay? How much illustrated lungs were yours, all of them all pretty much all the same at three hundred thousand for pharmacy school, with a with interest rates and everything yeah ho Lee you got ripped off. Oh my gosh,
wow, okay, wow! Well, congratulations! You're! There now and you've got a good income. That's good! So you plowed through this. What happened five and a half years ago you grad school, got married and went oh, my god yeah. So what's funny is, and my parents put my brother and I through financial peace university in highschool, so I had the knowledge going into, but we really didn't discuss finances until premarital, and I really As we were not on the same pay, If I had a few of my back pocket scott deny and he was and so when we got married he came Instead, I want to watch tv, I knew we couldn't afford it and actually went my dad, they said Why do I he wants if I don't agree in here is like look tell him. If he'll do F p with you, you can the tv just just it then, and so he again
It is all about bribing. Yes, he agreed, and by these second class he with hucks no tv. Individually to regos part about. Will you and I will have a car. I went to be honest. I was very sceptical. I was not a board initially, even after the first class of a few hours ago, will see like let's see how this plays out and then the second class. Everyone had a total up their debt that they had. The added it together the class and with my wife grass, Might I clutching my hand, I realize we, Ninety percent of our clauses that- and so we need to make it
it's a little so that hooked you yeah, I was like Okay group, shaming yeah, it's like how is this possible like what oh, we got a lot and we got almost all of a relationship question on this, given how this has been set up. So when you realize that- and you go it's done like how quickly do you tell or is it on the way out? Is it in the car on the is it was in the class? it was in the car. It was day was like continuous conversation afterwards, I'm in that. So when you flip the switch, you flip the switch. I was all in after that. Those of us that are cynical. I'm the same way. I have the gift of cynicism, I'm either all in or I'm all out and show once I'm out I'm out and once I'm in I'm in it and it's it's game on. There's no issue It's how think you're either think you're shown snake oil or this sanctions like bread and once I started
crunching, the numbers I was like I'm in I'm in. Let's do this supposed to us at the game on game on: let's go win the superbowl. So five, then I years later, you plowed the your student lounge. this? Is an ironic debt free scream the week before student lowering in art, yeah a main big son? a black sundays coming out of this, days when they start back for everybody and you ve got a three hundred and seventy eight. Thousand dollar story here now, but you got they wouldn't really your first order of business and the marriage right after a tv. yeah. I guess the t v came in handy cause. You guys didn't go out now we're either working or sleeping eating. That was pretty much it. You still have the t v so grateful. Alright, that's good move, wow good for you guys very, very well down I'm proud of you excellent excellent stuff. So what did I see you have to somebody. That's got a big all polish student loans in their facing it for sunday position
He has a weak honestly. We can joke around about it, but it's it's a scary weak for a lot of people cause Having that realisation? That Biden is not coming, and they're going to have to do this themselves. They signed up for it and I don't have to pay it with grew whether or not done matter that your reality and folks are scared. And other confused are overwhelmed? Had me, that's a big old mountain manner Three hundred and seventy eight thousand, you the amount you write that down you'll have an oh crap moment. So, what's your advice to somebody sitting where you were sitting five and a half years ago, I think, for it's just? Having open communication about finances just being able to Dear spouse, and just say you know, I'd like this is what I need it was what's important to me. This is what we need to start thinking about it. Just having dialogue and being on the same page, what helped us tremendously to be on the same age as having a monthly, budget meeting. We sit down every single month. We go through our finances. We go through everything that expected potentially coming up and were able to work through it.
for me funny data was talking about it last week, actually is celebrating the small wins. I know that the life cycle of getting out of debts only supposed to be twenty four to forty eight months and ours five and a half years, and it's a long time to be under that amount of stress, and we tried to take every opportunity we could to just celebrate the small whence we made an answer, grand page with our dog and we wish, for our pay off for the month and his kivo, and he would then eat it? We'd phelim eating it named in the debt free dude cause he's a dude. Also we ass yet and scott was always really great about just finding. A little surprises to celebrate when we got under a hundred k. He set up this fair game show and our back yard, with lights, and I
fake money to throw a baseball to break the paper to see what our new balance, what it was is very. Allow only had photos of it by just celebrating that stuff, because its heart You see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you aren't celebrating, ok, roquat, that's, brilliant and and because I've read about there's a lot of research on game of fine goals and that's what you guys did. It really did help you get through each new hurdle. because the brain goes out. We have something to look for or two in the midst of all the stronger, that's really brilliant. I love we had. Eight different loans, eight different student loans as ever single time, one we were able to pay off and it was little gaelic- were down one. We only have five left. Ok, we have four left and so on, and so I think it helped a lot and lasting for anyone fighting that large of a mountain of debt give yourself grace
it is easy to get upset if you have a slower month or you feel like you're, not moving as fast as you, can and just know that you're not going backwards. You keep going forward. when you see the way you guys we're here? How do you feel so many known We got the total money make over both the baby steps, millionaires book and the financial pressure versed in membership. For you to live a give in living, give box, way to go. Guys were very proud of you, Scott and right your pasadena, california, three hundred seventy eight thousand bite off in five and a half years, one sixty two to twenty counted down. Let's hear a debt breach, gray, three, two one!
yes, some major rambling. What's up as george Kamal here you don't I've been seeing a lot of on the internet lately other than everybody's trips to ITALY, bad financial, vice and that's why I'm so excited about my new project, where you get the truth about how to win with money, tune it on I defy, as we simplify complex financial topics, bus borrow, money, myths and talk with you life millionaires over coffee, we'd get new. blows every monday, wednesday and friday. May you don't want to miss the fun so go. or listen on spotify, just search george camel with a k our scripture that I second chronicles, fifteen seven, but you take courage, do not let your hands be weak for your work.
shall be rewarded. her her said the world isn't going to shower gold coins on you just because you have a good idea, you're going to have to work like easy to bring that idea to the attention of people Can common ramsay personality is my co host today mark is in Cincinnati. Hey mark, Welcome to the ramsay show a great deal beyond here, good to have you. How can I help Another question about building credit on. I just don't know where to start I'm currently, a student Twenty two years old, I am graduating three months- get free I don't want any more That alone, will you get out? You don't know where to start with building credit. Why do you need a cause
You knew about it. My parents house, in the next three to six months that doesn't require credit, ok, well, from mine I, on oak and from our understanding. I know that most renter, you want a line of credit or not truly least want some kind of credit, three, it's not true. That's a lie that your friends tell each other. Ok, what that's that's! Why I'm here I'm here to get some damn right. So here's the thing everybody says in a word, you have to have a credit, gorner ordered run apartment, and yet we routinely will pick up the phone call tune apartment complexes, in any given area and say: hey honestly, coming out of college. I have zero dead and she wrote credit. Will you rent to me now nine out of ten of them say yes, and yet Your friends tell each other that you have to go, get a credit card to build up your car
because no one will rent to you. But the truth is we ve actually call to an apartment complexes, two of em I'm not, but so what the other eight will some of them may require a slightly larger deposit which you get back. If you leave the place in good shape and pay your rent, but you know don't fall for the trap mark. The trap is, is that you have to go build a fire score. and the way you build a psycho scores. You go in debt. Why do I do that so that I can borrow money waterway going on? I borrow money, so I can build my fico score. What do I build my fico score, so I can borrow money. Why do I borrow money? So I can build my fico score. Why do I build my cycle? we're shock and borrow money, and you get a dog jason, its tail? well, you're, an american making one hundred thousand dollars a year, and one hundred per cent of your money goes out to some stupid, but bank, because you worshipped at the
altar of the great fight go and that's what your friends your doing and some of your parent, their parents are doing, but it's not smart and its also not factual leah. That's what my brother said. He said that a credit oil is nigh. get or my child like he's been listening to the ramsay show? here you actually get on your shell before so what future. Look like you graduate, then what Well, I graduated in december and actually going back to school for a second batteries We have to call my four fell by day of the next year. I helped you bastard, you're, looking at masters program where you gonna be doing for making money to be able to pay this rent. right now working full time and then I'm off. I also work kind of part time,
The contractors are doing group counseling sessions, because that's my that's what I'm going to school for I'm going to be a a addictions, counselor, okay, so you're gonna get your masters, so you can get licensed in. The state of a higher good for you look. So I'm already, I'm already like he's an addictions, counselling, a shave, ohio, I'm going or a little, why remaster counseling no ah so the way I did it and you you just need to have masters for hire or credentials, which is that that's what I'm going for them to why the second bachelor's am I the only two classes laughing at you. I see right, you just shake it off its within reach, yeah. That makes more sense, ok, and so the dope I'm just curious questioning whether tried or not, because I just don't know
but the second masters higher credentials enables you to do what that you can't do now as a licensed therapist, so it Stop sorry now on licensing addiction council, but I wanna be, go into mental health council, which requires a higher level of school in that those requirements, relations that does require. That's that's what I wanted on two may. They won't let you relations license without masters. What you're saying right My big going in five or ten years is too found in an own. My own counselling kind of. organization, how can a realistic good reason how an addiction come from to people that are struggling? I love that you're working in the field, while you're going lashed. I love that that's a beautiful path. It's gonna s, gonna call
few beyond what you realise not only you're, making the money to pay for everything, but it's gonna equip you ve Well done! Mark and one other small practical thing to consider market may not be right for you, but being single your work in a lot. Schooling, maybe get a roommate for that first apartment. It will also help solve that perceive problem as well. Get in save a little bit of money. You still doing you're on your own, but that's an option and something to think about cuts. The costa by release and thou shalt beverly welcome the rams asia. Thank you and thank you for taking my car sure. What's up. Well, I'm a little bit different a lot of your collars and seventy four years old, and I wish to goodness start listening to you twenty years ago, but I didn't sell. I'm start today. Ok, I have about thirty two The thirty one thousand nine hundred and fifty nine dollars in twenty six, that exact anna credit card debt,
I know that I want to get busy and issues is there a like in paying vat off but also have fifty seven six hundred twenty three dollars left on, my house pay them. wendy, foreign and good help. I want to pay off all this credit card debt, but is it ok if I just can you making payments on my house, while I'm still young and up and helping them to travel, do things and then pay for it. I mean obvious We continue making payments, but you know what I'm saying now, but these them stable your last year. The sooner your house has paid off the more stable your last year's will bake night, and so that's the trade off. Obviously you need to clean the credit card number four. We talk about travel by car by night and you have any money I do
I am I'm retired. And then I have like four hundred twenty five thousand men and an annuity without its a fix index, parity with a lifetime rider pay. I both the loans off tomorrow, the white paper loans off tomorrow? Ok how do the armoury. and I have come about Forty thousand dollars and stocks are strong and computer share saw. People are our future. that out and pay off and then take a little more out of the annuity and and arm and makes You have an emergency funds set aside and your one hundred percent debt free by the end of the week. No mortgage, no credit cards, cut up the credit cards beverage tom for plastic surgery, not because your seventy four, but because you use credit cards now here
I haven't used those credit cards in about three years: mice, my sister, to help me and at that Am I ask you to help me? I had about twenty three thousand dollars and credit card debt and her suggestion was to get it the garden have all my built just go abandon that your shares not very good at this. Well there her husband millionaires, which is why I asked her how her theory took you from twenty three to thirty two, how her idea such yeah, for me. It sure did I'm just saying jury to cut up the credit cards completely get through the debit card. Like I use and like KEN uses, now we have to home. We spend money that you have the chop up only where the cards and a little betty pieces take out that so star. Enough out the annuity to pay off your mortgage and your credit cards this week be living on a budget, don't spend more than you make and you never grow any dead back in time.
While the world and have a wonderful life were so glad you called, while that was easy. Yeah Her have enough money set aside. Narrative, she's gonna feel so much better about travelling tomorrow morning. That puts this hour. The ramsey show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultima the only one way to financial peace and thus to walk daily with the prince of peace. Rice Jesus. and hey it's kind. If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the rams, baby steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started, we'll help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation. Again, that's ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.