« The Dave Ramsey Show

Budgeting Doesn't Have to Suck (Hour 1)

2022-04-05 | 🔗

George Kamel discusses:

  • Why budgeting doesn't have to suck (if you do it right),
  • Saving for college,
  • The best way to get a mortgage,
  • Paying down your student loans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I, Why? For the headquarters of ramsay solutions that this is the rams issue where america hangs out, have a conversation about your life? You are my name's personality. George kamal hosted by point most of the honorary leadership by gas and today america house up the reins he shoved. That's right, I'm fine! So allow me once again, everyone is digitally. I dont know where they are. If you see them, please make, Er, ok, send them our way we love to have, but
my pleasure to take your calls today, if you ve got a question about money, or something that touches money, which is pretty much everything in life. Have a conversation about the number to call is triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: that's triple eight, eight to five I've two to five. If you're, really nice, genoa path, through and you can talk with me and america. I here hear our conversation, something Worrying you keeping you up at night, you wanna They get out of debt. You want me to talk you. Ledge of a bad decision. I am happy to do, all of those things mark. As this, to join us he's taken off this. Our he's in Detroit michigan mark welcome to the ramsay, show our doing great. How can I help today. I'm calling with a question regarding education for our kids we're lucky enough to have at three am as of a couple of weeks ago. Actually we became millionaires, whoa, incredible man, oh yeah, pretty good stuff. How old are you.
So I'm forty one and my wife, it's for you, like ads six, seven and nine You ve been following ITALY and for a long time, so we under plan halfway through things like a week, we did we to my wife and thought, that's kind of what got us on the right path, but she was all about being debt free. So when we got married, we'd kinda just a tackled our deaths very similar to what you guys said to smallest to largest, and I think in the first years of our marriage we paid off our house, from their own out. It was just a totally different world and the feeling that we had was just amazing now that we ve got a couple real estate, the old in the last year and that's coming Our money came from was making the right moves in the last hour in the last year, rising or states. All Now the question is that
we don't know what to do with the other money we had its higher setting fire to education, not gonna, wanna, call it ain't. Gonna, get your input on open so you haven't started investing at all for college. No, we have as I said we didn't, do it exactly your steps because we found it I'd like sort of half way through everything. We already that free, but you have zero for college, but we have six hundred and fifty thousand cash houses fully paid for is are going to be all right. That's some good news pension for when retire and then, which saves some other things and laughed and other things like that? But the tires what we say: education and spend basically zero. That's what we're trying to figure out like what do we do? What sort of stating plans that we invest in Some, so what is your household income after tat is a hundred. Aren't they
thousand hours annually. Ok, I was make sure, because the usa, education savings account, has an income limit, but the usa and the fao. twenty. Nine plans are gonna, be your best bet for saving for college and allowing that money to grow. For you, tax, free. ok, so I would be opening at least in the usa. You can find two thousand dollars per child per year and the Five. Twenty nine plan has much higher contribution limits but there are some limitations, their tax wise. So I What is more, Mr Prodi, get those opened up get connected with one ramsay solutions, dot com, but you said the ages of the kids was what six, and all this is about her nine, so six, seven, eight right now, but six, seven nine so we're! Looking at ten to twelve years of investing for their futures, In whatever amount you don't have in those college funds, it sounds like you. Can you some cash to hell? cover them so they're not going to school with any debt, write,
who were trying to figure out, because we we met with financial adviser yesterday in your talking about not for each much into it because you know you'll be penalised like say they get a scholarship now being penalised while you're. Not you knock that money. If you can scholarship for twenty thousand dollars. You ll be able to deduct that from the five point: nine without penalty ochre, so you're going to Ok, they say I wouldn't know invest in these funds because of the unknowns of a one if they get a scholarship and what? If? What? If I would say that money and they can? You can pass that thing down through the family grandkids they can use it, for. all kinds of expenses. As long as there are qualified expenses, including a thing aren't tuition, you know we're talkin bout random school expenses, housing that kind of stuff? You got ten to twelve years to save up and with your income and no dad, I mean you gasket easily at least now the you say every year for ten years right sure and beyond that you can get a five twenty nine plan in any state, and
the plans are better than others, and that's why I say work with a small investor pro. They live the stuff they breathe day in and day out, and they can match you and go hey even though you're in Detroit mark we're going to put you in the utah five twenty nine plan, because as some great investment options and great features ok, we're not limited, didn't, have surely michigan saying no to any state. What were the five yearly name for hosting with? for example, in the other, if they're all states, pacific, and so it's all gonna either. The usa or five twenty nine you can use after tax dollars, you're invest it's in a grow tax free and you can take it out- tax free for qualified expenses, bunker my way to go, I mean I'm guessing marriage to hear from a guy like you, forty years old, at a millionaire because wise decisions here, giving credit that tells me you're a good man right their credit I try. You know where the credit is due, we're good. Your man. Thank you so much for the car. We appreciate that good stuff therefrom arc,
encouraged to kick off the show with a car like that with a couple was done the hard work they ve been did wisely. They got rid of the dead they paid off the mortgage. Their millionaires I didn't hear anything about a trust fund. And was given to them. They just made some wise financial decisions over a long period of time, while folks, I'm excited because we are about to be had not the road starting next month. Just imagine that the energy of a jam pact arena filled with already to experience what it means to live life to the fullest picture of your fail. speakers together, onstage empowering you with tools and principles that will create unstoppable momentum in your life I'm talking about a smart conference. That's right! Smart conference is back It's been three years since we ve done one of these events and we're so pump back on the road we are going to die, Was this fall? That's right! Dallas, texas, we're headed your way. Saturday october, twenty second, the headlines, because this year include myself dave, ramsay, rachel crews, doktor john bologna can comin
christina Alice and more. We ve got special guess, craig, rochelle and aiming rochelle from life church there can we talk about marriage. You dont want to miss that in just one day, you're gonna get all the practical advice you need from leading exe, it's on money, personal growth, leadership, mental health career, you name it, and this has not happened. Ok, folks, you won't just learn you're going to have a good time too, and we know how to have a good time so join us tickets start at just thirty. Nine bucks guys that price
for a full day event. That's amazing, so get your tickets now before they sell out just go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash events to learn more we'd love to see you on the road this year with real people, unreal stages in real places. Let's go ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash events for the ramsey show coming up the no matter. What time of year it is focusing on your family's financial planning is always a smart move. I get questions all the time about where to start and what to do. First, one of the most crucial and affordable first steps to take is to protect your family and get term life insurer
I know it's not glamorous, but all the other steps mean a lot less. If something happens to you and your family has no financial protection getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority. I recommend ten to twelve times your income and lock in rates for fifteen to twenty years. This gives you plenty of time to get out of bed and bill wealth. I've been commending zander insurance for over twenty years. and they understand and leave the strategy and will take the time to help you find the most awful what a ball term life rage, gotta, Zander, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two, it's not
that expensive it's not complicated and you need to do it now. Welcome back america, you are listening to the reins. He shall. I mainly personality. George camel hosted the fine print on gas in entre leadership, podcast, both of which you can find on the reins he network or wherever you listen upon gas, who does not a good pod cast an eye? Why do I hope, like three of them, so there we go informs us our trip like a two five five two to five is the number to call. Let's talk about your life and your money right here in front of amerika and all the listener. Zachary has decided to join us he's in orlando Zachary welcome to the show. under great. How can I help performs coming
question about. You know how I should go about beer in obama first home, so I have about sixty five thousand dollars? I have no debt I own my car I'll, write everything I got. Kind of wandering even to be more beneficial to go ahead and start up I was now deal with the mortgage and interest. Save up a little longer until I can go ahead and try to buy the house outright, I'm not trying to get too much of an expensive house, I'm in right now about seventy two hundred annually in rent. Ok What's your household income may bring home, thirty, three darling: you bring home. Three year. So we in twenty seven. Fifty use your monthly take homepage as a sound right. You learned about it. Ok while our rule around mortgages, the only candidate we don't get mad for a fifteen year, fixed rate mortgage, so I love. Idea of you save up to pay cash. If you can do this pretty quickly, but if this is gonna, be you know
six years from now, and we don't know what the housing market is to. Do. I don't mind you getting into a house: we do it the right way. in the right way looks like a fifteen year fixed rate mortgage with a healthy down payment. I loved twenty percent or more because it helps you avoid p m. I property mortgage insurance, which is just money that protects the lender, not you on top of that, I wanted the payment to be no more than a quarter of your take on base. You just told me or europe, They comprise twenty seven, fifty rights or divide that by four we're looking at. Six hundred eighty seven dollar mortgage would make feel really good about you getting into this house right. Good then we back that out. So what are the home prices in your area that you're looking at the summit? today from, I get a house in my arm in my range. It's not gonna be my area. Unfortunately, looking around like a hundred and twenty inches one. Fifty thousand very sore the first all. Ok. and you can find those in your area-
in the outer areas further out, but I can tell you what are you doing for work Does proximity research, customers MR insurance. Ok, so you're! Ok living further out! Are you gonna? Have a commute actually work remotely ok, you that's what I was angling at, because that makes it easier because it has no matter where you live at that point: you're not having a drive for five minutes. so we have sixty thousand saved. Is that all the savings you have z include? Your emergency fund has a year, including the motor citronia. Ok, so put aside. Let's put this money up, because why we want all of it lumped together. One is your emergency fund and and account is going to be your downpayment fund So what is three to six months of expenses? Look like for you! If you add that up to six months, says would be around thirty five hundred dollars. That's. Three months of expenses is thirty: five hundred year old,
six hundred and write all included because you know you touch me car insurance in food and stuff, like that, at all up to a little over a thousand a month. Right, that's great ok, let's call it five. I liked it too. Towards ten deceit and cover all of your deductibles and all out of pocket maximum that you might have one to emergencies so logic I would tend to be safe. Are that leaves you with thirty, five thousand and savings, and if you put thirty! Five thousand down on a house, that's a hundred twenty thousand! That would leave you with that of seven hundred thirty six dollar mortgage payment. clothes already bride, allowed? I would continue saving for a little bit longer if you can get let's say, get that up to sixty five with gesture down and fun there to ride out about the number that I'm real comfortable with How quickly could you save up another ten thousand, probably do that another five months, love that
and so we're talkin. You could be in the house for five months from now here this personally, Yes, I'm just wondering you know the interest his bearing ran, but at the end of the day? interest rates a little too high. It's pretty much washes it out, so you might as well be getting in the house. I guess yeah, I'm okay with you getting in that house and you're, going to pay that thing off pretty quickly. Right where are you? Are you guys charming little? Five thousand on mortgage. yeah right here, trying to get others in as soon and your income will hopefully go up and then a few years and the insurance world here and instead of having lifestyle creep were you know, you start to spend Every single raise you get, let's just keep living on what were making and every single raise. We get every bonus embryo all the overtime, a a second job, whatever you want to do, we're going to throw that Yet the mortgage and have this thing paid off instead of fifteen years, what if you get paid it off years, that's the earlier and now you aid for home? You got no payments to anyone in the world and you make an how much what's yours,
your gross income three after taxes after tax is thirty. Three you're gonna be in a real good spot. And what that tells me it s not about income, you don't make a hundred thousand dollars, and yet you can financial peace, that's it finally, was ass, yet I agree. I wonder if you like what that house is paid off, I'm twenty eight twenty eight years old man I'm so are, you did for the fact? call again having this kind of conversation wanting to do with the right way and not go, and while the bank was gonna, give me a five hundred thousand all alone, so I guess I can afford a five hundred thousand our house but that's what most people do so I'm proud he man. Thank you so much for the call wishing you the best in the in the home buying process. I know it's a crazy time out there, so I don't make any poor decisions, but it sounds like you got a great head on your shoulders. Appreciate that all right, we're gonna move onto harris, harrison bird virginia, luke joins us. Their luke. Welcome to the show.
Having on great. How can I help today, sometimes it a new job about two months ago and I paperwork taken care of enough that I'm not the one from the previous job. Ok the traditional now, but I'm proud of you know what bird an end to violence like my own personal account or into the new job tragic transfer to like around or just keep. It is traditional questions your asking: how old are you thirty one? Thirty one and with this new job, do you know what investment options I have for retirement yeah, but there's a traditional and a roth and they use a lot of fidelity it out. Just like your typical twenty to the twenty that are ok, retirement thought there's a couple of times:
What's your financial picture. Look like. Are you out of dead? Do you have an emergency fund The data has mortgage account. The carbon commentary that no got about. Like those that are critical, oh ok, just sitting there Well, here's what I would do, farming your shoes, I'm going to do a direct role over from your all jobs, traditional foreign K and I'm going to do a direct role over to a traditional ira that way. You have no taxable implications right now and I were not converted over to roth, which is going to create a tax burden until you paid for house cause right now. That is your next goal is getting that house paid off their debt related, and I agree with that at or I bet it's really tight, forget now
it off. But are you listening to fifteen percent in right now a person. I know furniture increase one percent per year until it reaches the king, so you have no but the mortgage, but you don't have enough margin to be investing fifteen percent. What's going on there last year. The criticism that I know that Couple moved around and ended up. They gonna couple baker. thereby now and it the a star. Our budget is right at our money Well, I'm gonna try to get that income up, so we can get you investing fifteen percent, and I would start investing in the raw for o one k option at your new job, but leave the old, the old one roll it out
Direct rollover, traditional four one k to a traditional ira and just leave it there, let's park it there and, let's start investing in the new job in the roth four one k: option: love that get that income back up so that you're, not drowning man. You've got to get the margin in your life, especially with no debt payments. You can do this. This is the ramsey show the over twenty eight thousand companies use net suite by oracle, including ramsey solutions, because nets wheat gives us a single view of everything we need to make daily decisions. Like your financials inventory, hr planning, budgeting
and more all in one dashboard go to net sweet, dotcom slice, ramsay right now to get their free white paper, the eighty twenty cfo net sweet dot com. flash ramsay well them back to the ramsay show on george camel flying solo. Today, you make all triple eight eight to five five, two to five: we'll talk about your life in your money. So I'm a millennium. As many of you know, Can tell by my voice out are not driver, millennial voice. James is nodding. Yes, and npr names, tone there you go Here's the deal as a I keep up with the trends among social media. Mine instagram reels check in those out
course, you gotta see what's happening over on tiktok and listen hardworking guy, I'm just out here trying to help people get on a budget get out a debt say for the future. and flying in the face of all of my hard work? There are some people There are some gurus that can grow facial hair that here telling you how to manage your money, I'd better get had not manage your money. and one of those videos popped up on my feet and I made my blood boil and it's all about how stupid budget is he guys want to watch it with me. The live science is nodding s I'll. Take that as a go. Let's watch this video here the three reasons why budgeting sucks reasonable one and almost always put you in a bad mindset right. You have this negative feeling towards money. Really,
or two is because it's like a diet right. We go on a diet. We tell we saw ourselves we're not going to eat certain things budgeting. We tell ourselves we're not going to buy certain things or we restrict ourselves and reason. Number three is because we all have limited willpower. I just like a diet. You tell yourself you're not going to eat that cookie. Eventually, you break down and you eat that cookie budgeting. We tell ourselves we're not going to buy those shoes or whatever it might be. Eventually, when breaking down and buying nothing, and then we just feel bad about ourselves, oh man dead, he's hilarious. He should try stand up comedy instead of being a financial adviser. Okay, so let's break this down budgeting sucks because it puts you in a bad mindset? Ok, our rights. the alternative here. Let's just play this logic out, If we're saying never do a budget because it puts you in a bad mindset instead, less spend dollar, we make it more and never worry about it. What a great mindset to have right until the end what show up
and you're wondering where your money went and you cannot before walls. that for a bad mindset, yeah. The next one was budget. is like a diet and die. It's are bad. Okay! Well, let's how people lose weight. This is I'm not a scientist not claiming to be, but it's all caloric deficit, so you burn more calories than you take in. You will lose weight. If you live. If you live on less than you make you and build wealth. a budgeting, is a necessary part of that. Just like what your food intake the last one was willpower. He said Humans have terrible willpower, so budgeting sacks He is right on that one we have terror. Willpower he said it sets you up for failure to our that's your failure. Thank you James! It sets you prefer.
We because we have limited willpower as humans, Therefore, we should just out earn or do petty cash. Spending in spending, never make a plan, never pay attention. Never look at the mirror, bury our heads in the sand away. That's it America has done. Ok, I'm seeing what's happening now That is why seventy eight percent of people of project a paycheck- they ve all decided to be like this guy just go budgeting socks. Let's not do that hit you with the real on what a budget does a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where went a budget is permission to spend? That's all. It is so a budget is actually the most freedom you can have with money, because no exactly what's happening on paper every single month. you make a budget to go thousand dollar vacation and you stick a budget you come home with just memories? So times, maybe a tan. If you're lucky, I can't get one
when you do without a budget. You come back with credit card debt. And you wonder how long you gonna be paying for this vacation happened three months ago in distress because you know that bills gonna come do and that's where most of america's at they ve got the credit card payments. They ve got the Our loans, they have student loan payments and I get it back. Winning is it's tough to do it's tough to stick to it. It requires discipline in so. Yes, if you Discipline is stupid, then, I've really question how you doing in every single other area of your life. Do you shop to work? time to your card. Do you can Ok with your spouse. Do you books. What other areas are you just go unwell head in the sand? Who cares we'll powers hard dieters stupid, puts me in a mindset anytime, you make me work out or eat healthy goodness, gracious. This is what people on the internet are seeing in their hitting the like button and their commenting.
saying oh, my gosh, yes, dave, ramses the worst. He doesn't want me to have nice things now. Dave wants you to have nice things. He does one nice things to have you that's the difference he wants you to by all the things that you want to buy, but when you do it with people's money. You put yourself in we really poor risky financial situation. So that's take on budgets and if you listen to this guy, you're gonna agree, budgetary, don't have fun, you have to be really good at math only but who struggle need a budget People who are out of debt need a budget. Budgeting takes too much time. Budgets are too rigid too. Guess what you control the budget, the budget? and control you? all, were saying- is list out your expenses list. Your income lets me. sure that we have. The income to cover the expenses. It's that simple. ok, my little baby rant is over. I can't hear the guy's, how many more of these tik tok, so you gonna, send us to me
I'm getting messages every single day from viewers like you go and oh my gosh. Please respond to this and there's only so much time in the day to respond as stupid. That's the truth, so keep sending up, because it's entertaining for me, but I can guarantee it'll, make the show Pritchett all right. Let's go to the phones where hope ben doesn't frustrate me Ben. Are you a good guy he's in charlotte north carolina? Welcome to the show man? I you doing pretty good over to grow, What's your question, oh I'm, doing married this too often the thicket and but she down here dice to college wondering what is occasionally to start paying off this debt, or indeed, you're driving to do start before graduation or wait gradually. Ok gray, question speaker: little bit louder and clear and your phone for me as we continue here So you get married in june. She's got to learn that you don't you're both in college still uses.
How much longer are we talking graduating soon. We both graduate with our undergrad next spring. ok. We solve a yearning to go yes, sir, so we she going to incur more debt to finish school or is it over? She taken out of alone. She needs it just depends how much grant money and other scholarship money jet! Ok, I that, because right now, the plan is to invest in yourselves as you graduate college, so we don't need to be focused on debt pay off quite yet. What I want you to do is is stopped the damage and stop the bleeding And so I would stack up as much cash as possible and make sure that we can cash flow. The rest of our college experiences and cash flow the wedding and get our life together. Once we graduate its game on we taking this debt with a vengeance, but until we know one thousand percent sure we're gonna graduate without taking on more debt. I would
start paying off quite yet somehow closer. She do you think she can cash flow this depending on the grant money. I think I think we should be able to cut the cash flow I started when I got a lot of scotch money. Sancho tries to use like it also help. A trade with that money over to her wow I've never heard of that small transferring a scholarship to another person. I've heard of the working in some instances Make sure your came this specific sooner. it was well ok. Well, luck with that man, but either way I'm investing in your right. Now we're gonna pay off this debt as soon as we graduate, but we have to make sure we don't go into more debt and if you need me, geared silly go watch the borrowed. Future documentary am also give you an early wedding gift. Hang on Genoese gonna pick up, I'm gonna give you ramsay, plus one year subscription includes every dollar plaza premium. Budgeting tool that can extra bank account it includes
if the videos and financial peace university and many many other resources tools courses, I want you both to sit through that as a premarital counseling. It's my gift to you guys, watch the videos together. Do the budget together and as soon as you're married, combine accounts and let's attack this debt with a vengeance, get it out of our lives forever and move on with a beautiful, long, lasting, healthy, financially, peaceful marriage? That's what I want for you. Ben hang on the line. Jenn is going to pick up and gift you that ramsey plus subscription thanks. So much for the call this is the ramsey show the welcome back to the ramsey show. I'm george campbell ramsey personality hosted the fine print and entree leadership podcast season. One of the fine print is out right now, where
help you uncover off the hidden truths are keeping you broke. We did eleven episodes and weak, the game. We covered a wide spectrum of financial issues from student loans to bankruptcy d. By now, pay later to credit card Stu credit scores turns There is no shortage of financial, apps out there and a very small sliver of things that you can do come sense things a set yourself up for if you can avoid all those distractions in the traps and stay focused on the simplest way to build wealth. You will be on believable successful unbelievably wealthy get added it stay out of debt. Invest. Distantly pay off your house. Is that simple? It's the baby that's sort for millions of people and it can work for you open as our triple eight eight to five five too five. Give me a call, and we will talk about your life in your money. That's triple eight, eight to five five too. Five phone lines are open and they are waiting for. You least,
I joins us now in orlando florida. Lisa welcome to the show no you great. How can I help today? Well So I can leave a lot to help so embarrassed to say: I'm forty, seven if that is so embarrassing. Oh my gosh or forty seven, forty eight, then I shall I couldn't be very just about money. Don't count on to wait for young now I found you guys papa day about tee, the girl praise for kids, south there growing king Herod near about custody of my mom tooth. Eighty five. Ok, though, we were unable to bring home after insurance, doing everything about forty one your demand laughed betty going on the year, though, in my face, I'm worried about thousand. I I have work. Forty six,
today on my house, have a forlorn case has been well twenty thousand but if I take it out to get, I would get around thousand don't take it out. Why are you even contemplating that well and the house is I'm on a cage, so I thought. Maybe if I took that Then I can be carried out within a year and a half hour now you're robbing peter to pay Paul over here. Ok, I got the foreman K loan. You can do this LISA forty six k left in the mortgage more your forty thousand saved your doing great. What makes you think you're in such a terrible financial position as well Gary because I don't know anything about ok. Finally, whatsoever about rossmore ones. I, dont know how to put away
savings right now, because what I make is kind of what in our monthly found the mortgage insurance as much as I want you to turn the mortgage at bay, twelve hundred amount. To actually eight hundred and thirty six dollars, but I pay extra, oh is very reasonable. That's that's below twenty five percent. You're take homepage. Yes, sir, So where are you saying you don't have enough margin you're paying all your bills? Are you investing currently Oh I'm not on my mom, my kitchen the kind of policy and, like I said I'll, I out the growing kids. I help finance a car for myself only nine thousand left. That's what you mean. You helped him finance it. You co signed. I kinda thing so do you you are how much that do you have total outside of the mortgage? That's it nine thousand
paid off my statement on the last point that I made last month period: three thousand dollars? Ok, all that alone scares me cause. That's it in your name. That's your debt write, That is only a million dollar six dollars a month. Ok, so how can I help today I've been listening and light, yet the housing insurance market in other threatening, where our health insurance and the prices of almost tripled and then the internet programme where it says that if something happens to your home, they weren't you pay out why it cost to build your home and I called the internet company then talk about that in their telling you that there is a clause who says that they have to replace it out cause so who's threatened. I take your insurance away. there are insurance company here in florida gone under an out of business,
There were only less than a couple choices. When's the last time you shop around for home insurance I'm currently in the process of shopping. Ok, I would try boy! If someone who is not captive, and so France's andor insurances, what they do all day. Long, that's who, I am on personal home insurance through and they're gonna shop of the companies across the nation and the rolling to choose the best companies. oh, I would jump on ramsay solutions, dot, com click on trusted prose and get connected with zander to help you for home insurance and they're gonna find highly rated companies that are about to go under that aren't about butter ripped the rug out from under you. But outside and that what else is going on it's free. Can you out. It's getting other not having any aid for retirement, while we can. on that for sure you have twenty thousand dollars in retirement. That's right! That's what do you do for work. I'm a nurse awesome season
some good investing options at work into the boy away. Ok, that's all you need In our view, in our research of millionaires we studied over ten thousand thou. The most likely path to be a minor there come. For one k so I encourage you, you don't have to get fancy. You don't have to keep up with the latest trends and crypto currency enough tease to build wealth. you! Ve got one another would say twenty years of your work and life ahead of you before you retired, hopefully so over the course of twenty years. If you invest fifteen percent of your income, and once you have that house paid off, we can invest even more, and once we have this car, out of our life. We can invite even more then, without catch of contributions. You can make past fifty you're gonna be Ok, if you invite consistently into that for one came to some good grow stock, mutual funds- you don't have to
all the ins and outs to build wealth. That is beautiful part of our plan. You just have to insistently? Do the actions We can teach you along the way. So what I'm gonna do? Have you been through financial peace? Before financial patient versing, I have now. Ok, then, the change, the game for day I take out the books and read them, and only I very that's great- get total money. Make over from the library there I'm happy to send you a copy as well and I'll, also If you one year of ramsay, plus And what I want you to do, is you absolutely? I think once you you told a money make over and you watch all nine lessons of financial peace. University dave our team, we're gonna, walk you through exactly what you need to know and really all you need to know in order to build wealth and again we have to be a financial experts. You just have to be willing to do the action. and we have teams and place. You know we have smart two prose those are investing professionals in your area in orlando that can help you do things the Ramsay way
in touch with one arranged solutions, dot, com and then hope you understand what you're invest they don't just tell you what to invite, and they want you to understand it and you can make an educator decision. morning, cordially sir number one it's not too late your fault, Have you not eighty, seven years halfway there and so on. Just start making some good decisions you already have you got a ton of money saved up? Let's call that the emergency fund, you could knock this karla today. If you wanna do you could fit fond an ira? If you wanted to you, ve got lots of options here in europe. going to continue to go up. Isn't it I don't think so. I'm kind of maxed out in this position- and I took this position because I can in the evenings, and I can still take care of my mom- does because a lot of very expensive Well, I'm I'm sorry that you're either that burden on you. I know you love your mom. I can tell, but it's a lot for you right now. I feel that in your voice and what you've described taken on not only the physical burden of taking care of,
but the financial burden to of covering medications and grandkids. All kinds of things I believe it or not. She's number eleven that I'm taking care of my family wow. Listen, I will go. I come you're a warrior. I know I know
we're going to get you there hang on line. Jen is going to pick up we're going to gift you ramsey, plus one year of that plug into it we're going to send you a copy of the total money makeover and get you going in good shape, you're in no time. Thank you so much for the call lisa that puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books we'll be back with you before. You know the john doe loan he co hosted the ramsey show. Did you know over eighteen million people? Listen to the ramsay show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash the! If you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like the rachel cruise show. Money should be fun, not stressful. I'm ready to cruise and I'll show you practical tips on how to save money in your everyday life and get out of debt even faster on the rachael ray show I'll show you that you can take control of your money and create a like. You love, listen to the
Transcript generated on 2023-06-15.