« The Dave Ramsey Show

A Lawn Mower Upgrade Is Not Called an Emergency! (Hour 1)

2020-07-03 | 🔗

Career, Insurance, Home Buying

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Four men had actually solutions broadcasting from the dollar level studios. Its Dave, Ramsay show that is now just paid off. More has taken place and w has the status of Abraham. So your host your job animal talk about your life and your money. It is a freak all AAA eight to five. Five, two to five, that's triple. Eight eight to five five two to five Bruce is on the line in Kansas City High, Bruce Welcome today, Ramsay show
the day days like help me, I'm sure you're gonna, help well grandfather are all experience it's going to be going to school, Can you show religiously really now a lot of guys got me concerning the set at dinner? college queries can be strengthened, rested on life or death of trying to figure out a strategy to get involved in its folks. Involve plotting correct course. Necessarily age. Be for your debt. So please valuable work. There have been two fundamental piece bring all the pieces together, make it work, oh god, oh god, for you, that's pretty cool.
Am I I'm Papa Day of myself and we don't have any up at that age, our oldest ones, five, as far as far as grand babies girl, but I appreciate that soap moment out. I've been through a pay you you ve, been through financial bijou virtues. Well. That means everybody's willing to talk about this and you're, not really butting in there. Actually wanting your input right well, I mean they all know that we got five twenty nine college. The kid set up and things like that or you do in that way, shall money set up? How much is in them account about three or four thousand encourage or not so much. Ok. Now, after much when you will probably load that up, if we can between mom and dad and new goes to the extent you can do that to help a much great well what do is what one is I'll. Send you a book for the youngster. It's called the adequate survival, guided five mistakes. We can't afford to making college obviously student loans. That is one of those and I'll, send you a copy for him
for the harsh grow, larger written by Rachel Crews, Nathanael Neil Ramsay personalities and best seller, but there's four or five things you can do if you want to avoid debt and you're going to college, and you don't have any or don't have much money, the biggest number one thing by far and it really trumps all the others is called choice we he chooses to go to school, will affect his finances for the rest of his life. And it is If you don't have a lot of money, choosing to go to a super expensive school is straight up stupid because there's no areaway on it, there proof that, where you go to school cause you to be successful, there is not any research that says that there is a lot snobs that believe it, but doesn't really turn out that way out here in the real world, so owing to an end state state school
www. Institution is usually your best bet price wise. If he can get scholarships for something that's file care where he goes on, not against those other schools. You just can't afford to pay fifty years two thousand dollars a year when can go in your state for ten thousand dollars a year. And so you pick us that's how much difference or is it's? It's bizarre: how Spencer. Some of these places are so college. Selection is number one in and a sub category, that is, it doesn't hurt anything to do the first year or even to at the local community college, for two thousand dollars a year and get your basics out of the way you wanna do careful planning and make sure they are going to transfer to your to your field of study, to you. The university that you intend to go to- but I an empty as you university, the mob militancy State University, my first year of College and I
for the first year Tennessee for the following three years: in those days. Your written empty issue was one third, the cost and stayed at home and drove back and forth, and you know what I tell people, which is the truth. Graduated from the earth to testing mud degrees from the earth detesting one year of that study was not there I don't have to bring that up, and I am not ashamed of empty issue, but point. You dont have to go two years. The community college and our government agree it can. Well, you get your degree. Kansas is what your answer is right in, and so nobody gives a re up or your eye on where you did your first two years of course stuff. So college cost is the big one. The second one is go ahead and just tell gender blind work anomalies in school. Minimum wage flop and robbers. Kaliko making money for Lebanon whoppers you gotta go, get some warrior. Do where you making ten are we making fifteen twenty bucks on our part,
self employed whatever I don't care for cotton grass blowin leaves welcome dogs or by besetting, but you can make fifteen twenty bucks an hour in the college world out there. If you watch what you're doing and not just accept some no brain minimum wage job, and you don't want do that. You can't afford he's gotta make a low money, so work never killed anybody and by the way, people and students who work twenty hours a week, studies have shown they have a higher GPA, not a lower. Because they're working instead of playing beer pong in their off time and it changes their whole set up and its awesome, thank God, God knows much troubles were really what it comes down to the sea They are the third thing than is the icy t take the task over and over again clashes on how to take the test. It's a good investment spend the money to learn how to take the best, because the higher score you get the more you qualify for, scholarships live at home if you can pick a cheap school if he'd, if if, if you
Here is a moment. I will let you speak Bruce's grandpa end to this situation and do those things that I have just outlined. Taking our scope, ten thousand dollars plus remembered You might fifty her books months, delivering pizza four nights a week, terror. Fifteen hundred bucks a marked by ways. Eighteen thousand irritations. Ten thousand year did we just go to school. I think we just went to school, ok, So you just have to think and use your brain and, of course, mom and dad and even grab only to speak into the field of study. Not do something you hate doing with your life, but do something that actually have some application. The idea that if I follow my passion and I get a degree and left handed puppetry, everything's gonna work out, it's not it's not. Jobs for lefthanded puppetry? It's not that stupid. I your degree in german polka history, that's straight up, stupid, theirs,
body hiring german probationary history bit majors or guy. So you gotta think about and there's no application even for the knowledge in the market place. That is broad enough to make a living self employed. So you just gotta think through this and so think about what you're studying Yes, you need to have a passion about it. Yes, you need to have a thought about it. Yes, you need to do these things, but it did. You know, It can be Don folks, it can be done and this idea that the this generation due to student loans, people say analysed crap. It's just not true. Choices, decisions beginning
the end of my being grown up, even though your not yet. This is the diver amnesia.
Check out this headline. Courtesy of political dotcom, emergency relief screw up it's five million student loan borrowers, nearly five million stood alone. Borrowers who got a brake on their monthly payments from Congress have been hit with incorrect information on their credit report,
That's what happens when you just sit around and trust the government to take care of your money issues refilling interested loans today to take advantage of the historically low rates splashes offering go to splash financial dot com, Slash Ramsay, Sandra Witherspoon, voicing Cassandra how're you better than I deserve. Welcome to the show. How can I help regarding the issue? It is,
really not making much kind of pay check your paycheck right now and he wants to make a better income, but also do something that he loves and he really wants to purely lance real estate Emerson High School and he wants to start fulfilling houses in some kind of wanting to get your opinion about that, and you that's a good idea out he's twenty seven. And what does his background unrealistic, Well unheeded early have immature back out and say we really are the house last year He does you bought a house to live and last year or two flip. We are living in a way that kind of thing China must be upheld, sadly, at a fixed up look on first sale, it's not a sound
So it's your home okra itself, he's, not the wholesale business? She bought one house and you live in it, He wants to he's thinking about doing wholesaling now Wholesaling is very, very difficult for the uninitiated It is not a point of entry for most people two ways to do wholesaling one is to actually by the real estate and resell it quickly, the other, is to tie the property up with an option or contract to purchase and then sell that position to an investor for don't you? You found a hundred thousand worn out, it's very difficult did it, but I was up and are also business and armed hundred species of property. And it's what I did some of after we went broke years ago? and ever gonna kick the credit or the money to buy a house. So I just would tie up one region,
to another investor, but I knew all the investors in town and on a real estate like I am. I am Gaza grown up in this town, doing real estate with huge background. Then it- and so I was able to pull it off, and I made Good money made like six figures, doing it back in the eighties, but yeah it's on difficult game, but it is something he could do on society that when you have to give up his day job to try it would I quit my job, and go trot a wholesale houses with what you have just outlined. For me. Absolutely, not! I don't think I would a little, but but is it ok for him to try to conch for something and if he doesn't clothes on it, there's no harm no financial harm, but he has to find an investor to buy out that positions or Bozrah hundred thousand our house for seventy five and tries to get an investor to buy for eighty, and he makes the five spread. That's a wholesale flip without actually closing.
And if you can pull that off, there's no downside to trying that I'm just going to warn him that it is a lot more difficult in some weekend Idiot seminar Series makes it sound like war. It's like a real thing that you have to go alone about and do You don't just walk out there and everybody can do this in every body can buy houses pennies on the dollar and resell them. Just pay me thirty, five hundred dollars for my weekend seminar, that's hors d, this, what that is guy, so, but if you can get with it, if he can get out there and learn it and just try and again be very careful to not harm someone in the process or get yours often that buying houses that you can't do then I'll be fine. What I'm doing that is aside gig, but it needs to make a living during the day while he's doing that, international downside to try, and it is now
I really decided to do something that enjoy. Well, I wonder, shall made love in a joy to anyone be broke, though the arm first, girls, foetus, families, second goals, feel our lovely and enjoy right I give a about his passion till the light bills paid once a light bills. Not food on the table for the kiddos than I worry about your passion, this basic Maslovs hierarchy of needs. You take care of safety and security and existing, First, then you leave your passion, No reason to say you can't leave your passion, but just putting everybody out out to dry, because I wanted my passion, that's not that maturity, so alarm, but I think you can try there's another thirteen downside if this is what he wants to do, which what I wanted to do. I went in London dead and he can learn it and do it, but it is harder than his child? and on his ear. I would like to and learn to do it.
Natalia is in LOS Angeles. Welcome that I Ramsay show Natalia Mr Andy, I just had a good option regards life insurance, my husband. I aren't that three and four kind about the same time and here the reason why they have been ready to retire in a couple of years and we also have small children. Six foreign appeared on the way and my passion for you is whether or not I am busy You're gonna be sorry. You ve been harried fifty five quit working with babies The reason I he's got twenty five years on the job and he thought a pension come at an operational duties, quoting that job is not going to go on to another career. He
on another courier, why I dont now to hear his pension he's going to be right now are currently at a hundred, and sixteen year was, would bring us to about ninety three, a year, and then the author has a secondary for fifty seven b of two hundred fifty thousand. And so my question, for you is that for the I can, is essentially able to roll over Tammy. If someone were to happen to him tat, we can change whether it's the full amount or, if it's a certain percentage, and what would happen if he would get was based on the full amount the round his lifetime. Life insurance, and that- and that is for him. I know I need life insurance, but I'm I'm specifically looking at cost for half life insurance is too expensive for us at this point to the point is: does he. Do you need money, the urine
going to have if he dies. If you need me, if you need money that the assets on the pension or not gonna provide you, you figure out what you're gonna need the answer that the pensions on their retirement accounts are not going to provide you and you for all that about tune, and that's the mental Life insurance Unita doesn't sound like you need much if you need any at all. I go to your original statement? I think you're doing this wrong. You should stop saving for retirement until you get, your emergency fund implies he's not gonna quit working he's gonna quit looking at that place, no car and he's going over. Ninety thousand dollar income of he sits on this. But Ok, we're gonna sit on his blood, so minor. Question to you, Well, my democracy to fill out of my head. I'm sorry! That's! Ok! No from so here's the thing do that
yet your merchants, you phone implies then restart Pauling money on retirement, and the last thing I want you got to look at is this big huge pension that he's got Do you have the ability upon retirement or take? Neither payment amount Nor the survivor amount and like a lump sum and rolling to an irae if you do I might consider doing that him getting a job. Because I think you're gonna end up better long term. Between now and fifty nine and a half you're gonna struggle, but better long term. If you do that, you end up or more money. Can a lump sum and rolled over That would be my first choice for you. So don't sound like you need much life insurance number one
you need to stop saving for retirement. To get your emergency fund in place then start saving for retirement number three check on the possibility of rolling that as a lump sum you'll end up with more money, and it will probably do away completely with any need for life insurance. If you can do that, this is the Dave Ramsey Show
People all over the country are discovering a faith based and budget friendly way of meeting health care costs. Christian healthcare, ministries, Christian Healthcare, ministries or see age is a non profit. Organisations that helps members carry one another's burdens, but healthcare expenses and successfully shared each other's medical bills. For nearly forty years. Cfcs, which is right for you by visiting C H, ministries, see age is a sponsor of Dave. Ramsay lie. That's for sure! Welcome that around you show, Sir thanks for taking my call my pleasure. How can I help ok, so discoveries about two weeks ago, and I my husband and I we can see five thousand dollars in debt
to get started. One baby step. To my mind dilemma is announced and my husband, I weren't renters, we rented for the past seven years. The owner passed away and left the house, you her grandchildren, so they are selling the house the end they want us back to by the house. And the plan was about the house, even though we have no down payment and were in debt, so bad that we are, but because we live in northern California words and to live. My husband feels that the house is, a good investment, because you know we're getting we'd beginning at what he says is under market value. I don't really know that that is a fact, but he is super handy, so he felt I shall be able to fix up the house over there.
The time that we're looking at my question to you is it wise for us too. To my house and I'm not sure we can afford an Sloan Slow, the process of us getting out a dead. I mean we obviously have to live somewhere. Should we consider moving and writing some miles, removing out you know to a different location entirely most from it. Your questions Have at least two answers to them: One of them feels good today, but her to long term. One of them feels bad today, but sure sure to win long term Does it make sense? Yes, the people that are wealthy do the work. Feels bad day Cause you to win long term. And that is your moving.
You can't you can't afford this house, you know you can't afford the south. You told me three times in the conversation again towards out your husband wants to fix it up. He didn't want to go through the pain of moving. He thinks he might smell a deal, but you guys are broke you need to go right, something as cheap as you can possibly ran. Increase The length of your computer, if you have to and get that's paid off and build your emergency fund and then start building towards a down payment. What your household income take home monthly, we take on their own seven thousand dollars a month. Natasha might get about a hundred and twenty one. Now we're not includes my second job which, We shall have to do. I have to say that I got out by what: how old are you
I'm thirty! Seven! Does she have to ask yourself what is the answer to this question that causes the fifty year old version are made to be smiling The thirty seven year over me was wise. In other words, I view, may, if you go by this house, and it shows you guys any or to work part time jobs and you stay broke from nine to fifty all because you bought this house, which is what the math is telling me in this conversation, when your fifty you're gonna be pissed at the thirty seven zero version of you and that's what it just gonna put you in the scum put you in the rat and we'll mode or you can to get ahead. You can't get traction cause. You can barely breathe now or you wouldn't even be in this situation. Right like you, guys want our mediterranean crews or something that in what's goin on here, you're just trying to make ends meet in the freak in Francisco Bay area rushed off. You know you make money, but you don't make
You know you don't make Silicon Valley money, you know and so on? United, it's tough and three, in that market shall come you pull it off and stay in the general area yeah. But I'm gonna run as cheaply as I possibly can, which visually increases the speed at which you clear the dad and build your merchants. You phone and build your down payment, and then you buy a home in the home will be a blessing. I'm afraid this home is a fix, her upper that you can't afford. It sounds like a double curse: I can't afford it. I felt I can't afford it be up. Watch what you told me. I'm goin. Based on what you told me now, If the house is worth eight hundred thousand and they're gonna show it to you for three thousand. We might have a discussion, but that, in what I heard, No, I mean you know my husband really feel that you know it can be worth a hundred.
Did you and your doubts now there's more than what we're gonna get going down? The road is now down the road of yellow down the road is, after he fixed up. Your buyer fix her upper. What's it worth to day as is, if put it on the market versus what their selling it to you for sounds to me like there's plenty of market value However, we think o after we fix it up, and for we wait three or four years and let you know good California, inflation real estate. Kick me kick the thing up, then it'll be worth a hundred. Fifty thousand hours more will know KEN Of course it will be in today- is over to show it to you for what it's worth today in its eyes, whose condition noble and I'm out tat out, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! inconvenient ascribed to do the right thing.
Yeah it's hard to move, I mean, but ever broken out and move and telling you to move is not. I want the last things I tell people to do, but nothing you have described here said stay I just you know. I am, I am concerned because even turn around here, you're not gonna increase our expenses now buy em convert, we got another, really get deal table or a pang. Now is this really that's why you didn't whom you have only national removed. Yeah and get that way you the further our town you get, the lower your aunt, Robson, leisure, dead or dying up a valley would arrange other and don't don't head into the Silicon Valley either, but you shouldn't Zion, there's, there's an inconvenient place to live where the rain is cheaper. This thing is inconvenient, but it is the best five year plan. It is not the best five month plan muttered a sock right so there the next five years, don't
you live like no one else, so that later you can live and give like. No one else. It's hard, I get it I get it Thanks for the call opened, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. You jump in we'll talk about your life and your money. Ryan is an airy Pennsylvania, hey Ryan! How are you. David you do in deserve. What's up just wonder and we started the older snowball. Hear me my wife by two months ago, just got married. Many years ago. Weather one of the lowest paid off work and on the second one I tried to Lisbon on this matter The motivation need some help on what to do to try to get this snowball, no one again reactor, you're, a farmer, this idea is cut. The grass.
And so Are you all a farm or you're talking about your shirt, lawn mowers this I want yeah. How many acres do you know about two o was pretty substantial take. One should take what you're trying to fix your lawnmower. Well, this is the second time we ve had it here already? So it's got nothing echoing diamond long. Any money thou shall want to take the picture lawnmower. I would said a guy. I called him a very be anywhere from two under this confidence and what one is self or the way since I will make a get. A thousand. Eight hundred dollars in so what have you sold it and got a fifteen hundred dollar one that worked? That's the best system,
happened yesterday. What did you do that? What I want- my lawyer, you shallow for fifteen hundred you take sifting out of your mouth,
through their work. It's not as if not when I didn't. You know what I'm gonna John they're zero turned for that. I know that criteria and lessons on alone out one. You see what I'm saying you get something to get the deadline grass and that you don't want of about twenty five dollar push more. You could do that and do it, but it just take a while you do what you gotta do run out enough spend money to get out of that. Upgrading in writing. Lawnmower is not called an emergency this that Abraham censure
version? One page welcome that Abrahams. You show every day, how are you know better than I deserve what's up with you here in twenty years old and that three baby number one already courage, but I had to talk about a partnership. What my cousin, they like an internet gaming business. In thinking about out of thunder Lookin What are you doing now for a living right now I wanna get an IP company
and I'm on fact laughing you re every other day to you contacted to do what sir. Today I gotcha hooker, and why are you being paid? I'm being those in our an all right hand, so you guys would start this idea on the side. While you keep your full time, jobs right eye, therefore, can still go to college yeah, I'm getting more hours are. There goes my baby. I get a second job on the weekend. I wonder what would it take to get the business started it? It sounds like it's a digital affair. Why would it take any money other than your sweat?
idea for gaming say so it open like a small boy friend and have about maybe computer fiercer terminology documented digital cafe you're going to shut up a hard business here Britain, so bricks and mortar. Here I pass on to you get out of school That's a heavy investment of time and money, neither one of which you have an abundance of right now. What Studying in school for you. When were you graduate with my aim and then the program I've got good, let alone the ESA. That's all you got it they are more years, beginning airship, carried a bachelor lawyers and say how two more years younger than not make more sense, I'm good.
Guy, and why are you pursuing a bachelor in computer science it either and I could go straight into the field where, after I gradually and I'll get a man Eventually, I like to think that I am not suggesting about masters, I'm wondering if you even need a bachelors are you doing anything. Can you get involve word? What is it you want to actually do when you're through their necker? My now with your career, why're, you studying this personally, I lived and worked with computers and help people who have found with computers- and I I think, would be a really good ideas on idea could be helping people. At the same time, make here in our little boy. You got an answer. People you'd help they, u lesser, they have to be just decent or boy can be awesome, I mean I'm bill gates, Bill Gates helped a whole lot of people. Yes, sir yeah well for him
the visa ok so here's my there is non poking around on this. I am not suggesting a change of direction. I'm just asking questions because I know that a law, the guys in gaol zone our team- and we have several hundred people here- working and I d in programming in building apps and working and Java working and Ruby working in architecture, doing oddity support, helping people put their I'll keep their boxes, running a drop mine and had become fix the headphone jack on this morning, all that kind of stuff right and so having all these guys on the team. Almost none of them have a four year: computer science degree. Most of them have certifications in Microsoft to Ruby your java or whatever, and they ve got. They built up experience in those areas of programming, ok and that kind of thing, so it depends on what you wanna do as to whether you actually need a four year computer science degree in order
do it. So I want you to investigate that lobby further to start with number two, I think technology field! You could start something in the digital realm very cheaply without doing bricks and mortar right. And I would make more money without with less investment quicker. Yes, I want I do have right now is on just on the side. This adds in the area, and I got home danger than our getting doing that's good and how much an hour. Fifty dollars an hour to look at you, you get many allows you to drop by twelve dollars an hour. Gig, yes, the other? I would have doubts what I would do as I would expand that ends.
Do the investment in the click and mortar some day. You may come back around and do the click and mortar, depending on what the industry does in the next five years, when you're twenty five and you know you're starting to reach out and do so you're you're longer term goals. The second thing I, what are the last thing I would add to the conversation is- I would avoid partnerships the only ship they won't. Soil is a partnership. They end Sadly, almost all the time working with small businesses, the number of partnerships that we have with that are ten years old or older is almost zero, except for long, officers and medical officers, docks and lawyers to a different kind. The partnerships when they go together and They usually last, but to me, Two guys cousin and two cousins starting up something almost never makes it and the oftentimes ends badly. So if you want to work with your cousin, fine,
if he wants to open the store and give you a percentage of the profits for working there and running it for him, that's ok, but you don't own it or vice versa. I don't mind you participating off the bottom line as if as if your partner and impetus putting off the bottom line, but I don't want you to get married to your cousin. Me I'm either. This is so much wrong with a metaphor. Links for Galva, open phones, triple eight eight to five five to do. Take videos in Dover, Delaware, David! Aren't you How are you better than I deserve? What's up my wife and I are on babies. For good, We are also discussing it,
she continued to maintain our. Where is about one thousand fifty dollars a month, which is good value for what we have continue to do that, and I gave up the buyer with gas, it would take between approximately five and seven years to do that. Or if we should take a year, they bogged down into a fifteen year. Well, neither one of those are outside of our plan. This is Only advise you ever get that I Ramsay show that I'm ok with you doing, but I will never do I will never more money more money for any reason, ever any any circumstance. Ever again, I'm done the bar or slavery, the lender, I'm not going back in that ever I love your hundred percent down plan, I think its awesome it by
I dont at people for taking out as you, obviously no fifteen year fixed rate, where the payment is no more. Therefore, one slash take on pay, and then you get about the business of pay and that off S possibly gale, and to pay it often between seven and ten years, so that you're on the track with the same data points as the everyday millionaires study shows us. That millionaires are doing so that that, your facing either. One of those are inside of our plan. The reason the z down plan works so well is Tween now and the time you buy a house, you have huge pile of cash. Building in building and building, which gives you lots of options when you'd buy a house a hundred percent balance at when you do by also at a hundred percent down. Then you ve got. All kinds of options goes for the rest of your life. You know I'm no house payment and if
just in vast every month what would have been a house payment area be so stinkin ridge, it's gonna be unbelievable, so it is the shortest path to wealth, but it is so counter cultural. It is, painful to watch everybody else. My house and houses going up in value during that time. It's tough and delawares beyond over expensive market. I mean you're sitting or something I think if I were in your shoes, what would I do? Why would don borrow money but.
But I know young people for that. Other rouse, I'm ok! Will you do me? The one appreciate you calling it open follows a triple eight to five five, two to five that puts us hour of the day room. He showed the books are thanks to James Childs. Our producers are socially producer. Funds will be by hey. It's Halley says he producer impose reigned over the name. Ramsay shall, if you would like to be geared every scream, live on the shell make sure you visit, Dave, Ramsay, DOT, com, flash, so reticent libraries have an asteroid. Taliban here story
have you got, questions about retirement investing and becoming an everyday millionaire, go beggar and brought her with my man Chris opening on the crest of Intra. I M excited to be able to talk to you all week in week out we're gonna focus on your calls, and it's going to focus on building wealth, investing and how to become an everyday millionaire subscribe to the Christian. Wherever you listen about gas its James producer of the Dave. Ramsay show this so it is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you ve heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2020-08-02.