« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Turkey Attacks U.S. Allies in Syria | Rand Paul


California cuts power to thousands to avoid wildfires, Turkish forces attack America's Kurdish allies in Syria, and Sen. Rand Paul discusses "The Case Against Socialism."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central October. Two thousand, I d probably said rose World news headquarters in New York is the daily retinal here tonight. I would guess tonight is the only republican senator who is actually willing to talk to us and of the land
All kinds argues during a conversation with them, also to my show mutually on a cruise ship. California goes back to the dog ages and shockingly there's a war in the Middle EAST. So, let's catch up on today's headlines. Let's kick it off with the Big NEWS out of California lost your around this time: falling power lines, Spock major wildfires across the state. So with the winds picking up again, the electric company decided to play it safe and pull the plug tonight. California's largest utility take an extraordinary move, cutting powered hundreds of thousands to avoid what
fire sparked by a wind blown power lines, but many are furious. Utility companies Pga any just proactively shut power. Mom was the region after power line, sparked a series of historically devastating wildfires, while resident stocked up on supplies. Fiji's website crash, leaving families like the car seats wondering exactly how long till after power, through without electricity, I'm hoping it doesnt last fine day see now I mean that's cleaner insane. That's right! California has turned off the power for half a million people to prevent wildfires, which may be smart for safety Obviously it sucks for the people without electricity, because now they have to talk to their families for the first time an agent Scully so awkward, so Sola Tommy Hausa fourth grade
dad. I'm I'm in grad school man went to tv you coming back. Also, you know, it's not cool. Is that the power company shut of power for six hundred thousand people, but they made sure that Silicon Valley got to keep their electricity. Yet a dog aerial, the black is where the powers and then like everyone else as like they should have done the opposite. They should have only shut down Silicon Valley yet now, because we could use a break from social media come on now. Would that be nice? twitter, no, Facebook. For a week we can also known as to read their racist uncle spaceport status or their races president's tweets. It would be so much one, but you don't worry so hard right, loud noise winning hard, amish people. Yeah because they finally get a chance to act. Smugglers held rolling, it's a town on the horse and buggy singing
Tal. Rode here, just like well well, well, feeling stressed art. Thou would love to stand. Chit chat with you, light bulb having mother has bought my, but I ain't gonna turn itself Jeremiah out. The story, though, is just a reminder that we made to many things require electricity, but don't actually needs twenty years ago. Pow Digital wouldn't feel catastrophic. Now everything these electricity when the pallid goes out, you will I bush my g o no less moat. My we who is like we could have sex can buy peanuts, doesn't work without wifi up great you're, Smart Bade, hey elects a white Labrador, smart penis, Alexa, oh no, they killed like. Let's move on to news from some way off the coast of Norway
What will the people who thought they were embarking on an exciting crews and the fiords of Norway say they got a different kind of excitement. Knew me on a luxury cruise ship. Several say the pilots stopped working, but this does not smells leagues. Passengers got into tens confrontations with the crew is no man in Norway crews line issued a statement apologizing for their guests inconvenience, blaming whether for the change in itinerary territory, they also offered past there. A twenty five percent credit for a future trip.
What is that of a refund the cruise liners operate? Only five percent of the novel crews have hell against the imaginative titanic. Did that right, putting people into the lifeboats like I'm? So sorry, your husband froze to death. Here's a coupon for a frozen margarita next time. Also I give it. The speculation was imperfect, but I'm lookin like these people will be a little extreme. Ok, some twenty snow flush and the food, no good. You still on a cruise ship look slides and pools and endless alcohol. That's all you need for a good time at the toilets, don't work in the ocean right there. I mean it's nature's original trailer to do your thing. You're over this I go back to the pool. You know how I know things weren't, that bad is because people got together to make a group sign That wasn't happened in a real disaster when she's really going down nose like all know, we're gonna die, who's got pennant paper, we're all gonna die, we're all
What are you funny, though, if the passengers to take over coups d, like other people like I want to show you that capture demanded they just took over this when I became a pirate crews, people sailing around the seas attacking other could take the shrimp parfait well moving on from a fun time on the water gone wrong to fund time in the air gone IRAN, hot air, balloon whore flames erupting at one of the nature of the largest festivals fire falling from the skies hardier balloon engulfed in flames with passenger and pilot on board. Just one in a string of balloons and distress during one of nations, largest festivals, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta New Mexico authorities. Rushing to help the passengers on this balloon after it goes flying into table wine and not far from it
you're a balloon crash into a tree on a golf course and is ripped apart. Ok, I'm so happy. Everyone survive those crashes, and on top of that, it is nice to see a story where No no black people lurch. I really need to read articles. Things didn't go as planned, but what was the plan? I always wanted to stay balloons. You can control them. It is good that the wind who wants to trouble like that. I imagine if you got your car and it is one of the direction the wind was blowing. Like art, on my way to work. Nor looks like I'm going into the I mean I don't know about you, but I'm not getting into any mortal transportation is built around a basket. I've never been at a picnic. Yeah. I want to do that in this. Guy are that's it for the headlines. Let's move on chalked story,
Donald Trump President of the United States and Joker under it feels like we say this a lot, but the president's is not having a good time and new pole is out showing fifty one percent of Americans now support, impeaching and removing him from office and by him from office and by the way, by the way this was. This was a Fox news pole which must have heard from like if gale sensuous, fifty one percent against Oprah? while the Ukraine scandal continues to engulf risen from vice president, my pants is doing everything he can
a clean wearing my interest in the night sitting there were destroyed, the issue of the bodies with present, where what I'll, what I can tell you that all of our discussions, internal with present Our team and our contacts in my office with Ukraine were entirely for just on the broader issues of the lack of european support, where you are your annual rapturous thing investing. Is tied to a great being. What was it? That's? Your question will be very clear. MIKE Pensive worded that course, and regular,
the woman with her ankles showing that like how he says. Well, that's that's your question. Yeah and now you answer. That's our questions. Were my expenses audio turnips conversion therapy? Ironically, services like what the power of Jesus rule cast out the demon in that question now, while the impeachment train is picking up steam, that's really not the big. Usually the Big NEWS is Turkey, because earlier this week president Trump ordered american troops to step aside in Syria, allowing Turkey to attack America's kurdish allies in the region and guess what That's exactly what happened. Turkey tonight wasted no time launching a military attack on? U s: kurdish allies inside Syria, just two days after receiving a virtual green light from President Rough, dubbed operation, peace spring by the turkish government. Turkey's force driving deeper into northern Syria, attacking: U S, allies the Kurds with advancing troops,
the ground while pounding parties positions from the air. Another danger, as kurdish fighters now rushed to the front lines to defend themselves against Turkey. They can no longer properly guard detention camps, packed with tens of thousands vices members. What a shit show thanks to trumps impulsive decision people now fleeing Syria, the Turkish now bombing the Kurds and over ten thousand ISIS fighters could be back on the news, which is bad news, for everyone mean great news for drug dealers, Ices guys love trucks and that's the only people is winning Ashton's. They escape they'll believe when free just in time for toiled Buffon. So, in the midst of this unfolding disaster, Donald Trump funding the only way he knows out by being petty as hell, here is how President Trump defended his decision to abandon the Kurds, the courage to fight for the land. Just so you understand their fighting for their land,
as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today? help us in the Second World war. They didn't help us with no Normandy. As an example, I want from saying America shouldn't help its kurdish allies because they didn't help American World war. Two, I mean to be fair. Not helping in a war is one area present. Bones was has experience with, but still this logic that up, because the Kurds are helping America fight ISIS right now. Imagine if your boss, you use that logic just walked in like bill. You ve been a great employed for the last five years, but you shit your passport. Years ago? We have let you go, but I was, I was a baby back than HR still thinks its gross. I'm sorry, I'm just just by the way is by the way the Kurds actually did fight with the allies in world war. Two yet so next time from wants to bring up history should
check with his friend, Frederick Douglass. It's not a real thing so from clearly has no regrets about America abandoning an ally that has lost eleven thousand of their troops, helping fight this war. He also doesn't give a damn about what could happen if those ice Spices escape the president pressure on those eyes. These prisoners were well used to Europe, so our trump doesn't care about ISIS fighters because he thinks only gonna go to Europe, that's really heartless and also trump. You realize you need Europe, because without Europe is no Romania without Romania, there's no vampires without them,
You don't have a lawyer, the eye and secondly, its really short sighted, because if you let thousands of ice spices regroup, they could come back bigger than ever minutes exactly what and with the back street boys, we took our eyes. They regrouped another touring all over the world. I'm just saying it might seem right now, like a few this prisoners, but in a few years, will be like, oh, my god, they're back again, so look trumps decision to move american troops and allow the turkish invasion could have truly disastrous consequences, and many people have been racking their brains, trying to figure out. Why Trump did this out of nowhere, but instead of guessing
Maybe we should just be listening to Trump himself present drums decision and pull troops from northern Syria is once again raising questions about his business dealings. As the Washington Post points out. The first person to suggest that Donald Trump would have a conflict of interest in dealing with Turkey in turkish prisons are due on was actually trump himself here. He is back and twenty fifth well? I also have I have a little conflict of interests because I have a major major building in Istanbul additive, tremendously successful job. It's called Trump towers two hours instead of one not the usual one, its due to towers, not one. One and another one. I call it too in Eastern who I mean this whole thing would make sense, because we're trumpets always about real estate people think he's playing three dimensional chess. Maybe he's just plain happily, but whatever the reason is, Trump is now dealing with a major world crisis in addition to his impeachment inquiry. So that's
Scandals, not one, but two will be right back I guess is a position and republican lawmaker from Kentucky who has a new book called the case against socialism is welcome. It's ramp, all welcome back of and its good Vieira
can't believe. More republicans, don't wanna come on. It's right must be, must start writing it. It hurts me so you know why, because more Republicans came to the show them Democrats before Tromp was president and then Trump one and then all of a sudden. You guys you think so. You're afraid to come back the a cause and effect between the two, some other related. You think that way you guys, like afraid of what Think of you come here. Is that what it is I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I appreciate you coming here because I love having conversations about the book, the case against socialism, but I would be remiss if I didn't talk about the news of the day, Donald Trump pulling the troops out. Of the region in Syria. You supported trumps decision to withdraw the troops. Why was you and I have talked about reform I've been opposed to regime change in war in the Middle EAST. For a long time, I agreed with President Obama's decision to come out of Iraq. I never thought the Iraq war was a good idea
and with TAT he was one of the reasons he built. He beat Hillary Clinton. I think it's also been one of the things where there could be some agreement between right laughed. I think people kind of got distracted with the things they don't like about prison drop, but do we really want another war in Syria? There's like five different countries fighting in our fifty soldiers going to stop the advance of tens of thousands of? his troops, but they did, though they they didn't. They were like a little less misled argued this way. There were fifty odd american troops in that region and the turkish forces wanted. Asking the kurdish forces, but while whenever I will ever get it now, they were getting ready to an has removed the fifty trees. But here's my boy using present Trump did that to protect the truth, because that will have to have. I think so. But the thing is insane. You know so well, AM, I haven't, had a discussion with the present over, but what I would say is that I think fifty troops are not really work go to war with, and so you talk to our generals. Are you talk to our soldiers there sort of other believe if America's can go to war, let's go to war, but
don't go towards fifty people, but it there's also Pentagon has said to that point. The Pentagon has come out and said no, but this was strategic. We didn't want to war because it doesn't always after we war or nothing. It can also be just well born, but invited presence in this area people in the middle of a work can be a calamity. You remember what happened in Beirut. We had three hundred people in Barracks, Vienna, humming and it was a cold many and even Reagan back then said: oh gosh! Now, if you go in all out war. We can decide that the Middle EAST is very messy. I would say that right and left agreed for a long time that regime change didn't really help us in Iraq. I didn't really help us and in Libya And many of us look of agreed with Bernie Sanders honour ran. We should be going into a ran without Congress, first voting, for whom we should have a vote to declare war, but here's my quest Lindsey Grammar and the Chinese are run around the place? And now we have the agreeing with them on the nearest where, whereas the opposition there
around around saying we need to have a resolution next week in Congress, supporting that fifty years troops should stay in Syria and I think we should have a resolution saying are we going to declare war we going to be involved in a war, but if so, who we find it we're going to fight the Turks? Do you know who's? Allied with the church? Now free syrian army, they were our allies for seven years. We trained them, so free syrian army, is allied with the Turks who are allies who are supposed to support. So if the Kurds and the Turks get into a fight by law, we're supposed to act be supporting Turkey, you got a ran in the makes you got russian makes you ve got a saw, the mix really all stemmed from the same philosophy that Did Iraq and Iraq we were going to get rid of the saying and democracy was going to break out in the Middle EAST was going to be this wonderful place, it's the same with Assad. Maybe it's a faulty sort of notion that regime?
It is good for the country and are good for the world. I think you get less stability and you get more terrorism every time we try to topple these governments right, but in this case it feels like what you are saying would be perfectly fine and true: will you not dealing with previous since, and I understand where you're coming from and you have been fairly consisted in this regard. Will you ve said I don't want to go into wars, but America has already placed itself in these positions. The Middle EAST is what it is partly because of America's actions, So are you nothing walk away, despite what has happened, because, because now, what if, like it, I like What did I twice what I did when I shut my eyes? I power I supported across the aisle President Obama's decision labour rights and to lower their troops and say the war's over dude. I try to avoid the same thing and I would advise comes back, we'll see, here's the problem everywhere. You go
what the new cards and the right wing in the Chinese and all the crazy warmongering want. They say if you ever leave, terrorists will come back, but the problem is that argument could go on forever these same people would still be in Vietnam, though they would never have left me. These people never get over. They never understand that these wars are working. You can't spread democracy through military means and at the point of a gun, and we can say where we could save the Kurds what's complicated issues for different sets of curves there's iraqi Kurds syrian Kurds or to political parties. In Syria, some of them have been considered to be terrorists and have had terrorist act on Turkey. There's a turkish political party that our Kurds and the thing is It's sort of working in a rack, but I dont think that we're going to be able to. We wanted to carve out a region of Syrian save Kurds. You can have it. Will you stay with you forever? We'd have to put TAT twenty thirty thousand troops in their opening living on the media that I'm not really for getting involved in this Europe of war. I dont know who the good guys are, or the bad guys are over there
Very very calm deserve. It is a complicated wall and, like I said, you have been fairly consistent, which makes this the stance that you're taking strange for me, because in twenty fifteen you advocated for the army of the Kurds, you said you said specifically. You said that you think that they are the most effective and significant fighters that America has and if the Kurds fight push out ices that Americans should give them a homeland and really a second mean that that would have required creating them. Well nodding legend. No, essentially, we have advocated for- and I have said and within a rack an area of autonomy, I would prefer to be their own country is one of the few things it Biden actually had a good comment on the end of the Iraq war. We shouldn't divided up into three countries, and really a lot of the problems that come from the Middle EAST actually stem from right at the end of world war, one. What happened is in a western powers card of all these countries. God. Listen who live there and what their religions were either tribal affinity, Asians work, and so we got stuck with a map like,
but yes, I have advocated in our rack for a place of autonomy for Kurds, but I haven't advocated or said it would be a practical to create one in Syria. I think the same problems that we got into it: Jim change in Iraq. We have the same problems. Hundreds of thousands of people died in Syria, and maybe we shouldn't have gotten evolved in the beginning at all and trying to topple whose sign? Maybe it's not the job of America to always decide who runs every country? That's an interesting
as things stand for life. Let me ask you this with regard to news that is happening now is safe from Turkey. The impeachment scandal is is growing every single day. Now you you you, you know you ve, had your your points of view and you ve said you know, you think the violence should be investigated. You think that America should be looking into what Trump Donald trump us. It is a corruption that is happening somewhere there. So I understand you're standpoint and I'm not ignoring that aside, though, do you think that Donald Trump was appropriate in the way he handle that you think he did it in the right way, because if he believed that there was a corruption, why did he not go through the FBI? Why? Why would he put China, foreign leader, with the promise of american aid we set in my contract. We were going to ask and I have to talk about the impeachment known and ideological. I don't just mean any senator, I'm just boss war yesterday, but I mean you are more appropriate. I would
say that there is not anybody from either party that has not tried to manipulate the aid of Ukraine to get what they want and then there's a broader question. You could ask, and you could say well, should aid? Will we give money to a country like Ukraine? Should it be contingent on us getting what we what then user was it a proper. The actually told to investigate us particular personally is running against what was it appropriate for Joe Biden to ask that well we're not going to give you a billion dollars worth of aid unless a prosecutor quits investigating a company they, my son works, going its fifty those dollars a month, so you need to get our you to cancel each other out if turning into a bad thing doesn't cancel each other out and I'm sorry that most people. A lot of us are partisans on either, sign what I'm saying most people in America want people to be judged by the same sort of law, so it looks we're going to judge Trump with one long we're going. The judge bind with another law, some people going to say this unfair somebody will
retreat. Would you have done wonders that? So then? Would you ok? So if you with those people than would you support both of them being judged if they have both done something wrong? Where would I would what I would say is yes, I would say that we can judge what they did was right or wrong. I don't think either. One of them are things that we should impeach someone over. So fact that the president said well, you know you are investing investigate Hunter Biden and fifty grand he was making a month a month. You know there's, no specific law. There's no specific things saying well. We should impeach people for doing that. There's an the thing you know you mentioned earlier that over half of the public now once at once impeachment. But if you ask the public, ask them, you know you in favour of actually sending money that we don't have to Ukraine in the first place. Thank you find seventy five zero Americans are below for sending money to Ukraine anyway, because we shall have to borrow it from China to send it to you. I think, there's a lot of different viewpoints on this, but I think in the end, what's going to happen with the impeachment thing? Is people going to retreat into their caps
and then the people in the middle or going to say and finally make a judgement. Is it fair to treat people differently? You know? Is it fair? Do we dislike other things about resident enough that worth we're fine. With going on this, I think there the danger, MRS, is against most of these special prosecutors where they went after Republicans are Democrats, I think they have too much power to go after after a person's and end our life, then I think really willing to devolve into where we criminalize elections and when the devil when their work? Republicans, when Republicans, whenever the Democrats in so I think, there's real danger to becoming our country where everything so criminalized. We can have an- a year ago, we not just sort of wait for a year to decide who hoo hoo run? The governor. I hear your point: and while we think about it, will go away for short outbreak and we'll have more with sentimental when we come right back
Senator ran for your book is self explanatory, the case against socialism straight into it. You are clearly against it. The question is I well. I think that if you review the history of the last one hundred years and every time we ve tried socialism, it seems it time and time again it ends and authoritarianism, ends in genocide and famine. When you say we, who are you referring to win when you the cases of socialism over the last hundred years, whether it be Hitler or stolen or MAO or POL pot or Castro, are currently in Venezuela. What you see is famine What you see is a disaster of epic proportions, and I think we have to be careful that we dont somehow think well, it's gonna be different. This time and that's one of the questions of the book in the question is: is
Silence is state sponsored, violent and anomaly was a just accidental that we got stalling or, as some economist and philosophers have said, if you're going to take all of the property from private ownership and the government's going to take it over. There is a point at which people will resist and that's what happened. You know when Mal came to take the farms in the farms were collected by people resisted and they were killed by the millions. The same happen with Stalin. Hitler was different. He was socialists also his was sort of was racially motivated, as well as cock confiscatory nature. But now, a social assail s, not what we mean. That's not what wherefore wherefore Scandinavia, so he said a lot of time in the case again socialism. Looking at Scandinavian asking the question: are they socialist or they successful, and one of the conclusions we came to is that actually Bernie is actually to socialist, even get elected in Denmark or anywhere else,
maybe in fact and american. But yes, that's the problem when he, when he was bragging about how great socialism was in Denmark, the Prime Minister of Denmark came forward and said well we're. Socialists were open for business, don't led Bernie, you know, misleads, ok, we're not social rights. For then, let's talk about that because it does feel like everybody has a different definition of what they think socialism or capitalism is genuinely feels like that. So, for instance, you bring up Venezuela what's interesting to me about Venezuela is when people have this conversation, they always ignore the fact that Venezuela is plagued by multiple other issues where people go look at what happened? Venezuela, socialism, then angle. Does the corruption not count? all right, because, as I understand socialism, if the people at the top Everything is that there is nothing to be socialism or is it now a corrupt, formal socialism, which is more an oligarchy? That is that no one it is real. Socialism is when the government owns the means of production, they can their own. Some of them are a lot of the oil industry.
Is owned by the government down there, but all the prices for all the goods and services are set as well So you have our massive and profound shortages, but if you want to see how devastating estimated by the corruption, though once the crime, happened within one here, but here's the question in a market economy like ours, people become rich because they sell something that people What in an economy like Venezuela, what happens if you become rich if you control the reins of government, and so as power? comes more and more centralized to a few people. The possibility for corruption is much greater unless the powers diffused one of the great principles of our country. As we have always resisted centralisation of power. We didn't like a king and I didn't like a powerful Can we still resist? We study will resist the idea and we promote the idea of separation of powers and checks and balances
This is interesting because no no! No! No! Not only to this point, though, but this is interesting because I act, I do like what you're saying they about America has resisted that idea, but could one not argue that capitalism has gotten to appoint in America where you do fact have kings and rulers. You do define how these, because of how much covered with what you just said was people become rich because they sell something other people want, but while oftentimes we ve seen with capitalism, you can also become rich because you control a sudden resource minimum monopolistic way where you can then force people so like. Let us talk about, for instance, just medicine industry in America? We ve seen opiates. They'd know how to get the people are addicted to them. They can then set the prices. They can figure out how to keep you within that loop of
staying with so now, you're in a world where you you don't have a choice anymore. If you are a diabetic, you don't have a choice about the insulin you buy, and so that's that's that's seems like it's. It's it's it's it's a corrupt system, masquerading as just right. You are free markets. When you have honest capitalism, people do get rich based on merit based on selling something that consumers want. Someone, for example the people who started things. They become incredibly popular, but there are examples of crony capitalism as well, where the system has been corrupted by the sisters been corrupted by taking taking and using government to their advantage. So big farm and the pharmaceutical industry has done that. I'm not a big fan of it. I think they really corrupted the patent system. I think they ve abuse the patent system, and that needs to be ict, but that's not real capitalism, that people usually govern agree. I agree, but time and time again what you're find is that the freer people are the less central power there is in government the richer they are.
And it's amazing. When you look at the progress, we have there's a website called human progress, dot org, and if you look at poverty over the last two hundred years, It's amazing. What we're doing to poverty in eighteen, twenty nine percent of the world live on less than two dollars a day, born in nineteen sixties, it was down to a third of the world, live in extreme poverty. Today, less than ten percent, including all of the poorest countries, you can imagine less than ten percent of the Romans and extreme poverty, that's because of capitalism in freedom and trade. Let me ask you this than to that point in the book. You talk about how young people in America or less in favour of capitalism than ever before and they support socialism more now
you, don't seem to acknowledge in the book the why you you shall I go. They don't understand the wise of capitals. They don't understand that their living, better lives, etc, etc, but but our young people not just witnesses to what capitalism did to their lives and their parents lives through the crisis. So, for instance, when people were training freely with you know, do credit default swaps. That's capitalism, running and best people going. You can buy a thing that doesn't exist and nobody understands it and you don't have to regulated and then all of a sudden the market crash people lose their houses. Isn't that also capitalism, I think there are many that would argue that that was a form of crony capitalism as well when the regulations came upon their created that marketplace there were people like me, who voted against that because he saw that as a crony system that was being created by the government and he actually voted against that it was called a deregulation bill. Would it was a thousand pages long and he thought it was going to leave. These things, and so there were people. You look in limited government who did predict these things would happen verses. What credit default swaps in this country
when you look at socialism in the history of socialism, and you look at that verses what we ve had in this country. I think that the EU Regeneration that saying, in majority, Where's, now social would be a good idea. I think that some of that is that a misunderstanding what socialism is their say with a world should be fair. We should be more equal rights, but they're not really understanding that socialism, in its definition, is the government owning the means of production and when they finally come to own it when they come to take the houses, the farm land, the factories has to be violent and always gonna give it up just sort of voluntarily that I think there's an extreme definition of what socialism is, especially if you talk about democratic socialism, and I and I- and I say that, because I think any extreme can be used as the cherry pick, that
your argument, because when you look at America, just look at Republicans in America, look at how many people voted for Donald Trump, and why did they vote for him? What do they say? They vodafone? They said because they haven't moved in their lives. They wages are stagnant. They have no money. Factories have moved to countries where it is cheaper to make things. Companies are found, ways to pay. This text pay their workers. This ends, wages in America have been stagnant, but the interesting thing for the homeless of any real ginger eventually. But the interesting thing is that, but is that not capital is well that's what I'm saying could understand like if we go to socialism bad, but then what is capitalism bereaved thing is, since present troubles elected the median wage is gone up. Four thousand unemployment is at a historic laws. So there's a lot of progress that is happening in a country, but we become so polarize that people are unwilling to look at that. But things are better our amendment, no unemployment, people, no unemployment, people have acknowledged, but in terms of what just in America. Wages are stagnant, anymore
People are not people off versus the previous generation in an absolutely are they absolutely? Are you? People in numbers of farmers who are living here I live at home, would be how we gonna buy their houses and which is the statistics, are overwhelming I'll. Give you a couple of a hundred years ago, when you, if you were to take a certain amount of money and average workers, pay and buy goods, you write one basket of goods or one container good. You get seven times as much for the same price. Now the the the amount that this is true. I get it yesterday and out of the amount of european that is out of your dns on that you paid riots percentage of your income. For writing. I every nineteen was like thirty. Five percent is down to twelve percent, but but then the difference, as well as the amount of income that you pay for men.
Cocaine. Essentials now has also gone up. An insane amount, verses that time exactly soldiers for then basically haven't. We argued that the one thing I'm having that you and I know we control but afraid, because we have the book, we want people to read it, but this their understanding you this than. But then, if you argument by the bavarian level, given that nominal there's nobody and ask you to let you get away from healthcare. Yes, healthcare has risen healthcare and education of the two things that are rising and arms. Everything else has been going down and cause. What is the commonality between the two government involvement you're, not they're, not great capitalist experiments are not great examples of capitalism. Healthcare over fifty percent of healthcare provided by the government now the prices are largely fixed in conjunction between big government and insurance companies, there's very very little capitalism and the delivery of care, so we could say, will government so good. We want more government. It's a governments not working very well and we like more capitalism and healthcare rights and there are ways to bring prices down in health care. I would let
consumers get together all individuals who have to buy insurance by themselves, I'd, let them join a group and association like Kafka or SAM's club by their insurance together, And what would happen is the sheer numbers of collective bargaining. We drive the prices down. There are ways to fix it, but that's a market, men mechanism- or you can say we subsidize people because prices are too high, but when you subsidize them in the prices are going up, guess what the prices go up even higher, so it doesn't work, that's what we ve been doing is giving people money and the money goes an insurance company. So since we passed Obama CARE, the insurance profit so gone from six billion to fifteen billion? They know how to play the system that we have not actually this ever arise, but as it is true- and I think what you're saying as lot of merits in that corruption within capital capitalism, slash cronyism, doesn't help the system the book as fast. And I love having you on the show, because we argue and weaken the region. We don't you just go back and forth, but I presume
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Transcript generated on 2020-02-01.