« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Trump Sparks an Explosion of Book Deals | Noah Baumbach


Former members of the Trump administration churn out tell-all books, Roy Wood Jr. highlights heartwarming animal stories, and Noah Baumbach discusses "Marriage Story."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central. November two thousand ninety from companies that rules, while news headquarters in New York
here's the deal with revenue use common criminal. Our guests tonight is an Oscar nominated writer and director whose new film is called marriage story. No a bomb back is joining us. Everybody who make up also said I showed Disney plus has a rocky starts. With junior. Has some good news for change and president from faces his greatest enemy books
this catch up on today's headlines. Let's kick it off with the Big NEWS that everybody is talking about. Disney has entered the streaming war, was revived. The Disney the weight is over dizzy, Plaza visually launches. Today, the New Stephen Service will feature franchises, including Marvel at star wars. Films, Disney possible costs, users about seven thousand month. The new service, laughs and tough accomplished now going up against existing providers such as Netflix and Amazon, Prime Disney plot? tumbled out of the gate this morning, many users saying this error message right here when they try to use the new streaming service. All Disney blush launched today and almost immediately crashed, which is too bad, but at least the heiress, I was really cute and we look at that as the day went on it only got worse.
A lot of people. A lot of people are disappointed that they couldn't watch Disney plus, because I mean we're here also. They gonna watch tv now from entertainment to the world of tech. It turns out apples latest products is discrimination back with allegations of gender bias against apple over its new credit card apple calls. It simple and secure a credit card created by not a what apple and partner Goldman Sachs are now accused of gender bias? Software labour and millionaire David Hyena Meyer Hansen says he and his wife share assets and income, but apple card gave him a credit line twenty times higher than hers. Even though she has a higher credit score, it seemed very discriminatory that I would get twenty times the credit limit, even though our staff with the same goal,
says. A computer algorithm made the decision. One hand invented on twitter. Social media erupted with similar stories apple. How could you this is the most sexist products, since that I found that needed to be, luck with your penis and if you're gonna be a credit card that discriminates built, do it based on gender. You should do and based on what people by like, if you're using work, your credit card to buy a been backed chair love a lamp. You shouldn't have a credit card, that's what it's a bit, but I do think that, unlike other forms of discrimination, this one might actually be addressed, and I say that because the victims of them, millionaire white people I have ever seen in my life, but that a couple The only thing wider than them is a pioneer gift card. That's so sorry excited they brought this up and finally, in some major international news, yet another latin american country Issing, adios too.
But I didn't they. Chaos in Bolivia after the president able morality and now he is resigning protests and calls for the military to get down. Former bolivian president ever morale us on his way to a new life after Mexico granted in political asylum. He says it will prevent what he calls blood and grief and the unrest following a resignation, morale isn't supporters, call a coup, Alice, tweeting, an appeal asking Bolivia to quote: take care of the peace and to not On the violence remains unclear, cool now led Bolivia, a so called extraordinary session. Oblivious legislature is set for today. Dan now, Bolivia's government has collapsed right now. South american countries are more chaotic than the second day it every Jurassic park like. I can't believe this happened. A third. What's interesting, what's interesting about the story? Is that unlike
the countries in the region where leaders have been ousted. Bolivia has been doing well, the economy has been blooming. Poverty is down, income, inequality is declining, so the question is: why did present morale is get pushed out of office? Well, people like Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are saying that Bolivia and forced present Murat is out because he was trying to stay in power for too long. You wanna get a fourth term, but people like Bernie Sanders and Ale see argue that Morocco is never broke any laws. The believe in military is just over throwing a popular socialist Lee. And I don't know who to believe- because I give wood burning, enable she'll saying, but on the other hand, who knows more about international affairs and Donald Trump, so now another south american country has a power vacuum and no matter what you think of evil morality, it's not good for a country to be leaders is chaos I mean. Can you imagine like if that happened? America pledges
just disappeared went away. You know, maybe that's about in any other country. Any other country then comes the only leader. Disappeared. Everyone would be like while the sexually works better without because one, what does need lost. That's five is doing right. That's over the headlines. Let's move onto our top story. In the three years Donald Trump has been president's. America has changed in many ways. The countries more divided than ever official government policies are now announced on Twitter and the red phone in the White House.
Connect you directly to care of sea. One change we didn't expect from trumps presidency was an explosion of books from Anti Trump books to books, calling him the second coming of Christ. We ve seen it all and who could have predicted that so many people, Would exist thanks to a present concrete help. Anyone can write a book, and I do mean any. But what s interesting is how many of these books were written by people who worked inside the White House and the latest book making headlines comes from Nicky Hayley for ambassador to the EU in and woman who just captured James Bond and he's not holding back. Her memoirs out this week, Nicky Hayley takes on former Secretary of State Rex killers and and Why does give us their John Kelly, claiming the two men
undermined and ignored president Trump from inside the White House, Hayley Rights Kelly killers in confided in me that when they resisted the president had warping insubordinate, they were trying to save the country in saying that to the president, not asking. Meda join them on their side. A plan to undermine a president, is really a very dangerous thing. Ok, this is a bomb show. I did not expect Rex to listen and General Kelly were resisting Trump in the White House, although does explain why they were wearing those pussy hats, but still because this big news, because this book this book basically makes it sound like two up trumps top officials were constantly trying to stop Trump from causing trouble or getting into trouble. It always like the thing parents do you know when they swap a real thing with a tory from their baby. You know, and parents do, that we, like all Gimme daddy cell phone back, and you can,
the big boy phone and the kids happy they just like allow get the president of Ukraine get me. Do I invited in our duty by did ok, thank you, but why he told me that couches movie, that's basically what was happening and I've got to say this is a really complicated issue. On the one hand, I understand we Nicky he's coming from America voted for Trump right. You won the electoral college and saw his policies or what people voted for, so he's stop shouldn't. Try to undermine him. On the other hand,
This is also the same president who suggested new king hurricanes. So maybe Rockingham is a good idea and while Nicky Haley's book is all about allowing Trumpery Trump there's another book making headlines right now with the total opposite message, and this book is coming from inside the White House, a warning creating instant shockwaves, the anonymous other who claims to be a senior Trump Administration official paints. A picture of a president who is unstable, ended net. The writer describing a near daily five alarm fire drill, we're senior officials, cancel plans and race to the White House to prevent the president from enacting his latest wacky or destructive idea. The author saying behind closed. Wars. The president makes racist a massage, interesting remarks, describing him is reckless and without full control of his faculties. Oh, my car from is erratic racist than the shortest Frank cod
this insight source, how often we have no home walk, I don't get it. We all know this stuff already like these are not revelations. There's like a spy coming out of Russia. Like you didn't hear from me, both Russia is very big. I should go. I've said enough, so look. The truth is if you want to learn something new about Trump. This book is probably not going to do it for you, but one person who might actually have revelations about Trump is John Bolton Form national security, adviser and permanent got milk. Add he claims to have unique insider information relevant to the impeachment probe, but he's not telling Congress about it. He might be saving it.
Is upcoming book an attorney for former NASA Security adviser John Border revealed on Friday that voluntary quote personally involved in many the events meetings in conversations at the centre of the impeachment as well as many relevant meetings and conversations that have not yet been discussed. Publicly Bolton had been scheduled to testify as part of the impeachment probe last Thursday, but he did not appear. Bolton has a new book deal with Simon in Schuster and according to reports that deal is worth about two million dollars. Ah I see so Bolton might spend the beans unimpeachable offences by the present, but only for two million dollars ass. He is truly the hero. America deserves imaginative. If someone that called nine one one, just like hello police does We're on the loose. Ok, sir, where is he mommy twenty bucks and I'll show you
I am not impressed by the news of Boltons book because, what's the point of releasing anything on trumped, if it comes out next year, impeachment is no be happening now and worst of all Bolton told stole his cover from Michelle Obama. I don't care what anybody say. That is not his look. So look. The truth is with its anonymous Nicky, Hayley or John Bolton beneath it all these books all trying to do the same thing: profits of the chaos, because these books don't help the country just trade on rumours and innuendo to make the authors money like. If someone has valuable information about the President, they should just tell the american people is that of holding out for a big painting This is about the comfort and you know what I think. I know how we fixes, like I'm gonna, tell you how we fixed
in my new book by my book, a book I want you to by night- and I was twenty nine. Ninety nine you'll learn shocking facts like Trump is a bad person from has divided America, and my pants seems like a weird. But most importantly, my book finally reveals how Americans can get Trump out of office so make sure you get copy when it comes out in twenty twenty five. Right back you not nowadays, it seems like every new story is upsetting politics, climate change, war in the Middle EAST, Ward, Popeye's and
and I was I was travelling through my friend. Why would junior about this analysis like ailment? I wish we could just take a moment to find new stories that just fun now bring little sunshine into our lives, and so I asked Roy if he could find some of those happy stories and that's exactly what he's done for our brain new happy segment, a sprinkling of sunshine although everyone Roy would Junior and today I thought we kick off our first sprinkling of sunshine- will some stories about animals, because what does love animals? They keep us company, they help us without work and a certain number seven horse helped me when FAT Taos
Dallas, would immediately laws when I double down on a certain number four who slow bastard. My point is animal samples up and now they're cheer in us up in the most cheerless place on earth. The air put a therapy. Animal is hugging all the attention of the San Francisco International Airport. You may have encountered Lee Lou she's build as the world's first airport therapy. Take. Her main goal is to help passengers ease, travel anxieties, the five year old kid poses for self. These can do tricks like a dog airport officials, say Lou has built a sense of community there and she's house train
that's so adorable. You feel that such a deal that Sancho the severed Cisco airport that apparently big, which is great causes. Usually there be dogs. This pig is a trailblazer she's, the Jackie Robinson pigs, but instead of all roads, lilies talent is not should not anyone's luggage and you got a magic. Mrs gotta be a hard job fully She's got a walk around the airport, food court, smell and bacon, and not being forgotten. I mean if I walked in my office and its well. I barbecue black guy,
Probably, what take us once the first with think animals make great? There was a great deal of his animals, they listen the loyal and, unlike human therapists, you can tell them about crimes you're gonna committed. They can't stop you. So I think this therapy pig is a great idea, especially considering that in America, one in five adult struggles with some form of mental illness, but because there is a lack of- sort of people, gotta figure out the old ship body cells or talk to a goddamn pay twenty minutes or why we doing what you doin we yet we have sprinkle sunshine rumble. Does mother you right Sancho splendid sunshine. I carried away.
Ok, let's ball from the huge scale we need to our rascally little kitty, who are using rescue organization is desperate to get rid of this cute cat. They say quoth. He had to be sentenced to solitary confinement ever going to China. We lead in other cats out of their enclosures. Cereal offender was caught multiple times by staff at friends for light animal rescuing adaption setting is feline friend free from the senior room. A shelter says, cruelty will not be contained. Me has those shame. The cat is currently free visiting with a potential adoption. Family equality even has its own merchandise. Now to watch sunshine heart can take it. You ve got a rescue, that's rescuing other tat. Every gears cats movie. They need to make a movie about quilted, broken out
call it. The pall, shank redemption and Morgan Freeman can still married. It comes down to a simple choice: really it business scratch and get busy dial nine times. Also, good luck to any family that adopts will do the parents won't come home and look around the house. Mingled delay opened a baby gate quote is gonna, be like eight. I don't believe in keeping kids engages in fat. Maybe those catch would be in charge of the immigration policy instead of people who think it's. Ok, witten doubting the kid Lloyd worry, we'll be right away. I notice is important and we talk about immigration all the time, but at what we said just put this moment sunshine,
recent move with early was violently wig. We haven't at the time and if you wanted the time travel, you want some sunshine. This last story is unbearably cute It's about a bear, but first we have deputies I'd come too Lastly, when a bare gets himself stuck in a pretty tight spot like tat, this is a four hundred pound bear. He is well known, apparently, to local sheriffs and the deputies there. They even have a nickname for him and his t shirt because of the white smile on his chest, and they say that you have two options improvise when dealing with bears doing what they can to keep them in every way. Around them. Safe mean. That would be quite startling there now. Well, deputies have to get close. Sometimes, did you warn people not to get too close to those ferris.
A giant bear in a dumpster that is both hilarious. Anna, very common search on point up. If it also means doing shores in this town, has got to be extremely dangerous. A baby Can you take out the trash what they found it give me kill women to take the lead and not what you trying to do is take another damn trash and also kudos to the police officers for approaching this bear calmly and the escalating situation I just wish
people in Amerika would say I made my way. That would be a wonderful worry. Wonderful to me, I mean, maybe maybe black people should just or will bear costumes whenever we need the right look like they. All of this makes sense, and I agree with you, but we can always be outraged. That's what we said this will be about you regulate on science, art ass, my bad is it. You have me, do not focus on all the bad news is out there, so much bad news and what will? Maybe you should talk to someone about their work? I shall drove him, but he added. What might there be biggest learning? Would you and everybody.
They showed my guess tonight isn't accomplish director and Academy Award nominated writer, whose latest film is called marriage story. Please welcome no a bomb back welcome to the daily show, thanks for having an congratulations on making another form, that is in a smash hit on the festival shook, a lot of people are seen. As I have said, this has Oscar Buzz, and yet it seems like the story, wouldn't like because most love story is told from the beginning. You know to people maintenance. The magic
hey you're, telling a story of divorce, and yet it's a love story. Yes at will I sort of thought well, maybe there's an opportunity that there's a philosopher who has a philosophy that of of when something stops working like something that you're used to everyday life. You walk through a door every day. It opens you don't think about it, but if it's locked, you suddenly look added you inspected. It becomes clearer too in a certain way, and so I thought well, maybe in the and a marriage coming apart, you actually could see in unison to look at the marriage itself more clearly less interesting in the marriage breaking down. You start to understand why people loved each other in the first place, you start to understand what brought the people together and that's I mean that's that's what's interesting about the story. Is it's it's not sad, but sad things are happening. You know it's not happy, but does it there are happy moments and- and you have phenomenal actors in this- I mean you know you got sculpture, hasn't even Adam driver. You couldn't have asked for
better cost of people, but it must have been looted. Wigs when you are making this film Scarlett Johansson was going through a divorce and you will get a pitcher a movie about divorce yeah. Well, fortunately, and and unfortunately I didn't this in advance, so I I I reached out- try centre email. I said I think I've something that maybe we might do too there I'd known, are a little bit of rights and so we made a lunch date and I wish she was- she was a little late. She arrived and she and I was sort of gearing up forty, no telling what I was going to do: whenever there and then she said I m sorry, I'm I'm I'm late. I was just followed? My lawyer? I'm going through a divorce and I thought. Why and and and then I'm like cycling through well, who else could do this move? And I didn't? I Didn'T- have a plan b, so I you know, I sort of then awkwardly went through the thing, but to scarlet credit it was a reason to do the movie and
right not to do the movie. So when you so when you were experiencing your parents going through divorce with their moments where you could still see the love that kept them together brought them together. Is that why you try to incorporate them into the film? You know I felt bomb, but of course, even though your divorce takes over in divorce by definition divides that their there that this did these moments, this love doesn't go away. It's not you know it it it's it's it's it's just it's still there and no matter what the circumstances are and also because they share a child to their both very committed to two being parents too. It has to transform in some way right. You feel that in the movie and what I love most about, it is it's a story that doesn't, I think, dismiss the idea of love in a divorce a lot of times, people go if people break apart. There was no love, it was on the line in this movie. It's more like know. The love is real, their story just ended and then the love carries on in the therefore we should. Thank you very much was a beautiful foma. Thank you
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Transcript generated on 2020-02-01.