« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Trevor and Jaboukie Young-White Discuss Amazon's Move to NYC | Kirsten Gillibrand & Tessa Thompson


Jaboukie Young-White reacts to Amazon's upcoming New York move, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand discusses "Bold & Brave," and Tessa Thompson chats about her role in "Creed II."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Using the comedy central, in November two thousand, eighty from probably Federalist World NEWS headquarters in New York. This, is the daily with revenue gears. Thank you for coming and valuable coming out in the snow. I appreciate you guys ever thank you, but you know. We have two amazing guests and I'd NEO, senator and now off occurs
general grant is gonna, be here and later in the show from the new movie creed to test Thomson is joining us. Everybody does a ton of news. So, let's catch up on today's headlines, let's start with President Trump and before you blew before you blew he's doing something you might actually President run through his support behind a deal to implement the biggest criminal justice reform, this nation, seen in a generation showcasing what would be the most sweeping prison reform agreement in decades and if it passes one of the biggest by partisan of his administration Americans, from across the political spectrum, can unite around prison reform legislation that will reduce crime while
giving our fellow citizens a chance at redemption. You see that's good news, president from a supporting bipartisan criminal justice reform. Just in time for his in I had ministration to be indicted by Robert Mother time. He's up there like these criminals deserve a second term. I mean second chance. I wonder if one Maloney I heard about the reduced sentences she was like does mean get out of marriage. Early now sorry baby you're in for life. Speaking of getting out, it's been two years since the UK voted in favour of Briggs its which of course, is a cross between brunch exits and the Prime minister has just one veiled, her plan on how to do it and, let's just say it has turned into a bit of a close, the thugs, its breaking news right now from London, five members
of Prime Minister tourism is government have resigned, saying they cannot support, be five hundred page draft for Rex it it was officially submitted to the European Council today Teresa Maize, right now trying to explain to both sides of the house. Parliament. Frankly, she's been laughed out of the room. This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues. It is a draft treaty that means that we will leave the EU in a smooth and orderly way. Now, as usual with british comedy, you may not understand, what's so funny basically those lawmakers laughing at Teresa me because they know that was smooth. Briggs plan is ridiculous and, of course it's ridiculous. No break up is ever smooth. Ok, you gonna Briggs it. It's not gonna, be smooth like every break up like that. You think it's going well before
No, it she's with someone you and then she changed the and password and then you being arrested because you broke in to see how, but I just ended, but I just wanted to see our field of female president, now. Moving on, if you're a man who's been getting, some extra looks out on the street. It's probably because you're flies down, or maybe you just book, to shave there's a new study out that says when it comes to facial hair, women prefer a little stuff the Journal of evolutionary biology surveyed, eighty five hundred women and they rated man at different stages, so heavy stubble, or guys that have gone ten days without shaving. That was found to be the most attractive feature in second four beers and third lights. Double and dead. Last was clean. Shaven
Why that's crazy innovating things I don't even think about, but yeah, apparently, women find men more attractive when they have a beard, although I don't have, that applies to interest elbow, because even without a bid, look at him he's too interest. Elba forget growing a bit. If you anyone women, you just try growing interest elbow on your face, naturally should now the transition period is a little bit rough. But if you stick with it, it's worth it or on the delightful. No, let's move on twelve May the story of a tape all over my face now. Firstly, shaved: Amazon is the trillion dollar company that has everything from a progressive show about transgender family, too
Overnight, shipping of an inflatable dildo chair, which had forty nine ninety is an absolute steel people. You cannot put a price on pleasure anyway, as you know, by now, slow my face due to show for the scope of my faith anyway. As you know, by now this week, Amazon announced the bigger to be opening to new headquarters, which saw defeats the purpose of headquarters, but whatever, and although politicians in New York are taking a victory, lap a getting Amazon to move into their state. Some. People are giving the move. One star, Amazon's decision to put part of its new headquarters in Queens, brought a bit of a backlash. Taylor, Citys are people are voicing concerns about their new neighbours. This is one of the big concerns. The subway system commuter saying that they are worried about. The influx of commuters is getting housing issues like any transportation issues. There's gonna be traffic issues, pollution issues. Just this morning I took my phone
the Amazon up on my phone. Yeah you needed. There won't be women see my deluding. An app is permanent. It's goodbye Let's wait, wait. I need more I don't have a holler alone. Ok, now goodbye people do levels, I mean I mean people delete and on Sunday morning and then my Sunday night, there swiping again dunwood tender trash. To do now. I'm horny hold on everything, but still not still, people are really upset that this internet giant is coming to New York, so for more Amazon move. We turn to our corresponded with the most browser tabs open. Djibouti. Like everybody, do you think that this is a good or a bad move by Amazon? Oh, it's worse than bad Trevor, its cliche Amazon's been around for twenty four years. Another no were what any like twenty four year old. Does. What moved to New York
gentrifying neighbour, they at least Spent a year? Teaching English in Bangladesh Mademoiselle Matrona be original they're trying to bring jobs to New York. Oh yeah, that's just what New York needs: another twenty five thousand tech Second down green juice, the seven trade I mean. Do you have any idea how crowded the subway is going to get it's already a non consensual clothes on orgy. I I literally don't know where my backpack starts in their duties but begin ass, but but what about the fact that Amsterdam is promising to invest two and a half billion dollars into New York? Ok, new York- is giving Amazon three billion dollars. Who wouldn't take that deal?
We even need Amazon, you don't need it. I could give you do to have you promise me three billion dollars. You want jobs, Carla motivates, I get it and you Joe, but they are still bringing twenty five thousand jobs will yeah, but those jobs are going to locals they're bringing people in and don't think that I want to thank you ever just wait till the mayor tells you that the daily show has to be hosted by the marvelous. Mrs Maes, the axe. Actually, like MRS Maes, oh yeah me do. I haven't seen a bit like I love that it exists. but you know them as part of this whole thing, is I just moved the queen's that places the have streak I do know Nicky, monopolize gnaws city said, but now- and I tell people live-
Queens are gonna, be like oh, ok, cool! Could you return is package for me back, I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem like there's anything you can do about it now. So does not want uncomplaining, not true driver. We can get out in the streets and stop Amazon before it's too late monitoring everybody Chang running what side hustle don't ask a muddy mobility. We did you just order. Your boycott Amazon sign from Amazon,
what am I gonna know, got a failure, but boy mousing job will be a right of about a quarter right back support for this by guest comes from see. You now apply gas theories created by Johnson and Johnson and the American Nurses Association, nurses. Closest to the suffering climate change, violence, allergies, gaps and care. What's her home life, what do you have to eat? They see where things fall apart, social isolation and loneliness and the risk of being alone at an older ages, pretty high in addition having that inside around where it's not working, they frequently have a really good idea about what a solution might look like I'm sure, a that I'm a nurse economist and health tech specialist, and I am so excited to share the stories of nurse. Let innovations
that are changing the healthcare game. With see you now download and subscribe to see you now, wherever you get pod. Democratic senator for New York and also of the new children's book, bold and brave channel those who want women the right to vote. Please welcome Senator Kirsten Jensen brand having me thank you so much for coming back and will give in to the book. In a moment we were just talking about Amazon. It feels like that's. What's on everybody's lips, New York, you recently commented, on the whole Amazon deal? Where do you stand on? It Well, I have some concerns about I'm glad they recognise that New York is the great
city in the world- and we have some the greatest workforce possibly ever want, but I'm concerned and there wasn't a lot of community inputs right and we paid a great deal of money which, unfortunately, we still have families all across queens all across Europe who are struggling to make ends meet. So I just I have some concerns its if it's interesting diamond for politicians to be an where you were trying to balance the game of pleasing corporations, women also pleasing people on the ground. When you look at this issue like this with Amazon, with what's happening with made to blush YO and Cuomo people are showing you didn't, listen to us and this ignoble. We did this, for the people write what the problem is. They gave so many financial incentive rights to the wealthiest one of the wealthiest companies in the world and built a hell, a path for the wealthiest man and the country right. It is absurd.
That taxpayer dollars went for that kind of investment, when we as new workers, know how much it s, we need our infrastructure, we need better subways. We needs a heritage of how much was offered and the fact We have so many other urgent needs right now. That's some interesting conversation that I think them that's gonna be having going forward now the combination of money versus politics. The Democrats have won the house, the Democrats picking up more and more seats every single day it seems like seems like going forward. There has been talk of a few ideas. The Democrats are pushing for one. Those key ones has been getting money out of. Politics is not a realistic idea. I think is the most important thing we could try. Gb has everything that you want to accomplish. No matter. What is the reason why it so hard is because how much money the special interests, the wealthiest corporations spent on politics and just
its outcomes Roy, it's really ballades soft corruption, but sometimes hard corruption, and so, if we want to guarantee health care, is a right and not a privilege, will then you have to take on the drug companies and you have to take on the insurance companies. If you want end gun violence in this country? You got to take on the NRA and the gun manufacturer for Fun day for all of us to understand that connection between money and politics, and we have to restore our democracy to the people. You have to really break up. The current and say we need publicly funded elections. We need greater transparency and accountability because you have to get this overwhelmingly powerful influence that the most powerful moneyed interests have in outcomes. You know this last tax bill, there's no better example written in the dead of night by the special interests, even republican members say all we have to get this bill past, because our daughters
If we carry us, if we don't write so the truth, is you really gotta get money into politics? I'm glad that it something that we start talking about passing reforms and continue. The conversation with the american people do: do you feel like laws will be passed, do feel like the Democratic House will be able to work with the republican senator and with the republican president, is possible and you have to try. You just have to keep putting those ideas out there and if you bring it to the people, they know that our democracy- is broken and they know this the systems rigged and that the most powerful have such an outside influences, so they're gonna be behind it and I'll. Be there find it no matter where you live, whether it's a red state or of loose data purple stay people want to have their voices restored, and that's really what this book is about. It's what the last election was about, that our right to vote our voting rights, our ability to be heard. Our democracy only works.
And regular people stand up and demanded, and so that's one of the reasons why wrote this book is. It tells the story about how women actually earned the right to vote and what they have to do to get there, and so we cannot. We cannot lose sight of how important that right is and so Dolly money at a politics, but also voting rights. It is a powerful book that come out at a very timely moment. You have more women going into Congress than ever before, probably on the democratic side, and this book bold and bright, ten heroes, one women the right to vote. It's a beautiful book and its. Like its for children, but I was reading. It allows learning things anyway, genuinely do, though, so you wouldn't know
they waited Susan, be Anthony, Elroy, Katy step. We ve heard of those suffragists. What do we do? We know what important roles said: shorter truth paid and actually getting the right to vote, because she was one of the first to talk about the intersection reality between black woman who had two Natalie abolish, lay refer first, but then also needed to get the right to vote to broker a rifle over their lives, and so Sir George was so amazing because she put that issues squarely in the movement in one of the first, a women's rights conventions and accurate Ohio. So she was of a for one or two. Others suffer sue came later, who carry that banner. I'd be Wells and Mary Church Ral same with Harriet Tubman. I mean she escaped slavery and then went back to get other slaves free and she never gave up and what made her journey so powerful to me is that just the pure empathy she had for the people that she was fighting for, like that she's I've heard their cries, I've heard their screens. I've felt their pain and I'll, give every drop of my blue
to free them in that was the unbelievable strength and courage to put herself a danger every day and then, after all, that she went on and ended speeches rather country for suffrage. Do you think it's it's a bit of a paradox, or do you find its perplexing that many women who vote today specifically for the Republican Party votes in a way that many would consider against their best interests? So, for instance, you look at brain camp in Georgia. You look at how many white women voted for him. You look at the Republican Party itself. You look at all of the votes that we saw in the mid terms and it looks like many white women are saying. Yes, we we we with you as women, but that doesn't mean that our it has to go that way. Why do you think that such a disconnect between how the Democratic Party connects with many women of color and how many white women in America scold? No? This is not the party for us. What I think is a really difficult question to be honest because they really are voting against their interests
but what's changing, that is the women who are running, who are so inspiring that there still winning the fact that you have Stacy Abrams running in Georgia. If she could win this election to us. First, black woman governor ever in our country's history and now she's, demanding that every vote be counted. Transformational, Emily Kirsten Cinema, winning a red state of Arizona, Bisexual, relax! It's! U S! Credit who grew up in poverty who actually knew what it was like to be homeless are part of her life. She lived in a gas and abandoned gas station so when she comes to the upset Senate, she's gonna shake things up, so I do think things are changing and is changed because the number one we turned out to vote. It's also the number one who decided to run and the number of women of color who are running its exponentially different than in the just before I let you go one of the most important questions everyone wants to ask you ask you is whether or not you running in twenty twenty. Now that's a question of her.
HANS over and over again. What interests me more is what you think the plan will be when the Democrats have a hundred people running for twenty twenty. At what point do you think as a person you, that you should or should no longer be in a race. I know that's a tough questions asked because you haven't even said you're running yet, but is there a plan in place so that, prison, like a should show whether just a hundred people on stage or fighting for scraps now there is no I've over each person. You will consider it. I think you just have to ever needs very much. A moral. Question about whether you need to use your time and talents to serve the country in that way. Of course, I will fight for New Yorkers and serve New York, but you ask I have to ask my own self do I need to do this thing, because this is a moment where people have to fight back with everything they have and what President Trump has put out into the world. It's a lot of hate,
a lot of division, alot of anxiety and all of us all of us. You me everyone here is called to do something in this moment and we just have to decide what our something is. I'm worried available now about the money. Wasn't that my guess is an act of stars in the new movie creed to resolve them. Sometimes, in voting for the show things around me, what, bump a year. You have had westward creed, true new men in black annihilation. Sorry to bother you one of the few people who can binge watch themselves. Do you have a star?
and and and take stock and just gonna. U, you are having an amazing time, are no congratulation thanks so much time. I feel incredibly lucky just hearing you with the things I I'm so excited in time I mean I'm so bored of the word diversity unto me what's exciting is to have diverse ideas right. I'm really feel so lucky that I get to make work, that's so different and feel like I'm not being box into space because they don't they that's been the case for so long for someone that looks like me, so I am so grateful. I think that something really a pyramid lot of your characters. I find that your career is are never one dimensional you are playing. People who are complex in space is that you wouldn't normally see them. Let me, for instance, in regular wreck, your playing. What many of you would have considered it was supposed to be a blonde blue, eyed, the genome
as guardian and here you are kicking ass, cling, a character who is bisexual and she's by racial. In a week, but you wouldn't expected when choosing the rolls. Do you bring that with you, always something that you look for when you, when you deciding on who you wanna play, I think selfishly, I'm looking for it because I want Two things at interest me that scare me, because that's it that's exciting sort of. ACT were away? I want to see women particularly of black. What women of color in those spaces? So selfishly I'm also just like. Where don't we exist get us there, like? I remember having conversations with just in Simeon who I made a film called your white people within these like you're, just not enough black people in the future, get in the future you know and making dear you know, making make your way. People was. Was you know we there's not enough black people get to talk about race
but we ve satire right all we get to talk about it in a space with a lot of misery and pain, which is real, but can we also talk about it in a different way or getting to do sorry to bother you just like I love films. Hang out in the space of magical realism, like I remember, seeing: foams like a tunnel sunshine, spotless mine and be like goodness, but there are just never black and brown people in those spaces, I'm just so you know. Where can? Where can we be right? Then you ve taken its true to another level when you are in some amazing blockbusters. I know men and like is coming out, but creature is out right now and I mean when Creed came out. It was a form that excuse the pun, knocked everybody out, because it it came out of nowhere that it genuinely usable it's. You have to use it because nobody did. It came out of nowhere like like Michael, be Jordan yourself. It was you know, love story on screen. You play a really interesting character, she's, a singer who has hearing impediments but Chee chee. She use it's like
part of who she is as a personal interest in this this phone. I want to give too much away, but it really feels like she is now the hero to Michael Jordan story, where did Michael Jordan struggling as a character and she should we that rock did you? Did you find that change when you're playing a yeah? I think so. You know we wanted to create a character, Ryan Cooler, neither first time around that sort of convention, and I think so often you see in these sports movies, that that the wife for the girl friend this sort of this dutiful just like stand by her man, he's either fretting over him or scolding, her rights or his trespasses, and I do a fair amount of that in these movies to just because you have, it's what sort of requisite, but we also wanted herds. It just have our own agency and have something that she was after so she's a singer. She self produce. She does have progressive hearing loss, but it's something that she doesn't feel. You know it
It's not something that she's going to hang her hat on or something that she's gonna. Let keep her from pursuing her dreams with vigour and I think that's the case for so many people, the people that are save older with disabilities. They live really full fantastic lie right, and so I think that that some payments you know really nuanced about her and unlike a lot of female characters in those places that I've seen, What I found amazing in the story was it felt, like your character, was helping Michael with something that he was. Struggling with as opposed to the other way around you. You would think on paper. He would be helping her, but it felt like she was the crutch. When you look at The agency in real life test Thompson is not just somebody who's in front of the camera in producing your own, Can you not looking at creating your own stories? You have a project You really excited about what is going to be of its a project that I'm pretty about this woman named Doors Paine, who is eighty six year old diamond faith and she's done it for decades. I first
currently a diamond sally. I, as a matter of fact, in court she listed as our occupation diamond. Because she's a bowler, yeah she's is useless. Credible woman that I heard about there's a documentary about her that I watched is fantastic. You seen it as you will see that dark and she she's just so riveting, just as a character and I'd chaser down for two years I set were yours, I could never get to her and then she shuddered identities, What are you? How are you trying to catch a diamond thief? I don't understand this lesson: ambition I was trying to find her and I couldn't I couldn't get to her. She had also promised for rights, of course, because she's a con woman to multiple people, so there was like a period where we couldn't. Without otherwise it could have gotten litigious are able to offer me back off for a second, but then she got arrested first, stealing
something from Macy's or something. So I knew where she was gaiters. I knew where she was. I wrote her still didn't get through Ray Then she got arrested about a year ago again for stealing why, after she had turned eighty six, eighty six dollars worth of merchandise, from a Walmart, not by surprise, because in this internet space now every time she gets arrested she trends for a minute. So I am convinced that she did it on purpose so that she can get. Really good deal to option her life story, which she got in the form of meat we. Finally, we counter. I still recent a lawyer to Atlanta Georgia to bail out no strings attached. Get us.
At all then and then start having conversations and now we know we ve been hanging out in working on the story and I think it's a fascinating story about race. I think she started this just you know not just to make money, but I think also because she said if she could walk in with the right bag in the right shoes. People treat her differently. You know she said she never thought that she was stealing anything because she only kept what they let her and they would let her hang out with these diamonds rubies and things, because she looked so sharp and I think there is something about that as as people in a hopefully when it gets to space will be judged by our Meriden and not by what we look like. But I love her. I love her so exciting. I dislike rubber sorry
I'm about now want to see that movie now. So we have to add that this creature, men in black chestnuts, arms and everybody, I think that it has been found. Daily show the terminal hears it wants. The daily show weak nights at eleven ten central one, Tommy Central and calmly, simple watch full episodes. Videos at the daily show that not only was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, an subscribed to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive powers in him This has been a comedy central podcast
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.