« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

This Week's Top Stories - Andrew Cuomo's Harassment Scandal & Idolatry and the Big Lie at CPAC 2021


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo faces sexual harassment allegations, QAnon followers find another reason to storm Congress, and CPAC attendees fawn over a golden statue of Donald Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central the daily show with criminal is brought you by the motley full, since two thousand a motley full stock adviser has beaten the market by almost five times and in twenty twenty nine one per cent of recommendations, so positive returns, imagine Woodstock adviser could do for your portfolio. Is it full dot com, slash, Iheart, defined out tests? Apathy It is brought to you by Samsung moms help everyone be their most arabic cells, so for mothers Day Help Mombi, foremost happening with Samson Galaxy gets like a smart watch with next level, fitness tracking or the statement making Galaxy flip five g that lets mom flexor style this year celebrate. What makes mom Abed would Samsung Galaxy.
The golden globes, it's the Oscars, weird foreign cousin and last night, Molly was less focused on the awards, then who was handing them out
one loves live from coast to coast for the first time in gloves history taking place in two timezone with us, any Buller in Allay antenna Bay. Anyway, you didn't take long for the dual to address. One of the biggest controversies is sheer label, that being that of the eighty seven voting members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which will run the globe there are zero black voters. I realize HIV, maybe you guys didn't get the memo, because your workplace as the backbone of a french Mcdonald, you got to change that. So here's to changing the organization avowing to do better, we recognised we have our own work to do just like a film in television. Black representation is vital. We must have black journalists and our organization, yet no ship you know you ve, got representation problems when the proud boys have more black members, the new basic
the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was being roasted all night by the hosts by the present is even by themselves. We saw the Good NEWS, is you know, they're gonna fix the problem, because can you Imagine them coming back next year and being like, we are still working on finding a single black Barcelona. If anybody albinos single black worship, visa gift their number, but aside from the no black people controversy, I'm lookin like I did enjoy getting too. See inside all of these celebrities homes and hands down my favorite house with Jack Daniels, because I'm a few noticed this. But there are like five doors in that room and think we're only seeing one and a half walls I mean they contain Maybe ten to twenty one does not function: memory spending many on pensive cause and jewelry Jack Daniels, spends his money on doors. I respect the hell out of that and look. We could spend a lot time talking about representation at the golden globes,
all the amazing black actors and film who won this year and how brave it was shown. Pencil Aruba cut his hair, but we don't have the time for that, because we have to talk about the political scandal that is rocking the country, through your governor, Andrew Cuomo, increasingly under fire tonight, a second woman reportedly coming forward, accusing him of sexual harassment. The latest allegations come from twenty five year old, Charlotte Bennet, a former Cuomo executive assistant and health policy adviser she tells the New York Times that the sixty three year old governor asked her questions about her sex life boat. He asked me if I believed, if age made a difference in relationships, she says, and if I had ever been with an older man and a one point she says the governor said he's fine with any one above the age of twenty two, the times reports that the sixty Threerd governor said he had been lonely during the pandemic and pressed her on who should last hugged saying he can't even hull guinea one before turning to Bennet asking her, who Last hugged asking no, I mean
Like really hugged somebody to interpret these questions as clear overtures for sexual relationship, the sixty three year olds governor releasing escapement Sunday. That said at work. Sometimes I think I am being playful and make jokes that I think are funny. I do on occasion tease people in what I think is a good natured way, Cuomo adding. I now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or to personal. I acknowledge some of the things I have said have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation guise. Of course he was being playful I mean imagine your older, politically powerful boss terms to you and says
was the last time you were really a super playful. Can't you feel your skin crawling with delights. Here's the thing, even if Como did think that he was just being playful. It's still not okay, I does want bosses never seem to understand. If your boss, you should never be flirtatious with your employees, because, as a boss, you're, basically, a dragon nobody's ever trying to hunger, regular. They just want to give up the cave in one piece seriously: Kirkland, maybe some time we should go out for a coffee right now. Things are looking pretty bad for governing homo he's facing investigations and even calls to resign. Are you know that it's not good when you're the best in trouble, and you like guys, please remember all those old PETE
and nursing homes. I got killed. Let's talk about that again. Come on and I'll tell you men all those people who praised Cuomo so highly last year, who those people ready? Don't look so smart now delete the tapes leap, peeps delete them. All I'm making. It must be so embarrassing. Can you imagine a new one of those people just random and give a shit burn them yet and then just cut this pot out now. Look there's a lot more to say about what consequences Cuomo should face or how creepy it is? Then he refers to sex as read the hugging, but we can't given to all of that right now, because the President of the United States is dropping bombs. details tonight about the? U S air strikes in Syria overnight. The first military action taken by the binding administration President bought an ordered strikes on an iranian back militia Compound and Eastern Syria. Here they are key border nine
buildings were destroyed and rocky official said one militia member was killed, strikes or retaliation for rocket attack on Iraq earlier this month that killed a civilian contractor and wounded a U S, service, member and other coalition troops. Some Democrats, which Biden, would have asked them for an ok, Senator TIM came protests offensive. Military action without congressional approval is not constitutional, absent, extraordinary circumstances. Congress must be fully briefed on this matter. Expeditiously, yes, barely a month and Joe Biden Presidency, and he has already dropped his first bombs on Syria, no new American presents bombed the Middle EAST. The win new inmates beat the hell out of somebody on the first day in the prison yard, and I don't even know why I really don't get it. In America, doesn't need to look tough economic the full Biden bombing Syria and all of a sudden they were like our I'd: better cancel invasion, ay and what's crazy as all the senators
do after this is just complain. It's actually ridiculous, just how little Power Congress has to actually stop the president's from bombing who ever he wants. Even a drunk Diana bar has at least two friends to hold I'm back and all things too much to ask for the: U S government to have more checks and balances than a mesh Wiggans. Also, this, though, What I do find really interesting is that when it comes to helping people you know like raising the minimum wage or cancelling student debt Biden says he respects any tiny Senate rules a bloc. Have I can't do it because of the Senate when it comes to dropping bombs on people. Suddenly, I'm like Math Congress. Not do it don't be larger and now look people there's a lot to say about how America conceived to stop fighting in the Middle EAST and about the policy of bombing Serbia after condemning trump when he did it, but we don't have the time to talk about that,
policy, because there wasn't even more blatant one just this weekend for on the grizzly, two thousand eighteen murder of wash in post communist Jamal FA surety confirming the: U S assessment it Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed, been salmon or m bs personally, prove the saudi operation to capture or kill hutch up. Who was it Second, the Saudi Royal family, the president, has decided to get saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Solomon, a pass, no direct sanctions, basically no punishment. The White House now arguing that they must maintain the relationship with Saudi Arabia, but that they are recalibrate. the CNN team at the White House is also being told that sanctions against and BS were quote too complicated and could Jeff guys? U S military interests in Saudi Arabia! Well, I suddenly, hope Saudi Arabia has learnt its lesson, killing journalist will not be tolerated for a few months, while I'm running
present and then, after that, it will be tolerated? I'm sorry for raising my voice. Nobody real look, I'm just joking. This is actually really sweet to see, fine. You someone who for gives you the way. America forgive Saudi Arabia, because every fight they have ends like a romantic comedy. Just the two of them standing the rain so mad, but I killed journalists, I am mad Saudi Arabia and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life for giving you while you really, I understand where President Biden this coming from, he needs Saudi Arabia, ports or they won't. Let american soldiers stay there, and American means those soldiers there to protect America's on the soldiers who are there and those soldiers. Are there to support Saudi Arabia, whose support
american needs to keep troops there to protect the troops who are waiting downright the corona virus vaccine the region. Grandma just reactivated her tender over the weekend. Johnson, Johnson became the third company to get a vaccine approved for use in the United States and in even more good news. Today, it was announced that one of johnson- Johnson's rivals the farmer company Merk will help produce the vaccine as a way to boost supply, which is amazing to rival companies teaming up there. so really, especially in the pharmaceutical world, I mean we all watch tv. We seen those see Alice ads. They ve never once said: ask your doktor about three hours or why Agora, all that Matters as we get your rusty old, Dick working again and its because vest production is ramping up the poorest by now says America will have a vaccine for every adult by the
and of May two months earlier than he predicted just a few weeks ago, which means you gonna have to put back into your genes and love sooner than you thought here, better get working, and now I don't have that problem, because I cut off my genes up patrol of paper last April, but let's move on Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York and shaved Geico Caveman he's already spent this week, fighting off to accusations of sexual harassment and now with finding
about a third. This morning, New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, facing new calls for resignation. After a third woman has come forward with accusations of sexual harassment. Anna Brook telling the New York Times the governor tried to kiss her adding New York City wedding reception in twenty nineteen and then sharing this photograph. She says was captured on herself on that night by a friend route, saying that when Governor Cuomo put his hand on her bare lower back, she quote promptly removed his hand with my hand. According to the paper, the governor remarked that she seemed aggressive and placed his hands on her cheeks. He asked if he could kissed her sweet. man, what are you doing? I mean, on the one hand, asking women for consent before you kissed them is what you're supposed to do, but the other pot of consent is waiting for them to answer. You know, just
grant them by the face like a bay yanking on a beehive, I mean look at this photo. How can you not tell that you're making this person uncomfortable, if you when something to someone that turns them into the emerging. You have done something wrong and what so brazen about it? Is that he's doing it right in front of everybody? in the middle of a wedding. From now on, and what was he doing, this the whole night hill other right and groom gonna be looking at their wedding photos like honey here the picture. You smearing the cake on my face. Oh and there is the one Governor Cuomo, licking it off and by the way. It's not like this happened in like ninety ninety two and he could be like what it was a different time. This was in twenty nineteen. If you republic official doing this kind of thing after the meeting movement either you just can't help yourself or you. So dumb
shouldn't be an office anyway, so in light of these allegations, Cuomo is now facing even more calls to resign. Although if these allegations proven thing. It's that Cuomo doesn't go away when you want to, but let's move on because, while govern Cuomo clearly hasn't adapted to the changing times. One of your favorite authors from childhood is trying to
breaking news they organization that preserves the legacy of all foreign illustrator Doktor Seuss says it will stop publishing six titles because of racist imagery, doktor sues enterprises says the books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. This x, books being banned include entered think that I saw it on Mulberry street if I ran the zoo, Magala gods, pool on beyond zebra scrambled eggs super and the cats quizzer, there are some examples of races imagery in those books, for example, there is a character does described as a chinese man who eats with sticks and the depiction of that character has appointed hat slanted slit eyes. Another book to men said to be from Africa, are shown shortlist shoe, lose wearing grass skirts as they carry exotic animals.
wow, okay. So what we're just gonna cancel Doktor Seuss books just because they are racist, then one of the races kids going to read her in thinking. That did you know the real problem with Doktor Bruce. Is that all of his made up words sound like they could be racial slurs? I mean, as self on a shelf, the numbers in the cupboards shall know what that means. But if a white person calls me another withdrawing down and look at all, this thing was blowing up and was trending all over twitter, but there's always gonna, be people on twitter telling you that this is the end of civilization because fanning the flames of culture. this is how they get attention. But, let's be honest about what's happening here, an organization is making a decision on its own. That they don't want to be associate.
With their own outdated and offensive imagery, that's not being cancelled, but something that companies and organisations do all the time like at some point. Coca COLA was, like hey, maybe putting cocaine now drink as harmful to the public, may wish to stop doing that. Nobody calls that council culture and despair Everyone tells you everyone. Does this all the time, including see pack yeah, the home of free just a couple of weeks ago? They cancel the speaker for his anti semitic views, oh, but I guess that was just them looking out for the brand becomes council culture when it's something you disagree with. Still there may be room for compromise here. Like maybe of getting rid of the books completely. They can just update the imagery, for example, take that offensive drawing of the two african men and put it in a talk of wholesome food,
double that way we all understand. Ah, this is racist. After dropping for two weeks, new infections are taking up again and it's a real. To see whether the vaccines will take hold before the new variant take us out, which is why, even as we enter the home stretch, it's important people to Moscow and keep out of crowds and do whatever this is. There is a lot of concern this morning that some states are rushing to open too soon defined
the CDC the governors in taxes, an Mississippi declaring their back in business, eliminating mass mandates and allowing all retailers to open at a hundred per cent capacity states like Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Kentucky also easing restrictions allowing larger crowds in smaller values. Restaurant high school problems, even LAS Vegas pull parties are set to reopen with your mandate whether receptions. Now they can return to New York in just a few weeks. But there's gonna be some rules. as to how you hit the dance for your staring promising to enforce dance zones when wedding receptions resume on March fifteen. Under the rules each dance zone is supposed to be a minimum of thirty six square feet guess can share dancer only with other people from their table and members of their household or family hold up, all up all up, so
you go to a wedding in New York. You can only danced with your own family in your own dance zone, Tennyson, terrible idea, and I would hate to be the wedding dj who s to enforce that rule and try and keep it. Fun. Ah right thinking back now, yeah yeah flies through the right yeah yeah, I don't like your ass love, love thing alone, Ah, so look this is a win rule, but at least it looks like governance more, has finally learn the importance of social distancing at weddings, but here, The real question for me: why things? we opening all of a sudden Koran is not over. Yet I mean Texas is still get the seven thousand new cases of day, but their government got vaccinated and now he's like get knows, clubs back all economic get last year, and I can't even
stand, wanting to open businesses back up because of the economy, but people lifting mosque mandates. That makes no sense at all no sense, like I'm sick of corona too, but this is not the time to ease up on masking was so close to the end of the pen. Said, while these governors letting them gone down a bit. These are the same people who Tourism, the hand they like what a great story about a rabbit who took a refreshing nap. But let's move on to the President of the United States, Donald J trump I'm sorry, you think Joe Biden was inaugurated in January. Shameful will mean you ve been reading the wrong internet message. Boards and you're gonna find out the truth tomorrow. The FBI is warning of extremists. Chatter and specifically that there could be another attack on the: U S, capital tomorrow, Q,
on followers are added again. They have rasped onto another impossible theory. Trunk will take office as the nineteenth president of the United States on March forth. They believe in an old and operation date in place before the passage of the twentieth amendment it change from March forth to January twentieth only in nineteen, thirty, three, the Trump hotel has need of each report, its raids with rooms now going for about thirteen. Dollars a night both today and for tomorrow, man. What a drift honestly, I don't even blamed from if I was him, I would look the shit out of this, I'm in charging my guess for things that they didn't even by wait a minute. I never blocked the tobler wrong. I guess the damn. Still there too, I feel your brain and these cure long people have no one to blame but themselves. At this point I mean they ve been proven wrong. Tat
time and time and time again, but they just keep moving Trump's inauguration day a little further back. In a way. I understand, I mean the deeper you fall into something the less. You want to admit that you would do you know, which makes you even more desperate to keep the fence seagoing. I mean that's why I'm sure that the next cognate album is gonna, be great again be green. In the meantime, though, it looks like Washington will have to prepare for more rights, I mean they might just end up becoming part of the decent to guide experience. Are I guy you just missed the two o clock insurrection at the capital The four thirty p m will be happening shortly, so stick around and please remember, do not feed the capital rioters. Ok and finally, Amazon the only place you can get a monthly subscription over Europe is we all use Amazon Everyday bombing except me, I only
but my local, independent bookstall, so important, but people who do use Amazon might have noticed. Something a little difference. The last time they went to open the app on their phone, Amazon has changed its new ab low well after critics claimed it resembled. Hitler's facial features at issue was the blue tape. Above the smiling arrow critic said the icon looked like settlers mustache. The company has now tweak the image, so the tape is folded, not rigid, wow, first doktor shoes and now idols Hitler. Council culture is getting out of control gum. People. This was obviously an innocent mistake. You should give Amazon's graphic designer break because he's probably not allowed one on his shift and to be fair to Amazon. Everything looks like Hitler mean the Rockets that look like Hitler, fish that look like Hitler houses,
look like Hitler. There was a super old guy met in Argentina, lost your who looks a lot like Hitler. Like you, oh wait. A second I mean if we're gonna go off the app logos. make your uncomfortable will, then you know who we should be going after Instagram, yet because every time I tappitt, I feel like I'm sticking my finger in a robots You told me, you ve, never noticed that Tommy, you ve, never noticed the same thing. Our goal here at how the money is to provide listeners with the knowledge and tools that they need to thrive in areas like debt, pay off the I. Why investing and crucial money tricks to help diversify their income. That's why we're working with Airbus and be to take a deeper look at passive income will talk about how most forms of passive income are actually a myth: sensors oftentimes some work involved like being there being be host, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't considerate, Airbus and be hosts, can host anything anywhere. Your house, your vacation, home yogurt, if he gower those and then hosts
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early hour, see back director. So please everyone when you're in a ballroom when you're seated, you should still be wearing a mask. So if everybody can go ahead, work not the right. So thank you all for put it under masts. I weren't but I'm in the halls and working to comply with their rules. Oh wow, what a free market decide which one of us will survive this pandemic. It is amazing just how adamantly some conservatives refused to ever where a mosque. The only thing that fights this hard to get itself killed is one indulged from a chocolate. I mean these people are so terrifying that the first I was scared to even make the announcement of himself. He was like as conservatives we respect the rights of business, which means Carly. I think he wanted to tell them something, but eventually
the show got underway and all the big right wing stars with their South Dakota Governor Christie, Norm, attacked Anthony Faulty representative met gates, attack MR potato head, and this of Goya beans said. The Donald Trump is still quote: the real, legitimate and actual president of the United States, and quote now. He can get away with saying that, because we need a new by generic black beans and then, after all of that, It was time for ten crews, Texas, Senator and the warriors version of Pee Wee Herman and his whole speech. Rarely came down to ones since, in the immortal words of William Wallace yeah
people will remember this, but at the end of that scene, brave heart rides his horse straight to Vancouver what it makes sense for crews. To quote that movie I mean I'm sure. Lots of people were quoting now Gibson at sea pack, but as usual up to see TED crews, because the start of the weekend was none other than Donald Jobless, Trump and for anyone wondering if trumpets stool, worshipped by his people. Well, this might answer your question take a look at this. This is in the convention centre hallways and it is a very large statue of Donald Trump made of gold. Easy there isn't a suit as well as an american flag was short, and it certainly as beginning allow attention a lot of people posing with the statute, but I think of anything gives us a better idea of the kind of crowd. That's your at sea back, fully, shooting You see that thing sorry, I'm sorry like like yeah again it's a golden idle and blasphemous and all of their number, but guys Why isn't wearing flip flops?
holding a magic wand. how hard it is to make Donald Trump look with then he already is like it doesn't look like trot it looks like King MIDAS, dry, hump, Bob's, being boy you so yeah that statue looks but still everyone and see pack was excited to take pictures with it, especially Eric the Bravo Brain and a long time to look. I know I'm just a gulch statue, but get now away from me. You creepy looking free now as exciting as gold plated habit is. The statue was no match for the real thing and everyone hoping the Trump would come on stage and please hits well. They would definitely not disappointed. We have a very sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed immediately. This election was rigged and the Supreme Court
and other courts didn't want to do anything about it. They didn't have the Kurds, brain like you, take a look at the votes when you have more votes than you have people it's a problem. Right now in Pennsylvania, that hundreds of thousands of more votes than they had people voting. What's that all about? What's that all about gdp, they say, yard sense, but it's one of those But who knows may even decide to beat them for a third,
ok, I watched the pack, and one division this weekend and I'm not sure which characters are living in a more warped reality. Look trumpets, always insist that he want he's hopeless. I get that, but for the rest of the conservatives in that room, someone is gonna, need to step up and have the balls to tell them their candidate lost and that they need to grow up and accept that and I think Carly You gonna tell them that rights Carlini
President Joseph Reprehensible Biden, and yes, that is his new middle name reprehensible, because Biden has been in office for just six weeks and already people. He has had more scandals than any president before him as we'll find out and another episode of Joe Biden, the worst president and his that we can remember. You know it's hard to even keep track of all the scandalous things the Joe Biden has done since the last time. We did the segment, but yesterday he said one of the most outrageous things anybody organised any
on Fox NEWS, has ever heard part of the president's plea with the american people when he took over what's to stop talking about political opponents light they are enemies because they are not and he's not calling he's republican leaders reopening their states enemies, but he is calling them. Neanderthals is a big mistake, lessening these neanderthal thinking in the meantime, swine taken mass. Forget it still matters. What are you nighter Joe Biden, services and visitors, unity, and yet, if you disagree with them european or thought it turns out that he's just another snob, using dismissive deplore, people like demeaning language to describe people who didn't vote for he called them the Andrew False. Now you don't call one of the largest states in the union neanderthal according to Joe Biden, only a neanderthal would lift covert restrictions on Americans. I started the neanderthal contest but caused me
our thoughts are Hunter gatherers, their protectors of their family and they resilient at their resourceful, they tend to their own. I can't believe that job Ireland has the to call these greater I neanderthals, but also calling them neanderthals is actually a compliment. Show apologize Joe Biden, but also thank you, but how dare you, but also use, swaying with my best friend, MRS just disgusting people Not only did Joe Biden call Republicans that end would, but he forced them acknowledge evolution. That is the worst thing you can do to a Republican and by the way, point me to a single the end a folder die from covered huh. Guess you not so smart now her body and it's bad enough that job, it is insulting people who don't watch where mosques, but what's even worse, is that Joe Biden is a monster who wants to wear a mosque.
Himself. Why is Joe Biden so wearing a mask? He's been vaccinated like this virtuous signalling that continues on just really getting tiresome. You tell him what kind of sick person goes out of here. way to set an example uniform on Shore Donald Trump care about public health. No, he stood shoulder to shoulder with ordinary people and contracted covert, because that's leadership. Mister, residents. If that even is your real name, what Joe Biden doesn't understand is that wearing a mosque is a personal decision that everyone should get to make for themselves, except for Joe Biden who allowed to our most because it annoys me, but clearly there is something else going on here. Joe Biden is hiding something under that mosque. Could it be Hitler mustache, take off Moscow or you are the new. Meanwhile Joe Biden theirs.
only failing uncovered he's a one man super spread for an even worse pandemic council culture, President Biden didn't even mention: doktor suits and his presidential proclamation honouring rate across Amerika Day yesterday by White House has arranged literally arrays doktor of from there he'd across Amerika proclamation this week, so it's doctors uses birthday, divide administrations. Refusing to celebrate binding administration cancel the entire. It's like Doktor Zeus. Why doesn't exist? That's right. Joe Biden has a magic wand and he used a twin race, doktor shoes. He could have been doing something that would actually benefit the countries that want you know like making will face mosques d, Here and how hypocritical is its to tell America that they should be listening to doctors and then truly murder and esteemed medical experts, like doctors, shoes look out of here, This is just the beginning of binds crusade against all doctors,
but only the real ones, which I guess means Doktor Jill Biden, has nothing to worry about and by the way, what ascend departure from America's lost president? Who respect and doctors who show much that heat constantly spoke in made up words. An a minimum Mesh United Message, there's also a coating. It's this administration is going to the dogs and wants even saga. Is those dogs? only a shit who I gotta show you some nonsense from the White House. They put this out. They ve got this office. Some sort of cutesy account for the dogs Did you see the dog? Let's get? I want to show you something I noticed. Does it Look a little low rough. This dog looks like from arms from the junk yard, and I love that dog. But it looks like he's not been well cared for, looks very dirty and shovel Linda very unlike a presidential guard like a million victory or something.
In the past and the approach in the White House to drag that dog. Hey final, why don't you go back a noose I'll. Ask me what the hell has indeed been doing her running around playing. I wanna hear site that everyone knows if you want your dog to remain in my condition you never taken out of the packaging. Joe Biden has a lot to explain about how he treats that pet. No, should envelope main Germans had crews I'll say it. I do not like this dog- I do not like it here or there. I didn't like it anyway and you have it I am quoting doctors shoot. Is that illegal now? Well, then, I'll stop, because I've got priors Joe. Those are the many Joe Biden scandals exposed by the muck we can, journalists of conservative media in just the last three weeks and who knows by this time tomorrow we can find out that Biden doesn't empty. The crumb trainees toaster or even worse. He sits when he peas
and when he does will be they'll. Tell you all about it. In another episode of Joe Biden, the Wash president in history that we can remember before we go March is women's history month. So please consider supporting an organization called she should run its and partisan, nonprofit, working to increase the number of women who are considering a run for public office now by what she should run. You are helping women from all political leanings, ethnicities, sexual identities and backgrounds to see themselves as future candidates So if you able to help in any way than just go to the link below and donate whenever you can,
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Transcript generated on 2021-05-02.