« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

The Pandemic Fuels Anti-Asian Racism | Bill Gates


Ronny Chieng shares ways to combat the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, Roy Wood Jr. explores the history of Black doctors, and Bill Gates discusses "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster."

To learn more about efforts to stop racism and violence against Asian Americans, please visit stopaapihate.org, compassioninoakland.orghateisavirus.orgadvancingjustice-aajc.org and caasf.org.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to comedy central the daily show with Trevor. Is brought to you by the motley full, since two thousand too Motley fool. Stock advisor has beaten the market by almost five times and in twenty twenty nine One per cent of recommendations, so positive returns. Imagine Woodstock advisor. Do for your portfolio is visit, full dot com, Slash Iheart, to find out support where this podcast comes from new Coppertone sport, mineral we've never been so ready to get back out there. New coppertone sport, minerals made with one hundred percent, naturally source sink oxide, resist sweat, heat and water, so you can sunscreen up and take on a day by it on the Amazon Coppertone Store and find your son hey, what's going on everybody, I'm travilla- and this is the daily social distancing show today is February sixteenth and here's your helpful vaccine, Tipp of the day
If you already been vaccinated, it is still important to wear a mosque, because it's the only thing that hides how happy you walk. None of us want to see that shit, but a sharing of the new vaccine. Why I'm lost our your passion? Lucky breast, anyway on tonight show we look at the recent violence against Asians in Amerika would junior Tells us about America's black doctors, and a winter storm is messing with Texas. Plus bill gates is joining as our guest, so much those people welcome to the daily social distancing show from Travers Melanie New York City to York out somewhere, in the world. This is the daily social distance withdrawal let's kick things off with the crazy whether sweeping across the United States today, because right now, every in the country. If you look outside your window, you're seeing snow, we accept the Florida
you looking outside your window, that white stuff you seeing that's probably cocaine, but for the places that used to having winter the storm. Causing major problems
Nearly two hundred million Americans are now in the path of a dangerous winter storm system, with warnings and alerts now stretching from the mexican border all the way to Maine forty four states an alert this morning about. Seventy percent of the continental us is covered in snow right now. That is the highest in a decade. Nowhere is harder hit than Texas, where more than three million homes and businesses are without power and heat. The electrical grid simply can't handle the demand officials imposed rolling blackouts, saying the lack of energy is due in part to frozen n wind turbines in West Texas, knocked offline pipes, freezing and bursting across the state, and his power line, sizzling taken out by heavy ice in Livia Frozen Road sent an eighteen, Wheeler careening out of control near Austin, and a man nearly lost his life jumping just seconds before a car lost control and crashed into a police cruiser. Oh hell, no
frank spinning around cause flying off the road. The storm is turn taxes, the ice level for Mario caught thousand Texas right now, I'm carrying around a green show with me just to be safe, and how about that guy who jumped out of the weight of a flipping com? there was some real action movies. Like real life action movie. The only thing missing was him by to the camera afterwards would like one of those who one liners I try. Buddy you gotta understand. This is especially tough for Texans, because they're not equipped for snow. Then snow shovels out there, the best to grab the air th and shoot each snowflake before it. Lands to Canada where you belong, but but this just goes to show you that, with climate change, everyone has to be prepared for every of condition no matter where you live. You in Arizona, well, you better get a pocket Minnesota. You need a bigger.
We have New York, you start carrying around and anti scorpion spree. That's not a climate change things. My pet scorpion has escaped. So if you find Roger please, please return him now it turns out. There are a lot of reasons that Texas has suffered. Such a huge power outage supply for electricity is down. The demand is surging, but experts also say that Texas, neglected and under invested in its grid until it finally during the storm and look eyes I get its spending. Money on maintaining infrastructure is probably the least sexy thing that you can do with your tax dollars, but one of those things you gonna take for granted until you in an emergency same way, how the people who both the titanic didn't focus on lifeboats instead, they were too focused on getting cause their passengers to bang him. Let's move on now from news to New Orleans, where the
brings us strong, the people are friendly and the Waynes are little today is Mardi GRAS when the city would normally throw its famous costumes parade, but in Kerala Times things are a little more subdued, it may be the quietest Street has ever been on. Marty grow normally the hot the cities. Most iconic celebration of french quarter is virtually empty. Almost year into the pandemic, New Orleans isn't taking any chances, it limited liquor, sales and shut down all bars for the five days leading up to fat Tuesday. Secondly, celebrated its just gonna, be separate celebrated differently. Local, artists are turning Marty grow into your GA, with themed outdoor displays inspired by both tradition and pop culture, even global pandemic. Can't keep these beats away. Yes, friends! This year, Lahti, Draw is ya. Growth, and I think this is the right move. I mean the shooting,
People of New Orleans can stop the spread of covert the sooner they can get back to spreading. Ghana, rear and yeah. It's sad, but it's just not safe to hold a more gra parade. I mean during a pandemic, Cuba just turned into a covert firehose, but obviously I am glad that they found a way to safely still celebrate monograph and remember. We can find ways to do things jury This pandemic, like you and I, we celebrate Moira from home over zoom. You just need some beads He knew the whole thing and then you have my someone broke the lamp job and finally, there's some good. For disease expert and Pandemic Sadie, Dr Anthony Fauci, the only person who may come out of the pandemic. Better off, then, he went into it
Doktor Anthony vouches being honoured for what's described as his work defending science during the pandemic, the Israeli based Dan David Foundation, says Doktor found she is being awarded a one million dollar prize, a private foundations that President binds chief medical adviser, earned the recognition for a lifetime of leadership on HIV Research and AIDS relief, as well as advocating for science and corona virus vaccines wow congratulations, Doktor, Fouche II, I mean the man has definitely on this prize, because We all know the real reason is getting a million dollars for working with Trump and not getting fired basically the most successful apprentice contesting the whole time. I hope that power to use this money to get something nice for himself. You know like a diamond studded face mosque, although he doesn't seem like a ball out of control coming guy. And I bet thought she just use the money to keep fighting the pandemic. Just bring people like, let's cut to the chase,
I'll give you a thousand dollars? If you don't go bowling tonight, everybody. I will be honest, though: I've never heard of this foundation before today, and part of me hopes that this is coronal irish trap. Don't fancies? walk into the room to get his prize and it just gonna be correct Standing there with a baseball bat, well well directive grouchy? What do you say now I'm wearing a mask. So now, much really you wanna take that mass govern fight me no that's gonna, make things harder for me, come up out. She helped me out a little here, but let's move on now, Today's main story corona virus pandemic has been hard on a lot of people in America. Healthcare workers, parents, people with only a heart bottom half of the face- but there's one community that has faced a unique crisis: the asian community this situation has only been getting worse away.
Of violence against elderly asian Americans. Putting communities across the country on edge the corona viruses origin in China has caused a backlash against Asian Americans. Ninety one year old man pushed and opens Chinatown one of The attacks that day this spike in violence of forcing the Alameda County district attorney to form a special response unit. President Biden last month signing an executive order with new just department, guidance on how to specifically report anti asian hate incidents, Hollywood stars speaking out using their feet. To raise awareness and donate funds. The organisations that fight hate. After seeing this video in Oakland Chinatown Durham producers, Daniel whew and Daniel Day, Kim spoke out and offered a twenty five thousand dollar reward for an arrest. The way we see is that it's not one community against another is everyone brisk racism are I. This is horrifying and sad to watch people or attack.
Asians in America. Even ninety one, you old just because the corona virus started in China, which is insane, and you know, good for Daniel whew and Daniel dig him for putting up the cash reward for an arrest but it's sad that they even had to resort to this I mean, if you know If someone racially attack the senior citizens, you should snitch on site. No incentives should be needed, but who is out there? What the tv, like I mean yeah sure I saw that build attack an old asian man but watch, And for me, and while a lot of people are too what about the situation now, the truth is it's not actually knew in fact it's been building since the very beginning of the pandemic.
The Asia American Community has been faced with effectively to pandemics. The first is the culminating pandemic, but the second pandemic virus of racism that we have faced Asian Americans, advancing justice has cited at least three thousand anti asian incidents. Since last February, in New York City, there was an eight hundred and sixty seven percent increase in Asian. He cried victims in twenty twenty compared to You're before advocate, say these attacks became more prevalent after former president Trump begin. Timely, using racist language to describe the pandemic. Try to town was one of the earliest New York City communities get hit during the Krona virus pandemic and it was hit hard. Many businesses still struggling to stay open. Now, nearly a year later, acting this racism, people said If China Town has found a big over there and that stigma has sparks and dangerous some document had social media,
China. I need you know like this hotel manager in Indiana, because why virus going around China, one key for two weeks: Guardy Lud, an eight hundred and sixty seven percent increase in reporter hate crimes against Asians in New York City, eight hundred and sixty seven percent. The shit is like the games. Top of racism and its especially crazy, when you consider that everyone was indoors all year, only you know what true assholes. If this risk in corona just to show you how races they are. But what can we do about this? Rising violence? we're here to share a few real ways that you can help fight hate crimes against asian people in America.
We turn to the daily shows very own Ronnie Chang Ronnie. I'm sorry that we're chatting under such sad circumstances, but it is always great to see your face. Yes, thank you Trevor. It is always great to see my face, but you know what now is not the time to talk about how incredibly handsome I am or how I'm somehow getting better with age, because this other issue is more important warming. We definitely agree on that. So so how can people help fight these hate crimes? So there are a few big wasteful can help. I mean number one is, if you see a hate crime or harassment or discrimination report it, because if authorities don't hear about hate crimes, they won't do anything about it. But if you have amount of evidence, it's impossible to ignore, what's happening unless you're a Republican in an impeachment truck. Well, I mean, of course, yes
that's a totally different issue. The question is, though, how can I or anyone else report a hate crime? You can use the website below it's quick and super easy to use. You can report a hate crime in less time than it takes to decide what Netflix show to watch I mean did you know they have six different, shows What tacos? Now I only have ruined my life? All one talk or show ok to is the talk was also a serial killer. Oh yeah, do that tackle was guilty are the norm: people while Hashtag freedom, Toggle come on man, let's move on, but but ok what about people who on seeing hate crimes happening in front of them? is there any way that they can help yeah if you wanna area, where these attacks have been happening volunteered to be a chaperone organizations like compassion all global connect. You have asian elders, delicate them safely, walking around It's a win win situation, because elderly Asians have so much knowledge. The gear like you can learn from
how to negotiate the best price for anything. One conversation and you'll never overpay for ship pace again forever. How much are you paying for your shrimp pace right now? Right now, I don't buy from pays them. What one is that's like blue shorn together. What is therefore ok? Well, that's another hate crime. To be reporting, no Ronnie, Ronnie Ronnie. No! No! No! I love shrimp paste. I paste all the shrimp it's too late, Trevor, okay, but if you want make up for it, you can donate to one of these organizations working hard to support and protect the asian community. I know you've got all the money from all your shrimp pay savings. All right, I'm well, I'm on admission! Thank you! So much running this have been really informative. So to sum it up, people can help by reporting hate crimes.
Chaperoning the vulnerable and by donating to organizations fighting hate. Yes, oh and there's one more way to help don't be a racist asshole who attacks old asian people. I mean what's wrong with you shot me, an old lady, isn't gonna make a dick any bigger. Okay, just buy a convertible like everybody else, okay, I I think that's everything, so I think we can finally talk about how good looking out become. I'm sorry running, but unfortunately we ve just run out of time Okay! Well, that's cool! But hey! You know what you can just email me. Any compliments! You have that handsome Ronnie. The day we showed our com and keep trying to embark useful. Yet I'll make sure that the people know about first off we'll be going to the other websites. Thank you so much Ronnie. Thank you. You stay safe and hand them out there. My friend, all right when we come back Roy Wood Jr tells us about the black doctors you might not have heard about, and bill gates is joining us on the show.
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see Peter the only show a further culture. Today, we'll be discussing the history of black doctors and another nowadays there are black doctors everywhere on the It's a tv shows in the Red studios even the state penitentiary. So many black doctors. We even have fate black doctors like doktor love, the seventeen year old, who put on a white lab coltan, gave medical advice until he was arrested and I'm glad again before he gave me that the sector be money saved, but why black doctors may seem commonplace today for the law his time, black people's to The field of medicine have been overlooked about overlooked. I mean stolen by white people, so, discover some of these black professionals, starting with DR all's drew during this
Second world war, Doktor drew conducted, grow. Broken research into blood, transfusions that led to the creation of blood which saved the lives of thousands of soldiers Dr Dre's research undoubtedly helped allied forces defeat the Nazis and it Matt Damon get home to his men, but at night In forty to them, Terry decided to segregate blood banks by Greece and a response Doctor drew resigned in protest and I applaud him for it Blood donations from one race isn't gonna change your race trust me. I was plasma from a white man once it did not affect my credit score at all, move it on another black, to who overcame racism and sexism was doktor. Alice ball. Doktor ball developed the first effective treatment, leprosy, but chemically modifying child move oil to make it water solvable
I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds smart makes me that this char Mogra or might help me with my asure skin, pandemic. Gummy wash my hands so much, I'm going to two bottles, a loaf in a week witness pulse, moving on to die, Daniel Hill Williams. Eighteen. Ninety three performed the world's first successful heart surgery. Interestingly enough, William started off as a bob which makes it only thing with high stakes than perform in the first heart surgery is cut and a black man tat. You know the method. But the Williams was a pine and his work opened the door for other black surgeons, like the world famous neural surgeon been Carson, Doktor Carson, made a name for himself in the nineteen eightys by operating conjoined twins and that's what I choose to remember him for great joy,
when that surgery, Doktor Carson, it's too bad, we never heard from you again? Finally, we must discuss Messapus a black man. Who made contributions. Even while he was in sleeved during smallpox, Breakin Boston in seventeen, twenty one or nothing is taught his master about inoculation practices. He learned in Africa over there. They will take the pass from a sick persons wound in rub it into the open wound of a healthy person nasty, but it works events the idea called on them storm Decimas MA Massachusetts vaccinated population and still the outbreak, and today people's mistrust of vaccines is a thing of the past. Totally a thing of the past never to be discussed ever again. Well, that's all the time we have today do more with junior
This has been c p time from home and removal of all the culture that the code, of the walls receiving out of jail, second, we need to get the right when we come back the one and only bill Gates is joining us on the show to talk about the vaccine. Microchip then he's putting all our heads stick around. Nissan believes you deserve a car that thrills, so to ask. Does your car thrill you when you hear The pedal: do you get something back a chill in your spine, goose bumps on your goose bumps when you take off to your fingers, tighten around the steering wheel. Does your heartbeat in your stomach and your breast catch your chest does driving make you feel alive because it And if your car doesn't thrill you ours will. This is the new Nissan
Welcome back to David Social Distancing show earlier today I spoke with bill gates. We talked about run a virus vaccines, his new book about climate change and so much more bill gates. Welcome back to the daily social distancing show good to see you. This is The third time that you have appeared on the social distancing version of the show and we ve had varied conversations. One right at the beginning of the pandemic, where you told people that we should be prepared for a really horrible time. Was going to like me no roll out people didn't believe and then it happened? Are you came back the second? I'm and said: okay, K, vaccines are gonna, be a challenge, and this is what we need to get ready for, and that is what we living in now. It is now your third time on the show
Are you here to deliver doom and gloom or you're, telling us about some good news? What why you hear bill wealth for the pandemic? Vaccines are gonna, bring this to an end. It's been complicated to get them out, but you know that's really a miracle of innovation. Now morning, about climate change have got a new book that focuses on how are you going to a disaster before we given to the book. I wanted to talk to you about the vaccines you you posted picture of yourself, receiving your vaccine as somebody who's sixty five, an older and as no from the internet. You made Vaccines to put microchips in there to control everybody's mind, so my question to you is: what are you trying to cook all your own mind to do. Eternal instrument we suffer meeting ice cream or like when you try to do whenever I get lost the microchip can help me figure out where I am, I guess,
the idea I want to figure out where everyone is that's a strange one for me, yet I'm lucky to have gotten the vaccine. It's so first time I've been happy to be sixty five Let's move on and talk about another looming crisis facing the world. You ve talked a lot about the pandemic. Now you are talking about climate change and we need a new book. You talk about how to avoid the climate disaster. The question is: is it avoidable? Well, that'll, be the hardest thing we ve ever done, because those sources of emissions are very broad. You know it's not just electricity or cars, it also cows, it cemented steel, its planes, and so we have to change all those things to be green and we only have thirty years so only if the younger generation worldwide is kind of bothering the politicians and speaking out loudly that morally, this is a cause that they believe in only with that a lot of energy
Sean's employing policies, that's horrible. What it'll take to make this grand transformation? It feels like a theoretical conversation, though you know what I did enjoy in the book is new. Our steps that you think people can actually take and governments can actually move forward chew. What do you think some of the most concrete steps are that we can achieve today? That can help us tomorrow, where we need to increase our indeed findings on these key topics. We need to have more high risk. Companies are get started, who care about these things, and we need the green products like the green steel. We,
demand out their souls. People are bringing those prices down, they get volume. Are we see with electric cars? Are the right? Things are happening. The prices are starting to come down. You know General motors said by twenty thirty five. They don't think they need to make gasoline cars. Foot says that extra cost, where you pay a bit more, you give up range over the next fifteen years that green premium. I call it will actually go all the way down to zero in that category and that's amazing. We just need to do that across the dozen or so categories by driving innovation faster than it would normally take place. You know one of the things that I've always been struck by is how sometimes the conversations about what needs to be done, but then often times there is no buy in because nobody wants to do it and that's why I think. Musk has done a great job with Tesla yeah, it's an electric car,
people don't buy it for that, they buy it because it's super cool. It goes really fast and it's technologically advanced other ways that we can get Green g to grow exponentially by making cool solutions poultry, telling everyone you need to switch out you'll be all electricity with a windmill, whereas you in a move away from call, there's a lot of local pollution that affects how very negatively us there's big benefits there ass. She moved artificial,
that kind of cruelty to animals that sent involved there and in a perhaps less cholesterol. There are a lot of benefits. They come of green products. Sadly, some green products, a green cement, it still just cement, and so the fact that it costs more of the government's gonna help create some demand there. When so, we can bring that price down. So yes, some categories can be better products but still in cement. Our kind of this boring thing that we just take for granted, and so we ve been working too much on the easy stuff, not enough on the hard stop here. Let's talk a little bit about the hot stuff
not just in terms of the products but about the people who are affected by the products? How do we implement these ideas without discarding the lives that are attached to the old forms of creating energy or food? Well, the key is going to be having lots of new jobs, for example the electric. I will have to get a lot bigger, because it's now powering the cars or heating and cooling your house. So it's going to be three times bigger and building all those transmission lines and power plants will be a big deal. Now, that's not to say that some communities that have been really focused things like oil. They will have a transition. It's a three year transition. We still will be using some oil in the decades ahead, and so we have to put into the cost of this transition,
how we manage those communities that are affected, because right now, there's almost attempt temptation to deny the problem altogether, because if you feel like you're going to be left out of the solution, you you're too smart denial is also of nine that developing nations are most affected by climate change. So you have you, no farmers in India, farmers in Sub Saharan Africa, where their climate change to the point where they can even grow the Is there ever an idea for like a penalty, then on the countries that do emit, because, if are doing a thing like that say just on a local level? If I start a fire in my house and the smoke blacktop all of your windows next door. There was someone they like. Oh, I have to somehow make up, for that. Will there ever be a system like that with the biggest polluters enter into a deal and say we will
we should pay or amend what we're doing too, to judge to poorer countries. Yes, we ought to these countries to not only mitigate that is get the emissions down to zero, and that's that huge innovation, but also we need to help them because it will warm up two degree centigrade and that really heard all their crops will raise the sea level. We owe it to them to help with the adaptation that includes a generation of seeds that actually can grow and the hotter temperatures and that are more productive. So they don't end up with malnutrition and will face mass migration from those equatorial areas in where the poorest they are farmers, and so the weather hurts them way more than it does us all. The wildfires sea level rise and even we're going to find it tough to go outdoors a lot of the summer. When we look at the world of
I'm a change this, don't no denying that you know it. It's filled with a world of superstars. You know you you talk to anyone and you say who's getting involved in climate change and its some of the biggest names units, its bill gates, its chief bays us. It's Michael Bloomberg, its Leonardo, the comprehension, the one thing that becomes a. I think. A paradox, though, is when people say these people are telling us about climate change.
But all of them also travel around on private jets. How do you deal with that discrepancy in the paradox of existing in that way? Yet swum kind of a strange messenger because in my primary focus, is global health and that you knows why in I talked about the risk of a pandemic in and what we should do in advance in climate change. I only came to because I was travelling in Afghan seen how these farmers are already being heard by it. My personal emissions on internet pain over seven million a year to by avian biofuel and to pay for carbon capture and to put electric keep pumps and a low cost housing and sound natural gas. So, yes, we all need to not only fund getting rid of our footprint, but also use that to fund these products that
eventually be part of the solution, and so this catalytic investing in green products in the rich have to to be the first to they're they're going to do it you ve already put in. I think it's over two billion dollars into some of these ideas now to try and capture that carbon and hasn't
wrap up. I would love for you to explain, and this is something you ve talked about, and it was nice red elements of this in the book. You argue that the pandemic and climate change are not dissimilar. Please explain how, yes, we count on our governments to think ahead about earthquakes or they do building codes. Are you know about wars today in a fund defence department that does war games? Ah, in these two cases, the pandemic and they climate change, our governments are bringing in the best experts and figuring out an efficient way to avoid this disaster. You know because they didn't seem like a pandemic, would come overnight,
no politician felt like they'd get in trouble and also the. U S, look bad. Some countries that were already like Australia avoided most of those deaths so because climate change is far worse and once you get into it and the natural ecosystems are dying, you can't just invent one thing like a vaccine and get out of it. This should tell us, while, let's, let's start now to get ready in government, is gonna have to to lead the way why, sir, it's a really ominous warning letter, one that I guess, if you're an optimist optimistic like at least there is a game plan because we are dealing with all of it right now bill gates. Thank you so much for joining us on the show. Good luck with your endeavours- and we hope to see you again great to talk to you don't forget- new book. How to avoid a climate disaster is available now or are we gonna? Take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this.
No child comes into the world, believing that one group is superior to another but other how we allocate societal resources? The cultural narratives that we hold the kind of world that we create for kids of color is often very different. White kids, particularly here in the United States- that's Dr Brian Smedley cofounder executive director of the national collaborative for health equity, Doktor Smedley. Received several initiatives designed to improve opportunities for good health and undo the health consequences of racism and these children see that its reflected in the annex, these that we see across a range of different outcomes, and it's my firm belief that we are making progress towards her thing people in this society understand the fallacy of race, but the reality of racism. Importantly how destructive racism is for all of us, I'm just in time. Founder and ceo of contact world listen to contact world? The pod
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Transcript generated on 2021-06-08.