« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Russia Uses the World Cup to Score Publicity Points | Mike Colter


Donald Trump Jr. sends birthday wishes to his dad via Fox News, Russia gives itself an image makeover while hosting the World Cup, and Mike Colter talks "Marvel's Luke Cage."

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revenue years, tonight's gas from Mobiles Luke Cage on Netflix. My call Josie everybody so excited without Perforce. Let's catch up on today's headlines, if you like having one person in history, you know you can always admire. I suggest turning off your tv now,
private journals kept by Albert Einstein during his trips to Asia in nineteen. Twenty is have revealed that the brilliant theoretical physicist and humanitarian held the view that by today's standards, many now regard as racist during his. both China and a nineteen twenty. He describes the Chinese as industrious filthy obtuse people. He writes that Chinese don't sit on Ben because, while asian but squash like Europeans, do when they were laid themselves ass in a leafy woods and this it would be a pity if the Chinese supplant all other rights. As for the likes of asked, the mere thought is unspeakably. very nice going Einstein. Rarely digging up eyesight. goals, and he has some racist stuff in that and look I, I know a lot of western. Isn't nineteen twenties hated the Chinese, but if there is one person who should have predicted that in the future, this would come back to,
in its Albert Einstein, you see if you Ben Space on time you realise that all I don't talk. I do. I do think it's funny how he throws a complement in their when he's like industrious, filthy obtuse people. It's like someone said those sexy, lazy, Moroccans zombie like thank screw you, but I'm really disappointed that Einstein said these demography things about chinese people, because now we ve got to cancel it too simple, as that. So like our Kelly, I'm not listening to music polity and I'm not eating your food and Einstein. I'm never citing your theory of relativity ever again, which is too bad because I totally understand it all and like all of it, I'm just never gonna tell anyone- and this all looks bad but like to be fair about all old scientists, have something problematic hidden away. You know Galileo was formally using his telescope
those filthy trucks up to now Newton, spurred law was irish need not apply, and then, of course, there was this most stupid. Mexicans are stealing my mail, shamefully shameful. Let's move on from this modest man, the world has ever known to Don Junior Today is his dad's birthday and he celebrated in the most normal way possible time you dad for Thursday seven, it is. What's your message, form will hopefully watching, I imagine he is, but a happy birthday dad I love you very much. We love you and I look forward to seeing you soon as I get the same ouch anymore, this is Sad you realized from Sun knows the only way his father will see him if he,
on Fox in France. Twenty you know its money is the president's gonna see Don Junior on TV, think happy birthday dead and because he sought on Fox is only a matter of time before he tweets happy birthday, dad real news, although I would have liked this idea of terms family go into Foxen friends to communicate with the president's you know. Next millennia should come on just like die
now, please, Bob leaving the toilet sit back to use these do see. Let's move onto our main, storing the twenty eighteen fee for World CUP efficiently kicked off today in Russia and look, I know for most Americans. The world CUP is an important. You know it ranks somewhere between midseason w and be a game and the Nathan's hotdog eating contest, but for the rest of the world, the tournament is as big as it gets, because it's not just about the sport, it's a chance for the coast country to read. Grand itself and if there's one country that could use some good publicity, its Russia, the mantle on competition is expected to bring more than a million people to Russia and track more than three billion television viewers worldwide global sporting events of this scale is the perfect stage for a hallucination to promote itself to the world to boost its image. Vladimir Putin is desperate.
In the world to see only the positive images coming out of his country. You can get to know Russia, a unique tangier with a long history and reached culture not bad, not better them. Further, though, not that I am not going to lie like this new hospitable sat on food- and you know he's like that Vogel Guy had a history of shooting down airplanes. You know economics, but I understand why Putin is so excited for Russia to be hosting the World CUP, because the other south African I saw how hosting the tournament gave our country and opportunity to change our image right before the World CUP. When people thought South Africa, they thought crime, AIDS, racism
But then thanks to the World CUP. Now, when you think of South Africa, you think of this, you see no more rises it back and by the way, before you judge us, we may blow who sell us. Would you guys elected want so chilled by most people? Let him have written is already beyond redemption. He annexed Crimea. He meddled in the U S, elections and worst of all, he bit beyond, say and framed sonar lesson, but that doesn't mean that Russia won't given imaging have its best shots, Russia's singing Grannis! I want a mission to give Russia when media thanks for the World CUP, please bubbly babushkas, append World CUP anthem and produced a pop video to go with it. The message to four
football fans, you have nothing to fear from Russia. You ve got me anybody! It's as if I was scared, you Anna shows a hug, you kiss you I'll sing and dance Will you ok now I'm scared a little turned on, but mostly scale, because it feels like these super friendly. Russian grannies are trying a little too hard. You know like the nice. If they are to me the more worried It's a trap and she's going to push mean an oven at the end and and those human nesting dolls may have seen. a little over enthusiastic, but at least at least they know how to be basically friendly, because apparently the rest of Russia has to take asses. Russians will even smile at she ahead of the World CUP Tree conductors here have been taught to forget the frowns and give foreigners. Shiny smiles to match the
big shiny new stadiums at all over. I feel the only thing worse than a non smiling russian is a smiling rush. is? This smile. I showed this year and then do I bites. Oh, no, no, no, there's no biting. Why should this is no why so so, look on the face of Russia is trying to project a friendly image, but unfortunately there is a dark side of their country, but they cannot cover up. For instance, it's been reported that gay men who are kissing and public will be reported to the police. And I'm assuming gay women kissing must report directly to Vladimir Putin has also been a rise in russian fans, singing racist chance, which wouldn't be a problem if you'll just care
The vote was Alice. Oh and asked for freedom of the press is safe. To say you probably should say anything as journalists from the BBC recently found out. It is the increasingly Oh no, it's controlling side, that's clearly there behind the make over for the World CUP the whole time we ve been here in these things, there has been somebody following goes at least one car. Sometimes three minutes after we met local opposition activists. There was this: the parrot, the door said: they'd come from state. Tell him To interview was, but we haven't anyone would be here yes we're here to do it. of you now, please speak directly into microphones. Now I should do we'll be right back. The following
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my guess, is an actor who stars in the Netflix series models. Nuke cage, welcome, beg you I am so excited This is true of Luke cage. I remember when Luke Cage first came out on Netflix it broke Netflix did we broke the net broke networks broke the internet? We did it all. You missed out on the conversations, because you want on line that I might have with Madame social media, so I was sort of in the dark and everything it was it's a new day for me now and I'm in social media. I get to see all the stuff you guys are set.
in all the animal things, isn't it wonderful, just tap into the stream of hatred joint anytime, so yummy its oh yeah yeah? It's love! That's what everyday gonna! I feel good about myself. I want if anyone hatred that also yours have a lot of fans and that's what's been great about you going online social media, you ve connected with people. You found a space where you share your voice, which I find in many ways is similar to Luke cage. What would you say if you look at location, the character and yourself? Where do you find most similarities, will not social media because he does not do so should write. I would say he's a version of me that I would like to be right. You know a way just is moral compass and stronger than my. Why I'm a guy like me, these things that he doesn't do, I would do
beyond our I totally what I have no problem at all in my power I would do very, very bad. They didn't you, kids, an instinct superhero for me because, like he lives and operates in Harlem, like I like that, vibe, where he just like get down to, I don't do downtown. No! No! No, call Spiderman, that's my mind, was not my thing. Pricks hall is. Is that what makes locate special and, like you really is of the world that he's from yeah. You know that, like a bug, you say one ten, I think it goes, but
one tenth and all those, but about one fifty, no in it. I think financially probably worked for him, because we know the subway. It gets expensive job that I thought. Why do we have enough? If we can't afford the torments his lover? He stuck right about that. That's different. Where you got you ve got the superhero, you Luke Cage, who is bulletproof what I really love about the characters that he's not now bulletproof on the insight? No, no! You ve done a great job of showing off this person whose likes rock hard, but a softy on these are doing joy, playing the kind of character you you got that person as I think we'll, never thing. You know, I think so. For sure I mean the thing about characters like that is what we do and what the movies don't do. We we sort of looking at the character and trying to explore the carriage on along or foreign rightish. Those, let's be honest. We don't have the budget to do what they do.
On infinity war, we just don't right. We can't blog buildings, we play it. We can bring in new initiatives, can make half the people disappear. We can't do that. You gotta ask them to move, can half of you? You haven't? You got that where we don't have the money for love just know that just gonna live is expensive. That's that's what they must do so great he's an organic character. He's different season to I've heard it's gonna, be a lot darker. What what is it mean where are we going with an occasional was also talk about social media and the path that look is on he sort of trying to figure out what it's like to be a superhero in this modern era, with social media advent of of that that the ever watching I everyone has a camera phone so dealing with That people coming up to you asking you for things in expecting you to know things unites, that's the thing about leadership and the parallels it we're dealing with right now, society to be a leader. You know, people expect you know things what everybody leadership business sitting over there doing right, so located sort of doing that right. Now we sort of learning to fly and he's making makes mistakes, so he can be present.
It could be president, daily shall determine our ears at his watch. The daily show recognised that eleven, ten central one Tommy Central and calmly simple watch episodes videos at the daily show that follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the daily show on Youtube or Exclusive caused an animal This has been a comedy central, podcast
Transcript generated on 2021-08-14.