« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

National Walkout Day: Teens Take Charge of America's Gun Debate | Krysten Ritter


Thousands of students participate in a walkout to protest gun violence, and Krysten Ritter chats with Trevor about her superhero role in "Marvel's Jessica Jones."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Using the comedy central for forty two thousand, eighty from probably Federals world news headquarters in New York. This is the daily with retinal use. I guess tonight the store of Mobiles Jessica, Joseph Netflix Kristen.
Those joining a sort of her. First, let's make like we're more now and turn our attention to high school kids. Ever since the shooting and popular in Florida, young people have been leading the charge for sensible gun reform and today, on the one month anniversary of that shooting they kick things up a notch with a nation wide school walk out, that's right, for once, the students evacuated on their own terms. Tonight, nationwide protests a sea of students from Park, Linda Columbine, marching outer their schools, demanding action to combat gun violence. More than a hundred and eighty five thousand students walking out of classrooms today, washing to New York, poor, couldn't Florida, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Saint Louis Dinner, Chicago the capital, thousands of shoes, makeup of memorial to children killed by gun, violence,
as a twelve year old. Do you really think that you are to make change myself? I don't think I, together with all these people here, I think we can make a James. My marriage, tat somebody put his multiplication to good use here. We can lead politics divide us, carry the three alone. This is interesting. How people keep asking these kids? If they're, not too young, to protest, you don't realize some of the biggest political movements were led by young people. Right kids fought for civil rights, kids fought against apartheid in South Africa and to stop the Vietnam WAR and then forget, never forget the inspiring young woman who use the kind of soda to end racism forever. Gonna forget that, and so there was a perfect example of how a youth movements can turn into an everyone movement, because this morning's protest brought in major politician
like Nancy Pelosi, crying Truck Summa, no nickname Andrew Cuomo, and they even got the most popular millennia. Laval. Do you know how loud you have to be to draw out Bernie Sanders using a megaphone Bernie, so naturally loud he normally uses the megaphone backward. So we can indoor voice, bribery, slow burn keeper. Now, although these kids are fighting for a cause, that seems logical to most, there are still some who don't agree with the idea of them marching in the streets. The demonstrations are prompting heated debates,
comes with a lonely students to walk out others like this one in New Jersey, threatening suspensions with anyone ditches class. I would rather make its b int school faith and I don't believe this demonstration is really gonna change. Anything wait. You don't want. Kids outside because it's not safe, the schools are not safe. That's literary! Why their marching you. While I go back to the schools, that's that's where the people got shot. This woman is like the person in this latter movies, like the best thing for us to do is stay inside the house. Ok, let's go to the basement, it's dark there. The killer won't see us, ok, guys and the reason these kids think it so important to March. Especially today is because, although the House Pasta School safety bull, it completely left out any precise provisions relating to guns, which seems like the one thing you shouldn't leave out of school safety, both like a pizza delivery, guys think he's your pizza. We just didn't include the crust enjoy. In fact, there are many politicians.
Putting the present, who still think the best solution to this problem is giving teaches guns and upon hearing this idea, the God of irony responded with this. Has debate rages on nationwide about arming teachers in the? U S, a gun, accidently fired by a teacher incited Seaside high school class room was teaching criminal justice, sort of safety, Ernest Glass, accidentally discharges firearm into these ceiling, though the gun didn't shoot anyone directly once was hurt. A frightened from the bullet struck a student in the neck Fortunately, we no serious injuries, sweet Jesus, a teacher almost shot a kid and, by the way, he's just a teacher he's a reserve police officer, the kind of train professional whose supposed to know what he's doing and got to say that to you,
better quit, because he's gonna have a hard time. Scolding students after this, like imagine, you're kidding these class analogy to trust the yellow you for talking to a friend Abbe like bitch. You shot Freddy, but still a bullets, a bullet fragment hit a child and the worst part is that this whole thing could have been avoided we just gave that kid's neck a gun right back. I am Jo Firestone enable new have a coming soon through comedy central, I central podcast. It's called every day decisions. It's a show where I talked to guess about the west. Twenty four hours of their life there still alive, they continue to live, but though s toy,
hours before they record it. That's what I'm talking about and animate little decisions that they make throughout their day, and I really think that diesel decisions, like you know whether you choose cute tips or cotton balls. I think these are the kinds of things that really make through comedy Central pike ass. It's called everyday decisions. It's a show where I talked to guess about the west. Twenty four hours of their life. There stole I've, they continue to live, but the last twenty four hours before they record it. That's what I'm talking about and animate little decisions that they make throughout their day, and I really think that diesel decisions like. It is an act of stars in the network Series Marbles Jessica Jones. Please welcome christian roots,
wasn't will show what welcome for the show. Thank you. And did you gonna have not even our committee or is it a Jessica sounds like now? That's gonna walk on the show. Thank you for coming here. I've been a big fan of use for a very long time. I've been an emotional roller coaster. Like you, you you'd like I was devastated and breaking bad and then and then I hate you. The be an apartment. Why haven't they show? That was like the highlight of my life yet, but you would you like to be you with a b?
then, and now I feel like a Jessica Jones, the combination of everything, a likeable character who struggles through the world that she's living and she's a superhero, but at the same time she suffers from PTSD. Give you actually like one of the most realistic superheroes that we have right now. I think he I think he is probably the most realistic one. You know we approach. The show is character first, and this is a girl who is marked by it.
A lot of trauma in her life and sexual assault, great loss and so were exploring like the psychology of this character, who also happens to have superpowers and is really strong and can put somebody threw a wall with barely any effort write about it feels like that region which will load of people because they go like I like Jessica Jones, because I feel like as a human being, I wanna be a super hero, but also acknowledge that I have emotions. I feelings I get hurt the rational things that affect me. Do you think? That's a big part of the show success is the fact that many women watch it and go that's exactly what I'm I'm a ship, a hero who has feelings yeah, and I think you know what we put the approach to show is like boots on the ground, but because we are in the super Hiroshima we have superpowers, we eyes of super emotions. Is super stakes. Allows us to this place,
This elevated, you know playing field, and a lot of people have said that Jessica Jones is the perfect superhero specifically for me to move me, she's, angry, she's, angrier and right for me. So when you look at the scenes, are you guys shock? As I outlined the fascinating you shot a season and the storyline seems like you wrote it when the meat movement was happening, but you you shot all of that before the live, happily shot. All of that before it happened. We finish. Shooting the shower. I think October. First and then everything started coming out about Harvey or unseen and me to movement in October, and we were a text each other. Like does Melissa Rosenberg our show runner have a crystal ball. Had we talk
about it in and her response has been. These aren't new issues. This has been happening forever. Her scripts were written two years before this even happened so, and the fact that its resonating so loud is is, is crazy. It's it's interesting that ship, it's a movement that started now already blew up, but it's an issue. This mean provision for a long time when you are in the show, when you are playing Jessica Jones? Is that a thing that connects to you in the stories? That is that it is not a story I met you take very seriously her past and and the men that have traumatized round will she lived in? For me, specifically, I wasn't in that storyline, but what I think Jessica response to is she was a victim of sex That's all right, and so I think that this story line in the fact that her best friend went through this and then he's also abused younger girls scratches a wound for her and in that injustice like ignites, her and infuriates her now,
that's also kind of what were experiencing in real life. All of this is coming out of it. It just is strikes this That's been lying dormant forever with Ngos is struck. Do you ever think that you do have to propose in real life? Yes, we'll get also playing Jessica Jones makes me sometimes I think that I'm really strong and you can you can like move a coin traffic. Sometimes I think I can, but I got out of Do you realize you move? Please can I because I, like, I sometimes hope like, I think I wish I go now- I wish I'd superpowers gonna get to play with superhero like that, something you would have with you in your character We ve got things moving and then, like you, you, but then it reality hits rug. Ay said sometimes like I'll get carried away. There was one I'm seeing that I was doing and that this guys, like all you know, you can hit me or spyware pad and like gnats on goods by road, and then you step, a little bit too paths to far pass your mark and hit the guy for real,
He goes nowhere in your hand, blows up man, so I haven't got inflated self confidence about my strength, but then there's a rude awakening. One realises that. Then there are so many things that you are doing right now. What I love is it's like a wide range of things, so you have written a book which really successful people were impressed by your superhero Jessica and you are somehow a professional knitter. You haven't really into knitting italian balance in my life. People actually want to sell your network. Can't Ordway why design knitting kids at which is like making knitting cool and so on try it because knitting is call itself and to make things. Are there again was cool? You wouldn't need to make it cool. Now I got making them in key areas where design knitting. Kids. I try desire, like a sweater, that's pretty easy inaccessible that somebody could maybe make as a beginner goes you level and such a nerd and then the so. The kit will come with everything that you need to make
whether the yarn and the needles, and also the pattern, and then people make them but like a guys but you're Eurostar of Jupiter. Why would you would you do that? I love and I'm just one of those girls who likes to have like you, I like to put on my eggs in one basket. Oh I've never seen anyone who like ghosts the diversify my portfolio and kisses acting doesn't work I'll, be professional nature. I ever have a back upon the matter on the back and I don't think you'll needed Jessica. Georgia's amazing. Everybody. The daily show, with Trevor Noah Ears Edition, what's the daily show, weeknights at one thousand one hundred and ten central on central and the comedy central app watch. Full episodes and videos at the daily show calm and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exclusive content and more
This has been a comedy central podcast
Transcript generated on 2020-02-24.