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Day One of Trump's Public Impeachment Hearings | Daniel Kaluuya


Public impeachment hearings begin against President Trump, and actor Daniel Kaluuya discusses his movie "Queen & Slim."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central. November. Thirty thousand ninety probably said, rose world news that in New York this is the daily with revenue. Here's one nominated for an Oscar for his break. Our role in the movie get out tonight he's here with a brand new film, Queen Ann slimmed down you'll come Louis.
Nobody has ever body we're gonna jump straight into the major new story that everyone has been talking about today. The beginning of public impeachment hearings into Donald J Trump J stands for Jim pavements sounded bet on my head now, just to get everybody. On the same page. Six weeks ago, whistleblower reported that Donald Trump was abusing the power of his office and in response the Democrats launched impeachment hearings behind closed doors, which makes sense its winter. You know the doors open, strongest scope, but the Republicans complained about the coastal process, saying that the public was only hearing bits and pieces. What was going on and it wasn't transparent
you know sort of like listening to a movie, that's playing in the apartment next door. Will you like? I think that man is fighting readily Cooper, because you want just sing like Lady Gaga, so in the face of these complaints, the Democrats gladly agreed to AIR Donald Trump dirty laundry for everyone to see, and today was laundry day. So, let's catch up on the first day of the public impeachment hearings in our ongoing. Segment, the magical, wonderful road to impeachment presidential harassment, impeachment its democracies, money back guarantee, but is also one of the few constitutional process- is that's actually exciting in many ways it's like an eclipse. It only happens like every twenty years and Donald Trump stairs directly into it, no matter how much it hurts- and you can tell today was a big deal just by how the meat,
was covering this thing from every angle. This is the table where those diplomats will be sitting. You're gonna have Democrats on one side of the room, Republicans on the other side. This is one of the largest hearing rooms at the capitol behind me here and that big big chair, that is where the chair of the Intelligence Committee, Adam Shift, will be sitting. We understand that c span normally would have free cameras. Today they have seven George can't is just arriving and is about to go through security. George, Canada's enduringly magnetometer area, putting his personal belongings on the belt, we're all familiar with the process, so exciting What's gonna happen next, does he forget his keys? Already? Is pockets is going to have to work through again? This is rents is growing ever pages like followed in the whole day like that emission BC, like George can't appears to be closing his eyes and opening them repeatedly approved.
Yes, where heard is referred to as blinking now, for the first time, the public hearings, the Democrats chose to call to witnesses bill, tailor the acting ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia kept senior State department, official and towns person in a nineteen fifty musical and before the question even started, both men emphasised in the opening statements. They aren't team report. Or team Democrats they're playing on America side, but it has been a privilege for me to serve our country in the american people for more than fifty years, I'm nonpartisan and have been appointed to my positions by every president from President Reagan to President Trump. I am not here to take one side or the other. I have served proudly as a non partisan career foreign service officer for more than twenty seven years under five presidents
three republican and true Democrat, I represent the third generation of my family to have chosen a career in public service. Indeed, there has been a George can't sworn to defend. The constitution continuously for nearly sixty years- whew. Each innovations of George can't have been defending the constitution. It almost sounds like the only reason America keeps running is because of George Kent's S. If America's an office- George Kent, as the only guy who knows how to fix the printer, it was the tone, a cartridge, always their tone cartridge. I will say, though, there's gonna be a lot of pressure on the next George can't you know he's gonna be like screw the constitution dead. I was born to uphold the law was born turn Gansworth, so both of these men are devoted nonpartisan civil servants. So if you hear these guys saying that Trump did some messed up shit, you know to take it seriously and from the sound of it from
some messed up shit once I arrived and give I discovered a week combination of encouraging confusing and all But alarming circumstances De Mr Martin. Present Trump did insist that presents a linsky go to a microphone, and say he is opening investigations of Biden and twenty sixteen election interference and best or somethin tried to explain to me the present drop as a businessman when a businessman about to sign a check to someone who owes him something? The businessman asked that person to pay up before signing the jack. I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for with the political? What did you mean when you said you thought it was crazy? It was illogical could not be explained. It was crazy, unexplainable, illogical, crazy. That's the description. Bull Taylor gave of trumps actions. It's also the title of trumps new memoir same thing s.
It's my full story and it's a coloring book folks, you're, gonna, love it and then baseload Taylor. Testimony was pretty clear. He testified that Trump wanted. She wanted Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden and the ambassador even came with new evidence that hadn't been public before Last Friday, a member of my staff told me of events that occurred on July, twenty six in the presence of my staff at a restaurant. That's your sullen called president from and told him of his meetings and gave the member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone asking about Sir something about the investigations. The member of my staff asked investor song. What President Trump thought about you,
Mr Solana responded that prison from care more about the investigations of Biden which Giuliani was pressing for ok. This is unbelievable. Promised people were discussing the ukrainian plot in public in a restaurant better. He say I mean first of all, that's rude! You in a restaurant, you put your phone away, you engage and also. Why is from talking so loudly on the phone that people can hear him on the other side remind me of every immigrant father ever talking on the phone does not don't worry drove. I also had a happy when I was six Dana. It's going to go away. I shall go on with my friends. Oh I'm sorry tell your friends to be careful. What I'm happy that now for the Democrats today was all about showing the american people that Trump abuses office by trying to extort Ukraine and in response to the republican arguments that truck may have tried to do it, but wasn't successful working Castro,
had a few questions, so ambassadors is attempted murder, a crime is attempted murder, a crime. Berger is a crime is attempted robbery or crime. Neither of us is alone I think everybody in this room could answer that question. That's right, I'll, be glad to know them. Yes, it is. Is it did extortion and bribery a crime? I dont know, sir? That's a pretty effective line of questioning may see the vat Castro's Vice now get some free legal advice. Now, what if I attempted to steal my the password is: couldn't figure out the password is crime. A crime is not a crime name. I know it's not his really name I killed his dog, which brings me to my second question now. The Republicans also had their turn to question the witnesses about what Trump and done, but it seem like they were trying to solve. A completely different case was hundred gardener
Corporate governance expert. I have no idea of hundred Biden, relocated took Ukraine. No knowledge is highly Jeffrey. Simon Felder of the Ukraine Univee speech Ukrainian, given Hunter binds wrong Business Board of directors of honor binds added to the boy the bereavement Hunter Biden do whether hundred bucks, offers anything other than the fact that his dad's former vice president and also does have a binding like fire. Wars or even echoed cinema card. Is he like seeing someone, because I totally they would make a great couple, you friends or other by then about? Was this where here's the thing that, if Republicans one to investigate hunted by than investigate hunted by, but that's not what this hearing is about, making it about something else, immeasurable cop showed up to your office to investigate a robbery and while they dusting footprints, you pop up like I know you guys are busy, but could you also figure arms be stealing my yogurt everyday, like that?
the reason we here will. Maybe it should be ok, there was ukrainian yogurt, but if we can work just trying to figure out how to bind height weight and favorite color was congressmen, Jim Jordan's turns ask questions. His big arguments was that none of this testimony should count because it was all a game of telephone you want on the car where you present, you didn't listen, I'm present trumps compress unless he's got that you never but you ve sat Mulvaney. I never did you never met the president. That's correct. This is what I can't believe. You're there STAR witness you're their first witness. You're the guy, based on this based on I mean I've. Seen I've seen church prayer change. That easier to understand, and this that's a good boy. Good point, Jim John. These guys don't have first hand knowledge of what tromp was doing with Ukraine, so while they're the ones testifying I made me
It's because the White House is blocked all the people who do have first hand knowledge from testifying. That's a goodbye driver ethic. Goodbye thank you may all of today, Jim Jones only focus was making. It seem like this entire process was somehow a sham, but it all backfired when he tried to turn the focus to the whistleblowers. Now there is one witness one witness that they won't bring in front of us. They won't brain for the american people. That's the guy started it all. The whistle blower. No, I say to my colleague I'd be glad to have The person who started at all come in and testify present Trump is welcome to take a seat right there, rational hearing with film the front of life in the audience. You know by Congress standards that was a pretty good slam The only way it could have been better if the congressmen was like seriously. President Trump is welcome any time. In fact, of actually
That is invite rioting here. So that was day one of the public impeachment hearings, the only way we'll find out more about this saga is when Congress kicks off they too, or we can just sit next to Donald Trump people in Europe. Front and hear what he shouts over the phone will be right back. So I guess, like Academy Award Nominating ACT, of whose new form is called Queen and slim. Please welcome Daniel.
We're looking for a job. Thank you before we get into bed very intense, seen from a very intense movie, does getting a lot of intense buzz. Let's talk about your life, how has it been man? What must have been like? You know what you mean in what way in what way Daniel Kaluza does this thing you know it blew up in England, you did you think we'd like to do a lot of people you break out in in them help me with Netflix show common will. Love it up. Let me a black Moura right, Blackmoor loved universal ring on the treadmill. We loved you and then get out, came changed everything one of the greatest horror slashed ruler, slash everything, I've ever seen, and now black logo
people's houses and drink tea anymore. You changed everything right and you nominated for an Oscar. What's it been like since then, Relax years been with light close, The other other knows is my last is gone upside down. Right, he's, gonna sound! I ask in ice to get the best suited to chill out just role around, and it is completely shifted Well, I'm exposed to and it's. Why said, and what is worse? Amazing, not it doesn't change the fact that I just do what I believe in and his life that's interesting Bassam, showing that its flipped upside down as milk I don't care about, anyone. Are you drive? No alleging was on a bus. I wasn't a boss one time year after guy came out and then they were like the guy. Is that what you did it I gotta go somewhere. I'm going to go in some he's at your movie star, what're you doing on a life I was. I will work out where mass
our industry here, but I also don't like the idea of you like being in public transport when you were in a movie like get out, because if I would see somewhere as an average citizen, I would think I'm now in a hurry. Movie. It would scare me it was scared me. I think you should just be like whirling around and like do business stuff like don't you can't just been public transport does not call yet that's that's. What happened is that the reaction of yeah you three people out at every people out as ours, the horror exactly screaming, but but it has been an amazing journey for your mean, get out black panther. You been in some of the biggest movies that you know that we ve been watching, and now this form has come is coming our queen and snap, and it is, it is such a gripping so mean that scene is what people seeing the trailer it's just the beginning of a journey. Will you play a character? Was going on a tender dates? Is that takes a really weird? I'm intimidates often go wid. Is a jungle write letters a jot? I mean this is extremely like we saw that it starts off with a cop whose, like you know, not handling a situation well, next.
You know a gun goes off and then it's basically, this new couple on the Roma are not a couple behaviour of a detailed debate them and go well right just as candidate and asked what that's what's so amazing isolate it shows the kind of they have to do with each other because they have to go on the run and survive right and in the way they fully phones out is like a metaphor, ro the options away. Just then, and they have the kind of like look at each other and see how then connect because they have an experience together. Well, if that is the didn't happen, though, just go somewhere else and go What would it be be like those horrible date, I'm going home and it's over. So do you think that's what we need to do to get people to stay relationship. It is happening and have them be part of a really heinous like incidents in life and then
pays them. If there s a tv show that way into happened right, we just get people together and then just we go like the children, but the two of you have involved in somebody dying and now we will happily married. Then that's it. That's it. You can't radiobes Rachel. We should call executive produce that China say that's, that's it. It's industrial, like you, you you take on rules that that speech, really powerful issues and and and and and and ideas happening in society, because Queen Islam is its view that the thinkers maybe it's already fun movie. You know in the way that, like we love watching movies that, whether your phantom like rubber Deniro and in heat, or something or your cell men, Louise or any movie with people on the run, but at the same time it feels like a comment on what's happening today. Do you pick your movies based on that? Are you? Are you looking at a former all going or the speaks to society, or just looking for great characters and a great story not made a decision
a few years ago are now as I do. I want to be a great thing. I don't wanna seen great songs, and so now is that I want us in great songs so then I was like. Oh, I have to have to be in the context I have to be in were in thick with a cultural activity. Around and listen to. My friends is to my people around me. Listen to me, how they fill and what they complain about, whether I remain and then that's all I'm taken in and I'm living as well, and so they went to school comes goes out. I will speak to this person and that person I know how they feel when they watch centrist so I'll go to the cinema, go watch for some furious or and I'll go watch.
At the same time all that, with my friends and and and I really listen to how it made them feel, and I want to make them feel good ornament. My friends for goods and the micro is the macro right, as I say so so, microcosm of the largest as I have. If you're telling it seems like a story about to people, but it's a larger story about what's happening in society and we feel the humanity. We understand the complex ideas of what we're trying to tackle every day and we dealing with one incident yea and see and through our perspective chosen a black perspective which is as a history of being dehumanized. That's that's one of the interesting things that that I think you know your your rise in film has also brought out is, is is how similar stories of the black economy.
Regardless of where they happen in the world. You know and for a long time people have told stories they didn't even think of it. As the white explains this at all, it's an experience, you know, and then people are realising all their different story to tell people experiencing different things around the world. You know hasn't been surprising to you as a black british person coming to american acting and realizing how many of the themes of similar to what people experiencing in Britain if they black people experiencing in South Africa there like this Where is connect to everybody here, because this is similar dynamics is not the same by similar dynamic. So let her grew up on american african american sickle right. I was watching my wife and kids. A switch indifferent shows This is a system that was, I reminded me. I looked to the african american experience to see myself. That was on british television in that was Desmond and their right to condemn the other show. But there was there was not the numerous amount of black show the couple, but is the majority was from the african american experience, so
I saw it from the beginning. I saw there was a commit, those connective tissue ride when I think we ve globalization and is its value. Could let me or is it like a metaphor for it, because I did that and twenty eleven and then it kind of came and went Netflix happened so then the war came smaller right, so they would see the show that we shot for two weeks outside of London. Yes, in a room tat, they would see it and they would put in the same, way of breaking bad is like right. I'd read, write just said, Anne S. What kind of kind of happened is that now now am it's almost like everyone's closer together or like it's like London is now a state in itself with such a wealth of creativity without the yea we're out of the wheel, it might become a stakeholder Briggs timing that hopefully sense. I hope it could become a thing that you go. The movie is really generating buzz. You know it's a path. Story. You know lean awaits you know and you and you got Molina, whose one of the best directors we ve seen transition from using oh yeah from creating
right and insecure. Obviously, if somebody goes and watches this film, what would you tell them to like try and and and focus on when they're in them, because sometimes people miss misidentify themes and if one could they watch a trailer or the reader review before him? But if you want, I came and when you won't lose into this movie, I want you to have liked the state of my. What would you want that that state of mind to be we. I want you to have like the state of my. What would you want that that state of mind to be this equation, our man, the question, I would say a kind of just state to stay, open and and and try again try and understand why you don't know their names ass, powerful, that's a good on that I see now now, when everyone watch the movie gonna, be to try and understand why don't know their names
This is amazing. I do thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited. Daily shall determine our ears at it. Wants unavailing show recognised that eleven, ten central one Tommy Central and calmly several watch full episodes. Videos at the daily showed I was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive caused in him This has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-01.