« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Coronavirus Updates - CDC Vaccination Priorities, SantaCon Gets Canceled & Belgium's Bathroom Rule


The CDC prioritizes recipients of COVID-19 vaccines, the SantaCon pub crawl is canceled due to pandemic concerns, and Belgium regulates bathroom use at parties.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central. This cast is brought to you by free guy, storing Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber, now playing only in theatres, free guy tells the story of Guy a bank teller who discovers he's a background player in an open world video game now, no longer content with being a background player guy is determined to write his own story, save his virtual world and become hero of the game. Get your tickets now and see this action. Packed adventure on the big screen, see free guy, storing, Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber. Now playing only in theatres will now about one month away from the first dose of the corona virus vaccine. I know crazy right, physical. Just yesterday, when we were punching grannies for toilet paper, but it'll stop me at least six months before this enough vaccine for everybody which
means. The fight is now on to elbow your way to the front of the line. Today, a CDC advisory panel is meeting to vote on recommendations about who will get the vaccines first, once they are approved by the FDA, with only enough medicine for about twenty million people expected by the end of this year. Authorities are having to prioritize already. Health officials have said that seniors with underlining health conditions, and doctors who treat covert patients should be put at the front of the line, will ultimately be up to state and local officials to choose where the doses go first. This is gonna, be the big drama, twenty twenty one who is gonna The priority for the vaccine, because look everyone agrees that the first groups who should get this vaccine should be the frontline healthcare workers rights, then surely people in trouble, men senior, is very important to protect our seniors, then
people in trouble again, I'm in case the first time, didn't take, and then we protect those who have praying like many other people, can't we just gotta, get the order right and I'm not gonna size, people based on risk and health. But if you ask me as already figured out the best way, to decide how to do move towards that's right. Talking about vaccine Ninja warrior who wants to some? Why doktor, faulty and other experts are warning that the United States is about to enter a wave within a wave Already, skyrocketing number of cases gets a post thing giving surge it's the only facing left over. You don't look forward you well after Brussels Sprouts and, let's be honest, guys, another. Such is exactly what American doesn't need right now cases hospitalizations, already breaking new records, and I know nobody wants to give up Christmas guys Maybe there are some traditions that we can do without
we will not see a lot of red noses and the city this year. That's because Santa con that pub crawl has been cancelled. The flash mob meets Pub crawl event braces money for charity, but they ve been criticized because of some participants. Booze fuelled antics. Announcement of the Santa com website says, quote, remain home and stand the good list we're all in this together. What centre One is cancelled. now how will children ever get to see sends a glove pass that on the sidewalk without bands? Those kids are losing out on a decision cannot be honest. I never full centre would get cancelled before Santa because I've ever show a centre would have been cancelled. By now I mean, let's face it, newness problematic as hell, he sneeze since everyone's homes, two more to have kids sit on his lap and he's all my mom's you're out,
around, but if you ask me, didn't need to cancel Santa com just make a virtual like everything else this year, Do the holding of a zoo, immensely, up on the sidewalk you throw up on your keys, It's not perfect, but it's the next best thing now. Some people are happy that sense economy cancelled. because they say that those Santo just get drunk and act of noxious in the streets, but about that guy, I mean every year I get drunk and I drew up a centre and I will make any difference. Waldo you what I want for prisoners, a brand new peace on earth, never to Madrid. The world had a major milestone. As great Britain became the first country to officially approved a fully tested vexed I shall bring congratulations. Britain so amazing how
You can get them when you don't waste time coming your hair. You know this is really really great news for the world. Unless Britain decisively but opportunity to get revenge so turns out. We ve gotten the vaccine and we'll be handing out to all of us. Colonies? All oh! Well, that's right!. We want to make colonies anymore or look at that August, more vaccine. For me, how do you like that now? India show safety and precaution is fantastic, but. There is one country who might be taking their precautions. Little too far, John is putting a four percent limit on holiday parties during the corona virus pandemic visual say all gatherings must be held outdoors in a yard or garden, and only one gas will be allowed to enter the house to use the bathroom during the entire party. If you really have to the toilet there will be Nothing else to do but return home said a government spokesperson wall. Hold on hold on. Only one per the parties allowed to use the bathroom
Tell him or near for starters home they decide. Who gets to be the designated bathroom user, will tell you in advance. They ring Major noggin take or are they just decide based on what you ate and you spot about not being able to use the bathroom. Is you lose your excuse for Failing on a conversation. That's all renewable Baltimore Party. Now you're gonna have to be honest, ok! Well! Thank you! I'm gonna go. No, I don't issues about them. I just don't want your kids anymore here. I hate them right now. I don't even know that, of course, it's at least possible. the practice social distancing garden Party, you can use try, but it's much more difficult at a sex party. So one authorities in Belgium discovered that people were throwing an orgy in violation of the lockdown police was sent to break it up but vats when the real scandal began. A hungarian member of the European Parliament has resigned after breaking lockdown rules by attending. What's been,
scribe. As a gay sex party in Brussels, you're safe shyer, who has previously backed anti algae BT legislation in Hungary admitted attending the party which was broken up by police, the prosecution in Brussels, which simply said that they were their rating, a party which appear to be breaking corona virus lockdown risk. Actions there was. what's in the bulgarian media that he tried to run away from the party by climbing down and drain pipe He was then called by the police in the street tat our common The homophobic politician was poor and engage sex party going down and drain pipe, and then he tried to escape five and by the way being at an illegal sex party when the police storm and must be so awkward because you order to realize it's real police rate until it's too late
think about it. You ve got it just assume that somebody all its triple cops all yes office. I have been a really multi work while real handcuffs you take this seriously. But yes, my friends once again, another anti gay politics has been caught in a gay sex scandal. Which, by the way, there's nothing scandalous among gay sex. The scandal is that they said anti gay gaze bad and turns out. They were doing it and honesty pardon me, feel bad for these politicians, because Clearly, they lived in a society that has made them so terrified of who they are, and they hate themselves and the people that they go to these extreme lens when they don't need to half the time it's not about, family values may just when somebody dating the x
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The corona virus Pandemic We think of news and is the reason you know what all your coworkers bedrooms look like without creating a problem for HR right now for I'm not looking good all over the world and especially not in the United States. In fact, regret old, the director of the CDC and men whose face got put on upside down by God, said yesterday that the next few months could be the most difficult in the public health history of this nation, even worse than the six months stretch when you can go anywhere without hearing baby shock. We thought that was the pandemic. The good news, no Action is around the corner, but you need to get enough people to get the vaccine so that people are immune. and face it in a country where millions of people refused, even where a mosque there's a bunch. Many, that many of them will resist getting an injection which is like ask that hurts. So that's why
I'm high profile. People from across the political spectrum are forming. super group to promote the vaccine in a show of presidential leadership. In this health crisis, three former presents a ready to roll up their sleeves to bolster public confidence in the new corona virus vaccines, Barack Obama, George, W Bush and Bill Clinton, all volunteering to get their shots on camera. Once the f, a authorizes vaccine Clinton and Obama got on board after President Bush apparently reached out to Doktor Anthony factually and Doktor Deborah Burke's to see how he could help promote the vaccine. Now vat some presidential leadership offering to get the vaccine on live tv for everybody else to boost public confidence, also, it's a great way to sneak ahead to the front of the line I see you bury yeah see no one will and George snatching those shots, no aid policy, render mass game. and you know the games not going to stop there.
Cause. I bet, there's gonna be one smart secret service agent, who's gonna, be there. somebody say, shot I'll, protect you jump from the needle me like a vaccinated for you now, You might be wondering why hasn't present Trump also offered to take the next. with these other president's well by the two The vaccines are available. He will also be a former president, but don't forget he made Koran already. So he's immune. Also You can't go before the omnipresence because he'll take all the lollipops I am actually glad that Trump isn't part of this event because you know that he would find a way to make things awkward, I'm Getting the vaccine in front of the camera, I don't want anybody she's, my butt. sure they do the shot in your arm cure lake Ready drag my pants not to mention what, then get the vaccine on tv, doesn't really help what we re need to do is watch them too.
for seven for a few weeks after the vaccine, so that we can see that safe in all they only to live together in a house where we can see them each. sleep and hang out. Maybe the canoe challenges and vote each other off. We don't even need a vaccine. This is make a show of costs that is a vaccine it'll be one. What than ever to continue following social distancing guidelines now the Good NEWS is that lot of politicians have been speaking out very clearly about the need for us in the public to stay safe, The bad news is that these politicians haven't all been practising what they.
Reach, a number of democratic leaders, apologizing or reversing course, after multiple occurrences of do, as I say, not as I do, they have been caught, not following their own corona virus guidelines in San Francisco Mare London breed facing backlash after it was revealed that she attended a birthday party last month at the french laundry, the famed and Exclusive Napa Valley, restaurant with seven other people at her table, and when this party happened, such gatherings were discouraged by state wide guidelines. The day before breeds dinner at the french laundry governor gave a new some also attended a party there with the least a dozen other people from different households, Denver Mare, Michael Hancock, told residents of his city to skip large, thinks giving dinners, and then he promptly appeared at the Denver Airport and flew to Mississippi to spend the holiday with his wife and daughter before Thanksgiving the mayor of Austin Texas. Had this message for his city, we need to stay down. This is not the time to two remarks, but it turns out when he gave that warning mayor, Steve Adler wasn't home, he was on vacation in swampy mexican resort of Combo San Lucas, low mankind
What is it with these democrats? Hey everybody! This is your mayor here telling you stay home and stay safe do the right thing, all my boys in the pool, know what I'm talking about. Joe was not everybody. We live in them cobble life better, but I'm sorry, man, everyone is given up their lives and then you got these politicians, which is hypocrites idea. What you have been corona, respect your office too much to come after you because don't forget it got the power of the United States. Does not let start drug by governor Handrail, and yet I public Republicans are also big indoor partners something like on travel one about the Republicans, yet everyone expects Then. What are we doing this? The official republican? that's right now is just that, in fact, in a way these Democrats, or even worse than the Anti Maskos because of the hypocrisy at least when those due to break the rules they open about it anymore. people are working on and bought breathing into each spaces hate you.
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-14.