« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

2018 Midterms: A Night of Firsts | Jamil Smith


The World's Fakest News Team analyzes the results of the 2018 midterms, and senior writer for Rolling Stone Jamil Smith sits down with Trevor.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Using the comedy central. One family such as well do damage only seven almost like tonight. Not what's twenty eighty left Didn't you, America, what I say live I mean we all live. Anything can go wrong. Anything can happen. I can say anything: they can't edited I'll, give it a bad Suleiman.
I sense of that- and I don't know about you, but I was held a nervous today, some of the whole day, updating social media waiting to hear the results, but now the votes are in and its official Idris elbows magazine. I was so worried he would lose the vote. There was another vote that have me worried today. Yeah the mid terms. The day when voters were officially gonna decide is America. A racist, or is it openly racist or right? Now some people like over mega original tremble and you go back to South Africa? Could its author
this is why I like it here. It reminds me of home, so this touch and go for a while today the blue wave was looking more like a small piece. Murph that was being, and what was worse is that the results just wouldn't come in, but the whole toll date, like the last few hours, has been too close to cope too early to call is agreed text to them you up and then all we can see is that little typing bubble looks like you're. Just tell me America: do you want to smash or not, but after a night sponsored by petrol, business is official. The Democrats
have taken the house while you guys are almost as exciting as rigid, Madame she when she heard the news used exploded into a pile of I voted. So before we get to the results. Please welcome my course. With even Why would you get? Everybody was only one question for you did you vote all Yemen. Welfare
six times levels to. I, don't I don't think that's how I suppose work, but I appreciate your enthusiasm why we're gonna be? We can be checking in with Roy, but we do have votes that are still coming in, but there are some things that we do know for certain rights. This has been a major first in Colorado. Jarred Polis has made history as the first openly gay man opened a gay man. Having taken that long, that's amazing openly game, and you know what that means Colorado. All of You are now gay. I don't. I don't make the rules, so congratulations also ill how Norma well, she replied elected to Congress and also, and also for the first time, the first to native american women.
Yeah David in Kansas and HOLLAND in New Mexico, that's right, the first native american woman and lifted to Congress. That is really excited like you'd like seeing. Happening and not talking about your Elizabeth Warrant shoe through. So many first How may only only understand is here now to first muslim women right in two first native american women right there can only be one first. Only one person can be first, you can have to first at the same time, the UK to have a double first. Ok, what do you think I'm gonna have to decide whether you want to have a second like somebody, gotta be buzz off from Big Bobby meal. You can have to MILAN trunks. I didn't like lint neutron dragging out. I guess you, the first man on the moon get first and above all, from the second, is a website. They was own job together, the saying that was evident,
the Japanese, our reform, if we found out that that was the plan, and then Neil was like all your shoes on time. One small step that didn't think about whether they both force it doesn't matter. Moving on to Texas is being reported that TED Crews has finally defeated better Iraq? Not look, I mean beyond say: did indoors battles run away? I guess he one. Yet, if like gives you beyond says you make lemonade and look eyes, we can make fun of their crews, but this guy has been re elected now, so we have to start showing in some respect. So tonight, no jokes about TED crews. Just
Congratulations well done sensitive crews correct now. You may be surprised that accrues Wanna popularity contest, but we sent does he lighted to Texas earlier today, and you know what you could actually tell that the vote wasn't gonna be as one sided as you'd. Think I mean people are saying that the media is biased. Barbados work, that's ridiculous, right, totally ridiculous! Somebody love about a man. I want everything. Where do you find most dreaming about him this dream. I think, he's a normal guy yes
love, a man. I love the way he speaks to everyone. The fact that we need to put party aside and work together if we ever want to come together, yeah yeah, is it always this hot and taxes? Yes, it would you go poor today about protectors. You like ten could do I tigers. Sorry, I think you miss heard me. I said TED crews. Yes, I heard you say who did you both for today? Take crews he's the kind of guy you can just sit down and spit out a beer where I suppose pottery beer, but yeah. I think the media's boast total I agree: there's no room to be biased, we're gonna be reassured eyes up here. There's a lot of everybody. Thank you. So much does it tonight as a big lights. We have most of the results that matter and for more on tonight, election results. This turned back to my men at the desk. Where would you know everybody here?
when one what's it looks like the Democrats have retaken the house so now the question is: what does this mean for America's future? The future truth futures already started nodded. The Democrats have the House, America has descended into a socialist chaos. Just like trot said it would. Venezuela outside, but worse, is Venezuela what white people socialism, but none of the rhythm
We will look man, I don't know if I would trust what Trump said like he said. A lot of things poisons he said, Republicans would keep the house, so this is gonna, be a tough loss for him. Tough laws. Are you kidding me? This is a great night for Donald Trump TRAP. Right now, sit in that celebrating with a big juicy cheeseburger anti Scoops ice cream. Twice the support scheme for rare for petty special sauce gotta night Trevor, a cheeseburger alamo- is reserved for special. Nor do I would trumpery celebrating the Republicans lost the house. It'll be harder to achieve. Is agenda you'll be facing global investigations? How is this a good night, because when all of his policies go wrong, he has someone to blame stock market droppin, laying the Democrats for
This hurt by traders thanks Nancy Policy, even the little even the little stuff you can blame or the Democrats or your count. You didn't repossess import levels down. That's all new Maxine Water now has a scapegoat and everybody loves a scapegoat like what the house, although the blame, everything or model track mud and a house with all that little thought slip out, make sure was near the door from one time I got the car accident and after school robot model behind the wheel. I've got aspect where those makes us dogs contrive neither demand for two years to spend a licence. So if you think Donald Trump was the real one of them. I know I'm just messing around the democratic spike that, like there was stormy Daniels
He was Donald Trump Democrats. The Democrats wrote a wave of enthusiasm to retake the house, but, as we said earlier, the wave was less come along and more her. My and one of the reasons the racial, so tight was a surprising lack of enthusiasm in some of the most important voting districts. So earlier we sent Michael Costa to find out more thanks Trevor. I'm here in California is forty. Eight district.
Does a critical house raise, but, like me, there's a shit turn people here who won't be voting, and we all have our reasons. Why aren't you voting today? I don't have the time right takes time like this appalling plays right behind you that you could vote right now. Did you vote today? You plan on voting today know why I'm gonna too lazy. I got about two things were crossing about wonders who make the worse? So you have a list of things that later you will put off and averting tell me why I'm just not interested, I would say heavy voted in previous elections. I know I had not I'm not registered. Is there an example of something you have voted, The past, nor can I dont you voted for American. Are you planning on voting this election? I am not a lot of politicians, don't sir, it is either an eye out there. They don't have the same connection that surfers have with the ocean and our environment, which just discourages made from even partisan
If politicians served with that change things, may special things happen with those in there's a lot of magical things that, though she asked offer even more than you now are you and drugs right now, Mary now an anti drugs. The ocean is my God. Are you happy with the current political environment that we have? I don't know enough to answer. You don't have to answer that. It's not you don't feel like its affecting you in your life. I just feel like enough people no care by low. I feel more people should go and buy more people. You mean you, I guess so there you have a Trevor.
Living in a swing district. The people in California is forty. Eight have a very clear message and that messages Microsoft's everyone. Thank you. So much Michael show as we back right after this with my election. I cover support for this pipelines, can swim see. You knew a pike mysterious created by Johnson and Johnson in the american nurses, Association- nurses- This is to the suffering, I'm it changed: violence, allergies, the gaps and care. What's her home life, what do you have to eat? They see where things fall apart: social isolation and loneliness and the risk of being alone at an older ages, pretty high, and in addition to having that incite around where it's not
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Because the subway is stuck. Let's move into more results are going to keep coming in from around the country. We are going to some analysis right now and how it all went out. So please that's going to run a change in our super high tech elections, ants running. What are you watching tonight? What my watching and watching the other network suck Trevor? That's why I'm watching every channels, the same thing, some dude zoom in on his high tech electoral map, bringing down but with deep analysis of congressional districts in California spoil knife, I was expected: go blue blah, blah blah blah blah boring. That's not deep I'll go so deep. I'm gonna end up back in Malaysia. Kind of economy announces, that's pathetic. Naval has blocked my blog. I mean that's as deep as you can go before you trivial good about yourself, but I'm going all the way in Trevor, focusing on one guy in Vista Help, one whose I draw on seeing this hold me
Election comes down the cow, so let's go to the hidden cameras. I broken installed last week: ok right off the bat using a bottle back, so I'm gonna born a linear and say he's your typical says that there's nobody liberal, but let's get some more in telephone, calls medicine cabinet. The law gas eggs load from in so obviously calls a huge loser, but we still don't know how you both and I don't want to do this, but yeah I'll call you when you vote for you gaseous fungus, infested, loser. Ok, ok, he'll get ruddy ruddy runny whither rummaging everybody Ronnie. Are we gonna? Do you forget analysis, though, very very deep and very unethical now that there is a lot to unpack from these races right, but unfortunately we only have until eleven thirty before coming central cuts us off for a re run of future Rama. So today
some political analysis and to get it all in which are now to our own election exports. Djibouti and widened dosage loan. Everybody you so much for joining us like I said we don't have a lot of time, so I'm gonna have to ask you to both give your election lattices at the same time. So to start, what are you both think about the state of the race tonight Trevor? Let's talk about and how in areas island areas very! Well, you Dinah, leaving right there s haven't you got you on training, those from all rejected, actually crazy story. De trains, Anti Tricia Clancy once gave my hands out to guide the airy employment that actually kind of work. So so let me ask you this than do think to light could be considered. As the Democrats calls on cold blue. Wave, Gooden question. It is all about that all Irene rivals generally sound working more varied and are more vulnerable than men. Have actually works
The results of an urban environment learning take my word, for it. Do not watch Marlene me dry, The fell on a Europe wide but is really interesting. Another turn I was so car leads to minority parties. Success. Not the last course nappies. Would you say that trumps rallies were an asset to the candidates that he supported now, but it's not only short dig this example, why bother Yonder Giovanni lovely to me July. The lighted- and I beg you so much guys We were informed than we were five minutes ago, stay to more election. My coverage coming up when the data show returns will thereby
action like coverage, so we have a few more results here. It is official in the Senate, race of Utah, Mitt Romney has won the race and will be Utah's knew so that anyone kids, if you wanted the story to inspire you this is it because look at mid roaming. The guy was a governor ran for president losses and he could have disappeared off into the woods, but no, he didn't. He fought right. He came back and now he's a Senate. You understand this guy had nothing when he started. All he had was a dead. Who was governor and five hundred million dollars. Look at him today also like how he's he failed at president and now he's like combining all the other jobs to try and give present he's ok running the Olympics and some of them governor? That's president drivers present knows not admit, but congratulations. You were joined by our special guess and I do mean Smith.
Both these walk. This is one of the craziest nights in America when all the result of flying in everybody's trying to predict everything, do think, judging by what we ve seen so far that this was a good night for America or is it to courts, choosing call what was definitely America, that's for sure we saw we saw in Florida, unfortunately looks like Andrew give. Them has conceded that governors race to write the scientists and the is something I think you know. Frankly, we ve seen a discomfort with black leadership. Even well. We, you have had an eight years of a black president, but there's a lot of forces are still not ready for black folks to run thing, but is it fair to say that, though, because I mean like you, you it's what there was forty nine to fifty, I think that's what fifty thousand
votes that separated them all in its one, because we make eight million and amendment four passed in Florida tonight which what would gives the right to one point: six million people who have been formally incarcerate rise or violence is spices say that could make a difference. If it really is an interesting race to watch it at all. The mid term saw because a lot of people say that this was an interesting little, because it wasn't about the candidates people said this is about tromp or not trump. Do you think? That's what it wasn't? Do you think that was decided tonight? I think that, certainly the house victory for the Democrats repudiates Trump in a big way, that by nine percent of the inner margin for the popular vote. Which means that you know that it's almost that's a lot of people in this country has said no to tromp independence abandoned tromp, so it is a reply
the Asian in that respect. But but then you see the governess races in Georgia right now. It still pending camp is leading in Florida. In some others to see Holly winning over Mc Caskey Missouri. So we think that what you say is that you ve seen repudiation of tromp. What you ve seen that trumpets and works of trumpets and works, but not trump. Now let us go back to the station Abrams race users to close call right now, and it looks like camp is winning is a very strange race for me, because I mean the person whose mentally monitoring the races, running in the race right, and you also have a situation where it feels like people? Don't have a trust in the voting system right now in Georgia, universe stories that we were coming up online people are saying like how is this happening and then, most importantly, for many, the Poles loopholes had Stacy Abrams winning and it doesn't seem like that's happening when when does
can you stop reporting the polls, two people win. When does that just go out of the window. Honestly, I thought it was in the news: don't pay attention to the fullest because they were looking up what happened in twenty? Sixteen you have people over. The meeting in all the support, Raillery Clinton right and it's you won by more than three million votes nationwide, but national poles and really matter it mattered about what happened in those states, and you see the same kind of thing playing out tonight and ethical need to understand is that there are other dynamics at play here. There's something called the Bradley effect where a lot of people say they're going about safer, apply, ended it and then again inside that old place they get into that. The Bell there, like, I don't know if I can pull the lever for the black guy right, and so Finally, I think that we are, we see a lot of that in this election and I dont know if that's the only reason why Abrams, down and give them lost, but I think that that certainly contributes to a lot of folks. Don't you understand. Race and racism play in this country. I know it's too soon to say for certain, but the Democrats have the house
Does this mean that America, starting to toward a different course does this mean that Democrats can begin a fight back? Does this lit Republicans assess what their messages with Trump. I think it means that this is the beginning of the fight. Frankly I mean you have its Democrat. House can now subpoena pretty much anyone. They want that Start the investigations take, it basically do what Congress is supposed to do, which is to put a check on the president and while they're gonna have the Senate to appoint as judges and what not. These legislative agenda is essentially dead. And so here you don't hear here, because that gives them a lot of time to do other things like start more wars whilst so like an emotional rollercoaster. It's the thing is that there are no clear answers from this election. I think really gonna have to see not only how the president react, but also how strongly Democrats go for. Now that they have people, even the people that lost the battle Guillaume and possibly Abrams
he'll stars in their party that have shown a pathway forward for them to do not just run, it gets trumpet to confront racism and we're gonna save the Democrats follow their leave. You study exciting, to watch. Thank you so much for being, daily shall determine our ears at it. Wants unavailing show recognised that eleven ten central one Tommy Central and calmly several watch full episodes. Videos at the daily showed I was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive caused in him. This has been a comedy central, Podcast
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.