« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

What's The Craic?

2023-06-29 | 🔗

Conan talks to Henry from County Donegal about working as a local tour guide and tips for being taken seriously in everyday life.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Cannon o Brien need a bad wanna talk to coded vividly in cocoa dot com. Flashed car. Ok, let's get started henry welcome to coded o brien needs a fan. I loathe everybody was the crack where's, that crime had the cracked. What's the cry, I never heard that sort of correct me if I'm wrong henry, but what's the crack means what's the scuttle, but what are we talking about which the gossip, the hot gas, is? I write exactly what the scuttle buck s, exactly what we mean by authorities as they provide is an ancient greek term Henry you know, harry? What's your last name henry happen? We do him. Where are you coming to us from I'm calling from currently donegal in the north west of ireland- god bless you, sir god bless you it's nice to talk to you a tunnel.
tell me a little bit about I'm just on fascinated? You ve probably heard me talk about this, but my my people have been in the united states for over a hundred years, but I am still Nearly a hundred percent irish, which is disgusting You really get it I'm with you about Tommy henry, but I think to myself all the time there people in ireland who are a quarter spanish or half french, or they got some belt. What about you? What's your story? well, as you can see, I am probably Emma's pay. as yourself As I think bell, one said we we have like people erica, heavily tat, skin and white teeth. We have time teeth whites God bless bill nea I am pretty much. I am, I think, I'm a hundred percent irish like yourself and I think you're, probably whenever you're were europe ass, gay
how about I don't know. I think it's a it said it's a terrible burden to bear to be two percent irish. You have crazy nightmares. I do I feel like I'm somewhat insane you do you find that it's a burden being a hundred percent irish juno love, you could be worse. Things are various. You know you know, you know we ve got we're lucky enough to have a lot of whisky to time, drawing them. Charles, are you sing, there's liquid form of irish nightmare, that distinct only to the irish yeah yeah, exactly how the other bar is always closed. yeah, but you bring up a good wait Henry. There are many worse things I can't think of any at the time, but I'm sure there are- and I, like your attitude, give a very positive attitude henry Well, I'm very very positive. Today, usually I usually emma
as a very cynical and annoyed person, but today I am on cloud nine today, speaking with yourselves. Oh that's so nice henry at you. Have you been listening to the podcast or are you a fan of here? This is a thing of amateur yeah that was their original neck. Littleton paid me stop mankind, Jim from your show, others only damaged as a sketch we had many years ago, the media donkey martin did it was a very funny scat yeah. You got that my wife bought it for me yeah smoke when you were finishing up with late night bf, you can have auctioned off a lot of fair. I don't think I directed by the way that I think you have that ill. I think someone was selling shit at NBC, but it was not me, so I'm glad your wife gotta and am glad that it went to a real fanned, but no I am very sorry. Yeah bloody has caused a pretty penny as well, for someone has been an ethic for half
after about ten years, oh man yeah, I I I really want to investigate this now, because someone at NBC way back in two thousand and nine said well conan's, leaving. Let's, let's sell all of his stuff. and keep the money, and I have some idea- that's dead, who it might have been. If you do the work, because we She also about she bought me and ate with Andy richter as well. For some reason, trust me, you will not regret it I regret it. I've never live. My I've never been held more tenderly in my entire life had wrapped up in my name andy regularly? He looks very company. No, I was just say no. I met one of your oji funds, I believe from back in there. now did you will you are a young lad? You must have. Did you grow up watching the late night show? I welcome those attacks.
I saw in ireland here we don't have an NBC the same as yourselves, they're still so. Full disclosure, the way for him to scrub barrier was a back that needs to watch satellite tv yup and my brother am emigrated to america and he didn't bill, pay the satellite bulk, as we have no other channels to watch but msnbc our programme, and so I discovered to show from that of that right. They re ran out for a while and MSNBC a thing, or dounia ratio. One ass, one of those two I had the choice of watching yourself are good to mass. On Saturday night is that for that cross you don't I love henry. I love you basically just said I as a team,
major. I watched you because I had the level two notes. Adroitness, that's like a leisurely, fragile anywhere. You gotta choose to go between the island with monsters in the world. It's really not very, but I will say I will say Henry. I dont care how I get fans the fact that you basically were forced to watch that works. For me, too, long as you, we had you in the tent. I'm happy, I know I'm staying here. What I could I couldn't have been a better default found them. From the brighton fans classic well, tell me a little bit. What do you do? Henry? What's your? What's your livelihood? Oh well, I am very, very lucky. I run my own business at donegall to gain done a and I am a tour guide and a brave people rent an eagle everyday, showing them all at the lovely country compensate say: there's a green book. Shrub there's another one person really grain, rather there's a guy with planning by the side of the road shovel. There's more green grass, you showing up well dummy.
All is like the most beautiful county I hear I do want to ostracize your mail from the other thirty one days here in the country, but I know it's a beautiful, beautiful spot here at sad. It's sad because the fourth largest country we got twelve hundred kilometers or well over twelve and the columbus coastline and is also noticed at the for cotton county of ireland. So add people. Love of visitors come in here and men in the past few years, so well we ve behavior. I really must be gratified special if everyone in ireland forgot about it here. was not so special, really yeah ruin for guy. Well, I say that is because we are kind of like the poor cousins. We have no infrastructure coming up here and there's no motorways and we've got were bordered by northern ireland as well, so beautiful yeah, even though the rest of the country they forget about it's been developed. We don't know where, where lochaber
Can you show me on that matter? It's behind you where you are, and you just point on a mass sugar. You are right now you, my movement. We're right up here is a burning all appear. Rather ok. Well, that's near where my family, from in in Margaret felt in northern you just said: that's where my family from that's, where the right of family, We know that lie within the avonlea yeah he emigrated eight minutes ago, my family from bear more probably throb, back, I was aware that yeah so you're a gazer and northern ireland, but we're in the republic here but yeah I pulled out of here, lemme Lemme, lemme Lemme. Ask you something henry: what kind of tour guide are you are you? Are you pretty serious sturdy? Keep it light well I learned everything it did from turkey from yourselves vital now value Henry. I am not a towards serbia will new meaning you haven't gotten
you see you like, you, have people covered on every night for but maybe thirty minutes ago the doktor. I have a captive audience for but eight hours a day and I get to talk. tell all my own jokes and then, at the end of the day, when you given me a positive of, I give them back their luggage free to go. That's a good trip I used to do that when my audiences late night, I used to confiscate other phones and while its before the show, and if they didn't laugh, they didn't get them back only. I do realise that you had loved this. You would love tour guiding I think I would idea would be. How do you think I'd be as Donegal tour got up and coming to really be the best, because it all is all about oblivion and am provision and everything and, like you, know, you're looking at that like you know. So that's nice of you to night. I don't know, but I forgot to say it s. Nothing
hold me more than the times I've been to ireland because I think I'm a pretty funny person and then I'll get into a taxicab and the drivers much funnier than I am I just I just in the water there. So that's a compliment. We don't think yourself to seriously here. That's the main thing everybody likes to you know you. You don't be too high on a pedestal before we get there now. On the same, that's funny I, that is exactly how my brothers and sisters operate and and my family. It's always you can start to think you're, something because they'll take you write down. Absolutely nothing like. You know that you do yourself deprecating, murder stats laden myself in so many other people. I've kenneth emulate a jerk and a sense of humour as that's no made him. Maybe hasn't. To help wait, hurry, you're, saying that I have ruined ireland. If that is what I just
no, that I'm matured gave now that food should be an adventure, but sometimes we don't have time to spend hours on dinner. Prep adding adele sausage. Dear meal is a quick, sure fire way to feel like any like a chef Eight l sausage was inspired by chef, bruce eight else in his kitchen. Well, that makes sense. He named it after himself. As soon as you crack open a of adolf sausage. Your channel shift, eight hours magic to Ellen any meal, and a snap, no culinary expert. He's required, plus the sausages, are packed with ingenious flavour combinations and are traditionally crafted with real ingredients that you can actually see. That's what you can see the ingredients in the sausage yeah, that's cool. I think that a good, and you know what I love sausage Yes, yes, you do hungry hands on eight april sausage.
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you're, never more than six miles to a lake or about eighty five miles from a great lake. I love a good. I dare you not to see a lake? I learn will again when a lake it up again lay I am a lake boy, does gorgeous landscapes from the lower opponents of the upper peninsula. They gotta lotta great. history. There cool great lakes shipwrecks. twelve state underwater preserves learning a lot about michigan. This rate is a huge problem that there are going to get it on. You probably don't know about the aren't culture. There are no, that's not your thing, but could try was even name by time as one of the world's this places in two thousand twenty two. I believe it can keep it fred, in pure michigan visit, michigan dot, org now to plan your trip. Whether you want order sushi in japan or just pick up a new scale, there are so many reasons to learn a new language getting started seem overwhelming, but guess what role
at a stone breaks down your new language into bite, size, pieces and focuses on speaking practice for real conversations know. Sometimes when trend learn a new language and they're just teaching you sentences like I wouldn't to wear a hat in the bathroom yad, useful yeah, I mean that's a line. I use a lot by most people. Don't the rosetta stones, immersive methods help you learn intuitively plus there accent feature helps you, professor pronunciations, by telling you how well you said specific words phrases compared to native speakers. You are bilingual siam bilingual yeah yeah, and so, but you could be tri lingual with rosetta the I could I mean I've. I've always wanted to learn another language, and I mean you too, you travel all over the world, be very helpful. You young needs pick up some free, as I do whether as at like in my country, they consider this funny with the result of stone ass. You can learn anytime anywhere, make progress, even if you only have ten minutes at a time I now for
time, are listeners in get rosetta stones lifetime unlimited subscription. That means is to all twenty five of their languages from dutch to arabic, two italian for ever for four. percent off capers creepers Is it rosetta stoned outcomes last conan rosetta stone? we just learned My problem, Henry is, if I were a torch or guide, and I went along with you, I'm quite certain. I wouldn't take the time to learn anything. I'd make it up and eight would just be a bunch of lies. It would be, as you people say, shite share don't give away our trade secrets. Yeah you see that the key is,
we get them out of the car before the relays and the worst thing that happens: google, because once people start googling and find out the truth, then you're in trouble. Yeah! That's a lot of making it up as you go along yeah. I meant to go this road, even though it's a dead end. That's the way they make it up on the flight. Henry tell me a little bit about your life. But you you are you married or in a relationship what's happening. Yeah I've been married to leanne, my lovely wife. Therefore, since two thousand and nine I've got three lovely kids who are all Sleeping there certainly right now the monies harrison greater and and they're, the best kids you get given. Ashford are lovely and that yeah, thankfully there have all been all been sent the band with duct tape over their mouths and as for the recording that's an that's a strange custom. You read it had nothing to do with you interviewing here, get it. If you do, I mean I love you.
I yeah so do and and your wife is she supportive of your humor. She is very long suffering wife because, as you know, the whole night every day when I'm not working, it's all a bit bets and doing job having jokes and yes making phonology and the poor woman has nowhere else to go after the heating, like sociable gaslights, I think of your wife should talk to my wife because headset, eliza lies. God bless her. She sticking with me and she's a wonderful man and a great wife, but there are times were I'm doing my bits, my stick running my mouth and the kitchen about nonsense and she says you ve gotta, take this outside you, ve gotta go outside and do this with a squirrel. I can't take this. Will I, when I first
if my wife there and the first thing I said to all the things I said to her said she went to she was going to pick me up or who got to go for a date, and she said what time could you pick me up and I said well, I can't drive, couldn't drive the car back then, just like he can't drive and I said you'd, be surprised by the amount of things that I captive by Henry. Here's. What I love about that you ve gotta, be honest up front. You need to tell her that their lot of peace who would think will lie out bluff. My way through this I'll say I can't drive tonight because I had my eyes dilated by the optometrist you'll have to do it. And then quickly, though, and figure out a way to get a licence on the side. But no you you, you were you put it out there. You put the truth out there and that's what I did my wife. I decided on our first date that I was going to just be as foolish as I could possibly be and if she made it through that night,
and I'd be ok, Angela Merkel river. I met someone else who became my yeah? No, it's all full destroy bessie. These honesty up front, no honesty up at all levels best way to do it and that's the way I run my tours. I just like to tell everybody as it is, and you know back back to the again when I came back after a good futures and that threw the money down the table, my wife said I got. I can't believe we found that something that you're good at. Do tell your passengers that you still don't have a license, yeah they're gone before then find out there just your right you're driving the double decker bus through the countryside- and you say by the way I don't have a license. While it's you sound, I mean I first of all, I'd take a tour from you. At any day, you seem like you'd, be a terrific tour guide. Well, I wanna say your
If sona and matt you're more I'd, be a pleasure to take a tour around Donegal next time you come to ireland, I expect you to come here and I will drive your ass well. I have a couple of quick quest hence I would you gonna show me that's the coolest thing. You're gonna show me on the store it'll probably want to see sleeve le clefs, which are the highest accessible seat cliffs in europe. They're here in Donegal, you'll want to go up to the most northerly point malin head where they filmed star wars observe a canal were waiting for years is an eye out of that. What are they found? Their star wars, episodes eight sorry as they would like when lucan the re or kind of getting to know each other exactly zaire, the upper edge the planet to believe yeah, you're right when they gonna go out. The idea that's a sixth day while discontinue on. If you don't mind, so, what's the name of their place in milan, had a melon head was my nickname in high school. So that's why I'm here
I thought the second someone who knew me in high school named appointed. hey man get over here, wow, that's incredible! Did you get to hang around the sat while they were shooting the star wars instalment no, you don't want me anywhere near some. Others should be professional at all wow Henry you and I have a lot in common and banned from most movie sets throughout the world so and theatre. Well, that's for a different religions that was considered. That was concerted, a perversion. A little bit that's mine. I was wearing a raincoat, go with it. Now or guide we got it used to be a good raincoat. Anyway! I want to ask you a question. Yes, is it about
ranco. Yes, it can stand up money by my my mother or they locked in a survey. I may go very sorry about that. I made it up Henry apologize, no listen there! So you, as you know, self deprecating humor. You always run yourself. Don't that's the way. I would have Ali's room mike and have his as a comedy to nobody. No, I wouldn't be sheriff. Yeah idea, then translate into goal from running yourself down to them, trying to have excuse congresses say you had a plumber in your house in a bad job, and you had to try and explain to them now. I wanted done second way, but you know You ve been like where an address her dress code, the night before latin right, light right idea, attractive or whenever a plumber comes. I am an address others to try and you know catches interest but I will say: hold a shooting.
In the movie, there's no know with the rink yeah, no henry, it's a good question. I am very bad at confrontation, so I'm not very good at telling people what's interesting, and this is true, I'm being serious with you for for just a moment. I'll be candid, I am not very good at telling someone who's doing some work for me that I would prefer it done a different way or someone cooking for me or anything like that. I'm I'm not good at that, and I'll probably hold my tongue and let them ruin my my sank from my disposal or my basta, whatever their working on where I am able to tell people my mind is in comedy so there. I feel I don't know what it is, but I'm very able to say no no point needs to be slower, and then this needs to speed up, and then this has to happen, but that's the
An area my life run very comfortable speaking my mind and my writers will will attack that. That's true, so yeah I'd, I always felt like you know, when you're making funding yourself Other people then like to jump on the pale on you and your own jokes again. Just yet after on you don't happen. Sometimes layer, yeah yeah, that's it. you know it's funny, because sometimes, when you doing self deprecating humor other people pick up on it, and so they don't even know you that well, but they were up to you and say you're a piece of shit right. It's not funny. I don't think that's related well. Then why did you say well because your pc
but anyway, I know I know what you mean Henry, but for the most part people understand where you're coming from, which is. I do have some self worth so not a lot, but I do have some and do the humor just that's just I. I didn't choose that sense of humor, that's just who I was, and I and that may come from being so irish. I do think it is something that we do not all irish people. Some are very happy to be blowhards, but it was very in very much in my blood to have fun at my own expense and sometimes that's just as a defense mechanism against the tall poppies. I want to make fun of myself before anybody else. Cuts me down. So there's many psychological reasons. It all goes back
ireland! Yes, yes! Well at genoa to dismiss the here! You fit! You feel as well, because you know what's happening to you know that I know you don't have the same people audience, but I'm talking to my friends and I personally got but ass the saying you know I'm telling you it is the same. I dont think about it is being a big audience or when they all those years. I did my shower this podcast, I don't think of in terms of a large scale of people listening. I never thought about it. That way, I try to make people laugh the way I do when I wine, if I were in a pub that it's the same, it's exactly the same did just happens to be a microphone here and some some cameras and there's a bunch of people to listen to it, but it is really no different scale doesn't change it. It doesn't it. Did it all it relieved if you and I hung out in a pop You'D- find me just as annoying person. I am. I promise you that well well. I'd love to find
from his off, to see how annoying you are, because I think I ought to know you any day. I think wow. Okay, what its own off payment Henry. It's on ferries, I well and I'm going to win any good, I'm going to win Henry a real delight. Talking to you, you seem like a very nice funny guy. You have a great spirit, and I am very happy that you you've you've found your your niche. You've found what you love to do and you've got this great family yeah. Thank you very much go I just before I go. I just want to say once again to yourself and to every three and unlit nights? As I know, you've got done so many things, but online now, yi on on youtube and everything. Everybody can find a community. Very easily there and a way back in the nineties. You know sometimes you felt like you're on your own yay for just a whole generation of us who discovered, like are people with the same comedy tastes and the same kenneth felt like,
in the fringes of society yeah and I actually say thank you very much for all the years Henry. That means something. That means a lot to me that you said that and you're funny in a pre internet era it was, it was fun to like this little fire on a on a loan, what felt like a lonely hill and then find out later that other people were were watching it and digging it. So I just said digging it and I'm fine, I'm not old enough to say that long, quite old. So Henry. Thank you so much. I hope our paths cross someday and I just just great to meet you. really real pleasure out and has been my all my pleasure. Thank you so much for the opportunity and I look forward to see you all in donegall when you come over for a tour. Okay, okay, I thought yeah a stream of bullshit from you yeah. Thank you very much guys. Thank you,
Conan o Brien needs a faint with conan o brien stoneham of session, a mac goarly produced by me, mac goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross at team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher at your wolf incidental music, my jimmy the supervising producer, Aaron blared associate talent, producer, jennifer samples, associate producers, sean dirty and lisa burn engineering by a duarte caress. Please rate review and subscribe to conan, o brien means a friend on apple, my guests, stature or wherever fine podcast, sir down
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-30.