« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Jake Tapper Returns

2023-07-10 | 🔗

Anchor Jake Tapper feels ironic about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.


Jake returns for another conversation with Conan about the colorful characters of 1977 explored in his new book All The Demons Are Here, why people follow demagogues, and handling constant exposure to the news each and every day. Later, Conan has a hypothetical conversation sharing his likes with his father.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My name is jake tapir and I feel I ironic about being conan obedience friend I walk in there to canada. Brian needs, a friend reply, through the summer, unless it say of course, has a re broadcast. Maybe your list to this years. From now and it's maybe you're in a part of the world where it's not only winter, but it's freezing out some time at the summer's just stupid through the sommer report through the summer, I I'm gonna, tell you, of course,
it's you know, I have a and I got a cold last week and my throat Oh, if and so just my throat wasn't working correctly for a second There was a crucial second cause, I'm podcasting to billions of people around the world right now with a sore throat. How do you plan to the summer I'm going to have you got a cold last week we saw you last week. I breathed though her all as this to us all the time. I just think it's a celebrity cold you're welcome to have it. You can sell it on Ebay anyway. My point, is joined by saddam of session Matt goarly and the point of making is there I used to have a lot of anxiety as very happy. At the summer, obviously cause I didn't like going school over the summer would come the minute July. Fourth was over. I started getting anxious about. Oh no, the summer, it's going to quickly You know how I slow it down and then suddenly its july fifteen you think now wow this is awful. Its
augustine. It was just this terrible. And then I would ruin the summer because, were worried, and I was worried about the someone I know the argument. I that problem too materials yeah I loved, staying home from school. So much that I almost couldn't enjoyed, I always enjoy the day before a day off more than the day off. Yes, the horror by understand that yeah, I always liked sort of late. Friday afternoon was my favorite part of the weak and cause technically the weekend had started yet and then once weak started. There was all this anxiety about it's going to quickly. Now, yes, added not me at all. I enjoyed it up until sunday, It's a monday morning. You don't get the sunday blues, I would get terrible sunday, but I didn't even know that was something people how I used to bust out my harmonica, oh my god, and I made it and I used to sit on my front porch and brookline massachusetts. While wow I got the monday blues. Won't why mom? Why don't you guys just did it? I made mine.
room into a presence. I just rubber cop against the bars rub it ass, arriving, surely sexual things, you guess You do rubber cup up, and away here over that everyone's gonna can rubbed his cup against. These bar takes the sunday blues of italy them anyway yeah. So now I dont have it as much as an adult, because I don't have to go to school again in the fall yeah, but I had it a bad case of it. So I have just thinking about this because our members, feeling the countdown happening after July. Fourth, and having am anxiety about. It then only gives you like a few weeks where you actually enjoy your summer. It's a curse. It's not a good! I'm! The both of you
We're like we're similar in a lot of way are admitted yeah. We are similarities with both. You know we're taking a break for this, show that the listeners won't know. It'll continue come out steadily, but we're taking a month off we're not going to see each other. Do you think, like three weeks or two even one weekend, you're going to start to go? Oh no, I have to go back now, cause you enjoy it because you love, Thus I do enjoy doing us. I'm not gonna make a joke. I do enjoy, hang with you guys, but give me a chance to really get it. Sorry, I'm surprised because I thought you liked school and you're like yeah. I got one again in a few weeks me know. I was very anxious about school, okay, yeah, a lot of anxiety about school, especially elementary school. Fourth grade fifth grade sixth grade seventh grade all through I mean it was anxiety, prefer For me, I was a crier, I cried how they drop me, often cosette through how cry out screamin cry here, shows us you outside the park yesterday crying and you just bundle, off by your mother.
And you have a note on your shirt. Its has high My name is matt, I'm. right on site would signal. Lights have been as a tougher personally when I was a cry. He won't. You don't want to be good, and I want to hurt my perception that people me as a year at some guy who cries and when put in prison. The first thing you'll do is take your cup and rub it against the bar in an erotic, ecstasy. Something. This is completely taking us in a different direction. Your boss, but and it's something that into my head recently and now it's taking me out of every tv show or movie I watch, which is when you want at T. V show- and I may mention this before, but sometimes my family, and I now that were altogether again. My daughter was often college, but we're all back. Sometimes if we want it all do something together, we watch say like an old, a vintage gossip girl. You know
and one of the things that I can't get out of my head is they'll. Show a scene will start with the elevator opening and a guy coming out like chuck bass and when we see characterised coming out in giving some grave news, bass, and or like this old guys was to be a senator, a captain of industry whose the father of one of these young people, the dell, the door opens up any comes out, and all I can think about is how it's not a real elevator. Did the actor has to sit in there and tell people on either side a pull the doors open and he comes out, and so it's kind of my had now and I'm noticing it in all tv shows and movies nephew watching a high class movie yeah sure it's real elevator in the door shut, but in a lot of cheesy be shows, especially from the night. two thousands a character will cease to like heard the last for me I'll, be back, and when I am back you'll all wish. You were dead and ilsa been an elevator and though be dramatic news and the doors shut, and I know that the actors
just standing in a box, Mackay just shut the door and he s away and it takes away all the dramatic tension. Has anyone else think about those rise, but now that you say that, like it ruins star trek for me, although start tracks right just know that Kirk is like, we ve got to get to the truth romania, let's go and he and spock rush in the door shut, and I know that this two guys getting union pay to me the door shut down. There are now there's standing in there until someone yells cut. Just don't think it's too late. Stop thinking I have the potential if I spread this idea that when ever you're watching a tv show and someone gets on an elevator and says the dramatic wine on the doors close or it gets off an elevator, he he I'm sorry it's going to. you out of a tv show, it's gonna ruin it for you, it's an elevator. Maybe it's not somebody whether elevator box and there's two guys on either side. There are closing a door and then are eating a sandwich ass.
Words the saying hey. Did you hear the japanese bombed pearl harbor? Well, how do you like scenes that are shouting airplanes and submarines and stuff and aren't of cars yeah? Oh first of all it just the idea that they get in a bit so embarrassing that they have to get in a box and say something like I am going now up to the top floor, the sap and when I get there korea will be ruined the slide shot after stays, entrapped box union guys stagehands opened the box and actor has to come back out and see all the people. He just told you guys, both suck now, you saw use no use at all. Come back pay. Wasn't this. You suck well good one. I won I'd like to try one yeah, you try you suck yeah, wait a minute you're, pretty good. You bought they're ruining summer, and you're ruining elevators. What are you happy about? What are you guys like? So many
What did you say it like that? How do you HANS grew, lies outside the law and its laws like this? Ok, ok, you ve made your point beyond, but I think the bigger point is what an act or gets an analogy out of an elevator. Do you like the london ruined something I'm all right now, you're ruining Martha you guys, I like things I enjoy think upon your colleague soda. You enjoy everything every day, every time it with that there be a screener and all those years before we knew you met, and I was doing a late night- shows all those years it sort of work. For me they would set up a screening for a movie. Every time We go and see a movie when it was over sooner would say. Then I would say you know cause we everything you see everything and we saw some really great movies, and we saw some movies that even the actor in who's, the star of it, would come on the show in the commercial break, a girl you, I know not so good, but what you gonna do and I go. I was pretty good now come on. Let's face it, every time sentiment:
I just really like the people, did that You have one directed eight hundred people like swept up, decided built it that's exciting. good for that. I haven't even right close as we watch a terrible movie. You black and you'd get mad at me. I got like on another movie: doesn't make any sense you mean they introduce the character of the brother, The second many completely disappears and then he's a walrus in the they never explain you go they made it and we must all agree with it. We can all agree that summer goes by too quickly, yeah, ok, no, it doesn't and but the main point that I think we all agree on that nope when it, if guess gets an elevator or gets, if an elevator they're getting into a box, that's going nowhere. May that is a metaphor for the. We'll state of america's. My guide,
by going here where the local, let's just enjoy things yet the togo anna clause. He comes in a clear way. Allow I do, I think everything off what a great book I do. I want on your right, nor make things then we'd, that's good for them, yeah good for them good for their marine, get the show on the road jerry, the air. He did a lot of good stuff to settle down Would you like me, Liddy leg, the third act you're, the worst. There are worst watch movies with our mean that europe actually really fun. Watch movies with you are really cool about it. I haven't you when attributes an elevated getting the box. You take my today. As I see it ends chief washington, correspondent hosted the lead with jake tapir, which bears week days at four p m eastern is also a new times best selling author is let us both. The demons are here is out tomorrow- excited he
today, for example, tapper well, I was in Washington dc not long ago for a t to help sure in Adam sandler, I, the mark twain award, cause mark twain, Adam sandler are often meant. in the same breath, and there was a really fun we find event. A lot of people cannot for it, including the ghost of twain who was not happen, but that aside, because I in d. I reached out to two jake. I let him know that I was in town and You invited me over to your home yeah. You came over to the house he we had dinner. Favorite restaurant
he was actually are it's. It's a very good. Restaurant were wolf, blitzer, show do your table, it's called blitz and they just sell glimpses. Many flavors summit, there's thirty six waves of blends and he shows to the table and it said and then yes embarrassing, as he can read it to you to it. You got your very nice guys. You invited me to your home. I don't think I told you this, but I got there I took an goober over and some super, not precise, and I took an uber over from my hotel to wear the address that you gimme me for house, and I realized minutes realised I'm just gonna walk down the street, it's really nice neighborhood and I'm walking. in low bet and this far son, come walking up the street their walk in their dog. They say die, hey if you're lost takes up
that way, eight appointed mediator, yeah and as like. Ok, I guess it's so clear that I'd be the only person. Here too minos be seen with his eyes Jake tapir, but anyway we went out. We had a really good time, it was fun and then this is where you and I are in such symbiosis. After dinner, we went back to your house. that here on issues something and we or around the neighborhood- and you said so that has right there That's where I Lyndon Johnson we have when he was in the senate and then use. Let's go this way and he shows me another house needs they see that has now is shared over over Jaeger hoover's house and ended wide and climb and I think that it is fantastic, I know that about you, because in your books and these you're here to talk about. Among many other things, you ve got a new book. All the demons here and you're. A picking up on these characters is actually the children of the two characters you been, I d been describing in depicting in your other books,
but you have all these great pop culture references in political references to the nineteen. fifties and sixtys in the other books, and I love that stuff you I can't get enough of it, you're the one of them. First I sent a copy, the first book to the half hour club, which is takes ways and fifty four and has our favorite president, president eisenhower's as a character in the book, and I was I was basically a book written for for me- and you know I- I actually fact check the book like and a minute wait now. He had is his heart attack in his second term. I saved you from you active if that close, but jake does a very good job of, and I'm talking like you're, not the room, but I'm extracting these two don't read: they know how to read they internal wreath Well, now you re at a novelist asians of old dynasty episodes, ok, but an icebreaker there actually very good. So you do tat.
In writing. I write it had a real thing, the now it is not well, I don't think that's a million dollar idea. Let's do it here. First thrilling gives those kids become a pop up every now and then, like an old dynasty, other fell down day, not on tv on like twitter. What now will be like Alex carrying at the end, the character relaxes slightly sitting down, and I loved him often how many times one of them got shoved into a pool pages decided. That was what you do is when one woman with wearing addressed with massive shoulder blades and a mass if ring whose an icon was pushes. other into a pool levels. Would grow handy liaison living there and its atley filled with an did here and a skeleton would flow to the top. With that way, when I was trying to say to you guys is that J takes all of these true
I've events and he writes these novels and all the demons are here is one of them and in their really I enjoy them so much because he has got the characters bumping into people from in the ets. That say, late, forties, really, These, then are the. This was the second, because in the second is the devil, may dancing in the about the rappahannock and rats and otters like a big character and right- and I love you- have members of the rat pack out trying to help solve the crime, which was really that really funny to me. He this site. Now I think they were then they the ban in any shape denmark. now hold on a second, this one seventy seven and like the both the main character, one of the main characters is evil. Can evil yeah? Oh yeah yeah. You can give us what to do now. You weren't alive fur cause is takes place only seven and it takes place
you're evil knievel jump of eyeing the bulgarian seventy three. Ok, but you don't. You were one when the snake river jump, a boy was I there. I remember everything: there is footage of a little boy wearing a tweed suit and large glass is that An adult would wear my stowed away in his saddle bags. Hey that nobody was. I thought that they said they said he would have made it, but he was unfortunately a pound and a half to heavy, and it was all tat we knew- and I would have similar memories, because in this book it takes place in seventy seven I remember nineteen. Seventy seven very welcome all these epic things happened, but you do reference. The the make river jump, which was a couple years earlier. That was such ass which event I remember as a kid. They told us that there are gonna, put evil knievel in a row get your fire him over a canyon, nothing, it's you know, sparked our imagination. in more than that, and there was no. I don't think it was broad cast away.
Was that we were visiting my cousin in stir mass and we raced out to the car. to listen to what happened, and I said well looks like you didn't make it, and I they thought he died. They thought he died because he misses. I don't even think he came close though he no it's. It was like one of those rockets from like up the road runner, wily, calonna rockets like really makeshift, and one of the other things it's a weird about. It is that this was actually considered like an f letting event like he was on the cover of sports illustrated. This is not a sport this wasn't I first what he was barely good motorcycle right. and again with, but he just was like he was well yeah, and it's so funny because in this book- and this was one of your main characters- one of the the two children in an an ike is working with an and you make this point he's not even writing motor cycles and I'm good. That you have done the research on this. I could complain because he s a kind of check out them.
gene and everything and he's working for evil can evil and he has to check out the machine. Erie and I'm guessing you, research, this that he's riding bikes you're, not even supposed to jump in no they're, not good they're, not good for jumping like harleys, and yes know it's really weird, but he was as willing to do it and he built this. You know what career that kind of in seventy seven is kind of the beginning of the end of it on seventy four was like his big everybody. There are people are age conan who think They remember him jumping over the grand canyon, but that never happened. There was saint river, any, never made it. It was in a rocketship, none and not on a motorcycle. What's clear that, as we know now know now, we get people texting us all the evil himself yeah himself yeah. I interviewed evil knievel on the late night should really all I remember is it was, long before he passed he D, move very well, and I remember because I think the thing at every kid new
how big evil knievel was. We all knew everything about evil knievel. I had it toy. Does it of the wind you and wind. I wouldn't mind up a motorcycle. You could do jumps with it and I spent thousands of ours with my evil knievel wind up and it would crashed. like evil waited line of evil above but Evil can evil, but we all know is it had broken every bone in your body like fifteen times and so the seat. This is at the beginning of the book. That's based on his real, a real event, which is In january, seventy seven he'd literally jumped sharks. Eight, but then this is like seven. before funds at it. Like you just like you said poor in Chicago and I think we see may be had soured on him. So he was university ass. It was a special
It was going to be hosted by telly, savalas and jill ST john naturally, of course, and by the way they were. The original hosts of this podcast tell us about. It was countered by needs a friend with telly, savalas and jill St John and and he was gone and it was and everything because this is post jaws jaws was, you know huge, but seventy five yeah and huge job, huge film, and so everything was jaws, and so he came up with this idea and so much of the stuff book having to do with evil, Google's just real from his actual press conferences from his actual events, and he any in rehearsals hurt him often so the entire the entire special went on, but he wasn't part of it and she kept us who needs evil. Knievel in an evil can evil specific. He shouted the shark at un level, no he did, but he landed wrong. His promise was the landing, but you mean he hurt himself now that jumping okay in the rehearsal and then went on to do no was rushed to the hospital with broken bones. It was the spencer. What did they do? All the other like side acts yeah
and occasionally they cut away to the hospital I would say where it were extracting a sharks fin. You dont, what's funny, that's in the book that you talk about it's a really funny, seen as them trying to get the sharks and they dont get good sharpness, therefore, for their arms they're, like small sharks, that little lemon doing right now, who are here, he's Jeez, basically jumping You know coins with larger dorsal fin and they had a camera in the pool. Just in case you in the pool, you could see the shark eat him out The sharks retreated horribly and, like a bunch of them, died on their way from florida. Chicago where they are in the mid middle, the winter in January stuff you couldn't get it, I mean now, if you, abuse of shark is much harder for you look Do it? Oh trust me I ever be. With those works. The guy's whole career was so spectacularly
bizarre that the judgment I didn't know anything about evil can evil. Really like that. I missed that when I was a kid, yeah, much more focused on like comic books in baseball, and but I have some brains at a really into it in and they really loved him and johnny knoxville is actually one of them who would like he but yeah I mean he did it he's got the scars to prove it and he did a documentary about him called being evil. It's really good yeah. They really kind of gets into the fact that this guy was kind of like a charlotte and he was just like a showman larger than life, who was able to like convince people that this was something real and so that just like a really good character to have ensued, much of the stuff in the book as actual things that happened to him, for it since he had this movie where he played himself called visa knievel and it was a huge flop and and and that also takes place in nineteen. Seventy, I
the seventies are filled with a let's just, try it, and in this crazy kind of way like true brand, the brain, the Brady bunch, which I've been. I had been off the air for like five years and some one said what if they a variety show and we dress them all kind of like evil can even like an jumpsuit route and we put them in a silent giant, sound stage with a limp excise swimming pool. And we got a bunch of us synchronize swimmer, women as a thinker, swimmers to deuce esther, william stuff from the nineteen forties right and will I them all sing, songs and dance. You mean the kids from the Brady bunch know how to sing, songs and dance. Oh, I have no idea how important he the seventies we're on coke. who care men are like eve, colombo, do what she says: it compromises
get another blindly, replace me because I'm on a middle daughter and they got a different approach. I play her and they never a tragedy. Reason she wouldn't know. I don't know I wouldn't do. I think that the time she thought she heard olympic sized size when she said, this probably doesn't sound good if they had come to her, like three years later should have said. Where do I sign, but ah it was just. It was just a crazy time. I went out to dinner last night and in no and that our waitress bomb was raised on a houseboat and, I said only quincy and the Blank stare that she gave me you know see emmy yeah, that's the price there's a generation or ghana no coincidence, I don't know who jack london played jack clubman. You know jack
I've been. Oh, you know the odd couple yeah well known about human lives here, why your dear quincy quaintly, whence they was a show about a medical examiner laid by jack clubman and it was kind of a big show, huge and, and he live gonna, give him some color. They had him live on a houseboat. He was a lady's me and he was a lady's. Here's the ladies man, but my battle in my favorite. I saw a trailer ones for a quincy episode this in real time in the late seventies and they said dan tune in tonight's. You know: quincy goes to the track for some food and its chosen a horse racing, but after the place, quincy Jacobin going go, go go when the horse I was down and you see the horse collapse, you see like what, We hope in the air, and then they say they saw the quincy. They just have a shot of
she needs looking down at the horse and he looks up dramatic anyone. This horse was murdered about as I do, and I can't believe I know it was like nineteen eighty and I was a shopping up and down in front of my tv set this forest, murder, but that's one of the shows what what was the show you did with with animal ass. It was but look well yeah well, get it a pot roberts. My when I did a pilot were Adam west called look well about her and that an end quincy was want, like bandage quincy show annex three legs were like it. They were part of what inspired you. Yes, there were. I who doesn't play by the rules yeah, but he's like in part of this system. He does a nun identity. I dont know why, and also there are always people are always saying to him. Quincy come on. It was a clear an attack, though it wasn't.
prove it. Many goes brushing often it so much youtube and look at these quincy clubs. There's why on hangover has he cried? Ok I'll go, do not allow nine busy that day, I gotta know I'll. Just put the kids to sleep early I went through modern early would like warmly to thank you, my kid goarly. You know it you would like, and I will move on to a more prosperous areas, but I swear to god is a clip out there there's an episode where quincy encounters the phenomenon of like punk me. And hung dancing and something bad somebody and gunnar I'm not kidding. They actually tried to recreate it. But it's like nineteen seventies, tv writers, conception of and it's the band is like yelling death, death, murder, quincy's in the audience going what what's wrong this I was murdered on was very cold porter, it's like when Elizabeth berkeley,
led by the belgian addicted to her. Can I have a dream? Oh yeah, like that kind of, like you know your edging up into territory that son now try to bring it, bring it up a little bit. Thank you for getting reminds me of a time. Bigtime rush made that movie where they went to london and the bad guys tried to get em should I went now went to foreign too. I know who big time rush is, but I dunno what movie you're talking about to know about everything sona, it's good to know about everything that kids don't know any of both of the stars that I know or or or think. That's what I'm quick. What's interesting to me as I grow up knowing about stuff in the fifties, sixty seventies, and you know once once it's happening in your lifetime, you know it, but sometimes I get the suspicion that now a lot of kids don't know.
Anything that happened before them. Is that just me being a crazy like anything? That might be you being a little bit of a joke? I mean people, no older things bit the things that you know or like shows that ran for one season at no one else, talks about really was quincy was a huge quincy was big, utilizing guy yeah quincy would have. It shows a huge areas, also like three channel hook. That is true Everyone was therefore why Quincy was quincy, was so big three chosen when slime or cast, but is it but the opposite also drew. I know what it is that what it's like with your kids, but my kids, know people well that I have no idea what they're taught you know when you go to the cvs or whatever and like magazine cover, and I'm like. I have no idea who their third one, I don't know who any of that is reality tv, but I think Out of it is, you know, JANET tells Kristen she better. Back
cause you know, Nikko is hers and it's something from below deck. The underwater series whatever and I dont know what I gave it sets a really good. Cabbie enough be a centre is no. I am still figuring it out. Yahoo, raven yeah. I think it's funny cause. I was wondering these books must be a nice, because you're day job. I would think it's very intense yet so you spend a day talking about, though it is, the idea of a democracy is that is the system pass that was constructed to one in forty years ago, possibly crumbling, and then it's ok. You can go home now and maybe it's fun to go into a room and be these a generic people that live in a different time yet and just it yes enduring. Yet, during this political era, it's nice to run away from it. Although there's a lot of obviously there's a lot of residence for what is going on today in this book, because the two plus I can lucy tell the story there, brother and sister ike is
with evil can evil in montana, and that is that becomes a kind of applauded, out, demagogues and people who follow demagogues like. Why would you follow like evil knievel decides he's gonna run for president can like a publicity stunt and he and this gang people who are living in the woods of montana start following him to Washington DC, to raise hell and then lose c is working for a brand new tabloid in Washington dc called the watchman sentinel, which is being started by british media magnates max lion, who is very obviously loosely based on rupert murdoch. In the book. He originally called them cooper dirt nissan early drafts, and then your lawyers got involved, newport goop gerda Allow me to Britain guard often heard droughts. Australian. Oh, I thought I was fantastic acts are not an eye is annoyed.
seventy get in a star wars and star roused mansion mentioned. I mentioned at the beginning, just check out his due diligence on yeah it. Now I can. I can rachel the girl he's in love with a reference are going to see star wars. Also, the a film then I'm sure you're familiar with called tentacles one of a million jaws. Now horrible movie stars henry fond like it has all these huge actors, it's about a giant octopus imagined and what you might not know, is it octopus octopi, don't even have tentacles, they have arms, so I wasn't even named correctly, while my wife what why everything well as it is again. This is called the late seventy business and that summers, let me seven, I remember really well, because I was and am a huge Elvis fan and that's the summer that Elvis died, which is also a plot pointing the land the big caravan of evil can able to stop at. sland and morn Elvis, and then he jumps over the
with and crashes racing by the way at the time was not a museum. It was just where he lived. Ass. We lived here say house is now museum. Even before I got yeah I'd like you to president, and I want you to think when you go room to room and you put your button, it's me there, and this is where I read the paper. Have you ever been grossly? Oh yeah, it's like the white house surprisingly well yeah. It is there small, I mean you can imagine when Elvis got Graceland and he's like twenty right and he buys this house. It couldn't imagine a bigger home and then these years later now that we live in this era of like make mansions and cap people being big spaces. Grassland is like oh cosy. It's nothing like
land now which have been so I'm gonna build upon land. I'm gonna build it. It's gonna is quite nice, I'm sure you and you're going to have they all hokey mountains. Have they ve all been to comment you both to bend to my home, yeah, yeah yeah? Of course, in their few times you don't even know what I saw you at a camera caught. You wants that for one another. I don't mind is good, is beautiful young blood, the big tourist attraction annually, guided trying to get it. It's celebrity starbucks mugabe, up up up up, I'm like waving the man you now allow actually see send outcomes, ozone added to give maps idea to the mapping out and out just your housing are sometimes I'm just say. I just say: I'm Adam sandler sounded and then from behind the hedge like, oh, I want. I got a guy, oh by the way he killed it. He killed at the sailor mark twain war. You did a great job, they would find. It was really fun night going did a great job you, what he definite put a lot of work into it in a good way mean yeah, got it. We gotta prepare you gotta prepared the way I prepare,
these things. I understand mr tipper about all the difference. the remedy, the demon, vs of achievements or years, We know that suck other crazy things happen and seventy seven so summer of sam, yet so seven, member, that being a big deal, you know what that is yet to do business a lot of people yeah, and he said that you can kill they tickled. He took a killer, then tickling was really bad. It was a cavalier. They never know who it was. You say I am getting a david berkowitz enough course diamond ring. He heard voices, yes, argyle, ok from an I got my serial killer, you do they arrested the dog, you think about it. For one or two sugar draw me: nobody really! Your dog is next on technical. I'm not led back to make our way
Duty of fifty four opens ya. Suitability for opens her aunt live is greatly hitting it stride by seventy seven, it's a huge thing. The new york city, blacker and we have lost most of Jimmy carter, takes office, Elvis dies, horrible horrible and guess who dies shortly after Elvis dies unknown pays attention because the eldest noses news is so big groucho Marx. Is that true? I remember being also huge march brothers fan and shortly after Elvis dies, Groucho Marx passes away and it gets Never we'll take a brief moment from all this Elvis covered showroom now that our thoughts on the same day as Michael Jackson, give rise at major hurried and Michael Jackson die like an hour or two later she really she'd. She got short shrift. I'm gonna have my policy,
I do a lot of calling around before I pass anybody out there. Any big stars does Conan O'Brien's about to go he'd like to reserve this afternoon, blog yeah. He wants the whole afternoon and into the evening yeah how's how's kimball feeling criminals. Fine. He took care of himself, oh colbert colbert needs. Ok is going to hang in for at least another month, good Well, I'm out man and then just as I am new to start to just go up to see the light. I'm start my, but my soul is going to to leave my body and then a massive star is going to be killed in a balloon here and I'm gonna jump back into my bottom thou, that was being around. That would be a feat I can do that, In addition, you should write a book about them at the great idea, literally as it as as another guy is obsessed with getting two thousand dollars. You also remembering trafficker, relax actually well, that's a book is much of its. Like a forty,
funny moving to end its who does it and is it tom, sawyer, huckleberry friend that sees his own funeral? I forget which wanted? you're, the mark twain expert. You tell me yeah. Well, I didn't get the prize, what you did out of it, but you think is Selma and you pass the quiz no idea. Sandler did, I believe, isn't it huck finn who's up in a tree and watches his own? What s the time sawyer, sir Tom sawyer, yes, Thompson at dumpster, I thank you for getting that. For us. It is it's tom sawyer. Some people think it's huck finn, but it's not it's. Tom sawyer sees his own funeral yeah, but what? If there were a guy who, like you, wanted to see? I want to see my spectacular media coverage that you get well, here's the other problem. We all know I do not have it also working with the timing, I can say,
somebody who covers these. Thank covers these things so, for instance, tina turner right. She died in like it was announced in an afternoon like like maybe like two o clock, and it got a ton of coverage but she was also mean she was alleged huge, wiped out by telling you like some of it is the timing. Like some of it. Has to do with, like how big is the other news going on that? So not this is on you. You need to organise this. Oh no don t there. I just gotta, be the death of him. You knocked according to him when he dies, but where it's a now, no bury it at a friday. I know my last thing, I'd do for you and I'm going to botch it during the oscars yeah. Also it's how you go. I think if I can you'll like if I bought a zeppelin and I took it up, you know what I mean and collided with another zap. and yeah, and you know it's gotta be spread out. You can't die of natural causes, wait a minute attacked by a lion, while in a zeppelin flying thousands of feet, you could be like rescuing. Someone like you
like oh that's good, that's good! Like your heroic, it's a heroic death. We didn't. We didn't appreciate him. While he was here, we didn't know we didn't talk, enough about his heroic said: hey how about this jake you're in the news business and I could ah I could slip you a couple of bucks. Let's say, however, I go and let's say it's even if it's it, you know just not it's it's not great I toilet yeah and I have just had largest oil and just I'm very bad diarrhea and I d of diarrhea and it was just a three day and that any bad people die of diarrhoea donor. That's a real like you. Would you announce all your water and your nerves, men? So my point: let's go at all. It is not alone, no one. It's not one bout of diarrhoea like days and days and out of a minor one long. Why I'm just an us one long explosion, and so my point is that's how I go. I gotta have shown a contact. You jake and you're, going to say
try to foil a robbery to protect. You know you ve got it You bet I slowness and is like in a bizarre diarrhoea acts and yeah actors that way and eight posts them on merit where I'm gonna, let no one to trust with death, navigator recently when I was like so I learned while running this book, that one of the reasons why some p- blamed. rupert for the death of Elvis presley and I'll. Tell you why, because he had a couple bodyguards that that his dad vernon fired and then they will tell Elvis is ok yeah and they did it. I tell all yes Elvis's to have elvis bodyguards. One was red west right and the I can remember which, when it was at least know it's in a bucket of other gloomy, what I have I never have contributed. I have
in so doing. I think you're reading through your own book. Now, while I have, as you know, I do do they ever cut back to you on cnn and you forgot and your reading your own body. Now that's the way to get up red west, yes, sunny, west and dave handler as told to Steve on leaving right, who were, for an ear close to work from her neck and that so they sold this book and this book came out and some people think it so depressed Elvis by the book was called Elvis what and then it was his two bodyguards saying man is he in rough shape, Elvis, and maybe people think that that was one that was one of the precipitating events that caused him to like overdose and that's how he died, and so there are people out there. Who blame rupert murdoch for the death of those present. I mean god because he published book, Steve dunleavy and might be other things to get manner. Rupert Murdoch about before that, I'm not saying I'm one of and also like they were telling them their story about office was true. They were saying about him was accurate night. Nobody disputes that
How did you know about red western sunny west? Oh, I know all kinds I just think I know a lot about elvis fanatic of fanatics. We'll crazier yeah. I know a lot about his big fan of when I knows when I, when I have areas of interest, I go deep and then I know a lot about it, and so that would include, but I think that that spreads over, I'd area there are many areas of interest, whether it's Elvis presley, Elvis costello Lou castelo of abbot Castello those three years now. Let me ask you a question about your life, which is Well, it's been a really tough newsday, yeah, bang you're watching thing go down that may be, can worry you as a but husband and father are you able to, go home and shake that off and sail it depends I insult. Sometimes yes, I mean look. Most news is not good news.
Right most ices is negative in some way or another. some things are very distressing. Obviously the school should, are very upsetting wars. if something we know generally, six was very upsetting that sort of thing that stuff, it's tough to shake it off but generally speak, I go home and I try to change the subject and writer yet to be with the kids and bit with the wife and not I don't watch news you were a watch other things. streaming or whatever, but like I'll, try not to watch any news. When I go do you mean I guess twitter has become a different thing, but really weird and resent your or you on it like the algorithm off I I could do just because I didn't go on that much. But there are certain ways we get the news and kind of a straightforward way on twitter and then I felt like it started. change. Now, I'm seeing a lot of stuff. It just really depress me and I feel like I'm A very heavy lends has been put in front of me. That's distorting the picture
like the there there's an algorithm that look all such a media has this now where they mean they ve all been doing this for their exacerbating and making a sea conflict in hate and stuff like that. But I feel like this new permutation of of twitter is like its shell Mimi things I don't want to see like there's a whole. I you know I have the people I follow and I want to read them, but legged default to some other group of tweets and, like I do who would I dont want to watch and want to release tweets from these oh wow, who are they like they ve added. This thing of like here are tweets that we would like you to read as opposed to. This is what you this is what you would like to re yet from you know, really awful p. and I don't know I mean it's just strange to me, but there. He knows what he's doing yeah yeah, that's all you see online is extremes. Like the people in the middle aren't really that active. It's the people are extreme
despite the louder, whose document twitter, eternal and also of other like when I go and read it. I feel like it's like. Sometimes it's very dooms ii will, of course, its read. It What are you talking about? That's when I go into the dark whereby takes a turn eager to see even the pornography I, why is very, I do miss day. If I were you I'd like to what's the point will be dead soon and then one took up a book about yeah, you're tents. One shown that report I thought it was shook about by our battle. I watch listen. I liked to score my own blog took up. Everybody wants, is everybody wanted that may listed on mute and then you do the music for men
by way of the poor and then put my own music la la sounded. Yeah. I guess I've never heard one jacket of liquor just never ever got. It was more like that's a good barretta episodes in your. I thought it was agreed upon than it was shook a bow by not allowing last time you guys watched poor Nothing is ever be set at a level that was the summer of porn we're all, except during the blackout. When suddenly all the porn went. That's why I went over ass. We all had to do something to recover. We was four years old and, of course, poor One chunk of one november, I'm telling
U S is all true at all in the body warriors and there's no point in the bar: no there's, no one. There are no point in our work. You're like if you were to do porn music. What would it be it wouldn't be? There would be no music, it's just the squishing sound. What are they making locked? His father had sex that. However present. This is not a switch know that the driving sign. I can't squares with my wife, and I got really dying, respected, newsman, rely on hand. Somebody stuff I raised happening, and this is what you do with its own, down this road and what will grow and I put beauty for music and then you come along with your physical, sound. There is the question which you and your husband high five each other during a fact. Zero
rushing sound, but clippers go to another hit. You these are good. They use a hooker mind. Why do you have to go to my babies mood because well, you could solve a sudden we're time. Are you having sex like canada? There get there to be. Only time we asked you had babies, baby yet with no less than I did this podcast you were about to have twin and you you suggest, I name them leopold and low. That's ran, it has again scary. It now think leopold. Love is the perfect named Eric and while any someone out there are so many of you, I saw such a scenario and runs adding up how events eddie well that problem where they guilty. We don't know man and little boy yeah, my while nuclear bombs we're up as they are less right. That's right! Why?
well, no. I mean what, if I'm just saying if one of her kids were a little chubby or then the other one that could well that little boy runs a little thicker. Well, there you go brady, probably listening. I now in a single tears going down. His mama thinks I'm chunky I want to make sure I mention this. All the demons are here. This book is out. There is a large show. At the end, which is telling you it's giving you basically factual, follow ups, the announcer just a but those in the end of at the end of every books, if you like know, what's real in, what's not real from all the stuff around about, because there's historical fiction, its historical factions that Israel things and if you want to know you know, did Jacob De Jake make up. You can always at a real movie and you just go novi became it was real phone and then I do the review from the nineteen seventy seven daily variety in the most daring if his career, evil knievel leaps over a mountain of blazing keith cliches in the cavernous plot, that's over every that credit had made up their mind before they went. I think they went in out to hate evil. Can evils movie
I would have written a wonderful review for that movie. Well Jeanne kelly was well. This is double era. I remember this. Was it the swarm? It was about these killer bees coming up and they got huge stars to In these are the urban alan s all the early on disaster films had the biggest hollywood stars of the thirties and fortys and fifty's were in disaster movies in the late seventies and eighties, and that's mostly them saying my god. How could this happen? Think about the town? inferno. It had Paul newman, an stephen queen and oj simpson and fred astaire. It's right. You ve gone fire right, down in all of them right and george Kennedy. A george Kennedy is in every almost every disaster movie, but also that you talked with the killer bees thing in this. We value needed so many people in this programme to say about the swarm, not the swarm but but killer bees so went so in the seventies. This was a legitimate
here whose old enough to aren't you? Are you the only note you can you? Maybe you to know now twice I let you pointed to play, who is actually about twenty two, but whenever, wherever he went through a horror, I remember two years ago diametrically eyes. These were a big thing that we're gonna kill us all. So right they were coming from south amerika there come. They did a horror movie about it called the swarm they did. There was an embassy did a special about it and researching this book. I found out that it was all pretty much in good, bye, rupert murdoch to sell paper home socks, san into and not prepared to say that the heard the first newspaper cooper he bought the san antonio newspapers and they basically scared the shit out of the country to sell papers and they look the bees were a real thing, but it was you they were. It was gonna take years for them to get to the united states, and you only really. It wasn't like why one would sing you that you have to be like, like a thousand would have testing you to kill anyone know now. it was it was of. I remember It- was again an incredibly cheesy kooky movie about the killer. Bees coming in taking over time
and I remember there's at one point it was Michael kane was a scientist. in his warm aside onto a michael kane impression, adulterous be nixon again, but now but Michael kane says a couple leave. It was the bees they ve always been offered. I take that I like, above all, that of all the insects. It was the bees it's more like gum. I can't believe, What's the big it was the base. slow its a I'm really shocked. I can't believe, but data it was a bs, took a turn but well again very about propaganda, baroness thirty or love. is Mary poppins. Alright, alright, for all do you remember? Do you remember that I'm the voice of reason here then the shit has hit the fan. You remember when you remember the horror movie starring Michael Caine called the hand I just watched that did you watch really. I haven't seen that or I
a door that move. He is a cartoonist who loses his hand in a car accident and then the hand starts killing people behind escapes it's killing people and then should we do the spoiler alert yeah I wouldn't worry about it sure whether its is it in an adjoining. It or its manifesting like his undertaking is he killing people older and these imagining that it's his hingham creeping along, I gotta, say no, I'm going for its actually the hand correct, but you know fired up like the last minute and it s very well. I didn't loaded oliver stone yet who plays a cameo as a bomb in that area. We are more time. Let's cover some movies that are your honor What are you guys, because your books are filled with all this stuff than the next thing? You know we're talking about the hand and swimming get the word out on the hand.
think, written and directed by oliver stone, yep and that same old story about a The tune is to loses his hand of nineteen. Eighty one and the hand, of course goes out and kills people so check that out. I'm sure that's one of those movies that when you look for it on streaming, he will not find it. Oh, I got. I got places. We know you hardly have you got it? You? Don't south africa check out her dark where, where she has the squishy born right and I'm gonna, why did subway? I don't get it. complex and don't look at high five aright right, Jake tapir book. It's a thriller, The demons are here: it's a book, go and read a book. I know you're a new york times best selling author. Yes, it's a big deal or it's a cool thing will. Thank you so much. You guys are very you're, very kind, we're not professional I dont know that we ve helped you in any way here, but I think listeners read books. I think they do
Do they very we're trying to euros mark or try we're trying to weed them out? I thought you ass, I think you're smart, we did, we ever knows they were very and we have very cool fans and very erudite since I believe I jake's apple thanks guys got ready to go in peace. Thank you. So much I the I was editing the podcast not long ago, and I don't know if you remember this, but in one of the intros we had a conversation where you were talking about how you told your dad eating a meal. I don't I don't like this in your dad said. I don't. I don't know what you like. I don't know said. Why should I care what you like and don't like her disk all of our little sibling rivalry, have you know, I think, give very funny, guy. You did this. my son there or you dear you're, that age conan telling your father what you like as editing- and I was fucking role-
I remember it. Well, I don't remember the boy's father yeah, that guy and when I really like to do is when I'm really doing a prissy. young fellow I like say instead of father the latin potter. The latter and I have a little bow. I think I know you're going. I think, your son, what is it there? it should be cleared. I know I'm one of six and I'm in the middle Thank you know by now, I'm not a fan half and half I like two, but we haven't have as its little to say, but you President gets it just right. It's not quite as This gives us, as they d were lousy part air, don't catch her, don't get your pay
he's in a bunch potter, coming error coming to us Do you have to catch me? Fires. I've got one of those old timer, This goes for the giant front, we'll it's called a velocipede. we're a penny farthing. If you will I'm getting upon it right now and you'll have to catch me. We have zipping around the room. My father's, in his lab coat trying to catch me, can area cream You say again so that we can forget get two percent. Is the money. For me, one percent too thin happened have to I love that the other five children, a hundred percent normal children and here the only that, whereas a little I will tell you a true story, which is. This is an absolutely true. joy about my brother luke? We lived in brooklyn, she sits and we would walk there. Was this store that we would go to and
It was like a small grocery and our parents would send us. My mom would send us an errand. They can you go get some hamburger. Can you get this? Can you get that the star was in this one area with these? I do, though, these tougher kids, like the irish catholic kids that played hockey at which my brother and I definitely were not- there were the ones at play. Hockey and they kind of new. Those are those weird kids, their fathers, like a scientist and they read happened. They are day and I think we kind of stuck out. They thought we were strange. We I my brother look: is it a very highly intelligent, he's, really smart and he was really very propose this at that age, more smarter than I was and still is much more than I am, and we would we walked and a start market one day and these tough kids, Moreover, they kind of half surrounded us and they were sort of pushing us the thing to say the least in our town in those days was, if you want to say something negative, but some use it. Will you mental? Would you mental
it was like hey. What are you mental and they were kind of shoving us a little bit and they were seen to look. What are you mental and luke actually said to them. Well, mental is latin, implies of the mind. So it's kind of a compliment thing you very much The meeting that ensued lasted for twenty minutes. I was on your side tony's by mean to get you know. I do remember that I know well and you know: luke luke wade all have like eighty pounds and I and I probably weighed eighty one pounds and he was older than me, but he had like I dunno. He had been a little sickly, so anyway, it was just abs What do you do when your brother, you just hide? Oh, I think I said I I know him even though we loan identical here, you go, look so much a young people did think we were twins practically, but I was, I think
pretty much had a standard line which is, I dont, know this man about helping help him and yes, if anyone Its tired hitting him, I'm a pretty good head her here. Let's stick yeah exactly you know you don't have to use your fears. Some rocks over here. That way you don't. bruce your novel and then of course at the bottom of the pile would say. Well rocks are actually there denser will bone of the fierce. So I think collins gotta good point, as you know it, The greeks believe yeah yeah. What do you mental well latin does involve as and then I'd run home. My father, airports, air, some hooligans thrashing local ones, was
Luke is the one one year older than I, but a year separates us over the six years to when I am three part here, what a thrashing he's taking I've been trying to do anything about. I was you know about it. our biology, father, you say like a biologist? Why do you sound like a prize fighter? I'll say by the way. Did you pick up? That too yeah. Many way, a little luke, I love you glory is still smart. Better than may, but man should not whipped out that latin in front of the faith. Never Are key players for that. The minutes on you, man,
Conan o Brien needs a friend with Conan o brien stoneham of session and mac goarly, produced by me, mad goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher. At your wolf theme, song by the white stripes incidental music, by Jimmy vena, taken away, Jimmy are supervising producers, errand blair and our associate talent producer is jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent, looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and brick com. You can write and review the show and apple podcast, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Gotta question for conan call the team cocoa hotline at three two three four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you have an already, please them scribe the cardinal Brian needs. A friend on apple pie casts nature or wherever fine, by cast down.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-14.