« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner

2023-12-18 | 🔗

Albert Brooks feels confused about being Conan O’Brien’s friend; Rob Reiner feels almost honored to be Conan O’Brien’s friend.


Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner sit down with Conan to discuss their new documentary Albert Brooks: Defending My Life, legendary bits from The Tonight Show lost to time, the fleeting nature of fame and legacy, and much more.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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colonel brian's friend. That's so close to being a real deterrent statement from those of you who are working on the fence either welcome becoming brian needs, a friend, joined by My two friends, I consider you friends, Nine know took a while five years, yes fourteen So how long have you been with me? You know I actually does the message you recently because I found alive Ten years ago, on December third, I found out. I got my job because it's my best friend Christine's birthday and an eye. I e mail, you actually memory was very sweet and she said that was fifteen.
Years ago that she match was gonna, be my brand new assistant cause. I was moving out to LOS angeles to host it tonight show for forty years the plan what off without a hitch, but We had the view, and then I you were told that you were hired and then we met at a coffee shop yeah on santa day in brentwood, I remembered in the meeting that that for some reason he was sitting on a couch that the very low couch and had a soft cushions, so people s huge and appearing to set up this woman. So now she seems really brighton she's. Here recommended answer I hired her and they're like well, which would she, like, I said, she's got dark hair she's really short cause. I just remember thinking you were really sure because you sunk into the couch. So then I meet you. This coffee shop and you are tall protocol, anybody but they have your hair was was. Oh, you had your hair by not also argue over, feet high,
he came in and I remembered it sooner had a note book and she was writing everything. I said down very seriously and we had a professional exchange with now. Were the last high, so hilarious and I say I did more to corrupt corrupting immediately than any, why you did all of it. I did all my koning stick and how quickly you said, I'm not gonna! Listen to anything! This guy says nothing serious, he's a fool yet, but I always go back to that. First time so no walks in taller than I remembered that's the first thing it struck me note book. Writing breathing down and then on our own initiative, because I was my whole family out from the ark she made a book for me like a professional book that shit bound of it said hears what help. Thinks you know about outlay and it included when it
strains and allay there's a lot, a lot of sediment: doesn't it doesn't rain regularly, so drive more carefully menu for an hour? Not seriously was filled it, and it was a book that you could have published that you just made on your own, and I remembered thinking this person is fantastic and then I immediately corrupted you yeah, then it remit. Me of on the simple since I didn't write this. but someone wrote this joke where you know barneys really smart and he studying hard for the No s, eighty or something exist, and then homer keep convinces, seem to have a drink, fear any has immediately turns into barney in any of our annual gardening homer. I realized tat. I infected you with the council stupidity yeah. Then that was all gone, and then it went from here.
Sona, you know, when is my car going to be atomized out of the shop? Doesn't have his car seat talk show host when we have awaited now sona? I know I'm just curious when it's going to be out, so I know that I don't have to take an uber uber boo. Well yeah. I think you're, giving me too much credit. I think your kids actually said the most accurate thing, which is you melted, half my brain, assessing about sewn on they weren't. You melted have her brain and these are little kids. I somewhat about the first f. Anyone that was already method, but I think that is the passages aggression and my relationship with Sonia now goarly came to me more fully formed A human being and I've tried to damage you but you seem more resistant. All I'm pre damaged, pretend yeah. I think of you see what you have it together over now fallen apart, ok, yeah! Well, you make fallen apart, look pretty good
have real nice. Now it's it is. It is funny how these little memories come along and you'd. You time travel back to Oh right, I was an adult who was a tv host who was meeting an assistant, and we were professional yeah seconds before it all went to cool. you got an just just gonna. Do a deep dive people before it met you and after they met you and how how much you ruined Well, you know an amazing ass, my wife, my my wife, is just so advises so adept at pairing my madness and have you no handling it? And you know that thing I do where I'm just saying crazy things, and I will say what you say
four and I'll say: don't let him bother. You talk about myself, the third person and I managed to get people around me going. What do you mean him and I go he's just bihu and I'll be like Conan conan just in one of those, it's just conan doing his conan thing and there ain't no york, it's so great because I do that around lies and she's like ah okay. So anyway, lately I'd pay is not having a unique all of us and higher able. Yes and you didn't you, do it on purpose. Like ironic you can't work anywhere else? No, now I've been ruined, yeah, yeah yeah, I know it's, none of us can work anywhere. Eduardo Eduardo could still hasn't been. And yet eduardo, I think, could still and you will soon, work, someplace sentence. You because I know you have a look of someone who's like I'm out of here, but at work do I haven't ruined you yet right, not exert yeah, but you are very comfortable giving me. Tons of shit constantly. Now I am begs the soda yeah yeah, that's my legacy.
came in the other day and to immediately attacked me for some ever was lived off any one more time. I know how you weren't a like walking down the street in a lonely. Wanna go get flips me off that guy. Don't talk to me about which I would like to work for seven years, like scared of Never know that. I know I do yeah. No, no one has anyone who knows me as immediately on afraid to just to tell
exactly what they think, and I think it's this it's not that I don't want to speak for you too, but it's not that you feel like power for it's more a defense mechanism of like I, you have to put up your walls with this guy. You have to defend yourself. This guy by the way, is out of control. This guy is this guy conan and I've noticed it too with him, I think, he's. I think I think he's insanely, talented as Matt know, he's say: look I'm saying this as I've watched him for a while. He isn't crazy off the charts and wrap it up dick face yeah, I'm probably means conan to match credit. That's how you have to deal with these is what he's what he's a once in a hundred your talent, but then I thought the round. This is how we have to be dealt with, but I've. What you guys are doing is perfect. I went away. You are a once in a hundred years, something like a suit army,
we'll bring it back to being me again stories hey. I just showed up that other guy just koreans, yuck yeah! Ok, hey! I am very excited about that. Other guy thinks yeah, I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled. This is a very special time. Casting a serious eye. It really is. My guest today have been friends for almost sixty years. One is the filmmaker behind such classics as when Harry met sally, and this is spinal tap. The other is a comedy legend who started film like modern love and broadcast news. Now they have a new documentary streaming on max and it is it's a. Must you just watch this. I have watched it. I think now, three times I love it settled. Brooks defending my life. I am honoured network. I even do it justice and beside myself that they're here today rob reiner our group's welcome there's no way around this I'll get out of the way I've done.
How many of these have. I done Adam five hundred twenty honey as a big day. For me, I'm totally love with both of you guys and you're incredible of work, and so the fact that you're here talking to me is a huge deal and that's pretty much all the time. which had rapid up there, because there's these are two men, don't wanna be complimented especially speciality. Have a hard time without very sanders. I want to be you wanted to back incredible albert, and what can I say you know I think the same albert yeah, I have to say, does a lot to talk about here. I wanted to start because it just happened. We just lost norman leir, I know you guys both it has been very well and for you rob like a second day. He was yanina, I'm very lucky that I had to role models in my life tat. I
I could look up to and I learned from I mean I met norman as a little kid and he I you know he tells the story. I don't remember it, but he tells me that I was playing with his daughter, who was eight years old, were both eight and were playing jacks and I was teaching or how to play, giving the rules to jack's, and apparently I was due in a funny way. I did know- and he told me others at you and all your kid is really funny have sand and my dad sudden, really that sullen child of my body, so Nora, was of hers guide. I reckon I say out at times of change, because that's how long God was that the thing was here. Kid is so funny playing jack's. Today nothing said
about a kid with a little girl is ever good, but wait a minute. I'm calling your day it's a very creepy county. I have an alibi. We were both aid. I was there when she was nor your advance for you and your line for much of your adult life. Yes, we want later on in your line to say, you're old enough to be cancelled. What first ball norman was was a hundred and one hundred members. We unbelievable and of course your father carnal lived Ninety eight and I it's some event and this may be two years ago and norman was talking, and he talked about this longevity thing with communication. Swear to god. People always ask us it's something out laughing all the time he set em. If they wait a minute, then Henry kissinger yeah
Those very rightly was very boundaries very fiery laughed every day. I once said the emperor, and how did you do that same vietnam? Did he get any land? I told them. The pueblo was real right now, but many did audience worth having, yes, I mean to say his crowd, working with spectacular from where, you called out to whether you pose so appointed I will give you laugh you every day you live in a very long time. Well now, now mayor- and although you have you think people we know contemporaries are no longer with us laughed. I don't think it's any of that. I think it's lucky now. Ok, why try to say
sweet positive. Our tell me out of the knee halbert put a damper on now. I don't feel good now I absolutely loved the documentary thanks defending my life and thought it was beautifully done and what was great was. This has been long overdue because your body work albert is insanely, rich and ingenious, and inspiring fur generation comedians, but it took a frame because you guys knew each other. You met in high school right where you met in high school as an area we ve known each other sixty years and I wanted to do this when you remember the film my dinner with andrea when it came out at that point, I said to albert come on we'll go to a deli, we'll sit down, we'll be my lunch with albert and we'll do it and he never wanted to do it at that point and then, at a certain point I dunno what made you change your mind, but we decided to
do it and that became the centrepiece of the of the document was just sitting in a restaurant. In talking to someone I came to me before rob with the idea of doing a documentary and it didn't it didn't work out. But then the idea see was like the idea, but to do it it's good. So then I was having dinner with rob and I you know are you do ever want to do my lunch with albert and I said well wonder if we combine this, do that and then we all broaden it out and do clips and talk to people. Will the absolute rocket fuel are the the bits And because the committee bits that you are doing, they were not there, evergreen daybreak every single sketch bit that you ve done where there is on the tonight, show with a flip wilson show with johnny cash show or mean their people.
What shows I can't believe who hated everybody had to show brought home an old ryan of rights shall yet unbelievable everybody there only by set it in the documentary that it was like he broke. The sound barriers like truck yeager yes and they found a new way of presenting comedy and albert was well. That's been misinterpreted. What I was saying is albert's as funny as chuckie agar, and then people took it this other way and who was funnier kissinger or chuck yea. I would say: yeah you're, not a fair pay, but you did a kind of there was a kind of comedy who I made up a job. The other dahlia yeah me alarms,
iran was at a party and told of these people a joke and no one laughed. He told a joke about the moon and no one laughed and he said well, I guess you had to be there yeah. I was with you. I love this moment. The first time I met albert was at this event. I'd never met him before and I was in this up. Oh oh back up just a second because I was so relieved. You said something in the documentary rob that resin. With me, which is I've met everybody just about everybody. And I'm never intimidated. I was intimidated to meet albert. I was worried about it. I thought were propaganda, but into each other at some point- and I felt a little queasy out at and then you say in the documentary that you always were intimidated by by albert well, I do not just intimidated. I e you just, whereas this coming from this
and you never I've never met anybody that I a mind that work that way and other comics bureau, established colleagues at Larry David in the dock. memory says the same thing that he was euro zone. Happy when Albert gave him a broom. to a joker, he said, or something like that. You have done and I mean I in circles, with. I don't care who they were. It was robin Williams Billy, as I don't care who, where and when we got together and people started flirting when albert started. When albert went it was like you, know, challenge dance when everybody's challenging when albert started, everybody backdoor everybody backed up because they knew that get there comes the guy. Here's bay,
roots that stepping into the cage and none. I always thought it was a cool thing and then, when I got married, my wife said it's because you never shower. You think. That's why they're backdoor yeah yeah yeah, I remember he had good person. You know give us. Nobody has. Albert was the first time. I met you. You will remember this, but someone's house was standing by of a pool of you tell me a story that was really funny and I laughed legitimately laugh- is very funny story, and you had some friend with you. I didn't know. the fringes gonna shrug said? Well, I guess he had to be there and turned on your friend and went no
No, he laughed. Apparently, you didn't have to be there, and I was I was in the moment watching. Remember I said: don't you understand that expression where nobody laugh? If somebody laps, you don't have to be anyway stupid man, I don't know who it was but forever in my mind, I I cherish that, but Albert albert we talked about this in the documentary albert would go on National television live television without ever trying out the bit. He yet an ado. Do that to me is talk about working without a net. I mean this is in the case and that for the cello, which was what would make anybody could not, but but now no brats bordering on your had to be. I had another reference, no, no, but he would do this
and you know we shared a house together and- and I don't remember it exactly, but he did the first time he did the mind piece. I don't think it worked, didn't work the first time you did it while the very first time I don't think it worked. It was the Steve Allen show in work. So, but we knew anybody. The point is he doing a mime and he came out in the white face and the leotards in any, never stop talking, it's so fun. So it's a brilliant piece and it didn't play the way it should have, and then time goes by and I think you were called to do the tonight show or something and a I said albert. What are you going to do on the show really says? I'm gonna do the mime piece- and I said yeah, but it didn't get it, didn't do well, he says yeah, but it's funny, I said I know it's funny, but it didn't get the guy. He says yeah, but it's funny and vat the thing that I learned about albert, which is, it is funny you just the audience, has to catch up to with ages afternoon and Johnny Carson was hosting and he came.
In the same kind of thing, where they were a little bit hesitant, they didn't know, Johnny went and I was there. Johnny literally fell off his chair and the audience said I see yes, I get. A lot of times. In my experience, if, if the audience is looking at the host and the a want permission and that they need need permission and they know everything's, ok, yeah yeah, so that bit come out you're, talking you're, describing I am now walking against the wind and does it, but then you just it just goes into stand up. Come as a mine about my wife and I said she said she was thirty pounds. I still look behind you you'll find it and you are in total mine make and- and the thing is that I think when I, when I talked in the dark about breaking sam barrier to me it's about the level of commitment and it's why think it was no surprise that you turned out to be of such an excellent actor
when you're doing these pieces, I think there was a time in show business. Were you needed to? Let everybody, no I'm sure, business. These are jokes: let's have a good time, nudge, nudge, wink wink and what you were doing was this deniro, like commitment that you made it ok for everybody to to sort out with respect to people. The audience is the last. I know anything there there you don't or understood the idea of doing it for an audience, because the audience doesn't know any. thing until they see it, so you do anything they haven't seen before. You don't get immediately rewarded like one pre viewing a movie with cards the movies that get a hundred or the movies they ve seen every other weaker right. The familiar familiar unfamiliar, doesn't get a good grade, but it. What do you do you just never do what the hell? I'm you know it's. Certainly it's the same. If we go into a restaurant,
fine rest. Roundworm were served a dish We don't know anything about this, we take them. We take the word of the a person who wants the rest random. We taste something we ve never tasted and if, if the world didn't have that possibility and by the way, I think our businesses? That's the whole The grail is no risk. and- and I think, as algorithms get mature and, as more executives get parking spots lee than the rule. sk. As less and less because it's a business, why do you want to take a written, and I learned from Albert you know when I saw how committed he was to doing that bit even noted I, when we first the screen spinal tat, which the united states had done real life before that. But this was the first color about rock and roll, and yes on iraq, documentary and and weep prevented in dallas and people can
to me afterwards- and they said I don't understand, why would you make a movie about a ban that nobody's ever heard and one that so bad? And I said so: it's like yeah. They did no what we were doing. It took them a while to figure out that this were making fun of as you know, and I now by learn from albert you gotta, stick your gun, and hopefully peep the audience- will catch up they'll like the dish that they there were, sir. I think what I learned in the dock was it I talk about. I mean I think that there is a remain drill show if you had one hit single, they suddenly gave you variety show and Phyllis our like. You did the oily. What do you mean was the circuit, it was asserted, it is what you did is you did all of these shows and the bits are fantastic and you're a bit after bit after bit europe elephant tamer. That comes out, but you know the crowd, I'm an elephant, tamer rival these tricks into the oven. The elephant got sick, just use of frogs.
Just like the sandy and it's such a beautiful, I mean you're laughing at hearing the idea that any execution is absolutely fantastic. You're doing these bits These shows long before you get to johnny and I think one of the keys in in you show business that its harder to find these days is there were places to work he's out, you were doing it on television, but before you got to the holy grail, which was carson, brow If you do johnny Carson, as you say, in the dock, the next day anywhere you when you talk about going to the dry cleaner, the next day, hey great bet, everybody had seen it and but I was fortunate because I didn't get to that show with that. I got the show in his mind, is established, There wasn't, and I didn't even want to do that. I begged agent to get onto the cabinet because he was the thing he wrote The John lennon was on there and they re like me, so I want to johnny carson by default and one a great defaulted
was because nobody watched a catholic you know I'm a couple. A college kids but Johnny Carson was like a pig half way to another universe, virility the equivalent of being today, the closest thing you can think of John- carson on a tuesday night. Today the only thing comes closer, maybe the superbowl that that's how many people or tuning in you've got maybe half the country watching because he had a novel. It was the superbowl for people. You knew because I did add Sullivan and You know one paper. They said that was fifty million people, but it wasn't. people I saw in los angeles now, if you go, Do saint Louis, that's where He had solomon do watch, but it wasn't the group, it wasn't the market. I went to wear the dry cleaner or my day, but the carson show, everywhere you went the gas station, you johnny. You know, that's that's what that got away.
Were you leave just didn't, go to places word Sullivan. Will I couldn't travel anywhere? I know I always I got very. I've always had an average. If you have to travel more than two thousand miles, we get a compliment. Don't you like? Yours is two thousand minus four thousand, like I have a wider circle because I'm a hungrier going along, I you know. I went to war who once after that hawaiian bit, I did just to walk around but get people saying now. I know why You know from shopping to streaming, whatever you're into its own, I mean what ever your into its on prime,
it's true. I don't know how many times I can say that, because it's just so true so whatever you're into whatever you're into when you think about amazon. Prime, your mind propose to one thing: whether free shipping or streaming something unpleasant video, but no not true- and this is what really gets my goat. The reality is isn't just one thing is a collection of amazing services, including prime video amazon. It? Prime, Prime fast free shipping is a problem where you can go to pursue your passions getting right of whatever you're into or getting into an unwise said it that way, you can listen to little progress on amazon, music, prime. You can watch the lead content on prime video and order something with next day, prime delivery. Whatever it is, what say or a jazz fan, but what say bodybuilder beekeeper, an astronaut prime helps you get more out of your interests I gotta tell you it's always there. Now it's
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You know it's interesting rob! You got this taste with all the family. How old were you? Is it nineteen, seventy seven, When I was twenty three twenty three, and that's a show that everybody in the country starts watching I mean it was, I remember in our family hours, but that's what you did you watch all in the family. By the way we were a country of two hundred million people at that time and you at forty forty five, and people watching every week and they couldn t vote Davy. Are you you have to leave their united, the water when it was on the other, a shared experience by forty fifty million people, watching this every week and that's what a big successful sift come. Was you had to get those you know those
extraordinary numbers, but if you didn't get thirty million life you didn't stay on was hilarious. Now to look at the rate at him. A row late now helped eroding overtime. Nobody serious it is it's a catch eroding over time, but I should have back. I rang laughing at one point: one million armenians: let's get a million people die yeah it like I have monster, hid his five to ten million people and they're, not all watching it. The same way that Nielsen add to come up with those things. Are there we're gonna go out of business, those after things. You know you can't win Can a pay you to tell us seven hundred thousand people watched, ok, ok, well, look, seven and then another two hundred thousand watched on their watch today at all, I write em for what are you doing
to cite in there soon. Forty thousand heard it and ten thousand people told someone else off all right. All right will come up when you get to talk to anybody about a show that you see that's right, they always say I didn't see daddy I bony ought always don't tell me, don't tell me so you can never have a discussion. I have often everyone. Water cooler is gone yeah, but I remember how much of my life I turn was seeing. Oh, you on all in the family and how that was a cultural event, you being johnny or you're films on s, an owl? You talked about it? it would have madonna. been and then utes eat all talk about it. My friends were in the committee and I would talk about it and brookline mammals. Think about think about this talk about appointment, television, saturnia lively first came on? That's it saturday night that and you had to watch it when it was on, and it was
I was on eleven. Thirty and Having thirty and on the west coast, kids, young people in parties will stop whatever they were doing and why saturday night and that that you know also we have to bring this up because it's in the dock thing I did not know, which is that you were approached by lorn at in and dig er sich ever saw a wonderful, wonderful man, yeah yeah you, you have a great love for him. Don't you know, I know his knowledge of comedy is stunning yeah anyway? What are we guys on the rushmore he's on the run? He's not rushmore. But anyway those guys approached you about building Nl around you here and I think, that's an you said. I think that's a mistake. Well, I hear something I you know it's fifty years ago, when I'm maybe lorn has another memory of it, but it wasn't that complicated, The fall of seven
Before I went to a meeting and they are, they said cause it would that was Johnny Carson's rerun night and they said we're going to stop doing that. We're going to put an original show. We wanted we live from new york and we'd like it to be albert brook show you, Would be the host now I had murdered, would television twice before and and god the way with the life works I didn't do it one about two and a half years earlier. I got off. For my own summer, show on CBS sick shows and I mean it's gonna, be the Alber brook show what what what kind of show willoughby I was. You know, really starting to think. There were offices, we got offices and then, I was asked to, rural burnett, who was the big CBS star we honour, and I was asked to perform at the event, and I
didn't have a lot of stuff. I had bits that, did from the road, one of which was on my album comedy minus one not to be confused with god, Zella minors. Somebody said is that where you it's part of a monster yeah. I don't know what shall I perform to that, and I did this bit that I did on my record, where, if you're a comedian and you're performing in the south and you're bombing, then you Have that fail safe? You dig deep and you come out and you pronounce it clearly a new somehow get out the word shit. And that turns everything around laugh with guy. I said people run out. They build a statue in the past year and so basically was shipped My life show them
stay. I get a call and william Paley called my agency and said this far. mouth. Young man will not appear on my network, Am I didn't do that when an earlier on I was gonna, do is sit. Combat I backed out of in a meeting where that was already a go, Erin spelling was producing it. It was. a whole season approved I live near the last question said well. Let me ask albert though, what are you for this character and five years- and I said, suicide yeah, I stood up and I said I'm not ready. This is not gonna work and I left and the agents follow me in the elevator in one of them said you should wait, you should wait and the other said. I don't think it's a good. He should do it in and so after those Two I was done. Would television I wanted to make movies.
So a I wasn't, gonna do the Alber brook show, but I all I thought that they were talking somebody from los angeles and when they said we're doing alive, show and alive. thirty in new york to me live meant nothing there. it wasn't alive. I didn't see anything that I wasn't supposed to see if somebody in new york setters swear. Word would mean like shit. You must cut out long before I saw it so I had a couple thoughts I said well, wouldn't make more sense. I mean the tonight show in essence is live they now Stop what, if you did one at four thirty in one and seven thirty and put the best to get the air, but they wanted live, and obviously it worked. It was you know, but I knew that I would be John belushi I'd be on eight grams of coke. I'm not good starting at eleven. Thirty
It's why I hated the road. I never got that. Third, show at midnight. It just didn't make sense to me too late to too much and an eye you know every sure, was the same- owes you should use different owes each week, so they said okay. Well, thanks for coming in then form and went by they hadn't done anything. They came back to me. We won't you associated with the show. What do you want it? I said I wanna do short fell. so I made an agreement to do it. I did him here and for that, in the spring of seventy five lorn, I did the national junket in Those days they were, Take the sheraton, universal and every Reporter would have a different room set up the room, so they could pretend you came to them. Yes, so you walk into a room there be of his fate palm tree. Albert brooks. Welcome, afford fort lauderdale. Thank you.
Wow, it's sweaty out there I loved. If you played a lot area- and it was the same interview so you're going to make short films for a new show. I am what's the show about. I don't really know here's the you sure, ass glory, and he didn't know at that moment. What's the matter about what we're gonna have the new kind of comedy- and it's gonna be new in that show, then from that point Lord god, his prime time players, and he, I'll be show that has been the longest running shown on television. So obviously he did it perfectly, but that's the way it went down, I loved it. The short film that I remember and am must believe in god is in the detail scene. I just love the little things and and devils, and then the devil is in. The detail is both in the detail. I worry. I wish you hadn't brought that, but the
the school where they teach you a comedy. That's what I was not for salary eminent for essential. Now that was the first thing that was first show called the great american their dream. Again I just remember is that was that I have written on article four esquire called yells of brooks famous school for comedians, in which many people, serious men men tell us how many people apply, who in two thousand and testing out readings of these tests, but where my favorite, we have pictures of school famous artist school and then we do not aspire to a common challenge: gas there's a shriek don rickles woman wearing that mink over their looks like a beer squirrel, yeah, yeah title you're, not gonna, get no, you have to check the box. While there is it, it's you walking down the saying is indifferent class going on in each room, and then you see in this class we're gonna look at students are learning the spit. Take new member.
and any thomas on his show would do- is someone with his It would give him bad news and hid spit his coffee out here there learning the famous spit take. What's he s going, you open the door and when I love it's, it's a bit smoothie thirty students in a horse you shape around and as a teacher talking, the floor is covered submit any coffee, and I always remembered seeing that and a howling might know what's coming and- and it was this wonderful thing that many people think combat he's not knowing what's coming now, there's a beautiful kind of comedy where you're told you open the door for aid wherever they may, do it ain't? No, no lucille, you dribbled, that's not did I didn't spray? There was a class and- It has one comedians make a big they give back to society here and
his class students are choosing which disease to work for his day and one student is going yeah. What about eczema? He said yeah yeah, he says yeah, I I or another signatory was cured notes. I know the three diseases laugh but anyway, that was that I did that about three years before saturn, I got my taste for everything that and loving it and then loving that with this what films and in the movies, your treated as if you A sense of humor you're gonna find out or the comedy, is- and I think, one of the things that it really held. True for four four spinal It was so true to a real documentary vat. long before now, mock humanity as a whole channel were probably in streaming. This was before that
We hear that happened in and, of course you did it in real in real life and its it's up to you, You decide as an intelligent person where the comedy I mean, which is a chain which ones this change the time, because its Comedy is still a second class in in the world. It's why they say the oscars general. Should there be a category four comedy, acting like it's a stupid. His thing I ever heard but Somehow in it was like an acting school. If a student could cry is only a chemical thing. It has nothing to do with emotions if you're a person whose tee dogs such that you keep your eyes open and you can start to produce. You get an ay, because people think that that's good act and you know scenes dramatic scenes- were people he yelled that was good, acting
and that's sort of the way, the whole world things and dramas considered serious part of it. comedies like and It's the same as what you're saying, because most comedies wooden you know. What's a com you know it's like you know, either even with the logo, the jamie who key music they end for they wanted to let the audience now I'll tap. They they wanted. The release at member airplane was big. Big hit kind and we came in after that, and they said what we're going to do a though, instead of the twisted plane we're going to have a twisted guitar and that's going to be spy. I said that's good that could have saved him, but we are, you say, is very close to the bone. That's what you would do and it's very close to real. I hired a dp who, done a lot of rock and roll documentaries who had shot them and
as was shooting it. He says, stand what's funny about this. This is the what they do. This is the real thing you this nothing funnier and I said no, but would twisting at a little baby alone, but also data by. Thank you. Both have done this masterfully, but the awkward silences, and I brought up in europe before, but deniro enraging bore his and in his play this character so many times, but someone who noticed something and then kind of can't let it go. It will dinner is always like that. I mean once you say you talking to me: if nobody answers shouldn't keep ass well, ass are now fighting by evaluating overlap, but I love it. I love it so many times I e and eyes ice it. It's in all your work, but in defending your life so many times readjust you can't let things
go you want to know you want to know more you're, that's albert yeah, and that is you that is running out. That is, let doesn't look anything go yet always still has I'm not going to do not you know the joke is, but if I think you shouldn't do. Don't yeah. That instinct is usually you are talking about the tonight show I don't know. I never got a straight answer, but there was like four years that I was on that are gone yet and I never repeated a bit ever so I think of some of those bits I get once that was I love so much and I was hoping but in those years that were gone, you know what happened there right, it's a famous size. I too are hard to stories of fire or they tape down roots will mean a fire would be somewhat in case it over what happened. solomon on IRAN and I hear they had, which bit was that I wanted to tell you, but what happened but albert striking out.
Is this. Is this one old awkward silence is becoming it an uproar line attention about commented, I how then I gotta say take over. I was gonna get to it in my own time. No, my own. Now I feel rushed and rattled and rightly intimidated, brooks as I knew I would be less. No, they let you go to the sooner they. Only all the tapes were preserved They were in a warehouse. There was in like new jersey and a being counter said we got all these tapes hey what's this for here and there like that storage. Those are all the old tonight shows from step three site only six, seventy six! Those are all the tonight shows, while the tape still got gather. Tapes are good will erase some let's reuse them so one person now I talked to Rick Gladwin, who worked on Johnny Carson tonight show, and he said it wasn't wreck
He said I would it I'd know there was a guy who had to go to johnny say all your work programme. Nineteen six, like your inner, you, you, you trading quips with gaucho, you with your idle jack penny you with all these. It's all gone so that they could What some I dream of jeannie's honour on a tape that's a funny reference, sony alone joint letter look I'll only later I'll, think about it. You think about it. I will go and I are not much like there was. I was that there was all There was a line of argument, was actually threed. You aren't gonna, but but their intermittently, you mean and loud, but you know not tell you. I will tell you that the clips that tended to survive were ones that johnny. If it's the ad aims or something like that. He would say
get me one of those, so I can show it to people at the house now when you hire yet aims deserve hano. Of course they know what I'm talking, I'm talking down to my audience now above them on a cloud in there in the mud. Oh, if you don't know anything, if no it's a famous tomahawk throw and it hasn't crank any if a crock, I'm like a penis and it looked like a penis with an erection, end and johnny's dying laughing, and I think he calls it frontier breasts. Use laugh if you could tell it was an accident, and it was the original viral moment right agrees. It is fear in all of the universe, is that I die and there is a Heaven, says to me who could see your guard but why you specifically wise or you
I don't care if I get this one bit. That was really great. Remember that the ed sullivan plates spin that you had to get all the plates at one time, spinning so I brought out five people and said the audience, I'm gonna tell something: that's never been done. I'm start, and I'm gonna to make this gentleman laugh at go down, and if it happens correctly at the all five will be laughing together, so I started in there was music from, but he was talking to the earlier when I shall ever talk to them and it was only specific jeff. I want her skype or go up and I'd The next guide than the first covered start to go, I'd run back. We couldn't find it didn't idea raised. The other thing we couldn't find is my father. and on the tonight show and actually said that albert brooks was the funniest. You said albert einstein, our eyes.
At the time of the original name and albert einstein, funniest person he knew John reed ed who'd. You like these- and I was sixteen when you were sixteen years or get named, checked by johnny on its, and I couldn't find that clip either. What a thrill this I have to bring up. which is the similarities. Your your good friends, you've been good friends since high school, and there are some similarities of both your father's in the business you lost her father at an early age. You know it's a it's a very sad story and he died performing at a friar's club. Roast onstage parker carcass and you that was a lost that clearly had a huge Don't you obviously now here there's something it in the humanity that debt- I didn't know- and I heard like I couldn't live here. said that when he was a kid, he used to go to sleep with the radio on and mother would come in while he was sleeping and turn it off. At night
and one morning he woke up and the radio was still on. It was like three anymore three in the morning he woke up and he said he knew at that point that his father, it does your father, Basically, you weren't, even my life, you know he was fear from my brothers, but by the time I was born, it was not it was. Good and he had trouble walking. So for my life he was ill always It is always worried about it, so it wasn't like a premonition. I thought this was happening every day. I had heard about it and then you and I got to have a dinner once, and you told me that the story and it's absolutely unbelievable use on the fires. Club deus and its in fifty eight and he destroys the mean, absolutely destroyed and he's the head of the night and listen to it. He asked I listen. Do I have any goes back and he sits down at at his seat and passed away, and it's weird because it's the thing that comedians talk about sometimes asked in a wistful way like above, to kill in front of a crowd and then just quickly go.
And what I'm always amazed at is that he finished you know. venice, is now on the way up to the mai could happen during buddy finished. So that's the coup was poor and then arises. Save ii be insane very I've. U they who ended your your father there working on them that they still lag stage mill. burn, says to a singer at the time, the art and go out there and only one hit an american. He says thing said: milburgh did know what the sun was. He should go sing. Your head coach in your head, tony, my stands up and he sang and his head was called theirs. oh tomorrow is yeah no to more, while their working on your dad, and now your father course lived a wonderful on the in seven years, and indeed, if I got to know em you such a beautiful man,
the lovely man so incur a grain and absolutely lovely the firs. I became my late night show he came out and he said My first time on the show swung the mark, my territory, so he walked around the back. There oh maiming peeing it, but I don't know my crowd knew what mark your territory nanda any sat down and it had got nothing and he went well that completely did were about my favorite part of my favorite part him just saying that come you know cause any bit: you have to get up and leave. The air is a perfect example. Yeah was Karl walking around mocking, paying great or the fact that your audience didn't. Like it was it shit or the energy and an area ideal, it was great. Last night I was at the CBS where we shot on the family in and they had a special for dick vandyke, whose ninety eight
and I'll open the thing and introduced it and talked about how the first pilot of them and I shall was my dad. Did he started nervous call head of the family? and it didn't sell and sheldon Leonard who was producing the the show said. The script is great. We just need to find a better you ass, worthy canter, dick. Then I unidentified store. I told a story. The beginning, are you nuts? I've seen the footage. The original dick vandyke oh yeah, which didn't have dick vandyke. You have seen the footage of your dad in that role and it looks insane yeah because it's like, if someone showed you casablanca, but instead of humphrey bogart yeah, and when the exactly guy like us are not refer me, never recorded, we just need to find a better yeah you so
he was, was he incurring? He was encouraging of you being income. Was he worried, for he didn't say anything you never said began sir no answer, never know I mean I didn't know. I wasn't until I was like nineteen and I directed a production of no exit of all things. John Paul sort, richard dreyfus was in it we cover, and that was the first time I ever got anything from my dad, where he came back stages that was good, no bullshit, and you look me in the. I said that the only time he ever gave me any kind of encouragement and ives when visit him at the. How had his house then then stay any said, I'm not worried about you. You're gonna be ok whatever you want to do, but that was I thousand. Wordy nineteen. I saw something I mention this to once and I feel like I felt I can't find it, but somewhere, I saw footage because briefly, you are part of a dumb,
act your partnered with Joey bishops, Saudi allow revision, Larry bishop and someone with like a separate camera. right after you, ve done a show, maybe its meetings the eight sixty nine road takes you out onto a fire escape and interviews both of you while an there, talking about? The view is about you. Having famous dad's, I saw this thing and I thought will surely you ve seen this. You said you ve never seen ever seen it and Larry aligned it now flaring I opened at the hungry I for carmen carmen and and we were booked into those like the ones. You know the rooster taylor Detroit Mr Kelly's in Chicago Paul's, mall, better and we looked into every one and after that run he said I I can't do that by the way before that in high school. I on an outward larry. Yes- and this is Alan Larry. We were in high school and
There was no such thing as an improv or any place. A guy on co anchor a name layered Brooke schmidt. He looked like ernie kovacs. He he opened his house, he called let layered lair. So you could. That was you egg. It was even now it better file creeps right. Now, all over america hearing is going down that it had found. Many club here was the rule you could perform. there if you brought the audience. So Larry and I had to bring our friends from high school who heard the same bit said lunch this time, had to pay five dollars and similar guys. It's the same thing in there looking at us like a wall k. But what is it This was lunch and you know well little club and it was a guy his house first thing I've ever
seen in this city that even got strangers together for britain's out at what. How long did that guy's thing? Last? till he came broke globally. Very strange woman was robert Redford heating, the lights in the natural slowly outwards going around the base of the music playing all the time. Yeah. Oh, my god, yeah. when it comes to planning a trip is allowed to consider, but when it comes to booking a place to stay makes sense.
An air bnb. You know enough that upcoming group trip family asian and air being be is the obvious choice. You can find a place with multiple bedrooms. You can put the kids to bed and then on your schedule, org at the whole free group together kind of a big chill weekend, it's a movie from the eightys was very popular. You get all your friends together in one place where everyone can hang in the living room, and then you get your own bed at the end of the night. It's very comfortable with access to europe kitchen you can enjoy the ease of a home cooked meal with loved ones and save money on expensive restaurant meals and when it comes to private spaces, air b and be as unbeatable, find, a spot the backyard or a pool or hot tub Maybe them both get crazy without having to worry about disturbing anyone. I took a trip. with my daughter to see a music festival this summer in san francisco- and we with a bunch of her friends and and their father
state in an air b and be in san friend and had an amazing time. That's really cool. It's nice to meet, you feel weird way more relaxed and when you're in hotels, whether your travelling with friends, family enemies for enemies, you can all stay together, they are being b the The show is sponsored by better help. Whether or not your family gives gives during the holidays, you get to define how you give to yourself ok, holiday once a great to do just that, so whether by starting therapy going a little easier on yourself during the tough moments or treating yourself to a day of complete rest. Remember to give yourself some love, this holiday season, ok born to do we think about what are we gonna get everyone else, but you gotta look after yourself. Now, if you I was thinking of starting therapy- give better help a try. It's entire
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that were less afraid in their life. I think about that. A lot, that's very found and probably has Influenced me more, a! U varied and are you of I don't have any fear they have you never to overcome many many fears- and I just I buy that movie spoke to me. It's hilarious and I think, because I haven't gotten over mine, but I see facing that tribunals, when saying, but I made the movie call them that town for twelve years leading in the same share I mean look. I did this, let me go on. I made this encounter when I That's very. Let really spoke to me that taking risks doing fine, things and we're not here along no and were all so which one of us things were stuck with from the original humans. You know we're stuck with a lot of things. We don't need, and that's one of those
crime, mortal feelings that you needed in in a world. We don't live in that you're in the eyes and the things that you would be afraid of, and especially in a world where the sky looks like eight, hundred gods I mean everything is scary, You don't know anything, so I dont think that you know we ve adopted very well too what there is to be afraid of what there is not that there is in ship to be afraid of, but some You feel at all the time. It's not necessary all the time. I heard a fact once right, a the human mind, his fascinated by the most recent and interests way to die and puts that right at the top of the list. So if calvin came along and whence it, oh, my god, it's covered. If I can avoid cove iD I'll be fine, suddenly everything else, colon cancer, lung cancer, heart attacks com accidents falling disappeared, we
Are we love to moved? What's the latest thing to the top of the list? after nine eleven it was if I can get on a plane and land safely, I'll be oh care. I write and that's our tendency in ngos bag of millions of years, but I think we alone of her people. They're gonna die at some point of something. That was the most absolute you always trying to localised due to be ass. You wonder yet, and I guess why, because you This too many things to think about. Otherwise list gets to a guy had a conversation with with albert. Once again at the time I was saying to albert I've done duff. I really like that really makes me laugh and I work with some really brilliant people. One I've got this body work that I'm I'm proud of, but its television I said, youve in both of you. You ve made movies and I was saying that
those last what I've have done. As I said, I'm in a disposable never forget. I said Emily disposable pen business. I think I've made a lot of good big pens. They were used and had been tossed out, but you ve made, movies, which I put on this whole other level and albert with great conviction, was saying: you don't understand, none of it matters now and I I have this fight. Thirty to go wrong, because I am I remembered, maybe twenty years ago rob at the time was saying that the great movie stars of the one movie stars the carry grants the card there. Always be remembered, and I said nobody will always be remembered nobody in the movies, maybe hitler, maybe einstein, maybe Elvis presley, but that's about it. Here just the other thing is done. You did things. Would have disposable their government You made people last monday and say that that may be Lawiya made. Somebody feel good.
that's all. You know all I just what albert said as it calmed me. It me me feel better now, most people now its total coincidence Really, after that, I did some interview ethnic with some of the new york times and Were telling me, you know what you think about your legacy. Would I sit? It doesn't matter, and then I quoted you know out and I said you know our bookstall me. None of this matters and I set it as the good news The good news is, I think I've had good intent. I've tried I keep trying and then I'm gone and but a move on in it, but the thing that was fascinating about it was that so briefly, Conan and Albert were trending as Gough that we were gone and I was like we'll know we're not this. Isn't I dont think of this ass a doomed day knowing it may go, get a deal it matters at the time. At that moment, I m all matters right, that's just a minute. You know, since that's what I saw, I gotta asked to write it. hang about johnny,
and once so I did this research and I read a nineteen eighty profile in rolling stone magazine of Johnny Carson and in it Johnny's moaning and bitching about how all the big stars are gone. He said there are no big stars anymore, he said with you know and he's talking about proud shows gone bunker oil guards gone April. You know that all the people there all gone and whose laugh there's nobody and am thinking. What do you mean? Everyone thinks everybody's perspective and perspective was why came along and ninety three but boy? What? If I could talk to Jimmy cagney, although it will now don't be stupid at There are so many people now that come up to me and say: oh, my god, you got to talk to all these people for almost thirty years who are gone now who were giants, and I think at the time that's not how I thought about it. Yeah yeah- and I I knew I know something. Oddly enough, there are no stars anymore, whereby sancho
Oh, that's only true wait. A minute Margot robbie is as of now but wait. A minute wait. One reason bomb cruise with cruz's a star right, there's no question about a Tom cruise's, a star right, but the way in which we thought are stars: they're, not people that carry pictures that you go to see because that person is in the movie you'd go because that person right now taylor swift your music anytime kroes. Who else would I have to go where the holding it in? I didn't do that. Well, we want so happy with it. I'm just reading the guy from parents yeah someone else. These numbers are devastating. No, I mean yeah, I'm telling you when you, when you see barbi as the example of a modern morgan star you are but
but she's right don't get me wrong. Largo rallying you're right, I think another person and that the movie would not have been the same me ruth buzzy westerly, rhode, island, ruth buzzy. Don't ask me why I know that it's different put those guys. The humphrey bogart stay made eleven movies an hour. You know they were just sunday working on them, but it wasn't even about they made so many movies that that's why you to see them, it wasn't out of the blue casablanca, Kay your body when it was just the eighteenth movie he made and that we hear their eleventh choice. That was, after all, doubt all gars call television yeah, that's what they do, but there was at the period that we were brought into. There were people, they said, he'll open, a picture, you get this person or that person and they will open the picture me you'll get a for good first weekend and there was a list of pay.
and now what opens a picture is no action. But here was that opens a picture, but the star itself doesn't open. Yet we may. We may have crossed into a thing where the actual picture opens. The picture I mean the marvel world is a little bit different there
Well, that's rang now! That's that their. How we now hear their startled are having their struggling yeah there's another leander their eyes. I read a treatment for uncle marvel. That was the earlier to come back and we can only do story was a story for uncle more like you said it was a reluctant guy. I don't know I don't even breathe. We gotta hazarding back from uncle Marvin thoroughly, it has to be.
Satisfying to both of you that nothing ages like a comedy, and you both done all this work that that enough. I talk to an ten year old, comedy nerd, they will your staff and say this is this: is genius this brilliant. This is terrific. Ah, that has got to be a good im here. Even you have to feel good while you're just telling me this now, I dunno, who you talk to they're, not smart people are really call me once in a while yeah. I love that this is a little tidbit. I think I can share, which is you had me over to your house, rob to watch the documentary, and then in fighting me as the lights were going down albert may, come by if people, if this goes over, where yeah no, how? But if this goes over well, and I got the sense that he was circling the neighborhood in a car like a shark, but he wanted to hear how it went over and then the lights came up and the first thing I said he was, I think you can call Albert
you came up. I was away darkling, I don't live far and I want to tell you the truth. Is there were six others screenings and I was driving like mad that circling eighteen hours yeah well, this has been an absolute thrill delight. It checks every single by you think I'm getting out of the business Joanna, which was your aim than you long ere thought. Let me make sure I mentioned to you. I I did say I want to mention that you have a upon has yet- and we have many people listen to this. So let's get the word out on you and I it's it's. It says it who kill jeff caning as you can get in they were you get your progress in its basically commemorates the sixtieth anniversary. The kennedy assassination and there's ten episodes, they dropped every wednesday, and I think, if you listen all ten, you will get sixty years. Of information will be put in place, that you can kind of others,
and what happened on that day and by the way like me, he is assembled some hysterical bits from jail. After we have once people don't know he had a lot of good the grassy know. What was that I had a bit. I was in nowhere Do it? I was working on and that's that if Walter Cronkite were working today- and this happened- a middle do thirty seconds on it and to ten a m, its official John f kennedy sassin, aided in Dallas. Let go to war panel at the end from lincoln motor company, jack ryan? Well, no gardener.
javier Martineau from Winchester Paul Alan. Let started the end with the lincoln why It was seventy four degrees is that when you, suggest the top should be well walter lincoln. We don't really make the rules restated the customer we'd whoop above aid. So it was a cold it shouldn't how far can the winchester. But first, let me ask Javier talk to me. The grassy knoll, Often is the moon, yeah yeah, it's a twenty four hour new say it doesn't have that yeah that same empires. This is too probably to guard, but I've heard of
fond of my mind with which is would have zapruder had gone on to make other fellow sufferers and my car we'd. Better idea had any meant he comes out with other films and he's they don't they're. Not they don't have anything to do with that. The critics are killing him because he does the impact of his first film, and then he, he's enrage like? Why am I going to my heart is good and judged on my first time? Guess I'm not! I'm pigeon starts as his film cell less and less he's Eric going back. There is a motorcade, even though it doesn't fit the story at all. It's a bit that I've had that I've been To talk about outlaw re use a vacation, five different abrahams bruce what you're not lacking the impact of the gentlemen. God bless you both thanks. The christian god in even
today the automata right now, but it's my studio, have a happy catholic christmas, but both of you open Jesus in itself
gotta turn we began, the father got from god, my put my children future god we got not made me father sold back, you follow you, gotta conan, o brien needs a friend with Conan o brien stoneham of session and mac goarly produced by me, mad goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher at your wolf limbs on by the white stripes incidental music by jimmy the vienna takeaway Jimmy, are supervising producers, errand blair and our associate talent producer is jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent. Looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and brick com. You can write and review the show and apple podcast, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Gotta question for conan call the team cocoa hotline at six six, nine five, seven to eight four seven m, leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode, and if you have an already, please them scribe. The cardinal Brian needs a friend wherever fine podcast, sir downloaded.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-20.