« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 696 Scott Adams: Third-Rate Politicians, Sharing All That Syrian Sand, The Hypnosis Coup

2019-10-17 | 🔗

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  • Pelosi and Schumer’s Outrage Theater scene
  • Can America survive the Syrian pullout “crisis”?
    • The Hypnosis Coup continues
  • Did the Kurds release ISIS prisoners…or just their families?
  • Are the Kurds a whole lot more capable…
    • …and much better armed than you hear reported?
  • America’s political system guarantees that we can’t be trusted
    • Our leadership and our priorities change periodically
  • Have we lost the “moral high ground”?
  • Lindsey Graham supports, promotes sale of US weapons
  • Moody’s prediction: President Trump will win in a landslide
    • How do Hypnosis Coup victims reconcile that?
  • Competition to be first saying their opponent had a “meltdown”
    • Pelosi and Schumer sold out the Kurds for what?
    • The hope of a few political points?
  • A verbal kill shot for Elizabeth Warren’s campaign

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The post Episode 696 Scott Adams: Third-Rate Politicians, Sharing All That Syrian Sand, The Hypnosis Coup appeared first on Scott Adam's Blog.

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