« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 694 Scott Adams: Swampy Hunter, The Dumbest Man in NBA, The Hypnosis Coup, Syria

2019-10-15 | 🔗

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  • Kurd situation and the many variables in play
    • Bryan Dean Wright’s strong insights
  • Is LeBron James the Hunter Biden of the NBA?
  • NBC’s interesting defense against Ronin Farrow’s allegations
  • Hypnosis coup update:
    • Intelligence services and the media
    • High end hypnosis techniques are being deployed
    • Repetition, framing by professionally trained persuaders
  • Our opinions are being assigned to us by controlling the media
  • Rick Perry is leaving the Department of Energy
    • How about Bill Gates to replace him?

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The post Episode 694 Scott Adams: Swampy Hunter, The Dumbest Man in NBA, The Hypnosis Coup, Syria appeared first on Scott Adam's Blog.

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