« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 668 Scott Adams: Let’s Experience the Best Simultaneous Sip of All Time and Hilarious News

2019-09-19 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK goes on sale 11/5. Pre-order: https://bit.ly/2NRammu


  • Justin Trudeau’s 3rd blackface photo emerges
  • Have I cured more people than Jesus?
  • Jimmy Carter believes there should be a Presidential age limit
  • CNN’s Phil Mudd RIPS intelligence whistleblower to shreds
  • UFOs are real? Unexplained videos emerge
  • Impressive list of wrong predictions on climate change
  • Aramco: Drones confirmed as Iranian technology
    • Response options?
  • Do Americans have a right to own guns without anyone knowing?
  • Can Amazon be required to flag products made in China?
  • “Magnet Communities” to attract the drug addicted

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The post Episode 668 Scott Adams: Let’s Experience the Best Simultaneous Sip of All Time and Hilarious News appeared first on Scott Adam's Blog.

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