« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 588 Scott Adams: Independence Day, Earthquakes, Immigration, Biden’s Bullies

2019-07-05 | 🔗

  • Content: 
  • History will embrace the long list of President Trump’s strengths
  • Joe Biden’s sad interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo
  • AOC and the detention centers…are BOTH sides correct?
    • Why don’t we activate FEMA to help with the border crisis?
    • FEMA is the correct tool for a humanitarian crisis
  • News reporting intentionally designed to “get under Trump’s skin”
  • “Lunchbox Joe” seems like a boring dinosaur, game-less
    • Comparing Kamala and Joe’s style to Obama’s style
  • Vice President Pence has done an excellent job so far
  • Antifa is a lifestyle choice. They like dressing up and hurting people
    • Political beliefs are the cover story “justifying” their violence

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The post Episode 588 Scott Adams: Independence Day, Earthquakes, Immigration, Biden’s Bullies appeared first on Dilbert Blog.

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