- Kanye tweets and his upcoming Joe Rogan podcast
- Elizabeth Warren and Beto attempt to imitate AOC’s live stream
- Warren cracks a beer, Beto in his V-neck sweater
- Why so many climate change temperature adjustments?
- Believers Berkley Earth offer their explanation
- “Estimating” temperature adjustments is allowed?
- Climate change Bloomberg article, convincingly debunked
- Comparing Green Tech and Nuclear Power options
- Bill Gates vision of a new type of nuclear power plant…in China
- Can’t be built in US, endless regulations and roadblocks
- A hosted conversation with me as the referee, NOT a debate
- Both sides required to answer strong points of other side
- Climate change risk management (Whiteboard 1 and 2)
- Expected Value calculation
- Portfolio Effect
- Opportunity Costs and timing considerations
- The Hill article reads like mental illness, not a political opinion
- Doctors and Psychologists say TDS is a real thing
- People with a mental illness are writing articles
- How can TDS be stopped or cured?
- All the common complaints about President Trump…
- …individually, they’re all small complaints
- All the common complaints about President Trump…
- Prediction: POTUS will swing for the fence in 2019
- US debt, could it be resolved by cryptocurrency?
- Why do people want US dollars?
- Crypto accepted by US government would have value
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The post Episode 359 Scott Adams: AOC, AGW, TDS, Ye, and Coffee appeared first on Dilbert Blog.
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