« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 281 Scott Adams: Kanye, Jon Stewart, Trump’s Latest Ad and the Coming Insanity

2018-11-01 | 🔗


  • Kanye pulling back from politics and Republicans
  • CNN reports opinions as factual news
  • Don Lemon came out as a racist who has a problem with white men
  • Jon Stewart…oh oh…their only smart guy just came back
  • Fun Prediction:
    • If midterms go like everything else…
    • It’ll be a photo finish with an ambiguous ending
  • The President, is doing rally after rally with huge happy crowds
    • High energy crowd
    • Happy crowd
    • Positive messages and having fun
  • Confident Prediction:
    • IF the Democrats take the house
    • THEN President Trump will become even stronger
  • President Trump gets the visuals right
  • Has Q gone away?

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The post Episode 281 Scott Adams: Kanye, Jon Stewart, Trump’s Latest Ad and the Coming Insanity appeared first on Dilbert Blog.

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