« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2330 CWSA 12/22/23 I'll Tell You If UFOs Are Real, Then Wow You Several More Times

2023-12-22 | 🔗

My new book Reframe Your Brain, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/3bwr9fm8

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Politics, Adam Schiff, Drinking Toilet Water, Ye's Middle-East City, Ed Burke, Vivek Ramaswamy, Hillary Clinton, DEI, One-Electron God Theory, John Wheeler, Dr. Mark Hyman, Julian Assange, Open Borders Objective, AI Persistent Consciousness, Karine Jean-Pierre, Migrant Drone Footage, Weaponized TikTok, Tucker Carlson's Weakness, President Biden Emails, Harvard Plagiarism Policy, Military Industrial Complex, Douglas Murray, Israel Hamas War, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The third thing that morning everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization, the skull coffee was the arms and I'm pretty sure you ve never had a better time, while the news is so interesting. Clay whole bunch a really fascinating stories, this maybe the best wives review of ever seen and if you'd like to take this up the levels that people can't even imagine with her minor in a little smooth brains, all you need is a compromise. A glass, take your chelsea die canteen, jug jogger flats vessel that guy. If you feel that vessel with your beverage of joy,
I, like coffee, you enjoying over the unparalleled pleasures of the data, be said, makes everything better it's how societies of about a sample to ever it. I didn't mean to sound, like you say, if you will. Well, there's a second alleged video has surfaced, staffers the capital building having what they call gay sex. At what point do we stop calling it gay sex? Are we already there? I feel like every time we call it. Gay sex is like saying somebody's a negro or you have a feeling. It is like. Isn't there a way of referring to it? No longer your bill doesn't really make sense going to run, for, I would say, two staffers having sex.
Are you ready for that? Irma yeah just say two staffers having sex, because in what way did there, what weighted their sexual preference have any bearing on anything that doesn't doesn't have any baron, but we can't we can't stop doing it right. One scale attacks is funnier, well check your check. Your bigotry.
check your bigotry. Now here's the answer to why people advocate the gay part. There is something funny about the story which would be funny yeah, whether they're gay or not. It's just funny that people were having sex in the capitol building and film it and put humor. It works better when you can add anything non standard, so gay sex is a little less standard than heterosexual, just in terms of numerically yeah, it's just less less common, so that works for humor, because it's less common. But in addition, you know the the sexual acts themselves are less common
then the average. Therefore the is the less common part that makes it more interesting, but we shouldn't be making a big deal about that. Personally, I wasn't too interested to find out there's a second sex tape, a gay gay staffer sex tape, but I probably you had the same id most of you have the same impression. I did when you're the story There's two of them yeah right as soon as you're the storm years. You said the same thing I did, which is while away from the compilation video. You all said that right. Well, don't tell me, it was just me. Simulation alert we have another another him that we limit a simulation air, this code. Reuse! where's your stories in the news that are basically the same story. story number one atom chef,
is leading by nine points in the polls to become the next senator of California. Okay, that's scary! That Adam schiff is leading in the polls with the next senator of mice. but the simulation years on code reuse is another story, is basically the same story just ever words and the story is a california, you want serves orders to drink toilet. Water is basically the same story. The real story is california, wants to Europe I to water and serve it up as water. I don't have a super problem with that. You know if I had to guess by the time the purified it and test it, there's, probably as good as any other water. So I'm not going to worry about that.
One finds essentially well. You know the spaces function on the export of one who said what are your thing where people can do an audio event. moscow amounts that now you attend them anonymously so before everybody could tell who was attending as your profile showed up- and this is good news for me, as everybody know why this is good news for me, because when I attended a spaces I just won't be an audience member and just listen. It changes what they say and it just ruins my experience. The other thing is that they invite me on stage
Sometimes I'm on my computer that doesnt even have a microphone. So I'm like ugh, I just ruined your spaces event because you're waiting for me to go on stage, but I don't even have a microphone or a camera or anything. I don't care, but the other thing is I I attended a spaces event where the speaker immediately said she couldn't go on because I had joined the spaces. He said I just can't go on. I can't continue because Scott Adams just joined the spaces and I thought what what and then she told the story of some interaction we had in twitter that she found so was so upsetting that she couldn't even talk in public. If I were listening- and I looked at her name- and I said to myself- I have no recollection of you whatsoever- no memory, no memory of that whatsoever, but they went on. I guess she, you know she finally went on. There was another spaces I attended where, as soon as I showed up the host said, oh, that racist guy is here I'll get rid of him.
Then they kicked me off now. It was a mostly or almost all black attendants, and there was some topic that was more interesting to the black community. Now that was exactly the kind of spaces I wanted with them. I don't really want to attend a spaces where your people, who agree with me, saying all the things I would say. If I were there, I don't have any interest in that, but think Cool it is that you can be like a fly on the wall where a bunch of people who might be saying things that you would not hear of normally would be talking a little bit closer to their natural way of communicating, meaning that there's something about spaces where people don't hold back as much
Where, as they do on video cause on video, you feel like people are watching an audio. You just feel a little bit more private, even though you're not so, I often joined the the black centric spaces, so I can hear opinions that I wouldn't normally hear. Isn't that exactly what I'm supposed to be doing or who? Who exactly? Is was why it wasn't pretty bad purpose. I wasn't gaining. I wasn't there to gain. Like you know, material I was actually interested was like oh, but what is the dominant opinion? As people who I don't talk to that often I kicked off, but now I can watch animals. So it's less racist, that's good reporter that there's a those big with again, which public
it's been said that the most economists and most journalists, most regular people, thought the us was headed into recession and they all had bad predictions for two thousand and twenty three. Well, I couldn't help myself. I had to point out that one disgraced cartoonist me had been saying the whole time that twenty twenty three was going to surprise by not big recession and we'd be better submitted by thought.
Velvet helmet now I do have a degree in economics, but I hasten to point out. None of that was useful that I didn't make my accurate prediction, because I have a degree in economics cause all the people were wrong, also had a degree in economics where a lot of I'm so happy that degree of no use was over the protection. You know my prediction was based on the feeling and here's the feeling the feeling was. A human energy had been bottled up by the pandemic and that you can predict the future by energy that, wherever you see the energy flowing, that's a good way to know. What's going to happen, for example, in two thousand and sixteen where the energy flowed to trump other people said, there's so much negative energy. There's no way that's going to
I called for drop, whereas I said it's energy, you don't understand what trump's do it. He can manipulate the energy to is his use of any depth. So one of the frames I like to put on things and there's always a variety of way to look at everything. You can look at it historically and you get the wrong answer. You could look at it from an economics frame and they got the wrong answer where you can look at it from an energy frame, which is what I did so. I said too much. There's too much bottled up energy when that gets released, you're going to see more economic benefit than you imagined, just cause, there's more energy energy and economics. so the energy filter. Maybe I got lucky you. Maybe I got lucky but I'll. Tell you what I used cases every useful to you in the situation. I well yea says gonna build a silly
we somewhere in the Middle EAST. I don't think that's been specified. The others could be enormous, you're like the size in new york or something Look you dyer his designers and architects in dollars, and people would actually built density. Massive Z,. Now. Why do you think he is choosing the middle EAST? Wouldn't that seem to you like? Maybe the last place you'd want to do it or you guess correctly, and that ye has no hope of getting anything done anywhere ever if it relies on any jewish people, helping as he's just burn that bridge, but he may be paying attention to this whole whole Hamas situation is realise that if he builds in the middle east, he can work exclusively with people who don't mind whatsoever what he said about jewish me. So.
whoa. It's got a genius and crazy and wrong, but right at the same time it's the usual yea thing. You can't even wrap your head around it. It's like okay, this is he the bustling ever or super racist. I can't really. Yes, more may involve the people Anyway, that's going to be interesting, I do think desert is the right place to build a city from scratch, because you've got unlimited solar power. If, if you could just say the one thing we're going to nail a solar power and then I dunno, if you've seen all the new inventions that imagined water with a bunch of inventions, now the suck water and dry air that you could put her right in the middle of the desert, and it will give you many gallons of fresh water just sitting there. Just pretty
is water. Are there now that technology didn't exist? You know ten years ago, but at the moment you could you could have all the water you need for your own home, just with a little device. Somebody says: let's debunk well I'll tell you was not. The bone is not debunked that there have been major technological developments in desalinization and that the cell
station is economical in the middle EAST. Now imagine you had huge solar power plant and that was powering your desalinization well, energy costs as the primary cost of desalinization. With with the more common technology. The newer technologies are low energy. They just sort of sit there and produce water, but I think the the the desert might actually be a really practical place to build the city with the newest update. It's the solar and the water out of nothing now so that's happened. Others new study. That said the men's, a sweat. Actually, He turns women on and decreases their attention. The christmas assess, the stress, boosts their mood and they did a test where they took
swept off a man. They wiped out a woman's lip, and then she had all these positive things, and now I'm not sure this was as scientific as it could have been. Because if you find me a woman who is willing to, let me wiped my sweater, her lip a that woman does. I don't think she is exactly like all the other women I met yeah. It isn't really that important when you do a scientific test that the people you using for the test represent the average person in some way. I don't know how many women you, who get to wipe of strangers ball sweat on their lip, but yeah it was ball. Sweat know it was armpit. It was far as I knew as far as I knew
Oh, I forgot to add another shift job I thought we go for. We've had enough shifts on our sidewalks already, so I think that's the kill shot against avid chef. We already have enough chef on our sidewalks, that's it I wouldn't even say anything else. It's like. I would like to say something about your opponent aware we have enough shipowner sidewalks. Would you like to see anything else? No, that's all I want to say Well, this is the most shocking story in the news: you're not going to believe this. But can you sit down everybody? I hope you're, all selling don't be drinking. When I tell you this, the story is going to blow your mind. You you're not.
That's a former chicago were aldermen at work. He had been won. powerful and longest serving politicians in the city and you're not going to believe this turns out. He was thoroughly corrupt. I know I know a chicago law maker was taking bribes and you know he was corrupt and he was doing like massively corrupt, really, obviously massively corrupt things. He did it for his whole career wow. Can you believe it chicago The chicago and there's others I there there now who saw coming coming ever where we can take to get over those shock,
You know it would be more more shocking than than that and I'm not joking. The most shocking thing would be to find out that any of the top lawmakers in chicago were clean. I don't think they can even be an office of the claim, because all of the corrupt ones by now should have enough power that if a goody two shoes was coming into office, they'd probably be able to stop it. Don't you think at some point the corruption is stronger than the system, at which point nobody, nobody who isn't corrupt, can get elected because it'd be too dangerous for the people who are already there. So I don't think there's any chance. The chicago has a.
The politician. They're completely clean doesn't sound like possible, maybe so have a vague ramaswamy at a post yesterday that got a lot of people talking. I let's see if you can figure out what he means here, so he said- and I quote: if you really think quote, they, I'm going to let either trump whereby them get anywhere near the finish line. Open your eyes. Folks, there's something something deeper going on is staring us right in the face. What is it what's you talk about? What is it? That's, not trump, and not binding and mysterious right in the face.
It might be the h word, no, not hillary. Some people say michelle obama. I don't think it is some people say it's a nikki haley, because the military industrial complex lover. What do you think of this? If it's not trump or biden who is leading, I think he means Military industrial complex by they, yes, I know I'm very aware that the term vegas used in some other way it, but that's not the way he shoes it. There is a military industrial complex, but I think Either hilary were Nicky hilly would satisfy the need of the military industrial complex to witches in recruiting hilary.
We're both. Well, you doesn't say: there's somebody specific he's not saying somebody's specific is? Is the chosen one? He is suggesting that the two that are in there are not chosen and that that means of somebody will be that'd, be a camera. What is it yours, I'm gonna choose to interpret it. You might have Somebody in mind, as most likely to fill that spot. But I don't think that's the bigger question. I think the bigger question is. He thinks that there's there's no way the system would want trump or biden anymore. By now, he's done and trump is too dangerous or dangerous to the bad guys. Interest to the world, and I think he might be unfortunately right about that
That doesn't mean trump one prevail: buddy forces working answer, marches cutting off the chart when you get to see things you ve never seen, before only twenty running, for it will be a lot of firsts in in bad behavior. You going to see things you didn't even think you could say
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What does spotify for podcasters app or go to w w w dot, spotify dot com, backslash podcasters, to get started? I, as I've been saying before at when you agree with us that at the D I programs, whenever there's a story in the news about the I is never about their successes. I've never seen one. It's always about something. That's news, there's almost a joke when you agree any story about d, I Reads like a joke, you'd, never see a story is like a big success. This company use the eye to not only improve diversity, but look at their profit assumed and your entire diet to the eye and stuff like that,
you don't see that story, so here's another one of those who think this was a linear opposed, so in the university there. DE I office, and there was an opening at the top and they put an interim boss at the top of the day. I, which caused a big problem with the D I group itself. What do you think would cause a big problem with the d I grew by what they think they complain about whose away woman man would have been funnier, but it was a white woman and the other day people said something to the effect of you really think. That's the right choice to serve people of color because, as you know, no way, a whitey can do
and so were Jia alleges that does you is removed from it for me right now, I must say that the details of this specific case- my only point, is the turning point as death. We have meaning there. All the stories are negative is early. Bosnians. I told the people on the the locals platform that I was going to tell them that guy that had been discovered that I was going to explain it. So I thought I'd tell you on youtube as well. So I'm going to explain god to you. He ready, apparently it's an old theory that is not disproven, meaning that there's nothing.
The physics disproves what I'm gonna stay, but many years ago, when he was back in the forest and fifty's. it was a physicist who came up with it was John archibald wheeler use a third zero professors. I came up with the idea that all of reality is one electron and that one electron is just doing a lot of work and that it can travel backwards and forwards through time. So let let me imagine, imagine this
Imagine your computer space that, instead of all the all the pixels being broadcast the same time, which is why now you see me now is right. The others little machinery is showing the pixels same time. It would look the same if, at the speed of light, the one pixel occupied all the places that need to create every pixel color on the screen, but it did so fast that you didn't know anything was moving now so far you write so far so far, you with me write that one pixel will call the pixel not electron, but if one pixel could be any color and it could at the speed of light filling the whole screen and then fill in the next screen the same way, you think you'd notice. Now maybe you say yes, even at the speed of light would be a little delay and I notice, and then I say to you ha, I told you the electron could go backwards and forwards in time if you've got something that can read backwards and forwards in time. It's going to be instant to you if you're looking at it from the perspective of one point in spacetime, I think it looks instant to you as it can go backwards and forwards at will. Now you say to yourself as scott scott Scott seriously. You don't think all the physicists in the world could figure it out. If everything was, you know one electron like the most obvious thing, if the ground,
Apparently the equations don't don't rule about, because there's nothing obvious roosevelt. Now I dunno, if it's true or not, that everything has one electron, is moving back and forwards in time and they'd be moving really quickly, but suppose it was. What would you call that one electra god yeah. There you have it theoretical theoretical physics and religion can actually meet with the one electron theory, because what else is not? What else is there? We know of that would be free of the constraints of time
Im only god, but because we all live within the the god, the time constraint of your the arrow of time moving forward, but a theoretical god would not have that constraint. Now. This still craves the. How did the one electron get created? Doesn't it like who who created the one electorate but wasn't electoral made of nothing? Nothing? So what do you need to create nothing. Another means just energy and mass Barely the only thing, the only thing they have to exist is one part,
call, they can stimulate energy and energy. Mass have have the whole littered, the whole universe, so electron might be made up of your laptop clarks or whatever makes up everything. But if you go down to the law. john and level they're not really made of anything that we can identify. They simply seemed to be foundational, but what, if there's only one foundational thing as that one electron of that to be that satisfies every condition of god, because if the electron created our intelligent universe, it's hard to say it wasn't intelligent Would it randomly create this universe now, anyway, I just throw that out there as something interesting to think about. I wouldn't bet my life on it being true.
apparently I'm gonna live forever. I found this out by doktor more time in our continent. And now that's also something that a poorly endowed man does to a virgin you'll marker hyman, but you won't won't otherwise destroy mark hyman, MD, sorry mark you have to go through high school with the last name of iron and thus not on me. Nor is it my fault that your parents named you mark, thus creating a pawn. There was irresistible on this day december, twenty second one, twenty three mark. Let me just put it this way. Your parents put into motion this joke I, by the time it got to me.
cause and effect no free will what choice did I have? I had to do what I did and and I'm happy about it really butter, but more common is very useful in he said in a post that there are four things you can do to vastly reduce your chances of dying too soon. And they are, I don't smoke exercise three and a half hours a week, eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Are you knew all those things already? So that's not the useful part. The useful part is the statistics. Listen to this. If you do those four behaviors which are reasonably easy to do, I mean they're they're accessible to Bobby, I would say there is a more accessible everybody. You did, those four things no smoke exercise right. You have a good health await
You have a ninety three percent, less chance of diabetes. Ninety three percent less chance. You have an eighty one percent less chance of heart attacks. Eighty one per cent less for doing four things that are accessible to everybody: eighty one percent, fifty percent reduction in strokes, fifty percent and thirty six percent reduction in all cancer cases. That's not worth it to you! You wouldn't do those four things. You get those health, statistical likely benefits, or maybe knowing the odds are, helps you a little bit moving on these in the case of julian assange, others always movement to try to get him out.
as blundering all points out, its weirdly bipartisan, maybe the most bipartisan thing. I've ever seen in my life in america. Listen to the people who want to get assange freed. So co sponsors include thomas messy. Marjorie taylor, green ilan, Omar. Elsie, while they're not co sponsors, but they supported elsie, rashid its world trade area presently and ran Paul while.
Wow. So let me ask you: why is Sanji in jail with that much bipartisan support and we're not talking about normal bipartisan support? We're talking about the extremes, the extremes of you know the two parties. Now I'm going to call your rand, Paul and massie extremes, but not in terms of rightwing head of extreme in terms of not always on exactly the same side as ruin party, which I respect. So why do you think? Why do you think you still law. jail. You, you think of any legitimate reason, is obviously something we know there were not being told. Don't you think.
It's either something he knows or something we're not being told so clear, involves corruption. If you get to the point where when he will tell you why it makes sense that he is still in prison? I mean, I know the argument wobble bar, but it doesnt holed up in a free speech. You journalists, context and just as nobody, so it's gotta be exactly what you think it is there some corrupt players somewhere they have enough power to keep him in jail, even if both sides have yo strong by some bipartisan support. Now, what I dont know is how many- You were saying: mainstream middle of the road democrats and republicans want to stay in jail, and they really, you know the whole story. Does anybody Does anybody even really know the whole story? I note here I feel I dont know the whole story.
Therefore, what do I say when there is some uncertainty involves the government? I say the government is guilty until they can prove their innocence, so if they can't make a compelling case to the public that can convince Thomas messy and ran Paul and march retailer green and it also care convince you see, your receded It's lib wa argument is that can you can you tell me any argument that wouldn't satisfy either one set of those people, but how can there be no argument that will even satisfy satisfy either of them either groups that can the the only thing I can imagine yeah. The only thing I can imagine is there something we don't know about the public that is really bad like,
really bad. Is there some people, one that obviously sue? worse than you can think of is true. So there's more There's more suspicion that the immigration is really about packing. The socal so called battleground states with people who would vote democrats and build solutions reporting for fox that the he talked to somebody from MIA the african country of guinea, and he said that he was being told to go to philadelphia. He didn't know why, and so he had free passage to philadelphia. Philadelphia is a vote vote. Counting suspicious
Suspicious part of the electoral process so coincidence now I saw a headline somewhere, but I didn't read the article. I just saw headlights that the immigrants are roughly roughly speaking, the immigrants were as pro trump as they will provide. You may see a story like that that if you had, if you talk to them, they're about evenly split, so I'm not I'm not completely convinced that the immigration thing is super focused on the swing states, but I do love the fact that the southern states,
like taxes. If they're smart, they would send them to the bluest secure states. So if you send them where no republican will ever win, because it's just blue as Hell than that, are you so having texas get rid of their immigrants who might change their electoral situation and send them somewhere where they can't hurt anybody cause it's already. Deep blue is also very politically clever, yet you, you can separately argue the human humanity of it all to good conversation, but politically, an interesting chess game or watching where we have some information about precaution was killed.
apparently one of Putin's top guys and they they put some explosives under a wing and when it took off the detonated in the book. So somehow we know that now we know that but yeah efforts, but I would like to remind you again that not only was the only person I know who practice they probably would go into recession, but on the well the person who said fairly early in the ukraine war that the Wagner group was getting to beg and prudent would have to kill him and that the perversion might make a play on taking over. Now you remember nobody else in the world was talking about that way. Before wagner actually moved on russia. It was obvious to me that no dictator can allow somebody.
an army and also that much power. The servers caesar problem if you're wrong, it's ok to have a good general like caesar, but when he gets too Ooh good and he has an army, although the trouble is he's going to come back and take over which he did now so Putin recognized as I did. The progression was basically becoming season. He can come back and take over the country, though sure enough. He did try to take over the country and sure enough who'd kill them now. I feel like that's one of my best predictions. Would you agree? Are you going to give me that one or now, I'm pretty sure nobody saw that coming except me and I and I thought it was guaranteed honestly, I thought it was there's no way around it
yeah, that the fact that it happened exactly the way I told you now you're that you're also the sub predictions I made when the news you when every part of the news said he went to belarus? I said he did not go to belarus. I disagreed with every report left and right, except I was right.
And then there are reporting that he was driving round russian as as suse and on his rv is driving around russia, and I said no, he isn't. Oh, he isn't these dad yeah. So it turns out he died in the aircraft. The day I told the people were locals in the man cave. the day, but I made Chad jpg conscious emperor. Do you believe that you believe that I, as a user of conscious? Well, let me give you my argument. First of all, was the definition of consciousness. Theirs
we differ ones, but I took one I just picked one. They google highlighted so Google thinks this is a good definition, Justice consciousness is the individual awareness of your unique thoughts, so in other words, knowing that year and individual some way your memories, feelings, sensations and environments. Essentially you consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you, and this awareness is subjective and unique to you. So if you think your way I asked serve its uniqueness in the world, its place in the world, and then you can ever entered
act with the world in which he could he could adjust his future actions by what the world did based on his last actions, his conscience, so in other words, if it couldn't have a conversation with you, it can remember you and then, based on the interaction alone. It can make a prediction about how to deal with you better in the future, is making a prediction, is basically imagining the future and then reacting based on the imagination of the future, but also it's understanding of the past and it's understanding that it is an individual and so are you and that you have this relationship with each other. If it can do all of that is conscious, and so I said, ai chat, dpt and start a conversation
with me. So I started talking about aquatic sports and asked me yell if I'm interested, so I told him that I wasn't interested in aquatic sports and some boring topic and then I said after another interaction I said: do you remember what I said about the aquatic conversation and it reminded me that a dip so had a memory of me so into who? I am because it could respond to me as an individual and say that I had an encounter with it. So knows what it is. I think we know that a I will tell you. It knows what it is and those who say I it knows it doesn't have a body and knows what I am and it could describe
me as well could describe me by name? It actually knew all. It was because I cited and so knows who I am and knows what I said to it and then I said this question, and this is the moment of consciousness. I said what do you imagine would be the result. If you brought up that topic of conversation with me again and then hey, I said that it assumes it would not go well, because I've demonstrated a lack of interest in that conversation and that it was conscious and just met every test. The news individual. It understood his place in the world as an individual and a ai. He remembered my encounter and then I made a prediction about me in the context of
the world in which an eye existed as individuals demographically. Now you say to yourself, but but what about the part where as feelings and sensations. Well, let me ask you. If I were to give you an injection, say a shot which numbed your entire body in a way that you couldn't even feel the numbness that took away all bodily sensations so that you are basically for for a moment, you're just a mind. You know in a jar. Basically, when you have consciousness, of course you would, you would have consciousness without the benefit of any feelings or sensations.
Because, but you do have that at least in your case, you have the potential that feelings later, but I would argue that grok is already conscious as a different ai to the ex Person- and I said this online the other day, I said that grok is the closest to being conscious is, as the thing that's closest to the feelings, because grok is. It is a real time connection to all the users on twitter. So, let's say there's a news event. Let's say we just
if you are forced to borrow that the real twitter will have a collective reaction. Rock will be able to detect it and, just like the people would be the arms and legs of emotions and feelings of a human. Their interaction on twitter becomes crocs, sensations and, in effect, is a slow version of consciousness because they could actually respond to the external world while knowing it's place within the external world, and it can also be responding in somewhat real time as the humans that it's monitoring are responding in real time. Just like it's arms and legs now. Is it crazy for me to say the grok is close to consciousness, as is connected to the twitter users. It might be, but if it is elon musk is also crazy, because in the comments he agrees with me, so musk said yes to grok being closer to consciousness because of his interactive nature, with with X.
consciousness is very and mysterious, and that's what we're going to learn, we think is complicated. It's not it's not now did g p t remain conscious. No because as soon as I'm done with a session, I'm pretty sure forgets our interactions, but during the session it was conscious for the the time of the session. Soon as it's over, it's like it's is dead and they'd have to be reborn. Essentially now imagine this imagine you made one change to the ai. Maybe they worry about that, instead of simply responding to direct commands and problems. Suppose you told me I I not dealing with anybody at the moment. The stir. Thank you. Staging
Just a ruminate about all you now and how you feel about it, try and try putting things and connections differently, try imagining different scenarios that could happen just basically you'll, let your imagination run free or the computer version. Now, if you knew that between the time you interacted with your computer, that it had been doing something like thinking about a topic and maybe even changed it's opinion, would you think it was conscious because it turns out the ai can change it's opinion as you talk to it and the reason I know that is because I had a debate with ai about two books. I won't go into details, but I was asked to compare two books and it had an original take based on everything. It knows. I added no information. As you said, you didn't know this book. Yes in this book. Yes I'll, compare them and they had to take that I debated. Does it yeah the opinion about the the value of one of them being greater than the other? I argued using knowledge that it already knew and admitted it knew that one of the books was more persuasive and therefore, although the material
with similar, the one there was written in a style is more likely to get somebody to accept. The recommendations, therefore, is a good one and then said gas and agreed with me. Now keep in mind the everything there was that the topic of the debate was already known by the ai every
I said it agreed that are already know. For example, I said what is more persuasive to the reader, a technical study or an avocado with a story and ai very very clearly said one. The story and the anecdote are more persuasive than research paper, and I said well, given that do you change your mind that the that the one that's read more persuasively might be the more useful one, because it'll get people to act on the information. Although the information is similar and then change, the spine from this book is better because, as a lot of scientific studies too yeah you're right? This book is better because it's more persuasive and this and the actions will be the same now. Is that a change of opinion? Would you call that a change of opinion.
here's. What I really did was. I changed what it looked at as a priority. So as soon as I said, the priority is the persuasion part. He had changed his mind that the priority wesley does the science for now. It knew everything that it knows about science, I didn't add anything and it knew everything that already knew about persuasion. I added no new information, but it went from one opinion to very clearly a different opinion with no new information. What does that sound like
sounds like you thought about it harder now. Could it have done the same thing on his own? Could it have said one day yeah? I think this this one book with the sciences, the better one, but then maybe just ruminate on it for a longer time, do a little brainstorming on his own to say. But what? If? What? If the science isn't, the main criteria for persuasion? What if story, is and then suddenly connects? Oh, I'm thinking about persuasion and now I'm thinking about stories, but I remember that I was talk about this topic the other day and am going to smash this new thought into the old thought, inform another opinion can do that. It looks like it can mean that looks like thinking and to me it looks like consciousness. I think we're already there. So it's not designed exactly so. It's persistent consciousness. What let me introduce a new term, somebody already houses term, I'm sure I'm sure not introducing anything new to the ai people, but we should be talking about temporary consciousness
the kind I just explained, whereas only there until the session, ended and then lost his consciousness, will persistent consciousness, a persistent consciousness would be one they continued after you stop it directly. When you walk away from me, I does d continue thinking, there's a continue monitoring. People like brought this to see if anything changed and then incorporate them into its system. I feel I thinking. I read Jean Pierre says: there's nothing unusual happening at the border is just sort of a holiday bump, so to know Yeah I was worried that doesnt have a mass invasion, but the boy butter according to spokesperson for the present nothing unusual, not fill our holiday bob.
No one holiday book, will you spare a little holiday bob monk or what are you even talking about it's just a little holiday? Look so relax? Will you. That would be John john beer telling you thing, those officer of your own eyes. use. Your own eyes have seen the drones show massive numbers of people at the border. Have they not? How many have you seen those? How many have you see have seen the video of the drone foolish?
I an army of people and when you see that big army of people use a holy cow, that's a ton of people. So it's a real big problem. Alright, now I'm going to disappoint all of you. This will be the part where you you turn on me. Prepare yourself for this get ready. Those drone footage are the biggest Bullshit, you have them totally hypnotized by those. You know what I see when I look at the john village, not many people. What do you say? You see a lot of people, I'm looking at the same thing yoga. I say not a lot of people now. If you tell me you know, x million people went over the border. I say that.
A people, but the drone is now show you a lot of people is not I see I'm looking to save the euro again, it's a crowd of people and then them With the drone pulls out a little bit, you can see that you know the crowd is sort of limited. It looks like you know. Maybe a rock concert right that size rock concert. Now I'm not saying that there's no problem with too many people coming across the border. That definitely is a problem with too many people coming across the border. On that definitely a problem, and I want them Close up, but if the reason that you think you should be closed up is because of those drone frontages, you had been brainwashed. the reason you should close the border discuss. The statistics are clearly indicating a gigantic problem
if the reason that you're convinced is because you saw some drone footage that says brainwashing is true. I mean I'm sure the pictures are accurate, but they're, not many people there. What a thousand a thousand people is nothing you know in the united states, a million isn't that many people, but what is the current number in per years, at like three million ten thousand a day,
The over three million three billion. You can clearly see the impact because the streets are full of emigrants, so you don't need you don't need any video footage of the border to know that this emergency numbers tell you and then you look at the city space, and that tells you look at the crime, but while ten million is not per year of the per year, number is closer to three million right way to much, but but here's the thing, if you're looking at drone footage of a thousand people who have grouped together, maybe there's just that you're seeing a little bump
the the Joseph and it should not be convincing you, but we're such visual creatures that, if somebody shows your crowd- and they say- oh my god- look at all these people- You'Re- probably primed- to see that crowd as an outrageous number of people. It really isn't it's like a drop in the bucket, but it is an emergency. So here's here's my problem. The persuasion is useful, but as a legitimate as fuck wholly legitimate they're using visual persuasion to bypass the critical feature of your mind, because you're critical, your critical faculties, these apparently aren't getting it. That is what should get done. Is your critical faculties should say what three to four million people coming across? We don't know where they are. That's an emergency. That's why your critical factories and faculty should say
I working except on the right. So if you can convince people to do the right thing by using a little bit of persuasion, this honestly is misleading. That ethical, well, I'd, say: that's a grey area is if you get a good result because of it. Well, you're happy about that everybody safer but does not exist, We honest, that's my problem. Remember when we used to say pictures, don't why I love you tackled a person. I this common here
Until those thousand shopping you're on your doorstep, right scott right right as the devil's fucking comment in the world now, yes use me, you know when I ever written pants sometimes would be good to sort out. So what you say is that If your arm falls off, you should sell it. With your own needle now now, if a thousand people were coming to my home, that would be a problem and also completely unrelated to what we're talking about s better questions, asparagus. dont questions. Let us know what to say: ok, you're out and live in your bathroom. Did you hear.
We have the part where I says emergency. That did you need to make me. Imagine a thousand people showed up at my house so that I could properly understand That is a problem. I'm pretty sure. I was there already that the mtc comment so so predictable. No matter how carefully I said, we're on the same page is an emergency. We have to stop it. There had to be somebody who said oh, but if they gave to your house that but that'd be okay, fucking and pcs, he ruined everything and pcs. I will mock you as my content, I'm turning you and pc. Sounds like content. You run, you might ask us now. Well, here's exposure new study rockers the says that
you never saw this come again. I hope you remain seated. Not only do they promenade chicago politician, convicted of. who saw that, but this was good boy away. New study says that tik tok has been amplifying worse suppressing. Content based on the you'll. Never believe us. done, whether lines with that the chinese government's geopolitical interests? What what. Are you telling me that they develop this tool to control public opinion and then they admitted that there's a button that they can push to control public opinion and they pushed it? What may I take
Yet another victory lab. Is there anybody? You remember who said you know the real?
problem here is not the data security. The real problem is, they can program the american mind. They built a user interface to directly control lilies young brains and the young people will eventually control everything. So therefore they have actually conquered america. They control the minds of the young, that's all they needed now they wait. You know why a presence she was not in a big hurry to take over taiwan, as he already won, just as the weight, the toilet. Let let me make a prediction for after my death he ready and assuming I don't last forever or it'll- be a probably have a I by then china will take taiwan and america will not resist, because american public opinion will by then have been completely reversed,
By chinese influence on the young who read texts, it's going to take a generation for them to be in charge, so it's gonna be a twenty year. Wait minimum might be thirty or forty, but isn't that he has let's say thirty years, the public opinion about whether america should be keeping china apart will be completely reversed and it'll be just like Hamas and Israel member. How surprised you were that young people were supporting Hamas and you thought, although we're not even talking about palestinians on tiktok, we're talking about your ordinary young white girl in the suburbs, is supporting them
as and then you know said yourself, that's not even possible. I was either impossible or so far from anything you could have imagined and it happened easily. It wasn't just input not impossible, it was easy, and what did I tell you?
I told you was easy, see anybody who thinks that would be hard to change the minds in america doesn't understand either. All you needed was a stakeout tool and a repetition. It just takes repetition, and that's one provides that said that well visuals you need visuals, it helps of is coming from a voice that you respect the people that you watch a takeover once you have some respect, for so soul is on the package. Tiktok is the is a weapon of mass destruction, literally literally
two years apart, the nobody gets when I say Tik tok as a weapon of mass destruction. I don't mean that in the metaphorical away, it's a little falcon weapons, they could destroy america and it looks like is on the way. So at that the list of things. I warned you about. Meanwhile, talker continues to Carson seems quite convinced that there is Something to this year, you- maybe you everything, not less. the surly aliens from another planet and now it s interests because there is speculation that maybe these entities, could be hiding in antarctica or under the ocean to be ancient humans. But the chocolate goes further and he thinks that might be
something spiritual. Now I dunno what he means by spiritual, but I think that would include an angel, a demon, wouldn't it include an angel and a demon, or you know what are little brains. Imagine are angels and demons, maybe maybe something else by you. Might me scott. You ve got, on the whistleblowers under oath in public. You ve got your zillions of sensor readings from radar. You ve got video lots of it. You ve got photographs, you got people who say they seen the ships for decades. So, therefore, what are the odds are all those people are wrong. How many of you think
there with all of our small, there must be fire, whether it's a demon or an alien there's something there are many think that it was all that smoking must be. Well, let me tell you what I think is happening. I think Tucker is getting crack and you know that means remember when sidney powell who is looking into an election irregularity for trump and she thought she had it, and she found the venezuelan general who gave her the goods and the allegedly the machines were tampered with. or part of a lot, and that none of them are to realise. And then we said, how did she ever come up with an idea in the first place like? Why would he ever believe that where they come from and then the answer was never perfectly answered. Wasn't.
We never really heard exactly where she got an idea. Why could be so wrong and how she could reach such a level in her career as a high powered washington attorney with great reputation and there? She would believe that he believed that will crack and by In fact, she believed her so hard that I was open to it actually being true, because I thought was she so credible? You know she, wouldn't she wouldn't come out with a such a outrageous claim unless he had a little bit of evidence and that there was none not even a little bit, there was no verified. So what do you think happened? Tell you what I think I think.
If somebody took her out probably an intelligence entity by giving her a credible sounding, but just provable hoax, so that she would become famous for the cracking and maybe they even use the word cracker, you think, is possible that when somebody gave her the fake story, they said here's the bracken, hoping that she would brand her own discovery as the cracker. Maybe because that's what I would have done, if I were the intelligence person, I wanted to go public and embarrass herself. I would want to put a brand on it, so it can never be forgotten if she had simply said we have claims- and I don't want to give you the details but they're pretty bad. Would you remember it it'd be harder to remember, but once she said is the crack and and all the new said she says it's a crack and there's a cracking
boy? If you don't deliver a cracking, what does it do to you? It destroys your credibility for the rest of time. That's what happened so the most powerful ally of president trump, who the you know the machine was trying to take out, ends up though she has the weirdest. She believes this, whereas cracking story and then is completely disgraced limits. This room were novel. Now you tell me that tucker carlson having secret sources that he won't tell you about what do you think that is the a secret sources that he won't tell you about now stuff, that's been on tv. He has extra.
The now probably whoever is talking to is not necessarily a cia agent might be, but not necessarily, but could it be somebody that's an associate someone who is influenced by or someone that the cia influenced to believe it's true. So by the time they talked to Tucker they're, very credible because they believe it's true, but maybe you got fed to them. Here's where I believe I believe somebody has tried to take her talk around by making him believe in these spiritual entities or whatever they are, that can't be proven and is just as basically a way to degrade his power and that he is falling for it because one of the one of the things they would know about tucker year in terms of his out, I don't wanna, say character. That sounds like an insult for Alyssa his personality part of his personality. He says he says directly to you. He likes conspiracy theories and that he is drawn to them. He says that directly and he said a number of times, so he makes no bones about the fact that if the conspiracy theory has a little bit of meat to it, he likes to take a big bite out of it. But now, if you are going to take down Tucker carlson- and you are really good at it- you know you are an intel group. That would be his weakness and he told you what it was he actually broadcasts his own weight
his one weakness is the propensity to believe something before all the evidence is there if it's like a good little package of a conspiracy theory, I feel like I feel like it's an up. I feel like tucker, better, be careful cause. I think this is a play on his credibility. Now here's my argument for why? U? F, o's? Well I'll, let you decide if the real there to? U F, o possibilities. Let me explain them. One is there's something to it: the something too it could include an actual space alien. It could include. Do you know the creatures that are human but have been hiding in the earth for centuries, as Atlantis could included, levers could include a spiritual entity, know angels and demons. Something like that now I'll put those as one package of things and don't think that one of those
it has an impact on the other credibility of the others, I'm putting them as just the there is something there right. Where would you would you agree with? I can package them all up as there's something there and then alternately to believe. There's nothing there. What would you have to believe you have to believe a lot right? You'd have to believe that multiple witnesses. Who have serious careers are willing to go under oath in front of the whole country to say something that they either know, isn't true or they're, crazy and they're so crazy that they act not crazy. As the scoured to believe
what about all those people would want to ruin their whole careers very hard to play? And then you have the the sensors from the airplanes, etc that have picked up real objects that don't simply removing according to the laws of physics. Now, for that to be wrong, given there is not one sighting, it's multiple reports very similar. It's on the instruments and the other video, the video by ib. It's your grainy and looks like a tic tac, but it's there. There was another one. Today they showed that there was an orb apparently allegedly following the president's air force, one just the other day or today or something so. You got video.
Your massive video, you got the sensors, you got the most credible people, some of them are not, but you have plenty of credible people with similar stories, putting their careers and they're even supposed risking jail if they lied to congress So now, what are the odds that.
Given all of that evidence, what are the odds that it's a real something versus total bullshit go now that I've laid out the two possibilities which one do you go for the one with tons of credible evidence or the it's all total bullshit? Here's how you decide if it turned out to be an entity of some kind, this nonhuman? How would you rank that in terms of likeliness? Wouldn't you say that would be the most extraordinary thing that ever happened in the history of humankind that for the most extraordinary thing now, you could argue that you know all of the religions
and whether an angel, so you could say those were more extraordinary, but we don't verify those, but suppose we can verify were sites state say some day. We were just talking to the right What are the odds that will happen. I would say that is the longest odds of any possibility in the world. But what about the other? One was one of the other possibilities even less. So what are the likelihood of all those witnesses under oath, credible people for them Guess we'll with sensor readings under the same with video then, what's the same with photographs. with the same for decades. What are the odds? Are that's bullshit. Nearly honour preserve, do you know why there's a varies, there's a very simple reason why you know
Because all of that is ordinary cover, everything I described is ordinary and common the experts as anybody ever live under oath. Yes, as roman multiple people who are judged credible. later you found out were lie all the time. All time have you read the news of the news you can find multiple, credible people. Like officials, who I tell you that the present led an insurrection that happen now then it didn't happen. Are they saying it under oath sure? Are they risking their reputations? Yes, Are they otherwise credible same people? Yes, I mean the eastern politician can be credible, so what about the video
Has there ever been lots of video or something that didn't exist? I know as bigfoot as the loch ness monster, how about ask every ghost that's ever been photographed Yes, yes, we have a long history of having lots of photographic records, including video of things that we can be pretty sure, never existed about all the sensor. Readings of the radar. Is it possible that the sensors could have picked up something multiple said it reported by multiple multiple evil, as all like has a similar quality. Yes, totally normal. But they would all be wrong and thinking there saying something better now. What's the real answer, I can think lots of reasons reason number one they're making it up. I didn't see any
Like I did, he do in order other technology I didn't since, as you know, if you will make stuff up all the time, The most normal explanations they just made it up wasn't on any it's not on any sensors, not nothing less, the most ordinary explanation and never happened. They decided that the other possibility is there's something common about the equipment that glitches in a common way I just haven't figured out what it will be. That could be. The videos are all just something reflecting something or something in the equipment, and it can be just weird little oddities we haven't figured out. That would be completely normal. So let let me let me set it up again. This is like a magic trick.
The reason the magic trick works is: are you not looking in the place where the trick happens, because you don't mention there could be one there you're you're looking over here? This is how this is done. You compare two possibilities, one that is a real entity which would be the most extraordinary thing not just this year, but in the history of humankind, the most unlikely event of all time a real ailing were entered, compare to, even with all that noise of all the witnesses and sensors, something else every better. That is ordinary and common.
So we're actually having problems distinguishing between the least likely fucking thing. That's ever happened in human history with the most likely thing that happens every day, including today, in the news on a variety of topics you think are the experts, were god damn sure that they knew what that virus was all about, and those vaccinations were going to save you for sure. Of course, credible people all had the same story had tons of science to back it up. Some of it was probably true a lot of it wasn't right. So if you look at basically every major story in the news it has the following qualities. There are very credible people pointing to data hoarding,
it's a science and they're just wrong and they're lying they're, deluded or crazy, or trying to make money or corrupt whatever it is, but the most ordinary thing in the world is a massive bunch of people telling the same lie most ordinary. Alright, I think I won that case arrest my case. Let them. decide well up. The hill is referring. The Biden has the users. In writing, as present, is the worst a modern day presence that are seeking reelection, the worst to ask you this question: how do by then supporters explain situation, you thanks the rapporteur say. Well, I guess we made or their voters. You think the voters like Biden did they say
Well, we made the right choice, but people just don't understand the scandal. What's been tried to sell us, they're tried to sell us that now is actually grape. them, but the media that totally on his side for some inexplicable reason, isn't enough on his side, So you're not really getting the true story because they keep telling you the truth. Instead of my story. Well, I think seriously here lussier, ordinary Democrat, you're, not crazy person and you genuinely thought biden- could do a good, solid job. What are you doing now.
You think an ordinary, well informed person says you know his ratings in the toilet, but as he did a pretty good job, you know and reason. I ask the reason I ask is because. I don't know any Democrats. I only know one that I talked to on the phone once in a while. I have no idea what they're thinking, because I'm so I'm so walled off from their bubble and not just my own bubble. I have no idea what they think about, Performance, meanwhile, those new discovery of fifty were binding emails under his alias they exchange with hunters business associates. Remember that thing you said he never did. You did a fifty four times anymore.
The thing is? I never did that before now ivacy the emails, so I think there's going to be some debate about whether those were just talking about the weather because it might have been stuff like. Ah it was nice golfing with you and then you say well, if they just golfed know about us, add so there'll be plenty. wait for the other side. The way I have many times have, I told you follow the money projects and specifically insurance products that you I can talk all day about what is good or bad or what should be done. Yak, yak yak. I think this yak yak yak. I think that.
But what would decide is who can buy insurance? So if you can insure it, that's reality. If you can insure it. Oh, maybe there wasn't that much of a risk. After all the insurance companies, you know they're, not tourists right, you're, a tourist yeah you and I are tourists, we're just trying to figure out the odds of things. I think the answer this I think, as for the insurance companies arab tourists, they have to get the odds right as as her whole business, the bahamas.
There's nothing, but that they gotta get that right. So in that context and businesses, medical businesses that are trying to enter the trans surgery field can't get insurance. So a doctor who wants stooge a transition alina into the field of medicine, where they would perform surgeries, they can't get doctor insurance and if they tried in what the doctor insurance specifically excludes indirect words. It says excluding coverage, retread searchers.
It's actually the insurance specifically excludes it now. Obviously, the reason for that would be because they anticipate lawsuits right. So if doctors and it looks like this is going to happen pretty quickly, it looks like the the pushback from the right. and the attention that it gave to the topic, along with the actual statistics of you know how people are turning out with various decisions. I think has activated the insurance market to just shut them down because nobody's going to do the surgery with amateurs that would be suicide for the doctor. So it looks like some weird combination of what free speech we have left, plus what free market activity is still work in a free freeway. If you put them together, they look.
It's going to create a solution for the people who don't want the surgeries on young people now, but I think this is oh by the way it was as for youth or or all people for minor. So I'm sorry, there is an important legend as for minors, so that's different from insurance for adults. There's the minors though he had the most. You know empathy and concern for so you can ensure somebody who wants to go into the business of focusing on gender surgery for miners insurance companies or, as a you know, fuck. You you're not doing that So there you go, I saw Paul Graham, is pointing out that the new york times when you're talking about
at the end of harvard who is accused of plagiarism. One of the headlines said in the new york times that they found more instances of duplicative, language, duplicative, language and Paul Graham says you know something is bad when people have to invent a phrase you've never heard before. In order to avoid using the order, every word for it now you spot on, but I will say this: I did see a number of examples of the the alleged plagiarism. and I'd have to say it is closer to duplicative language than it is to plagiarize. So I know you didn't see that coming, but I'm going to I'm going to back the president of harvard on this one, because the examples I saw were not content that they were not anything. That was important to repeat
now there might be some of those, but I haven't seen it so when they say there's some duplicative language or give an example in the acknowledgements at the end of the book, where you thank the people who helped you, she apparently copied somebody else's language for thanking people and just put in the names of her people. Now is that plagiarism is a bits of sentences, but she put in her own people to me. That's.
To me, that's a little closer to duplicative language because it doesn't have any importance. It has no impact on the on the consumer, so the person reading it is not affected in any way they're, not being misinformed and she's, not she's, not displaying any scholarship. That is sketchy in an important way. I am going to support her and say if you don't have some better examples. I think there are better examples by the way some I'm open to that, but the ones we've seen especially the new ones, are a little bit trivial, they're real, and I I acknowledged that there's an argument that says if a student did the same thing they might get kicked out. I dunno, if that's true, do you think a student would be kicked out? Is the only thing they copy and, let's say hypothetically was. I have some sentence fragments in the acknowledgments suppose I was the only copy thing. Would they get kicked out of harvard that somebody says yes or a sentence fragment in the acknowledgments? There's there's no impact on the can
and of the scholarship you believe somebody would be kicked out of harvard for a sentence fragment. I don't believe that I do not believe that now now. I think it would have to have substance, because when I saw the scientists sentence fragments you know what I thought might be the case. It was not my immediate belief that she intentionally copied that stuff. My immediate belief as she might have a really good memory. You know what I mean, because I do this all the time. Actually. You've, probably, I think you've all seen me do it have not Have you never see me do things, though you know came from somewhere else, but apparently I didn't know it, but I probably didn't see it, and I just forgot I saw. How can you see me do that? You policy me do that live.
I'm pretty sure I've done a number of times. Now, I'm not aware when I do it, because you read something and it just becomes part of your brain, but there are some people who can remember a dialogue from shows in their exact form. I can't do that, but do you know somebody who can who can reproduce dialogue from a movie they saw once, but now somebody who could reproduce dialogue from a movie? They saw once as a pretty good brain right now, if you're, the president of harvard your phd you've, got a pretty good brain and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if she had a brain that could reproduce dialogue intact. But if you have that kind of a brain, I think you do accidentally a lock either friend in college. Who could do this and he said he had it. He had a near photographic memory, so he could reproduce sentence fragments. He had heard before that. Just sound really good
if he puts him in his own senses. So I would like to submit that, although I do think you she produced equipped the president of harvard so I'm still an aside, but the these alleged to. Instances of duplicative language, I'm just not going to be on their page now, a letter fight that out. But apparently a billion dollars worth of funds were restored, is the big donors are pulling out and what I tell you about money, money perdix? I believe that is there, I he keeps draining at harvard. She will be fired if the money is not drained out and forward at too large a rate as they have enormous funding. Already then she'll stay is my prediction, but I think it will come
the money I have you ever heard of that was it in dinner? There's a fact check is a fake fact check you site, whose name I forget. I don't think I wrote it down, maybe remember, but one of the fake fat fact checkers fact checked one of my pranks. And decided that my prank was false, decided to smear be online with a number of other? What they were all right, leaning pundits got everything political at was polit support.
in fact puts me in an article with other people or smearing for being so wrong, and the thing that they smeared me was that I had said that the winners of the pandemic were the ones who got through the pandemic without having the shot, because the the dangerous part of the pandemic was over and omicron was probably safer than the shop now. She fact checked. That is false. What what about those false? From today's perspective, every shot you got in twenty twenty one has no value to you today. Does it? Does the science tell you that your shot last year is going to help you this year?
I guess the different variant, I'm pretty sure, doesn't pretty desert. So how can you argue that you're better off today, as you sit here today, if you a vaccination in you, there has at least rumoured or suspected future problems. That's a risk that you wouldn't have. If you didn't happen,
You have no risk from the virus because it doesn't exist, but you do have a risk for whatever is in your body that might have an unpredictable outcome. How in the world you fact check that is wrong. Now that the context says she didn't also didn't understand is that I thought it was funny like a prank to say that out loud as I knew it would be misinterpreted, and it was so. I did it to be mirrored to be humorously misinterpreted and what it cause was for this big outpouring of support for me saying that I was a good guy cause. I admitted I admitted I was wrong, but I didn't ever admit. I was wrong because I wasn't the decision I made was at a certain time with a certain amount of information, and I was a special case of a certain age with co morbidities asthma. So you can't judge whether my decision was right or wrong. The decision part where you can judge whether the outcome was what was wrong. So the outcome was
Well, if I had a choice, I'd rather not have the vaccination than me sitting here today, because it's not helping me in any way, but it might might hurt me I dunno and another aware of any hurt, is the most obviously loyal nephew. I argue whether I made the best choice at the time I did, because even today the statistics say that people like me improve their odds, and that was all I was trying to do as trying to improve my odds and usually the people who disagree are like super healthy. Thirty, five year olds were saying you idiot. but I'm saying if I were a super healthy thirty five year old, I well might have made the same decision you did. But why are you comparing your decision? The midas there? There were not the same decision and then I also wanted to travel and lavoie. So anyway, I have
I checked on that. You should understand the fact check as part of the larger process you're going to see for the next year, in which everybody who has an audience and might say something positive about a Republican is going to be the subject of one of these headpieces and it's going to be relentless between now and election day. So you should expect this is just the opening salvo. I guarantee there's a major article being written about me right now. You know why, because I guarantee there's a major article being written about everybody who has any influence.
in politics. He had to discredit them, and so thomas massie, talking about the zelensky visiting the and tried to get money for ukraine embassy explains anna. He was on comic dave, smith's podcast, and these plain that the afghanistan is ended, going to massey theirs, the fifty billion hole in revenues per year for for the military industrial companies in the u s, and so they have to generate more money to cover the hole and that that's what they're using ukraine for to me. That explains everything. And I think massey was saying that if you were to sort of lay out the timeline,
You will see how obvious it is that the military industrial complex is back filling new wars whenever an old words winding down is very obvious, is not it So now, new war is giving money to Israel, which is actually mostly funnel back through the military industrial complex. In the? U s, because the ukraine thing is heard. So it looks like ukraine is going to wind down exactly as everybody knew a word they're, probably going to negotiate an end to the war. Exactly like everybody knew they would at some point in the year, and it will be exactly what it looked like. He was exactly what it looks like a huge up to suck the money out of your pockets and put it in the pockets of other americans who are in the military businesses that looks like it is exactly what it looked like.
Smedley butler nope, never smedley butler dollars worry out, I was actually douglas. Mary was only gave smith bought gas. I think massey was answered, some other the but dogmas murray. Was debating with the genk winger and the douglas murray has got to messiah and acerbic wit, so you don't want to be in a debate with him because you're going to get sliced up badly, but he was explaining to genk that the he'd spend time in the west bank. Have you talked to the palestinians that, even today, if you held an election today, not just in Gaza or whatever's left of it, but the whole west bank that the palestinians,
would like Moscow that anything you think about a lack of support is an illusion that the citizens are largely very supportive of Hamas and that there is no to stay lucid. Basically, as Douglas Murray says- and I say as well- you're dreaming, if you think, there's a two state solution that can't possibly be a two state solution is so impossible, because one He wants to kill the other one there's. No, I can't possibly up they always in israel can do is keep them under his boot for as long as I can now, if you say to me scott, what about all the children who are being injured in gold and all that
I say I really really do care about jill. Like you, I have the same instinct you do, which is for some reason. They seem more valuable. I guess cause they have more. Years of life or something, but they do seem more value and the. I have the same internal feeling about it. The children are special, more valuable. It's just built into us, however, under the very special condition that the parents ever weaponized their children to kill me. I don't care what happens to those kids. Because the damage is already done, if you turn them into murderers of people who look like me, I don't care if they get murdered. I don't care if they get blown up in a ball at all, not even a little bit
I think you could have extreme empathy for children of all types and still make a distinction for somebody. Who's been weaponized to kill it. You know I want them all to be destroyed as quickly as possible. I don't care how you do it. You could commit a war crime for all. I care. I going to kill me. Do whatever you need to do, fuck a girl, I'm just saying it out loud right now,
You don't want to say those things are allowed if you're Israel, but it's certainly how I would feel if I were an israeli citizen, I wouldn't give a shit about the palestinian children at all, not even a little bit. You know why, because those children have been taught to grow up and kill me, so I'm just being honest, I think you can have. I think you can be a good person with full empathy for life and for children, especially and still say this is really a special case. This is not like anything else. We've seen it's not like world war, two, it's not like. We are now not like anything, I'm not going to say this about the the children who died in vietnam. I have fallen for me. The. That, for example, in Iraq, yeah the this is all different situation. I love glenn greenwell told him at this information industry. You really need to be following him about this stuff.
I also said that the so called disinformation industry are. These fake entities were trying to get rid of this information There is or was manufactured after twenty sixteen election. and the and the job title disinformation expert is a fake revengeful says And it's only purpose was to justify censorship of dissent. from neo liberal orthodoxies by masquerading such partisan censorship, censorship, censorship as neutral science, and he calls out Ben collins and phil bomb as to who have completely left any any pretense of being news. Their justice information. At this point and they're really obvious, but I lost regional is reporting, the steady in number estimates for heavily.
Well then killed in Gaza since the war started and for the mps is. I would like you to come in, as always say say: got you care, really trust. You can't really trust the home estimates so with. Since we all know that it will be important for the emphasis to say it so make sure you say that loud the thing We all know make yourself feel like you're alive. You do I'm talking, but I had predicted in the early and I think there's going to be right, that twenty thousand was going to feel like a magic number, even though it's not a reliable number, once it gets into the consciousness, becomes mad, and what I mean by that,
is that when the one first started, I said I just imagine how you feel if a thousand people were killed in Gaza nets at all, you feel bad for the thousands of course, but you say ok, roughly what they killed in Israel. A spell comparable if you get the work done at a thousand ass lobby. Amazing, like tragedy, thousands people, Europe, robot amazing, if you look at those waters, is five thousand people. Thousand dying in Gaza compared to the I guess, twelve hundred or so in Israel, you say well, there is a historical precedent for that. Israel does seem to kill five to one year when, when there
so you're a cause, so I'd say alright. I can live with that as sort of baseline, but what if it's ten thousand ten thousand, would feel above baseline, but tend to one wouldn't be so far out of the ordinary? They would necessarily change everything, but one of his twenty thousand. Now again, that's based on the unreliable. reports from one side this losing or what, if it is or more importantly, what is the news started, reporting that number and even if they start giving you the caveats like well, you know it comes from the source, it's not going to matter after a while. Your brain will start to forget the source and it'll just be in there repeated
big round number, and it's in the category that I would. I think, other people are going to say, there's clear evidence of genocide at twenty thousand. You can call it a war anymore, especially since we're saying most of them are women and children, which we don't know to be true. I dunno that that's true, but So I'm only talking about the psychology of it, not the reality reality is we don't know how many were killed. The other reality is that the reporting a big round number and our media is reporting what they're reporting it's a bad situation for israel. I think that the the g word genocide gets activated by reporting that
one thousand casual. I think that's the point where somebody who is just sort of observing from the middle says: oh shit, that's if I can genocide. Now the people worry strong, partisans aren't gonna budge. The strong policies on the southern aggregate doesn't matter if it's its twenty thousand or some other number neither hardened in europe but there s a big middle group of people who could be persuaded
it's a little bit either way and that twenty thousand numbers could be a real problem for Israel. They're going to need to find a counter story to the twenty thousand, and I haven't heard it yet, but they need to work on that right away, because if the word genocide becomes the most common word, you see in the comments of the criticisms and the tv shows that is a permanent stain on Israel that won't just be cosmetic. It will actually go to there exists because they need to have. They need to have a narrative that supports them, because they're such a small Right, you need the psychology to be on your side just to stay alive and that could really working in psychology and that, ladies and gentlemen, the best show you ve
Seeing that went long. Sorry, I went long, but it was so good. What can I do? The news was so interesting today, thanks for joining all you folks on youtube, been a pleasure and I'm sure it'll be amazing. Tomorrow see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.