« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2325 CWSA 12/17/23 The Third Act, Trying To Deprogram Democrats, Fusion Breakthrough, More

2023-12-17 | 🔗

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Politics, Brain-Reading AI, Lawrence Livermore Fusion, Nervous UK Cows, Georgia 2020 Allegations, Obesity Increase, President Trump, Deprogramming Democrats, Unchecked Immigration, Hunter Biden Subpoena, Smerconish, Lawfare Trump, Yemen Houthi Drones, Israel Hamas War, Bill Maher, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rep on the phone for phone involved phone good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. That's called the coffee, with Scott Adams and wow you're, lucky you're lucky to be here because we're going to take this experience up to levels that nobody could even imagine with little human brains and all you need for that is a cup or mug or a glass of tanker gels or stein. I can do jogo or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee enjoyed me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine end of the day, the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and it's going to happen right now go ha. Oh, it is stipulated.
So he read some about some signs news, so blue eyes, can read your brain and turned it into a text on the screen. That's right! So they did it test where but a little sensors on somebody's head and they said, read, read these elections and as the person was reading, the selection,
The ai was typing it now. You said yourself that style special we've always had voice recognition, except it wasn't using voice recognition. The the voice recognition part was, you know, not part of the the test. They were testing if it could directly tell the word you're thinking, because you reading it and they could do it now. You've you've heard before that, there's there've been other ways to you, know, create an image of what you're, thinking and stuff, but this is the time they've taken it all the way to the word level, with without being intrusive, like putting a chip in your head, because they had a chip in your head. You, you can understand that, but they can now read your actual thoughts in words,
Your actual thoughts in words now the article that I read didn't have anything about this point. But how do you not use that for a lie? Detector? Have we are we on the edge of creating an actual lie? Detector the works cause? If you didn't know this, the lie detectors that we've had for decades. They don't pass any kind of scientific rigor, meaning that if the lie detectors and you lied, it doesn't mean you did and if it said you told the truth, it doesn't really mean you did. I dunno if you know this, but the main whether you use a lie. Detector is to scare people into telling the truth, because they think the lie detectors working. So you can use that false that false understanding to kind of pressure them into telling you the truth. So the way you do that would be really really so you say you weren't there while getting some interesting readings on the lie, detector, so
We asked the question again you're useless easily, where that's going right. So the person plays. Oh, my god. Oh my god, it knows I'm lying so I'd, better change. It to you know, tell the truth and try to make that work somehow, so that that's how lie detectors work they work by not working but making people think they did. This reason lie detectors not acceptable in court because they're too unreliable well up the road for me,
the town next to me a lawrence livermore lab. They ve now triggered forensics attempts. They have created fusion, they created more energy than it took to turn it on four and six times. Now, here's a little back story. I think it was maybe five or six years ago I had a brief talk with. SAM altman, who who you know, of course now is famous for being that of Chad gvt, but you as you're, not the only thing is involved. It is a general investor and one of the things he told me- and this is several years ago-
as a fusion had already been solved in terms of the science, why had not been solved? Is the engineering? Are they actually build? The thing and his take was at once once it goes from, is interestingly possible too. Well, we don't know how to do it, but we think we might be all the finger with engineering that one reset engineering phase is guaranteed and I never really thought of it that way, but I have to I actually adopt that opinion, though, once you ve reached the engineering stage, it's about tweaking and testing and adjusting and moving towards it, but if they have achieved forever six attempts were they ve created more than they consume
if energy, I think the knock on the door. So I think fusion is certainly within the next ten years might take longer to build a working fusion reactor, but I feel like we're at least ten years away now. Remember everybody used to say: oh scott, that's what they said the flying car, but where's my flying are well the events to win because Robert I see lots of flying cars. If you're a flying car there foresail you can actually buy your flying are now the flying. Cars are not going to be a strong legal, so much and then also line and more like just flying, but is basically a flying. Gar for operating purposes so yes, fusion, like the flying car, may take longer than we wanted, but it looks like he's. Gonna come.
today the says narcissists may engage in feminist activism, more than other people. Do you know a category of science, I'm going to put this. This is in the category of science. You can just asked me He have saved a lot of time and money just ask the next step is skype. Do you think that narcissists are attracted to the types of activities where they can celebrate their superiority over other people. While I what's the definition of narcissism well, a quick definition would be.
People, like you, celebrate their superiority over other people and that's what feminism does right. Yes, ok, I gotta go with more more narcissist are attracted to that, because it's exactly in the sweet spot. Of course, of course, so you didn't have to do this. It could save you some time. Jeff Bezos agrees with elon musk that the population of humans should be. You know in the trillions and we'd, be better off. We'd have more
add more Jesus. If we had trillions of people, which is true more geniuses, you have the better off here. So that's set two brilliant billionaires. Who think we need more people, not fewer. Are you convinced how many of you on this livestream are convinced? That is a true statement. We need more people, not fewer. It's pretty basic economics yeah. It's basic economics, too few people is way bigger problem than not than two betty in in our current environment, you're, not in every case so yeah. I think that's it's turning into common knowledge, but I think it's more commonly known
on the right where people are in favor, of having lots of babies and on the left is still think it's I dunno some kind of evil. Well, kanye is back using x. I guess he was already approved for expanding using it. Recently. It's got some kind of two hundred dollar foldable soccer boots. That is, I guess, his first new products and cities, I told them. I didn't know about his timing, though you know I assume this has been in the works for awhile building this product and and now when he decides to go public again after his long disappearance and of course the knock on him is that he was anti semitic. Let me ask you this. Was this the right time for an accused, anti semite to resurface.
I think I might have waited another few months like I suppose he could have done it on october. Seventh yeah really make a really make a statement. What this is not exactly a perfect combination of the way people are feeling with his launch of his new product, so yeah not not ideal. But he's back will see if there s always talk about that. Does some staffer, who had some gay sex and the so called senate hearing room and apparently the senators. You know parted ways with him and he he really the staffer NBC news reported this, the red line said soldier bar Ben gardens. That office has parted ways with a staff,
The conservative news outlets alleged were shown in the leaked video having sex in the senate hearing room yeah because it was only the conservatives who were talking about that story. Alleged alleged he's already admitted that the the alleged staffers completely admitted it happened, he's not even fighting with and then they got a factual basis. He's already pulled out a statement about it, yet its alleged while right wing people. I guess. Well totally unrelated story. There's some farmers in great Britain who couldn't finger. whether cows were all alarmed, they seem to be stressed out
If there was a young man who had been climbing into the the fed stereo with the cows and having sex with the cows, and they they caught him, I was gonna, say red handed, but his hand was involved. His pants were down, so they may, they may may have caught him red something you, but not handed, and apparently he was bagging. A lot of the cat was that he was a cow bagger and you know what's really unfair. Now you have sex with one cow for the rest of your life. You are going to be a cow,
fucker seems unfair, but in his case, apparently he was a. He was hurting the cows. He was hurting the cows. He was hurting them. That's all I got come on. If you don't like your casual sex, jokes with puns, you came to the wrong place. He was herding them yeah. It was an utter disaster. Yeah, I'm probably going to milk this for all it's worth alright, but he got caught. You know that set. Let me tell you something. That is not the kind of thing I want to see anywhere in mike outfield. Or am I right? You don't want to look at your cow, feel and see someone begging the cow, that sort of thing.
Belongs somewhere else, but you can take them somewhere else. The senate hearing room for example, apparently anything goes there. So take your cow there, here's a little alarming news from hawaii. Now it's in the news, but I also knew about this personally, so you might know that a lot of people own property in maui that they rent out to other vacationers when they're not using it
And the governor of Maui is telling those people that they're going to take their property and they're going to put residents in it who are homeless because the line of fire that's right. If your business, your livelihood, was renting your your property in maui, the government's just going to take it and put that and put the permanent residents in there and you won't be able to rent it out now they do say that they'll compensate, but I don't think they're going to compensate at the vacation or level
Probably something closer to like a a normal rent in the area which would be much lower than a vacation or what people would pay. So that's a real thing. There are people who thought that they had an income from renting these things and they took several months off because nobody was going for awhile and now now they can rent them again. Cause now he's open and the governor saying that they're going to force them they're, going to force them to give up their businesses and and put it in the government's hands for as long as the government wants to do it now is pure communism. Isn't it? How is that legal? Like I I get this
emergency yeah. I understand that. But how is illegal? I don't understand that arizona, governor katie hobbs. She signed an order. She had threatened to do this, but now she signed an order deploying the national guard to the state's border because of all the immigration problems and now what's notable is that she's a democrat? So even the Democrats are very aware that something
workers, so they're going to have to do something. Well, here's what I call the third act update. I call the third act, the possibility now this is just for fun, just for fun right. The possibility that trump's story will follow a movie arc, meaning that he's already hit the third act, which is January six. Not only did he lose the election at least officially, but he also was so damaged by the allegations of january six that he was an insurrectionist he'd, never be able to run again. He you know he'd be lucky to stay out of jail. You still is still wouldn't be lucky to stay out in jail, so that's
or that it can't get much worse than that. You lost the election and they might put you in jail. That's pretty bad, but here are three things that are brewing. They're all brewing. Now I've told you about these, so these are just updates cause. The third act is tantalizing because you can see it coming if you watch a movie and your heroes in the worst possible situation and it's half an hour before the end of the movie. You look at your watch and go. Oh that's a third act. Then you can always tell that exact cause, it's just time for it. You know when it's it's about ready to happen, and it's about ready to happen. If it's going to happen now, I think it's too soon, so it looks like it's just the cats on the
roof, and I was like slowly building up, but here the things that might happen, I'm not predicting they well, but there is a predictive framework called the third act.
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download the spot favoured by gases up or go to w w w dot. Spotify that come backslash pod gases to get started, so Rasmussen gives us updates old. Have the rest was an account on acts and there's a report georgia. Governor Brian camp has notified their secretary of state brad, wraps and river that there are over seventeen thousand and valid votes, and I understand the monday there's some kind of meeting or hearing about them and that those seventeen thousand votes might be thrown away. Now, that's a far more than the number of votes needed to reverse the outcome,
that elections. So do you think elaborate? Remember it remember the rule. The rule never changes. Ninety five percent, at least that's the minimum. Ninety five percent of all election rigging claims, will turn out to be false as they happen. It's also far closer to one hundred percent right, at least of the significant ones that would change the election, but it's out there and apparently at center, the official domain- it's not just people talking about it- is people in government talking about it and seriously having to make decisions. So, on monday it's entirely possible it'll be some news about the election. I doubt it, but maybe while at the same time remember that alleged
a locked closet that, supposedly as a bunch of fake ballots event, and if and if people can see it, it might reverse the election. We don't know why. But now for hundreds of days, I believe the judge has failed to rule one way or another on whether we can have access we, the public, can have access to the room and there's no reason for it and, and the judge is breaking the law, I think, or at least breaking a standard. By going The ninety days, without responding one way or the other, so there's a really really obvious, ignoring of the legal process which suggest guilt. Would you agree that the fact that there's a judge that could simply just say or just open the door just open doorn have them chap.
It seems like the simplest thing you just want to see what's in there and it's public information, and you want to audit just to make sure share open the doors he was in there. But no answer known: there's not a no there's, not a yes, just to act like it doesn't exist. While that suggests that there's a problem and the judge suspects there's a problem. So that's two separate things that could change the your understanding of the two thousand and twenty election.
Think about the timing is happening in the run up to the election. So now we're now we're within a year of the election and you've got two things brewing. That could make trump right very interesting again. If you said gun to your head, you've got to make a bet on his scott will either these things pan out. I would bet against them. I'd bet against them. Probably won't pan out just like everything else.
but it's really fun that they're out there here's another thing from rasmussen: they did a poll and ten percent of the people. They talked to said that they admitted they had a friend or coworker or acquaintance who admitted to them that they cast a mail in ballot in a state other than their own state. Ten percent of the people questioned in this general poll of the public, ten percent of them said they personally knew somebody who had cheated in the election by voting in the state where they didn't live now. Rasmussen did.
Path and said: well, if there were one hundred and sixty million voters, ish and ten percent of them know somebody who did something illegal, that would be sixteen million people. Did they do the math right. Ten percent of the people said they knew somebody who said they cheated. Ten percent just knew somebody, and so they multiply ten percent times the number of voters and found out that can be sixteen million wrong votes. No, that is not the right.
af. I don't think you can do the right math on this. You know I have enough information, but at the very least you should acknowledge that if there is one person who says they know somebody who cheated that one person may have talked to a number of people, so that might be one cheater and ten of their friends know about it right, but it's only one cheater, it's not ten people. Ten people just know about it, so you don't count the ten people. You count the one person that ten people know about now, it's probably about ten.
might be five or three or something, but it's not it's. Not it's, not a. Sixteen million is probably, if you're really to do the bath. If you could probably be ten percent of that, but that's still one point: six million people it doesn't. It doesn't make the point any less valid. One point: six million would be plenty to change the election is the the things we're so close to the battleground states, and so again, a poll of that type is not conclusive of anything, but you've got three really solidly brewing things that suggest the third act is coming
we'll see we'll see alright. Does an obesity report. Gallup did a survey. Thirty, eight percent of american adults were obese and twenty twenty three up from thirty two percent and twenty nine team as a pretty big game. And of course almost certainly it was the pandemic. Apparently, people are eating worse after the pandemic and there are cooking, less at home
with the doordash, like people got used to Doordash, they were eating out and the wow says up eight percentage points. Oh that's better, at least they don't say it's up eight percent and then people between forty five and sixty four had the highest obesity rate of forty four percent says outright to forty. Four percent sounds low to be low there. There are places in this country where you won't even see anybody in that age is not obese like you can stay on the street and wouldn't be anybody at that age. There would be people who are not obese,
but there will be under forty five there. Just wouldn't be anybody in some places yeah. Well. I may continue to be fascinated about the Tucker carlson's take on the aliens. Now he does have more information than the rest of us cause. He's talked to more people in person and probably heard things that have not been aired so keep in mind. He knows more than we do about this question of whether aliens have been to earth. But let me say it again: there's no there's! No chance aliens have, but there's really no chance that that's true, in my opinion, no chance now. Could I be wrong? Yes, yes, but let me ask you: this humans have been around for
or two hundred thousand years and you've been around for yeah, maybe well under one hundred years? What are the odds that you're alive one? When aliens visited the earth? One hundred percent, I'm going to say? Hmm, I don't think aliens have visited the earth now. If you take the question to do, I think a probe might have landed from another planet as opposed to a piloted ship with an alien. Then it now that's a little more likely who built
the pyramids god who built the pyramids shouting at me in all caps. Well, I should only answer. People who write in all caps were shouting answers. I dunno, who built the I dunno, who built up, maybe aliens, maybe human, maybe human civilization, was smarter, I dunno but a nail, but if the earth had been seated by various probes it, what is are a lot of questions? It would answer a lot of questions
But who knows I'm going to bet against the aliens? Apparently the head of the main pack, the political action group that raises money for candidates for a dissenters guy named row? He is quinton, so he's leaving the pact because he cannot says he cannot in good conscience, stay affiliated because of some bad things. I did. I guess. Apparently there backing some vague statements and he doesn't want to back up what is the name of the political action committee that he's quitting checking notes skull they never back down. Never back!
so they had of the never back down committees a while backing down is backing down. So I dont know how else report that sort of I now. I guess he had a good reason, but everybody who backs down is good reason. That's why you do it right. tromp once again, repeated is successful campaign process of going to a? U s: sea fight, it make you big deal the crowd one wild when he went
is the newest right, and I love the video of him. He goes over and he makes a point to shake hands with Joe rogan kind of goes out of his way to lead over people and make sure he shakes hands with rogan. Now, that's good politicking. Do you know how many votes trump solidifies when somebody sees a video of Joe, I am smiling and shaking his head now. I feel a little sorry for Joe rogan cause. He doesn't try to be that political. You know he talks about some stuff. That is political, but he's not overtly political and he's much more broad than that.
But he got sucked into being on a viral video shaking hands with trump and smiling now he does seem to be at the moment reasonably pro trump, at least in recognizing that there are things trump did correctly, but I think he got a little sucked into that. I don't I dunno if he loves that. I suspect that when rogan looks at that video he's gonna say oh he got me like he. He sucked me into doing something that looks like sort of a pocket endorsement without be an endorsement at a one. I don't want to accidentally look like endorsed a candidate, but anyway so jump in a big big to begin. Back there. It was probably good, but in a rally speech he once again found a way to lose and it's going to take him. Some work trump is going to have to work hard to make this a close.
election, because if all he does is just go to, u f c fights and you know go to his or her cases he's gonna win in a landslide. The only way he could lose is by saying something you shouldn't say in public, so see what he said about the immigration quota, they're poisoning the blood of our country, whoo boy. How do you think that one over there are poisoning the blood of our country? How do you imagine that the Democrats said nazi? That sounds like a nazi? Yes, they did do you think that trump should be able to anticipate they using those phrases, they're poisoning the blood of our country? Do you think he should have known that that was going to be taken the wrong way? Yes, he should. However, I do think that he is leading him into the narrow ravine, because I think he knows now that he can mock the dictator thing out of existence because he's already shown that he can do it. I think he's lead to be the social. Like a trap, I mean I feel, like he intentionally used language that people are going to interpret as going too far just so he can lead them into the narrow ravine and say so. What do you think I am santos or something? So I call it the santos approach that trump so bad when as soon as he has all the jewels and his be jeweled glove he'll snap, his gloved fingers and half of all the people on earth will die because hitler's not bad enough, you know yeah it'd, be hitler killed, millions, sure that's bad, but thanos. Well,
billions? So they should go full thanos, or at least we should when we mock them anyway. That was probably an ill advised choice of words, except that I think, is going to work exactly the way he wants it to. I think it's actually going to work, even though I wanted to I wouldn't have recommended it, but I think it's going to work just the same well, I did a post on x that appears to be going viral and people are making a lot of comments about it. So I thought I would just read it to you. It's a little lengthy thread, but rather than. summarize it to you and here's. I said I said dear democrats, Are your media has done this to you? realize you have no mechanism for knowing how brave
washed you are and as a trained hypnotist genuinely empathetic about it, which is all true, it does look. Terrible I feel sorry for him and I went on. I said I mean no disrespect, which is also true, because brainwashing is more powerful than brains. That's why it works. So I I see them as victims. I don't see them as my enemies or anything like that document. the grass and then I said one way out of your mental prison. Is they ask yourself which country these are okay, with changing the basic nature of their societies via unchecked immigration? That's a pretty good, kill shots, just ask them what country is ok with changing the nature of their existing society
we are unchecked immigration now there are lots of countries that have immigration, but how many of them have enough immigration that they know for sure they're changing the entire nature of their country and are okay with it. Now you say the germans, but I say that's the german government what what society wants to change itself, not the german people. Are you telling me the german people by a majority wanted to no longer be like germans? They wanted to change and be, let's say, islamic or something doesn't seem likely. Yeah I'll give you that there's some governments doing some things, but I don't think
People are largely on the same side. There are certainly if they knew the extent of it and that I said if such countries exist yet ones that do want to change themselves via unchecked immigration. If such countries exist and unchecked immigration is working out great for them, you might be right. You might be right that the right, wingers and trump are like hitler cause. If unchecked regulate immigration turns out to be popular and there are countries that are benefiting from it and they don't mind that their national character is altered forever. Well, then, you're right sounds to me. If that were true, then the right wingers would be going too far, but you gotta give me an example. Give me an example of a country where that's true, where unchecked immigration is making a pretty happy
I don't think he can, which is why it's a good kill shut, and then I go on and say: if no such country exists, consider that you have been the victim of brainwashing, the real kind, and that this type of manipulation is the basic nature of american society and has been for decades. There has been for decades. the persuasive part, because if I just said hey there for you this week, that's easy to dismiss. But if you say you understand that for decades this has been true and you would have to believe that this is the only time. It's not true. Are you going to do that or you want to say that for decades has been very, very true but hey
how lucky they just stopped doing it. For some reason, it was working totally the way they wanted it to work for decades, but then they just stopped. Why? Why would they stop what what would make you stop doing something that work for decades? So that's that's the thing that you want. You need the brainwashed people to think about that. They should understand that brainwashing is the. Arm and always esben. Then I went on and said next ask yourself if One is ever used a complex model to predict anything about a future climate or otherwise.
as you will learn. It isn't a thing and never has been. Models do not predict the future. Nothing else does either not horoscopes or tea leaves not psychics, not magic. Eight balls nother no models, they'll do it if you could predict the future with models. People would be doing it all over the place, but it's not a thing. Your real enemies are. The brainwash is in charge. I said not the so called right wing. There is a common enemy, the monotony is whoever's brainwashing, all of us, some more than others, but because I know the left will say the right is brainwashed. It's not ass. I said the political right can be who did and wrong to, but it never looks
if the result of organized brainwashing just an attraction to conspiracy theories too many of which have proven true, so you have to say yeah. Both sides have something going on. Otherwise nobody takes you seriously. If you can't say okay, both sides have something going on, but it's a little different. will so soberly, thus going a little bit viral at the moment,
So Jonathan turley is talking about the hunter Biden situation and says that that hunter made a breathtaking mistake. By going to the you know the capital and simply announcing that he wasn't going to talk to the to the senate and that the problem with that is that what is the crime? Oh, that he told his father that so apparently John green John prayer said their president Biden was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say when hunters said in public that he was going to refuse going into
If I, which would put hunter in contempt of congress, you know just like Bannon was condemned for the same thing, so we assume that there is at least some risk for a hunter to be found in contempt, but here's the part that is interesting if he.
discuss it with his father, Joe Biden might be in trouble because it would look like a colluded with the president to resist congress and break the law by well. You know showing contempt for congress basically, so that would be some kind of obstruction of a government process. What would they be obstructing an official government process is that what is that is that is that an insurrection, if you try to stop a government process, I thought that's all reason that the trump is in trouble. So now we know for sure, because
It came right from the president's own spokesperson, the hunter who tried to thwart the government and process the investigation worked with his father and his father was aware and therefore could have stopped it, because yahoo's president of the united states probably have to agree with it right. Do you think the Joe Biden have to say yes to it because he couldn't just listen to it? Let it happen goodie, oh to me, it puts Joe Biden in exactly this position of trump
as a person who could have done something different. He was in the job were sorta your responsibility to do something in these situations and there was they alleged obstruction of a government official process. Now. Is there a difference between certifying electors and having an investigation? Is one of them a government official government process, but the other one is just something the government is doing. Is there some had a distinction there, because it seems to me that whole obstructing the government thing was totally made up, there's not even a law about that they. They took an existing law about destroying documents. You know from the enron era, that's what the law is for.
And they over applied it to trying to slow down a government. You know process, so I dunno, if you're, going to over, apply that law you'd better keep over applying it consistently, which would make Joe Biden look like he's a little bit of trouble. So that's interesting That's why you should read Jonathan turley cause he's he's poland nugget some of these stories that I would not have seen we'll see around there's getting some attention by reporting. Honestly, the obvious that the true story- people giving cnn credit for not live, here's the context, so Cornish was talking to a legal expert, Eli honig hornig unspoken show
and I always tell you this mechanism is not like the others. Cnn. Those I've told you that a bunch of times, He actually seems to me just interested was true. I have been watching for a long time and he will consistently try to get at the truth and he will ignore the narrative, even if it's the common cnn narrative, so I have four respect first Morgana His show a few times, And- and I was always a fair fair broker by you- know- asked tough questions was ss job They weigh eli hoenig
I broken seem to agree with each other that the the legal stuff against Donald trump is clearly and obviously political, if only because of the schedule, so they agreed that the that the prosecutor is rushing to do something that is not typical in normally the case would take longer than the election, so the election would be over before any outcomes of the trials. Now, if that was the case, I suppose it creates the problem that you know once you, the president, you know you've got some extra powers to pardon yourself or whatever, so they will.
get it done before as president, so he can't pardon himself. I guess, but both both these cnn personalities, smerconish and the lie Honig. They both said just directly without really hedging at all. That is obviously political, it's obviously political and they reported it like that's just a fact: it's the fact that it's obvious. So what do you make of that sort of surprising? But if it was going to come from anybody who would come from smerconish now I've told you before that, the in my opinion there are two voices on cnn who have the potential to be objective. You know they're not going to just buy the narrative, what is Fareed Zakaria and he just came out strongly against the current immigration practices of the country and in favor of tightening the border just like I thought he would because that's the only smart take on it and then smerconish, just looking at the lawfare against president trump, and you saying the obvious, this is obviously illegitimate. Basically, that's my word not his, but that's the sense of it. It's a legitimate cause, it's political, not not a legal process
so regardless what your local high school? Well, I wouldn't judge him from that. Alright, so that's interesting. As you know, there are some missiles a whole bunch of them coming out of yemen at ships in the red see and apparently the united states is now talk about attacking yemen, because you know we need third war,
where we want to have wars going on in ukraine, Gaza. How about yemen? How about yemen now to be fair, Yemen's asking for it? Apparently the hoodies, not all of yemen, but there there have been dozens of these drone attacks. Apparently we're pretty good at shooting down drones because we shut down a few dozen of them. But what do you think? Are we going to attack yemen? Here's what I think If we attack yemen, we should just destroy like I'm, I'm so done with calculated attacks we leave him alone or just level it, because.
I dunno. I don't want another one of these half wars, but I suppose I'd be happier having no wore them, because I don't want to level yemen. It's young, primarily innocent people who probably don't know anything about any missiles. So but I don't see the benefit of doing a strategic attack, I don't think it'll, stop them. It'll, just anger them on the other end, do not attack somebody because it will make them matter when they attacked you. First, I dunno, I dunno what you do in this situation but I would certainly look for at least stay decapitation strike I wouldn't go after the missiles gives you and Billy had all the missiles you you have to go after decapitation strike and I will tell you seven a m and if we respond we're just gonna go after your leaders were not
you go after the assets. There's a pole harvard Harris boy that fifty one percent of young americans for ending Israel and giving it to amass over half of young people. Eighteen to twenty four says just eighteen to twenty four over half of them want to give israel to Hamas. The so have I ever told you at what age your brain is done developing. So this is age. Eighteen to twenty four at age, twenty five, your brain is roughly done developing. So when your brain has not been developed, you think Israel should go away and when your brain is developed, you're more likely to say everybody has colonized something everybody's colonized.
It's bill mar says, and I think this is the only point you need to know. This is why young people don't understand the situation. How many young people do you think I understand that if Israel made peace they would just be destroyed, like they're really have an option, just standing then that so bill mar says all wars and with negotiation is hard to negotiate. when the other side's bargaining position is, you all die and disappear. The the whole two state solution is pure daydreaming. Is people don't know anything about what's happening if you knew that the only thing that would make the extremists who are in charge and the extremists rose in charge, the only thing to make them happy is the end of Israel. There's no tuesday
solution, and I go further than that. Do you know why I have limited empathy for the Gaza situation as tragic as it is. My my actual empathy is much lower than you would expect it to be, for the degree of you know, death and destruction is happening, and the reason is that both sides are getting what they want. I've never seen that before I've never seen a war where both sides were winning here's. What I mean Israel probably needed to get rid of gaza at some point, so to them it feels like winning because they could get rid of Hamas. So they're not going to stop they're not going to stop cars are winning. What does Hamas What Hamas wants to unify the arab world against Israel is, it working, looks like it
yeah yeah saudi arabia, is not taking the bait. It looks like there's still going to be the adults in the room it looks like, but yeah it's working yeah, I would say public opinion has absolutely turned against Israel. They have destroyed the holocaust narrative. That was the primary asset of Israel, because now they can say well, look what you did. You know sure. Why should we care about the holocaust? When look what you did now, I know it's not a good comparison. I'd say this what they'll say and it will work. So why would us what the the fighting to stop when what they wanted really was the most amount of death and destruction of their own people? to get this larger gain, which is in the long run it makes maybe Israel weaker. So how could I actually vote to end the war, the bull size than their wedding?
like I just wanna stay out of it. You guys you want to fight so and the people talk about the peace deal or a ceasefire and understand that. Why would you ceasefire. Would neither side wants it and neither side would find a benefited So it's the weirdest situation where both sides want to be in a war. There's not one side that wants negotiate and the other one wants, or they both want to be doing exactly what they're doing, which is either doing if either side wanted to not do this, it wouldn't be happening. It takes both of they both have to be really committed and want this.
So anybody who from the outside, who wants to tell them to stop doing it? Why would they they're both getting what they want and if we don't understand, they're both getting what they want? Nothing makes sense: you're, you're, just going to be spinning your wheels like hey. Why don't we all get together and talk about this? Let's drops of lions, for what a two state solution would look like. Forget it forget it. It looks to be like a war of extermination. It's just slow motion. What I mean by that is Israel can't really,
survive in the long run, because they're going to use are surrounded by people want to kill them. Who will continually increase their ability to do so? So, even though you can take Hamas down to zero, you know they can get pretty close to zero it'll just go back and get different people different place, just go back again. So, honestly, how could Israel exist for two hundred years, surrounded by people whose only objective is to destroy them? I dunno how you could ever do it, so so the Hamas supportive people have a long term plan of extermination of which this is just a key part of it. So their plan
The genocide of the israelis is going along the way they want. Meanwhile, the israelis are increasing their territory and getting rid of Hamas and they're doing exactly what they want exactly what they want. So it looks to me like Israel is winning in the short run.
in terms of militarily and the Hamas, absolutely one in the long run now. Could that change? Well, yes, cause it's not yet the long run there could be other things to change that would yet again, you know reframe the long run, but at the moment you have a situation where Israel is pretty much guaranteed to win the short run and Hamas has created a situation where they're kinda guaranteed to win in the long run, and I'm going to be honest, Israel should look for another location as a backup plan. He said I hate to say it, but if it were me, I'd definitely be looking for a backup plan, because the thing that the thing they want well, two things, two things you know you look at me talking for israelis like, I know what I'm talking about they'll do it anyway. I would imagine that there are two major factors. One is that the history of the area like there's a there's a
action till the history of the land itself and that's important. Unfortunately, both sides have that same connection to the same land, but on top of that there there's an overarching desire to have a jewish state that can be safe and you'll. Hear people say that if Israel falls, the jews all over, the world will feel less safe, because it's like a backup plan like you can always go to Israel. If things turn bad in the country, you're in you can just escape, go to Israel. So I actually think that if you want a two hundred year plan, you'd better have a second israel. Back as your backup plan, you better have a second israel lined up somewhere and you might have to give up that connection to the land, but far more important is survival
and I don't see a survival plan for two hundred years get, and let me ask you, am I being too negative, because I can't understand how a tiny piece of land surrounded by so much hate, where the, where the ability of any individual to cause trouble will go up forever. So one person with yell a biological agent in a drone can take care of tel Aviv in two hundred years right at the moment, not quite, but in two hundred years an individual will be able to get a nuclear weapon in two hundred years. So how can it possibly survive? Yeah that and if you imagine ways that Israel could survive for two hundred years, you have to say well the at izle islam. Will you know reform or something and they'll stop caring? So much does it look like that might happen. It could mean two hundred years is a long time good, but I think that even if islam and in the middle east did a major major reform so that eighty percent of all the people there or were on board with the unjust moderate get along with everybody that would still leave twenty percent of a growing and large population that wants nothing but to destroy israel at any price.
It feels like that's too battery like you. Couldn't you couldn't brainwash or, let's say, educate the local population even in two hundred years to get rid of all of it. You know all of the negative feelings against Israel mean they've lasted how long, as long as there have been negative feelings against Jews
It's not like avid last year there there's something going on the last thousands of years and I can't imagine it will end in two hundred years. So while I'm one hundred percent backing Israel on their october seventh response- and I would do the same thing they're doing that's why backroom yeah- I can't complain about somebody who would do exactly what I would have done in that situation exactly like how am I going to criticize that so they're in a tough spot, and I, since I wish wish them the best. I really think- maybe secretly you don't want to say it publicly, because you'd never want to say it publicly but secretly. There ought to be some people looking for a backup plan, because you're going to need one eventually alright, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is all I wanted to say today in my most excellent livestream, possibly the best thing you'll ever see. Is there anything that now.
That bad take is an unacceptable response. That's an npc response. When I hear somebody say bad take. Do you know what my ears hear my ears hear, I'm that you are under informed and you don't have an actual argument right because as easy as saying bad take, you could have said what your objection was. For example, you might have said you can't predict two hundred years in the future, to which I'd say well, good point, but when you say bad take what you're signaling is you don't have a tech? You don't have an objection that you don't know what's wrong with it, you just don't like it, so you need to separate between. I don't like what you're saying too. I have a reason that you're wrong. Some of you are saying it'd just be just to be trolls.
This needed to story yesterday, molten salt reactors, you now, I think all the sole reactors got a setback than they might need. Subsidies can be effect check. Wasn't there was a new scale was and you
his skill was the name of a gen four nuclear reactor that I think bill gates was backing and it had some approvals and it looked like it was going forward and then they had to pull back because something wasn't working. Do I have that right so that doesn't mean that the molten salt reactors won't be a big thing, but I think the most promising and just a company doing it had a big setback recently, and I can't remember if it was a regulatory setback or a technical one, but there was somebody says no, it's not backed by gates. Are you saying that new scale is not backed by gates? Are you saying that new skill is not molten salt, which are you saying,
it is a regulatory problem, not a technical problem, but I don't I'm just going off of memory or you have an argument. Jews will not relocate too much history. That's not it. Sir said. The person who said I had a bad take is saying that jews will not relocate cause. There's too much history, you don't think that's incorporated. In my opinion,.
Of course it is so. Are you telling me that if Israel became a smoldering nuclear hole in the ground, the Jews would still want to go into the irradiated nuclear hole in the ground because of their historical connection? To it? That's that's your point. They wouldn't want to go to someplace safe. They would rather go to the smoldering smoking irradiated place where they'll die in a day, because nothing matters except going to that piece of land safety doesn't matter. Is that your point see what I said when I said that when you said bad take- and I said bad take- is a signal that you don't have a take and then you came back with, but jews will want to live there, no matter what there wasn't a take. You know. That's not true. You know it's just a case of how much danger there is they're not going to live there if it's infinite danger at guaranteed death. You know that
I don't even pretend that that's your real argument, that's not your real argument. You just said that, because I caught you having no argument, you just didn't like it. That's what happened or who proposed being a black light into the city. I would love to see Matt Gaetz, regular black light until the seventy hearing room. You know, it'd be the funny part. So I'm imagining this in my mind. Alright, imagine that they turned down the lights and Matt gates snakes in there with a blacklight, and they go to the place where the filming was and the black light
so, let's say biologics, but here's the funny part. Then they go around the whole room and then they find out that the whole thing is just splattered the entire room for pearly. It's been used every night for for every night, for hundreds of years, all the gay members of of the government go in there and just you just knock it out why that would be the funniest show of all and now the black light in the senate harems and then then, then you take the blacklight and you go to the oval office. Like you just do the whole capitol. You find that the little things little places is covered with just cause, as it's kinda. How I see it it'd be hard to explain washington unless that's true, so how long did it take
From the time that I said, the public should not see the Epstein flight logs, there should be too many innocent people dragged into it. How long did it take before somebody said an ex? Well, I guess you are on that flight towards you. That is so npc. No I've never been on an Epstein flight. I've never met him, but, oh my god, you you have to do this. You have to avoid the most obvious thing to say in every situation that was the most obvious thing to say it's like well, if your opinion is, we shouldn't have to lose, you must be ordered just so obvious and I'm not even mad at the accusation, because I get accused of so many things that that's just irrelevant, but I'm just so offended that your lack of creativity would bring you to that place. If you say that the most obvious thing, let's try it, you know I was thinking of looking for a really good form of exercise. Anybody swimming is the best form of exercise say the npc is thank. You yeah cause it's the most obvious thing to say in that situation.
It was do another one: hey those sciences found a new form of food comes in packets and it's like a good protein source. Soil agreed soil agreed solve the greatest people, don't say the most obvious things. Please stop it stop. It took a boat to the island, yeah, alright,.
At least release the passengers that flew to the island bribe you you don't seem to be following along too too well. Here is the people who flew to the island that are the problem, because people flew the island, not necessarily for bad things. Probably a lot of people went to the island and didn't know what was going on. Alright half the population is below average sorry dean, but you are trying to be clever there and you failed know. Half the population is not below average. Sorry they might be.
Below the median, but no they're, not below average. I mean it might be, but that's not what average vs alright. So thank you for joining. You do another banger today, good for a sunday anyway, I get your go, get your shopping done. If you haven't bought my book, reframe, your brain and my other book, the second edition of how to sell almost everything and still win big well, there are two gifts that you could still get on time. That would be absolutely life altering for the readers in your life. If you don't believe me, look at the reviews, these are books that changed people's lives. Fundamentally, they're, not books that are just like entertaining to read, but they're are also that. So, if you know somebody who's going to take a trip on an airplane anytime, they're going to need a book, that's a good one, and if you want to get some somebody, the dilbert calendar that doesn't exist in paper form this year because they got cancelled. But you might want to use your credit card to sign somebody up for the locals platform where they can see the new dilbert comic as well as separately and then edition the dilbert page a day. That's a digital forum, I'm just doing it online, but also you could also do in the next. So on the x platform. Just look at my profile. If you want to subscribe, you won't get any politics on that feed you'll just get the dilbert comic and the daily calendar comic. So if you want to buy somebody the calendar, the dilbert calendar, you can do it by just letting you know buying their subscription on x or on the locals platform. If you liked the politics do alright, that's all for now youtube thanks for joining. I will see you
Transcript generated on 2023-12-19.