« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2251 Scott Adams: We Have Entered The Demolition Phase. Creative Phase Follows. We're Good

2023-10-04 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, Women-Only Job Fair, Mike Cernovich, Lahaina, JAMA Loneliness Study, Legacy News, Senator Menendez Allegations, F-16s Turkey, Rep. Cuellar Carjacking, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Patrick McHenry, European Free Speech, Digital Services Act, Lavern Spicer, Brian Austin Green, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Duties do good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. If you'd, like your experience today, to go to levels that nobody can even imagine all you need is a cup or mug or a glass. I take her chelsea style, the canteen drink, a flask of vessel, any kind filled with Favorite liquid. I like coffee, join me for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine the other day. That makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and that happens now. Go I pause to savor savor savor it. Why are, as you know, Joe Biden dog, whose name is commander has been Biden: people mostly the secret. Us, and we can only speculate as why
My assumption is that commander is a republican and he's trying to get the secret service to quit, so the bodies more exposed as one the other possibility is that. If your name is a commander Biden, you're probably going to do some Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden and commander Biden, but you might ask if the dog is biting people repeatedly, why do they keep it around? Isn't it obvious? It's obvious, why they keep it around right, it's going to be real replacement for a couple of years. yeah commander of the dog will be vice presidential running late, because, unlike com laris, the that dog s, things done. If you know what
Nobody's ever going to say is by his worsens, bark causes, whereas bark is worsened by because his bite is worse than this work. Here is the good news that looks like bad news. I've number of times that I think it was married to a new set. The first that we humans can't tell the difference between good news and bad news. You've probably heard me say that I feel like this is one of those times.
Because what do you agree with the following statement that the fabric of civilization is coming apart? You would agree with that statement. It isn't just like there are. A few problems is like the very fabric of civilization is at risk right. Here's, my positive, take everything was broken. Everything was broken every one of our systems work, corrupt and our corrupt everything they should work, isn't working, but we were still limping along. I believe we have entered what I'm going to call the demolition phase, we're just gonna break all of our shit because were really bad at stopping things. Would you agree
as a sort of a american feature, we're not great at discontinuing what we were doing. We might be better than some other countries are doing it, but we're not where we need to be who will write a bad idea what far too long? But here's what we're good at we're, really good at rebuilding. We're really good at the next phase after the demolition phase, and I'm going to talk about that. All the stories are really the same story: we're we're in just demolition phase, just breaking everything, and the good news is that americans, in particular.
are really really good at the creative stuff. If we break this, how are we going to fix it or build something better design, something better we're entering we're, leaving the phase we're terrible at which is changing. Things are sort of ossified and frozen into our structure, but we're going to get that done and you're seeing the first signs of it for sure, but we're about to enter. the creator phase and were really good at that. There's gonna be a lot of fun coming years. A few things just up to you, Talk do Russell brand. Yesterday we had scheduled for thirty minutes, but we went ninety minutes because we're just having fun- and I think you'll see that around thursday, maybe that's probably clipped up, so it might be caught up in a few different pieces
but would you say there Russell brand and his situation? My situation in terms of girls and the situation in a number of other situations would you say that we were all destroyed now we're not dead, but when you say that are a business models, world destroyed same was tramp tramp was destroyed. But he still here and what did I do and I got cancelled? That was my demolition, so I had someone instant demolition who saw like then the dynamite took it down. At once. What did I do as soon as I was cancelled, sousa demolition phase was over. I entered the creative ways: how that go: excellent, really because I'm way better at creating that I am at destroyed. So
I had reached a certain age and said: you know, I'd really love to destroy what I already have, because I just feel stuck, I didn't feel like I can retire and then the normal way, but I wanted to I wanted to just do things I wanted to do. I wanted to take more chances, do something different and then the demolition phase happened. You know, without my expectation, and so I've never been happier, and I know people don't believe that, but you have to understand what it feels like to be. A creative person. Who's already made their money that they already making your money part's important to the story, but if you're a creative by nature- and you haven't been creative for a decade or more,
because you're you're coloring between the lions and he didn't want to get in trouble and you're in the newspaper and they don't they don't take. They don't allow you to have much edge. So I've been delighted. It's been great. I've never been creatively more fulfilled. So What will happen to Russell brand? Well, assuming that he recovers, and I believe he will will probably be a different creature, so his creativity will have to kick in. You saw what happened with Tucker Carlson as soon as his business model evaporated, not as choosing he got creative and he looked at me. He looked at what assets he had to work with, and then he assembled the asset
it's that you put on the biggest show of all time, but I I dunno it as a as anything ever gotten bigger ratings in the sort of news category. Maybe the nineteen sixty nine moon landing that was about it so watch for this pattern, demolition, followed by creativity, it's what we do best here in america, one another example. I saw a sort of aicha tweet about it. He was talking about there's a tech, fair, a career one of these job fairs, and it was limited to women, but it was filled with men. Do you know why it was filled with men, even though it was designed to be just for women, because the men showed up and they identified as non binary lots of them? Lots of young men showed up at the woman's only job fair identified as non binary and were allowed in. Can we take a moment
that's how you do it? Why did the young men have to do that? Well, because these structure that would normally support them in the free market had than ossified and destroyed. Their old system of doing things was demolished, so what did they do their americans, their men, their young? They got creative and they said fuck. You fuck, you fuck
You fuck you and fuck. You wrote non binary on their label and went and tried to get themselves some jobs. Do you think there'll be a lesson that in the future do not know young man It's time we, my generation has failed. You completely. I don't mind, saying that it's just true. We have failed you completely. We let those woke bullshit get out of control. Do you know why cause it didn't affect us that much that's why it didn't affect me that much cause. I already made my money, and that was a certain age, but we fucked you young guys, especially young women as well, but young guys, I think worse, and you know what you're going to have to do it yourself and guess what you're gonna do it yourself and you will succeed because
It's going to stop you you're not going to let you you're not going to put up with this shit like we did in style, so you are well into the demolition phase, young man. It is time for you to destroy the systems that are holding you back, and I know you will, as my sort of its recommended, if you're not doing this meeting identifying is something that would have some rights in america if you know, during this or tell your gives due to do this on college applications. You shouldn't read me, meaning you shouldn't follow servage as you lack the vision and will will take takes to return this country, some some normalcy, that there is a reason why so edge gets so much attention everything he writes.
The spicy are you start reading it and suddenly your mouth is on fire before it gets the other the sentence, but I would piling onto that the thought because, good one, and I think it's time for honour brazil, young white males to identify his native american and non binary. Why native amount in the non binary by their it gets you all the gender related stuff and the native american gets you all these scholarships and access to college stuff. But here's why I like native american and non binary as opposed to everybody freelancing. You know somebody say: oh I've been sporadic and lesbian or something
Don't do that. Do you know why you should say your native american and none binary, because your signalling it's bullshit, you're signalling as clearly as you can they you're fuckin lying right in front of them. So they say you break the system, don't be clever. You don't have to be clever, just go full Elizabeth Warren and non binary and who can prove otherwise. What are they going to do test? Your dna? That's probably common, but I would definitely I would definitely push on that a little bit yeah. Push on that because, once you start measuring everybody's dna, there's trouble. By young men will lead the sound tat. I think it's gonna start. So basically, if you follow the money, you could predict this right. You're you're, a young white man, and what are you gonna do if you want to make money
Follow the money you suggest that all white man will see other white men getting away with it. and they will all have to do it it'll just be a requirement for success. So I would think that that's very predictable that the white men will destroy the system of racial and gender preferences by simply assigning themselves those genders and those in those races, and nobody can stop them, because those are the rules, as somebody else may not that they didn't make the rules that you can. You can assign yourself The gender or race you want that's their their rules. I have some news and have a liner in maui. It's a, I think, fake news, but you wouldn't know it. Unless I told you, I've got some insight, commissioner, so the residents from the sea, the west maui.
Are resisting the governor's push to reopen for tourists now, as you might imagine, the hotels want the tourists come in, but there are a number of the locals, especially locals, who work in the industry. The service industry, Bartender is quoted by l, p, o connor, news coverage that locals quote are not mentally nor emotionally ready to welcome and serve our visitors. Does that sound like quite legit? Do you think that people have not worked for months, even though their getting paid? I think the payments may stop after a while, but I do think that they really don't want to go back to work. Let me tell you: what's really happening over there and you already this in the news most of the residents of line,
Especially ones who worked in the in the food services or restaurant industry, they were not winning in life, they were not living in mansions, they were not living in splendor when their homes burned down and they became completely homeless. The the government to credit moved in female, etc and they moved them into. In most cases, hotels, or your large luxury places. Now, though, not living like tourists, you, I think they get their meals or cut down the beach and mass and stuff like that,
So that they're not living like tourists, but they are living in a style to which they have never been accustomed before they're, getting their food and they're getting housing is better than they've ever had and they're not working. So do you think it's because the reason they don't want to go back to work is because they are quote not mentally, nor emotionally ready to welcome and serve our visitors. Or do you think, as the locals have been telling other people that there is a strong preference for milking this thing as long as possible, which you think it is they want to milk it as long as possible or that they are not mentally nor emotionally ready to welcome and serve our visitors? Well, I think you know the answer that yeah so there's milking it. Do you think the news
we report that I only know it because I've heard it from locals indirectly. So that's the big problem, but they're not going to say that out loud. I don't think. There's a study big study. Well not that study, not that big, but in the jama journal of american medical, something something- and it showed that the loneliness affect your health? Apparently we knew that loneliness caused higher morbidity. A number of neuro juror general neuro degenerative diseases but apparently now they ve got some pretty good ideas that loneliness could affect your mental health, your ability to get tat, parkinson's website parties
it's so lonely. There seems to be a cause of various diseases, including parkinson's, so does that track? Does that make sense to you? Do you believe that loneliness is that debilitating? I do. I do yeah to me. That sounds somewhat obvious: yeah, the the science- I believe I've told you this before the science, I believe, is when the science agrees with not only other science, as this one does, but it also agrees with observation. I would say that when I feel only. I also feel less healthy, like you really feels like a like just a weight on your whole soul, and I would be amazed if it doesn't, fact your health. So I guess I believe that one
I use another science they tested to see if heterosexual men can I do why women, who were fertile meaningful at that moment that they can have a baby at that moment if they were impregnated them and sure enough. There was a smaller study but sure enough men to identify women who are fertile. Do you believe that, because we have known for a while and they also or not conscious of it, not conscious of it so as an unconscious identification is what these study scenario is. So that was designed to tease out it's an unconsciously and so what does that say about birth control? Wouldn't this,
tell you that if you were let's say the pill that you would not present fertile and therefore would you not be less attractive to your partner for about half of the month
that doesn't that make sense if, if the normal way of things without birth control is that, let's say your mate is more attractive to you than normal during those fertile weeks. Don't you think you would have a much happier marriage than if your attraction was the birth control attraction which would be lower all the time, so you'd never have two weeks where you're just like really into your partner you're, not sure why or more importantly, your partner is really into you. Do you think it only works? One way. Do you think that the reason that the only mechanism is then that the men are more attractive, you don't think the women who are fertile are also more flirty and more willing and more orgasmic and more everything. Of course, they're logically you'd think so so seems to me that birth control probably destroyed the marriage, which would also destroy reproduction, which would be the end of humankind, but because it comes from big pharma and women really really like it. I understand why nothing will happen so we'll never take this seriously, because it's big pharma and women like it, and I can see why you know getting pregnant when you don't want to get pregnant, pretty bad deal hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a ripple with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify, search for coffee with Scott Adams or your favorite podcast, and view the latest episodes and respond to acuity and
was on spotify only alright. Have you ever heard this the experts on relationships talk about. We will talk about matt gaetz by the way we'll get there, and there are two kinds of emotional. Let's see attachment styles, that tell me if you've heard this it's kind of popular at the moment and that these attachment styles are formed early in life. You know usually something with you and your parents. I guess- and there are two primary
also attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance? I've ever heard of this, and there are people who have attachment anxiety. They seek reassurance and closeness in relationships, while those with attachment avoidance tend to be uncomfortable with intimacy and desire independence and then there's a whole. You know a whole bunch of advice based on this breakup. I don't believe any of this either. To me this looks like complete bullshit. It looks to me like myers, briggs and myers. Briggs has been proven not to have any useful value. Now I say that knowing that the Myers briggs people disagree so to avoid getting sued let me say in my opinion the myers briggs is bullshit, I'm sure they will tell you. It's not so just be aware that three counter argument, but to be this all we can do
something to help your relationship? If we just figured out this attachment anxiety, thing vs, you know the attachment avoidance thing. I don't think any of it is real that that's my dick, so I don't believe a myers briggs. I don't believe this attachment anxiety. Avoidance thing is real and I also don't think that the five languages of love is why you think it is yeah. You know that theory that everybody has their own love language. Some people have a love language which is they like gifts or acts of service. You do something for them. Other people like kind words and
people like touch physical touch. I think there's one more I can remember and if you knew other people's love language, that will allow you to respond to them in their love language and therefore everybody's happy right, complete bullshit, it's just a scamp, here's, a scam, have you ever asked the woman? What love languages do they ever say touch now now that, because I can get touch every time they walk touch has no value to them. If you ask a man, what is love? Languages is very likely to say touch. Do you know why? Because he's a man is hard,
it's hard to get touched if you're a man, so as everything to do with you know the economics of it. You know what is the thing that's hard for you to get it's not your fucking love language is just was hard to get. That's it and us women what their love languages if you've ever tried this, and what did they say? Gifts of acts of service fuck, you fuck, you good dry, ladies yeah, If we give you shit and act like your butler you'll like us a little more, oh surprise, I'm glad I did some science to figure that out something that everybody in old foggy world already knew. This is useless bullshit! That's my dick.
You must get a term that I'm going to adopt it today to yesterday, which I call opposed in which you said I almost never read legacy news anymore. What's the point I think a thousand words about something that was already posted on x several days ago now. I believe I said something very similar and years ago I heard mark cuban say it he's. He said it before. I said it and that twitter at the time was where he was getting his news and I get that. But what I liked best about this tweet is the label legacy news. You know we we've all been trying to come up with a name that was descriptive yet insulting you know. So you say if you say corporate news, you like corporate news, but that's not really a cool label. You know because corporate can be good or bad. You know, then there's the
industry media that doesn't really sound naked negative? Does it is mainstream for a reason? People like it. I guess, but if you say legacy, media or even fake news. That just sounds like an opinion, but if you say legacy media there's nothing to argue with, because it is the old fashion media, and I love that if you want to hurt the legacy media call them the legacy media, that's the one that that's the one that causes pain. Now I've told you before that I think elon musk, even before I knew it was true. He had some kind of extra facility of understanding how people work his understanding of just human motivation and how the brain is wired is extraordinary. For somebody who says are on the
interim, which I have a little, I'm a little skeptical these on the spectrum, but I guess you get to self identify anyway. He is far too keyed in on persuasion and how brains work to be on the spectrum. He just he seems like the opposite of that, like his understanding of human nature is beyond average and you would expect it to be below average if you are on the spectrum now I understand that if you're on the spectrum and did your studying, you can be above average but not in the natural way of just seeing it and feel yet the way other people do but legacy legacy loose, to borrow that well,
Will do before the jesse waters is one of your best sources for figuring out the complicated news and what it really means and how it's connected to things. While he did it again and I'll just read you his his words jesse waters, it's about a gold bar bob, as he calls him bob Menendez accused of
in bribes and jesse water says we finally figured out why a gold bar bob Menendez is being taken out. So the the accusation here is that he's being taken out by his own side. So they had some problem with the president of turkey wanted to buy F sixteens from america. A gold bar bob put a hold on the jets. Now the bob's out turkey's gone on a shopping spree and is no longer going to keep holding up a sweden's application to nato like wait. What you're, starting with bob menendez taking money from egyptian guys, is going on the president of turkey to F sixteens to Sweden's application to nato now. This is why nobody understands anything in the news is just too many moving parts, but the simplification
the bomb bananas was holding something up and video, maybe there were some bribery motive there. That's that's the allegation. But apparently turkey was holding up Sweden's application to nato and turkey actually said so. This isn't just Jessie's opinion, and so turkey actually said that if they can get their f, sixteens they'll they'll be a yes and sweden for nato. It actually was that direct. It was exactly what it looked like this one guy was holding it up now. Think about this. Now, I'm not so sure that turkey needs f sixteens, like so, I'm not sure, I'm in favor of it or against
the. I don't really have any insight into that, but what I can tell you is that it seemed to be one senator who was doing things that didn't seem to be for the benefit of the united states or turkey or swede or nato. So what's up with that, could it be because of bribery? Well, it's starting to look that way. I did I already talk about the Cuellar getting is carjacked. I mentioned that edge always said that in the man cave so what's his name Henry Henry Cuellar is that his name?
so he is at his car, gets carjacked in Washington DC. Now it made a lot of news because he's a member of congress, but he had the best public press route. I guess press conference that you've ever seen and I was so impressed
have you so he calmly describes being carjacked and he said there were three men with guns who surrounded him, but here it but here's the baller thing he said he just sorta matter of factly drops us into the conversation because it was important. It was actually helped. You understand the situation, he goes, I'm a black belt in karate, but you know there were three of them with guns. I just love that I love the fact that three with guns was to Betty. Had it been one person with a gun, maybe would have just taken them out now. I wouldn't have been the smart play, even if you know karate, if the other person has a gun, maybe you should. You know, maybe not take your best shot if your cars insurers, especially, but I love the fact that that's the way he answered it to let you know that you know it probably,
was closer to a fair fight. But I decided to let them live. I let them live and take my car. That was a cool answer. Alright, do I have not killed any of my critics today, vacation wondering only two of them are deceased this week, but no none of them today. So I'm slowing down on that. I told you this before that Nate silver, whose you're a famous statistician and martin called orf of his name right, who is also harvard trained
expert in statistics through this big public debate and it doesn't even matter what the topic is or has to do with vaccination effectiveness. But that's irrelevant to my point. My point is that if two experts in statistics look at the same data and come to opposite conclusions, how are the rest of us going to know anything I mean I would I wouldn't even
We've come close to arguing with either one of them and I'm you know, I'm pretty arrogant and even with my level of arrogance I wouldn't argue with either one of them on statistics. If they've looked at the data closely- and they say here's my interpretation of it, what do I know like? How am I going to debate either one of these guys either at the top of their fields? Sorta thing, but the fact that the people at the top of the fields can look at the same data there they're not looking at different data, which is usually the problem, the same data and opposite conclusions. Does that tell you everything you need to know about data and about experts? I think it does it's a
another another picture of how the data is well, the experts were not as reliable as we do. I look like about Mccarthy. Speaker, Mccarthy has been voted out. No longer the speaker, the house maggie's led the charge and got enough people to agree with them. to take him out. Mccarthy says he will not run together job back, we'll be somebody else, the interesting thing about this is the responses, whether people so there's some number of people smart. who say: oh no. This is a terrible problem because it will throw the congress into chaos and indeed they can't pass any legislation
or do any business by their own rules until they get a new speaker of the house, and it's going to be hard to go on so from now until they figure that out, the entire congress is gonna work they're, just not working, they cannot do anything until they get a new speaker which won't be easy. Now. Do you think that do you think that Matt gates made the right play or was it just personal, some people say, or was he just trying to get attention, as some people say? Well, I would say that this is demolition. You add a congress. There was
able and unwilling this is important unable but more importantly, unwilling to pass a budget which they were legally required to do. That would give us some kind of relief from debt. Wouldn't do it twenty two years they haven't done it. What is the correct approach? Wait another! Twenty two years now the correct approaches, demolition, so Matt gates got out the bulldozer, they'd just bulldoze congress. What can congress do today? Nothing, nothing. They can't do anything. They can do one fucking thing.
Which is fix. The problem the maggots said was broken now, they're gonna do that. So I would say I agree with the vague round the swami who said there will be chaos because of this move. But as vague says, I'm paraphrasing who says chaos is bad where they come from. Chaos is usually the in between step of all improvement There's always chaos in insurance genre. So I'm one hundred percent in favour of this action, even as crippling as it is because he just bulldoze congress now they're gonna have to rebuild something that works, so I don't think they will. we rebuild something that doesnt work, but at least at least somebody did something
So I am one hundred percent in favour of mac gaze on this action? Less? U else approve of it? long republican voters. Only twenty two percent said the ousting mccarthy will be good, while thirty seven percent said it would be bad. Let me tell you a story about by banking days I was a banker. There was a person who actually little historical note, became these physical model for the Dilber character. So he was the guy that I actually drew dilbert based on his look, I didn't know him too well. He was just somebody in the office where I worked and he was considered such a good technical expert that if he were ever to quit, that maybe our entire computer systems would go down and the entire company might actually be at risk. One guy and the
this was told to me by a number of people, it's like always and is the most key employee is the only one who knows how to program our big computers and any problem his only these, the only one who ever fixes it. So if we lose arab, the whole company is at risk, so he could get away with murder or like he could have bad behavior and not show up to meetings and do whatever he wanted, because he was essential so one day he got a better job offered. He quit. Do you remember when that big bank failed, because that one guy quit now? Do you know what happened? Nothing, nothing, no debt. What was it a big shock to the system for about a day we talked about it. You know what happened after that.
We figured it out, we just figured it out. Was it ok after that yeah it was fine, it didn't make any difference at all. Now how many of you have ever worked at a company where there was a key employee,
I knew if that person ever left. You are in big problems, but then they left and it was fine. It was just fine. We've all had that experience if you've been in a big company now. Do you believe that mccarthy was so valuable to this process, because apparently he was a good speaker with a lot of people say he did a good job on a number of things. No he's not he's not irreplaceable, and the chaos will not be worse than what the situation was before the chaos. So, as vague says, chaos might be the the useful step before you effects something. There's a lot of talk about trump being nominated for speaker. I will give that a zero percent chance of happening zero percent chance. I don't think trump takes the third in line for the presidency job once you've been president, you don't take the one, that's third in line say whoa. I can get something done. I could do
some useful things, if I'm third in line for the presidency, yet not going to happen, is not going to run for the Senate is now cause it's just not going to happen. There's no way his personality will be compatible with that, and so the temporary speaker of the house is Patrick Mchenry and as if, as you know, it was the the debt and the budget that were the problems that got rid of the old speaker, so patrick Mchenry, I gave a speech and he said, give me liberty or give me death, Patrick Mchenry anybody, history, nerds history, nerds come on. Give it up, hear me liberty or give me death come on that wasn't terrible.
Dad joke time, but Patrick Henry also did an asshole move, he's going to kick Nancy Pelosi out of her nice office. Apparently she has a nicer than normal office. So now that he's the speaker of the house for like a day there or he doesn't have many powers because they can't vote anything but he's the speaker of the house. So he kicks her anniversary or office and takes her office kinda funny
this guy. This lobby. He got her a coveted hideaway office cause just because we wanted it for himself. I kinda love the fact that if you saw him banged the gavel you knew he was really angry about mccarthy being taken out, so he was not in favor of what happened so when he bangs the gavel to end the thing he'd. Just like that, I thought he was. I thought it was going to break the gavel like he hit. It hard enough, I expected that the head of the gavel will just come right off, so this guy is really pissed about what happens and then he soon, as he gambles Nancy Pelosi from our own office and moves him
his style yeah it was petty. It was petty, but it was also funny and therefore I approve of it. Well, here's a small item. Europe has ended free speech, which will certainly ended in america. Do you want any more about that topic? Freespace actually entered? In my opinion, it's gone. You can say it was called before, but europe as a single. The digital services act, which Glenn greenwell calls the use most repressive, online censorship laws and the plan is to force accords in your times. They want to force social media sites to censor more including in the. U s. So, the? U s will end up.
Going along with whatever the big social media networks do and they probably have to bow to europe for businesses. it's. So it looks like europe will lead the elimination of free speech in america. Europe will because europe will influence social media. Social media is our only real mechanism of free speech because the legacy media is old, so the europeans are taking away the free speech in america. Actually that's actually happening. Yeah thanks. Germans in germany strikes again alright. Well, we'll see if we can fight back about
is that in america, but that's the way it's going, it looks like free speech is on the way out, but sure we don't have a congress anymore. That's true! We don't trust our experts anymore. Well, that's true, but the one thing I can feel good about. At least I have healthcare right. At least I have healthcare ever kaiser Permanente, that's the name of the healthcare organization. I use oh kaiser's going on strike today that could interrupt health service for thirteen million people, including including cartoonist, Scott Adams, yeah. So okay, so I don't have a congress. I don't have free speech and I don't have healthcare at the moment, but the good news is that Patrick matt Mckay
much better office, and that's something I mean there's another. I like him to be happy too well, you may be aware of Laverne spacer is very active on the x platform she's running for congress in florida and she's, a black woman which is important to the story. So Laverne spacer black woman, again important the story tweeted were opposed to this today. I just saw a heartbreaking story about a new york man that was stabbed to death at a bus. Stop the same man who had messaged me on next few days, but then I saw the one about the baltimore woman. There was murdered in a building by a black man. She led him, then livered says I'm just gonna say it
white folks. You'll need to move out these democratic cities. Democrats got black folks all riled up against you. They don't come back your police forces. And they do catch your release on violent felons. if you ever want to be safe, again moved report,
What can run areas even if you hate us, will still protect you, so she is republican and she says if, even if he aid us will still protect you because we're republicans. So what does that remind you of anything that does sound like I dunno? It's got, there's something about it. That reminds me of something, but I can't I can't place it. Do you think she'll be canceled for saying that white people should move away from black people? I think she said that in the clever way, by saying it's a Democrat said he had. I said, Democrats city, but I was making a larger point about the I and crt and the sg. So for me it wasn't about the city. So much, that's just a related related point all right. Well, no, she will not be canceled because she is black and female and if you're black and female you do still have free speech, I don't the practical way. Oh, can I invite dale over scott social media companies are private companies? It's only. The government can take away your free speech, yes dale. That was a good argument in the nineteen eighties before social media. Good argument.
Now is just fuckin stupid is stupid. Jarring even argue that you have the right to speak, but not the ability we'll take your ability to speak away. Oh, but you have the right. You have a right to free assembly. Oh, we are going to lock you by the ankle in chains and your house, but if you were not locked by your ankle, you could certainly have the right to get together. The fact that we prevent you from doing it is unrelated to write. You have the right to get together. We just happened to put you in jail. I am sure that happily, I would put this also in the category of demolition, so well, Laverne spacer is doing and by the way I agree with every word she said. As you know,
What laverne is saying is that the cities are unassailable and there were in the demolition phase, so your best bet is just to get away from the wrecking ball. If you can- and you know, actor brian Austin Green, he was married to megan fox for awhile. He was on nine, oh two, one, oh and apparently for four and a half years. He had symptoms like a stroke. You said he could barely walk. He was walking like a ninety year old man, And doctors couldn't figure out what it was. There was stress, but stress alone probably wasn't the cause and then finally he went to some other non traditional doctor who said the problem was inflammation from gluten and maybe dairy and that it was inflammation that was making them.
Feel like them so as soon as he changed his diet he's perfectly. Finally, and just like he always was now here's what caught my attention. I told you that I went through two and a half years of feeling, like I had a stroke and of course you thought it was the vaccinations, but it started before the vaccinations and it started before coven as well. So, in my case nobody could have been my blood pressure, meds or something else I know, but for two and a half years I felt like I was a zombie and then just to lose weight. I stopped eating wheat. I just took wheat end of my diet for a little while, and all of my problems went away all of them. I had. I had exactly the same problem and Brian Austin Green found out that gluten was the problem, and that was my problem as well and by the way, I'm not
Silly act, so apparently the gluten has more than one way can affect some people. I don't know if it affects everybody by some people. So if you did a silly, I test you wouldn't take it up, but my sister inform me that that there is a genetic propensity to some wheat inflammation cash get tested. I guess. So why is it that you don't know that gluten might be more dangerous than you think? Do you think has anything to do with how big that businesses, like, maybe probably as everything to do with the
big business ideas is my guess. So when I see a story like this, I say to myself. I wonder how many people are just walking around just crippled and they don't know sir diet, but it's a lot
I think that's a lot, but I don't want to get sued for saying wheat is bad. So I'm no doctor, so I'm not going to say that I'll just say, there's two anecdotes, which is not enough to form any kind of a scientific opinion, but it's kind of a coincidence that somebody had the same symptoms as me and solved at the same way. In my case, it was accidental, like kind of a big coincidence, isn't it yeah kind of a big lizards. Ladies and gentlemen, those are things I wanted to talk about where there are some stories I forgot, it could be just a coincidence that your bodies are some of the best thing to sell to use to feel superior, better bodies.
I don't know why you'd want to do that. So Jim Jordan is being put forward as a potential speaker, Laos, Jim Jordan, seems very capable, but he's very political. Maybe that's what the job requires. I dunno if they need somebody who's, a peacekeeper or a political bomb thrower, but I see Jordan as more of a political bomb.
sure, but he's very capable lee zeldin would be better. Somebody says I dunno. If he's considering it of a vegas speaker, that's interesting. I don't think he has the credibility in congress, though alright, I know Jordan was supporting mccarthy yesterday, so I love the fact that congress was crashed because allegedly the speaker lied to gates. How much do you love the fact that the Matt gates fired his boss? In a sense, the speaker, Laos? He fired his boss because his boss lied to him now there might be more to it, but that's sort of the surface story. I kind of love that if you could fire your boss for lying to you and no other reason.
I'm cool get do not. I really found distasteful. Is people who understood that their mccarthy had lied to gates about the separate spending bells and there were still ok with them, because they did a did a good job. Otherwise I don't get that at all. If the speaker, also lies to you on a real central topic. This was not some small side topic. The question was: do you get to vote on budget bills or just run up the run up the debt forever until we all die the most important question of congress and he lied about it allegedly, but it looks like that might have happened. Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with firing the most effective leader you've ever had. If he lied to you about something that basic now you're going to say to me,
postcard trump says things that are not true, all the time correct and we all know it and we all process it that way. We process it as hyperbole and we process it as at best you know, directionally correct, so I don't think it's the same thing. You know if, if trump had been speaker of the house and made a direct promise of the same kind, I'd have the same problem, because that's like a real promise. That's not bullshit exaggeration sort of things that politicians do that. That was more person to person that was personal and if, if gays treats it as personal, he has that right. If gates says this was personal, you lied to me in the in the capacity as the leader is still personal and if he took it personal and acted on it and crashed congress because of it. I'm ok with that that maybe the next person won't lie. Maybe the next person will think twice. I think you have to have at least that kind of reaction yeah. It's all about ukraine, probably all about ukraine, but I do love that the people who crashed the congress were saying no more money for ukraine. If we're going to leave the border open- and we must have a lot of non members over here- cause I'm getting a lot of dumb comments.
Handshake deals are legally binding. That is correct. Devin nunes that'd be interesting in being anti politics. Alright, I don't think there's anybody outside of congress who could get the vote and I think probably, there's no way that's going to happen, because I think members of congress want to make sure that only a member of congress can get that job, even though constitutionally that's not a requirement. It's weird that it's not a requirement in the because I feel like the constitution, just made a mistake by not making it a requirement that you remember and mark Levin when.
Course earth. I don't care, I don't care. If you want to see, is right, let's just wait. My prediction is that these so called chaos in congress will have no effect on you. I don't think he. I don't think you and I love any even notice. It it'll just be a news report for a week and then they'll have a new speaker and everything will go on yeah. Oh, could I be speaker, that's a good question. Could I be speak now? I'd get destroyed, couldn't survive. It.
I can get a democrat support. Well only when it's in their self interest this constitution established the speakers office, I dont know, does or doubts looking.
Is the stream going to be monetized alright, so here's what I'm doing differently on youtube so youtube. Does this thing where it just stuffs an unconscionable number of ads almost like they're trying to kill it? They put so many ads in that what we had been doing is manually removing them, so there were still some ads, but it wasn't unwatchable and I've just decided to embrace and amplify meaning that if youtube wants to make their product unwatchable by adding so many ads that I'm going to leave them in there and if you complain enough now, there's I think, there's no ads in the live version. Right live version doesn't have ads, so you'll still get the live version, but the recorded version. You should just watch it somewhere else, so you can see it on rumble, which would also have ads or if you remember, of the locals community, you could watch it there and at least for awhile, I'm gonna leave it unlocked. So you wouldn't have to be member at the moment, but I'll probably lock it at some point in the future. So if you wanted to sample it, I'm gonna leave it unlocked for a little while let the ads just build up on youtube and we'll just see what happens. Well, you can't stop the ads on the recorded version cause. The recorded version will just stop and wait for the ad. The ad blockers can't can't fast forward. Can I hypnotize them to do better? If you pay yeah or you could pay youtube to have no ads, that's correct, you could get your your higher end youtube account that works as well. Well, adblocker can only block an ad, but it can't afford fast forward. The video am I norway, whatever that means, and my norway on blog means no ads. No pausing and waiting for ads, etc and youtube how's that possible, that's impossible brave does it. I don't believe that I don't believe what you're telling me I, the brave browser was like a virus on my system. I had to get rid of it, alright, because there are too many things at once.
chrome to work. Youtube is censored adblocker. Well, I'm not going to encourage you to use ad blockers, but you can do whatever you want to do. Sticks as new as oh, you could run without ads. Why would sticks have no ads as a monetizing? Does he do his own commercials? I'm not going to get sponsors now as soon as I'm beholden to sponsors, even if they do asked me to do anything. I wouldn't know what to say and what not to say no good. I I don't think I could do this job with sponsors. Now I do. There are advertisements but they're irrelevant to my actions. I don't really see them or pick them or even know how many there are six gifts, donations and he sells edited books instead.
I created the four seasons what I I of all published for you, a list of the podcasts I've been on, so you can see the links there have been a bunch of them now I don't have any plans to be on any of the big ones that I haven't mentioned. If I get invited on one of the big podcasts I'll, let you know yeah, I know I can stop the ads
myself, that's what we were doing, but we choose not to and will trump prevail or lose his wealth. Do you think trump will actually have his businesses seized? I mean he would still be the beneficiary of the income, but somebody else would manager emergency test. Today, I dunno about any emergency test losses, casino. Well, that was a special case. Alright! Well, that's all I got for you today. I'm going to go. Do some other things and you're going to have the most amazing day. Just remember: don't worry about the demolition phase. Demolition phase had to happen, we're in it, but we're real good at rebuilding creative phase coming soon. So people are really mad at me and yelling in all caps. Jay says: Scott, listen to people who know more about it than you. Adblock lock stops ads on, live and recorded videos on youtube. How can it possibly stop a recorded video? Was that even possible alright fema emergency alert today? Why was that? I'm not gonna test that cause. I don't believe it adds or a separated stream how in the world could there be no pauses, I'm very skeptical, of that alright they're pinging all devices at eleven twenty am really so hasn't happened yet alright. Well, so let me talk to the npc easier. Sometimes
I get pushback for not testing things that could be tested, but you do. I don't have time to test everything that can be tested right. You have to call your shots and I don't believe technically there's a way to do what you say: Oliver, you are sure it can be done and you've witnessed it yourself. I still don't believe it sorry. I sorta probably won't test it alright, but there are a thousand people here using adblock and all having the same experience, and I also don't believe it. What did why should? I believe, because a lot of people say it's true. Is that your point is your point that I should believe it, because a lot of people say it's
That's the argument you give me your argument is a lot of people sought with their own eyes was true. Can you think of anything else that thousands of. People saw with their own eyes and their own experience, and yet it wasn't true like every every. U f one report: every hoax find people whoa strengths. Bleak shows now, if you're, under the impression that, because you've all experienced that and you're telling me directly that I should be convinced by that- that's not how anything works. That's not how anything works. Alright described the wrong person, the bank robbery. That's true! Everybody gets the pegasus virus today when they do the.
test. I believe true are right. Let's talk about that tomorrow and I'll see you tomorrow, you do live now.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.