« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2230 Scott Adams: Alien Corpses Found In Mexico Are Being Bussed To NYC & Mayor Adams Is Mad

2023-09-13 | 🔗

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Politics, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Paul Krugman, Impeachment Inquiry, President Biden, Extraterrestrial Corpses, Government Propaganda Machine, Oliver Darcy, Political Prisoners, Owen Shroyer, Internet Dads, Russian Military Improvements, Ukraine War, Decongestants, Phenylephrine, Corruption Evidence, Anthony Fauci, Pandemic Lies, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ugh love looking at some pictures that are well good morning, everybody and welcome. the highlight of human civilization. Scald glove you was set, got atoms and I'm told the aliens are coming from far away just to be here for this, and if Like your experience to go up a level that nobody even imagined was possible, all you need is a cover of Margaret glass. A tanker tells us die again to juggle flask vessel. The guy fill it with your favorite liquid alike. If he enjoyed me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine thing makes everything better. It's cold, simultaneous sip go! Oh that's good! That's good Ladies and gentlemen, today I
Leave the podcast golden triggered monetary, we'll be featuring me. So look for that. I think it dropped you'll, be amazed and delighted or anything or something by the way how many of you have bought the best book in the world for a gift it turns out. I accidentally wrote the best gift book in the world: reframe your brain cause after you read it and it changes your life. You can give it to other people and it changes their life that you're always trying to think who it would not be suitable for, and I couldn't think of anybody you know. Low, maybe the age of fourteen or something maybe now so much but above the age of fourteen. There is literally nobody in the world who should get this book as a gift. Guess it's not useful?
Everybody's read, it is already learned. That is why it is by far the most gifted book in the world. I would say I can say that with ease Alright, so here's what's going some late shows are trying to come back without writers, because the writers strike how are they gonna? Do it? How in the world hey they're, going to do it by being spontaneous and not having written pieces. but how in the world with anybody, do a show like multiple times per week without professional, here's. How how's that even possible? How can it be done? The somebody could do is show without professional writers is called a podcast a podcast is what literally every part gas does for an hour every time. In fact, there is no part ghastly,
I knew that they can all do an hour of talking to a guest or do or no, in all my gaze, our does that turns out every art of you have talent, but the leisure people are trying to work it out. trying to figure out. How do we do a show without professional writers can imagine my favorite story today and are so many but chrome is Preventative lorn bow bert got, kicked out of a dumper beetle juice performance for what they call disruptive behaviour: Now there were no details on what her disruptive behavior was alleged to event there is only security for it, walking all the way out from where she was s, leave in the audience.
All the way down the halls and up the stairs and around the corners of their lots and lots of video footage. So we get a pretty good idea. What, was about a representative bird. That was quote disruptive. I don't know about you, but if you saw the dress she was wearing, it felt a little disruptive to me. If you know what I mean in my pants yes, it turns out the representative bird has a impressive seventh headlights that she was showcasing. You a dress that could only be could only be made more flattering. If viewed from the angle of the security cameras looking directly down, so all the news is all the news. Is we're friends pretending that the news is looking at our debts, which were quite impressive?
I must say now, if I were going to add a political character to the Dilber comic strip universe. What would that characters? Name? Be you gotta, dilbert rap bird, a cat burke. Hmm obo bert. I think I might add her to the comic strip, because I need a politician. Yeah she'll be a gun, toting bogart, maybe maybe way was only very worried that the economy is in trouble was until this morning. I honestly I was a little bit worried about our economy. You know what, with the debt and the inflation and stuff like that, but I am told that the economist krugman you for krugman economists, Yea says now only was I wrong about was, but I was sort of doubly wrong.
We would listen to wrong. I was I mean a mocking myself now, because I've got a degree, because said I was wrong so wrong. Here's what I should have been thinking. This is from grognon parker. Many says good. The economic data have been. A really good, while some really so really good. So if I were to write that the sea, there would be good lesson good That is good and then, sir, really good. That's that's a really good, good as it also really want, is a really good so really good eddies goes out. Well, who's, not done yet. Even Optimists are just done optimistic, Well, I don't know that disaster like hyperbole or are the optimist all stunned,
I consider myself an optimist. Am I stunned? Well, let's see what else so I do polls show most americans don't think the economy is doing well. There's a really profound and peculiar disconnect going on weird, it's weird that people can afford groceries. Dont know that they really cab. Parliament. Let's see what the inflation rate is, because I'm an optimist or three point: seven: ok lab Was I stand for a moment? I am an optimist I feel like. I was stunned. How long have I been out this today still wednesday? I don't know, what's going on.
Well, I'm stunned, stunned and unconscious because that economies so good, I'm stunned. So in case you thought I was bad. It's not there's a supporter of Joe Biden, who tells you spread deeper too good. Well, the impeachment inquiry is ago, not engagement known to the whole. Don't don't confuse the impeachment inquiry whether if there's anything I can teach, you is that the inquiry and the impeachment are completely different, so they incur. Is to find out if there's enough to a beach. Sort of you may think of it like grand jury without being good analogy the grand jury to the impeachment inquiry, because the trial would be like the impeachment and the the indictment. The grand jury
the process would be sore like an inquiry enough here. We don't know, but it looks like there's a suggestion of a hint of enough, so you better look into it. So your new sources will be trying to confuse you continuously about the difference between a impeachment inquiry patron. one of the ways. I'll do it is that the left will say things like there's no evidence there is no direct evidence. In fact: there's a oh! Let's, let's call it the the hoax well. Have I ever told you about the hoax? Well, when people start at the top- and they say x is totally true and then you show them it's not true and They go well actions, not true, but your. Why is certainly true and then he showed that's not true. Actual wire not drew that's for sure, but about eight other. Just keep going down the well. So Here's the evolution of
led by the usa defences. It started with by didn't: did nothing wrong? Biden did nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong, so that was I was at the beginning and then turned into there's. No evidence bind did anything wrong with a little different. Isn't it One is the statement that you know for sure that nothing happened but software is a little bit by saying. Well, Nobody can know what they are now, but is already direct, is right. Evidence and then when you the shown that there is plenty of evidence it change do, but is a direct out here. It's already Dereck. sure it's new circumstantially sort of indirect.
in the domain of a zip code, but is a direct. Well, that we're we're now passed. There is no direct evidence But now, as I see it and put it today- and I quote there is a lack of impeachment evident- Oh, so we're not only moving away from anything wrong. And we're not only moving away from well there's no evidence of anything wrong and we moved away from well there's no direct evidence We think wrong and now we're at there's no direct evidence of anything. That's unimpeachable, As you know, I am. I not be invincible, technical reasons. It might be. Behaviour that happened prior to being present would see and ends making a point of
and I'm not sure that's a terrible is that a bad defence seems pretty relevant to me. but could you say if somebody took money from china in ukraine right before they were president that there's no has no bearing on the actual being of president now. Well, let's just say, there is no evidence that it will make a difference. No, I mean there's no direct evidence that any of that work, the difference to his current performance on the job, and by that I mean not no direct evidence. I mean no direct peter evidence, and by that I mean the process has started yet so they haven't told us what the evidence is. But by that I mean there's really a mountain of evidence is pretty obvious,
But is any of his well that's what the as what the process will find out now what what is the most predictable thing about the process, a say we're going to predict where the impeachment inquiry will go. I hear you say that the impeachment outcome will be, a lot of alien corpses and spaceships be found by hard to verify hard to verify but lots of them. I wonder if anything like that's happened in the news today: oh yeah, Turns out they found alien corpses and mexico thousand years old, totally totally believable.
Now what they don't tell you about the alien courses that they found. An excellent is that there are already being bus to new york. and mayor atoms is complaining, he's like we can I handle any more alien corpses in new york city, and then people are like but you said you were a sanctuary city and others like. But not for a space aliens. We meant immigrants were like. so you're discriminating now? So I guess I guess there's some A good aliens and bad aliens is what you're saying, feels a little bit. You know, so I for one am fully supportive of our energy bt q plus da aliens aliens dead. I and I think, all of them to be respected and they shall have sanctuary in the eurozone with with my cousin, Eric Adams as well. I say I dwell
the great thing about that the impeachment process is that now that you can see how the machine works and what I mean by the machine is you can see. You know that the fact checkers and the watchdogs are fake, democrat groups and always happen or not always, but for a reason it's true that, but you can see how the news conforms to whatever the way our tells him to say. and here is a perfect example- is Jonathan Turley this point out. So there's this guy letter by the violent way has legal counsel in which there are two into the media, and telling the media to quote ramp up their scrutiny of house. Republicans quote for opening. the inquiry based on lies. This is the Biden. Why house
telling the media to report the story and then cnn obeyed and reported the story that way immediately So here again, you can see the year the machine. machine. Is that the white house was the media, how to report a story and then the various watchdogs will report republicans forever. You know if they have any pushback on that the adeel will call them anti semites. They don't reason just well. The caspian sea all say that it's a group somebody tar them with past associations, and you see the machine.
and is an accident that the thousand year old aliens were discovered and exactly the day the headlines were about something embarrassing to the the Democrats kind of a big old coincidence, especially since we expect that how many of you could have predicted that the day the impeachment inquiry is now there will be. A major UFO story was predictable. We all literally predicted it didn't. We actually predict that allowed. feel like we actually started out loud. I don't remember revised at it. I feel like it was in the atmosphere that people say I've gotta be more ufo la bore you oh sightings. If this impeachment thing gets going, people said that directly, it happened exactly on on cue, Now am I wrong that we can all see the gears and machine now? Where were we
I'll see that are young or entities, users must be protecting us are apparently captured, captured by the industry's through space, be regulated, and I loved dempsey policies answer to slightly changed and subject to the insider trading that members of congress do, which is totally legal and she said a free market. Is totally illegal to make investments based on what you know in congress that the public doesn't yet know she goes to the free market, totally legal, the israeli else you need to do. Do you think the members of congress that beat the average return of the s and p five hundred? Oh yeah, oh yeah,
Yes, I did. I hears our oliver darcy of cnn talks about this impeachment inquiry. Now. Remember I've told you there designated liars and spinners. Some people who always go first, when the narratives importing hours. little bit ridiculous and oliver doors It was one of those as soon as you see his name, it's like Colin stephenson or oliver darcy. You see those two names. You go. Oh okay, this is going to be the spinners spin of all spin No I'm? Not I'm not saying, there's nobody on the right. Who does the same thing and you say some names the Immediately associate with you know, not a straight shooter, and so here he says, as they also talked about the letter from the white house that was asked, reporters to talk about in a certain way and darcy
the letter which seven impeachment inquiry with no supporting evidence, Set off alarm bells for news organisations, so he is used and marry that this letter exists and what it says. And ass a bustle and they refer to Oliver darcy- refers to have denied that disgrace to former president donald trump committed any wrongdoing. So there you spoke about the republicans, have long denied their quote disgraced former president donald trump disgraced disgrace, bio by sea. In that.
the do his supporters think he he's disgraced that do you think, there's any opinion and that disgraced and and that cnn's, using the trick that I always say that Alex Jones and I had to use which you just you sort of state, something as fact and then keep going. Yeah geez disgraced president, and let's talk about something else, just accept the disgrace part with no with no evidence but they say the darcy goes on says that their baseless lee portraying Biden as a corrupt crime, written blip politician engaged in cities, sister activities based leslie do they base leslie still, the word you should be as it so we
I'm from no direct evidence to now baseless what makes them baseless. That's a nice generic worries. Baseless data, baseless does not include no evidence. So we ve gone from no no evidence. Nothing want to know evidence to no direct evidence to basis. Do you know a baseless? Does it allows you to ignore some evidence, but, as you you can say well, there's evidence, but the evidence is baseless Or doesn't apply so you can go from a mountain of evidence which is actually was what the reality is. Theirs that there's a mountain of evidence. You ve got emails, you ve got bank record's, you ve, got testimony of people were there. You ve got the whole thing, so they couldn't.
to imagine other could be more evidence, but you can call it baseless. Is that what they called the laptop? Did they called the laptop baseless as well? baseless muse, though see them itself is not going to tell you it's true basis. means that other people say is true and see, and I'm not going to say is true. So anyway, hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite broadcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the guns and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite broadcasts in view.
these episodes and respond to and acuity and balls on spotify only I I know if, if I needed to tell you that the aliens in mexico or not real, does anybody think that the aliens and mexico a real corpses of aliens anybody know now up, whether elbows only those that their their bones are connected. What look out of an alien corpse, as you know, if you are defined a human word, they front on the arm, still be connected to the back, the arm in a thousand years. The citizens is all correcting start, does not all right the of two separate bones, but not the aliens are all connected. They did. They had a nice clean little corpse all the parts or attack.
cause, I guess, that's the way the aliens rot totally different to the way that people do yeah yeah, their bones were probably fused by all of those rapid movements and their ships. That cannot be explained by normal physics yep, if used their bones and then they died, and then we found them. That's probably why Alright diana do you know owen royer. I think you worked for Alex Jones. And he got through once in jail for not even being on the capital grounds for january six or some like that. Well, what whatever it is, it's sunday, you would expect some way to go to jail for so
What do you all agree, these political prisoners, that his conviction look sketchy? I think he every one of you. Do you think, there's even one democrat who even knows his name or know? That knows that he's has been treated this way about. There is not one, About you could walk every story all day long and they would not know they would not that any of the january six people who were nonviolent we're even jail. They will even They certainly would have never heard of owen schreyer and they certainly would not be aware of the degree near the extent of this penalty, for what literally did so. This is amazing. You know Did you ever think you would live in a country where you have a legitimate political prisoners and is being done right in front of you like I, I didn't really
I think we would ever get here honestly. I thought that was like way beyond where america can ever slide to. But here we are. These are genuine political prisoners now, the next. The next part of this is, do you? Is there an adjustment? Does you know the the? The test of america is coming up. So america is not a country that makes no mistakes. Nobody would believe that we're not a country that makes no mistakes. I would say what identify as american exceptionalism, if I could just be, if I could be overly, you know, cringe italy patriotic for anybody who's, not american, watching this. I know it feels uncomfortable. It always feels like, little watching someone else's nationalism of ever noticed that it feels a little bit like their define themselves. A separate from you feels a little creepy,
but one of the things I ve always appreciated that america is not that we don't mess up, because we do but were unusually gotta correcting were unused. you gotta say: ok, we must stop we're idiots, you're, an idiot were all stupid idiots. Let's just do this better and I'm not sure every every country can do that. I think there's a different approach to failure. Frankly, I think that we fail better than other countries like we fail elegantly. You remember when the first was the first one or two spacex rock is just fell over and blew up like completion.
We're now in our space x's landing landing rockets and shooting them up every day and planning for mars. Now, that's an elegant failure that that's a failure. That's that's an american failure because it was what we learned from it and musk learn from it was enough to make it a success. So. Failing is part of the american feature. We fail harder and faster and more elegantly, we fail more elegantly than anybody else. That's my claim our entire entrepreneurial start up. Culture is ninety five percent failure pretty quickly, but we make that work. So our startups work, because we can fail so aggressively and then just get up and try again
it fails more until something works, I'm not sure you can do that in China. I dunno that you could do that in Japan, that we do have a just a huge advantage in our let's say: tolerance for a good attempt as the best way to say it will we have maximum tolerance for a good try. I just don't know that that's everywhere now, so this is. This brings me back to our current situation. I've never seen the country and more dire fascist, looking situation. Then I see now where the the party in power does seem to be able to control. The media does seem to have control often through yes, jean de I know things on corporation
it's and that's fascist by definition, Glenn Greenwald was pointing out. You know that MSNBC was fascist by definition, because they were, you know, taking instructions from you know the government basically basically operating like an arm of the government. You know classic fascism. Now sir zero question: are we going to be america and corrected because that's what we do? What we do is we screw up, and then we can no matter how hard it is because as well, we do so that's what the election was isabel now normally, if our elections were fair and free in the media were not corrupted, we would have a corrective mechanism built into the,
Islam there will be an election, the other party would win, and then they yeah maybe create their own problems after be solved the next time, but at least they fixed the current ones. You know maybe create a few more of their own, but at the moment we don't have any at least my audience we don't have a lot of optimism that are elections. Reason legitimate! Is that a fair assessment? Would you in the comments is fair to say we? Don't we don't? We don't automatically assume its legitimate? We don't know. But the not knowing is the problem. We also know we won't know next time either. no matter what happens next, we're not going to know how would we know if it's fair? There is no mechanism for that. So this is different, so we don't just need to solve the problem.
We need to solve the entire mechanism, the machine that got us to this point. So we have to reengineer the machine and You are, we gonna, be nimble enough and smart enough and work hard enough and taken of pain that we can change the machine. well. I would like to offer you this following observation: if you want some optimism. Have you noticed that some of the strongest voices on at least social media have something in common there's something in common that the so called internet dads I like to use that term seem to have in common we've all been fired, cancelled or just raised and say to yourself. Well that certainly takes you off the field or does it or does it give you freedom of speech,
Or does it allow you to go to the mat were otherwise you said: Together the things to do- and I am not going to push this button any further I'll get in trouble, But suppose you ve already been gotten, you got an as much trouble as you could possibly be, and what then Well, I would argue that the system is creating a a counter force that it and want to create. meaning that the more people and get cancelled, the more freedom of speech they get in the bigger their audience. And so you're, seeing now the sort of the rise of the people describing the machine. Have you ever seen this before. You're the one. I when I look at a glance, greenwood tweet he's yours describing the interplay of the components of the machine. In the way We didn't really even talk about it. When I was a kid so wave,
We have moved from a what is a machine doing in a word to take us to how is it built like? How is this and connected to this other partisanship? This is due because a lot of the people were the cancelled people. also unusually analytical, but you'll unmask at the top of my. List for somebody they're trying to cancel as hard as possible. I mean he's, got every cancellation force on bud, He is also showing you how the machine works. That's what the exiles were, the the twitter files they were showing you how the machine works and then How'd you that he reengineer the machine right in front of you. The machine being twitter now called acts, but you And still in the process of rio in europe it so that the algorithm is not distorted, that's different. when you see a microsoft eventually, tweet is far more is far less likely to be just some
In far more likely to be. Opening the hood. So you can see how the gears are working and then you really get bad. When you see the gears. when, when I do my life's rooms are more often talk about the mechanism than the outcome? So this whole army of people who have been exposed to say hello, Machine works how hoaxes created so I've described to you as much as anybody else how hoaxes created you know what a roof or is right. So here's here's the thing, those forming that I've never day by talk about Which is there's an entire army of people being educated and how the machine is constructed now that would be the basic requirement for changing or dismantling.
so you're saying you're saying the forces come into play. That would be the necessary forces to push back on the worst abuses, but those forces are not up to strength. So the reason you're not seeing something like a fair fight yet is that the eyes enforces the camera force are not up to full strength, but there definitely heading in that direction. I mean This time last year I had you know far far fewer twitter followers so people. I me we're trying to explain the mechanisms and how it office together, how you, how you ve been abused and how people are abused and how persuasion works and how propaganda works and which characters of the designated liars and which ones maybe can be credible. Sometimes. And how do you know that one sources, fake news. Now. You know the others. Not these are things you never saw ten years ago,
anything you're in ten years ago to what you commonly experience when you get on this live stream or get onto x is more about. The machinery so as more people learn the machine that should change how they act and vote and how they perceive the world. So there's there's big stuff happening. So if, if the so called internet dads, which would include women- and you know if they all get taken out, there's a problem, but so far many of them refried refused to die the the more you cancel us, the stronger we got. I'd russia got missiles new york times, which of course cannot be trusted, say again. Instead, just tell you that the new york times reported and something I.
I knew that is part of a constellation of non credible democrat oriented media. That's completely different and help the news used to be talked about. The vast community knows this big. Correcting things I waste are the new york times says that the russia to overcome their sanctions and exports problems and they just use. Third, you know third countries as are cut out, so Russia can't buy stuff to build missiles, but some other country can so the other country does it for russia they buy it. Russia buys it from them. Everything's fine, apparently the american goal of
engraving. Russia's military capabilities turned into forcing russia into hyper developing their military capabilities, so they're are better than ever. That's right. There are tank building and missile building capabilities are way better than before the war. Now they may have less stuff, but their their production ability is way above where as before the war. Now some of this necessity, of course, but apparently women slowing down barely all these sanctions or bullshit closer, we ve sanctions, so many come in so many countries that they have their own economy. if everybody got along except those one bad country, and then everybody sanction the bad country that would totally work.
But if you start sanctioning yo a quarter of all the countries in the world, or at least you know, embrace them, then they create their own alternate com. You know iran in russia. You know little satellites and stuff. Now Kim Jong moon just have putin, So you are now Kim javelins capacity will be part of the next, so probably Do you think that kim Jong un would have met with Putin if trumpet had been president. While the probably wouldn't be a war, so there will be any reason for to meet but I've got to still you wouldn't I've gotta show you wouldn't because he wouldn't want to make drum man.
So here russia's got missiles. Winters coming the ukrainian offensive appears to be a big nothing but, like I say what are you talking about war? The big nothing could turn into a big something overnight cause oliver. Oliver information is sketchy and there's a lot of things that might be near a failure point you never know until it fails, but it does look like the Obviously it doesn't look like a war anymore. To me, I've been saying this for a while, but the ukraine situation, is now killing young man, mostly in a in a waiting game, we're basically just waiting for the next american administration. That does that sound too simplistic. to me. It looks like both sides are doing nothing but waiting for the twenty twenty four election.
Because there's no way ukraine can do anything, but what they're doing, which is breaking even if they're, lucky and russia doesn't seem to have an ambition for going beyond at the moment, yeah the the stuff that they already hold. So it's obvious that russia is just waiting for trump Wouldn't you say it's not like a hundred percent obvious the rushes just gonna wait till job so literally every person who dies we doing now, One the time that trump ends the sun. If that's the way it goes every person, between now and then was unnecessary in the most you can argue their all unnecessary everybody who died, but not. Would be more unnecessary, then a war that both sides know is over both sides. They know it's over, you think they don't know it. Of course they know it Of course they do, they know the war's over there just right.
I europe young men until the timing is right to say what they need to say and then the thing is a baseless war. Somebody says vessels. what else is happening here is something they shouldn't surprise you at all say in all those deacon. Just and she had been buying at your drugstore says: decongestant right on it. Well that used to have something called should ephedrine or something, but it. Since I was a ingredient in math and the mathematics were stealing, do have the right thing so so the attic suddenly drug were still in the off the shells There are using it to make their mouth, so the part that you could make method was removed and replaced with,
a futile effort and the FDA said that all those products you've been taking for years as decongestants. They had this a lesson. Not one of them works, because the active ingredient doesn't do anything to cfd. A. U f DA, just said all of those products that say: decongestant, don't work and never have. yeah never have after they change the active ingredient. Never have so now. Let me be careful because some of you are going to have you know, colds and stuff and then you're going to say oh skus, at the Don't work, I'm only talking about things, the same decongestant. If it's something that says something else, am I still work
it says something something something plus decongestant is possible that there is something something works, but not the decongestant. So I am not saying that all the drugs are useless, the ones I have sent a letter to fill the brain and safety congestion. Accordingly, If so, how many of you think that's a big surprise? Anybody anybody think that's a big surprise: nope nope nope, nope yeah. You know what the the type of story that I have. The least trust in is one like this This is I'll just give you a generic if you'll see a story that says new study says that some existing medication will work for even more people than we thought before, like we thought that, if you had a you know, a
he's a sleigh sniffle. They should take it, but now it's even before the sniffle, you should take it. Those stories are always just marketing for the company who makes a drug. So there was a time in history, were high blood pressure was considered over a certain level and that people over that level got medicated for their high blood pressure and then well. Surprise. This will surprise over. There were some new science. They showed that maybe that existing drug or that class of drugs would be good. even much lower levels of high blood pressure ha ha, something there would be no doubt. Well there triple your income. If you were making that product. So do you think that science knows about.
I might die in front of you any moment, because you know my blood pressure. At least one point was high enough that it should have been treated and I decided that I didn't believe science will not take you. Now, if I wait you two hundred pounds and if generally, bad health. I probably would reconsider this and definitely don't take my advice. Let me say this as clearly as possible. If you take my medical advice, you're crazy, I'm just guess: I don't have a medical experience on just tell you that I just don't believe anything anymore when it comes from the former industry. I just don't believe anything
So if somebody says you should take this drug there's a side effect, I say- maybe not, maybe not so, but don't don't follow maya advice for sure. Alright, half of the country thinks there's no evidence of any biden impropriety, but the things we now bank records. We know that hunter Biden was paying jos bills. We know that Joe Biden, then no identifiable income there would allow and of the big houses that he has with the lifestyle he has, Now that the family members got millions, we know that they were producing no real product. We know they hunter was giving ten percent of the big guy.
And we know other Joe Biden was aware of hunters business and lied about it. Now, that's what the less with the Democrats, recalling no evidence. Or or as they're modifying it. Well, no evidence before he was president, but definitely no evidence before he was sworn in at the tap or tilt, as anybody watched jake tapper to see. If he's doing the the the tapper tell move his head sideways like that. Yeah I yeah. I get a lot of comments to talk about the allegations of family sexual improprieties, but an unjust, not gonna, go
or cause. I know what you saw and I know what you know. I know what you saw. I that that's a that's a category that I don't think is fair game. That's just not fair game. Because you know what people, let me tell you a rule that I have, if you find out that somebody said something terrible in private cars. Nation that nobody would have ever seen the sails and email or a message and noble
who would have ever seen it except let's say there was some legal action that surfaced it or somebody you know, send it to somebody. In my opinion, the person who said that terrible thing privately is is free. There should be no. You should not judge anybody for anything. They said privately period at all, no matter how much he hated private conversations just have to stay. That way. Yeah, it could be like the the worst item. You could be confessing to a crime privately and I still would say it's private, that's a private conversation, because people don't always tell the truth privately doesn't mean it's proof and I just think
if the conversation should remain private, just all the time yeah like grab him by the yeah exactly well, I guess some people were surprised that even jake tapper is Joe Biden a liar for lying in the debate with trump that His son had made no money from china when it's obvious that they had so even even cnn, and I think the Washington post's fact checker might be on the same page. So is that a suggesting that the bidens are done or Joe Biden's done? I think it does I think it does suggest that, or at least that there are people don't want them to be in the in the race.
There is a new study. Doktor Malone was tweeting about their suggests. That covered does not cause my car dice and that only the vaccinations do and that once again we find the fact you like, I feel, like I feel, it's just the same story. Every time I wake up I'll, see, there's a new study. The upshot of the new studies that factually lied fashion like next day I wake up. there's a new study and the upshot of this is factually like found luck. Is it just same story over and over again, all they do is changed. The topic is mass. Is vaccines? Is my operators it's it's not. community have we now determined the FAO chew was About one hundred percent of everything he said, I think, is honor percentage, like everything
And now there's a story about: what's the story about the cia trying to cover up the lab or the covert origin story, I don't have any that's true. Yeah, so the one thing that we know about the pandemic is at one hundred percent of what we were told was not true. All of it. Just all of it was not true. Aura was based on people's best guess and they guess wrong, which is a different thing. I'll tell you what the oddest thing I hear is this, because it doesn't comport with my memory. because we found out, we were lied to in so many ways, and that may be the the death toll. Wasn't what we thought. Maybe it was other causes and blah blah blah people have taken that to mean that we should not have used any mitigating processes
It makes sense that, based on what we know now, we should not have done anything special. We should have just gone on with our lives. How many think that makes sense by today's based on today's knowledge? Does that make sense? Well, here's mine, memory of it I'm gonna, tell my memory ensures because we probably all of false memories. My memory was that we, not doing any the shutdowns to paris save lives directly. I thought were doing the shutdowns to keep our medical services from crashing and that it might have done that. The avenue of you think that we didn't flattened the curve we probably did flood. The curve is just that the curve was still like this.
It might have been like that, so so we might remove them from like this, like that we didn't flat, but it was maybe a little later so I thought the entire game was keeping our our healthcare system from crashing, and I dont anybody has proven that that didn't work. So we proves that we did everything wrong and there were less two about everything, but there's no way You know that a little social distancing didn't at slow things down. Am I wrong? Am I wrong about that?. I hope to get here's the paper or at the people who say that I'm wrong. Let me tell you what how the news fools you suppose you did a study of
how quickly the virus you're caught on. Do you think you could compare any two places like sweden compared to something else? Does that still seem like a good comparison to you know if you still think that Sweden did the right thing, because they had a good outcome, that's completely non factual, it might be true, but the evidence doesn't show that what the evidence shows is that Sweden was different from the rest of the world in lots of ways. So you care
to compare one country, that's different from the world in lots of ways, including a lot less obesity, and they have nature. Apparently sweden, it's common to have two homes. You know sort of a summer home winter home situation. If you have two homes, your social distancing, to be almost completely good. If you have a younger population, if you have a population in Sweden, they supplement vitamin d because they know they don't have the right sun situation. So the swedes routinely supplement vitamin d, they told me that wouldn't be a big difference. Everything we know suggests there would be a big difference. So if he had a thinner people who naturally you naturally have distance and they supplement with vitamin d and then you compare them to america, that's crazy,
you cannot compare them. So I will say this and I am not willing to say that the shadows were worthwhile are not willing to say that, because I don't think there is evidence that shows that they were worthwhile not seen it, but there is also not evidence to show that didn't work a little bit and maybe a little bit was enough to keep her our healthcare system barely working member, the in my case I had to put off a surgery for a year. I think my memories fail, by. I had to put up a surgery for like a year and that really fucked me up. I mean my health outcome for two years were degraded because putting that offer here, because I had to get on present zone and then getting off apprentice zone was a problem in itself. So
I dunno I. I would say that everything was a lie, but if you're judging the performance, you should judge it against that it keeps the healthcare system alive. You know the the the conspiracy theory I'm most interested in lately is where the deaths caused by the treatment. In other words, the ventilators were the ventilators killing people. I mean we know that they were used improperly. In some cases they were, but how much of the whole story does that explain? Did the deaths like drop off a hill as soon as I stopped using ventilators it's hard to do and it's hard to know. I dunno. Hard to know. Let's, let's just agree, we don't believe everybody about so everything we know
It is the other analytical error that I see almost everybody making you re an analytical error. There. Almost everybody made, and it doesn't mean he made the wrong decision. You might have ended. the right place, but here's the analytical error, the vaccine patient was insufficiently tested. And a novel type. Therefore, there was a lot of risk. Would you agree with that vaccinations were novel? There were not tested sufficient There was a lot of money involved, basically every possible situation to make his sketchy so you'd all agree that the vaccinations had an obvious risk obvious everyone agreed. It was really really obvious. Ok, so, if you're gonna take,
an obvious risk. You'd want to make sure that there was a better deal than the not doing anything If they're not doing anything, we were told meant that you would get covered without whatever protections they were promising you that maybe weren't real right, so you have. The second risk was the covert itself, and during that time we were told that the coven had sketchy origins that may have been military in nature as in if it's designed
it's designed to be worse and if it's designed it may be designed to kill you sooner or later, etc. So I think that a lot of people said: let's look at the vaccination by itself. Does the vaccination introduce a new risk that wasn't there? Yes, it's a whole brand new risk that, if you don't take it, you don't have any of those. You don't risk any of those outcomes. If you don't take it, but then people stopped and they said I'd rather just get the virus what did you know about the virus see? This is where I differ from most people. I said to myself: there is no way to know if getting the virus, without whatever a little protection of the vaccination, might give you for before of akron akron
well different story, but when it was alpha and delta, the experts were saying, and maybe they were incorrect, but they were saying that it will give you some protection from the the virus, the worst outcomes. Now, that might not be true. I'm not I'm not going to claim that you're right about that. Everything seems sketchy but the risk of a weapon, ized, potentially weapon eyes. Military virus is what you should a compared to the risk of the vaccination itself so here s another one. Look at that you would be comparing to completely unknowns. These are completely announce. How could you have confidence comparing to completely unknowns, but most people did most people? I coffins.
So here's here's what I hears my analysis. I said there are two unknowns. One is a vaccination that is designed with by people who, in the best case, is meant to protect you. They may be wrong. They may get that terribly wrong, but it was the intention was to protect. You the virus, based on everything we still now, if it were, if it were designed, it looks like it was. It was designed to make your outcomes works, save One owns one is an unknown, but an intention to make you healthier. One is an unknown, but the intention is to kill you or to make you sick forever. So if you have to unknowns, but you can tell the intention behind each of them does it make sense to take the one where the intention was to keep you healthy.
Even if the wrong versus the one where the intention was to kill you, even if they didn't design, is strong enough to do it again, there's no way to know that's the right decision So do you know what I do when other, when the actual decision cannot be measured and compared? Here's how I make the decision. I shall I go down level. I say all right, no way I can say which one is bigger. So I go down a level and I say, is there anything else about the situation where I could have a certainty, since the two biggest variables are complete unknowns. Is there anything that's like second level down that matters, a lot that I can be sure about and turns out. That was the one thing I could be sure about. Is that at the time, if you've got a vaccination, you could travel internationally.
The that was the only thing I was sure about so since the unknowns were complete unknowns and can't be compared. I go down a level. and I made the same- did the same decision that doctor Malone made doktor malone. Knowing all the risks is literally the expert knowing. Risks, but also knowing that the that that the covert itself as a risk, he decided that he would not get the vaccination until he needed it to travel internationally? That's what I did simply now did I make them a decision. I know that I don't have any idea of viable medical problems that there would be some kind of vaccination or even cove related at the moment are in perfect health. So did I make the right decision?
no way to know and no I'll ever know really? Well, I suppose I got my occurred on is now it looks species, but so I didn't get the boosters do you know I didn't get the boosters, because the boosters were pure risk against alma. Crohn's was looking increasingly like it didn't matter, and I didn't need to travel the need to travel, so that was it now and of course I was I had a comorbidity that other people did now so I've, I've, asthma and I'm not sure if that was really a comorbidity after all, but the experts were saying it probably was because your lungs, you don't want to weak lungs and also get you know, a love problem. So. And then an under a number of people who irrationally believe that
Over their own medical situation was, can be generalised mind. What what kind of analysis is that that year, twenty five and use decided not to give vaccinated so you're a hero compared to me who has no medical, bad outcomes, but I've got to travel internationally, the two best trips of my life, because nobody was busy. I had literally the two best trips of my life because of getting vaccinated, so I may have guessed wrong: that's entirely possible. If, if I had a choice, if you gave me a choice- and I were born today if there were no past and there are no decisions where I didn't know anything when I made them and I can just be born today, would I choose to have the vaccination in me? No, no! No! No! No!
well, no cause I'm already past whatever a macron or whatever risks. There was with alpha delta and I'm not too worried about abercrombie already at it did someone say this is a cope. I think the npc coppers are having a tough time cope cope. I I think that cope is now the best, probably the best tell for cognitive dissonance. I think those of you who are clever just heard my whole descriptions that ok, that next dull sense, but the ones worse I cope cope, are the ones who realise that their own analysis was bullshit and that they may
a life and death decision incorrectly, so the really be cope because they made a life and death decision without knowing how to make decisions that state now. Did you make the right decision, possibly possibly I'm never taken that away from anybody. Have I you know, Let me say it was a wrong or right decision to give acts and aid and I've never even waited on that. I have already told you what I did never I've never recommended for anybody else. So if you are bad, making a decision, and I just told you that then the way to prove that would be to say cope and by us one said it boils want to acknowledge their cognitive dissonance. I let you the letter, you two people commented it, so you can see all the pope.
Well, I would, I would say to you that you may have to cope with your bad decision making capabilities, but it could be that you made the right decision accidently, it's possible. The christian says I think our decisions are emotionally german. First with the logical veneer that is correct. Most of the time. That would be true when one is one of the decisions at an emotional element to it in mind. It's. I would say that the emotional element was a tie, since I had a a fear of vaccinations which I described quite quite directly for months before I got one so out of fear of vaccinations via also fear of alpha delta. So there were sort of equal fears
so I would say when you have, when you don't have the fear pushing you in one direction, then you little bit of rational abilities can kick in, but you never quite sure. If you being russian, you had a bigger fear of vaccination, Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that's all ahead for today. If you have not picked up your copy of reframe, your brain, the best book ever written according to everybody, who's, read it every single person, every single person, maybe not every person, but a lot of people say it's the best book they've ever read
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.