« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2168 Scott Adams: The Fakest News & The Freshest Government Lies. And Where Are The Aliens?

2023-07-13 | 🔗

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Fake news & fresh government lies...and coffee,

Politics, TheWhyFiles, Giant Skeletons, RFK Jr., Endocrine Disrupters, CNN KFILE, Senator Tim Scott, OTC Birth Control Pill, Elon Musk, Simulation Theory, AI Super Intelligence, Ray Epps, Fake News Narrative Shift, Ukraine War, Christopher Wray Testimony, Whitehouse Cocaine, VP Harris, Climate Change, China Investment Risk, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome violated, when civilization today, with more colorful t shirt, that's why you're so abby zoos. You saw me and my colorful blue teacher, you said my got. It matches your eyes so well and makes me happy just to see it, but if you think you're as happy as you could be not even close, not even close, we ve only just begun and, if you'd like to take it up index level. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass tankard jealousies die the canteen. The younger flask of vessel of any guide fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee join me now for the unparalleled pleasure the dopamine hit day thing makes everything better. It's called,
I'm albania's sip, it happens now go. I believe everybody by Erika participated next time time little bit quicker with mug. That's all I'm saying little bit quicker the bulk erika I was watching. You Youtube yesterday, the wife files, one of my favorite new youtube, shows that occurs a weird for this reason such and the others law in the program about all the giants that have been found around the world, did you know about that apparently they're, just all kinds of burial sites where they've dug up bones and found that they were giants like eight, there are eight feet tall nine feet tall.
you're routinely over seven feet all, but I learned something about giant bones. This is something I didn't know all over the world. These jaya bones were being dug up and often sent to the smithsonian, so you'd. Ask yourself: is the smithsonian full of giant skeletons and the answer is no many giant skeletons have been sent to the smithsonian and they keep losing them. Sometimes they sometimes. As the news reports said, the bones at once once exposed to air crumbled back into dust. Ah, we had those jaya bones. We had him and right before our eyes, they turns into dust just some guy your bones, but there were jaya, bone all over the world that is susie at the air was,
it is that they wait until you take a baker that port I wasn't expecting, so you, your honour them you'll, carefully removed the dirt with little brushes. The two you ve got those nice giant. Skeleton you'll take a bunch of pictures as soon as you did, in the pictures, the bones they dissolve into dust every time, so we don't actually happening jaya bones. But they ve been found all over the world. I have something to add to the story. I grew up and abstained new york and I forget what town it was. Maybe somebody remembers it was the town of a famous giant hoax and you suddenly was killed down. Man feeling like does what it was pulled down, but both somewhere near me with champlain, maybe champlain. I think that by the minute I think somebody got it.
But we were told the story about a giant that had been discovered and cardiff. Maybe is what does that sound familiar? I dunno, but is fairly common. In fact, it's one of the most common hoaxes that they found giant bones. My guess is they've been finding giant bones in every civilization forever and they have all got giant, myths and stuff. However, I would like to just add this little bit of hope. I like to I'd like to think that there were I like to think they were so big that explains how the pyramids got built. They just like picked up one block at a time or are giant or something like that. You never know. Maybe there were giants. I sure hope there were, but probably fake,
spare you vague news. Here's the treatment the cnn gives are of gay junior, So have you read the headline really what he said, because they call what he said. Do you think that headline of what he said matches what he said in this. Article. While you be the judge here's, a line by abbe turner and andrew Kosinski and see them It says a rubber turf carry junior repeatedly, suggested there, nickels and water are impacting sexuality of children. European. We suggested, so here's a keyword suggested the chemicals and water are so he suggested they are. And then he read the article for his own words. This, as you experts dispute to claim bob about but carried
well do cnn's k, foils. His theory is that quote: sexual identification and gender confusion among children could be from their exposure. To quote Andy green disruptors found in the environment could be could be. So he basically said: there's a correlation or something that should be looked into and that thereby, turning into repeatedly since it's. The chemicals and water are impacting sexuality. Children now suggests thing that they are a kind of similar to could I mean it is, but when you separate suggested from the are in the sentence. So, like you forget the suggested and you get to the are completely reverses it.
If you said to me, there's a guy who's lose worried about something in the water. The doesn't belong there and there is some indication, I'm no scientists, but some indication it could have a correlation with their sexual hormones should be looked into. that is that crazy is crazy to say that the chemical that we have the summit occasion would do this exact thing this exactly, and instead the water shouldn't. We look into it. At what point did are of key junior say you sure that is the problem. You did not. You never saw these sure he said. There's a correlation, there's a reason to look into it now the experts apparently so they look into it and found nothing but that's a separate question, so cnn fake news be in their usual cnn. Faint in fake news sells new there
terms guy, so I'm getting a little heat online cause. What he was asked about, I think it might have been pierce oregon asked him what he was going to do for blacks organs and his answer was. I look forward to presenting solution that works for all of america, so tim's got did not take the date of what he was. Gonna lose special for that Black population of america- rather, he was going to do something that works for all americans. Of course, I saw him being criticized by at least one at the influencer. Who is saying, of course, he's going to do nothing for us. Those republicans are doing nothing for us. Well, I have exactly the opposite point of view. I think TIM Scott and the supreme court in a number of other people have finally finally allowed I'll say aloud. That's the wrong word, but you know what I mean
That black americans can be treated as full citizens now I don't think that was true. Even a year ago, I feel, like black america, got the biggest promotion since the end of slavery. In the sense that now They are fully competitive. Fully fully considered in every way the equal of everybody else and nobody's people just stopped after asking the question. So the question of what to do special for black america is one way to be condescending and to guarantee that discrimination continues, as if you treating one one
Upa people like they're retards, sorry, I shouldn't use the r word and that's what was happening. That's exactly what was happening were treating one group of citizens like they couldn't compete. How about we treat them like they can about? We treat everybody like they get about. We stop being assholes just for a little while stop being condescending, stop being condescending. How about everybody can do fine, just just let them do their thing. There'll be fine! I remind you that whenever black americans have had full and free access to markets, they've dominated they've dominated sports. You know when black people couldn't you couldn't even participate in sports in america. Well, as soon as they could participate fully dominated music, probably didn't want to sign up black users.
isn't that some point in history because they were black today dominated dominated the industry fashion, dominated entertainment dominating. So why don't we just say: let everybody compete, just let everybody can be that's where we are now so general scott is exactly right, he's doing the politician version of it, the sheet everybody, the same but I don't think it means the same as it has in the past. I think there's genuinely a promotion involved here I feel like. Finally, we can just Forget it all. Has all the going forward stories about everything from reparations do any kind of special treatment. I feel like I'm not going to cover them the same, because I
It was as condescending to even imagine that we should be doing that or that you know that you need these special. You know special accommodations for one group filing for respect full citizenship for promotion. To me, it feels like the greatest thing has happened honestly, since the under slavery That's that's. A psychological effect is happening inside my head, a little. If any of you are having the same feeling, let me ask you is the euro has had the same feeling at all as it occurred to you. Oh my god. Finally, like this law march toward equality, we finally got there now it will be bad for some individuals, Everybody knows that there will be some individuals who don't get, that extra extra leg up
but in the long run, this is where we need it to get. It was always gonna be messy, so is not perfect, but this is where we had to get so congratulations to americans. You might not be happy about it, but these best, just as there is a great thing honestly right ear, some good news, everybody wasn't the news today how about we only do good news today, you are ready, for this is really actually pretty good and the news is serving up some delicious stuff. Today. I in no particular order in no particular order jobs market in the united states looks surprisingly strong. if the jobs are good, you're, usually, ok. Today, the news is saying that inflation, it does look like it's permanently using and it does look like some amount of the inflation was transitory, some of it. What was so apparently
Were getting back to normal on inflation or not, there was heading in the right direction. The news saying today that the recession is less likely than we had imagined that any prior time, in fact Biden says, probably won't even out one I've got a news is that, though we might have missed a recession about banks recovering, I guess, there's more earnings coming out for the smaller banks, so we're not so sure the smaller banks or solid? apparently the large banks- and I would argue that the most important part large banks looked to be sought they actually at a year that looks pretty solid, sore It looks like it will survive. Were there so little wait and see unto day for the smaller banks, but it looks like he's gonna survive, it looks, the economy, mainly through the pandemic. Almost everything is generally positive:
I believe we're producing more energy. I believe the price of gas is down to where it was prepend. Emic, there's a lot of stuff going right, a lot of stuff going right and do I have to mention that you no longer have to wear a mask on airplanes. You don't have to get your vaccinations. The fly mortgages are crazy. Interest rates are crazy, that's not ideal, but I think the more I think the housing market was overheated, even though it's bad for people trying to buy into the housing market. I feel like we needed those higher interest rates cause. Didn't you think bubble was warming and real well probably did in real estate. It was just growing up too fast. There was no way that was sustainable, so even even the higher interest rates they're putting a drag on housing probably was the right thing. So there's a lot going right.
There is another piece of news. Well, I guess it's not our good news.
there's an over the counter of birth control pill that got approved so now you don't need your doctor to get your birth control, just get it over the counter, and I don't know if it says you have to be over eighteen. I didn't see that today may see that. Do you know what age you can buy it is there. An age limit for the new pill probably know right cause it's over the counter. Well, I guess it could have an age restriction anyway. I dunno about that, but, as we've talked to in other livestreams, I am of the belief that the birth control pills changes, the personality of the person taking how many of you would agree with that statement, that birth control changes, the personality of the person taking so most of you think, that's true. Now, I'm no scientist, so I'm not making it a scientific claim
for me as an observational claim claim just observation, so my second question is: is there another country I can go to where they don't have the pill over the counter cause? I'm not sure I want to live in this will anymore cause, as you know, I hate to say it, but I was listening to asia. Instagram reels yesterday, in which some influence or type was talking about some studies and I've heard about these studies by wonder if their debunked. So if there's ain t bunkers here, maybe you ve got time to google it long talking as it bendy bombed. The women changed their preferences for what kind
man they like where they are attracted to based on whether they are on the pill or off the pill. So I saw that claim to as far as you know, as as is that studies didn't stand up to, peer review and everything, I'm seems a nose and some yeses. So obviously that's a baby, I'm not sure lester all sciences questionable these days so that the fact that it was a study would be no more than fifty percent chance it. It's true. But I tend to lean toward it because it looks through to be in my life, so I do for what that's worth. Alright, Well, we'll see if that destroys america or not, you are, Exquisite was asked about aliens yeah, and let me just shows that point the the belief as there are women who were on the pill looking
for a guy who's like a beta male provider and when they're off the pill they're looking for the alpha man will, just you know rock their world. Is that basically the way it was supposed to go? I dunno, if it's true, don't know if it's true, but it's like it would be. I guess logically, I guess see, wouldn't be too. Are you the same person when you're libido is low? If you're a man was listed, the man's equivalent, when I feel my libido is low and changes my entire, slowly there was eyes just different person could blue. So why would I be different for women that is there? If their sex hormones and in any way are adjusted, seems like you? Would you
it's like it would ease out through your personality. I've noticed that on days when I have a lot of inflammation in my body, you know just general inflammation from exercise or whatever that I've been less good mood on those days. that they ever had that, like your body, is sore, and it makes you cranky right. So it seems like they're, just all kinds of things which could have some smallish effect on your body that actually changes your personality and fundamental way. So we are messing with people's personalities, ethics are you almost was asked again about the aliens and he said. Quote, I have not seen any evidence of aliens which is a problem It means that life consciousness might be incredibly rare, maybe we're it at least in this galaxy. Now people quickly pointed out- because I tweeted this
I quickly pointed out. How would he allow mosque now? If there's any aliens cause the the amount of the universe which has been mapped or that we could see light from it or we can check it out directly your lesson way less than one percent right? It's the tiniest fraction of one percent? Is I so much less than one percent, I I don't even know how many zeros there are before the one is a lot like the the mess most of the universe, can't even beheld your hat. You can't even you can describe it. You can't put a number of just over one. really large so to say that we do so, we haven't seen any. Would you say there's no indication whatsoever of whether or not they exist zephyr
Now, seeing them has nothing to do with whether they exist, then there's the counter theory that they would have had at least some If there were anybody out there, here's the counter there, if anybody there was there was other life is probably that one right. It will be. The least likely thing is that there are only two of us, I would say, that's the least likely possibility is the whole universe had to just two plants. One seems more likely than two because of how unlikely it is. But if you could have two I feel like you could have a lot of them. It means is not that non carbon. So if you have a lot of them and they all said ten billion years for some of them to advance- and maybe some of them got little head start on that
what human civilization would be like in just one hundred years. Just imagine that humans, Legislation. Just one hundred years from now will be colonizing. Spy this will have a I've been, is unimaginable. How much our advance will be. Maybe we'll have a way to go to those other stars without the restrictions of young of physics. I guess so It would take so little so little for yeah some other planet of creatures to be more advanced than us, just be the yes thing, I mean what are the odds that their exactly as advanced? Basically, none so there either going to more advanced or less advanced a bunch of em, some of them are going to be way more advanced and they could have reached the they could reach our planet by now or a signal that seen us or something
but no matter how many there are and how advanced they are. It still doesn't overcome the vastness of the universe, so there can be gigantic galaxies that are fully like teeming with life like the entire galaxy, not just the planet. I don't think we necessarily see them, so I would agree that We don't know, but I would say, there's one situation in which almost certainly the only civilization and ass. It were a simulation. Because if we're a simulation were built like we would build a video game when, when you buy a video game, is the domain of the video game vexed you can't go beyond what the programmers granted and they would never cry of any again. You could play both separately
There's another video game of a whole of the world, but you can get to understand the programme wouldn't build that other worldly you couldn't get to and can see, and they certainly one poor people on. It would be a huge waste the time because the players can. it's. So that's what our real universe is like. There's no way if we are a simulation, it's probably a trillion to one answer. We are, if we're a simulation, it wouldn't really make sense that the other planets are occupied. They could be there's nothing that would prevent it, but there's also no reason that they would be occupied because you might limit the game to.
like one galaxy or something. So these simulation theory is the perfect explanation of why I m seen any other aliens doesn't mean is true: it's not proof, but it is consistent with us being a simulation and is very inconsistent with a universe teeming with life, because life is common. So again, no proof but things that lead you in one direction, most also predicted that we might be five to six years way from. Super intelligence. Now, there's no definition for super intelligence means, but I think you talk about smarter than people, thus outright. Two five six years Here's what sounds like to me, I believe That alone knows as most people who feel now that these
a gold Agee I or the advanced general intelligence that are trying to reach, as opposed to the current version, which is just pattern recognition, but nobody knows how to make it So I would say the predicting one will have you know that fully a g ai, intelligent ai, that's exactly like predicted when you have fusion in order to make it work, somebody would have to invent something that they've never invented before. And how can you predict that I didn't know that in five or six years, somebody's going to invent a thing that never existed and nobody knows how to make now. That's a pretty big leap might be right, I'm not saying he's wrong, but and- and I and I also agree with him- that if he go out five or six years pretty much anything feels possible.
So how is a reasonable lesson? So he's not crazy with his estimate, but I would say this, and there is some chance is not doable and I'm still on that page, I don't think you can make intelligence. And here's here's a summary version of why the reason you can't make something smarter in a general intelligence way than humans is because our own intelligence is an illusion. in other words, you're trying to make something in the real world this better than an illusion. The aloof. It didn't, never existed, so you can't beat something that didn't exist by creating something that's even more unlikely. I dunno, I don't think I did a good job of that. But intelligence is is an illusion.
So sit down with your smart, his friends on politics and have a conversation. Will you walk away thinking? Why? I guess my friends, because I agree with me not everything, but we we agree on so much that others are some smart friends. I really think that are following the news and paying attention now go to the opposite group. Let's say it's whatever the opposite of your politics is: have the same conversations on the same topics: you're going to walk away, thinking, they're the dumbest people even You bet your life. Do you know why? Because you believe you're smart, you believe you're smart.
So using your own, your own intelligence as a way to judge the other intelligences. Oh the ones that agree with me, brilliant, very brilliant ones who disagree with the you idiots you fools, that is, human intelligence and, worse, that's human intelligence. At every level of human intelligence. I just described a phd phd yeah, most educated human. You could have w phd, you put them with their friends, they think their friends are brilliant put them where the people who have different political opinions. Are these guys are idiots, read some science right. So how are we going to judge that? How do you make something that doesn't exist? trying to imitate something that doesn't exist in the first place, so I think, is logically impossible, but was a I'd love to be wrong,
Does if there's anything that I'd like to be wrong about them, do one in the pot gases artifice getting to perform that lets? You make one super easily and distributed it everywhere, and even mainly all in one piece for free itself, but if I had four preposterous and use our works certified for butter pakistan lets you require any positive gas reference. Your photo computer, so noumenon matter. Why you're set up as they can? You can start repeating today that you can just tribute not cast, despite and everywhere else spot guess heard video popa, but guess all available unspent funds at when you want. Do you wanna, take your decisions, whether the event fans level, even got q days in pole, hold the best ways to do. It was spotted funding for about gases. You can work in a variety of ways these, including at five guests.
Description stones and it is totally free, been using it for here for awhile and it's great rape I recommended, or the who's more noise about re ups. I think term pool notices and some others dead. So jack was advocating about it and Jack said there, impose near times Bloomberg and rolling stone. now not referring to january six as an insurrection, or even a riot. Why? Because they, now descending re apps, so is suing fox news for accusing him of being in instigator he's on video billion instigator, but fox news. I think they have gone further and said he was a fad. Now he denies all that, of course,.
and now the news is when they're, when they're defending ray apps against fox news they're calling january six quote, and I see you could actually see the screenshots of this. Those entities are calling january six rallies demonstrations and pro Yes, that's right when they wanted to add when they wanted to impeach trump. It was all insurrectionists coups, all just insurrectionists, traitorous coups, but the moment their defending the guy, who is actually one of the main protagonists that the word for this
and suddenly, oh, it's not an insurrection, it's not a coup or riot. It's a rally at a demonstration. It's a protest is a protest now. The amazing thing is that they can do this right in front of the world and unless you follow twitter, you probably didn't notice. You know all all of us watching this are in this weird little tiniest a little bubble, which is people who actually pay attention to the political news. The people at your neighbor, as This happened right. Do you think your neighbor knows that the entire fake news in this way just changed their framing to fit today's narrative? They don't know that.
However? We now because the sharp observers I wouldn't have even noticed right. I do this for a living. Basically, I would have noticed them glad to pull that glad. Jack was sobbing noticed because they told me in at least I you interact with this material. So I saw it and I can tell you, but your neighbor doesn't know this. Your neighbor does not know. This This is likely one of the the most important things to know to understand your world. If you don't understand that the entire news industry is the mainstream news anyway, in lock, step just changed their entire narrative. That was the strongest narrative for two years, two and a half years. It was their strongest, unified narrative and they dropped it like that, the minute it was inconvenient, meaning they never
we're intended to tell you the news. They always intended to tell you propaganda, because you don't change the prop. You don't change the news. You do change your propaganda. If you believe is a fad, nothing will convince. You is not. Unless I don't. I don't necessarily think he was a fed. I dunno if I've ever said that if I ever said that I don't necessarily think he is, but the way he was treated seems to be clearly different from the way others were traded and there's no explanation for that. What do I tell you when the government doesn't explain something they're guilty they're guilty? Now that doesn't mean they are, but you should. You should have as an operating assumption that when your government is unclear with you, there hiding something in their guilty there now
if the people people are innocent until proven guilty. That's what makes civilization work you take that away. It's a big problem, but governments have the opposite that the flip side, if a government isn't being transparent, you should assume they're guilty. Thus, the the best working assumption for the hell. Will the republic you should a similar guilty so the way their presented themselves is as guilty parties? You should accept the meant that word or accept what their tell you, which is its. If we're being weird about it. That's the message. The message is not the words. What the government says in words is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah that it means nothing just ignore the words just watch. What they're doing we're not going to work
I tell you about them. Okay, now we know now we know how to act. We don't know the truth. Let me be clear about this. We don't know the truth, but we know how to act and that's all you did. You only need the only thing you need to know how to act and then your gut sure, if the government is treating us like they can't tell us you can act like it's true. I dunno
what about it. You know make sure your voucher can do something like that, but do something that's your healthy illegal! Ideally, alright! Do it and I saw this report, but it was only on a tweet without a source. Somebody give me a fact check on this is it is a fact that the department of justice notified eps that it would seek to charge him criminally for january six. I saw that reported, but I didn't see it in a news source. I just saw a tweet that true, because I haven't heard that, He claims in his lawsuit, I dunno said he was charged in may or did he say that did re up say he was charged with me or somebody saying he's they think he was. He claims that in his lawsuit I saw somebody.
It's ok, I'm seeing several people say that his own lawsuit claims that he was. He was looking at charges in may
so maybe there is something happening there that we don't know about, and of course, all of this, the mainstream media are sporting apps, because apps is going after fox news. Who is the competitor to the other mainstream media, now ask your neighbor. Does your neighbor know that the mainstream media ganged up to try to put fox news on a business, because fox news is the primary spoiler to them being able to control the entire narrative is basically the narrative and then there's fox news. Now you also have your bright barts and your your other entities, but in terms of total impact, fox news is the one that can change the narrative right away. So to me, it just looks like a competitive battle that people think has something to do with news. It's not bad news.
I just tried that and there's newsmax and there's some others, but in terms of size, fox news has got a commanding lead there. Alright, it's a tough time to be a russian commander, saw a tweet from paulson saying he said, one top commander is disappeared. Another was killed in an airstrike. Another accuses leadership of treachery after being fired and a fourth former, It was gunned down, while on a jog is our day for russian military and then the wall street journal says the kremlin ever to weed out officers suspected of disloyalty is broader than publicly known is really one here who didn't know the putin says, search for traders might be privately larger than has been reported that the big surprise you don't think Putin was a little bit concerned about the coup and possible traders. Oh yeah, he was so there's a bigger, evidently
According the to some people at least thirteen senior officers were detained for questioning with some released and maybe fifteen suspended from duty or fired. So can you imagine the amount of consternation in the military over there. Because if you had done something traders or not or not, don't you think you'd be worried to death that he you did because somebody just has to say. I think that general I am talking well how much evidence would put in require before he killed his own general? If you will the phone and said you know, I probably shouldn't say this, but igor igor was talking to some shit about you as it was very traitorous, was kind of traitorous the way he was talking well did he do anything now he didn't do anything.
yeah? I mean I'm not aware I wouldn't know for sure, but I heard him talking man. He was talking shit about you, you don't think Putin would have that person arrested via article. Of course he would because Putin cannot take chances. He cannot take chances if somebody is maybe a traitor, they're probably already dead. So don't you think that the russian military as people within it who are jockeying for promotions by whispering about their boss, oh yeah, because they're just like every other large group of people, you put any large group of people
together and some of those people are trying to kill the others every time. If the group is large enough, there's always somebody tried to kill somebody else in the group as humans. So yeah, probably probably there are a bunch of russians in the military who are using this as an opportunity to take out leaders who are mean to them. leaders who are mean to their leaders, who were in their way for promotion, and leaders who might be doing things such as you know how they're waging the war that they don't like. Now, how is potent supposed to tell the difference?
between somebody who's just trying to get rid of a competitor, and somebody was really dropping a dime on a traitor. You can't so, if you're putin, what do you do? There's only one smart thing to do is get rid of every single person that anybody has whispered might be a problem. Anything short of that would be bad dictator entering I mean kim jong UN wouldn't put up with it. This is lasted a long time, so yeah so yeah you have to get rid of like everybody was even got like the stain of once talked to somebody who was a who is a traitor. I dunno how big this effect will be, but I keep telling you that there are a whole bunch of a whole bunch of variables in ukraine and russia, where there's something this teetering on the edge of changing everything, but it just keeps teetering, doesn't ever kind of fall off.
Right because we're teetering on the edge of somebody's gonna run out of enough weapons tee bring on the edge of somebody. Who's not gonna have enough people teetering on the edge of know just everything, but one of the teeters is at the russian military could be close to collapse in terms of having a you know, a let's say, a command line that is obeyed, so I doubt it if I had, if I had to bet I'd bet against the military collapsing, but probably they're. Probably there are twelve different things over there there that are teetering on the edge if changing everything, so it's hard to predict. Alright, the f b, I is a christopher wray, testified to congress, and if you think that he did. He could not to say anything useful or newsworthy. You're right, you're right,
Can you tell us about x, acts that still under investigation? I can't talk about that. What can you tell us about why Oh well, I I don't know that information, but I can I can get back to you. I can totally get back to you. Well, how about z about z? That's not ringing a bell. I dunno regulations, z, well, here's a document that tells you all about the fbi's knowledge of z, all lousy, that z right now, I remember So apparently, it was just as worthless as you could possibly be, which on fortunately, is also smart. Unfortunately, you play that exactly the way, probably should because it didn't create much problems for many didn't make too much news, but a little. What news he did make is russia collusion and
as Glenn Greenwald pointed out on twitter, that ray basically said that the russia collusion the whole situation? The whole russia collusion hoax should not have happened, so it's basically an acknowledgement that the fbi was behind running a giant hoax, and now the new director says yeah that shouldn't have happened. That was bad behavior. Have you seen all the people prosecuted or fired by the raid? Do anything did ray bring anybody up on charges? No, no he's admitting that
I guess crime in the united states is admitting it yeah. That happened and then follows up with. There will be no. You know he didn't say this, but we can observe that there's no legal follow up. What does that tell you? How will the world do Brennan and clapper stay out of jail? Now? I guess they're smart enough to know that lying is not illegal, so they just lie on the news and that's legal enough. I guess but how, in the world cancer be there's no charges, you can find anybody involved in their whole, their whole hoax. There's, not a signal person. The only person who get charged didn't even leave. It loses legal licence. So lawyer. that was the worst they were. You still got a job.
and then when re was ass. Yours, if you tell us about what the rough ba people on january sex. He refused answer that, what is your Reasonable assumption, if they had of the fbi, refuses to tell you what role The fbi may or may not have had with undercover provocation of the event. You won't tell you you have to assume its exactly what you think doesn't mean you're right, but you should act like us the case. So when you deciding what to do, you know who devote for whatever any decisions for your decisions. You should assume there lie. and that they were behind january six, I'm no sailors. True, I'm saying that you're operating assumption based on,
way the government has answered the questions. That's that's. The reasonable working assumption does not prove anything, but you should operate on the assumption of guilt, the assumption of guilt for the government, because only people only people get the assumption of innocence, not governments, governments gotta, prove it you're going to have to be transparent or guilty that I actually literally put it that way with the government there's transparent and there's guilty. That's it that's it. There are no other categories transparent or guilty. What about the election? Was the election sufficiently transparent for as a citizen? Are you happy without transparent elections are now now? So you should assume that there.
He doesn't mean they got the wrong answer, doesn't mean the rigged doesn't mean that, but you should act as a that's true. You should act as though it's true you don't need to know. As soon as you think, you need to know whether it was true or not you're on the wrong page you've fallen for the propaganda. You don't need to know. If it's true you are, you are absolutely appropriate and within your logical, reasonable rights to assume it was rigged. Because of the lack of transparency, and you should apply those that are to every part of the government. Hey where that ukraine money go well. We can't really tell you or show you what
I assume you should assume somebody's stolen and you should act like that. Even if it's not true, you should act like it. Alright, I was talking about the cocaine cover up. I just like saying that, because cocaine and cover ups and like two words go together the cooking covered up in the cooking cover up. I guess Secret service, he's gonna meet with the house oversight committee to explain why they won't reveal who brought the cook in the white report. At least, there are fewer than fifty people, they had the re security clearance if it's only fifty people and if he had security cameras everywhere, and they haven't told us that they didn't you too soon that they did,
What should you assume about this story, given the lack of transparency get given the lack of action, experts say what is the only reasonable thing to assume for some years now the comments went away on youtube. I can't tell if I think, still alive, but no comments are showing up. So I'm going to assume that you're still alive. If anybody on the locals platform has another device open, could you check that cause? Are all the comments just disappeared but looks like it's a lifi? Let me know I'll look up in a minute. Oh yeah, we're back we're back comments back.
yea I nevertheless good. I also assume that whatever is happening with this cocaine is a cover up the worst case scenario, probably somebody somebody in the administration and the one I am probably I will add my other hypothesis ready for this hypothesis in twenty twenty two there's no such thing as powdered cocaine that doesn't have sent an element. People on twitter said without much knowledge to back it up, oh, but the elites can get the good stuff. No, the sentinel is the good stuff
You don't need better stuff of that. The reason the fentanyl isn't everything is that people like it. If you think, if you think that in two thousand and twenty three there's only the problem of people who don't have their sense of drugs, that's a big problem. That's a really big problem, but also the addicts are looking for fentanyl did you know that the addicts are not trying to avoid it they're looking for it cause, it's really good. That gives you a good high, so in fact they actually go to they go looking for a fentanyl they're, not looking for heroin they're, actually looking for antelope. Now, that's the addicks that you know the serious people. So here's what I think they're not telling you there's almost no chance that there was no fentanyl in it. Everybody agree, there's almost no chance that there was zero offense in atlanta in two thousand and twenty three, all the powder and stuff as fencing.
And if there were, if, if none was in it, I feel like they'd say it I feel like they would tell you you know, and there there was nothing else, no fentanyl for sure cause. That would be an important fact right because of the political nature of fentanyl. That would be a politically important point on the story, but they don't tell you one way or another. Have you ever seen any major news entity say what I just told you if its powdered and recalling a cocaine, the odds of it not having sentinel vanishingly small, but yet it wasn't mention. wasn't mentioned. So here's my prediction that they know adventure and that's why they don't wanna talk about it. Now. I would also add this,
is totally unimportant. The story has no importance to us. We, we don't believe the binding administration is full of drug attics, with the exception of common heiresses. Obviously inebriated in public. Everything is What can I say that directly? Oh your ears, something that remains free media won't cancel before I go say something totally inappropriate and provocative in public, and now that I'm a disgrace racist according to the media. They would certainly want to report on this one day. Some saying as clearly as possible is my belief that cobbling earth is inebriated basically everytime museum in public. Now, don't you think, that's a sort of thing that you would expect to see in the mainstream media as. conservative pundit, whose disgrace cartoonist,
is trying to git up some kind of story with his stupid conspiracy theories, that cobble errors might have done some drugs or had a drink after launch. But do you think the you think they'll take me on them is pretty provocative to say that the vice president is obviously in db rated every time you see her as a very big claim. Do you think the mainstream media ignores me when I make claims are ridiculous? No, they don't. They don't ignore you because they use public figures to do basically as vehicles for their own message. So the story is never about the public figure. The the story is about the content around them. That's that's the story, so they would definitely use me. They would use me as a
want to get out their message that you know people are telling lies about the vice president, but they did it's kind of kind of dog, not market. Isn't it yeah? Do you see the mainstream media say? Oh man can you believe, they're saying the vice president's taken drugs think about every single thing that people ugly political right where people have an audience of great I'll think of all the things they say that that the left says are not true, the writer clavering this again. But it is not true. saying that russia collusion with dogs, but we think he wasn't right Reboot every important topic: they tell you that the right is wrong and why? But not this one, not this one.
Have you seen anybody in mainstreaming? You say why do they keep saying the vice president is drunk when obviously she's not kind of missing? Isn't it kind of obviously missing just saying. Did I warn you that are of gay junior would look too, let's say tweak is climate change beliefs to make them more palatable to the rest of the country I don't know if that's happening, but I'm going story. Apparently, in some event yesterday, I guess- kid you was saying this, that climate change is being used to control us through fear what that came out of his mouth or, if gauge,
said quote: climate change is being used to control us through fear. There you go. Never I told you that use go to modify his messaging on that and he was gonna. Make you use gonna, make it compatible with the right, and you thought that was it possible than you. Do you think that was impossible? You Nothing think that could be done. You said he's easy, easy climate change guy. You just gotta live and die on climate change? The right doesn't like that. So therefore he can never be central to the right goes wrong on climate change, climate change is being used to control us through fear one sentence, and they got you back at his side. One sentence. That's all it took now. Is he saying that co2 is not
the warming. The earth did hear that part now, because that's hard to argue with that Michael reaction, so large argue this year too, would have no impact so if arguing that here's? What else he says so after he says climate changes, easy is to controls. Here he says. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution pollution. You say pollution. So what he's talking about climate change? He pivots to pollution and c o two is not exactly a pollution I mean the kind of, is the kind of isn't so, who is it? Who talks about climate change in terms of pollution and control, pollution and control.
And free markets. Where's sl, like donald for control as well, are of gay junior actually made is climate change opinions compatible with. donald J trump. Now they don't believe the same things as far as I know, and I'm not saying it's identical, I'm saying they're for political messaging purposes. This is fricking impressive, that's really impressive! I did not think that he would do this well,
Now is probably going to talk about it. A lot more he'll get tougher questions, especially from the right, so I don't think he's I don't think he's fixed it, but he has demonstrated he could use demonstrated that he could. He could actually he could actually bring the country together or that question think about that. Think about the fact that he's offering I mean it looks like an offer to me. It looks like an offer to bring the country together on climate change and he just demonstrated he looks like he could do it yeah. That's that's almost as like mind boggling, as when we first found out that trump's team with Jared was going to make peace in the Middle east. At least you know,
not not iran, but another. Other countries, then that seemed like oh, my god that doesn't even seem possible and they did it, but our schedule is doing something like that. This looked impossible, but he's he's taken a bite out of it. I dunno, if he's going, to make it work, but he's got a big bite on it. Alright, the news and the wall street journal about china Apparently, china is not getting the foreign investment adopt, so the amount of foreign investment this year, I was a hundred billion last year in the first quarter, now twenty billion, so foreign investment is fallen off the table for china and wonder what the reason would be well, according to wall street journal I'll just read what the wall street journal said.
I watch you to see when I read what the wall street journal says about this situation. If any of it rings any bells, were I remind you of anything that everybody is ever said before. Are anything like that just just free your mind and see if this reminds you of anybody so all strangers as the perception that doing business in china has become much riskier? Is choking the flow of capital?
into an economy already struggling with weak private investment and consumption so doing business in china has become what was. It was a much riskier, much riskier npc gestures as scotus backpedaling backpedaling. I hope that was a parody. Was that parody? I think it was parody. You do know that I've been telling you since twenty eighteen, that china was too risky for business. That was me. I use those words chinese too risky for business. I tweeted it is added to the loud told my friends years, the wall street journal. China has become much riskier, much riskier and everybody seasons that are not investing. Now. Who could have seen that coming? Did I predict
Or did I closet? Did I predict it or did it cause it? I told you I was going to cause it and twenty eighteen, I I I called the I called the wall I pointed to where I was going to hit a home run over it, and now you Should the ball cross the was it a prediction, or did I cause it? I dunno I. I have no idea But it was a hell of a production. If I didn't call, So there was a hell of a production. You gonna have to give me that. Can you give me at least the protection What are you willing to give me that,
well I'll hold off on causation are good, but the chairman she shouldn't have killed my my step, so that was really too far. That was too far so now you can just Socket alright, that's it for today. That's my show for the day, thanks for joining youtube, I gotta go talk to the awesome people on locals a little bit more and stay awesome. Be amazing, don't trust your gut
Transcript generated on 2023-07-14.