« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2167 Scott Adams: Everything Is Going Well But Might Not Seem Like It Yet. Grab Some Coffee

2023-07-12 | 🔗

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Things are going well,

Politics, Elon Musk, FARA Indictments, Political News Bubbles, Biden Crime Family, Christopher Wray Testimony, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Design Is Destiny, Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate, Emasculation, Mike Cernovich, Jordan Peterson, President Trump, Election Integrity, Governor DeSantis, Psychedelic Therapy, Climate Change, Amish Vaccinations, African-American Unemployment, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Wherever rep of up above good morning, everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization is coffee, was got Adams, probably the best thing that ever happened to you. and if you like to take this up to another level, well, there's a way to do it now, hard, just follow along. Need a copper bugger, a glass attack, origin Design again to inject a flask of vessel of any kind, fellow, your favorite liquid. I like coffee. Enjoy we now live in parallel pleasure, the dope hit day the thing that makes everything better it's called a simultaneous opposition.
Why did you warn you that they will be the worst dad joke you ve ever heard worst dad joke you ve ever heard you'll know it when it happens. I won't have to tell you in advance you'll just note, alright. Well, here are the stories apparently there's an otter who is still in surfboards somewhere around santa cruz. I think- and this otter have been raised in captivity in some hours been echoed. As humans, but what it sees people surfing it goes and tries to grab their surfboard away from them and if a guess it it jumps on top and serfs. That's right isn't surfing honor
now. Apparently there having trouble, locating the otter, because what they want to do is relocated if they can catch it, they're, gonna, relocated, but apparently there problems in identifying the soldered number. One is the authors. I don't know if you knew this, but others look a lot like as a boy ever told you that Yeah you seen one outer you've kind of seen them all. So as the first problem, but there's a bigger problem, is that when you stop and honour- and you say are you those surfboard, stealing otter? are they usually say now see otter. One stop me as the outer one will I hear you too. Here's a low preview, if you happen to be subscribing to the tilbury
foreign comic, which you can always say. If you subscribe either at the sky, is locals place where you can see lost more than that, or if you just want to see the economic itself on twitter, you can subscribe but the dover ceo is gonna, have a cage match with another seo. Nudity might be involved, all of this is a very serious for the weak I don't see, will be it in possibly naked cage match with another seal. I don't want to tell you that it goes well. But let's just say that the relationship may be kicking off at that moment, it might be the beginning of something. Beautiful is what I'm saying see. It's a twist didn't see that continue
twist well by the way you learn, must subscribe to a a reborn. So it must be so strange to him me. You learn busk and you wake up in the morning and half of the news is about you. Just everyday half of the news is value, and then you you try to get away from the news. By reading your ear, comics. and if you read the convicts and there you are again well as we're, so how about it? Somebody invented better way, paint that's pretty exciting. Is it is white page, but is way better? Ok, there's more to it than that. Apparently, weight
It is not all the same, so there's this new white paint. They can reduce the temperature of your roof or anything else you put on by quite a So, in the middle of the day, you can ever ably he's cooler roof, then you otherwise, with a different color ass, pretty big, It could be a difference of nineteen degrees. So it is that weird that if you had some black paid and some of the special wipe ain't, so the black they would be, presumably the most absorb ii. So that is the worst case. No way pay right. Next to it, you could have a nineteen degree difference,
And they're just sitting there just sitting outside just in there nineteen degree difference. Does that even seem possible to you, but apparently the the secret, as it reflects a lot of Lado? Now? How can it work at night? Am I missing something When I read this wrong and up to ninety degrees cooler at night, but the way access by reflecting the sun? How does it? like son at night, missus missing story. What was the moon? I will not re believers if you can make a nineteen degree either
engineers here today and the engineers in the house. If you could make something. Nineteen degrees difference in the same location, and it just stays that way it never. It never balances out, and it's just always different temperature. Couldn't you build a stirling engine that just forever. Based on that, that factor, because a sterling engine is an engine that already exists, doesn't have to be invented, It operates entirely off of temperature differentials. Now, presumably the greater the temperature differential, the more power you generate, but what a nineteen degree difference gives you anything. Would you even get a little bit of stirling engine action
Ninety degrees, I'm saying some people say now. I think now is the right answer. Nineteen would be weak, but would it be zero? I know it'd be weak, but it would it. It would actually be no energy at all, probably or at least hard to measure. Alright, it doesn't scale up and that would make sense I saw I saw material the other day. I forget what is called endeavours. material this metal, if you heat it, it will go back to it's original condition after it's been bent and basically that I forget what it's called there's a name for it, but I can't figure out why you can't make a perpetual, isn't alive. Just that, how hard would it be to make an engine where you have a spring? And then you stretch out the spring because, as you know, is metals cause
ratchet and then use supply heed and then spring goes back to his natural place him and picks up a item, and then you change the aid that goes down There's no way to have it see kid. Then create energy? That's enough energy do find it to seek all this baby circling around in some way. Now, you still data he his or wouldn't be perpetual motion. Thus correct, so wouldn't be perpetual motion will be announced. source, but there is always an outside easels there's, always one there's, always a he'd differential. If all you do is drill into the ground, the temperature
pretty different. Most of the time I dunno it just seems like we've got enough here, we can build our own engine that works forever, not perpetual engine, but not perpetual motion alright, so that wasn't too interesting, Weird newsday, here's a question I saw on twitter and the amuse twitter account, which is a very provocative account amuse anyway, he tweeted. This oops, sir, by was d o J indicted, a man for failing to register as a foreign agent, while working for sea f c, which is china energy company. A hundred Biden and james by both work for the same company and neither registered as foreign agents way house, has no comment.
ok. This is good, as this is true you all of the stories have if this is true attached to them. If it's true How do you handle that? I suppose we'll find some small difference in the is oh that one case where we did prosecute that was quite different than this in ways that we can think of right now, but is it my imagination? I know I'm not an engineer actually that somebody was calling me an engineer. No, I'm not I'm not an engineer, I just work with them. So it's going to be gonna, be kind of embarrassing. If, in fact, the Biden's do not get indicted for something that somebody was exactly doing and indicted for but have reached a point where there's literally nothing
nothing in the news that makes us act differently. is like we watch the news, but nothing is different, uses the same stuff. So Are we actually seeing the situation where we know, for sure there's no doubt about it that the violence did Zactly was somebody went to jail for is that our actual real life situation we're looking Somebody went to jail for exactly the same crime and just nothing will happen just another this. What it looks like, but a reminder that you're in a deep bubble on the right. Doesn't me wrong
it just means that your bubble doesn't have any correspondence to the left a bubble. Do you know what the story about the biden's? You know obvious corruption and money taking us. Do you know what that story is on the left? It's all been debunk. It's all been proven to be just a right wing conspiracy and there's nothing to worry about in the Biden's financial dealings. That's actually what the people in the left are here. There's nothing do you believe that I mean, if you can check yourself jack the news yourself just doesn't exist and where they talk, they say was debunked, so I don't know where that goes because, first of all, I can tell true it if you're sure you know what's true now I think we live in that world anymore, where you can actually be sure you know it's true anymore. So am I
and the bubble or you in the bubble. The entire left in a bubble is one of those bubbles. True and one them isn't, but just think about,
back. You know, if you're my audience, you've probably been saturated with claims about the Biden's, bad behavior and collecting money from other countries. The entire half of the country is unaware of any of this, or, if they're aware of it, they think it's been debunked. Her and older. Wasn't technically, illegals will leave it alone. You know that sort of thing. I don't think we could be more indifferent bubbles and where we are right now I mean during the trump time it was pretty bad, but this is weirdly weirdly aggressive bubbling. This is some super bubbling with heavy sides, because imagine imagine if your bubble is the correct one you'd, probably in the same one I am in my bubble, is completely obvious that the buttons are corrupt and have been for years. Is there anybody who would disagree with that characterization and I and I mean, like
super corrupt like as corrupt as you could possibly be taking massive amounts of money from you know, foreign nemeses, that's about as bad as you could get so most severe in that bubble. Do you agree that the left is absolute, unaware whatever it is, you think you seen nor do see. Men don't even know if it's real, but We agree that the others I doesn't see any right, it's just not there. what you see is a yeah Biden's getting up there in age, but still a good job, because that's what the news has told them so Others that I guess christopher ray is going to
if the eye is going to testify in congress and tell the people of helpfully suggested in questions, you can be answered asked, including vague in this house, Other people do that and I think Jim Jordan suggested the question and maggie and a whole bunch of people. So do you think he'll be asked the right questions kind of depends. when the asking right, but there are some really good questions and I think it was Jim Jordan tweeted. One of the questions you like to see asked is: Have you ever been asked by the administration to slow down some investigation. We do not know the answer to that already. Do we really have to put him under you have to put him under oath ass? I could
did we don't know that yet? But I guess we'll find out. I think he won't comment as that's what I think. What do you think? I believe you will not directly ask to answer the question. Does anybody ask you to slow anything down, yeah yeah ohss, my elp. Near posters reporting today that you know you're not going to believe this birth. speculation. Now, even among the military heads in the united states,
actually thinking that the Wagner boss perversion, he might be dead, recaptured southern they're, just starting to think hey, hey, hey, wait a minute. Are you telling me that The most brutal, murdering dictator of our time. Boone, you tell me you didn't let him go to belarus and live his life. Happily after trying to kill boone, so it's almost like put my old, a grudge of some sort. I mean I'm quite surprised at this. The speculation. Yeah, I was thinking about changing the name of this live stream to the news before his news, because I feel as though there are quite a few times. I've told you the news weeks or in some cases years before apple.
I wanna ebony examples. Can you think of right will do the news like months or years before it was in the news, and you just watch and said: oh shit. He did it again quite a few times done it. I've done it live and in public? Quite a few times now there's mean they're all right. I have also had incorrect predictions. It's happened. but I would like to give you this refrain, which are probably reporting into a micro lesson from my local subscribers and goes like this design. Is destiny? Is now quotable? I hope nobody said it before. I did because it sounds very. Audible designers, destiny? Here's what I mean by that. If you look at Let's say how the higher education has
design their an admissions policy. If you just look dalai designed it, you wouldn't have to wonder how it will turn out what the design tells you exactly. What's gonna happen the design of the higher institutions of education guaranteed that they would gain the system to discriminate against white people and asian americans. It was pretty much care by the design and then further was guaranteed because we have a constitution it will come to a head, and then there were supreme court would have to say that too much everybody that was predictable by design? because we designed a system that largely guarantee that outcome, would you agree? was a design that guarantee the outcome, so
I very much like a free speech and other things. These are systems that we have. You can pretty much tell by looking at the system. What's going to happen, take a take lower education. Let's say you know that, through twelve, so we ve got a design where the teachers are in a lesson ever cereal relationship with students is designed, because, as a union is designed as an adversarial relationship? What do you think's gonna happen d have to be a genius or a psychic to know that if you design a system Where the teachers are adversarial to the children, their interests don't or not, to say what are you going to get you gotta go system is good for teachers and that's what we got and not so good for the kids and no competition, no free market. You know lots of
security in whatever so you should have known from day one that's. What you're gonna get one of the topics that are used for predicting the future is I looked at the design. The design usually tells you what's gonna happen. Design is destiny So far, the trick, some of you probably have seen the interview with tucker, girls and andrew dates. I've watched much of it. Something tells me you're, gonna start repeating a little bit because it already that I dunno. Yes, I can two hours, but I will give you the following observations: number one, andrew date. Who I am no fan of meaning personally, I just don't like him personally, for personal reasons has nothing to do with his public persona. I just ain't discuss personally, but that has nothing to,
his personal persona. In terms of the way you presents himself, he has one of the best persuasion, talons stacks. You will ever see him his or his talent stack for doing exactly what he does is just the strongest fricken thing. I've ever seen. It is insane. You know as good as trump is and he's amazing in terms of influence and persuasion. Trump doesn't have quite the physicality part, so so agitate you as the physicality. He just looks big and muscular, and yeah. He was. He was well dressed and put together, so he's got that part of his persuasion, because people don't really want to listen to. You know, let's say Michael Moore. If he looks sort of sloppy you don't it's harder to buy into his message. So he's got that he's, got perfect communication
skills. If you listen to and there's no oz endeavours, for the right word. It's always right. There super, I q. It looks like but he used probably every trick of persuasion and when I say trick I don't mean yeah. That sounds like it's a dirty trick or something, but I mean technic. He has every tool, it's really crazy and I could call the bell, but. it's all the usual stuff. But did you see how if you watch it or did you? see his pacing matching with Tucker like he was giving talker exactly what Tucker wanted to hear and Tucker was responding to it. Very friendly, which allowed them to bond. You know like the two guys agreeing on everything was inter
the very persuasion project. It was insane it was. She really good now Do we believe that what taped said to discuss his own legal jeopardy and what he did do and when you didn't do. Did anybody. enough and come up to an opinion as to whether he is telling you this great truth, it's his version. Look real areas. Version roughly goes like this, It only charges, after all of those alleged charges that you heard everything from you know just horrible potential charges. After all that time, the only thing they came up with according to him, this is his version. I'm not claiming this is true. Just because remember, everybody's accused of a crime they get to do their version too. So don't assume that person trying to protect themselves is tell you all the facts, but
allegedly according to his version, is he's only mean charged with this lover boy, crime and that says that you pretend to be will say, romantically or interested in woman and that use? That is your influence to get her to do something that makes you money in the sexual realm, but apparently he's only being charged according to him again. I'd like I'd have to your romanian version of this, but according to him, tate, being charged with being a nice guy to some women who later started. Tik tok accounts and bade money from it and he is being accused of taking their money and sword. Forcing them through his persuasive excellence, to become
Basically, online online sex workers or something but first of all as tiktok, so you can't do that much online sex work. Tiktok. Can you I guess you could make money somehow but did you need their money using its and trivial amount? Of course you didn't take their money. How would I know. so I would say it seems it seems very unlikely. Well, James is saying he admitted trafficking. That might be technically true, but it's only because trafficking has such a broad definition that you could sort of accidentally. Do it so be careful about that definition of trafficking, because apparently, trafficking includes coercing somebody to start a tiktok account is that disaster,
The traffic came to you. What would you call it that if you persuaded somebody to open up a tiktok account to make money for themselves now I don't know. If that's what happened, I'm just saying if it happened, would that be trafficking apparently it would be a purely in romania that would be trafficking pursuit, if somebody you know, it'd be a good idea, is you open up your own tiktok account? You could make some money and then you go to jail. Now, I'm exaggerated a little bit, but it is. We don t quite understand what the charges and wise white so bad What does romania have or not have now part of what the change was suggesting without saying it directly, because he doesn't want to make anybody to mad while he's still in legal jeopardy? Is he suggesting that great britain
and maybe the united states were behind his arrest. In other words, romania has a close as at along close association with the u s and britain and the thinking is that great Britain have already spoken out against state. The politician said thought he was ruining the young men under in their country and so take workers, if maybe you're the matrix and those in power we're trying to breathe. the larger theory behind that which you have all heard, only right wing, a sphere.
Yeah well, I should remind you, by the way, in an upcoming dilbert reborn: comic dilbert will be in jail in albania and his cellmates will be the tate brothers. So that's upcoming wait for that, but you can only say that if you subscribe anyway, I So what do you think? What do you think of the hypothesis that, in order for the people who want to change the world in order to do at their way they have to make men unix, in other words, cut off the ball, man, either literally or psychologically, so the men will not complain his men are the only ones I can stop him. In other words, strong men could stop the people power, whoever they may be from doing the terrible thing.
They want to do whatever that may be, but first I have to get rid of all the edges dates and the young male strong male figures. They could do a firmer from a firmer collage, equally or physically or psychologically. Now do you if there's anything to that, do you believe that there's anyone anywhere who consciously consoles and said you know what I think we can push this e s g thing better if we'd get rid of all the dominant men, so there are people who think that actual conversation happened among people who could make it happen. In other words, people could affect the.
change. Have to give you a really, unless we really really really. You think that people actually at that conversation and then they had so the power to implement it and then, in a whole variety wide variety of ways. They figured out how to take power from men, so they can control things, but you think he was a conscious play It's actually like a meeting or a conversation in which the actual words were spoken out. Loud, hey, we've got to we've got to suppress these manly men because of the only ones who can stop us from our evil plan. Alright, well
Here's what I think, would you like a simpler hypothesis, the simpler hypothesis? you don't, like men, have turned out to be in charge. That's it. Women who are not big fans, a man, I've gotten more power matters were let lab. Basal is just the women are more powerful. At the same time, the algae bt community is doing great in terms of their power and influence, and visibility that, so those are two forces which are different from and in some cases oppose, do you masculinity. But why do you need anybody in charge to make all that happened? You don't see you. Our world will look exactly the same if nobody had planned. That's might, but it looks like a plan.
Doesn't it cause? There are so many ways that masculinity is under attack. It's hard to imagine that it could all be accidental or coincidental right doesn't seem like it's way too coincidental. It's like everything really everything seems anti masculine. Just But also it again, you would get to exactly that place simply by the more women in charge who are not crazy about map and that's exactly what we observe. Would you say it's true that all governments since solutions, etc, are being populated with more and more women and We're seeing is the female perspective. being, was a manifest through the government and through corporations, because there are lots of women now lots of women in those positions. remember, I said, designers, destiny.
She's got a world where we say: there's a lot of masculinity and maybe toxic, maybe even too much. So that's u world and then you james the designed to really really promote more women and algae be jake participation and then it works. Does you ve decided to do that? So now you got lots and lots of women and l gb to keep people well. What is the most predictable thing that would happen without design you ve, designed it too vast lee increase the female and eligibility q, voices and influence. How can I go any other way? Why would you did anybody planning it? The anything you need is more women and more algae, beating you people in power As soon as you get it, they should, if every
it works the way the world always works, they should be expressing their preferences as they get power, and do you think that women prefer a patriarchy all the time? Well, sometimes they do but lots of times they don't so the the don't get introduced into the mix. What else are you going to get the only thing that could that could happen with a system? That's. Urging yet more voices is at the mix of what you believe will change. How did it go? and the other way, so I dont believe that certain so to me, the the change and lee was save ii. The respect for masculinity. It was. Completely predictable from day one of designing a system that would promote voices that were not that. How does that not make sense?
why would you need a meeting it? All you have to do. Is war all right for everybody, and you end up here equal rights and The desire to give everybody a good chance and society would be guaranteed, guarantee, there's no other way it can go, is you're guaranteed to end up here. I would bet that every country that's had a similar trajectory Ended up here, no matter where they started from if they designed, system. That was all we have to really men running things. Let's was fixed at how else could end up there isn't any other way it could go. So if you imagine there had to be people planning it to get to hear you're you're missing the biggest picture, which is it couldn't have gone any other way. You don't need to plan something, that's just going to happen now. Are there individual?
those who have ever said. You know what would be good, as you know, fewer men in charge and blah blah, of course, but I just don't think it's a meeting with a plan. As my take, do you want them the podcast modifiers, getting on a platform that lets you make one super easily and distributed it everywhere and even make my all in one place for free, it's called spotify for purposes and here's how it works. Satisfied for potter, podcasts lets you rick record edit podcast read from your phone computer. So, no matter matter what your setup as a key. You can start repeating today that you can distribute podcasts to satisfy and everywhere else, podcasts or heard video prepared by castle available on spotify added. When you want. Do you want to take your decisions with your fan fans? Slowly, you've got q and a's and pole holes the best ways to do it with spotify for broadcasters you can earn, could earn a variety of ways.
Including arab podcasts, scriptures, jones and ball. It is totally free been using it for for awhile and it's great rape I recommended. So. I think that the agitate needs you to be persuaded that there is some kind of evil forces looking to tamp down his masculinity. When I, in fact, I think they're, just people who didn't like his message and it wasn't compatible with it. world where women have as much power as they do now people ice. That is why we still have ears g. Somebody actually wrote that the comment that people like me is why we still have a history first day on social media They were you, an alien who just took over a human body today.
Did you learn your language skills from watching tv like eighty, but how? How could you come up with the dumbest comment in the history of comments without sound like putting some work into it? Did you have to like work all morning and say what is what is the dumbest thing I can say in public? What would it be, but you elder, you nailed it so did catch up. What's the beef between make certain in Jordan petersen, first of all- I don't know if Jordan petersen is part of the beef. I dont know that responded anyway but sir now has I guess I guess one of the topics there may be other things they disagree on but one of the topics was jordan petersen thought that it's a bad idea to have anonymous accounts social media specifically to
because the anonymous accounts high the nurses and the dark triad personalities who are basically the citizen, the bad people A lot of people say no, we need free speech, so anonymity hopes that so sort of edge Is accusing jordan petersen of being a narcissist while at the same time saying that that anonymity attracts narcissus? What do you think that? What do you think that critic that Jordan petersen says now you gotta keep? Those nurses it's twitter by sir no says, but you're, obviously one you ve got your He called Ali is a custom suits. You know, Jordan, peterson wear suits that look like no suit. You could buy his jackets look like they're made just for him. I guess are.
And that you never saw a microphone you didn't like or something I guess says what might say. So what do you think that that is a good point? These is Well, the Jordan peterson is saying hey. It keeps these narcissus off air, but yeah. That's the same time, he would be the most obvious narcissist on social media. I think they're both right, but here's the caveat. There are two kinds of narcissism jordan. Peterson is. My kind is also mike sort of itches kind. Do you do what jordan peterson bikes sort of bitch and I all have in common- we all like the microphone, hello, yeah, we're all narcissists. Obviously I don't think you need to be yeah.
to be a therapist to know that the three of us are in the same category really are: aren't we like super, obviously the same person in a way in terms of the way we deal with the public were really all the same person. In my view, our all major narcissists, that's myself. Ratification, but people don't realize that there are different kinds. The grandiose nurses loves. The limelight loves the attention. but only likes it if you're doing something good for the country? In other words, if you're making something better and you're getting a lot of attention? Perfect, My perfect situation. I would only like to make things better and I love it. If you would give me some credit for this era.
What am I an asshole, because I want to help you and then I think I think the natural the natural outcome of that should be. You should give me credit. If I succeed, am I the asshole? don't you want more of me Don't need more, Jordan petersen more might serve it out On both of those guys gimme giving a million of both volvo because The kind of people I want to say I will see people saying that doing something good for the public is so worthy that I'll put myself out there and I dont monkeys and credit, not so crazy, but the other kind. It needs to be said that the dark triad, the other kind in narcissist there are more like, say this. I don't really have. I don't have a like a single whiff of sadism in me like nothing about that
sounds fund me so less completely different animal. So we really have a problem with just the definitions of what endorses this is. Alright, somebody on the social media say that I said that trump word where nor trampled when I would like to clarify What I said was, I think lesson maybe I said a wrong, so most of you saw it. So tell me if I said Iraq, What I say is that trump has a very clear path, all the way to the presidency, the only thing that could stop him from just walking down the sidewalk that has no obstructions all the way to the presidency is stuff. You don't see common of which there will be plenty.
We have a lot of stuff coming between now and the election I mean there'll be so many surprises right, so that that clear sidewalk is not going to be clear. The whole time there's going to be all kinds of new obstructions, so you can't really predict that will be no obstructions, and the only thing I predict is if trump took a certain approach to the rest of the campaign, he would have no friction whatsoever just walk right into it, for example, if he is softened, his they and the election irregularity, but that's probably impossible. I just don't think but imagine if he said it, I've used this example before, but I need to round now. My point suppose said, and I'm not saying he will I'm just say he could. He could just say it: We will never agree about what happened in twenty. Twenty we can all agree was a terrible time in our history
but can we all agree that we need to fix the system, so it doesn't happen again. you could also say what I said, which is we don't know. If was rigged honestly, we did not prove it got a net. We didn't prove it. However, the system is not fully honourable, and if you will, let me work hard to make sure it is. You walk right into the. I was gonna say he would just say you know I don't think we'll ever decide what wasn't we'll, never know what happened in two thousand and twenty, because the problem is our system is designed. Oh here it is again design is destiny.
Does the current design of our election systems with electronic elements that other countries, though use, are hard to completely on it? Does that design guarantee that you'll have fair elections or does a guarantee in the long run they'll be rig? You know the answer that that situation, the current and design of our system guarantees rigging. You just don't know when if trump ever said that, that it would just break the whole fucking internet if you just said the design of the system which can't be fully and quickly audited, especially after the the vote, because once the vote happens, you know the the course's standards of what they're willing to look at can get modified because they don't want to rock the boat too much.
So you can just say that the current designer the system guarantees rigging, but we don't even need to talk about whether it happened in the past. The only case I'm going to make to you today is that it's designed in a way that guarantees it's going to happen sometime. So why do we agree and fix that you could use Imagine him saying that. Imagine him say you not, I have to admit jerry six got out of control. In retrospect, I wonder if I wish I had been more aggressive and tumbling down the the violence. How hard would that be? How hard would it be to say you know it was it was way worse than it should have been? I would I do have some second thoughts about whether I killed a more done right because people just wanna hear what it
thinking and that it wasn't some evil thing. Just you know you got, a point could have been better could have been better so. Alright of them, I would also like to say again that roma swamis souls fur trump the early to know who would be a vice president pick and endorsing roma swami. So, unlike like him, to win an outright and by the way, is doing great if you're watching the press that the bank is getting vague, is press is great I mean he's starting to be included in the conversation whenever you're talking about the year. The candidates, which is a big deal because we'll see. Nicky Healy, just automatically being part of the conversation
The conversation recently was about right wing and people exercising like as a right wing thing, but they are rfk. Jr was one whether people that they mentioned which is where it is the Democrat, but vague has also highlighted, as venice is good tennis player, for example, and so he has found ways to be part of the top conversation as a big deal. I don't think Nikki haley did that. I don't think MIKE pence did that nobody was talking about MIKE pence this week, MIKE pence gets used as examples. Have you noticed that the only thing mike pence's for is for an example of something else,
Well, my dad's, for example? That's it he's just the example guy alright, and would you say at this point yes or no, that the entire press coverage of dissenters has caught up with my first take? Is that true or not my first stake was he was a well I I borrowed my first take from tomorrow that, as soon as you sourcing dissenters says the tribute banned, you can't just say than the other way just kiss it any other way, and I think the press has caught up to that. they're, just being the capable governor, the cable, capable
governor guy is not going to, you know, there's not going to be enough. We don't need a capable governor to be our leader of the country. You are a capable governor would be good for governor, perfect java, capable who doesn't make anything excited I, while the FDA is continuing loosely up ones like it, Alex there's a more guidance on research which apparently gives people maura abilities. So The guidelines cover diesel simon, that's mushrooms, and includes Kennedy in the embryo may and there's just so much evidence of this point just so much evidence that these these things are good for stress and ptsd. Depression and anxiety
just all kinds of stuff, so do you know why the food and drug administration is managing this process instead of less ages, making illegal
do you know why the FDA is so active with us? Take a guess what you guess. Why would the FDA be accurate, because without cfd, a there's no way to make it illegal for ordinary people to treat themselves with the same chemicals you? What they're doing is creating an industry for big pharma which will exclude you from growing your own mushrooms in the backyard? That's what's happening right in front of your eyes, you're watching the the theft of the american public, the whole cut the whole world really because these chemicals that they're they're looking at from lsd to mushrooms ketamine these are so cheap that they are basically universally available. If you look for them pretty much, everybody could buy these things and
current indications are that these things would solve your biggest medical and mental problems, pretty handily and lots of evidence to do what is your worst case scenario by design lets you design design is destiny right. Let's look at the design of the FDA. The FDA is captured. Do you agree? The FDA is designed with this. You know the individuals going back and forth from farmer jobs. It means a farmer has captured the FDA. So that's your desire. What does that design predict about the legality and availability of these miracle drugs from mushrooms to ketamine? What what is guaranteed by the design of our current system was guaranteed,
Is that to protect the pharma industry, the f D, a which is basically you know, an agency of big pharma will work with them to make sure that the only mushroom entity you can take comes in a pill form from one of the big pharma companies, and if you try to get it on the street, you go to fucking jail you're going to jail. If you don't buy into the business model, they're creating right in front of you not for your benefit. This is not for your benefit. They can sell it as for your benefit, because that's what the fda does that make sure it's safe, but for these specific drugs and they're just going to try to turn it into some farmer approved version of this.
This is perhaps one of the greatest thefts from the american public of all time. Imagine the size of the market for the drugs in eliminate your ptsd depression, your exile and just about every other fuckin problem, you have imagined the cost of that. What's the biggest problem with these drugs from and from an economic model, what's the biggest problem with mushrooms, you know they cure you, that's right! You don't need to do the mushroom every day. If fucking cures you forever, do you think the big pharma people was something that cures you of their most money making diseases? I don't know if this is the most making, but I got one
Depressions weigh up there in the money making farm business. Now that big farmer has to find a way that only they can make the pill and everybody else is illegal. but also asked me a shitty pill does care work as well as the actual stuff if they make it work in the pillow form, you take two fuckin pills in there. I need them again if they make sure that you need one every week, well you're in business. So now, given the design of the sta and the design of the farmer, give me your protection. Will big pharma create a pill that you just need one and you get all the benefits of psychedelic just one bill lucky and it was only ten dollars a it costs ten dollars, because this, your naturally found
how expensive zealous d, if you made it in bulk, probably not too expensive, be like ten cents a right if you met in bulk, so yeah gimme a ten dollar bill, just one of them, and I will cure most of my mental problems forever. No, there isn't a single chance, there's not any chance that that can ever come to pass because the system is designed to guarantee it. Doesn't the system designed the system is designed to guarantee the big farmer does make pills and maybe injections, it's more expensive and that they will never be done and taking them you'll you'll need them you're going to need a better need, an update every week or anybody want to take the other beps. Do you wanna make a bet that a year
we'll say five years from now or whenever, when a robbins, do you wanna make a bet that the news reports exactly what I just told you in a few years? Exactly what I just told you that big pharma has a pill, is the only one? That's legal but you've got gotta. Take it a lot ever beat up. Your ptsd will never be completely on with these bills. You don't wanna, take the other so that bad there's a funny story about a d I saw so this also tweet by the amuse account. So there is a D I activist who got recruited by taxes, a up to run its journalism department, budget is now refusing their job because she learned she can be fired. If she implements races policies that discriminate discriminate against asian, jewish or wasted
so she sang at u t where she she will have a problem. Now, I'm trying to understand the story is what is what happened here? Is what happened here, that there were two texas entities of higher institution, one of them in which it would be illegal to teach? her revealed d, I so at one college in Texas who would be illegal, but Other colleagues would be required. Am I right about that that within texas in one state one college, maybe one is one, is private and one is a stay college, so maybe the stay college is illegal, but there
the private college is required. So in the same state you could have one thing: that's both illegal and also at the same time, the same state mandatory. Do I have that right, yeah? I think I have that right. There is both mandatory and illegal, just depending on which which job you took. Have we reached peak absurdity? That's just peak absurdity. Here are two story. Is that now everybody's will want to say scarred? Why didn't you talk about that? stir of energy or whatever from Spain who took a jet, ro the car to her meeting, but then to show that she was in favour of green stuff
She got a bicycle it, but she was caught getting out of the car, so really she's a big hypocrites kisses, promoting bicycles, but really she didn't get there in a bicycle that was just for a show and she's a bigger hypocrite tat. I was the only that I don't know what you're saying I mean. I saw the story, but you think that's the story, the deal, she was trying to trick you. Then she wrote her bike from Spain. Zambia's thought she wrote her bike from spain. Anybody or it is more likely slightly more likely than you are
I tried to hide anything. She just wanted to promote bicycle riding and that maybe this wasn't exactly the right bicycle riding situation, but she wanted to promote bicycles, so she just promoted bicycles and then everybody connected all these dots. They shouldn't be connected to me. It looked like a non story. It just looks like a summer story, summer story, meaning things that are, real stories, but you have to have something to talk about the summer right. Apparently, the national oceanic in atmospheric administration is predicting. Normal hurricane, a normal hurricane season. So despite the fact that seo too should be at all time highs and despite the fact that that should guarantee give you weirdo.
games that are worse this year will be fine. Now that doesn't mean there's no climate change announcing that I'm just saying that the thing that causes climate change seems not because in climate change now that could be good scientific key reasons for that very scientific gee. I don't know if they are in The the best answer is that, even if climate change is exactly what the scientists say, it is, it doesn't mean that every year it goes up. They've said that forever. It never means that every year it goes up, it means the average overtime is going up, because there are other factors: EL ninos and whatever the can, started in any given year. So that story one story, number one is this: or to us at a record high, but hurricanes were unchanged at least for one year.
I use another story, see if this sounds like that story, but is completely different, see what she was in common. Our national debt is at an all time high. Yes, my money, printing, national debt, auto my right inflation went down again. Inflation when down it, set a new two year, allow down to three percent- maybe three boy, one in june, and that's lowest level and more than two years, The ceo is at the maximum, but the hurricanes are going to change at least this year and are dead,
Money printing is at an all time high, like whale time. High inflation was should move with that went down. Can we predict anything? Can we predict anything even less use design equals protection. So climate change uses science to predict right climate change is a science to predict economists use economics to predict inflation
but what if we used design instead, because design is destiny? So if I were to look at design for climate change, I would say to myself well, our desire is that we give massive funding to people who say that climate change is a disaster. That's coming really soon. Would you agree that the funding goes to the people who say that climate change is bad? That's our design. What would you get huh? I wonder how that would turn out, racking, my brain. If you give all the money to the people who have one opinion and zero money plus a lot of you know professional insults and shame if they disagree, wow was I going to go ha which ways that can go right design? Is
Yesterday, you can tell exactly what the scientists will say by the design of the model, there's no doubt about it, but Did that tell you what the hurricanes would do now it only tell you what the scientists would do. The only thing you could predict what the scientists will do you care predict. Org is right. Show me the incentive and will show their income exactly talk about those amish. I've had real questions about the the belief that the amish are so Zaire's, the claim which I'll tell you it's not true The claim is that the amish, the healthiest and they don't give vaccinated. Therefore, obviously, if they're not
we vaccinated and there's the healthiest ipso facto qvt? It must be. The vaccinations are terrible for you how many you buy into that. How many you buy into the idea that the amish are first of all not vaccinated. Do you believe that, and then, second of all that that's the clear connection to their better health I'm going to take, that is just obvious and true, a little bit of indecision stay a little bit of disagreement, that's exactly what they want or here's what I learned this morning. Many amish people are vaccinated. Were you aware that now I'm not talking about the covert vaccination, I'm talking about the and vaccinations, but they're, not all vaccinated, and they don't take all of the vaccinations, but I'm told released on online by people.
To know that there are fairly highly vaccinated, maybe not as much as a regular public of fairly vaccinated. So the theory on one website for why there's less cancer, diabetes, autism and every other problem the world is that the measure more active. They either cleaner diet. but then I heard a genetic argument using genetic arguments now I this before, but I have to admit, I did think ballot. I thought about it, but I didn't want to say it because I couldn't you know demonstrated in any way. But the argument goes like this,
the amish are less genetically diverse, you know cause they keep to themselves, and you know mate with people within the group, so they're less genetically diverse than most of the world. If you're less genetically diverse that your design design is destiny. What do you get with a group of people who are genetically more similar than other groups? What what does that design guarantee that you're going to get guarantee there's in the present jazz it guarantees that they'll have different outcomes right and one of the different outcomes very easily could be. There would be more susceptible to some types of medical problems. Would you agree so, for example, they might have bleeding problems, something like that, but
at the same time, if their little in group didn't have a lot of cancer in the natural group, they were really susceptible then, within the breeding, a group of people who also didn't get cancer, because there are a lot of humans just in general. Who live their whole life. We live to one hundred and never get any cancer, but imagine if you have a small group of people who just had something in common, they start mating with each other and they don't meet with anybody. they will probably be really susceptible to some diseases and their. Maybe really not susceptible to some other common ones. So you can easily see that they wouldn't have yeah, maybe depression in Gaza. But if you looked into more deeply you'd find out, they have you know, but to a terrier gland problems.
Some damn thing so one possibility is we're. We're not looking at all of the disease field, work at sort of concentrating on the big ones and just genetically. Maybe they just have some defensive said I would just be a coincidence, and but but the one thing you can know from the design That is their sticking to themselves. They should have a very different disease profile than the rest of the world. Would you would you buy that general statement that the amish should, by design of sticking to themselves, have a different disease profile than the rest of the world guaranteed? I would say this guarantee now. I dont know that that explains. What we see is just have to be true- and I think the the clean food and remember, I said yesterday that I predict that sometime in our near future,
We'll see stories that say this grill, sauce, was physical activity and that everybody who is physically active was just as healthy as the amish. Let me make that claim. I'm going to make that claim right. Now you ready for this here's. My prediction someday we'll find out that everybody who is physically as active as the amish has roughly the same medical alex, that's my claim. If we, because we don't measure that do it well, when was the last time you saw the poll of what diseases people got relative to how active they were during the day and by active I just mean you're cleaning, the house taking a walk. Just not sitting in front of a screen for too many hours. That's my I protection. Active physical activity is based largely on how it makes me feel personally,
all the days when I have physical activity? I don't have any bad feelings. It just eliminates anxiety, depression. You know unwanted thoughts like all of it, so how in the world does that not be. And busy jester well, even though you say you in and pc jester draft, I do understand for using all caps. I saw a story in wall street journal by jason riley because story about black economic progress. I will tell you that if I can judge from the little drawing it looks like a black american, so that's just context because it's gotta be talking about black americans and I think you need to know that when suddenly it talks about black american, you should now are they black fair
I think that's: where does a different perspectives, so what jason rightly says is essentially people are overlooking the tremendous economic progress of black americans. And I ll just give you a little slightly here. That's pretty impressive. between nineteen sixty three and twenty twelve unemployment average five point: one percent provides But eleven point one for blacks, twenty eight financial crisis yogurt. It's harder, but then, under president obama, black unemployment declined didn't fall below double digits until the seventh year of his presidency, We left office in Taipei. Seventeen, the black jobless rate, was seven point: five, that's pretty a present from over eleven, Then a learner present tromp adept at five point three and twenty nineteen,
well to a record low of four point: seven in April of this year. How come? Nobody was reporting that are you telling me that in twenty twelve, the average blackened unemployment rate was eleven percent? And that was four points. Love how? How is that not like the biggest cause of celebration for the black community of all time is kind of amazing, but you know what's even better than this. This is like really good news. You know it's way better, be ready for this way, better news. One hundred percent of the people who did the right thing got a job.
Every one of us, one hundred percent of the people who did the right things, which are obvious yeah, we'll stay out of jail, stay off drugs show up for work, develop some skills stay in school, a one hundred percent of all the black people. Who did those things got it. welp. So did everybody else. So we're at a point now, where we can just say. Well, let's forget about tracking black unemployment separately. It is. It doesn't really make sense anymore. What you should track is people doing the right thing.
well once again, one hundred percent of the people who did the right thing, got a job, but do you care if the people who know what they should do and then they don't do it are unemployed? What what problem are you solving there? Oh I'd like to get a job for the person who is clearly not qualified for a job. Is that a solution? And how can you force people to make different decisions? I mean it's a freak They can certainly make themselves unprepared for a job. They have the freedom to do that, so, whether you're, black or white, or any other color shouldn't. We just be looking at the people, doing the right things and that the people are not doing the right things make sure they know what the right things are. You know maybe help them get a leg up. If there's some problem, doing the right things to help them, but we should just be looking at people doing the right things: verses people not
And this all racing it's time to retire. It so I'll tell you. I have a very contrary and feeling about the affirmative action decision by the supreme court, the the a contrary opinion is. This is wildly good for black americans to get rid of affirmative action for the obvious reason that is, it was this giant stain you know floating above the black brand in america. If your brand is suffering that you all suffer from it, because you get the stigma from it and everything, but now that the affirmative action is
we moved then. Finally, the free market can do is like. So if you see a black person succeeding- and you know five years from now you're going to say to yourself holy shit, there's somebody who maybe succeeded against even greater greater odds definitely want to hire that person. Give me that person. So I don't think people have quite processed there, while in the short run, is very bad for you, a bunch of individuals who might have gotten into that college or whatever, so it might be really bad, probably won't be because I think the college's will just adjusted figure out some way around the law, but I think we just need to retire. The black white tracking is just stand to lose it
That, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the best lives dream you seen today and the difference between the many nights. The interesting ten percent of stanford refreshment classes, white somebody's. is too, I think what will happen is the higher institutions will just degrade in reputation, because, if they're, not, if they're, not accepting people and on merit, what does what is their degree worth? It does not merit. Why do I care that you want to stay at stanford? What? What possible advantage? Will that be if it's not based on merit
I buy my boehm, the gay brand is stained. You say you know the the trouble with the. If you want to call it. The gay brand is that the lgbtq brings in too many different groups. I'm not the first one to say that, but I would think if you're just the the g in lgbtq you're not terribly happy about the trouble that the teaser calls them. Am I wrong? Maybe you might be philosophically
No one hundred percent backing them, but it's also true that they're causing you problems because you made them part of your brand. You know so, if you're, if you're gay and you identify with the trans community, that nobody did that to you right, that's that was somewhat of a voluntary branding and because the tea part of the lgbtq is let's say more provocative in today's world, just being gay doesn't buy you anything you're, not even interesting anymore. At least you used to be interesting. If you were a gay now gay is just so ordinary that it just doesn't
really mean anything anymore, so, but the tea is still getting a lot of attention right, the trans so the extent to which they allow themselves to be painted without the same brush when it's a very different situation is probably a mistake. But what do you do about it now all right? I'm sharing this. weirded me out. Okay, I don't want to hear about that. Alright, everybody, I'm going to say bye to the youtubers thanks for joining, go talk to the locals people privately, because well, they're worth it bye. For now,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-14.