« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2163 Scott Adams: Wow, The News Is Juicy And Fun Today. Grab A Coffee

2023-07-08 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Juicy, fun news and coffee

Politics, Neurostrike Weapons, Cenk Uighur, Tucker Carlson, Capitol Police Chief, J6 Feds, Cocaine Whitehouse, Karine Jean-Pierre, Meta Threads App, Mark Zuckerberg, Bud Light, Peak Wokeness, China Minerals, Larry Fink, ESG, Ben & Jerry's Land, Peggy Noonan, President Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, RFK Jr,, Lindsey Graham, Ukraine NATO, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization,. yeah. You thought you'd seen the already, but now this is it, and if you like your adventure To go to the levels that nobody's ever seen before, all you need is a cup or a mug or a class. A tanker jealous is dying again teen yoga flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid my colleague enjoyed. We now have in parallel pleasure the dominion of the day. The thing makes everything better. It's called simultaneous epidemic is now go well. If you look, you fear daily dilber covered for you
subscribers on twitter and also in locals. If you didn't know this already, I think I've told you this before. I have something kali calendar problem, meaning that I can't put things on the right calendar dates pretty much ever I dunno why it seems related to maybe I dunno being dyslexic or something, but for some reason this has been all my life because I know you know what you're gonna say. I know what you're going to say, but it's been all my life right, so there's never
at the time when it wasn't the case, so the child to the I'm sorry, the dilbert comic for today will show up resonances, I'm done with this I'll post it, but I do put the data. Here's what I do a weekend anytime, I I queue up all the comics to run so I just is is a very simple process. I just look at the date on the comic and then I schedule it for that date. Howard. Would that be? If you were to do that six times? Let's say I do it six times out of six? How many times would I incorrectly put the wrong date in when I'm just looking at the date? I'm just looking at it? I'll have to do is type it in from looking at it. How often
next to at a sexless week there's this way, and this is with triple checking triple jacket. Two out of six. I got wrong due to how often I would write the wrong date on the comic itself for thirty five years, while I was cartooning about two out of five, no matter how hard I tried, I dunno what it is. There is a way it doesn't apply to other domains. It's just very specific others have you ever heard of that and when I get into a new relationship, it's the first thing I have to explain. I can't tell you how many times I've said all right. Look, there's going to be a thing. That's going to happen with us you're going to ask me to post something on the calendar
that I won't be able to do it. You will not believe that this or that I'm unable, because you you'll see me functioning okay in other ways, you won't believe that I simply can't write dates on calendars and then it happens. There's a big fight, like I told you, there's no way this doesn't happen, there's going to be more of it, not less of it. Enough about bay. Cbs is reporting something breakthrough of beaming power from space. The big advantage would be if you could build a j normous solar power collector up there, you could actually microwave amateur microwave it earth and use it Thirdly, this technology already works as we can use it to resolutely lay the light bulb from a distance.
and it was just tested. So I guess they tested it with a satellite or something and it works so the amount of electricity you good collect from space, is unlimited and if you can be matters so that its never cloudy, in other words, somewhere somewhere in the world. Worlders always gonna, be some son. I guess so I'd be a big deal, some people snake. China is allegedly developing a neuro weapon where they can beam, something that your head and it make you stupid, We say that again, china is allegedly developing a weapon, though with
it aimed at you. You would become. You know it would be difficult to make decisions and it it does. It does beg the question: how long have they been using it? I'm alright yeah. Does it do they just pointed it at the media. I should like to point out that the whole country right How would you ever know if they employed the weapon? Can you imagine being on the battlefield like there, with your your your fellow fighters or you're? Looking at over a bob and bobs there like pools. You like. I think he was a little bit like that before not entirely sure bob was the twenty.
Well, the election rig or tall fair was totally fair. Oh god, oh god, Now, I'm not saying the election was rigged, but we're going to talk about that later. In fact, there's no evidence of it at all. There's no evidence that was wrecked. I just want to be clear about that. There's no evidence it wasn't, but there's no evidence that it was alright Speaking that I told you the other day that the junk winger, I think, he's a lesson in a bowl of progressive type? I had agreed with the supreme court on two things that the political right liked more than the left. He he liked the supreme court on affirmative action getting rid of it and he liked the supreme court on not paying off student loans, so a lot of people in the right we're praising him, and I was one and he wanted
If you do a little push back on that, so he treated, as you said, for the right wing celebrating pointing out some left wing activists cares. and then they disagreement. Remember you so made entirely of glass The right wing is not allowed to disagree with trump when he makes up our Just lies value how he one twenty twenty election, so I tweeted back. I'm sure I won't response would end with three the always snuggery. This is I liked a model for you, the best answer. In my opinion, this is the best way, Sir, did people saying a you say that election was rigged, but there is no evidence of that. Here's! A! U s! How would anyone know an american election was not rigged we can only know the results are impossible to fully on it, and no for a ringing was found but rigging.
Guaranteed over time, because the system- it you don't know if aben yet but is guaranteed. That's the perfect answer. There is no way to know because you carefully audit on the election. You can only know for sure those guarantees either now, later or maybe in the past. What is guaranteed by the design of the system design tells you the truth. Did I just make that up that sounded really smart when it came out of my mouth I'll have to say it again, design tells you is because the design is what drives behaviour. If you design it says, there's one bath, people take that path. If Designers are there to pass, but one looks scary and one looks inviting people take the inviting bad design is truth. The election is designed for ringing.
it's the truth. I can say that it was, I can always it was designed to make that inevitable guarantees it speaking of sketchy sounding things. The actual one more thing about jack. yesterday I seldom accomplishment, and maybe I was one of the people that he may have yeah. You could imagine what happened when I complimented him. I imagined the combat the comments on my compliment. The progressives have decided that if you get a compliment from somebody like me, somebody like me well, that's no compliment. Is it. Well, I'm sorry, but I do cartilage egg. Does he quite knowingly
He knowingly degraded his own economic opportunity by disagreeing with his audience. He did that intentionally. I have massive respect for that, even if I disagree with him on a hundred other things, I'm not going to lose the fact that I I respect that. So I see more that turkey girls and was on Russell brand Joe and made news as tucker, often those in turkey they got fired by fox news right. Before he feared they pearly already done the interview, but an area that was the dc chief of police or chief of capitol police chief of capitol police.
he said he in a view of the chief of the capital place and was told that that the chief of the capital place the person who would know the most about what was going on said. The january six crowd was full of heads. It was full of ads no matter what their needs so, wherever the review, so I don't know full of beans. Twenty. What? What in your brain? How do you want corporate. If somebody says, oh, that big crowd, so the crowd was thousands. How many were in the crowd? What what's the size of the crowd? Two thousand six thousand somebody says under those six thousand, maybe does Ebay no number away, so thousands of people were their home Those would have to be feds.
Were you would accept leah before you will accept that there were a lot of heads if their results. Those are the people there and there were twenty feds just hypothetically. Would that be a lot with twenty feel like they were controlling events? I dunno that'd be on the low end. What if there were one hundred? If there were one hundred fans, do you think that they could control the flow of the of the event by by creating provocations where maybe breaking a window it wasn't going to get broken. Something like that. I dunno there's no way to know how many there were, but in in my mind, just subjectively as a can. more of news and somebody who s to make political decisions.
Seems to me, if somebody in that, in that role is saying that it was full of them, probably more than twenty, probably fewer than one hundred I dunno. If I had to guess, like you A gun dad said, make your protection, I'm going say, sixty sixty based on what nothing based on nothing. That is just based on one one person who should know something about it that I doubt said there were many of them. Many could mean anything right. I fuck you David goodbye. I do, sir, on channel. I also welcome, gave lawyers
so? You know the latest story, or this story just keeps getting funnier it. I don't think you get funnier than cocaine in the in the white house, but he's just actually Donaldson's kidding, so first it was found in the library right first, it was finally let find in the library goodbye, Then it was moved to some other area and in some other area and now they're saying that it was in a construction. So is that convenient what would happen in the construction zone? What to what would be different about a construction zone is, let's say, a remodel in the white house. What would make the a unique indifferent place than all of the other areas.
if I were going to remodel an area, there's a pretty good chance, I'd be disconnecting the the video cameras pretty good chance, I mean do you have to move a wall and there's no reason for the cameras there anyway, because you're just doing construction yeah. The first thing I'd do is remove the cameras. Now, isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? That of all the places it could be? It was in that non camera place now they haven't said that. I'm just a semi, that's the next part of the story. Well, those are the construction sound. Well, it took us a week to learn all week. It took us to research until we found out that the construction workers had taken the camera down. It took us all week to figured out. There was no care because the construction worker to condone the don't you think, that's happen, though you think those common I dont know for service.
But it feels like it as it feels like. There's signalling it there's signally. If that is coming so clearly that you just waiting for that's drop today, it feels that it feels like that's today's news, rape or would it be monday, depending on how the new cycle is gone? but then my favorite part about it was suggested that these spokes clown cringe jean Pierre, answer this question and then the reporters are asking directly. Did this cocaine belong daddy by in the Biden, family, meaning hunter of course, so that what do you think I'd be breezy question when you pretty easy question now now? Is that does not stop asking the question?
now now there's no indication of that. But did you say now? She did not say that She had one job sharing, one job just say no to that just say: no couldn't do it; instead she acts or mad. Like she's answered it, and then she says it again again. Let me say that the balkans were ended. The white house, those three days again. We say it: how many times do I have to say they weren't there? Well, we're ask me: it was theirs. When I ask you where they were were asking who owned it. How many times do I have to tell you they weren't there? Ok, ok, we know they were there got it got it, but, worse still,
Ok, can you say yes or no to do they own? It began it's our understanding that the cocaine did not go on vacation with them. It did not travel with them, got it got it, we're all the same page now. Can you tell us if the ownership of the bag, maybe they hadn't, encountered these people at an earlier time? For example, had it been their ownership? How many times do I have to tell you that they were not there then we're up there? Did she throw a hunter under the bus totally she totally the whole family, just throw them under the bus, and I think Joe most of the thrown him under the bus to I, I feel, like the private,
conversation when something like this hunter, a hunter son. Did you leave a bag of cocaine in the white house? No doubt I totally didn't now. What do you do? What do you do, then?. Do you believe that Joe Biden believes that hunter Biden has always told him the truth. Let me introduce you to something called a drug addict drug, that drug addicts never tell the truth. Is there anybody here who has been a drug addict? Who can confirm to me? There's no such thing as the truth. from a drug addict. This is not a thing, doesn't matter how much it doesn't matter how good your character was before you are inadequate
Before you are an addict, your character could have been exceptional, but addiction takes over your brain you're, not the same person. You were before the addiction. The addiction is your brain and there used to be you now. You're gone you're actually just gone now, there's just the addict. Listen you had where your brain used to me. If you don't understand that about addiction, you dont know addiction, because I keep people. I keep hearing people say while this, so the problem would go away of people stop doing defensible
They were not in the white house for three days. They were not the way I was for three days. I just feel like it say that again now you can't ask people to stop doing an addiction. That's not what an addiction is. Addiction is a thing that you can choose. That's what makes a man named diction. If you can simply choose not to do it, nobody would be addicted that nobody will be like the rarest lay instead of those common thing. So here's a problem if Joe Biden asked hunter if it was, is and how I said: no, it wasn't. Could Joe Biden believe him given what logically would have been their history when you? What do you have an addict as a son? They have lied to you that I don't think there's any way around that really and that anybody who knows an addict knows that's true. I've seen people say no.
so there are people were. Are you alex? Are you alex telling me the alex? Don't lie? There's a whole bunch of people saying no, so you believe the alex don't lie just sort of as a general statement. Alright, that's ridiculous! I'm not even going to debate that you just don't know what an addict is if you believe that alright, so I do want him to podcast modifies you on a platform that lets you make one super easily and distributed it everywhere and even make money all in one place for free, it's called spotify for purposes and here's how it works. Satisfied for potter podcasts lets. You record edit podcasts read from your phone computer. So no matter what your setup as I can you can. Stories are repeating today that you can distribute broadcasters to spy and everywhere else, podcasts or heard video podcasts are available on spotify. He added when you want. Do you want to take your decisions with the fan fans, slower, you've got q and a's and pole holes the best ways to do it with spotify for
Guessers you can earn, could earn a variety of ways, including add podcasts, scription students, and it is totally free, been using it for here for awhile and it's great rate, a record. That's funny are the threads app. As you know, I got gigantic pick up lots of People went over to the new member product. That's gonna, compete with twitter called threads. And I would like to ask you this question. Dear users, thousands of you hear many of you have signed. for those of you who have signed up for threads. Give me the thumbs up thumbs down. It is good that you have a good experience that experience
The dummy tell me what your first impression was just looking at your comments here: no interests banned for life and number of people who are already banned for life or their zero interest band. It turns out a lot of the people in the locals platform, tried it and are already banned, not interested, not interested, don't care, dull choice. Well, here's. What does Zuckerberg says about it he says is for those threats is for those looking for less angry conversations.
Framed this new, offering as an open and friendly public space. Does that sound fun, open and friendly public space lemme go right over there I'll tell you that Zuckerberg sure makes me want to do it he's like he's like a king of anti marketing It is funny watching him compared to it's impossible, not to compare him to musk, because you know they're going to literally have a cage fight, so you have to compare it's impossible not to now that they have a competing product, especially or a more directly competing product. So I don't think those eichelberger understands what twitter is twitter.
Sort of the place you're going to fight? Isn't it to twitter is not about avoiding conflict. The thing that makes twitter twitter is the conflict, at least from the political stuff. You know there there's a whole there's a whole bunch of twitter. That is probably just people tweeting their lunch still, but I don't see that I will say, the political stuff so on the political side of people are looking for a fight. If they're not looking If I had to at least look into your raise their profile, which is not exactly a year, a wholly activity So basically, everything on twitter is people's worst instincts, but is a free market.
And the free market elements of it, the the wild west free market of it is what makes it valuable because you put an idea on twitter, it's going to get beat up right. You take an idea, you think is just really good. You put it on twitter, it'll get the shit beat out of it. If is still is living when you're done with twitter. Might another good idea is survived? Twitter, that's a good idea, but suppose you put it on, Reds and everybody said. Oh that's good, and people who said bad things got banned. You wouldn't know anything, it wouldn't move you forward. It wouldn't be a free market, it wouldn't be free speech, it wouldn't be anything it would just sort of lay there now. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe maybe there's something better there. I will. I will check it out by way. I will take a look at it, but I'm not hearing people who went there and looked at it
coming back and saying there is a is owned by saying, oh man, I was on threads all day today it was bad enough. I used to be we're all day but now move to threads and I spent four hours on threads. Alright. Now I'm going to tell you the most provocative series that you will never hear in the mainstream news. Do you know why you will never hear this in the mainstream news? This'll be a new reason, not because it's left, leaning or anything like that or right leaning, so not because it's political, because they allow spouses and they'll tell you why the news care report this, because they're mostly married people Zuckerberg, is
married. Let me let me tell you what's happening right now: I'm not a mind reader, so I dont know for sure. So this speculation, but his speculation based on a universal truth. You ready for this if you start a social media company, your spouse, male or female. So this is not a gender thing, it's not a gender thing, male or female. your spouse will believes that they also have excellent ideas for how you should manage that social media, because you know I m I think so expert on social media. Do you know I know this so well? I It's owned a restaurant. When I was single and then I got married.
Do you know who is an expert on restaurants? Everybody who eats one everybody who's ever eaten at a restaurant is an expert on restaurants. That's why I started one. I started a restaurant because I ate at one, so I thought: well, I'm practically an expert start, my own tribe, tried doing anything in your restaurant. They, your spouse, thinks it's a bad idea. Tripe try just Try to make any change any restaurant. That you just think is a good idea, but your spouse thinks is a really bad idea. Stripe, sale Goes find out how your life goes after that, do you know how quickly you Talk yourself out of your excellent idea, because you have to go home. You
your life is going home right. Your life is not the product you made, your life is going home and if home is ruined by what you did over here, you can't go home. Do you think that Zuckerberg wants threads to work more than he wants his marriage to work? Of course not? Of course now he doesn't need the money, so he probably needs his marriage. So I believe that Zuckerberg can't compete with musk, because musk is and mosque has wisely diversified his wives, because we're all ex wives he's diversified them. So, even if one of his axes or one of his kids complaint, my must doesn't even have to listen to his kids,
If one of his kids says I don't like what you're doing on twitter he's got nine other kids or whatever it is he's got the ultimate diversification of influence over there like he doesn't have to really pay attention to any of them, but Zuckerberg does so. Let me ask you this: do you believe that the let's say the censorship? Let's say scope? You know where they put. The guard rails, do you think that's determined by Zuckerberg by the people he's working with closely or by his wife who, who do you think determined the bounds with which threads can be provocative? His wife his wife dude thinks that she said anything specifically to him didn't need to I mean I dunno did she need to know cause? Everybody knows their wife's opinion and by this point he knows that he can't be twitter.
He cannot have on his platform the same things that musket have on his platform. Cause musk can just say it's free speech and there's nobody to tell him he's wrong. If Zuckerberg put the same content, you know the same edgy lot of really disgusting stuff. If you put it on his platform, he wouldn't be able to go home. There's no way his wife's going to put up with that firearm and- and I don't think that the new
If will ever report this, because, first of all, it's all speculation. So it's terribly unfair limit. Lemme lemme at least put this caveat. There were I dunno anything about Zuckerberg's life, but he's pretty smart. So if he chose her as a wife and they've stayed together a long time, I'm guessing that she's pretty solid human being, and we know that she's super smart right. We already know his wife super smart, so it could be that they have a situation which is completely opposite of everything I described. So I want to put it out there that I can't know for sure it's like a private person. I can't read his mind, but if you were to bang me bet on which of those two platforms had more freedom to do the things that needs to do, I would bet on mosque everytime. So I think that Zuckerberg is competing with one arm tied behind his.
If he can't let provocative things on the platform, but it's a provocative things that crazy energy, so I will say he succeeded more than I've succeeded. So I think it would be inappropriate for me to second guess his business decisions. That would be quite arrogant of me he's obviously brilliant at it one of the best operators. all time. Eddie my pull it off. I think there is a need for less a bath. My pull it off, so I have a lot of respect for Zuckerberg in terms of its business skills, but he's just he's married Others are the jobs report was gonna lack lustre, but not too bad, which is pretty good for inflation. Can anybody tell if jobs are going up or down is good or bad for the economy anymore? The most basic things were not quite sure.
well well, we we want people that have jobs, but it's the job market is too hot. It means the economy is too hot, and that means inflation, and that means the fed will keep the interest rates high, which will tamp down on our yeah, so basically everything's connected. So we can't even tell us the jobs report is good bad. It's not entirely clear, but I would say, is good. Here's my take my take is that it's good, because it's still strong, the unemployment is pretty low.
We're looking for workers and to me it looks uh looks good, so I think we're we're going to limp along without anything that looks like a major recession and I would put my predicting about the economy as the best in the business that can I say that so I predicted how many of you remember that for quite a while now I predicted that the the economy after the pandemic winds down would either be not a recession or a very mild one. So I've been saying that from the start,
It looks like we're on plan for that so good for us, I heard that Peter Zion who's a talks about geopolitics. Talking about china. He was talking about some kind of trade, the trade war thing with minerals or some cutting component, which is less important. The important part is that he said that that president XI in China has purged all of the competent government people, and he says that you can't do a deal with china now because there's nobody to do the deal, what Why am I only here and there from him. Why is the only person say that wouldn't the rest of us know that? So the idea is that if you want to do the same,
A deal with china over some technology or microchips or something that they wouldn't have anybody who could understand the deal is that weird that in china they wouldn't have anybody who could make a decision who would also understand the deal because they got rid of all those people? He used to be that the the chinese government was heavily filled with engineers and the engineers are the perfect ones to make a deal, because, first of all, they'd understand that and second of all, they're just looking for what works right. They're, not not necessarily operating on animal instinct, so maybe a lot of the people with engineering, more technical skills gap urged. I'm not sure I I believe that so
so peters ends take on it is a joiner we'll be going through a huge incompetence problem. Like actually government incompetence like at a massive scale, does I got rid of all the good people? Do you think that's real That feels like a a little too much wishful thinking. Doesn't it mean I wouldn't be surprised if some of the good people were purged, but it's hard to imagine it went that far. Maybe things possible anyway. You sounds very says very convinced. He As a take, there were not really much trouble if china decides to hold back on it's rare earth, minerals and some other stuff like galileo.
And stuff that the apparently there are other places in the world that could spin up fairly quickly, it's just that. Presumably they don't need to because it's coming out of china so sort of like a two month spin up for anything. They tried to deny us and then zion stake is that China would be an worse case than we would if we got into a fight about raw materials, because we have all the silica, so they wouldn't be make silicon. Chips. So basically, China would be computer lists if they decided to fight us, but we would have two months of a little bit of problems and then we'd be back to where we were, but china would be computer lists. I can't believe that either does a that's unreal, so I dunno
Yeah that apparently there's a special kind of sand that you need to make the chips we have locked in r or se. So a lot of it's coming from america yeah it, but I think it has to be a special kind of silica. It's not it's not that it's not everywhere. That's what peters answers so I'm going say that I dont know enough about that, to judge the accuracy of it and I would say that there is a continued fast collapse of wilderness. Would you ray that you're see a collapse of workers or not yet seen the collapse?
let me give you some points so play Travis was writing today and fox news on the website. So the bug light traffic is down thirty percent but light sales. Thirty percent. Nobody can ignore a thirty percent decrease in sales of a top product here, the number one product it was. The number product would then thirty percent. Nobody can ignore that. But apparently, as early as a clay, Travis was saying, is not widely reported, but the nba took a gigantic. Yet when they went woke, did you know that? Did you know the nba view worship dropped and recover
So that's two cases where awoke news just took businesses out. You didn't mention target, but does anybody know have target sales resumed where they were where they stayed lower des Is it yeah disney? Okay, then here's another one. I e s g larry fink again reiterated that he doesn't like to use it because it became toxic. So he's worried. The e s g became toxic.
Now, apparently, he was surprised that over racism in america would be considered toxic. I dunno, who saw that coming racism is toxic. Surprise, Larry, fink, well, he'll be delighted. Larry fink will be when he's starring in a dilbert reborn comic, that's in the pipeline and I'm just making sure that the mocking is complete. I don't want to leave anything on. You leave anything undone but beyond that, black rock, who is laughing seo. Blackrock they're, not the only ones who think yes, she is toxic. There's another report today
Other sea owes are quite pointedly, avoiding mentioned so when from something you had dimension, do something that people are afraid dimension, but my favorites, tory god, love fox news. Fox news is just funny like some of it some of the stories they do. They play it straight yeah. They play it like it's just a story, but it's just so funny and here's what they add. So fox news had an indigenous native american chief. Vermont said he would be open to it
open to talking to Ben and jerry Belanger you're concerned about america having stolen the land from the native americans, and he said, he'd be open to talking to Ben and jerry about taking back the land under its headquarters. Yeah I'd be open to that conversation. Bed jerry Ben, hey, hey brother jerry: where are your homes? Do you know nobody has ever produced a whole picture of Ben and jerry's ben or jerry's house? Do you think and jerry living in a yurt? Because it's because I love the they love the earth, so they're, probably they're, probably living in that maybe a tent, possibly a tent, so that they're not using up all the resources of their
were when they loved see a picture of either ban were jerry's house. We will not be interesting, never seen one area. Do you think they live in a nice house? Well, it won't be nice for long because those native americans were to make a claim for the land that they they stole to build their health and their homes on airway. I thought that was funny but kudos to fox news for having that guy on that's a news I want to see in the summer. This is my perfect news story for the summer this that the native americans wanna take beneficiaries land. You take a better, though, that this that's that's like tat.
Health news right also the dutch government just collapsed because their immigration policies, the dutch government, just collapsed- there's surrendered basically so the gas to form a new government. No, it's not I'm not saying the country collapsed. Their their government allows this. If that's the form of government they have, it just means they have to form a new coalition. It doesn't mean the whole country collapsed. That sounds that sounds worse than it was right that the government collapsed just busy to form a new coalition. Basically, but it's a big deal, it's a big deal, so you can see it everywhere. Now can you you can see it everywhere. Somebody else pointed out that well, I've said this. Well, I think our language has now
the loud you can. You can now vocally and directly disagree and say this is a bad idea to a lot of things that were maybe a little problematic before alright. So I think everything's heading in the right direction in terms of that, so the wall street journal had an article by peggy noonan. Now, if you don't know, peggy noonan she's, one of the best writers in the world, I've often called around is one of the world's best writers, especially in politics, and when I say best writer doesn't mean I'm going to agree with her on all her points. It just means when she writes a sentence or makes a thought
it puts a thought on paper is just better than other people can do it she's, just insanely talented, but she at she wrote an article and I didn't read the article because that's not part of the story. Here's the story! The headline of her articles said may try to soon reaches Waterloo. That was the headline trumpets soon reaches waterloo. Now does that, like the walls are close in,
if they retired the walls are closing it now. Here's the thing you need to do up when I, when I bought this, for not being the walls, are closing in. I started mocked on twitter, peggy, Noonan, just re tweeted, my mocking of the headline of the article. Now, why did she re tweeted? Why did she do that? Just just guess why would she retweet something that would look like a criticism of the of the title of her article to mock me now know? Why would she
The good traction pr, no, no, no, no, no, alright! Here's a little inside knowledge inside baseball headlines are not written by the author. Did you know that the headline is not written by the author. Peggy noonan didn't write the headline she ended right then. That was the editor. Yours but the headlines, so I dont know what she's thinking right, because I a reader mind, but I could put myself in your position. If I were in her position and I'd written an awesome article and then added slept the headline may tromp suit. Just water lou on my article, I would definitely want their attitude to know that the internet is marking his his head. Like I would definitely what the editor to know that and the way I do it as I just
sweetly what I said. I would do exactly what she said to remember. I told you issues: smart she's, really smart, so When went when you're evaluating waving her work start with very smart, and then you can understand. Why does what she does ceasing So I never read the article, I'm sure it's great, So where does angeles versus trump was a two days ago. I told you that this answers campaign, apparently is just disappeared. you all said: yeah where's it well. The wall street journal is also reporting that the campaign is struggling stalling. They use words stalling and I think that's right work not getting much much attention. So I'm gonna tell you what does something that decides who said and then we're gonna talk about some of the poor.
Mrs. That trump is made. If he's reelected now want to shoot a contrast and compare these two leadership. Styles, first dissenters? So years is defending here. This is just one part of lots of things he says, but he said quote recently. I have the best accurate of defeating the left, an issue after issue and we we will be making that case over the next six or seven months. He said I'm running away in january and february, I'm not running to juice polling numbers, so he was talking about. He wasn't doing, he wasn't gaining in the polls, so he was dismissing the polls, so he has the best record of the left on issues feels, like a good point, doesn't if, if he has a solid record of defeated in the left, as he says and spray fair point for a primary,
and he's running to win and he's gonna to be baking. This case all good points, solid, solid, executive, nellis compare to trump style. These are just a few of the things that drug problem in his rally speech, jobs, and if these elected they he would congress to ensure that drug smugglers and human traffickers can receive the death penalty for their heinous acts. He also said that he would take down the drug cartels By imposing naval embargoes cartels cutting off guard. access to global financial systems and the special forces within the department of defense to damage the cartels leadership, ok he'll, be doing that. But meanwhile sentence will be he's, got a good record of defeat in the left. You'll be working on it for a few months, these trends in the election.
He's not trying to use the poles, those who would also trop said he that he would does beer and never to abilities freedom cities with an flying cars. So he was, a brand new cities will be built with vertical, take off and landing vehicles to make For that we are the leader in all these things and it would be like bringing back frontier frontier kind of sensibility to america, which we sort of lost a little bit by using government land to build new communities from scratch with flying cars. Oh my god! Now! That's what trauma do flying There's a new cities and bring us back a frontier attitude. I remind you that run dissenters, we'll be running on his record of feeding left. Also Tom said.
I owe you create a special team to rapidly review and reverse all of buttons equity agenda. Now I think the sentence would do the same thing, but it was worth mentioning. Do you save a difference? Do you see? The difference is like when you compare them next to each other? Well, let me let me sedative why if there has never been the trump, if tromp had never existed, How awesome would dissenters look pretty good, because what is offering is a accused beating the laughed and that's what he's selling to the right? Who would not want to buy that who does
like the wind, who doesn't like the guy with a solid track record of doing all the right things consistently in giant state, it is really funny to think. How solid dissenters is, and he can't even get each has no traction. Trump is just such a glowing. You know death star that you know the little tie fighters looking for the the opening in the exhaust, so yeah. The way it doesn't look like anything could stop trump from getting nominated. Here's what it looks like. I believe that vivek will continue to make progress against us. this- probably not so much against trump and if trump kiss the nomination who's gonna pick for his vp
Obviously, not disappoint, would you agree? Outside the census of zero chance of being of gdp, but do you remember vague, saying anything bad about job ever ever, even one thing and what does that tell you and how much do the vague and trump agree on the big stuff? How much do they agree on the big stuff completely? Maybe a completely right? They have different proposals, for you know how to move forward which makes sense, but I don't think they disagree if, if you asked for vague what about this idea, building these cities and making sure america's leading in in flying cars, what would you say
Would you say that's a terrible idea. I doubt it because it's actually a great idea. It's a great idea, one the best ever. Actually, so if you look at how things are forming up vague is the perfect vice president? Now it's fucked up for me to say that, because I am endorsing the vague So I would, I would like him to win straight up and I think that trump always has the you know. Is he gonna go to jail any minute? The thing is, it is Waterloo the walls closing in I mean trump says that little element of risk around him. So you never now write anything can happen. There's age, there's anything you just plenteous prizes, so at the very least vegas? You know a perfectly good alternative if something happens but
if things go the way they look? If you just you know straight line, it trump gets the nomination and then he has to pick a running mate. Do you think he could do better than fake as a running mate? Does anybody think he could do better? I mean think about it. No, it's not going to be rfk Jr. I could easily see rfk junior being asked to do a project. You know like something about vaccine safety, or you know reining in big farmer or something like that. I can definitely say that by the way, a trump partnership with Rfk jr, let let's say if trump gets reelected, I would think that would be the best of america that that would be we're back
that would be the ultimate we're back moment. It's like hey america's back, I'm not predicting is going to happen, but it could because they do like each other and they have some common common goals they're very much good. If it did, that would be the just the greatest feeling, because it would mean that we had finally we'd finally taken the job over the politics. You know a rare thing that that would be a case of clearly putting the job over the politics, and I think both of those men could do that. I think they both have that capability, which is rare, but I think they both have it. Alright. Let's talk about the lindsey graham hughes, now pushing hard to get ukraine accepted into NATO. You would not be surprised to hear that thomas massie disagrees with that idea. Thinking that the nato expansion may have been the problem now, what is wrong with lindsey, graham.
Is it exactly what it looks like that he just works for the military industrial, complex and he's just that guy is that is that the whole story is that the entire story that he's just working for the, because I don't see his argument where's his argument. In what world does that make the world a safer place and the ears what's wrong with it now
If I just say I don't like his argument, I don't like it, but he likes it. That's not much of an argument right right. Here's here's the argument that absolutely destroys lindsey graham's credibility, you waiting for it. You don't take off the table, your biggest variable for the negotiation he's taking it off the table, because, if that got approved, is never going back the other way there isn't the slightest chance that if they get into nato that we will agree with Putin to remove them from NATO, you get that right once they get in there isn't any way they get out. It's a one way path, but as it stands,.
Somebody like a trump coup got a potent and say look burden. This is over it's over here's. What you're getting you're going to get? Maybe some land and no nato what what ukraine is going to get his full guarantees of status? it cause. Even though they're not nato, even though they are not, NATO will be back. We will be back if you fuck with them again and this time it won't be. You know, with light equipment, so you could imagine trump very easily saying I got this variable to deal with. I got this variable to deal with. Let's make a deal but Lindsey,
graham, is taking away the biggest variable, because if it is prudent at the end the can't say you stopped nato. Is he didn't do anything? How can we possibly make that deal? How outcome prudent ever agree to a deal that allowed ukraine to turn nato goody? How can he ever agree? So to me, is it's not even when there is a good or bad idea you just taking the main variable for negotiation off the table at exactly the time we should be negotiating now.
I will I will allow this there's one possibility that wouldn't redeem them the one possibility that would redeem them as, if he's playing bad cop, which is possible, he might be plain bad cup, so it might be that everybody sees that negotiations are getting closer and lindsey graham wants to push the ukraine nature thing right up to the edge, so the putin thinks he only as a week ago before they turn nato. and then then you maybe he's gonna deal so as possible. Members possible river lids exams, not stupid, right, we're not talking about dumpy blair. Lindsey. Where knows that, if it becomes nato that takes the variable from negotiations off the table,.
He may be doing it to bring it right up to the edge so that the negotiations are the maximum strength. They could be that's possible, I don't think so, but I wouldn't rule it out. I use black malleable. Somebody says I dunno: do you think anybody would care if tomorrow it came out- and I'm not saying this is the case cause I dunno? If, tomorrow it came out that lindsey, Graham was gay and just let's say he just came out of the closet, would anybody care anybody it would we wouldn't have any impact on anything with it. It would just be a news story for about forty eight hours and then the the left will do lots of stories about. Then. Why did he do this, or why did he do that? If he did something.
I just assumed that is his business. I don't think you can be a republican if you care that much right. republican, but could you be a republican and really care so much about somebody is what they do behind the closed door.
Because lindsey, graham, is the what if it if it turned out, he is gay and I'm not saying, is or isn't. I have no idea, but you know that's the speculation of course, but if he were wouldn't he be exactly the kind of gay that republicans liked, which is you would just be living his life just leaving, leaving everybody else alone. Isn't that exactly what everybody wants? It's pretty much exactly what everybody wants just leave us alone, just don't make it our problem. Do what you want yeah? No, I don't so I don't. I don't think he's that blackmailer will well on that. If it turns out cause, some people are speculating that he's black malibu and, I would say, there's no evidence of it, but who knows yeah it'd be nice
let us be less homophobic. If you don't mind there on youtube, little less homophobic, please you don't mind. I don t, wear user on hoodwinked. was doing a run down of my persuasion, you're a list of things that either I helped cause or alternately. I was just good at predicting. They're gonna happen anyway. so you get to judge did I have any influence on these things and I actually don't know so you don't you know, I don't have any inside knowledge. I know what you know or or is it just? I am just a good predictor.
I hear some of the things china is now deemed unsafe for business. I was the first person you heard saying that china was unsafe for business and now that's common knowledge did. I predict I'll, keep in mind, keep in mind that when I said it was considered ridiculous, do you remember that that I started saying chinese unsafe for businesses, because a sentinel originally when I first started saying it, I was widely slap down as that's ridiculous. China's solid will always be doing business with them. It safe enough and now the general opinion of all of business people is its unsafe for business. Did I do that? Where did I predicted keep in mind? Nobody predict. what zero people predicted that zero there wasn't a single person in the world who predicted what what I told you was going to happen, then I closet or predicted.
there is another one. So yes, jeez now it's a toxic term well I probably was one of the people who were influential in that, but lots of people have had much to say: did I predicted or help cause? I know I do know that dilber has completely stopped other things, so it would be that it wouldn't be unusual or even not even a little bit unusual if I had stopped and verify that some influence. But who knows, I have no idea, no one, the idea of attacking the mexican cartels directly with military. I was the first person to say we should do it. Everybody mocked me and now it is standard republican policy. Did I cause it or did I predicted.
Because it was a little bit predictable. Wasn't it because, as fentanyl got worse and worse, what else was going to happen right? So it was predictable, but did I cause it? I dunno. I have no idea how about a tiktok being banned being banned. I believe I was one of the first say: tiktok needs to be blank banned for it's influence on us know. That's general, that is generally understood, is not banned, but I think maybe a republican administration probably would, but did I cause the the feeling that tiktok should be banned, or did I just predict the others would feel the same. I dunno how about that? The fact that offensive,
wall is considered a top concern for americans. I think that was going to happen just because of the death count, so I don't take any credit for that. How about nuclear power being considered great and I'm one of a number of people who have been pushing that seemed for a while Michael shellenberger right mark schneider, there's other people who push Harder than I did, but for a time I have a bigger audience, so I could like you. I can boost their signal, which I did and then other peoples members of their signal as well. So I know I worked hard to get us to this point, but I dont know what an influence at if any,
What was that also not predictable? Wasn't it also predictable that this eventually, we would have to call nuclear agreed, because the facts, the facts were all on that side I mean all of the facts were on one side, so, predictably, you you could say in the long run people come their senses. That's all there was about well one of the ones that are annoyed with the ad? Was it safe to discuss, moving away from areas deemed to be unsafe for certain groups
I would generalize that to say I believe you can now say in public things that you couldn't as much say in public before I got canceled now. That's not because of me could be just because the world is headed in that direction, but I do think I do think that my cancellation was one of the signals that things have gone too far. Would you agree? I think my cancellation was just one of the signals and maybe a big one, because a lot of people noticed that things have gone too far. As the interesting thing, I'm pretty sure that there's no
what the person who thinks I'm a racist like in the real world, yeah on twitter and stuff people say what they need to save for their team, but I don't think anybody actually think so. The the way people treat me is that the story was the story, but that I'm somewhat independent from that, meaning that they don't actually think I'm a racist, because, I'm not you know, I have a whole long history that would certainly debunk that idea. So I feel like partly because of my. sacrifice. Accidental sacrifice, didn't do an essentially that that the world as a little bit more free speech or or was. Just gonna go that way. Anyway. Maybe it was just gonna go that way, because young pendulum
It would be easy to just say: oh the pendulum comes back and you would be right. Ninety nine percent of the time so Those are just some things that either predicted or possibly or possibly caused don lemon needs a wacky sidekick I would love you know, I would love don lemon. Is my sidekick well or or just like a broadcast partner andrew potatoes in jail, or I didn't cause that I did not. I did not cause interstate to be in jail, but it wasn't hard to.
It might happen. It is funny how often things go my way, the things I want to happen, but no, I didn't cause that to happen and I'm not sure that he's been jailed for a real crime. So what we'll see, if he's being railroaded, I don't see Tucker carlson running for office, actually Tucker said he's not political. He said that in Russell brand he's not he's not even interest in politics. So now we start to run for us by saying you create, is running out of ammo. Everybody says everybody's running out of animal the thing, I believe that more scott. Why didn't you defend Alex Jones when he was censored? Are you getting Scott? Why didn't you defend
Alex Jones when he was censored, I'm going to tell you a little behind the scenes of the fact that I've never said before in public. Where the Alex Jones first got in trouble and the platforms were cancelling them? Jack dorsey actually dm to me and asked my opinion on cancelling Alex Jones. Do you remember that twitter did not cancel Alex Jones? Do you remember that eventually they did, but you remember when the first round happened, he was not canceled and the news was talking about twitter alone, twitter alone,
in the castle? That was right after jack dorsey asked my opinion. Now, I'm not saying I haven't influence, I'm not claiming that, but you just accused me of not defending him. Take it back, because I don't think anybody offended it. I don't think anybody defended him more usefully, I don't think anybody did so maybe you should be a little more informed before you make assumptions like that. There's there's a lot that happens behind the curtain that you wouldn't possibly know you couldn't know that. There's no way you can know that. I know I will tell you that jacket. I had a good relationship sort of behind the scenes we had a lot of philosophically, and intellectually well one common. So I dont know if I have any influence on its decision.
well. I do know that he felt that asking me, for my opinion, would be part of his process for making the decision and when it was done he did not ban him. He later did, but you know things things took on a bigger life. So and by the way I like I like Alex, he is a real engaging fun. Warm kind of guy is or Israel. You know, just in my brief encounters with him. It was just all positive. Alright, I think that's enough for now youtube thanks for joining I'll. Have you back tomorrow for more fun.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-09.