« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1219 Scott Adams: Forensic Audit of Voting Systems, Hypnosis to Change Sexual Identity, The Great Reset

2020-12-15 | 🔗

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  • Biden’s throat clearing (a cold?) during speech
  • Liability issues for small businesses if customer gets COVID?
  • Rapid, cheap home COVID tests…why not?
  • The Great Reset…global desire for more socialism
  • Dominion forensic audit results…68% adjudicated
  • Solarwinds hack, who did it?

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The post Episode 1219 Scott Adams: Forensic Audit of Voting Systems, Hypnosis to Change Sexual Identity, The Great Reset appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everybody, one in one in its time for coffee, was caught at this time of the day for most of you and, if you'd like to enjoy it to its fullest extent, I mean really really enjoy it. All you need is a copper mugger glass, a tanker genesis, Diana Canteen Jirga, flask vessel of any kind. And fell in with your favorite liquid I'll coffee and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure the Dobermans day, the thing that makes everything except solar, wind software, then it's called the simultaneous happens now go. somebody says, whereas Youtube you tube is live, live at the same time.
So I hope your week is going better than mine. little down even the best week, to say the least, but I'm going to try to raise my spirits So, there's a story that there's a filter, that's made for astronaut urine. They could soon be providing drinking water to earth. That was outline and see CNN, so, as some kind of amazing filter that you can put urine into it asked using it and it just turned it into a clean drinking water. But I have some questions. When it rains, will you be? tell how much is the regular reigned and how much is coming from the international space station? If you know what I mean like, we need to know that
Sweden has a disappointed us quite a bit port. Sweden early on The corona virus seem to be some kind of a weird exception that made it look as though all of our worst fears were exaggerated, because Sweden didn't locked down as aggressively as other places. even though their death rate was high, they seem to have gotten through the first wave, not too badly. But it turns out that the second wave, not so good in Sweden, is getting crushed in terms of rates of infections compared to Europe. So can we say now that Sweden was a mistake. It are we at a point where
the sceptics will say: ok, lockdown work and ok- I guess Lee. I guess a social distancing in the masks might make a difference and looking at the comments now yet are not ready to not ready to you, no radio cave on yet well about the fact that three hundred thousand Americans will die from corona virus. Are you willing to give me that is not just the flu anybody? Anybody who thought it was just a flu any revised opinions after three thousand people dead, or are you still on the view that their own misdiagnosed and they died of something else. While we know that the, if you ve seen around on twitter, there were some tea. Scully Ground, saying that the net death rate was actually down and turns
The way you arrive at that at that conclusion, that the net death rate is down. Is by using the wrong data in the wrong way, but if you don't do that, the Deathrays way up and its proud of ours, but you pricing that we did not pass the fact checking talk about a minute to get people President Elect Joe Biden gave a speech. Was anybody done enough to watch it? Imagine The last time you heard president tromp was gonna. Give a speech. Didn't you. automatically say to yourself. I wonder where I'll be, maybe I'll, maybe I'll. Listen to that could be interesting. But what did you say when you hear that binding was going to give a speech that is eight years off well letter pointless tv, a better set my alarm
get over there. Listen to that! Well,. I do this every day, talk about politics and unite, couldn't get interested in the speech. I thought well, if anything happens, all see it on the highway clip, but apparently one of the things that happened is used clearings through a lot and they said that he's babbling slight cold now does s own true in the in the age of grown a virus in the age of everything else Let me ask you this, Joe Biden has been socially distancing and wearing masks. How'd you get called where the cold come from, just kidding, but if he was really socially distancing, does Joe Biden ever called because if he didn't get it from Joe Biden.
What's he doing one we're not watch and maybe only goes down into the basement for his very I, I'm glad he doesn't have grown a virus, but how did you catch anything if you're, socially distancing you'd have to work at it? I think But he pulled it off and when I say the Joe Biden has a bit of a cold, I mean possibly dying. Save thing you you give it guys? I d a bit of a cold. All right in the obituary, is he's at that age, where it could be taken out by normal respiratory problems. But we over tricycle quite a coincidence, he s a He has a recipe throat during the crowd of irish situation. I gotta say I don't know I've met anybody who has had a cold since a groan virus started. Let me ask you
have you seen a lot of colds in your house since the krona virus started? I believe I haven't seen any I've seen some allergies. Somebody says out from sniffing hair in the big news you may have heard that corner is deleting all of its unverified content. I think The idea there is that other cracking down on sex trafficking and underage stuff, So there is probably a good basis for that, but those a tweet this topic from Steve Hassan Phd and is an expert on cults. He writes books on coats and he said this. About porn Hobbes, as I hope they are deleting all hypnosis videos I, The two videos says the stay of us on
you convince people there. They were another gender. What I saw was highly sophisticated mine control deeds. Transition nurse pointed me to them. So, according to Steve, There are videos on porno or less had been taken now that would convince people, they were another gender. Do you think now the first, the first thing you have to ask, As Stevenson is an expertise, written books is a Phd written, books on calls and called indoctrination and getting out of culture. But is he a hypnotist? As I don't know, I don't believe is a trained hypnotist, but I am so. If I were wondering about this question, I would ask me: is that possible.
Can you change somebody's gender with hypnosis and if you could, could you put it in and put it on line, and it just changes. People's genders that is no! No, no you! You can't change people's gender. Or in other words, you can't change people's minds about what their Jem gender is. That's not a thing where you can do if somebody was interested in doing that. those videos will probably make a difference. But yes, start out wanting to do it. Nobody, nobody wanders into the site and says I wonder what this is slowly, click on this just sampler fruit. I'm just curious. I certainly do not want to change by now, a woman again, that's not happening, but it is true.
People may want to fantasize about bad or make it happen anyway. Those videos my make a difference, but no, you will not be accidentally hypnotized to be another. Let me say that with complete. Certainly that's another thing: now you can change people's preferences So if they wanted to indulge in this content they could change their preference and then I possible, but The new wants of knowing that it can't change you, unless you wanna that change the spray Barton. as on lines that the New York Times has not cover the story of, Presented a well and the the alleged chinese spy that he allegedly had a close relationship with
And I'm thinking to myself how in the world does the New York Times just not cover it? Maybe that could be not true, so somebody might fact check that and say: are they covered it? So I guess I shouldn't assume: that's true Solid were here is something you don't see the news: what is the thing that most holding up. corona virus relief kind of packages in Congress. The answer is it's over. The biggest issue seems to be the question of whether business This would receive some protection from being sued. Should they not do things right with protein virus. The Democrats want to change nothing and allow people to be pursue the Republican say he can't ask people, though business in a pandemic. At the same time, they can be soon if everybody gets a virus. So here's what's missing,
Where are the news programmes were people who understand both sides of that issue?. the liability issue, where the news programmes were those people are on and there being interviewed and thee. Recent interview in Lhasa on CNN or even Fox. here's the argument because I keep waiting to hear the argument a bias because I used to on small businesses So my biases I'd like to see protection, so they can't get sued to me. It makes perfect sense, but if there's some gigantic problem with that, this holding things up My question is this: why are we not seeing that debate? Why are we just we're just saying it exists? Well, that's what Congress is having the debate. It exists, they disagree.
I feel like we need to get involved with this right. Are you telling me that the public should not be pushing Congress for this Because there is a problem, I don't think Congress is the right entity to make that decision. Congress has the right entity to make lots of decisions is designed that way, but it comes down to this question of personal risk. I just don't know they can't Congress can do it because I don't want to make a mistake, right? So it's a situation where, whichever way you go, it's gonna be a mistake. If you say that small businesses are protected. It's gonna look like a mistake. sooner or later, somebody's gonna. To do something! So egregious that, Which they had been sued. but if you go the other way and say aren't you can sue it's gonna happen and then small businesses will we ve put out of business for largely things that they probably and control, so you ve got to do, is to lose.
There are only two options. So how can we expect Congress who needs to get reelected to sign up for either thing either they keep it the way it is or to sign up and put their name on Chechnya, because both Those things could pass on their job search. The Congress has just their worst tool for this decision, but the public isn't the public. if we had a seventy five percent opinion that businesses should be should held faultless? I think Congress would have to do So have you seen any poles on whether whether Congo? should go with the limiting the. Ability or not. Have you see the pole on that? I dont know if there have been calls on that, but I haven't seen one: Wouldn't you like to know if seventy five percent of the country was on one side or the other because of some,
if I represent the countries on one side, I don't know what I'd be. Actually, then we be pushing Congress that just do what we need then to do instead of having them try to make that decision, never work. So Amazon terms they bought a start up with a self driving a car. I don't know why Amazon's getting into these self driving car business, but I'm sure it's strategically smart because they tend to me and this Different because it won't have steering wheels and it won't have any way for a human being to control and it'll just be a pure self train. Driving a car. Oh if it goes worse now supposed to be a can, take the steering wheel and would be like a taxi. The company name is Zirks Z, o o acts and here's what sense? Stay about this, if you told me that Amazon should stay under the hardware business.
I would have said yes about that. I would have said yeah Amazon Stick to you're selling stuff online you're, pretty good at that. but then they invented their digital assistant. The EL exceed that I won't say out loud cause. I have them in the house that piece of hardware impresses me every single day it is unsafe annul compared to a safe. Es I our eye on your phone, that's just sort of a novelty or a toy, but Amazon's version of the digital system Google's to avenues that, but Amazon's version is really really good. So much. So it's like having a star trek. computer in your home. I talk to it all day long. I order things through it. It's it's transformational, So if you tell me the Amazon, isn't the right company to make a self driving car?
I say to you I might be they might be. I mean I wouldn't bet against them. After seeing the Alexa and maybe they're play here- is that if the car is self driving, you need to do some. While the cars moving and what Gonna do while the car is doing it, saying well, you're, going to read, write you look some content you to watch a movie, maybe again from Amazon? So probably some way for them to tie this car to their service. And this is why I predict that Evidently you can see these big companies building homes because a big companies such as an apple or a Google, could build a home and they only catch LE says they'll build your home and it doesn't even cost. You is free and the only catches.
They're all of the services that support the home have to be from from them it. I have to get your ear, your energy from your wifi, you're insurance, maybe So you just have to get all your services from whoever gave you the shell of a home, and then it can give it to you for free. I think that might be what's happening with this taxi thing, Rasmussen is reporting. They did a survey. They found the fifty two percent Eu S, voters thing many news organisations ignored the Hunter boy Biden story to help, Fathers campaign, so let's. Over half of the likely voters believes that the media rigged the vote by what what coverage they they did, especially an the by that over half of the country, thinks that the media rigged the election think about that.
And only thirty two percent disagree with that. So here's a year. I don't know if this is new or a story or not, but a bipartisan that the bipartisan is important. Energy package just got attached to the omnibus spending, So omnibus means is a big, comprehensive spending bill and they attach to this little energy package, there's provision, the burst and here's a fund bar I'm just calling from the street to boot. Green technologies such as advanced nuclear power. So with no no caveats, people are talking about green technology, be Advanced nuclear power, so the administration is putting this in the bill. Little prodigal passed there also,
looking at energy storage and carbon capture? Now, if you read my book loser, thank you know. The carbon capture is a big deal. and there are a whole bunch of ways to do it, where you can turn it into products and and goods. So you don't just, actual Beria, you can capture written and use it in a variety of ways. So, if feels as, though the trumpet creation, assuming trumpet still there to sign off on. This thing was doing maybe some good stuff on advanced nuclear power, at least funding research, and maybe- I'd know do more of it, but it looks like yours, the biggest news in the world the Good NEWS in the world is that you can write a tweet and say green technology, Such as advanced nuclear power, you can, you can write that sentence in a tweet in public new technologies such as advanced nuclear power and people, will just
didn't go here that sensible right. Do you know how big a deal that it's that that's That's the bigger deal than anything in the news today, if our elections were stolen in all this, like the biggest steel in the world. Does the? time to change green new deal thing, even if you don't think it's exactly as scary as their proponents of that. If you do, you have to admit it's a gigantic issue, whatever you think of it, it's gigantic. It's going to determine the fate of the earth, etc, and now the biggest problem looks like it's solved the biggest problem with psychological, simply sim The understanding that advanced nuclear energy was a green technology and what else it's a green neck.
Their technology ed, the only analogy. The lot of smart people say could do anything about climate change. Long run because the other the other technologies have their hiccups and problems and limitations to big deal. I would say the most impressive thing about our election system is. our amazingly poorly designed. It is. Think about a system where system by its nature, is subject to massive different ways to do fraud. So it's not even like there's just one way to do it. There might be a dozen, twenty five different ways due to cheat in an election. You ve got a system that, like amazingly transparent,
It's amazingly. We got guy holes and everywhere, so it would be easy to cheat. If that's what you want to do, you might get caught, but it would be easy to do the cheating and The same time, we have a system which guarantees will never be enough time to lose into any allegations of changing, so this is by design They are our system, including the constitution and all the ways we vote. These systems by design this is the freaky part- it's not an accident, but meaning that we know we did it. It's it's it's an accidental outcome, but we desire and it's doing exactly what anybody who looked at this designed would say earlier that that's guaranteed to happen and here's ears what it is. We guarantee tat for. Because there are so many ways as possible and the the upside potential
we're getting away with cheating on elections, gigantic So if you have a situation where it's possible and the upside potential what through the roof is gonna happen every time, guaranteed? But normally you'd still be ok because eventually you're gonna catch it. I once you catch at the people who might do it. Next time we can say, while they always catch this, why would I do it again. But we have designed a system with a compressed window and in our courts. Don't want to get involved because our system keeps the courts a little bit of a distance from what the states want to do and On state, so you don't really have a court this designed to handle the problem. You don't but time line this long enough for the judicial system to handle it and produce a penalty. That would make a difference for the next time and is guaranteed. Fraud.
It's really a perfect design, You didn't want to have a fair election. Let me say that in a different way, if you are going to start, from scratch. Design a system that is guaranteed to have massive fraud guaranteed no way around it guaranteed it. Would you design it just like us, you'd make a complicated. You'd make sure that there were not lots of. There were locked, not lots of ways that you could be detected if you cheated and he would make sure that is not transparent, so you don't have witnesses and all the different places that you, and then you make sure that there was not enough time to find fraud. That's how you design it you'd make it like that from scratch. Exactly like the system, we have it's designed baby exit.
But there are also the design is such that the fraud is essentially guaranteed by the design. You could not have it. Jim Kramer of CNBC you'll know Jim Grave, Kramer mad money- and I guess he's gonna- have a guest on a show of unless it already happened. Michael Mina, who is the biggest name talking about these rapid cheap grown virus? Tests the part that the public and maybe the government else to understand is how less sensitive tests or less specific gas could get you a better result. Then more accurate tests and the reason that people can understand it is that people are not good with statistics and probability, and management we're just not good at it. So if I say to you.
Why don't we introduce these tests there less less accurate than the their tasks, we already have your kind of done The conversation are you we have good tests and yours, you'd like to introduce and test there would be widespread? not accurate, isn't that the worst everything its widespread. Not accurate. I mean what could be worse than that. The answer is you, don't understand risk management or statistics or decision making? If that's you, because here is the real. The real reason that the less sensitive tests are the way to go. You you could tell yourself every day MRS at once it picks up the next day. You spent five dollars instead of two dollars and fifty cents.
people who wanted to dusk do as much as they want. Eighty percent of the tat the time they get the right result, although I've heard some rapid tests that might be in the high nineties accuracy, don't know about And the point is, if you have enough, inaccurate tests is way better than having not enough wait three days for your response, accurate tests. Now Why is it- and this is the mystery that I've been wondering? What is it? that the administration has not they of course, About the idea does I can, I can vouch for the fact that the idea is reached the administration. I guarantee that so they heard the idea What they haven't done said we don't like the idea, because of ex pearly. The FDA has some problem with these tests.
there are quite understand, has something to do with reporting requirements, etc. Now not a good reason. But if the government knows about these tests, what the two possible reasons that they are not implementing number one. That this Harvard trained expert and all the people who talk to our raw about the thinking that would, One reason not to do it right that Michael Muniz just wrong, It is thought of a wrong. You did the risk management wrong, he's not On about how accurate the tests are or how much they will cost, but One reason not to do it is to get something wrong. What is it. we haven't even seen a counter argument. There's never! To my understanding, there has never been a counter argument simply people don't understand it. Now
The powerful part of this Jim Kramer is not normal people, the reason he has this gigantically success. The show is it Kramer as a special skill that you brings to the show, which is risk management. Statistical understanding, on top of lots of financial and tv things he's got an amazing talent stack further tell us that as he can look at accomplice, In a situation when lots the risks and possibilities. it can analyze better than you can that's why you watch him for his stock pics and, I think, he's probably the exact right person on the Zack right topic, because if you're in the administration- and you see Michael means talking by himself, you might
ASL, for I don't know nobody is mentioning it lately. Maybe it's not a thing, but if you seen Jim Cramer talked to him and and Dorset, I don't know if it will be less Iud You'd say yourself: oh I don't know much about Michael meaning, but watching Jim Grammar forever in the future. As this is a way to go logically just common sense, logically, risk management, statistically if he says this makes sense suddenly I take it seriously. So might be something very important happening here and has to do with the fact that Kramer can put a seal of Credibility on exactly this kind of thing, even though he is not a medical guy, because it's not really medical question ultimately,. So we'll see, if that makes a difference, I don't know- maybe it's already been on. The show could have already happened. Let's
it was about the great reset I want to do it, but I decided to google it this morning and look into it and the great reset is basically to words for what Full already wanted to do and what people already wanted to do and of course, not all people, but the people who use this phrase. What a lot of people wanting to do globally, not just in this country, is have more socialist. So if I can simplify the great reset, it is hey, let's introduce more socialism in more countries, the idea being to help the people at the bottom strata that might require taking money from the richest but there are a number of ways to do. The great reset. The details of the great reset are less important than the fact The people want more, socialism are saying, hey. What's use this as a
crisis as an opportunity. Now there, too, is that they want to use as their opportunity hey it's a krona virus. Let's do more social, but also pay its climate change. Let's do more socialism. Now the the krona virus did cause more socialism in the United States right. We just printed money and started sending that lets us socialists. The gene. In my opinion, but let me ask you this: if you take away the words great reset, just the words what's different, things, the people wanted socialism we're not looking for every excuse to say: well, we solar flair I think we need more socialism It looks like we're is going to be a war, so more socialism. Can be a virus about some more socialism, climate change
I want all socialism, so I don't think there's anything different. It's just a word put to what people want it now. Is it true that the crow, virus will accelerate that yeah because happened already. We soppy just checks. Being Melvin we're getting free healthcare, at least in part, free, free vaccinations. so yeah, we're way more socialist than we worry Ergo so. Saying that there is something that will cause more socialism is different from saying I've. GotTA planned watch me release this virus, so I can have some socialism is not really the socialism my. What is really the power were hurrah
but here is a problem with the theory that the real point of the grey reset is power? Yes, socialism consolidates power, it does have that element to it. It gives a government more power, but for if there were somebody running for office. Also one of the great reset you could say. Ah they're saying it, because if that Grey Risa happens, they're gonna get elected because their associated with it, but how would Klaus Schwab benefit from one of the good pushing the great reset. How would somebody who is not. For the highest office benefit ass. There might be more control, but the people would have the control are not the people promoting. So
Why are people of promoting more control for other people that doesn't even make sense? So if you, if you dig even this much into the great reset, it looks like they're just putting words on things that are going to happen anyway. Cuz society changes. Here's a banzai Sharma had a long tweet thread than I retweeted and you should look at it, starts up, I say the biggest real problem with our voting system Not only that we ve got these voting machines and in almost all of our states, but with relatively few, I guess, but we have a system- this not only universally similar and states. But it rigorously defies fraud detection. I love that phrase our election system rigorously defies fraud, detection does it looks like it.
Designed to not show you the fraud, if it happened, was that he was built their way it so bad. But here's some things going on the Georgia Secretary of State announced that, in order to voters, signatures on absences Bell belts will happen and Cobb County. Of course Nobody said why Cobb County? That's not the bad ones, what do you do, the Della count in the county that there? allegations? There were those misbehavior I dont know if Cobb County was even one one of the one somebody had requested, Anyway, so all they gonna do is checked signatures. I assume, you'll find some amount of fraud, I assume that they won't be able how much it is cuz they're only at a in and sample. Therefore, you can always generalised sample and therefore, course: will save so odd, yeah yeah, you found you found a bunch of fraud, so the cord so care
So does it matter that going to be an audit of voter signatures? I mean maybe for your curiosity. Whatever here's a good story is the one you're waiting for there was a forensic audit. In voting machines in Michigan and one county, and here is the result of the audit. Now just reporting a reporting. What I heard, let's just reporting you remind me to talk about patching burn in a minute, somebody's somebody's. promptly me. So what they find is that sixty eight percent of the votes they went through the voting machine went to adjudication That means that they, they feed a bunch of votes and the machine. Sixty eight percent of them were bound As it needs a person to review them, sixty eight percent
You know what is the allowed error. way less than one percent, so the amount there would be acceptable. Given that nothing is perfect bike tracked way less than one percent would be acceptable. They had sixty eight percent. way way less than one percent not even close to one percent that sixty eight percent, sixty eight percent, allegedly It will get that now what happens when a ballot is adjudicated? Well, we found out because we saw a video on it, So what happens? Is a separate machine lights up if something was not the proper in the vote? and then you can see the ballot comes. And the operator can put anything they want on that ballot. Yeah really said that.
the operator who sees the adjudicated ballots, the ones. I have some question about what the voter intended all others vote. Go do somebody you, Sir said another computer, a separate computer. It up on the screen and then they can change votes to whatever they want and nobody's watching. Just whatever so they could take all sixty eight percent of those votes changeable the binding. and do you know easy, it would be to get away with it. It's a hundred percent easy nobody's watching. And do you know what happens when they looked for the the logs so that they can look at the actual LE the record of what happened in twenty twenty two. Twenty twenty log is missing. Oh, they ve got the twenty eighteen log still machine, oh yeah, they have the time
sixteen log still complete still machine. Only the twenty twenty log was deleted and it was deleted the day after the election. And every vote in there that went through adjudication allegedly was unmonitored. Now these are the same machines that allegedly or in widespread use and one of the things that disappeared, with the log that would have told you what happened with this machine was the Indy. Creation of whether the internet had connected to the machine. At any point. so the thing that would have told them if the internet have ever been connected that machine, at least during the voting process. That law is missing.
Wasn't missing, and twenty eight in fact is still there right on the disk wasn't missing into only sixteen now. what do you think about this and then the the endless looks at it. He says that this is not an error, so it's not a bug. He said he can look at the code and they can see that the code was written to create two. Sixty eight percent errors. It wasn't a mistake- is right there in the car. to create the errors, the dark, real errors. So so let me say this. If this is true, this is he crack in times, then that's all you need to know really. You wouldn't even need to know if it happened, you would only need to know this is a thing. This is a thing that the adjudicators are getting tons of votes and nobody wants,
is what they changed. Them too is ass. Real the election is just garbage, but isn't real. Is there anything about this story that you find unsettling so turn on your ear, your sceptic a modem? all right, I know you want to believe this is true. You do don't you you want to believe this is the crackers. You want to believe this forensic analysed nailed it. You want to believe badly if here a chop supporter, but just work was needed. that, in turn on your skeptical, you're, skeptical, filter and tell me, is there anything wrong with a story for this get there? We go some Somebody nailed it little too on the nose right little bit too on the nose.
meaning. The story is a little bit too good and by a little bit good. I mean way too good way too good to be true. Now that doesn't mean is not true, but if you At the place, a really big that on this one, you should that against sorry,. that doesn't mean as false. I can tell I don't. I don't really have any independent way to know if it's true or false, I'm just telling you that, if you ever you're a story. The sounds like this one you don't know anything yourself. You just heard the story if it sounds like this one bet against it like I join you in saying I would love to know if this is true because if it is theirs. One other tell here that
the endless says the the code is intentional. Do you think that these voting systems would include intentional code? There was obvious when you just looked at it for fraud or, in this case obvious code for creating adjudicated ballots for no reason we that that's really there, though you can just look at the code and you can see cheat code and you could tell their intentions just by looking at the code. Well baby. Maybe There's nothing. There would rule that out that I'm aware of but. you ve got a story. That's really a little too perfect to perfect and
you ve got somebody who might be doing a little bit of mind reading, because you can tell what the code does. You can't tell the intention of the person who wrote it you think he can, but you can always know you could be. You speculating correctly, could be speculating that that's the reason the code is air, and maybe it is maybe that's exactly wiser, but I'll betcha I'll betcha, that when makers of the software respond they I'll, tell you a story of a reason that that code exists, that will be plausible problem now, that doesn't mean they're plausible explanation is true, but I'll betcha You're, a plausible explanation about you will so away for that we'd like this to be true because it be fun,
correct me if I'm wrong, but as of this morning, Google has not told us what caused the massive out, that Europe still true. As of this time a day, it was true when I woke up, so I think if. Google, it does not tell you what caused their outrage. You have to assume its probably this. This hack this this wind. What is its solar, solar, wind thing. Now, here's a question for you: I've read stories that associated the hack with China, but those were not credible. and now it sounds like the New York Times is saying that the heck is russian. Does. I feel a little bit convenient. That is, I shouldn't hack, here's my question is Russia. The only country that's good at it
Are you telling me that China is good at hacking. because why is it the only one who breaks through. Feel rules. to meet today, so that here is the question: how do we know How do our intelligence people know because that's horse, you are telling us So I guess the? U S, intelligence people are saying they think it's Russia keep in mind the fifty U S past and present intelligence professionals. also said, the Hunter Biden story was russian information. I guess I was informed that they didn't use were word disinformation. They're saying, is russian information, sort of assuming them yeah they're playing fast and loose with? What information means
Do you believe that the same intelligence agencies, who fifty of them believe that the Hunter Biden Laptop Story was russian information? Do you believe that the same class of people can tell you who act who act this offer I don't think that's a thing now. If there is a hacker out there who actually, as experience like a real yeah super experience, hacker Who wants to disagree with me? I will listen to that. But I'm not gonna, listen to ordinary people who don't know more than I do who, which is not a lot of l, hacking, Tell me that we can always tell where a hack comes from Gaza. How I think we can, I don't think, that's the thing. I think that often you can tell I wouldn't I would rule out the fact that its here there are times when you can
That seems reasonable, but are you telling me that Russia, Russia or China, you told me they don't have the ability to hide the source, I am not a hacker, but I dont believe that things can be hidden proven The story of Great Britain, where unconscious bias training is being scrapped for civil servant. So I guess in England or just England. I guess you unconscious bias training to find out how much bias you add that you didn't even know about and apparently after doing it for a while, they decided there is no evidence that this makes a difference and theirs. Little bit of evidence that it makes things worse.
So that's in England. I dont know that. I don't think that's gonna happen here. I think over here will be doing more of this, not less of it, but England decided to. Scott. Why are you talking about Russell Rams? Land Junior remind me Russell Ratlin was I I did read him. I think that's another Russell Rams land. Who is he rams because I know that's a real story this in our democracy and ignore. Oh, that's a state official. Oh, you slams a report on the votes. So is he the one who did the yeah? I just talked about that. Why are you asking me to talk about that? I just got done with that.
Bird, so Patrick Burn, who had been the ceo of overstock, is no longer. I think, but He has a story that the FBI Ask them to work on this thing for a bribery of Hillary Clinton. The credibility you should put another story is zero. Zero. Unfortunately,. Patrick burn has a credibility problem zero. Now again, people can be non credible, but they can be right. Sometimes so amazing, I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying that if that, their only source zero, zero. Talk about bar, you know,
I haven't talked a lot about bar, but I'll give you my lay persons opinion. I think he was great Actually, I was looking at the comments from the Democrats, who are saying that he lied to the country about the model. Report, to which I say did lie about the Viola report, because I don't think so. I think he handled the Mulder report just right Now did he should he told us more about a hundred buttons laptop before the election? Not if he's doing his job I feel like he should not have told us that, even though I wanted to know if you know what a change the result. I feel like there are some lines you just don't cross. looks like one? They should not have been crossed, and I respect him from crossing.
I respect him for being a good with working for the President and if there are people not being prosecuted for the Mulder Report, origins or whatever It's probably because they don't have the gods yet. So I don't have any problem with bar at all. It's just me, but until this is me.
You didn't tell the President or Congress Wealth ass to keep it from leaking, assessing, say, mission, and if he had told Congress it would elites and not think that would be fair he quit before he could be fired. Possibly thank you. The child of expanding the beloved look them up. When you have time somebody says under no, are you talking about? I think we ve covered everything haven't we. I think we have that's all for today. I will talk to you tomorrow
and you were all right. You questions for me. Some of you trust, borrow of you dont, like them. What you're one sentence? Explanation for socialism sharing versus competition? That's! Why was my week so bad? Well, you might find out Sunday, but is not the day. I'm feeling well, I mean I'm healthy. I just you know, there's sometimes when you have a unbelievably bad week like so bad, you can't even believe it was one of those but I'll get over it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.